Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 12, 1912, EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11
« HIGH-CLASS DRAMAS fl\D A SCENIC AT THE ■ MONTGOMERY B. w .nuerful One-Horse Shay,” a B ji.a; "Fate’s Decree,” a Pathe B ' - A Sunday Afternoon in ■ ’i’ng .'il" an Edison scenic pro- H\ the splendid offering at the H, , .- v theater Thursday. They B they are all clean; they B '< entertaining. In fact, Mont- B-.. -V ere.luces nothing but the best. B tr“ is censored by the man- p. ;,e e being thrown on the canvas t l . p • übl 1 < he music of the excellent or- B it gives a real feeling to the H -mn of the picture. (Advt.) |c COURSE YOU WANT ■ THE best - zakas HAS IT ■p ~, . as the meat inspector did B ■ -atisagc, eat it as a test and j-,,. th, doctor. Go to D. Zakas’ B i', ,miltree street —Five Points m ,h... bread, buns, rolls, cookies B -that you know are good and B Vei. a ill be pleased, your family B pleased, and the doctor —lie B Th.' “tily chance he has to win B i. „ you eat too much of the de- B . ..lucts of this bakery. (Advt.) K|[ I WILL CHANGE AT ■THE BONITA THEATER ON THURSDAY ■ King of P.lack Weills,” one of li ; musical comedies ever seen B ■. i ..i.,. will be presented for |he ■ ibis s ason at The Bonita I "Family Jars," another big R , ss, will take its place for B . ,ii<> of the week. ■ a a Kenna Musical Comedy ■ | and the famous "Aviation B ploying to be the most B ,i inpant of players ever seen | i i i>it ti e Bonita don’t forget B or the new motion pictures ■ eiiow every performance. ■SOUTHERN BEAUTY CO.’ [MAKES GOOD AT THE GAYETY THEATER I ”. ge 1. I ,’' :i, up-to-date comedy, B ”.y girls and catchy songs in [|.' "it can’t beat the Southern B. ■ ■'■ 1 'otnpany. now; apt ea ■- |. ’l' <’>\i' ty, 98 Whitehall street. R • ■ e. iie under th-, man ic f I’ll; G'enn. I ■ i - ci, is entitled "< >r I i.-- to .vn \ >v. i : = ■'« I •ill cl | MB 9 I I di Giesfflsry OQn § Ito, pound wvu | I Gash GroceryConiuaiiy u | HMM Whitehall Street Tell . Your : Real Estate | Dealer &W Saw His Ad In The Georgian ht>ist that he advertise l y°ur property in the ?<ip'r the class you "•'mt to reach read the TliOst - | That’s The Georgian !i this vicinity, because 11 goes to the man at b r;u ‘tic;d]y the only ’ ,,IP he has to read —in the Evening Georgian Vhck sales the rule 1 *”« ( h'orgian Heal Es tato ,\ ( j s g 2 gS C Great Purchase of $7 Wi Jewelry Novelties WB fSF’ Special ton, While b. Sa ‘ e . S( l C They RR Price Vs Last J r/A w * + - • AM 0 UM-Ayri ’ •' e again wen* fortunate in securing the over-stock of a big "jM A •Jewelry concern at such a concession in price that we can give - : A“J ? • VOH ’he best values you have ever seen in .Jewelry. Gold-top Jewel- I’JpV St, ‘. rlin " si!v '’ r .Jewelry anti stone set novelties of all kinds. . ' his offering is just in the right time for you to stive money and get -’he Pettiest of Christmas novelties. Sale begins at 8 o’clock to- V/irK' morrow, Thursday. - ” W. . * Bfc **A 0 •’ (/I J. MJ ;Mwk jftf " ———'■ ; 't —■■ 11 ■—■ i ■ I t | Handsome Gifts for the Home I I rxtreme’y Low Prices and Terms to Suit You I Sa House 1* urniture and Home burnishings are the IDEAL CJiristmas Gifts. And consider- I K ing the quality, you can't buy th-v things in Atlanta at anything like the SPECIAL CHRIST- I I '? S J I ‘ ,rEs wp are oaring them for. We have