Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 02, 1912, EXTRA, Page 13, Image 13

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Estate For Sale. ■rnMOKKOVV MORNING we are going to sell before ■ the court house door at 10:30-o’clock, I THE RYAN PROPERTY I 101x21- feet 011 Washington street. V rhe same time and place we are going to sell Lp,. acreage tracts on the Roswell road, being a part ■ of the I SPRUELL PROPERTY You are invited to attend the sale. I FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR TWO NICE BARGAINS. M \... <i ci i'T Lut 47 by 160 to ten-foot alley. This place is exactly one ■ " ‘"c, r.ter <.f city and right at the car line: in the Grant park see- Bf . ... r , , uvenienees and comparatively new. We are authorized to sell M J 250 cash payment and S3O a month, assume loan of $1,700. ■ \"’g.Ti"little'b.;rgai'n. ' H ~ •i j \ STREET, corner Waldo; another nice little home at $3,500; ex- ■ ' “... ~n a corner lot; assume a loan of $1,500 and pay only $250 cash ■ and G' per month. ■ -<i tw above places can be paid for just like rent and are cheap at these ■ ’ prices and terms. • TUBMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN, 203 Empire Building. I Exchange for City Property ■ , - \UKFS 22 miles from Atlanta on the S. A. L. railroad; 14-horse falmi ■ " inn •'i-’’’plow : 7’> acres in pasture, balance in good timber; new 7-room /■' ..-n 'barn.'-'. a new corn crib. 6 tenant houses, blacksmith shop, 40 E ;■"? -ijy ' 1.900 bushels of cotton seed for planting. 8 mules, 20 cows, 4 i,. v.agons and harness, 4 two* horse plows. 14 one-horse plows and ■i':'other m i ssary farm implements. Will exchange for Atlanta property « 1' on easy terms. . HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 Third National Bank Building. Bell Phone Ivy 4286. Atlanta Phone 672. U \ f 17 X - 88 HIGHLAND avenue. * V/lA kJw 11—/J—> (Between Jackson and Boulevard.) x TTTV "V T HOUSE with ten rooms, modern con- I I | L_| |\ j I veniences; no loan; terms SSOO cash, ’V 7 I 11 I . balance like rent. Price, $4,000. Make •J offer. WOODSIDE 12 Auburn Avenue. Sioo to $250 Cash, Balance Like Rent Will Buy Either of These Homes ROSALIA STREET—‘Just oft' South Boulevard and close to Grant park, we offer two new six-room bungalows. Houses have all mod ern conveniences. Street recently cherted. Tile sidewalks, good lawn. Houses now rented to reliable tenants. Call or write us and we will arrange to show you these places any time. PEARCE AVENUE —Near Stewart avenue car line we have a six- oom bungalow, modern in evety way, on beautiful and well drain ed lot. This is only a block and a half from the Tenth Ward school. Convenient to churches. BOULEVARD DE KALE—Kirkwood, near Clifton Station, on South “ d catur ear line, we offer a six-rooin bungalow, fully equipped and up to date. Lot can be mad? into very valuable property at small ex pense. Has all the conveniences of a city home, yet none of the city’s dirt add noise. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY ::»5 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONE IVY 294:1. NEGRO PROPERTY V> V 1 ' TER YOU ten negro houses between Irwin and Jackson streets, on to . size watt r and sewer—for $3,650. No loan. These houses stat n ntt 1 all .the time, and n?t S4O per month. Sec us today. SSOO cash, SSO per month. , H. S. WILLINGHAM REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 6 WALTON STREET. PHONES M. 3995, ATLANTA 2742 J. JI. WORSHAM. Manager Decatur Department. Cofield Investment Co. 605 EMPIRE BUILDING. TELEPHONE MAIN 2224. \ NEW PROPOSITION. 