Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 12, 1912, EXTRA, Image 13
THE .TTLACTAGEOgGIANAJm NEWS. READ FOR MORT-GEORGIAN WANT AOS-USE FOR RESULTS •'Business Guide of Atlanta” IT WILL PAY YOU TO CONSULT IT FOR ANY LINE OF BUSINESS Ti ie foll°wing list of ads constitute a reliable guide to well known and t ,hle business enterprises, and to individuals in various lines of ? P o?ness in Atlanta and surroundings. ° The alphabetical arrangement insures ready reference for ycur con venience. Abstracts and Titlejnsurance. K /title guarantee co., ■ ■ ‘ r E nullable Bldg. Main 5420. Accordion Plaiting. B \’~pLAITINg'NvORKS— Su n - ' ,"<kirn= made to order; ten dtffer- ■ 7 ,t' buttons made. 78% Mhjte [l Kinds of Job Work Done. K. ■<, ~ ■ wood or brick, remodel V ■ \rters for carpenters, cabinet -18 1 . hrick masons, plasterers; inte- ..tinting or tinting; put in glass, ■ ■ cement floors, shelving, ta- ’ ’ , liters Low prices and high : uinintecd. iW- South Forsyth. Lb "U Atlanta 608<-M. 11-19-11 Architects. w ’ COOKSEY, architect. 351- ,ier annex. Phones Ivy 537-J • "“ VI 50-11-12 I - Artistic Signs. \TI TIL YWT 'now?” <M’RAE. tors Broatd and Ala. Mam 160. ' pa 111 ' 11-30-45 Auction Sales. • v Tt'i, ' auction"" WMPANY7I2 ‘r-'.J- Mitchell street, buys and sells ; l regular auction Tuesday and Hell phone Main 2424. __10-3-41 W'TVBROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 I Street. We buy and sell any in , ,i. r-. tiling. Atlanta phone 2285, Bell '.Uir.e 1134. Main 187. 7-29-20 TriXGtiTrS AUCTION HOUSE, at 25 ‘ 7u7 I’rvor street, •■■ill buy or sell your goods, plant's and office furni ture. Main 1526. y 10- 3 ' 6 IT.m7T:< ’!<E SALES COMPANY, under ri'ew management. will accept your Hur on's stock of any kind on consignment; .■.■ vii advanced; settlement on date of sale, ir. s, uh I’rvor street. Bell phone Main ■l"|. Mai! 187. Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30 Barber Parlors. j.'llisT 'class WORK by experienced wi‘ : < mon. Allen M. Pierce, 16 Ma rirt ta street. 12-10-10 Barber Shops. 11AIR CUTSfI ■ VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree and Broad. 11-22-22 Banks. ■'"Am EIRICA ' CORNER ALABAMA AND BROAD STREETS. capital and surplus $1,000,000, Blue Prints. 317 AUSTELL BUILDING. MAIN 3840__ ■' ality, lew prices, prompt servlce.9-30-a;> Boots and Shoes Retail. IIEP SI I.VL SHOE SHOP (ATLANTA MADE SHOES.) 93 PEACHTREE. 12-5-1 Builders’ Hardware. K [\( riL\Rmv are 7’67’ BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. supplies, equipment and tools of all kinds. 53 Peachtree street. 12-7-50 Buttons and Plating Company. Buttons and Plaiting Co.. Buttons made of vour own material. 100% WHITEHALL ST. 11-19-10 Canes and Umbrellas. XMAS presentation; fine selection han dles; repairing, re-covering. Harry Briggs, 5 Viaduct place. 11-30-66 ■— ■■ ■ <■ — • Carpenter and Builder. ALL KINDS REPAIR WORK. I'. M. WHEELER, 19 S. Forsyth st. Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 11-19-37 Carpet and Rug Cleaning, Etc. WANTED— You to know W. M. Cox '■leans all kinds carpets; rugs a spe t.v. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Auburn avenue. 10-2-12 Chiropody, Manicuring and Hairdressing. ■'lfi'li HAZEL and cucumber jelly: . ’' ui . < the hands smooth, soft and white; a battle. Clayton & Zahn, Manicur '■£. Hairdressing. Massage and Chiropody Jirrnrs, Whitehall st. - 12-3-39 Choice Christmas Cards. ‘.■■l. PICTURES and artistic framing, i .. 1 Walker, 91 North Pryor. - i_ ■ j •••.._ 12-4-12 Christmas Presents. h ('IAN'S Christmas presents. Goat. • ,/i. ‘ n,> ' boys’ and girls’ saddles, lap? trunks and bags. English riding ~ - I comfortable blanket for old 'barley. D. Morgan, 139 White- L lll T r 12-4-36 Chri'f’na’t Umbrellas. , Christmas Umbrella. , . ' '' a ’ Taylor-Made.” direct from All detachable handles. Guar west prices. 