facilities for buying at ROCK-BOTTOM | ■ I’RK i'.S. we are outside the high rent district, and we do a large business on a small profit: that K ■ is WHY we are able to offer you DECIDEDLY the best prices on EVERYTHING. And be- I I sales this, we will be glad to charge what you buy. and will divide the payment TO SUIT YOU. Il A We appreciate your business, and. therefore, offer you EVERY INDUCEMENT to trade here. H b 'ii you SEE our goods and Compare them with what you are offered elsewhere, you’ll I 11IEX realize how much you can save by buying from us. g •• r -«.-•*«■( -■■■iiirw, --i ii —rmrrj ~n r-irr. jj—■- -it ~———————l ’’ For ONE MOP-K WEEK we will give to every purchaser of $25.00 or I SCmi more, a 56-piece White and Gold Fine China Dinner Set. >4 g 1- —m-iiWTnn«—-wui. juiw—i. If-I—Hl . JIHILI ll——mm n——„ « a -ras-rtw.=MK«-ra . < BjraaN aarMrnn>jMaßßia»r«ißaamMßammaamamaaauoamßam>"< , 1 n IM . — ~.a—!_ -l-j-ju-i—l— i ii icoiher Would Like ; A Handsome Chifforobe h a McDougall Cabinet For Father or Brother s i-j'jAJMiJ Ifiiiß IwlPi i bfc-ASf Ili : is3il fl I 1138 i .. .. I s tBBBB I K This is ii’iixsally aeknowh ilgeit i he :WM?.ffifcgyfry F a te.'-t C'l'i l.i' . Ci.lilph t.- Kitchen Cab- L inet ever made. It has removable drop flour bin • glass jars for sugar, coffee. 1» tea and spices; large drawers; cake Bb ■ and bread boxes; metal plated, dust- , „ | , A Genuine $2i,50 Chifforobe for $lB. That’s the kind H proof sliding biscuit board, extra top of va ] lJ( » s we g j ve yon j y h j 8 chifforobe has 5 deep ■ to prevent dust getting into drawers; drawers, largo hat box, wide clothes closet for hold- ■ In fact, evervthing that goes to make '”K •' to s suits, and represents convenience in per il Cabinet perfect is here. Solid oak SpSkL™ I ®.™.’ $1 8.00 H with 3-ply veneer back of seasoned ’ »w oak; $22 up. SPECIAL (|* “1 Other styles of Circassian walnut, golden oak, a LEADERS for $25 and . I .9U mahogany and early English. \fc i»■■—««—■■■ l m i misamm. ii t mi nn ■mmi—i—m—M— —»■—■—m—m— i————ma——■ ———mm— I f-jrt ■ !-■ An Empire Range An Easy Kelly or i ,or ths Morris Push-Eiitton Chair M Christmas Dinner w. i™.,.« tre . i mendous as- aw— rm— goMMMMMMa • Ig,' I We guarantee this S — —"~TH ftllllmlL Rangp *° Ufie IPKH sortment » f l I 1 an< J -tvv better KELLY and [ - [ J satisfaction than any MORR Isi ijfcpfeSll I 9 Other Range, regard- CHAIRS at cut I '' I W less "* slZl '»'■ price. ■■ ; •• fcamraa ..W4»Mailaß e? , . prices. These ■ Eay. i ASpwEJjf a It is made of the best ■ jflMf’dlwM Steel, and lias th.. are ,lle ,inest I , I finest Steel trim- chairs eve r [ 1 | mings. 14 to 20-inch built, and| Ijr % ovens. We will re-- TOa ke elegant fiaaasa -m—— place worn parts any ifts Ha c k - time within reason. * it is made especially for VS. and we guarantee it it- conforms to body. With or without push S±.r:iT l: ' r Y“ h "U <w . $29.50 12.50 Up m—— I Our $5.00 Leather Rockers for $2.98, and our $6.00 Ladies’ Writing Desks in all woods for $3.98 are the talk of the town. If you want one, you’d better HURRY. EMPIRE COMPANY II I Open 129 131 Whitehall Street I Unl,7 Xmai | MilcheU SK an<J Trinity 4pe _ <he Payment. I IHE ATI,ANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. 