Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 10, 1912, HOME, Image 9

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HEMER TAX ISLONGOVERDUE Special Agent Named to Get Behind Savannah Dealers and Hasten Payment. Governor Brown has appointed Wil- Hain Brown, of Savannah, a special nt of the state to collect the near i„ tax from Savannah beer dealers, ~ r% little ot which has so far been remitted to the state treasury, notwith .tending the fact that it has been due since January 1. The Savannah near-beer dealers al ire backward about paying this / Heretofore it has been necessary to jog their memories in order to make them come to time, but never before have they been as late as they are this year. The law providing for the collec tion of this tax makes it the duty of the ordinaries of the counties to re ceive it. but provides no compensation to them for the same. In many coun ties. therefore, the ordinaries make lit tle or no effort to get the tax in hand, and in Chatham county no effort at all has been made, it appears. The state has had trouble collecting this tax in a number of counties. In Bibb It was necessary to make extraor dinary efforts to get it, and in Fulton the governor had to call the attention of Solicitor Dorsey to delinquents in order to make them pay up. The governor has instructed his spe cial agent in Chatham to get right in behind the tardy ones there, and make them pay the tax, without favor, imme diately. Special Agent Brown told the gov ernor lie would “smoke them all out at once." now that he is amply armed with executive authority. Under the law, Georgia near-beer dealers are taxed S3OO each. NO PEACE WORK IN 1912: NOBEL PRIZE IS HELD UP CHRISTIANA, Dec. 10. —The Nobel peace prize will not be awarded this year This is the first time since the establishment of the Nobel foundation, the first award of which was made in I'lol, that the committee of the Nor wegian parliament has found no person worthy of the award. The committee. In explanation of its action, merely states that it has decided that there has been “no work deserving of the prize.” It has been recommended that the' prize, approximating $40,000, shall be retained for the benefit of the founda tion fund. BLUE RIBBON AWARDED TO REGULAR HOBO CAT NEW YORK. Dec. 10.—A hobo cat, known as Waif, belonging to Mrs. T. J. Ketchen, took the blue ribbon from all >s pedigreed competitors at the cat fancier’s show as the best solid-colored short-haired cat. Mrs. Ketchen found ihe stray cat in her back yard a few months ago. CONGRESSMAN ACCUSED OF CAPITAL CAROUSALS WASHINGTON, Dec. IO. —Congress- men here without their wives neglect their duties for “carousals,” Minority header Mann told representatives in a speech that defeated the amendment to lower the twenty-cent mileage rate. $lO FOR RETURN OF WIFE; -NO QUESTIONS ASKED” SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10.—" Ten dollars reward for the return of my "fe, Mrs. Frank Nerney. No ques ions asked.” This is the ad put in the papers by Frank Nemey. He says she it a “movie maniac." \RadiantHomeHeat ers, Stoves & Ranges Although we have on the biggest toy display ever shown in the South, we are not neglecting our regu lar staple trade. We have on sample aU our celebrated Radiant Home Heaters, Hot Blasts, Open Franklins, Romeos— and are selling them every day. If you want to really enjoy a Merry Christmas—you must have a warm. cheerful home. One Radiant Home Heater will make it so. Now as never before the kitchen range is called upon to work overtime. Say. by the way, suppose you go in the kitchen and look at that old range now and see if it isn’t about gone. Here’s a chance to give the one who does the cooking a jolly surprise— and insure for them a Merry Christmas and lots of Peasant days in the new year. Phone your order — 'veil install any day you say. 1 or this week only our regular $45.00 Ran er*, oven 20x14, for $35 And a turkey roaster FREE with each range. terms " e are always willing and glad to divide the Payments to suit you on any heater, stove or i ariffe in the house. No office “red tape” neoofr sary -your account is good here. '“OU 11 find us as clever and accommodating " R any firm with whom you ever dealt. ptfikSW Remember IVe Sell Toys' Mghtower Hardware Co. L 90 Whitehall