Newspaper Page Text
£ M. RICH & BROS. CO. = i
- —————— BJ
Silk Prices Slashed to S h r e d s |
In the Second Big Day of Rich's S
I re=lnventory Silk Sale!
Silks Make Delightful Xmas Gifts, Sit
and at these prices your gift will cost just half; 2c
or better, you can give two gifts instead of one. Sf
Told the story yesterday—we’re putting stocks to rights in anticipation of er;
inventory —a bare three weeks awav.
following out* annual custom, therefore, we have slashed prices on thou- MT;
sands of yards of silks, and also on trimmings and robes. JC
Most stores wait until after inventory in January to reduce their prices,
we reduce them now to help you plan for Xmas. Thousands of our custom
er- have learned that Rich's Pre-Inventory Silk Sale provides acceptable Sr
Xmas gifts at very little cost. '
—Sale started today, but choosing will be equally good tomorrow, and now
that the first rush is over you can choose more leisurely. Select from these:
$3 cashmere de soie—a rich black silk. $1.49.
$2.50 silk eharmeuse in light blue colors.' $1.19.
•>9e moire silks in black, white and colors. 23c. SSr
$1 to $1.50 fancy silks 19 to 27 inches wide. 49c.
$2.50 to $3.00 crepe meteor, with hair-line stripes, $1.49. •
$2.25 black cashmere eharmeuse. 44 inches. $1.29. iRT’
S2O to $45 dress patterns, all imported, at $9.95. JJs
sls to $27 dress patterns, all imported, at $6.95.
$35 to $65 Paris semi-made tunics and robes, at $14.75.
Trimmings 9c. worth to 50c; 59e. values to $2, etc.
P. S. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. S'
Silk Annex. Left Aisle. Main Floor. eT
Sample Line of Doll Carriages and Go-Carts S
at Savings of a Third to a Half
•—Every year in consideration of past business 2"
given and future business expected this maker—at the end ■ ■ ' - “T’’ -
of his season—sends us his sample line of carriages and yo- aT / 4 w f ’
carts at something less than a third under price. We. in \ I
turn, pass the saving on to you. So tomorrow you may xl/NtKjKa|J| f er ~
choose from some 200. b®zZ
English Carriages---Doll Carts--- jfitW
Collapsible Go-Carts er"
at a third to a half less than regular prices. \'a- JJI
rously in leather and wicker with steel and rubber tired
sd wheels; some styles rigid; others collapsible. Black b£
ami leading colors in every wanted size. BTZ
Pay as little as 50c for a $1 cart: 9<Sc for a $1.50 buggy, and so on. step 2
hy '!< ]>. up to $6.50 for a $lO vehicle.
Purchases will be laid aside and delivered when wanted.
Toyland Annex. Main Floor. ert
_________ jl
An Outclearing of 200 Suits at d*l t «
Whose prices should be $25 to $35 AO «
f , ff?
Some of these suits are makers’ surplus stocks which we ir
sold recently for sl9.values s2;> to s3.>. Others are stragglers from our J. ■>
own stocks, chiefly $25 suits. And Jhere is one small sample line but re-
XL cently received which contains suits that earlier in the season would have £
I\wk $ A been strong $25 to $35 values. About 200 suits in all. and rare savings for
i vW It J* l ' woman "h" wants a new suit or the woman who wains a second suit
111 A/ \ w hh which to finish the season. wtZ
I j (6w'| | Choose from broadcloths, boucles, mixtures, two-tone diagonals, serges, cheviots, STL
// mannish suitings, etc. Straight cut and cutaway models, coats silk and satin lined, many
Ij ' Ii VJ finished with shields. Styles and sizes for all. some suits plain as a pipe stem; others
IJ elaborately braid and velvet trimmed with silk frogs, etc. Leading colors and plenty of
■*!» the staple navy blues, blacks and browns. Choice sls.
, Sl
tO Waists for Maids’ Xmas Gifts
season we sell a great many of black sateen and soiselte JJs»
waists as gifts for maids. The styles this year are in plain and plaited
with hrnli neck and long sleeves. Smartly tailored. All sizes $1 and $1.50. M'.'
j ’ 2
$25 to $35 Coats at Just $19.75 S
S|| i-plus stocks of several of our best makers: every wanted style and material is rep- BWC
■’"* l b'd. Some 2(10 in all. in sizes for misses and women.
Ready-to-Wear. Second Floor.
way; by no better method can Real Estate be
bought, sold, rented, or exchanged, than
through the Real Estate columns of THE
Under the management of Bart Glenn,
the Gay.-ty, 98 Whitehall street, is rap
idly becoming a favorite with the la
dies and little folks, as only the clean
est and best comedy that can be se
cured is ever presented, and every one
<>f Bart Glenn’s hundreds of friends
knows that this policy will prevail as
long as he is connected with the house.
The play this week is “On Circus
r>aj,’’ a bright, snappy musical comedy,
presented by the Southern Beauty Com
I'he best of motion pictures are
shown between every performance.
One of the largest crowds of the sea
son was on hand yesterday to witness
the opening performance of "The King
of Black \\ ellis" at The Bonita Theater.
