Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 04, 1912, FINAL, Page 7, Image 7

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    ([LEON unable
Health Unfit to Take Up Busi
ness Care For Many
Weeks. Say Doctors.
It will be many weeks before Moise
D( leon can resume hrs work as a con
-actor or undertake any business re
inabilities, is the belief of a physi
.|?.n .vho examined him and found him
from shattered nerves and a
run-down condition. In the
"-. anti ne his receivers are preparing to
under sealed bids or at public auc
,i he mechanical equipment owned
Mr. DeLeon and used in his con
tracting work.
yr DeLeon left his home in Pied-
P .' n t a' nue yesterday afternoon for
t ir-t time since his return from
\ t:jiia, and visited the office of a
j.j-..:i: ; nent physician. He expressed the
~,,|„s that he could arrange for a com
sition with his creditors and take up
his contracting work, but the
n.ivsician. vho made a close examina
tion, said it would be impossible for
\lr. DeLeon to assume business cares
for -oine time to come.
So far as the receivers are concerned,
jjr. DeLeon’s return has made abso
lute' no difference. DeLeon does not
exist, in law, in so far as his contracts
and assets are Involved. His largest
contract, that of the county court
house, is in the hands of the bonding
■ompany which backed him. His real
estate and other assets are In the title
of his trustees.
In Ebony, Ivoryoid, Silver
Single Pieces of Beautiful Grade
Many Suggestions Among These Usable Things
Jacobs Quality Is Recognized as the Best
Jacobs' Stock Gives the Widest Selection
Jacobs’ Prices Are the Lowest
COR many years Jacobs’ has maintained the foremost position as the HOUSE OF QUALITY 7 for all
* kinds of manicure goods. Throughout the year we carry the finest stocks, and now we are display
ing the handsomest Holiday Selections, and by far the greatest variety. Furthermore, our large year
round business in these goods gives us'manufacturers’ best concessions, with the result that our prices are
We urge your early attention while stocks are complete and beautiful. We will hold goods for later
delivery if you wish.
We suggest that out-of-town shoppers avail themselves of our mail order facilities and eliminate some of the fatiguing
trips to the city. Our expert shoppers are at your disposal, and if you will give a description of about what you want they
will make selections for you that will be appropriate and satisfactory. For out-of-town orders we have provided special ship
ping boxes that insure the safe arrival of all breakable goods. Shipments made immediately or later, as you direct.
v Mt/
Illustrated Sets and Single Piece Suggestions
■ o. 1: Pocket Knife, suitable for man or woman: genuine gun metal han- No. 4: Folding Pocket Set in soft grain leather, silkjined; file, knife, cutl
<ile, very thin; file and three blades. Equal to any regular $1.50 value. cle knife, scissors and orange stick. Folds flat like a pocketbook; $3.50.
Jacobs' Special at 85c. No. 5 Illustration: Combination File and Cuticle Knife; pearl handle. 50c.
No. 2: A Special. Curved Manicure Scissors, needle points. Value 75c. No. 6 Illustration: Buffer with Ivoryoid back and handle; steel band and
Jacobs' Special Price. 39c. changeable white chamois; 4-inch. 50c; 5-inch, 60c; 6-inch, 75c; 6 1-2-
For 75c—The finest grade Manicure Scissors ever shown in the city al „ , , . , , , , . . . ._.
this price; long handles, concave finger rests, needle points. 5-'™* Ebony Buffer, steel band and changeable chamois, 35c- A Big Spe-
N cial, equal to any regular 50c.
no. 3. White Ivoryoid Buffer, with Case; changeable chamois. $1.25. Nq 7; stee| Tweezers> exce ]) en t grade. 75c.
Allwon Manicure Set in real Ebony: the 6-inch Buffer opens and contains |\| o . g; Exceedingly Handsome Set in soft seal, pigskin lined, which folds
w ithin itself the complete set of manicure scissors, file, orange stick. up into a tint suitcase shape, with strap handle. Contains heavy Ivoryoid
emery hoards, etc. If you have a friend who travels or visits, this gift o f seven pieces. The Gift Ideal, and remarkably low priced at. $6.00.
be much appreciated, for it Is invaluable to keep the toilet articles flexible Nail File, 7 1-2 inch. Ivoryoid handle, non-rusting file. 60c.
together and handy. Ebony. $3.50. In heavy nickel, polished. $2.00. 4 j nc h Pearl Handled Flexible File, 35c.
5 1-2-inch Chamois Buffer, Ivoryoid back and case, extra heavy. $1.50. Flexible Steel Files. 10c, 15c. 25c.