St. 90 Whitehall St No Use for Atlanta Girls to Set Caps for Lipton VOWS NEVER TO WED Atlanta girls lured by a longing to become Lady Lipton need waste no languishing glances on the knightly baronet who fills, but can not lift. cups. For he has sworn himself to single blessedness, and sworn it with a "big, big D” as that other sterling mariner, the captain of the Pinafore, "hardly ever did.” < Leap year has not died yet, though its condition is low at this time, but if it were the first of the magic fourth year January instead of waning De cember. the time would have no charm on Sir Thomas. He has sailed the sea of life without consort so far, and he’s had such fair weather and favorable wind that he’ll be scuttled before he takes on any extra cargo when port’s in sight, fo’ard light is shining bright and all’s well. He made his anti-matrimonial decla ration on his way tjoward Atlanta, and he made it so emphatic that he was forced to resort to “cussing" to give force enough to his declaration. It wasn’t any knightly swearing, either. like "by my halldome, St. George and Merry England, I say it’s all rot.” He used a good round honest to goodness “damn,” and he didn’t spell it like they do in English novels when Sir Ponsonby Cholmondley says “damme, sir, she’s a ripper.” The statemnet was made in reference to a widely circulated report that he was engaged to wed a prominent young society woman of Denver. When asked about It, he said—and he said it like he meant every word of it, including the big, big D: “These rumors lire coining up all the time. There have been hundreds of SWALLOWS BRIDGE AND TEETH WHILE ASLEEP CHICAGO, Dec. 10. —W’ith a bridge and four teeth In his stomach. Julius Stott will submit to an X-ray examina tion today. He swallowed the teeth while sleeping. R. F. Jones. . R 65 died at his home. -27 South Pryor street, yesterday e fteraoon at 3 o’clock. He is survived bv nlB wife and four brothers. The body will be sent to Fayetteville for funeral and interment. i HfiP PV CHILD IMiFfHOUIIS When Cross, Sick, Feverish, Tongue Coated or Bilious Give Delicious “Syrup of Figs.’’ Mother! look at the tongue! see If it is coated. If your child Is listless, drooping, isn't sleeping well, Is restless, doesn’t eat heartily or Is cross, irrita ble, out of sorts with everybody, stom ach sour, feverish, breath bad: has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, or is full of cold, it means the little one’s stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels are filled with poisons and dogged up waste and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. Give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs, and in a few hours the foul, decaying constipated matter, undigested food and sour bile will gently move on and out of its little bowels without nausea, grip ing or weakness, and you will surely have a well and smiling child shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drug ging your children, being composed en tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro matics It can not be harmful, besides they dearly love its delicious taste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It is the only stomach, liver and bowel cleanser and regulator needed —a little given today will save a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the package. Ask your druggist for the full name, “Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna,” prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This is the delicious tasting, gen uine old reliable. Refuse anything else offered. (Advt.) THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1912. them. So far as 1 am concerned my self, I don't care, but it is damned em barrassing to the young woman. I merely met her and her family in Eng land and told them good-bye. Why. the girl is only a young thing.” Despite his 62 years. Sir Thomas has always been considered one of the world's most eligible bachelors. He has a title and he’s got money, a combina tion as rare as the girl who is beautiful and can cook and is kind to her mother. Hut Atlanta swains need have no fear. His declaration >as been made, and he has sworn it with a big, big D. OLS ‘— ANY “30 SECONDS FROM ols ‘— ANY MCCONNELL’S McCONNELL’S Fryer and Decatur 8te n 30 ■eooade Fro m Five Point*. I* I M F ■ 111 118 I % I W I ■ 111 !