Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 03, 1912, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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CERTAINLY ENDS STOMACH MISERY ■•Pape's Diapepsin” Re lives Your Indiges tion in Five Minutes. „ 4.upset stomach. indiges- . ' 'rtbt’irn. dyspepsia: when the , . . . ;)I ferments into gases and L l ib;...t n lumps; your head aches and .and miserable, tnat s when tile magic in Papes Dia !■ makes such misery vanish . mute. . Stomach IS m a continuous f vou can't get it regulated, vour sake, try Diapepsin. ... dl.'-ss to have a bad stomach .out next meal a favorite food take a little Diapepsin. .( V ip not be any distress —eat fear. It's because Pape's Dia rea 11 v does" regulate weak. ,rd-r stomachs that gives it its of sales annually. .... ~.go fifty-cent case of Papes p. ;’em from any drug store. It is ' mole st, surest stomach relief and i.imvui. It acts almost like magic '. s , -. hmtific, harmless and pleas- natation which truly belongs in (Advt.) I pyP..' |''Hl . I What Cures I Eczema ? fl \\ ,ni so many inquiries lately fl r ,| - If Z'-ma and other skin dis fl . arc glad to make our an- fl After careful investiga- fl a\< found that a simple wash fl ,■•<>■ ot Wintergreen, as compounded ~I > |>. |> Prescription, can be relied fl W. .\oiild not make this state fl i . our patrons, friends and neigh fl we were sure of it —and H th.-re are nlan y so-called Ec- fl ..dies sold, we ourselves un fl :;i4 ' r< commend D. D. D. Pte- ■B fl o store today, just Io talk fl of this wonderful Pre- fl| i ... . p .oi'i .o 6-S Marietta St. (Advt.) j Drives Sallowness from the Skin Ladies, imperfect eomplexioß « caused by a sluggi’h liver. A few days treatment with CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will do more to clean up the-hn than all the beauty ’•h'• m creation. I j constipation, br "if lhe hset, LKj* nd igestion, I biiousnus and ■ £*'” I dizzin ea a. | I Purely vege-ir xWr* ISSSLJ B table —never fail. Small Pill. Small Doae, Small Prieo. The GENUINE must bear signature POPULAR BREAD STORE SHOWS BIG INCREASE B SINCE DAY OF OPENING. H '. Z I h..' m s bread and cake store. H " I'i iu nti stir’i’U rive Points— B a decided increase in busi- H since Hie day of opening, which H that ! is "iiorts to give the best B ":y thing in the bread, cake and B aic being appreciated. One B at the new store will make B "guiar customer, because you B -n ■ie best and purest bread, cake ami B ' dad at prices charged lor ■ 'tor rr ..ducts at other places. Philip B 'sun. tlie Boston expert, uses B J,'." '. 01 cheap goods nor cheap labor ■ ' the best of everything. (Advt.l MADELYN SHONE, IN SONGS AND STORIES AT THE MONTGOMERY >•;.! ie- with bl! ? - wllh so “« 8 alll ‘ „ 1,11 a la "Bli tn every line of ■ - "id story. is at tho Montgomery h-r the entire week. If vou suspicion (J f the blues’ or ’are ■U. tm.otrr/ 1 "' 11 i,ny ,ause ’ '’Sit the ~"”' r ' y and laugh il awav. .. '■ '"immally interesting dramas, VI,:, .«"'!.'••• -Kalem. and “Ranch '•■min, will he shown Monday . Montgomery caters to ’ ,f VAdvS “ p RITZ AND SNITZ” AT BONITA FOR FIRST HALF OF WEEK t ; ’ ..'5 ,i!|s ."’tel noun and lasting 'todnesm,;. ni ght. the popula *. Kenna Musical Comedy Com ... 'I b ' "u'ii!'"' n ' el,orus of “Avia- s 'i''z.. .i si,i , P lPsent "Pritz and ■ --ipiitting musical coined' ■n,,,..,;. ’ h '“’’Shs from Start to finish. ... , ■‘" ,l S’iturday the bill u , •"anima s Boy." another '■ ■’c for ih? - ”'' I, "n't miss either f , t"'y arc worth while. ,'" n between I i fornia lives. (Advt.) 0D FELLOWS, notice. 1 " r '-I,’ l s ' lli!lci lodge, Xu l ' 1 ' | '“'luest.-d to meet .i,"* 1 , al ■P- n ’" at the i;. h<, '.r f, "' p 'a' "f on- h 1 'l- Hartman. tWLBRox\ XUbIP G,a "' l Chamberlin =Johnson=Dtißose Company ATLANTA NEW YORK And Still New Silks Are Coming in The silk dresses you will want for the Christinas festivi ties may, indeed, be new! We have seen to that tor you—-by keeping new things coming in all during the season. When you come here you are not asked to choose a new dress from silks that have grown old with the fall. The novelties, as they are brought out in New York, quickly find their way to this stock. This is just to tell you of some of the late arrivals. Now, is any woman planning a new dress going to fail to see them? We hardly think so, if we can give her any idea of what she may expect from this bright, fresh display. New Charmeuse, 40 inches wide, soli, lustrous, and vou will fiutl just about any shade you will waul: this at $1.50 a yard. New-Crepe Meteor, 40 indies wide.. This exquisite material in all the colorings wanted for evening and street dresses —$2.00 a yard. New