11OW WOi’LD YOU LIKE to become part owner in very valua bl properties in and around Atlanta and Birmingham by a payment of $5.00 and 11 ward per month? We haved worked out J proposition whereby this is possible, md if interested let ns hear from you, •L M. BEASLEY. Sales Manager. 855 PEACHTREE ROAD—SSS. hIGHT ’.T I’HACHTREE HILLS. »■<• have ore lot 50x21'5 that we van offer for ~, ,'U. 1 ~a>sa > s only for $55 per front foot. This is just like stealing it. 31 INMAN BUILDING. MAIN 2053 ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY COMPANY. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. Heal ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phone 2105 Main. 1 "I’IINHILL AVENUE Here is the best house on the street; six large, airy <; an/i bright rooms, bath and hall; walls tinted in rich colors; window seat In T k iu_: pretty mantels; nice gas and electric fixtures; lot fenced, and. by the . 11 5' 1 by ISC feet, to r.n alley. This has a depth of just 30 more feet than usual Jot. 'fake a look at this. Will sell on easy terms and small cash ’•ainient. ' I.IiJNT with nice large lot; Highland avenue section. Will trade for ' 'J 1 ail l iitne and pay difference, .lust call by to see us about this. ,!'■ furnace-heated six-room home in West End. with hardwood floors, for 'U: convenient to car; all improvements. Terms easy. '' mid t a good of negro property, paying a good percent on the ui'estment? We have it. dillin-morris co. 'ib.i-lfl Atlanta National Bank Building—Both Phones 4234. s >.7sii-Ho\v ABOUT THIS? $250 CASH AND S4O PER . ; A1( ’\TII WILL BUY NO. 61 PONCE DE LEON PLAUE; * llls IS ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM PONCE DE LEON AVE . , HAS BEAUTIFUL FIXTURES, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FRONT. TILE BATH. BIRCH DOORS, ON LOT 50x160 J ' EV ' WITH SEVERAL OUTBUILDINGS. THINK OF llv ' l A NICE NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW FOR THIS MCE OX TERMS LIKE WE OFFER. Real Estate For Sale THE ATLANTA. GEORGIAN AND XjTWS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1912. Real Estate For Sale. ADAIR’S LIST. A FACTORY SITE ON A., B. & A. R. R. THIS is at Julian street, one block south of Bellwood avenue, one of the best sites we have on our list; lies practically level with track; fionts 360 feet on right of way. Price. $3,500. This tract has five small houses on it bring ing in rental until utilized; a safe in vestment. Fasy terms. PRYOR STREET. Between Trinity and Garnett. A 25-room brick building, lot 70x180. alley in rear, at small ccst can be remodeled and put on ten per cent rent al basis. Price, $42,000. A Factory Site On Southern R. R. MARIETTA ST., adjoining Atlanta Agricultural Works. .. track front ing 4-80 on Marietta St., at Ashby St., : uns back to Southern railway, side ’ rack already in, good grade, one of the best sites in city. Price $25,000. North Boulevard. Corner Old Wheat. AN investment proposition, 12-room house, two tenants, lot 64x90, right at circus grounds, room on corner to build store. Price $4,500; SI,OOO cash, bal ance monthly. EDG E WOO 1) A VENUE. Near Jackson ’ Street. NO. 363 EDGEWOOD AVE.—Lot 42 1-2 ::144; runs through to Chamberlain street; has two small frame houses Price $8,500. MANGU-M STKEET. Fronts 120 Feet. BETWEEN Magnolia and Found: streets, irregular lot, fronting 120 feet, about 100 feet deep; has a four loom house and a five-room house; very in. Price $3,000. Country Home Sites At East Lake. ■VE are now selling bungalow sites at East Lake, on Fair street, one block ! ’rom club grounds. 