Moderately Priced Handsome Gift Sets
Handsome Solid Ebony 5-piece Set' soft grain leather case, which folds Very Handsome Set in Ivoryoid of extra weight; eleven pieces. Including
Hat into small pocket size Handsome durable and will please either both curved and straight scissors. Morocco case of gracefully curved
•nan or woman. $5.50. ' shape, lined with plush and satin pads. SB.OO, and you will not find as
handsome a set elsewhere at the price.
Small Pocket Roll, 5 1-2 inches by 1 inch diameter when closed; black „ q.t in Burnt Wood Case $l5O
CUti ° le deSten ’
For $2.00. Pretty Ivoryoid Set in black leatherette flat case, plush pockets; Beautiful Floral Design in German Silver; French gray finish; 8 pieces;
changeable chamois buffer,'file, cleaner, orange stick, scissors, polish hid buffer, file, knife, button hook, curved scissors, cuticle knife and
and case, salve box, emery in case. Splendid value. two salve jars; extra weight. $4.00. t
3 -Ptece Set In Flat Leatherette Case 50c. Especially dainty and service- 8-plece Set in lighter weight, which will wear for many years, $2.50.
able for a child 5-plece Set, $1.50.
Main Store and Laboratory 6 and 8 Marietta St.
23 Whitehall Street 266 Peters Street 102 Whitehall Street 70 W. Mitchell Street
245 Houston Street 152 Decatur Street 423 Marietta Street 544 Peachtree Street
CALHOUN, GA.. Dec. 4.—Wilson
Lang, the infant son of Colonel and
Mrs. Joseph Lang, of Calhoun, is ill
with pneumonia. He was one of the
Democratic twins born on election day
and named with his brother for Wood
row Wilson and T. R. Marshall. His
father, Colonel Lang, is Democratic
elector for the Seventh congressional,
On the evening of the election Colo
nel Lang sent a telegram to the suc
cessful Democratic candidates congrat
ulating them on their overwhelming
victory in this formerly Republican dis
trict and also advising them that the
twins were named Wilson and Mar
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.—George Creel,
the Colorado dramatic critic and police
commissioner of Denver, who is on his
honeymoon, following his marriage to
Blanche Bates. Belasco star, laughed
when asked if he consented to his wife
remaining on the stage.
Why should I object?” he said.
‘‘Why should any man ask a woman
like my wife to retire to a life of pots
and pans and kettles, just because she
does a man the honor to marry him?"
Indorsed ny more Pure Food authori
ties. expert chemists, chefs and house
keepers than anv other EXTRACT in
the U. S. A. "SAUER’S” (Advt.)
Don’t fail to read the opening
instalment of ‘ ‘ The Case of Oscar
Slater, ’ ’ by Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, which appears on the
magazine page of The Georgian
tomorrow. It’s the story of Sher
lock Holmes in real life.
Rev. A. Campbell Chowning, 138 Pul
liam street, today is free of the charge
of theft of the grip of S. J. Eakes, of
Conyers, Ga.
Tlie missing grip was found in a
room in the offices of the Schoen-Por
ter Fertilizer Company in the Fourth
National Bank building from which it
was supposed to have been stolen. The
money it contained was found intact.
Immediately after the finding of the
grip the warrant against the minister
was withdrawn and he was freed from
the Tower.
Mr. Crowning had protested all along
that he was innocent, that he didn’t
even see the grip when he entered the
office to sell religious books and that
his arrest was a mistake.
MACON, GA., Dec. 4.—"1’1l keep the
clothes, but will return the money some
day,” read a note which R. Berg, of 1302
Bay street, found on his bureau. Upon
investigation, he found that a suit of
clothes and SSO in currency had been
stolen. Both were in a . bureau drawer.
The note has been turned over to the po
lice, who are investigating.
Modern Expert Dentistry at Reasonable Prices
S 5 Crown and
\ \ Bridge Work
-al Teeth
' i I All other dental work at prices that
’ y yf V Y Irt w ill please. Plates made and deliv-
J I I > f' «red same day.
Dr. E. G. Griffin’s Gate City Dentai Rooms
Bell Phone 1708. Hours: 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
FRANKFORT, KY.. Dec. 4.—The
Kentucky railroad commission con
vened today for the purpose of investi
gating the complaint of 5,000 miners In
the vicinity of McHenry, Ky., that they
have been brought to want by the in
ability of the mines to operate, which is
attributed to the failure of the Illinois
Central railroad to furnish coal cars to
justify operations.
