Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 12, 1912, EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12

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i Looking
■ for
You’ll find a com
plete list of all desirable
furnished, unfurnished,
housekeeping rooms
and rooms with board
in this page today, and
every day.
Read The Georgian
“For Rent” Ads when
you want to rent any
thing under the sun.
| Who
1 Make
' Money
On limited capital are
those always o n the
lookout for snaps of ail
kinds. In this day and
age the WANT AD
pages is the only place
a complete list is ever
! offered.
In Atlanta
The Georgian
the Largest
List Is Found
! Georgian
People look to whenever
they want to buy. sell,
trade, rent, get help or a
No matter what your
I WANT is. a Georgian Want
l Ad will get it.
For Voor
Want Ads will be taken
over the telephone any time
and an “Accommodation
j Account’’ started with you.
All “Accommodation Ac
I count hills arc payable
I when bills ar« presented
V\ant Ada wiil be taken
I up to 1 o clock on the <lav of
ssWfe ■ -Wwlßilwroßt I
A “ Twas the night before Christinas, and all through the house!
• a crea^ure was s ti rrin g, not even a mouse.'’ I
vef y tirst line of this Christmas Classic brings up a vivid picture to every I
IIW $ mind. The bustle—-the cheery charm—-the delightful expectancy of this joyous I
Tahk VeS» celebration. Don’t let Santa Claus find you napping. Be entirely ready. We’ll I
Urv help. Tin's store belongs to Santa Claus from now till Christmas. We’re right on I
*/ f\\ the i°b rea dy to serve you with, the best we’ve got every hour in the dav. Ke- |
'A ■' ? member, if you are on our books in good standing YOU DON’T NEED MONEY I
i ?/) to get our goods. Your good credit is good enough for us. Buy what you want and I
TAKE ALL NEXT YEAR TO PAY, if you wish. Come and look over our I
store. A hearty welcome awaits you, whether you buy or not. We just feel like I
shaking your hand, anyhow.
“Rish the Button and Furniture
j ,lst "npaeked.
A' \D a/”* I • Fumed Oak and
ury\ URestChairs ~„l v K „ Klis , i
WliA.rsMßs.-iX THE PUSH BUTTOH " ’
11 'X K, *° Settees, (’hairs.
Roeke rs. Ta-
I $ a Wim bles. Stands.
IWr MR}) Good goods of
/ejl; . }|i”~n 'l’udity
|J • ‘ ifgsa i usl '’’ gh ’
s' J 1,11 Ifr 11 library, living
| T. F*ot Rest Sll4m
Mt at statu room, den
Prices are
now way down.
Royal “Pushbutton” Chairs
.iiv the de luxe Morris, improved to the extrem
es; comfort point. Fully guaranteed never to
gel out of order. Simple, comfortable, d*| *7 rn
handsome, serviceable. (p from
Some Gift Suggestions
fable (’hair Heater
Sewing Rocker Oil Heater
Sewing Table Kitchen Cabinet
Lace Curtains Gas Portable
Portieres Book Case
Art Square Tabourette
Bedroom Suit Pieturf.
Dining Suit Card Table
Sideboard Fancy Lamp
China Closet Ladies* Desk
Sewing Table Cedar Chest
Dining Table Shirtwaist Box
Dinner Gong Brass Crib
Electrolier Brass Bed
Range Cheval Mirror
Stoves and Ranges
You’ll Like Them
Headquarters on these essentials to a Happy
Christmas. We are exclusive Agents for the fa
mous Ruck's Ranges, the white lined kind, and
for Cole’s Hot Blast Heaters, the most perfect
burning heaters in the world, and sole owners of
our own celebrated Eagle line of which more than
50 carloads are in use in Atlanta today.
SI.OO a week takes your choice
4% QnSavings
A Ghristmas Message
, A gift that will build Character and
= give your boy or Kiri permanent Http- I
* pineaa is an ideal gift. You can't hang -
I i I ..X Happiness on a Christmas tree or tie
l| l\ Character in a box with pink ribbons. 11l llf
I h ’jtervr/ ,l "’ you can Btve th, ‘ e,l,l<l M,,np,h, ”g
n ft ,hat " ill 1,10,1,11 character and help him
“ 11!l l’l' i,,pst ‘- Start a Savings \cconnt
| 1,1 name. Teach him to be promt
I ,f 1,1 an<l ,llen watch It grow as he
grows. 11l fl
g!t I I\L Sariny /a the Cornerstone of
* 'llL*<>»-». Success.
think it OVER MJL
— I
I Travelers Bank and Trust Co.