Brocaded Chartreuse, 40 indies wide, beautiful patterns. Mo ral designs, in shades of navy. Copenhagen, light blue, brown. grav, taupe, rose and pink. In qualities al $3.00 and $4.00 a yard. New Moire Charmeuse, 40 indies wide, coming into high favor right now. It drapes most gracefully, ami has the added charm of the moire surface. Besides the Xellrose shade, you may choose from amber, rose, brown. Copenhagen, navy, coral andblack. It is -44.00 a yard. New Chiffons, with Velvet Brocade, a novelty that bears the en dorsement of Paris—shown first in Atlanta here. Thev are 40 indies wide, in taupe and black, at $15.00 a yard. With these are now chif fon velvets, 42 inches wide, in black and colors, and priced at $4.50 and $9.50 a yard. New Black Astrakan, that so many women want for trimmings, lor whole eoats. It is 54 indies wide, at $5.00 a yard. New Fur Trimmings The vogue for fur trimmings may be enjoyed by the women of Atlanta. Here are the bands of skunk, o possum, marten, imitation er mine—al] the furs that are in greatest favor just now. Also just arrived are new gold and silver laces. Little narrow bands and edges, and great wide bands set with jewels. A Word to Christmas Shoppers-- The Bazaar Happy, helpful suggestions on everv side! Truly,the Bazaar should be a first and last resort for those in search of presents—and it will be, for things are right and ready here and good taste rules throughout. And the attractions of the Bazaar are of general interest -—here are simple little remembrances—gorgeous presents for grand homes. Tables of 25c, 50c, SI.OO and $2.00 articles have been ar ranged for the convenience of customers. They are centers of much interest-—they show novelties in candle sticks, cups and saucers, pitchers, plates, vases, ash trays, pin trays, button boxes, etc. But the big general stocks are the Bazaar’s real charm. See the brasses and the quaint little tea services of the Oriental Room See the really wonderful display of lamps and lamp shades. See the Crystal Room, with its choice pieces o feut glass, etched glass, plain and gold-encrusted water and wine services. See the china gathered from the famous potteries of the world. See the Sheffield plate--in great elegant pieces for the table and in little picture frames, and jewel and powder boxes for one’s room. See the bronze and marble statuary—-usually, reproduc tions of world-famous art pieces. And see the nickel ware, the chafing dishes, the coffee pots, the percolators, the electric toasters. Christmas shoppers, visit the Bazaar! ChamberlinJohnson-Dußose Company ’‘HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.TUESDA Y. DECEMBER :i. 1912. Visit the Candy Section In (fr C( sis ii 1 J JIS IfAV i H W4*M LJ § Mil llhlllllk llull lllldri lli £ 1 Ready=to=Wear Prices Drop In Our | a 2nd Annual December Clearance Sale! ./£ A** R ea dy-t°-Wear Blue-Penciled I Not a Garment Escaped! 1 e?* —l’ u| ’ have started our Annual December Clearance, when we must sell every eoat. suit, dress, skirt and petticoat. i Sale started today; plenty of garments lor tomorrow s choosing. These are the prices that are speeding them out: ' 5 Coats at Dresses Suits at Suits at £ | $9.95 $2.98 $lO $4.95 S ■ Sr Ijjfl There are smart look- Made of fine, fil m qttal- Trig styles in smart One of the best values I £fl ing, all wool black diag- ity of serge, in plain and serge and diagonal , .. , fl onal coats that are very fanev tailored models. dresseft with the ‘ I ■ v, , , high waist line effect, wool fabrics, neatly I eJ** cleverly tailored. Long. Staple black, gray and i an( j p ane | skirt, button- , ... graceful lines, full navy. Coats satin lined ed down the front. High Inacle coats with panel gg ■Ay length, wide revets. A all j splendidly man tai- ar *d low neck, long or skirts. Nobby mixtures -fl dressy general purpose i nrp ,i ervto short sleeves. Trimmed ■ , . .. „ . , tgr- 'fl coat. Also a few Eng- loud lam I st\l< combination piping. ’ n air ** ne effects and yjg lish covert coats for skirts. All ot this sea- A ll sizes for ladies or a few in solid colors S’* street or auto wear. son's newness. and misses at the start of Colors arc blank „ a .-v 3* belted back styles. never sold before for the sale. Navy, brown. . ’ navy ’ Thoroughly rain proof. less than $14.95. All gray and black. All brown and gray. Sizes hard to duplicate under sizes for misses and new fall and winter f( > r misses and ladies, | to $25. women. Choice $lO. models, at. just $2.98. Only $4,95. Sensational Sale of Silk Petticoats £ Season's Smartest Styles. Actual Values to $4 at S A maker's sample line of fresh, crisp fl silk petticoats. .Made of sturdy messa- fl fl W 3? a oW ' | iV quality. Hardly 5® ' IIIV : '4l colors, all stylos, all JL ' Tfll BK| \ sizes. Plain colors and fancies. . ’ 'fll '' lP " w c,ose styles, most of them with deep accordion 35 > pleated ruffles, some with dust ruffle. Every color on the card, black, white, S?