Congressman A. O. Stanley came
from Washington to aid the miners in
their plea that the road be made to
furnish cars.
STERLING, ILL., Dec. 4.—Fred Un
derman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Un
derman, was probably fatally burned
by other boys, who tied him to a stake
nad built a fire around him while play
ing Indian.
If you are troubled with chronic con
stipation, the mild and gentle effect of
Chamberlain’s Tablets makes them es
pecially suited to your case. For sale
by all dealers. (Advt.)
Fresh Wholesome Candies In
| Dec. Clearance of “Ready=to=Wear” I
S The very garments which just last week were selling at full price, now 5=
y° u to take them—through cruel slashes in their price tags. Everv
thing is swept out at December clearance prices. Look here— ’
Good-Bye Prices cn sls to $lB Coats Up to $4 Silk Petticoats at S
Tfc -Just 38 coats in all. There are smart zta
jS looking, all wool black diagonal coats Cl
that are very cleverly tailored. Long of p ~ Q n ® JC
graceful lines, full length, wide revers. A dressy gen- fresh, crisp Silk Pet- jCa
eral purpose coat. Also a few English covert coats for yvT j dcoats. Made of Sp s
street or auto wear, belted back styles. Thoroughly stu rdy messaline, in
"-qj rain-proof, hard to duplicate under $lB to $25. Choice, J a free ® ow * n s qual- (J*
JU ci. XIX Tir... 'iVrwi alike; all colors, all
Street Dresses Will Speed Out at uMI styles - an sizes, piam jc
Just 98 of these smart serge and diag- sh C| aq ly -Fl | , co,ors and fancies. jBC
onal dresses, and they won’t last long wl ah in the new close 3*
—at $2.98. They are trig styles, with the W’jL. Atting styles, most of gj-
high waist line effect, and panel skirt, buttoned down them With deep ac ‘
the front. High and low neck, long or short sleeves. cordion pleated ruf-
S Trimmed in combination piping. All sizes for ladies JHjp
or misses at the start of the sale. Navy, brown, gray black, white and
and black. All new fall and winter models, at just combinations in
$2.98. fancy stripe effects. Tj-g
Choice $1.49. W—
•* $3 to $J All-Wool Sweaters All-Wool Suits Blue-Penciled to JF
$1.98 "* us t these all wool Suits in all, zh <«
'“ip and you know the fate of late comers. I I I stf
A maker’s sample Made of fine, iirm quality of serge, in plain
line of whatever we MW and fancy tailored models. Staple black, gray and navy.
3JJ had in stock now Coats satin lined and splendidly man tailored. Panel Jf 3
thrown out at $1.98. fIWMML.I style skirts. All of this season’s newness, and never sold
Some are slightly before for less than $14.95. All sizes for misses and worn-
soiled, others have en - Choice $lO.
just left their boxes. S 3
—jl and combinations. Wil Get a Winter Suit for Only jS
Many different kinds
and any woman or * * ni ’ ol 'filues in the sale. ji !■>
XW miss should easily Heavy all wool fabrics, neatly made coats JkZI. M
find what she wants. < ’ with panel skirts. Nobby mixtures in hair
2? Former values from MIIP ne e^ecls a tew * u solid colors. Colors are black,
$3 to $7; sale price navy, brown and gray. Sizes for misses and ladies. Only Sf’
tomorrow at $1.98. $4.95.
•-£ Nearly a Score of 15c to 25c Items at 10c 3?
111 Ladies cambric full size hemstitched Handkerchiefs. 10c. «
5* • hildren s Purses, with long cord handles: different colors. 1 I Iz*
10-yard bolt of Xmas Ribbons, in all the wanted colors, at 10c.
19e linen burlap and crash Pillow Tops, steamed’and stenciled, 10c, Wt-,
loe and 19c stamped Corset Covers, Centerpieces. Scarfs and Squares. W&
19c stamped union linen Huck Towel; full size. 18x36 in., only 10c.
J* 15c fine Irish Lawn Handkerchiefs, with lace edge, at 10c. ~ S?
10 dozen White Pearl Buttons, plain and fancy, slight ’‘seconds.” 5 s
edj I or 19c ( hild s Sewing Box, with two spools of thread, thimble, embroidery
buttons, hooks and eyes. In neat box. * f
Eor 19c and 25c fancy Pin Cushions, suitable for inexpensive gifts. ■£
Tj For 3 Fairy Toilet Soap. ‘Have you a Little Fairy in your Home?”