—’TT- • 'CT* -w- •*—
* 4—~
FREE! Dinner Set FREE!
i - ■’CM?
1 •f®l ' wN
: tH} We>
• L ” > * s *as* !, y ■ ■' : ,
*k' -k'-:,. w -.4 .. ' ..> k - ... ■»,, -A.-
Another 100 sets of our beauutui gilt Dinner W are received last week. Our
' full Dinner Set. in white and gold, is given FREE to every purchaser of S4O or
~ more, cash or credit. This free gift, coupled with our extremely low prices,
should interest you.
ttb Fry twwEayi
1 Wlflßrfb EwrfS
i Music Cabinets Sellers Kitchen Cabinet
We call your special atteu- v *‘ r;r b "" t Tnn "' ;:ld "■ ak '' BookCaSCS i?
’ tidy housekeeper Mid the SELLERS CADI ( hir line 6f Book Cases Bild
110,1 1 *' ,h x s * x es <l,h ( ' NEI tu,fl,,s 1,11 requirements. The aluminum Combination Book Cases and
signs in these goods. Thar- yi; -»••.•<. the entire of the lower D k ,p k TbJ is
pan < f the ( ablnet, making it impossible io
i a iiß’ciiioiits <ii e moi <* complete spin any liquid into the bas*». This is an e.-- plete. Seelloiial Book t ases 111
than are the old stvles. and the ri '''" ft ' !|,t »e. t.»- sellers »et« ~u ant Oak. Birch. Mahoganv finished
• proof cup t asters, keeping out all Insects. The . T J M l - TV l
desiu’ii and finish art* all that iun ls easily tilted for fining and cun biul 8011(1 . lanoganv. We hu\ e
• 4 entirely removed when desired. The COOL Book Cases ill one. tWO Bild
\on mmht imagine and ihod*. i\ ( ; box another exclusive feature. three sections
l 111 XSV OUt I lUPIIB.
gl ' s ' " ■"■■-■■"■ , ■' !■■-■■ .. ij-i ■ . ■ , M ,. _
Qh © das)-AVb © <L
< ARI) AND \ ANI I \ CASES—-We are showing
a handsome assortment in Cold and Sterling Silver.
Diamond Mounted. Etched and Plain As a gift
article there is nothing more pleasing, ami. what
is more, it is a lasting remembrance as well.
%uqe>r>e iSjCauwydp. ’
brass! I
// 'C Jr I
Costumers I
Make the ap- " "7^..-—. '■'■ I
predated art is- ’ -.L’ tj’ • I
lie present. We /hjy A ’ ; 7 j fUJ ■
have a dozen ’ / s _ P r I
styles in bright «l 'j 'j
and dull brass. D / j
Some at SIO.OO, A j
others up to - i'
$35.00. The very 1! [
handsomest or- yi j
namental - use-
ful article you A
will find for a « <
Christmas pres- 50 St V les fco Se,ect
ent. From
/ ra
Fine Quality Ladies’Desks I
In numberless styles in oak. mahogany, bird’s
eye maple, early English oak, rosewood and ‘
Circassian walnut. Make a life-time gift to be ' I
used every day in the year. 1
Begin at $4.3U
Some Gift Suggestions J
1 )resser Dresserobe
Mirror Magazine Stand
Go-Cart Wa rdro be
Baby Bed Shaving Stand
Baby Tender Push Button CltaiH
Hall Rack Parlor Suit.
Pedestal nit
Music Cabinet . P ar ‘ or Z ab J''
. z , . . . Parlor Rocker
Parlor Cabinet o , T » ,i.„„
Room Kocker
Cellarette Leather Rocker
Screen Reed Rocker
Brass Costumer Turkish Rocker
Wood Costumer Morris Chair
Davenport Easy Chair
Chiffoi'obe Baby Chair
Dressing Tables
More than 50 patterns in Dressing Tables. Ma
hogany, Bird's-Eye Maple, Circassian M alnnt
and Oak in Golden and Fumed finishes. Mi’- |
rors. round, square, oblong and fancy shapes.
We’ve paid particular attention to Dressing
Tables this season and we know our varied ,
of styles cannot be found anywhere else in At
lanta. Prices very modest, beginning at $lO an
rising slowly through the numerous patterns to ;
$75.00. ’ ’
Your Furs for Xmas
If~'' ET your old Furs together—and have ’em Cleaned
and Renovated by the famous STODDARD way
We'll make 'em look just like new—and it won't cost you ft
Branch. E
A Wagon for a Phone Call.
I We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of or over
r-v -» -» | i2e>'PeachtvctStratt Dixie's Greatest
s toddard