Newspaper Page Text
f W o u. s. Admirals and Gov
ernor-Elect Sulzer Ex
pected at Conference.
... ■
. < (>u th American ministers, two
V ..f the navy and the future
~f >ew York will be among
. . prospective guests of
the Panama canal con
, m ber 10 and 11.
iir , ctors of the Chamber of Com
planning a dinner to these
, . ,ed guests at one of the clubs.
' ? .. u th and Central American
... . «ho have accepted the invi
... . ttend the conference are
' XL/Morton Rivero, minister from
... on Valdes, minister from
Ha irdo Suarez, minister from
H. Caldo, minister from
, R , Joaquin Mendez, minister
Pedro E. Rojas, min
'‘;rr frulll Venezuela; Dr. Salvador
p' .- 'Io minister from Nicaragua, and
.. Molbran, charge d’af
, \rgentine RepubUc.
' vl n, ir . C M, Chester, of the United
stat X navy, retired, will be here and
I deliver a lecture on the Panama
Lial illustrated by kinemacolor pic
. obtained from New York and
iiav as yet been exhibited only
ent of the United States.
(X.•mor-elect Sulzer of New York,
no n- . hairman of the house committee
X foreign relations, and Admiral
w .„viight also probably will be pres-
Tlie party will leave Washington in
a private <ar Monday, December 9, ar
riving here Tuesday In time for the
opening "f the conference.
W.m. n i ft homeless by the closing
~f r.'.-ira ’ i. districts of Atlanta, Macon
~s i 1.1 Georgia cities are assured of
. by the Southern Rescue Mis
-5 . . headquarters in Atlanta.
The mission has opened a home tn
Jan; .mviih’. Fla.. and President A. W.
E'liet;. of Atlanta, announces the or
ganiza ion is prepared to take care of
any girl in the South.
OMAHA. Dec. 4.—Dr. A. Prebbenow,
arrested November 20 In a country-wide
vice crusade for misuse of the mails, will
serve 15 'lays in jail. He was sentenced
by District Judge Munger after he
pleaded guilty. He is 67 years old, and
was granted clemency because of his
I ■■■lilßlßH open All Night I
I Branch Store: GRAND PHARMACY, Grand Theater Bldg. |
Christmas Buying In Full Swing—Sane, Sensible Gifts That
Are Attractive, Durable and Inexpensive.
| Parisian Ivory and Ivoryoid Toilet Articles 1
Our clerks will give courteous and obliging attention in showing you your wants
•ind will aid you in making selections.
' ) extremely popular this year. This ware is particularly adapted for toilet use. The hard, non-porous sE
inish renders it sanitary and impervious to water. The beautifully grained surface closely resembles
"1(1 ivory and is particularly attractive. Our line is very complete. You are sure of a full assort-
M ment now. Please shop early.
■ Hair Brushes6sc to $4.50 Mtrrora 600 to $4.50 Manicure Pieces.... .25c to 50c
■ ' I thes Brushes.. 75c to $4.00 Nall Polishers4oc to $1.25
Military Brushes.s2.oo to $7.00 P,lff Boxes2sc to Clocks SI.OO to $2.00
•'ombsls c to SI.OO Hair Receiverssoc to $2.00 Soap Boxes2sc to 75c
Perfumes Stationery B
B t " e are headquarters for the best Imported per-
fumes and Know that we can fill your every order We have just received an Immense stock of
iw goods of this kind. < >ur stock comprises the beautiful correspondence paper. It is pure white gM
11 . .’m ing . n ’ a .' ies g. R.°K er A Pallet, Coty. Godet. anf | the very latest design and superior qual-
MS., AI-AA , 0.,?i i T ’ lv^’.' ,ina Vl’’ 1 (,u,ira ' s ity. It is put up In fancy boxes —floral and
''Mi'etl lw HudnliT Hanson '.Tenks” o "Painter'. Gibson designs—and makes a decidedly appro- gj
M '"'figHte, Harmony and Lazell ■' I'.illet prints and desirable Christmas present. The
TAII CT umTrn n . paper has envelopes to match, and all is tied up
IvlLtl VvAltn r 11/tj . neatly and prettily with colored ribbons. It is