■ I ■> Pryor and Decatur Bte., 30 Seconds From Fire Faiate. The urteet Clothing and thee store in the South The u^e!l clotWnj ShM S| „ re iq |||e e something that will be serviceable, something that I o? • va hie to the recipient—a Suit. Overcoat. Hat. WW** Shirt, Tie or pair of shoes. We have the largest stock in Atlanta to select from and at the lowest prices. Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes sl2-50 and $15.00 Offl We have the most complete stock of |H Men’s and Young Men’s Suits and Over- H coats. I MM \w $12.50 and $15.00 , . A few minutes with us will convince you OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT—Christmas Gifts in Footwear | XBpjftiA Which are appreciated by the entire family. /CXf t.,? 7 r*P uta * ion . wc ar ; kn “"" »o have the largest Shoe Store in the ' SflWhS”* e ™ nes “ ,I,e toweßt ■■ y Black, tan, patent, gun.metal and viei kid. in button and la.e. Z SPECIALS FOR THE HOLIDAYS / A Women’s Shoes ci,« B Jfegy I $2.50 and $3.00 Beit«r Mme $2.50 and $3.00 I W w' ""o'"CHRISTMAS. I specials y||d I fgWjIMS Children S Clothing in In Novelty Furnishings H I I up-to-date styles and -Ai’T'Ul colorings at the lowest Up-to-date Fancy Silk Neck- v 4 I Mr prices ' Mothers are in - wear 5c and SOc - i Our underw ear at sOc a I n »O • garment is the best value I I B w Boys Suits from in Atlanta. I 1 ® 9 $2 to $lO Sweaters of all kinds \VmBIU 1 I 1 Mailorders I OlsanCo |k| El R SCOlsanCo. „ A J J Promptly Filled Successors to IVI IwlwEm Em Lb Successors to I Orders Promptly Filled I THE MONEY SAVING STORE P T J -“"S Pryor and Decatur Streets Thirty Seconds from Five Points The Largest Clothing and Shoe Store in the South I BURGLARS IN AUTO LOOT STORE OF SB,OOO GEMS IN DAYLIGHT CINCINNATI. Dec. 10.—Three dia mond thieves held up Adrian B. Rocher, clerk for Adolph Weil, diamond dealer and jeweler, at 1730 Vine street here yesterday at the point of guns and looted the store, safes and show win dows of $3,000 worth of diamond rings and other diamond jewelry. The thieves made their escape in a waiting automobile. PASTOR SAYS PROFANITY PROVES CIVILIZATION ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10.—Rev. R. A. Clark in an address declared profanity was a proof of advancing civilization. WOMAN’S PLEA FOR LIBERTY BELL WINS PHILADELPHIA MAYOR PHILADELPHIA, Dec 10.—Mayor Blankenburg has given his unquali fied indorsement to the proposal to send the Liberty Bell to the Panama- Pacific International exposition in San Francisco in 1915. The mayor announced his position after listening to a plea for the historic relic from Mrs. Emma Doane, an ex position representative from San Fran cisco. Before him in his reception room stood an immense reel, around which was wound a petition for the bell signed by 500,000 school children of California. WIFE HAS GEORGIAN, IN RENO FOR DIVORCE, PUT UNDER ARREST SAVANNAH, GA., Dec. 10.—County Detective Thomas J. Kay is on his way to Reno. Nev., with requisition papers and a copy of an indictment against John Shroder. who has been arrested there at. the instigation of local authorities, charged with the abandonment of his wife and child. Schroder is in Reno for the purpose of securing a divorce. A habeas corpus petition for the dis charge of Schroder has been filed in Reno in an effort to stay the proceedings aaginst him. Schroder went to Reno eight months ago. and after residing there for six months instituted divorce pro ceedings on the ground of desertion. He and his wife had already been separated for some time. Schroder will make de termined resistance against coming back to Georgia. WIFE, USED AS HORSE ON i PLOW, GRANTED DIVORC LISBON, OHIO, Dec. 10.—A divort was granted to Emma Zimmerman b< cause her husband hitched her to plow and used her as the "off horse.”" BIG AUDIENCE SEES GOOD SHOW AT THE POPULAR BONTTi one of.the largest crowds of the ses ■son was on hand yesterday to witne* the opening performance of “The Kins of Black Wellis” at The Bonita Theatel 32 Peachtree street. The play is one of the best seen heli this season and was greatly enjoyed. 1 On Thursday the bill will change anl •Family Jars" will be the attraction fc| the balance of the week. Motion pies tures are shown between each shoWi (Advt.)