100x300, for SI,OOO I Sewer and water accessible. I . East Lake Road. A Fine Corner. THIS is 200x372 on southwest corner of East Lake road and Tupelo street; t - > blocks from car line. Price $3,250, SSOO cash. WASHINGTON ST. Corner Fair St. THIS tract fronts 192 1-2 feet ok Washington and runs back 227 feet along north side of Fair street; brick residence in center of lot; one of the largest near-in tracts in the city. En tire property for $30,000. CENTRAL PLACE. Lot 50x100. THIS is half a block from State Capi tol, facing the wide plaza where Cen tral place runs into Capitol avenue; price. $3,500; only S7O a root for prop erty in half-mile circle. FORSYTH STREET. Corner Garnett Street. A CORNER lot underwrites every for tune; you can not own all of them, but you can buy one. We offer the southwest corner of Forsyth and Gar nett. 46x75 to alley, for $20,000. SIMPSON STREET. A SSOO Lot. « THIS IS near Walnut street, 45x120, with all street improvements down; fronts the car line; alley in rear; unus ual value for $500; terms, SSO cash and $lO a montlj. JONES AVENUE. Near Walnut Street. A LEVEL building lot with all im provements down; nicely elevated; street paved; next door to home-owned residences. Price $500; terms, ssv cash and $lO a month. A SUBURBAN COTTAGE AT OAKVIEW. HALF A BLOCK from car line and near East Lake Drive, a 6-room bun galow, on lot 100x200. We have decid ed to offer this place at $2,850; terms $250 cash and $25 a month; a very un usual opportunity for some one to own a nice home. FORREST & GEORGE aDATP Real Estate For Sale. gHARP A INVESTMENT." semi-central. MUHIN the half-niile circle we have a splen did piece of property fur either investment or speculation. Can be subdivided and a hand soiim profit realized. Let us tell you about this. Houses For Rent. GEO. P. MOORE. Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Ave. PHONE BELL 5407. ATLANTA 5408 377 EAST FAIR STREET—We have a nice six-room cottage, with all mod ern conveniences; nice neighborhood; close to school and within easv walking distance. Ptice $25. 10 EAST ALEXANDER STREET—Me have a two-story house of eight rooms, carrying modern conveniences; nice neigborhood and close in. Let us ■show you this place. Price $35. Legal Notices. NOTICE TO SELL ANli REIN\TIs't?~ GEORGIA—DeKaIb County. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as guardian of Ruth Green, will make application to the judge of the su perior court of DeKalb county on Wed nesday, December 4, 1912, in the superior court room of DeKalb county court house, at Decatur, Ga.. for an order authorizing the undersigned to sell the following de scribed property for reinvestment, io-wit: All that tract or parcel of land. Ivin;: and bemg in the city of Atlanta, in land lot 111, in the F< urteenth district of Ful ton county, Georgia, and particularly de scribed as follows: Commencing on Hie east side of God dard street, at a point 248 feet south of Johns street, ami running thence south along the east sale of Goddard street. 20 feet; thence back east of uniform width as front, 146 feet, the same being a strip 20 feet wide off cf the south side of lot 15 as per plat of .1. F. Green, as adminis- i trator Os the estate of A. F. Green, de ceased, for the purpose of reinvestment, it being to the interest of said ward to sell said strip, which can be dene advan tageously at this time, and reinvest in other property. MRS. A. K. HESS, Guardian of Ruth Green. ___. u-?