Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 02, 1912, EXTRA, Image 8

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KIMBALL PIANOS ' xt ’* < "t."•ST ’t? . Kg£ | ‘ ‘ 1 ~ -■" 1 • ■■-■■■■ -'■'■-*■ Superb in Tone I||/JI V 1 'he Piano That Is a Safe=== £—■ Absolutely Safe Investment <~7t7/?aa vTtal TolntsY THE SCALE—This is the backbone THE TOUCH—In playing the Ki- of any good piano if you want pup- . „ . , , . . ~ , . ity of tone. Our fifty years of ex- ball plan ° have ad ellg htf u 1 perience has enabled us to reach sense of finnness. The dip of the the goal—the envy of all manufac- , . . ... . hirers—“ The perfect scale.’’ How ke > 8 18 not im,lke that of our beßt we avoid the customary weak spots Grands, and there is a responsive- or breaks in the scale found in com- A ~ . mercially made pianos, we shall be neBB diaT lllvltefi the P la ? er to put glad to explain to anyone interested forth his best efforts. THE PRlCE—where quality is the i«me, is the deciding point in the purchase of any standard grade piano. Note the following: <>nr ()n»- Price Plan absolutely one—enables us to sell good pianos for less money than dealers who have a sliding scale of prices. We sell direct the consumer, eliminating the middlemen’s profits. We are the World’s largest manufacturers of pianos, and 1 h>ec olir facilities are such as to enable ns to place on the market. OIW Generations ;| high grade piano for less money than the manufacturer whose output is limited, or the dealer or agent whose retail Gstllg 11( 'profit must be added to the selling price. Our prices are Kimballs Kimball based on the sale of 35,000 instruments—the yearly output j n (J (t > of our factory. ~ Remember that Kimball Pianos at their regular One Price ~ are greater bargains than unknown makes made by un known makers, and advertised for sale at fifty cents on the dollar bv dealers or agents. You owe it to yourself to investigate our ciaims before pur chasing elsewhere. . ('ash. or terms can be arranged. W. W. KIMBALL CO?] Atlanta Branch KffiyjJhS 94 North Pryor Street GALEF, Manager urn- iiß'ir tiiibJtt "minnit ill'll i ißWnniTi !take time by I THE FORELOCK I is your plumbing in condition to withstand a freeze? Better have it examined and re paired now and save time and money later We employ experts and our | charges are very reasonable CALL ON OR-TELEPHONE i I Stewart & Hunt I k ■ 53 E. Hunter Street I J i EXPERT PLUMBERS I Phone S. Beil M. 521 Atlanta Phone 1103 I ~HOUDAYSUGGESTiONS DIAMONDS —In ail the range of gift goods none are tntrre appreciated than diamonds. They are an adornment J that gives the wearer distinction. Not only is there no depre ciation from wear. but. to the contrary, their value is con t stantly enhancing, s Our present display of solitaires, brooches and pendants Mk surpasses by far any showing we have ever made. HL By mounting the stones ourselves we give to them a fe.■graceful, handsome appearance, and b\ close application in selection of our loose stock, give the greatest value tor money Iwgepe l/yCapptyQ. Telephone Us if you’re suddenly short of coal. We guarantee to give you. as good, reliable service by tele phone as if you called here per sonally. We want you to depend on us for the best coal values in the city. If you orders coal this morning, we will deliver it today, and it will be the right kind at the low est market price. (five us a trial. We will make good for you. Randall Bros. PETERS BUILDING, MAIN OFFICE, YARDS: Marietta street and North Avenue, both phones 376; South Boulevard and Geor gia railroad. Bell phone Main 538. At lanta 303; McDaniel street and Southern railroad. Bell Main 354. Atlanta 331; 64 Krogg street. Bell Ivy 4165, Atlanta 706; 162 South Pryor street, both phones 936. If your eyes are giving you any trouble you should have them cor rectly fitted with glasses at once. We use befit grade of lenses, and guarantee satisfaction. Charges reasonable. Glasses sold on Weekly or Monthly Payments if desired. 