7~W£ STORE OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT | M. RICH & BROS. CO. | i »<• ' : 4— fl IJ Mighty Outclearing of Suits S ' "JMI ——• MM—M—MM— j January and February Prices in December 2| J* —More than 400 suits now marked at outclearing prices. 'Bi —M°st of them are makers’ surplus stock and sample lines on which we to make a profit; the rest of them are our own good suits which we sacrifice because the season wanes. —All the suits are a third to a half—and even less —than the prices you wou ld have paid a month ago. All the suits are in perf et styles; the greater part have been in the house less than 30 days. All grouped under these three prices: 2jp» * N- ar Hilf ond L ess Than Half Prices 2* ™< rs /K [MI ’ s ie price selected to move f \. JC te* , ha I L— some 200 suits that earlier #, 1 \ 'Wr H I i n ii ie season would have \ £ AVr sold at $25, S3O and $35. & 6 Lj // SP //) bmA \ Some are a maker’s can- ;• p/ Sg* /'/ f I col,C( i orders of suits recently acquired, oth- f f 2J I I J U ers are part of our New York purchases W • ' JC m Jfi. u ’!- ch werc 011 sale at values $25 to 1 'JE Ti le res t ar e stragglers from regular 4H lines, consisting chiefly of $25 suits. I - Vfl Styles and sizes for all in broadcloths, I / mixtures, boucles, two-tone diagonals, serges, I A gC 'to cheviots, etc. Straight cut and cutaway | \ sto -I models, plain or with braid and frog and vel- I 1\ 3** 2? h vet trimmings. All colors and plenty of the I l\ JC I j/ staple black, navy and brown. Values to $35 I \ 'S for Suits Formerly SQE for Suits Formerly S': • S Priced U P to $ 75 Priced U P to M 5 t IHe cheapest suit in this lot is $45; a few More than 100 of these suits, whose prices ! are $75; the greater part are SSO to $65. All have been clipped from $35, S4O and $45 to . bear the original tickets, and the special sale i . e . 1,18 collection is of peculiar interest to those | price ticket of $35 you can see exactly who desire exclusive and beautiful suits. what the savings arg. There are fancy models in this lot that you will ®L. r- • fln( j on[y j n the exclusive Fifth Avenue shops; toT a few imported models in the lot, and copies many others are plain with the severitv only pos- Bt* ' of Poriet, Bernard and Amy Linker. Cutaway, sible to the best tailoring ' S’* Empire, Directolre and severely tailored mannish The suits are all from our regular makers, and S 5 * coats. Styles as elaborate or as plain as yot\ their duplicates have sold freely at $35 to $45. please. In ultra fashionable materials as well as Every wanted material, style and color, we believe, S** e* staple serges, diagonals and broadcloths. Leading is represented and nearly every woman can be colors and black, navy and brown. suited. Choice $25. (Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor) Wonderfully Good Coats at sls A Gift of Hud- W 1 t glorious assem blag eof D £ SE to 1 coats that are the last word in style HU I S I daUlTie and material at sls. Styles and sizes ii i, v • 2E suitable for the miss of 14 to 17 or the grown woman. W OU1(1 he a Xmas gill in- Choice just sls. deed! All of Hudnut’s fa- The stvles and materials will please the mous preparations are now 3? most exacting. There are shaggy zibelines, soft, luxu- 0,1 display. Just now Hudnut rious camelshair, striking chinchilla and boucles, bas a special demonstration in stunning black and white stripe and two-tone diago- our Center Aisle of all his toilet nf, J s and chinchillas, solid color serges, broadcloths preparations and perfumes. Many jto and diagonals, smart imported English coatings—in of the articles are in charming TB short, every material that has been pronounced sash- Christmas containers. Os special ionable and right. Styles include belted and plain interest for Xmas gifts are: 2* coats, tailored coats and others with wide revers and Toilet Waters. 