' •'l.' s L’Origan I Vantine 75c and 1.00 J ust the sort of charming gift you'd pick out for
bottle... $4.50 I Geisha Flowers. your mother, wife, sw< . theart or sister. The
g Mur\- Garden. . and others,7sc and 1.00 price of these boxes is from 3'« I O CC QQ
■ llmibigant's 1dea1.4.15 i IL & G7sc and 1.35 “ ” ,v **•••
1' Armour 1 ' eUriS knn R- S1 —R” sure to see our fine window display 0
i'lsr Kiss..";;";; 1’35 Jlarmonv ViohM " f ~lis beautiful paper. Then come in and get a 9
Piver's. all odors;; 1.35 Dulce’..7sc and 1.50 box—more if you want them. ■
I Manicure Seis Kodaks Scissors Sets |
B There’s no present that We can please you in H
11 stock of Henckels' can give the pleasure thin Scissors. Our stock is very
nianicure goods is large * is afforded by the owner- complete. We have them
»■1 complete. Henckels’ Kb !. ,, n ,f r a Ko< c r , .2nnn''kT f'<”n smallest to the $
arry"^^' 1 ? 6 i W n ° rl< ? 1 ’ daks'and’know’ “an mflt largest. The sets are un- ■
tnese sets in roll vou usually attractive. The
,s . ° thf* pocket and w e have them from SI.OO Scissors are of the finest
’’ c ‘<»es. These up. steel and the handles are
, r i U t* o| best leath- We have the fninlaid with silver and gold.
tI " hand sewed. They J! - 00 u l* tm nn You can not imagine a
in . m rab e ’. Every piece ?’ a°* Filing r “ nicer gift for a lady Each B
'host ' npL B J nade V r | h , e tvpe. l ball bearing shut set consists of from two to
Price P ( nfect material. ter $12.00 four pairs of Scissors. We KW
K are from \ r outfit for develop- carry none but the best in taf?
»«.. ing your own films ... $1.50 this’line. Prices for sets Sfs
SIOO up to $6.50 R ev^e' ,ln sin’ ut de?el<°° range from $1.25 tO $5
pip’i y >ur films FREE. ■
Goods and Prices at Branch Store, GRAND PHARMACY“IRi
“There is more ceremony to the hos
pitality of the North than of the South.
It is colder and less homelike, but equal
ly as delightful, because everything is
done exquisitely. The promptness with
which a Northern hostess serves a din
ner and the punctuality of her guests
amazed me after our easier ways of en
tertaining. The Northern women en
tertain on schedule in away that is al
most uncanny to me.”
In this way Mrs. John M. Slaton, wife
of the governor-elect, who has just re
turned from a visit to New York, where
with her mother. Mrs. W. D. Grant, and
her husband she was entertained by
prominent residents of the metropolis,
including William Sulzer, governor
elect of New York, and his wife, sums
up the dinner difference of the two sec
Impressed by Punctuality.
Mrs. Slaton explained that she hardly
had time to probe the mysteries of the
Noithern household, its inner working
and the real secrets of the prompt serv
ice which so impressed her. She said
she hastily concluded that its machine
like working was due to the trained
servants of the North.
"Os course,” said Mrs. Slaton, “hospi
tality is very much alike the country
over. If you are liked and invited be
cause you are liked, it is always de
lightful. I found little difference In the
spirit of the thing in the North. It is
the manner in which it is done in which
the two sections display their individu
“In the big homes in New York things
are turned over to the servants entirely,
even the keys which the Southern wom
an prizes so highly. I am sure that
many a Northern hostess doesn’t know
the menu of her luncheon until she sits
down to the table with her guests. She
has turned the whole thing over to the
servants and everything runs as smooth
ly as if she had given the minutest de-
• tail her personal supervision.”
Atlantans Often Late.