- 8 V. H. Kriegshaber. N. H. Cheshire and W. C. Harper, to whom was referred a petition for a new road beginning at the Cheshire road, at a point where the same crosses the county line, and run ning north parallel with the lire between the counties of DeKalb and Fulton, a dis tance of about 300 yards, to the south east corner of land owned by W. .1. Head, thence northwest to intersection with said Real Estate For Sals. INMAN PARK—Two-story 8-room home, large lot and a bargain. $6,000. Easy terms. .ANSLEY PARK home, Inman Circle, 8-room modern home, beautifully fin ished, $6,500. SI,OOO cash. WEST END PARK—Beautiful 7-ro m. .»tory-and-a-half bungalow, serv ants' house, stone front, $6,250. Easy terms. WE have homes in all sections, prices and terms. CLAUD E. SIMS CO. 718 EMPIRE BLDG. BELL PHuNE 2539 HOME BARGAINS. $9 500—PoNCE DELEON AVENUE HOME; a beauty; eight rooms: two stories: ' hardwood floors In patterns: rnahoganized birch doors, tile bath, cement drive way, garage and servant’s room. Close to Boulevard. Get busy. $7 00"'—SPRING STREET HOME; nine rooms; some c'ass here. This is a bar gain. You will have to see it to appreciate it. Can arrange terms. Take a look at it before it is gone. $5 750 CREW STREET HOME; eight looms; finished up in hardwood; right in town; two stories; modern; with large lot. This is one of the best houses on the street. Going to sell. Let us show it to you. MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. Third National Bank Building, Phones: Ivy 1276, Atlanta 201. G. T. R. FRASER “Buys and Sells Real Estate. 19 AUBURN AVENUE (Y. M. U. A. BUILDING). PHONE IVY 2308 JUNIPER AND SEVENTH STREETS. DO NOT HESITATE to invest $13,500 in that large and imposing looking, slate roof dwelling on a beautiful, elevated CORNER LOT. 60x200 feet, with SERVANT’S ROOM and STABLE on alley, and backing up against a PEACHTREE CORNER WORTH $60,000. A cash payment of $4,500 and balance SI,BOO per year for five long yeai at*ft per cent, on or before, will give you both a good home and a sound In vestment on verv advantageous terms, in one of the best residential sec tions, just off PEACHTREE. k rAij; m Four Miles From Five Points. (~T I \ fcz 11/ l\i TA i.::0 ACRES./ \ 1 < ~r' \7 FIVE MINUTES wall; from .ar r 1-4 ZJk j | j line, in a section' that Is rapidly build ' frig up. we have 20 acres that lies well 7 ■« - and will be ready to cut In small tracts I (J i\/| I—' y by spring You can double your money. '—Z IVI * -« K Aw * I’rlce $250 per acres. Terms. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. Phones 1599. N. JACKSON STREET HOMK NEAR PoNCE DE LEON AVENUE w. are Instructed to sell this i ,ce furnuco heated home: four or five bedrooms, large porch, electric I'ghts, cement driveway, good garage, nice level lot. Price, for a quick sale, $7?500 on easy terms. Owner wants to leave the city as soon as possible. This, ad is changed daily, so call us up at once. WILbOiN BROS. PHONE M. 4411-J. 701 LMPIKE BLdaU. Real Estate For Sale. LAND FOR SALE BY THOS. W. .J ACKSON. Fourth National Bank Building Bell Phone M. 5214. f>3 ACRES, a beautiful north Georgia country home, half mile from the town limits; two-story six-room Swiss bungalow, hot and cold water, porce lain bath, screened doors and window., cement yvalks. servant house, barn ana other out-houses. Owner will sell -m SI,OOO less than cost to him. Forced to leave on account of business Interests elsewhere. 30 ACRES, four miles out. on new Svao ed road passed up to be cherted .his next year. Good six-room house, in nice oak grove, barn and other out houses. Will sell all or subdivide to suit for much less than you can buj other lands in that section, if you win act quick. Got to raise some money. 27 3-4 ACRES, 9 miles from the center of the city, on good road, cherteo. within 500 vards of the house. 