32 Peachtree street.
I he play is one of the best seen here
this season and was greatlv enjoyed
__ On Thursday the bill will" change and
Family Jars” will be the attraction for
the balance of the week. Motion pic
tures are shown between each show
The first consideration-at the Zakas
Bakery is purity, and the sec
>nd, which is just as important
and as rigorously observed, is cleanli
ness. These features, combined with
the thorough knowledge of the baking
business of Philip Thompson, the Bos
ton exp. it, guarantee all that goes to
make the products of this bakery the
best to be had anywhere. *
the store, 30 Peachtree street
Fite Points—make one purchase and
you will cal! again. (Advt.)
When the Panama,canal bill Was
signed, it was a great step toward
increasing the commerce of the
United States with foreign coun
tries. < >ur business with the people
of this town has been increasing
yearly because they know that we
sell only goods of merit. That is
hov we have built up our business.
We hope you will visit us without
92 Whitehall St.
This Allen Sale Is One of
Great Importance To You
Dresses, Suits and Coats Reduced
S we near the < hristmas time the* buying time is at hand—l lie time when the wise shopper gets an early
start. I here arc* many things to be purchased at this seasun, and the provident shopper appreciates
tile value of a sale* of this kind at this season.
Every Suit and Every Dress Will Be Sold at Great Reduction!
k\e*ry article in this sale* is of our regular stock, meaning that they are standard in quality and sure in
fashion. 1 hey were sele*ete*d when best makers had full assortments. They were chosen bv the lijghest
lashion authority. Quite likely, here are the* very dresses or suits that von have wanted to buv, but hesi
tated because the* price was once beyond your financial plan. \<»t so todav.. You mav choose* liberallv. ac
cording to your fancy, and calculate* for one-third, or. in maiiv instances, one-hall less than early season
Great Reductions on Suits
$25.00 Suits $12.50 $45.00 and $47.50 Suits..’ $29.50
$30.00 and $35.00 Shits sl9 50 - , ,
$30.00 and $35.00 Suits $22.50 alld $ Suits $34.50
$37.50 ami $40.00 Suits $26.50 SOO.OO and $05.00 Suits $39.50
Choice of any Novelty Suit that formerly sold from $07.50 to $95.00, for $44.50
Street Coats Reduced
Ihe street coat in popular favor is that of rough diagonal satin lined. A large* [of of these* high equality
coats have* been redue*ed for this sale. Formerly (MC* /T/A
priced $18.50, $20.00 and $22.50. They arc* now
- Second Floor
Christmas Furs
.Reyillon is the name on a fur that settles argument. If it’s Revillon, it's good. It it’s at ALLEN’S,
it’s in fashion.
Buy a set for Iler Christmas (lift. It's the* surest thing you might choose, the certain thing to please,
lor every woman adores a handsome* set of furs.
Fur Sets
Mink Scarfs from $50.00 to $185.00 Black Box Muffs from $15.00 to $ 55.00
Mmk Muffs from *. 50.00 to 185.00 \| n i p 9-v nn
Lynx Scarfs from 45.00 to 195.00 ‘ ’’ th 2o 0 ° to 185 00
Lynx Muffs from . 45.00 to 125.00 Sets from 65.00 to 350.00
Black Box Scarfs from 15.00 to 65.00 Hudson Seal Set s from 50.00 to 125.00
A few Novelty Sets of Burs in Mole*. Hudson Seals and Civet Cat Combinations.
Fur Coats
Our selection of Bur Coats is now compfete. Pony Coats, Breach Seal Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, As
trakan Coats, Moleskin Coats—all at reasonable price’s.
Pony Skin Coats s4s.oo to $ 97.50 Hudson Seal Coats sl9s.oo to $450.00
French Seal Coats 75.00 to 165.00 Moleskin Coats 125.00 to 300.00
—Second Floor.
Special Reductions On Evening Dresses
\V<* have reduced all evening dresses, as figures below will tell. The very special number that we’d
like* to say much about is a very popular one*. so much so that we’ve sold out ami ordereel anew. That’s
why we offer you dresses just in at a reduction price. Ami while* they belong to the same* led, the
designs are different. Black, white. American Beauty, and all evening shades. Trimmed with shadow
la<*<* floum-ing and Howers at the corsage*. Value. $35 ami S4O. To sell for $19.75. - Third Floor.
J' Allen & Co. . . . 51-53 Whitehall Street
Umbrella Sale
Our New York office sends us three hundred pieces of fine Umbrellas,
bought from the best manufacturers in the line at 25 PER CENT less than
regular. We are going to give you the benefit of this purchase by offer
ing you the same reduction in price. In other words, here’s the story:
LADIES’ and MEN’S fine gold-filled and sterling sil
ver mounted or best quality GUARANTEED SILK,
that sold at $5.00 V 7 • 9
LADIES’ and MEN’S gold-filled and handsome sterling
silver handles that SOLD AT $7.50, tomorrow O
LADIES’ and MEN’S EXTRA FINE quality of guar
anteed silk with handsome sterling silver and gold
filled handles. They would BE CHEAP AT SIO.OO, to- w /
morrow ... 9 •
LADIES’ long gold-filled and sterling silver handles.
Very handsome. All with guaranteed silk. Sold at
$15.00 Umbrellas $20.00 Umbrellas
STS3 Whitehall Street