116% Whitehall St. T"i”ti<- Main 3748, 12-2-9 1 Cigars and Tobacco. . MJ LLEK BOA R~sfoßE. J 1 11 STREET (Big Bonanza). ’ ■‘l Ninas gift a box of good cigars, ention to phone orders. Bell Atlanta 2183. 12-3-6 Cleaning and Dyeing. /’I • ’ ''' • ( leaning and Dyeing Co v. . <lr >’ cleaning. Ladies’ • Work called for and ".• E. Harris. Atl. 5245, Ivy Cut Flowers and Plants. ‘i '‘'‘ill' MW before placing or ' ,n suco you half your nwm*j in ■4 }•• *’!»n' a a nts an <l Cl,t flowers W ‘ -v Lust Alabama street Dry Goods and Notions. '. X 'X A- CO., •:1 Not' 1 'u.ii • " ,,:l Special attention to I 12-4-14 Engraving, Watchmaking and Jewelry Repairing. IF it is tine watch repairing, engraving or jewelry repairing, bring it to J B. I Baker, manufacturing jeweler, 10% South ! Broad street. 12-3-4 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE Hot S'EHOLD GOODS ;m7| pianos. Office and "aiehnuse 239-241 avenue. Ivy 2037. John J. Woodside Storage Company. Funeral Directors. lee, undertakeFami e.m- BALMER, 36 SOUTH BROAD ST. Furniture Reflnished. Al AOI’R HOME. Five years experience. Atlanta phone 4539. 46-9-12 GaS Light and Plumbing. F ; 6. National Light & Plumbing Co. CONTRACTORS of plumbing and gas fitting. All repair work given prompt attention. AVe sell, repair and maintain any kind of gas lights, mantles and sup plies. 201 Whitehall. 12-6-23 Hardware. A. J. Martin Hardware Company. \) E have now ready for sale entire line of drummer's samples in toys, veloci pedes and iron wagons. 212 Marietta st. ' 12-6-21 Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shine Parlor. •-HTORGhrVYKVciciining a>id Shoe Shine Parlor, 3% E. Alabama St. 11-11-9 Hatters. ACME HATTERS make old hats look like new. Mail orders given prompt at tention. 100%, Whitehall street. 12-3-44 Invalid and Sick Room Supplies. PERRYMAN & CO., 10 North Broad st.. 9 North Forsylh st. Bell M. 2010. At lanta 2010. 12-7-59 Machine Work. FOR ail kinds < f machine work see Camp Bros., now located at 275 Mari etta street. Phone Main 2937. 12-3-4 Mattress Renovating. WE renovate all kinds of mattresses; sat isfaction guaranteed. We buv feathers. Acme Mattress Co. Ivy 2994, Atlanta 1948. 11-19-27 Multigraphing. LET US MULTIGRAPH your Christmas letters. Southern Multigraphing Com pany, 224 Brown-Randolph building. Phone 992. 12-10-8 Office Fixtures. ; HvmFs! T6p?~ CROCKETT & CARTER. 40-42 PETERS ST. BOTH PHONES. Piano Tuning. ~JAMES r A 7bU( ; lITyAN~ EXPERT PIANO TUNER, VOICING. ACTION, REGULATING ANU RE PAIRING, PHONE MAIN 2254-1,. lUIOH PIANOS tuned and repaired. AH work guaranteed: 32 years experience. Phone Main 2021-J. Charles H. Smith. 115 Peachtree street. 12-3-5 Pool Parlors. \VH fTn 7 IN TO\V N play a t"tinV’ryS tai Pool parlors; new. live tables. 9 East Alabama and 20% Decatur streets. Real Estate Mortgages and Securities. GUARANTEE TRUST and Banking Com pany, 15 E. Alabama St. Main 1077. 11-26-45 Roofers and Tinners. w'e YiAkW G RAVE L AND TIN ROOFING AND PAINTS. WALKER ROOFING CO.. 221 RHODES BLDG. M. 4075. ATL. 1915. 11-21-6 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complcie set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired: prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma- i chine Company. 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 Shaves, Shirts. Shines, Shoes. "FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.” ALLEN ■ M. PIERCE, 16 MARIETTA STREET. 12-10-9 j Shoes. BEST SHOES for the whole family at Peacock & Drennen, 222 Marietta | street. 