75c and $1.25; collars of cloth, corduroy or velvet. Half lined with Sachet Bags, $1.50; Perfumes, edj satin or self materials, unlined and full lined. Every 50c to $5. ip smart color and combination. Center Aisle. (Center Aisle. Main Floor.) J" Q’l U Encore Sale of Xmas Silk Hose 5; -=jp Oliver IVI e Sll This sale was held last Friday, when it JJp D g-j-o. A Q loi rained “cats and dogs.” The sale is now re- <2 Dell'S. /A OaiC peated, in response to many requests. 'Am Silver mesh bags of the right a<i>od rc-n i • 2r* style and quality are rather A DOX OF bilk btockings, scarce, so we feel proud to offer 3 Pairs to Box, for $2.25 , such a variety at these under- g?* prices: Just to stimulate early Xmas buying, to $1 48 for $2.50 German sil- we make this great offer for tomorrow only. 3 The Htoekingsar. a perfect SIOO grade. Made it Jg Fas CO /IQ for $3.50 German sil- pure thread silk. All have lisle heels, soles and toes to gp i® q>4&.T’O ver bags in the new insure wear. Choice of lisle or silk garter tops. High UH Armor unbreakable mesh. Plain and spliced heel. Usually SI.OO, sold in box of three (by MT embossed 5 and 6-inch frames. the box only) for $2.25. No phone or mail orders. , CQ r for misses’ $1 mesh bags "«2 si,. $1.25 Silk Stockings, 83c g 5; SM” 1 .lock »r silk storking, k„..wn „ r „ m . t .h. HI” < I® CQ QQ for German silver P rade - 1 his means that the stockings have not been to '+t»s»yO mesh bags worth to thoroughly examined for defects, and it is possible Sr jto s*’>-50. In the new Armor and unbreak- that one pair in ten may show a slight imperfection. 3* nto a h' e mes h wit h wide ball fringe oh Our personal inspection shows the stockings to be ab- bottom. Six-inch frame unUned. solutely p er fect-look them over for yourself. TH These stockings are made of a firm quality pure thread gjU" ’njg silk ln a full, plump weight. Full fashioned and finely finished. to U JI « • e Some have lisle feet and garter tops; others are all silk 'to is fl fl f| KPr'ClllPl'S throughout. All have high spliced silk heels. Colors are 1 1 v*ll W V" * V lIIVIC Drown, tan, sky, pink, taupe, black and white. All sizes Bto , 10 - - X,ot a stocking in the lot Is worth regularly less than $1; HZ to /Are Always uiyaoie nianj ai .,. worth $l5O . the average ls oo nr v .H Almost a quarter of a million here, ~a sllv |t 25 . Choice OoC Yto 10c to $25. -J > 5 ,L,K noor) Men’s 50c Silk Hose, 29c 5 - ** nr I 1 Called “seconds,” but the hurts are hard to find. 1 OVI3.nCI F° r wearing or gift purposes they are as good as JjQ •-5? 4 oys and Happiness for all. Great variety in solid colors and black and accordion and Tovland Annex. Main two tone effects blax?k and red, brown and blue, etc. All pure r thread silk with lisle soles and tops. A box of a half dozen H.- lOOT. XJt.ri. pairs would please him immensely. (Hosiery—Main Floor) RICH & BROS. EVERV liyU-MT HAS A MEANING GEORGIAN Mw AU ITS OWN 13OT L I TEUEPHONES 8000 11