* Tfl ':|r I u ’"Hr “ Solid colors and changeables. all black, white, red, gray, pink, navy. Copen- Tl i hagen and cadet blue, etc., stripe effects in black and white, green and white, ■' 2 ’ ; ! u i etc., pastel and street shades, etc. Worth to $4 at $1.49. None sold to deal- S£ Il l .111 e,B 1 ueß( l a V> come early. jCj •3? Knit Petticoats 25c $1.25 Petticoats 98c \ clinging, close-fitting petticoat. Black halcyon messaline (cotton) to conform to present fashions. Well I’mticoats in regular and extra sizes, i They re splendidly made, and pret- fIL knit, close weave, with give and lilv finlahed with accordion pleated yjfl elasticity to insure its holding shape. ruffle. gj* ' TQc ,U ' 5 ° C I'fttieoats of QQp for l;i,lies ’ 50c seel '- EA p for white, pink or blue =5 O*/C fl,ni flannelette, neat OiJC gucker gingham pet ti OUC flannelette checks and stripes tn dark with deep embroidered ruffle. patterns. Scalloped ruffle. coals with deep scalloped ruffle. Very showy. ' a Up to $5 Skirts at $1.25 & $1.50 House Dresses St Choose from serviceable corduroys a « OF* Clearance of about 150 dresses in per- O fIC, 3fl ’ n blue or brown, black diag U" I cales, chambrays and cotton serges. fIC jjfl onal cloths, and light mixtures Trig styles in solid colors and n6at vUv fl 5, ~fl carried over from spring. Broken lines, so luck stripe and figure effects. A great bargain, and Afl consists in finding your size. there’ll be no more at the price. 3* £ Clearing $4 Dresses at School Dresses Cleared at SE TH All wool blue serge dresses in the d* r) OO dresses tlj at formerly sold up to \fl neat Peter Thompson effect. $1.89. Sizes 6to 14. Materials are per- Sailor collar and shield, trim cales. ginghams and galateas. All new I Tfl med in red or white braid. Sizes 6 to 11. .lust style, in plain colors, stripes, figures and checks, 42 in all. neatly trimmed. Values to $1.89, and only 98c. :■ All Wool 53,t10 to si.lld Sweaters at Great Sale ° f $1 ■ S £y~ “TT Gloves at 69C S'- 3J grouped all the sweaters re- JL Repeating last week’s 1 maining from various sales, , ~ . "2 added all from our own good stock, ami now offer " 011 derful success when we ran fl.„ ■<-5 von unrestricted choice at just $1.98. " % ZPB e « rl X \he tnormng. • . - Wired tor another lot: they’re The makers sample lines and surplus stocks have been here ready for Tuesday's selling. shown before, hence some of them are slightly soiled. Others are ‘ ® fresh from their boxes. All up to the minute in style, in material. Gloves are in a good quality skin, fIL. workmanship and finish. So many kinds that any woman or RSltion' 111 SF | Mfl miss can be fitted and suited. But $:: to $. sweaters at $1.98 Black, white and leading colors hi all Jf* i won't linger, the prizes go to early comers. sizes. Only 69c. " 100 Ladies’ Rain Coats $2.98 Yum! Yum! S£ 2 ” Fresh, wholesome chocolates, bon- I These coats in tan only w ith plaid backs, storm collar, sleeve bons, peppermints, hard candies, etc., tabs. Some extra lengths, all sizes. Save SI.OO to $2.00. $2.98. | to 25c a pound. BfH Udi the enfeebled system readily b accepts any disease Nature s ■ resistant force is depleted ■ and Scott’s Emulsion is 8 needed. Its highly concen- ■ trated nourishment is im- ■ mediately distributed to every j organ With Scott’s Emulsion nature repairs waste, con structs healthy tissue and active, life-sustaining blood. Nothing equals Scoff’s Emulsion in convalesenct. Scott R Howne, Bloomfield. N j EXTERNAL VAPOR TREATMENT— Best For Croup and Cold Troubles VICKS Pneumonia SALVE No need now to dose your stomach with nauseating drugs, simply apply' the new treatDo nt. Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve, wall over chest and throat. Cover with WHiin flannel cloth. Give the pa tient plenty of fresh air. The worst cold is relieved in one night; eroup in fifteen minutes. The curative vapors are con fined it tlie salve, and when applied to the It. dv the heat releases them ant. READ FOR PROFIT USE FOR RESULTS— GEORGIAN WANT ADS ;hey are inhaled through the nostrils and mouth. These vapors reach the affected part immediately, insuring quick relief; no danger of an upset stomach; nu in terfering with the digestive organs. The treatment is entirely external. tick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve comes in three sizes C.'a . 50e and 51. At druggists. Sample mailed on request. Vick Chemical Company. 1-5 oak street. Greensboro, N. (Advt > 9