10 acres open, the balance in timber; three room house, barn and other out-build ings, nice orchard, all kinds of fruits. Owner non-resident. Enough wood on this place to pay for it. $1,400 cash if sold-before December 1. GO ACRES, 10 1-2 miles from the city; beautiful lake, stocked with Black Pass: 5-room bungalow, new; new ten ant house, large barn and other out houses; about 40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber. This will an ideal country home. Price st>,ooo Terms. 1,275 ACRES, an ideal stock farm; 400 acres, almost nerfectly level; .<OO acres in timber, all kinds; 75 acres in grass; 100 acres open land; new <-room house, 4 tenant houses, new barn, be longs to non-resident. Can be bought for $13,500. Terms, or will exchange ro: city property. : 1,360 ACRES. Middle Georgia cotton plantation; over 500 acres in cultiva tion. 300 acres in pasture, balance tim ber. 16 tenant bouses, barn and other out-houses, cotton gin and sawmul. Owner of this place is forced to sell for business reasons, and offers the place for sls an acre on terms, if sold before January 1. This place can be subdi vided and sold to neighbors for $25 an acre. If you are a judge of good land and have the money you will buy this place if you will investigate. ISO ACRES, 9 1-2 miles from city, three houses, fine location for dairy. s2.oofi worth of timber on the place, 75 acres in cultivation: good land. Investigate and mak " vour offer. Going to sell if anvthing like a reasonable offer is mnde. Chance to soon double your m o n 90 ACRES. 1-2 mile > IT the public road: gon? ’and. nice 5-room cottage, paint ed nnd ceiled, barn and other out-buiid inus, fine young orchard, running wa le •. Take’this for $l,lOO cash. THOS. W. JACKSON. Fourth National Bank Bids;. Legal Notices. Cheshire read, said road to be known as a part of the Cheshire road, and to be 50 feet wide, having made favorable report under oath as by law required, this is to liotifv all persons that petition will be granted at a meeting ,of the board of commissioners of roads and revenues of Unit/n eountv, Georgia, to be held on Wednesday, the Ist day of January. 1913, at 10 o’clock a. m.. if no good and suffi cient cause to the contrary is shown. CLIFFORD L. ANDERSON. Chairman; H. E. W. PALMER, S B. TURMAN, T. WATERS. SHELBY SMITH. Commissioners Reads and Revenues Ful ton County. Georgia. H. M. WOOD, Clerk. 11-30-1 Real Lsialc For Sale. TOOK MARKET OPENINGS COTTON. NEW YORK, Dec. 2. —Weakness in Liv erpool cables and a general unloading movement at the opening of the cotton market here today lesulted in the mar ket opening quiet, with prices a net de cline of from 10 to 14 points from Satur day s linai. However, The Orleans ?J m X s_^)eniccrat ’ ’ n Hs crop estimate of 10,975,000 bales, exclusive of linters and repacks, was of a bullish character. This, however, did not stimulate the mar ket. Sentiments from over the belt are very bullish, but a disposition prevailed among traders to liquidate, which is said to work prices to lower level to their The selling continued general during the first fifteen minutes, while the buy ing was small and scattered, most of the absorption coming by the larger spot in tersts. After the call, prices receded 5 to 10 points from the initial figures. Futures in Liverpool were steadv: spots easier. NEW YORK. Quotations in cotton futures: I I 111:00 l-iev lOpeniHighlL ow 1A.M.1 Close Dec. . . . . .112.42112.42112.36112.36112.56-59 Jan.12.55112.56’12.50112.51 12.66-69 Feb- • .• J 112.70-74 Mar. 112.65112.67 12.59112.57 12.78-80 Apr:1.•....’ 12.70-75 May . . . . . f 12.60112.60 12.50|12.52112.70-71 June . . . . Jj|112.68-70 ■1n1y112.55112.55)12.48 12.49|12.66-69 Aug. 12.37 12.37|12.35 12.35 12.51-53 SeptI’ill. 92-95 Oct 11.75|1l ,76:1 1.75 11.76 1 1.82-84 NEWORLEAN B . Quotations in cotton futures:" I I I lOpenlHighlLow 1A.M.1 Close Oec 112.66112.66H2 62|12.62112.74-76 Jan.12.63112.66’12.61|12.65112.78-79 Feb. 112.81-83 Mar 12.69112.7 Al>r ;12.88-90 May . .. . 