12-6-24 ’ Stoves and Ranges. EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES. Sold in Atlanta for Forty Years. HIGHTOWER HARDWARE CO. 11-21-34 Stove and Range Repairing. ___ ipf FixEßf STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 2235. Eeli Phone Main 2699 Signs. CALL”"wrTTAMMOND SIGN CO. FOR GOOD WORK AND PROMPT ATTEN- TION 49% E. ALABAMA. MAIN 2716. i 11-29-14 I Stove Repairing. Tll E ST() \' E IX H ’'l’6R. STOVES, ranges and furnaces All work ■ guaranteed. Bell phone Main 1466. _ 40 ' South Broad street. 12 <-32 ■ Toys. _J REMEMBER \Ve sell to}-’ Hightower. Hatdwi'.v Co. 11-21-3.' | Trunks. Bags and Suitcases. 'll : 'I ' ' xl ' , I I ROUNTREE'S " "s';/;;'.'r 1 PHONES; Bell M in 1576. At: .m i 16 >4. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN I Published by The Georgian Company. 20 East Atlanta, Alabama-st Georgia. Entered at Atlanta postofflce at second- I class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. j One year. mail, postage prepaid. |5.0(! Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 rhree months, mail, postage prepaid 1.25 9 ne month, mail, postage prepaid. .45 Subscriptions Payable In Advance. Hollvered by carrier, one year $5.20 Pelivered by carrier, six months .... 2.60 I Delivered hy carrier, three months... 1 30 !2 e ! , . ver *‘ < 1 by carrier, one month 45 , Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and i pther cities, cne week tO Want Ad Rates and Rules ia the Atlanta Georgian I One cent a word each Insertion. No ad taken for less than the price | of ten words. Ads in larger type, 12c a line (four words to the line). Out -of - town advertisements must be accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. Contract rates sent upon request. Telephone your Want Ads to The I Georgian (both phones 8000) when it Is more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at your home or at yottr office the follow ing day. This is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should alwavs be promptly made on presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that it has been taken correctly. The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibiity for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments. Closing hours; To secure prop er classification, ads must be in The Georgian office before 1 o’clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out in writing or at office. No discon tinuance notice taken over phone. Every word m tjie advertisement, including the name and address, is counted. Each initial counts one word; compound words are counted two words. ADVERTISERS should retain re ceipts given in payment for Want Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not he rectified without them. In answering advertise ments addressed in care of The Ge_orgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of same. Help Wanted—Female. AN'I’,ED--Stenographer at once. Apply -li Temple Court. Pefcy T. Daniels ‘ -1 12-11-41 ANTED—-Good stenographer. Pav ac cording to ability. Southern Ruraiist t ompany, corner. East Hunter and Pied niont avenue, 12-11-42 HOI'SEKEEPING, or any place of trust" no incumbrances: best city references. K., Box 2.12, care Georgian. 51 -11-12 COOK WANTED. Apply at 44 Colquitt I avenue, Inman Park. 42-11-12 ' ea 1 coll,lc 'tl 330 feouth_cryor street. 12-11-26 WANIIsD A young lady stenographer, one who can keep small set of books niust be good at figures, quick and will ing to work. State salary expected; ref erences. Address Box 7. Cartersville LiL 12-11-29 EXPERIENCED cook and maid; must room on lot; $3.50 week each. 72 Spring street. 38-11-12 WANTED—A first-class cook; must have references. Room on lot if desired. Ap ply .8< Ponce DeLeon avemie. 12-11-12 FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer for rail road office; position permanent. R. W. G,. Box 230, care Georgian. 48-11-12 MANTEI) —Cook and general housework er; white preferred. Can live on lot. Small family. 481 Cherokee avenue WANTED—-Cook at 23 Columbia avenue) woman or man. Phone Ivy 790. 