1 But it was the promptness with
which dinners were served and even
more the punctuality of the guests that
i most impressed Mrs. Slaton and was
Tomorrow brings a complete change
of the bill at The Bonita, 32 Peachtree
“Mamma's Boy,” a high-class musl
’ cal comedy, will be substituted for
1 “Fritz and Snitz,” which is the attrac
-1 tion today. Both these plays are ex
! ceptionally good, and every lover of
I high-class musical comedy should
i them. Fine motion pictures will be
shown in addition. (Advt.)
evidence of the most marked contrast
between the North and the South in
their social comings and goings.
“I don’t mean to say,” she continued,
“that people who go out In Atlanta are
chronically late, but there’s a tendency
to be late, and I am frank to admit that
i I have, on several occasions, found my
self arriving after the set time.
“I remember but one guest who was
late during my visit, and he was an ex
ceptionally busy man. Really he acted
. as if he had committed an unpardonable
crime. His embarrassment was so gen
, ulne that everybody was sorry for him.
I White Service Praised.
’ “Perhaps they are more ceremonial in
1 the North, less homelike, but this again
I think can be traced to the service. Os
course, no one questions the superiority
of the trained white servant over the
negro. Not that I would like to dis-
• pense with the negro in the South, but
: personal supervision of the household is
; essential here. The Northern woman
can Ignore it if she finds it a care or as-
I sume it if it gives her pleasure. I found
that some do and some don’t, but the
I service is so efficient that it seems to
make little difference.”
During her stay in New York the
• newspapers “played up” Mrs. Slaton as
. a spectator at the trial of the gunmen,
. but she did not attend. Mr. Slaton, with
> Forrest Adair and John Grant, spent an
s afternoon at the trial at the invitation
, of District Attorney Whitman. One of
. the women in the party was taken by
the New York reporters for Mrs. Slaton
i and The Herald’s artist sketched her as
t When you have a bilious attack, give
. Chamberlain’s Tablets a trial. They are
excellent For sale by all dealers.
’ (Advt.)
j The celebrated “Scout” Younger, a
famous frontiersman and nephew of
the notorious Younger boys who were
3 pals of Jesse and Frank James in the
. old border days, will begin an engage
, ment at the “Gayety” today.
Scout brings with him three of the
most interesting reels of motion pic
tures ever seen in Atlanta, portraying
the stirring incidents in the lives of the
Younger brothers, and made at the
identical location where they happened,
‘ with “Scout” and many of those who
: actually participated in the raids and
fights, taking part in the picture.
In addition, a fine bill of up-to-date
• vaudeville will be presented. The Gay
ety from now on will be one of the best
small theaters in the South, as Uncle
f Bart Glenn is running it, and every
■ amusement lover in Atlanta knows
1 what that means. Continuous perform
ances from 2:30 to 10:30 p. m. (Advt.)
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.—A man with an
unsteady step was arrested while try
ing to lead a six-legged cow from a
museum in South Halsted street. He
gave the name of Emil Heimson and
admitted that he had “taken a few too
many.’ Heimson was locked up at the
Desplaines street station. He said he
wanted to take the cow “for a walk.”
-'jSifWVww'fcWrwWewwW The Store of the Christinas Spirit
IM. Rich & Bros. Co. Ijrar]j!
ECancellation Sale! New and Stylish (PIC j
| $25.00 to $35.00 Suits at Just • W £
A maker's orders of suits that were cancelled come to us at about half
of what we would have paid earlier in the season.
Vye could doubtless sell many of these suits at their usual price of $25 iWa ?
to $35 and dispose of the rest of them at the end of January at sls. But Ml
NO! —we'll pass the price advantage on to you right now when the suits will 1 3?
do you the most good. • /‘V* I
lo this lot of suits we have added the broken lines of other suits that
3J were worth from $25 to $35 —we couldn’t get full price for them when suits •'i
just as good were selling for sls. ST
In all. them there are over 250 suits whose prices earlier in the season SE
would have been $2-), $27.50. S3O and $35, to sell Thursday for just sls.