For 3 boxes Fairbank's ‘‘Gold Dust Twins” Washing Powder. JjC
1 -° r 4 Cakes Swift ’ s 5c p, ’ide Laundry Soap. A good soap.
- S JL VC k '° P 3 “ Pea, 'bne’' Washing and Cleansing Powder.
For 2 cans of “Polly Prim” 10c Cleanser. A dirt chaser. Sc
Sheeting 25c Curtain Ends, 39c. cq Pnhpc OR 2b
• „ „ . New lot just in. Worth in complete curtains KODeS J-
ni i »\ n from $2 to 84 a pair. These are travelers sain- Blanket Robes in new
full 9-4 'size.' Free" from pics, full width and about 1 3-4 yards long. In Patterns; soft and com- gjp
’=2 starch or dressing. A cream, white and ecru. Chiefly in Nottin»haius ro ° my , aad , well
good value. Each 39c. sp,endld value
White Goods Worth to 25c at 10c 39c Cover-All Aprons at 25c J;
Several thousand yards of fine white These are the large Amoskeag gingham JJF
pp goods in dimities, Luna lawns and madras. cover-all Aprons without sleeves. Complete SJ?
5» Variously in checks, stripes, dots law dr ,™ s P ri,,l ‘ction. Have deep pocket. Solid
stripes, etc. Fine for dresses, tea aprons etc “I' V'’ Cl °“ C L e " r f'? rt ' , A ? '“H 8 "’ 1 '? •£
Values to 25c, for just 10c. ValU6 ’ “° W f ° F the flrßt time at
$1.50 Umbrellas at 98c $1.50 Tie Sets 98c
3! The maker bought an importer's line of vLTL’m« et i s °^ t x’ T ckH and "?l tc hand ‘ 2r
~, i 1 , , kerchief with colored border to match. Pretty
/.i ” ‘ °n ia P rlce . fitted them combination sets in attractive Xmas boxes. Choice
to these umbrellas —the saving is yours. of blue, black, gray, purple, red. etc.
Chief!} in mission and natural wood handles, 25c AHrl BB
most of them silver or gold mounted. The urn- a ” Q OleeV JJJ >
brellas are American taffeta (cotton) covered. Full SllDDOrter bets 19c
size for men.
Men’s Hose Supporters and pair of Sleeve
£ Children’s 50c Umbrellas 39c ™ d w'' 3P e"i r "«%c’”" Or “‘ v,lue “
5 December Blanket and Bedding Sale ;
U. can expect cold weather I'rqni now on so this sale is very timely. sE
$1.25 Warm Comforts 98c 55 c Sheets at 39c 2-
The 145th woman won’t find any of these left • S 7 *
for we have just 12 dozen, and ever}- looker dozen of full double bed size, heavy
g e7wßh\uT;hit e B wt:rand B ‘X%X red - fl ”; Weight Bheetß ' Seain Center ’ fifaißhed With IF
$2.25 Beacon Robe Blankets $1.75 ! > 1 JK
, lOr fnr 12 1-2 c muslin Pillow Cases, finish-
. • Genuine Beacon Robe Blankets in ed with deep hem. Full size 42x36
1913 designs. Full size, fine for robe inches. BBT
'= or couch covers. Pretty styles In light . i 2 *
or dark colors. fiQz< t° r 7Bc seamless Sheets, double bed size
'..SB 81x90 inches. BBS
Cl QQ for $2.25 double bed Comforts, cover
tpi.UU ed „. lth fine (lgured S iik oltne Fll | pd __ o ..
with snow white cotton, stitched or iJ.Ov oatin opteaClS $4.4-0 >
.IB tufted.
JW (4CU. for children’s 75c ruffled Crib Com- Beautiful quality satin Marseilles crochet st?
MP forts, silkoline covered, white cotton ’ j n j ui v j • j SB
filled. spread; full double bed size, with hemmed
ks ftQr for G heavy fleece gray or tan cotton onrlc
-"J Blankets. <nas.
49c g'fe b’p | K ™ze deece slleet B'ankets. Sin- 50 , f ° r * 1,89 wllite hemmed double Bed
k;QQe for children’s 50c wool nap cotton Crib a «
’SS/C Blankets. Pink or blue patterns $1 39 fringe Bed Spread, large
* for children’s $1 Teddy Bear and other HC.
ha • nursery design Blankets. Large size 1 IQ for sl-75 colored fringe Spread, dou- Mr**
36x50 inches. pie bed size.
SB IQr for chl’dren's 25c fleece Blankets with OQ„ for $1 full size white crochet Bed 2 s *
—red or blue border. Out, Spread.
Rich’s Economy Basement