12.74112.89 12.74’12.77’12.94-95 June . |12.97-99 July 112,86|12.87|12.84112.84113J13-0J Real Estate For Sale. FOR SALE. $12,000.0(1 BLYS a 4-rooni house and sleeping room near Bell wood avenue. Bargain. $34)0000 BUYS W room house elose in. all improvements. $1,000.00 BUYS one 8-rooni. one (i-room, one 3-room house and 2 brand-new 4-rooni houses. This investment is close in. Rents for SSO per month. S6,BOQ<OO BI’YS brand-netv 8- room house in Ansley Park; furnace heat, hardwood floors, birch doors, beam ceiling, combi nation fixtures, brick mantels, ce ment porch, corner lot. 1-2 block from ear line. Nothing better on the north side. Also 9-rooin house, storm sheathed, double floored, tile porch, furnace heat, brick mantels, combination fix tures, laundry with cement floor in basement. $5.7500.00 BUYS 7-room house, slate roof. 2-room servant house in rear, other out houses. All improvements, (turner lot, 50x10. Storm sheathed and double floored. Call. SEE B* H. Treadwell orM . Bishop for north side and cen tral property, WE~WILL OTTER 150 feet on cherted road, by 800 feet to Southern Railroad; new 2room house. Street car in front of property. Water on street. Price $5,000. Easy payments. 50 ACRES land 13 miles from Atlanta. This is a choice little farm, and bargain at $1,600. NEAR Cui! ge Park we haye 220 acres. Land in this section is selling for SIOO per acre. You can buy this 220 acres for SSO per acre on quick sale. FOR Peachtree and Buckhead property tributary to Buck head see Bob Dorsey. W. E. Treadwell & Co. ESTABLISHED 1861 Lowry National Bank OF ATLANTA Capital and Surplus . . . $2,000,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 224,000.00 If you want your financial affairs to he cor rect at al) times, and your records in a condition lor ready checking, open an account with this bank. You’ll be greatly pleased- with the ■ promptness and painstaking care given each in dividual transaction. And there are a dozen other ways which you, perhaps, have never thought of. that we • can be of great benefit to you. Safe Deposit Boxes at Reasonable Rates ROBERT J. LOWRY. HENRY W. DAVIS, President; Cashier; THOMAS D. MEADOR, E. A. BANCKER, JR.. Vice President; Assistant Cashier: JOSEPH T. ORME. H. WARNER MARTIN, Vice President: Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: Thos. J. Avery, Jonn E. Murphy. Frederic J. Paxon, Thomas Eqlestoa, Thos. D. Meador. William C Raoul Samur; M. Inman, J H. Nunnally. Mell R. Wilkinson, Robert J. Lowry, Joseph T. Orme, Ernest Woodrufi. STOCKS. By CHARLES W. STORM. -XE\G YORK, Dec. 2.—Substantial gain& on brisk trading were made in the initial sale at the opening of the stock market today, following vigorous advances In London. There was also good buying of some of the specialties. Most interest was attached to Union Pacific, which sold at 171% at the start, ex-dividend 2% per cent, making a net gain of 1 point over Saturday’s final. Canadian Pacific, which opened at 266% ex-dividend 2% per cent, also gained 1 point. The market tone was strong on favor able news as to the Balkan situation. Possibilities of trust decisions from the United States supreme court today and further possibilities from the session of congress, which opened today were not factors in the early trading. Among other gains were Amalgamated Copper %, American Beet Sugar %, At chison %. United States Steel (ex-divid end l% per cent) %. Utah Copper '... United States Rubber 2%. Southern Pa cific lex-dividend !