—fgf Every wanted material and style, we believe, is represented. Satiny broadcloths,
sturdy surges. snappy wide wale diagonals, beautiful boueles. rich Scotch suitings right / j w7l
from the Heath, two-tone effects, camelshair—the very materials highest in fashion’s '' l> 2P*
favor. Straight cut and cutaway models, Skinner satin and silk lined. Some are plainly afe *
tailored, others are rather elaborately trimmed with silk braid and frogs, etc. All the JHuN r
Xy wanted colors and plenty of the staph l blues, blacks and browns. Sizes for all. Choice sls. I’ J '*s| Iwlsk >1 S'*
Sale starts at 8.30 a. m. Ready-to-Wear. Second Floor. Il fl fl hljjMw *
:g Sale of Silk and Dress Fear Not the Winter Rains [I 1;
| Goods Remnants [j ffl MB J f
-E tables heaped high with the throughout, with strapped and ce- M H J
r merited steams. Well tailored, with mannish notch I Ll| Wj ■■ ijff' H S*
season’s short lengths of silks collar and strapped sleeves. Light or dark tan.
. . . ' , Much the same model in a lightweight rubber- t/'jl m \\ V, fl I"J I
and dress goods. Lengths ized GLORIA SILK fabric in blue, black, tan or gray 1 I
fl Olli 1 to 10 \ards, suitable for Several other styles at various prices up to $lO 1 w
5 ■'"its and dress- Mandelberg English Rain Coats Keep Out the I I SF
> X Weather ItWWI!
01 k. Hig as- —p or these reasons all the smart dressers 1n Eng-
2* sortments at nrices a fourth q land wear Mandelberg’a rain coats—it’s for these \
.] • i , j ii. i *’ reasons that Mandelberg’s rain coats are at Rich’s. was* *
'jgj liiirti. ailtl CVCII half less than Thoroughly man tailored in simple styles, with choice S 7
'’ regular. re K u,ar or raglan shoulders. Variously in rain- 1 tV
- proof serges and coverts, at $12.50 to $28.50.
SILK ANNEX, main floor, left AISLE. (Ready-to-Wear— Second Floor.) WT,
S You Try Just One Suit of J
“H arvar d Mills' £
finished,} Underwear
| lljr We know the “Harvard Mills’’ un-
'2* derwear—know the thorough process or
3 $5 to $lO Gold-Filled Bracelets
We know the skillful care exercised in
The wholesale season is over, so this nn making each garment perfect, the thor- ,• JJ-.
facturer sends us his sample line of gold-filledSS UN o ' wl ' <» each detail.
bracelets at a tremendous redm-tion.. <|W.7U the constant desire to make each Ji ,
r, a. e x- i \t , years product better and better. r
Great news tor Xmas —tor these bracelets are real- „ L f i' «
«]v worthv—thev are guaranteed for 20 years. <-hL°" We , 'TTw' 1 Ul -
Some of the bracelets somewhat as illuatrated: some are ar- i eased t . o havp von ?ivp thpni a tria] W. Wig «-
I siqj ranged for signets: others are mounted in senn-precioiis stones. ( .
Variously plain and engraved. Not a bracelet worth less than , I- n ‘Harvard Mills" underwear you L ’L*
$5: some worth to $lO, the average easily $7. Choice $3.98. A n< l beautifully-finished garments, am- is-Aja ®; ; ;i'A’W ? L
fei c . pl e measurements, perfect fitting, an w Wsm’L
Scissors 39c; Worth to 75c extensive range of shapes, great va-
Xj? A worthy gift to a woman who sews. Solid steel Scissors with plain r i e L v °f fabrics, all of the finest ma
__.W and burnished "gold" handles. All sizes from the small embroidery scissors terial; vests, drawers, tights, corset Hi'
to the 6-inch cutting size. covers and combination suits for worn- iMwMMy
Children’s Bags 50c Manicure Sets 50c en and children in silk cotton and |] g
uvv wool and the various combinations. Ww’lß
> children 61 " to^sLraJ useful gift prettily boxed in Xmas Each “Harvard Mills” garment is 1’ « J;
handles. Various sizes and all the holly boxes - Consist of file, emery sold by name. Make your selection— ®
3* wanted colors, 50c. boards, nail salve and enamel. forever afterward call for it by name »i
-S n • • r kt n r —the quality, fit and finish will al-
’ Parisian Ivory Novelties 25c ways be satisfactory. In the silk, wool
The imported kind and not to be confused with the inferior domestic and cotton and the various combina- “Harvard Milh” MU,
grade. Variously in powder and vanity boxes, manicure pieces, files, hooks, tionssoc tn $5 WL.
shoe horns, cuticle knives. Choice 25c. T ‘ hndtrvtar
{? „ . n- , Extra and out sizes in nearly all ML
t>ar ana oeauty rins 25c Gold Top Jewelry garments at a slight additional cost.
