Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 03, 1912, HOME, Page 5, Image 5

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TURKS' MOTIVES QUESTIONED Bl GREEKS Negotiations For Armistice Are Hanging Fire While Allies Wrangle Over Terms. CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 3.—Un- Uintv prevailed here today over the 7rnme of the negotiations for an Xistiee which have been approved Tall governments of the Balkan uague except Greece. Many reports as to the outcome were „’ ren t The report most pleasing to X Turkish government was that Bul ' aria and Senia had decided to stgn nroctocol of armistice and begin peace negotiations irrespective of the attitude of Greece. The two chief objections of Greece , against the proposed territorial ap portionment and the provisioning of Turkish cities which are now under ieee The Greek government evidently ears a trick on the part of Turkey, for one high official In the Hellenic govern ed is credited with the prediction that Turkey, after making further war preparations during the life of the armistice, will reject peace terms and resume hostilities under more favorable conditions in the future. Austria Completes War Preparations VIENNA, Dec. 3.—By quick and se cret troop movements, Austria has massed 100,000 soldiers around Semlin, Hungary, which is across the Danube river from Servia. This practically completes Austria’s preparations for war with Servia. All the troops are equipped for active service. Troop trains which are mov ing southward from Austrian military depots contain heavy ordnance. For the first time today it was inti mated that European diplomacy may have been exerted through hidden channels to start dissension among the Balkan allies and weaken their strength and prestige. This, it was pointed out, may have been responsible for the dispute between Greece and Bulgaria over armistice terms. The press of Vienna contained a great amount of comment today on the speech of Herr Vonßethmann-Hollweg, the German chancellor, in the reichstag yesterday when he declared that Ger many will draw her sword if any of her allies are attacked. This was agreed in a number of quarters as an attempt to soothe Austria with strong words rather than a declaration from the of ficial spokesman of the triple alliance ns to the attitude of that group. While tlje matter of concluding a general armistice between Turkey and the allies was hanging fire on account of Greece’s protests, indications rose to the surface that Roumania. the only neutral Balkan state, may prove a big factor in the final peace terms. Roumania has declared that she will secure some of the spoils of the Balkan war as the price of her neutralitv “if sue has to take up arms to get them.” King Goes to Push Peace Pact SOFIA, Dec. 3—Official announce ment was made here this afternoon that king Ferdinand has gone to Chatalja o conduct the armistice negotations 'or Bulgaria to act personally to re rove the Greek government's objec !!°" 8 to the terms thus far proposed, tis now stated that the armistice wilf be signed “this week.” France Sends Warning to Greece mJnteXt , r CC ' 3 ’~ Fearin & the fresh •’rise fr Lu I ropean Peace that might ■ from dissensions among the minister >,,,1 le I'ranch foreign ■"•nmeffi though XVh' 3 Greek *°'" Greek minister tn X ° S Roma nos, the I'Ute over territorial and the dis ’ ,ion s in thearmi»H„ other condi- Our Suits Will Please You 1 please you, becauae of the superior grade of fabrics used in their /f \v/ / A '’Uking because the models were designed by men whose opinions of / \y / ! hlc are accepted by dressers of fashion / 41l ' \ ' ~ ~ please you, because of the fine workmanship and finish that s \ D °|~ 1C d ln garment because of their perfect fitting features \ an their tendency to improve your personal appearance ' . Our Suits will retain their shape and render you a satisfactory 1 service ' Let us show you just a few today from eight high-class makers 'lll / 1 e assortment is wide and varied \ \ I M ■illy I. , i; - i' , C The Prices Start at sls Stop at SSO \i M EISEMAN BROS. (Inc.). 11-13-15-17 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga. Vsr x Y See These Alphabet Girls; They Are of a New Type (It is becoming the fashion this winter for a girl to dress and walk and look like a letter T.—News Item.) By HANK. Here in the street every day you will see Girls of the alphabet, A on to Z, Look at the pictures and you’ll recognize Girls of a popular shape, style and size. First comes the hobble that hampers the feet, Makes a girl strut like a “chick" in the street; She never tackles a step two feet high. So we will know her as Little Miss I. Little Miss O is the next on the scene; She is a girl you would hardly call lean. Some call her fat, which produces a pout: It’s much politer to use the word “stout.” I Next comes the miss with an old-fashioned bus tle, Linens and laces and gar ments that rustle: In olden days she was al ways a star. So we will know her as Little Miss R. Grecian bends are a true artist’s work. Very familiar just now to a Turk; Why girls affect them we really can't guess. That’s why we greet her as Little Miss S. Here is a girl in a style all the rage. Why it's the mode we’re unable to gauge; But on the street any day you can see Up-to-date, most sedate, Little Miss T. Here is a girl with a waist that is thin, Wearing a corset that’s hard to get in; But ’tis a puzzle that goes with the sex, Why will a girl try to look like an X? Here is the last and she sure takes the cake; Looks like a wriggly, flex ible snake; That s a description in which you’ll agree, Look out for girlies like Little Miss Z. GUST BLOWS STOCKING AND SIOO OUT WINDOW NESX YORK, Dec. 3.