%> ■«. Sears Roe buck 1, Reading %. Northern Pacific %, Lehigh Valley %. Erie %. There were some London buying of Chesapeake and Ohio, which sent that is sue up for a % gain. Anaconda Coppet was one of the tew declining stocks, los,- ing %. The curb was strong. Americans in London were up. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Stock gin ’ations to 11 a. m.t i i 11 ll’r'v. _JSTOCICS^__ Op’n HfghjLow.lA.M.lCl'se Amal. Copper.. 85%| 85%l 85%i 85%l 85 Atchison '107% 107% 107%1107% i 197% American Can 41’/Y 41% 41%. 41% |4l B. and 01106% 106% 106% 106% 106% xCan. Pacific J266%|266% 266% 266% 2«7% Erie • 31% 34%’ 34% 34%’ 34% Lehigh Va11ey;1.75% 175%!175 '175 1175 Mo. Pacific .. H>., 44%i 44% 44%| 43% North. Pacific 125 (125 1125 125 1124% Reading ; 172 % 172% 17 172% 171% xxSo. Pacific !110%1110%T1.0% Uo%iUl% So. Ry., pref. . 81% 81'- 81% 81'-’ 81', St. Paul 115% 'H5%;115%1115%|115% xUnion Pacific 171% 171% 171%|171%]173 U. S. Rubber . 66%. 67 66% 67 65% Utah Copper . 63%i 63% 63% 63% 63% xxxU. S. Steel 75%’ 75%. 75%: 75% 75 3 x x—Ex-dividend 2% per cent. xx—Ex-dividend 1% per cent, xxx—Ex-dividend 1% per cent, GRAIN. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Grain quotations: Open. High. Lnw. Ila in. WHEAT— Dec 83 8383 is 83% Mar ... . 89% 89% 89% 89% July ... . . 87% 87% 87% 87% CORNr- Dec. 47% 47% 47% 47% May 48% 48% 48% 48% July ... (9% 49% 49% 49% OATS— Dec 30% 30%. 304 b 30% Mav 1.. . . 32% 32% 32% 32% July 32% 32% 32% 32% LARD- Jan. . . .10.60 10.60 10.60 10.60 May .. ' . .10,15 10.15 10.15 t 0.15 ATLANTA MARKETS II - - - ■ EGGS—Fresh country, candled, 33935 c. BUTTER—Jersey and creamery. In 1-lh blocks, 254i27%c; fresh country, dull, 20 ®'22%c. DRESSED POULTRY—Drawn, head and feet. on. per pound: Hens, 16@17c: fries, 18(i|22%c; roosters. Bitj'loc; turkey?, owing to fatness, 20@22%c. LIVE POULTRY—Hens? 45(ft>50c: roost ers, 25930 c; fries, 254/35c; broilers, 20® 25c: puddle ducks. 25®30c: Pekin ducks, 35®40e: geese. 50(ir60c eacn: turkeys, ow ing to fainess. 15@18c FRUITS AND PRODUCE. IRUIT AND VEGETABLES—Lemon’, fancy, $ per box: bananas. 2%®3 per pound: cabbage, 1.2501.50 pound: pea nuts, per pound, fancy Virginia 6%@7c, choice, 5%4i6c; lettuce, fancy, sl.’o®>l.7a; choice $1.25(.<71.50 per crate: beets, $1.50f/i 2 per barrel: cucumbers, 75c®$1 per crate; Irish potatoes, 90c(&)1.00 Ilgg plants, >24(2.50 oer crate, pepper, sl4/1.25 per crate: tomatoes, fancy, six basket crates, $2.0002.50: pineapples. $2 0 2.25 per crate; onions, 75c®$l per bushel, sweet potatoes, pumpkin vam, 40050 c per bushel. PROVISION MARKET. (Corrected bv White Provision Company.) Cornfield hams. 10 to 12 pounds average, 17c. Cornfield hams, 12 to 14 pounds average, 17c. Cornfield skinned hams, 16 to 18 pounds average. 18c. Cornfield pickled nig's feet, 15-pt>und kit’., $1.25. Cornfield jellied meat In 10-pound Oinnet pail, 12%c. I Cornfield picnic hams, 6 to 8 pounds av erage, 13%c. Cornfield breakfast bacon, 24c. Grocer style bacon (wide or narrow), 18%c. Cornfield fresh pork sausage C'nk or bulk) 25-pound buckets. 12%c. Cornfield frankfurters, 10-pound buck ets. average, 12c. Cornfield bologna sausage, 2”-pound boxes, 11c. Cornfield luncheon hams, 25-pound boxes, 14c. Cornfield smoked link sausage. 25- pound boxes. 10c Cornfield smoked link sausage in pickle, 50-pound cans. $5. Cornfield frankfurters in pickle, 15- pound kits, $1.75. Cornfield pure lard, tierce basis, 12%c. Country style pure lard. 50-pound tins, UUe. Compound lard (tierce basis), B%c. D. S. extra ribs, 11 %c. D. S. rib bellies, medium average, 12%c. D. S. bellies, light average, 12%c. 13