I 12 kt. gold, hand engraved Bar and Looks like solid gold and wears al- (I nderwear. Main Floor.) *
j hl Beauty Pins. Bar Pins 25c each; most as well. Will stand engravings.
Beauty Pins to match. 25c a pair. In links, pins, etc., 25c and 50c. I a.l r* j r" a
5 Solid Gold Brooches; « Sale Q ° OdS Fr ° m ACrOSS Se3S t
Solid 10-carat gold brooches that will wear forever. In Some One "T *•—
handsome designs in solid and filigree work, some set with real n Ymnr Cift ;
NE stones. Beautiful and practical Xmas gifts. a Donn y rr^as I OU A
I $1.98; values to $6 $1.48; values to $4. From Paris, Vienna. Berlin and I | gr*
she 'T •! ac a. ao kt a n London and from many an out-
,> Sb toilet bets $3.48 Novelty Boxes 50c of-the-way European corner our F ' St
I Sterling silver toilet set of A host of holiday boxes in hammer- j or ''*^ n personally se- •• A
■ feß brush and comb prettily encased ed brass, linen hand painted, silk hand p * ,e< an < irect y imported the
| in bbx. Genuine sterling silver Painted, fancy satin with hand paint- ,est assorted stock of leather ML,
floral designs beautify both comb cobuioid tops and satin lined, etc. goods we late ever shown. 4m
I and brush. Phase are too good Designs for handkerchief and glove Most of the goods, too, are ex-
I a value to linger. boxes and odd and unique styles. elusive —to be found in Atlanta ®l
| $2.00 Gold Stick Pins 98c .... a . ts g
| Men s stick pins both pin and mounting being solid gold. R acks 98c to $2.50. Picture Frames 98c to $5.
I nique and unusual designs in horseshoes, crescents wishbones < ov ered Masks '.»sc to $. aO. Cigarette and Cigar Cases 98c to $6. ft
I 1J ter I. ax 5 ■ nisuuuucb, Limousine Cases $lO to $25. Drinking Cups 25c to sl. 3*
solid and filigree work, etc. Set with senn-precious stones and Toilet Rolls $2.98 to sls. Bill Rolls 69c to $4. 3*
! pearls. .lust 300 in all. and they should sell in a day. Worth $2 Manicure Sets 98c to $8.50. Jewelry Boxes $1.50 to SLO. S 3
5M to $3.50. for 98c. In larger pieces there are Suit Cases, Traveling Bags. Over-
I bamous ( Ciller Aisle. Main Floor. (In the Enlarged Leather Goods Section—Main Floor. Left Aisle.)
M. Rich & Bros. Ce.
LONDON, Dec. 4.—lt is announced
that Beerbohm Tree, who sailed for
New York, may appear in New Yorlr
in the autumn of 1?13, probably with
his London produetioh of “Henry VIII.”
He has also secured an option on
Pierre Loti’s “Daughter of Heaven.”
Tree has been asked to appear in a
special matinee in New York during his
present visit.
SANTA ROSA, CAL., Dec. 4.—Wil
liam M. Gladden, who was associated
with President Harrison in establishing
and conducting The Indianapolis Jour
nal in 1842, is dead at his home in
Healdsburg, after a short illness. He
was 86 years old.
As a o principal of schools, editor and
farmer, he lived in Indiana until 1870.
when he came to Healdsburg and en
gaged in the fruit raising industry.
Don’t fail to read the opening
instalment of “The Case of Oscar
Slater,” by Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, which appears on the
magazine page of The Georgian
tomorrow. It’s the story of Sher
lock Holmes in real life.