—Mrs. Robert Stadle placed her silk stockings, one containing SIOO, on the ledge of a win dow. A gust of wind came along, and now' she is mourning. 56 KILLED, 177 HURT ON N.Y. STREETS LAST MONTH NEW YORK. Dee. 3. —Fifty-six per sons were killed and 177 injured on the streets of New' York during November, thirty of the dead being children, ac cording to statistics gathered by the National Highway Protective society. It is the duty of every Atlan tan to vote in tomorrow’s city election. ffi M RESPITED SLAYER SHOWS INDICATIONS OF INSANITY AUGUSTA. GA., Dec. 3.—When J. Edward Brazell, slayer of little Carrie Bell Duncan, was informed that he had been respited for two weeks, he did not even change his expression. A general belief is that the man who killed the Duncan girl on November 15, 1911, and who was sentenced some time ago to die on December 6, is crazy and should be confined in an Insane asylum. Brazell some time ago embraced the Roman Catholic faith, and he reads his prayer book nearly all the time. In fact, he has read it through twice since his confinement. He expresses no fear of death, and says that he is ready to go. STEED ON ECLECTIC BOARD. Dr. Joseph H. Steed, of Dalton, today was appointed a member of the eclectic board of physicians for the state, to suc ceed Dr. Charles H. Field, resigned. PRE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1912. fiNSLEYTDBUILD GOLFERS I HOME Proposed Club House Will Be Unique and Complete and Excellently Equipped. The golf club house which Edwin P. Ansley proposes to provide for the Pied mont Driving club will be one of the most unique and complete structures of its kind in the South. Working with the idea that a club house like that which he expects to build in the Ansley Park new sub-division should be, so to speak, a "diamond in the rough,” he will build it of skinned logs cut from the property in the vicinity of his house. The structure will be two stories in height, and fitted out after the most mod ern fashion. W. L. Stoddart, who de signed the Georgian Terrace, will be the architect. The stone quarry from which Mr. Ansley got the material for his home contains material for the club house, but logs have the preference, although the stone may be used in the foundations. The first floor will contain a big room in the center. Four great open fireplaces will be in this room, a fireplace of stone on each side of four sides of the com partment, with great rockers, davenports, etc., about. This will be the game room, where members may while away the dull winter evenings. The second floor will contain, among other things, an immense ball room, where hundreds of couples can dance without crowding. The basement will contain lockers, baths, and the like. Other features of the structure will be a wine cellar, chauf feurs’ quarters, etc. The lay of the land is such that the north side of the building will rest on a level with the street and the south will drop down 12 feet, allowing for a natural basement. The height of the ground and second floor porches will afford a splendid view of the golf club grounds to the south. Mr. Ansley has heard many members of the Driving club in commendation of his plan for the golf course, and believes that his proposition will be taken up. He points out that the course wil be the only chance for any club to have golf in side the city limits. The Driving club, it also is contended, no longer turns to horsemanship to any great extent, and needs a new feature for the benefit of its members. MINT IS MAKINgFcOINS THAT SANTA WILL BRING PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3.—For the time being the United States mint in this city has been converted into a veritable Santa Claus work shop, for the manufac ture of hundreds and thousands of shining gold pieces that will nestle in the toes of many stockings at Christmas time. Immense numbers of bright eagles and double eagles are being turned out to meet the Christmas rush. TONIGHT! TAKE A “CASCARET” SURE No Headache, Sour Stom ach, Biliousness or Con stipation by morning. Turn the rascals out—the headache, the biliousness, the indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases— turn them out tonight and keep them out with Casearets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stomach. Don’t put in another day of distress. Let Casearets cleanse and regulate your stomach; remove the sour, undi gested and fermenting food and that miseiy-making gas; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the intestines and bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Children love to take Casearets because they taste good—never gripe or sicken. (Advt.) Marist Riflemen Torn From Mazes of “Trot” SOLDIERS SEIZED AT BALL Five members of the Marist Rifles, Fifth regiment, were whirling their chosen ones in the mazes of the turkey trot last night at Knights of Columbus