5 South Broad St, : t Atlanta, Ga. ft CHILD'S WASTE CLOGGED BOWELS Makes it cross, peevish, restless and feverish. If tongue is coated give “Syrup of Figs.” Children dearly love to take delicious “Syrup of Figs" and nothing else cleans and regulates their tender little stom achs. iiver and 30 feet of bowels so promptly end thoroughly. Children get bilious and constipated just like grown-ups. Then they get sick, the tongue is coated, stomach sour, breath bad; they don't cat or rest well; thej- become feverish, cross, irritable and don't want to play. Listen, Moth ers —tor your child’s sake don't force the little one to swallow nauseating castor oil, violent calomel or harsh irri tants like Cathartic pills. A teaspoon ful of Syrup of Figs will have your child smiling and happy again In just a few hours. Syrup of Figs will gently clean, sweeten and regulate the stom ach, make the liver active and move on and out of the bowels all the consti pated matter, the sour bile, the foul, clogged-up waste and poisons, without causing cramps or griping. With Syrup of Figs you are not drug ging or injuring your children. Being composed entirely of luscious figs, sen na and aromatics. It can not be harm ful. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the package. Ask your druggist for the full name, “Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna,” prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This is the delicious tasting, gen uine old reliable. Refuse anything else offered. (Advt.) EMPIRE ADVERTISING AGENCY APPOINTED TO SELL “706” CALENDARS. The Empire Advertising Agency, lo cated at 305 and 307 Empire Life Build ing, and the largest concern in the South handling advertising novelties, calendars, and advertising signs ex clusively, were today formally notified of their appointment by Matt, Parrott <• Sons Company to manage the State of Georgia In putting on the market the celebrated “706” perpetual calendars which have excited the admiration of advertising specialists all over the country. “706’ calendars are unlike anything that has ever been offered in Atlanta, and are sold in a very restricted man ner, costing from thirty-eight cents to two dollars and fifty cents each. A complete line of these celebrated calendars If now on display In the show rooms of the Empire Agency, and those Interested are Invited to call and In spect them, or phone for a representa tive to call. In addition, sixteen other magnificent lines of high-grade advertising goods are being shown. Mr. Ray Taylor, the manager of the agency is one of the best known adver tising men in the South. (Advt.) !■ For Christmas Time Or Any Time BROWNIE CAMERAS Picture Taking and picture Making has the same fascina tion for children as for ■ grown-ups,” and the little BROWNIE makes it all as simple as A. B. C. GLENN’S Next Door Candler Building. DIAMONDS For an Xmas gift the Diamond outranks them all. It's a real, lasting gift. It's a gift that means something and Is al ways increasing in value. By using our Divided Payment plan you can easily purchase one. Pay only a small amount per week or month. See us. The Durham Jewelry Company 20 Edgewood A\enne Here 9 s Another Happy Rider Not on Sale at the Stores . z We Give Them W JQB, a * wW s /*t \ -BIJ ■Tf** jOll ISfeMßr If?* . / ■ v Oh? h..: v r e n grafts f Andrew Tucker, 13 DeGress Avenue, Inman Park, wears a smile that “won’t come off,” nowadays. Andrew’s natural sunny disposition is helped along by the possession of this new car that combines all the good features of the push mobile, express wagon and roller skates, without any of their faults. He Earned a Racer With Ease. So Can You. Mail the Coupon Today, and We'll Tell You How MARATHON RACER DHF’AR'TMENT i THE ATLANTA GEORG CAN s CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. 20 EAST ALABAMA ST. Please »end ma instructions telling how I may secure one of the Georgian Marathon Racers without money i Name Age | Address ——— ? City ————— State j' Sample Can are on display at The Georgian office—2o East Alabama street. You are cordially invited to come in and try this new and popular Car. We have improved our plan for giving away these racers to out-of-town boys and girls. Ihe coupon will bring details.