hall. Down at the Auditorium-Armory their company was ready for drill. Five names were missing on the roll, and one loyal private knew where the miss ing ones were. And he squealed. The band was just breaking into "The Telephone Rag” when Lieutenant J. L. Harrison, Jr., entered the hall in full uniform, a sword and a frown. In his stern presence the music faltered, hesitated, stopped. "Report to the armory at once,” com manded the officer. But the bandmas ter raised his baton, the ragtime floated out once more, the girls looked at their partners—and the dance went on. Then Lieutenant Harrison telephoned for a squad of men. They came, double time. “Arrest these men and take them to the armory,” commanded the lieuten ant. • “Oh, what a shame!” said the girls. But the officer was obdurate. Tears nor smiles could move him. He ran his eye over the men. “Frank Malone, Gregory Murphy, Joe DiCristina, Ernest Bell,” he called. "Say, where’s John McGee? He whs here a minute ago.” Sergeant John McGee was missing, a Empire Furniture Co. HIGH Save the j quality 129-131 Whitehall Street D i(fe „„ ce I ' Between Mitchell St. and Trinity Ave. IfeZLAIi'M! wnwTTi I I . w ffl n 1 A/ 1 .2? wb’ I ■ / all- r I Your Home fJLy 1/5 your Palace, ISgg | FREE! FREE! THIS WEEK I A Handsome 56-Piece China Dinner Set Free I to every one buying $25.00 or more of home furnishings during this week. Either Charge Account or Cash R We are for Empire customers first, last and all the time, and when we ■ want more business we are willing to pay for it by giving something of real practical value direct to our customers, such as this 56-Piece China Din- I ner Set. Just a Few Examples of Our Low Prices Follow—See Others, Too I BIG BED BARGAIN Mission Library Rockers Ladles' Writing Desk I Two-inch continuous post steel- Regular $5.00 Mission Library This Desk is in Circassian Wat- ■ tube bronze or white Bed, 10 ful- p O cker, brown or black, solid nut or Oak, and is really worth ers, guaranteed not to turn or .... . , , tarnish: sold. elsewhere at SIO.OO genuine Spanish leather. Look! $5.00 anywhere, and often sold at to $12.50. Our special price. Only $7.50, Here you get it at $5.98 $2.98 $3.98 I I We Wonder If You Realize How Much We Gan Assist You I OUR IDEA IS THIS—AII honest people, whatever their circumstances, are entitled to the benefit of our CREDIT CHARGE ACC 0U N T—which means you can purchase at this store anything for home furnishings by giv ing us a small deposit—we will deliver the goods and while you are receiv ing the benefit and pleasure of using the furniture you can save a small amount to pay us each week or month. EMPIRE FURNITURE COMPANY buy now, pay 129-131 Whitehall Street buy now, pay I next year g ETWEEN MITCHELL ST. and TRINITY AVE. WEXT YEflB deserter in the face of the enemy. He had hidden, it was reported, behind the wraps in the dressing room. The squad marched away, but Lieu tenant Harrison was a wise old fox. He waited in the hall. Presently Sergeant McGee, rejoicing in his foxiness, emerged from concealment and sought his fair one again. The lieutenant nabbed him and marched him away. And five disconsolate, man-less maidens burst into tears as the band switched suddenly into “The Girl I Left Behind Me.” TWO WIVES OF ONE MAN GET DIVORCES SAME DAY LA. CROSSE, WIS., Dec. 3.—Divorces have been granted the two wives of Dr. Ralph Travers Allen in the circuit court here. Each of the young women, known as Della French Allen and Berdina Peuf fahl Allen, showed that she had not known of the other’s marriage to the physician until his arrest recently on a charge of bringing another girl here for immoral purposes. Allen, who is wealthy, was convicted of the charge and began to serve a ten year term in the Waupun penitentiary. TO ENLARGE HOTEL. COLUMBUS, GA.. Dec. 3.—Frank H. Springer, manager of the Springer hotel, of this city, has awarded a contract to L. A. Wooton for the erection of a fifty room annex to his hotel, and work wili begin this week. The annex will repre sent an Investment of $50,000. ATHENS POULTRY SHOW OPENS WITH 300 BIRDS ATHENS, GA., Dec, 3.—The second show of the Southern Poultry association opened on the ground floor of the Mos* auditorium today for a three days’ exhib it. About 300 birds have been entered and many prizes are offered. Seventy-five entries from Tennessee ar rived Saturday, while more than a hun dred from toher states arrived yesterday. MI-O-NA BANISHES INDIGESTION Sourness, Fullness, Belching and All Stomach Misery Disappear in Five Minutes. “Tried , them all," you say, “and not one helped me?” Well, you haven’t properly tried MI-O-NA Stomach Tab lets or you would not be bothered with stomach trouble today. Perhaps you bought a box and took one or two and then let the rest stand, forgotten, in the cupboard. Make no mistake; if you will take MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets regularly you can forever end all stomach misery and have a stomach as strong and vig orous anfi as able to digest the heart iest meal as the best stomach in Amer ica. If you suffer from Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Gastritis, Catarrh of the ach. or any Stomach Misery you® money back if you arc dissatisfied with the results obtained from MI-O-NLA. Price 50 cents at all druggists. (AdVt.) 5