12-11-1 WANTIiI >—Reliable, steady - cook with references. Apply at 58 Kennesaw ave. M ANTED—A young woman for general housework; good salary. 65 Wabash | ave - 44M.0-12 i WILL give good home to colored or white girl or old lady to keep house ami chil dren, also salary. O. H., care Georgian WANTED—Cook. 2 West Fort McPher son. Phone Main 2062. Holliday. WANTED - Fifteen lady solicitors: perma nent positions; pleasant work and good pay. Inquire 802-803-804 Austell building, between 8 and 9:30 a. m. and 5 and 6 p. nt WANTKD - An experienced cook. Must sleep iff house. Apply 20 Fort McPher son. 12-9-41 WANTED—-A first-class laundress ~to work on lot two days. South Kirkwood. Decatur 389. 12-9-27 WA NTED—Colored nurse. 20? Crew street. . 12-9-6 WANTED Capable working housekeep er for family of four. Apply 400 Tem ’>]«*_< 'oiirt. I'hone Main 4705. 80-9-12 WANTED—Good reliable colored girl to take care of two-year-old boy and do • upstairs work. Need not apply without references. Sleep in house. 135 East Tenth street. 31-9-12 WANTED —Reliable colored nurs< . Bring I references. 67 West Alexander street i 12-9-1 I WANTED —Two white chambermaids. I Apply Housekeeper Piedmont hotel. i 11-29-30 SPECIAL RATES are given on "Situa tions Wanted" ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for : 20c. seven times for 40c. i WANTED Families to own some more of those beautiful Southern California homes. It is a habit, get it. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles , Examiner, out December 25th, tells how I I the habit is acquired. Mailed to any ad dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Help Wanted—Male. WANTED—Colored butler. Apply 897 Peachtree street. 49-11-12 I I MEN wanted with rig to introduee~and | sell 85 extracts, spices, medicines, etc. ■ Big money. Wilson made S9O weekly. We'l mean business. Box 774. Dept. 13, Cedar! Raj iils, lowa. ■ I''-! l-IJi WANTED Smart white boy, |G to 18 I years old; must write good hand and be willing to work. Capital Citv Laundry - 11_- 8 , BOY to work around house amt lot. one who can milk. Call Bell Main 2514 .1 _____ 44-11-16 WANTED For I’. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of IS ami I 35; citizens of United States, of good | i character and temperate habits, who can i speak, read anu write the English lan ' guage. For information, apply to Re cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree and Forsvth streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry M.. Macon. Ga. 9-4-27 < ;o\ | JINM ENT positions are ease to get. Mv tree booklet, Y-412, tells how. I Write today NoW EARL HOPKINS. ! Wash.ngt_on._l) C. 1 2-1 I MEN WANTED to learn Hie barber trade. This work growing bettor yearly Ma li'h i ery cun't kill It. our graduates great - 1y in demand on account of mir thorough I li.'ii’litig. T"|> wages to holders of our I (ortificates Few weeks eornplot -s Tools' given Learn now. Term completes at |I, , i. st season See "Ut plan. Moh r Bar- ' Or College. ::8 Luekle street. 32-7*12 1 I\V > ti.i 1 <io< «l bla< kKinltli; miiMl Im* I I -s»bw. h«n uni indiiHirh>UM. <»thpt n I apply: ‘*.'ngh inun preft*rr»*d. I ' Writ*- <> H. I'pshaw H <S» , ’ Ca ' Help Wanted—Male. ! FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos. All barber work free. Clean linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 West ' : Mitchell. 5-27-26 I YES, Professor G. o. Branning will teach : ) you the barber trade (it’s easy). ‘We | i teach in one-half time of other colleges Course and position in our shops only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our j graduates running shops or making good . I wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East ' Mitchell street. 5-11-17 ' WANTED Ideas. Inventors write for list j .of inventions wanted ami prizes offered ' iby manufacturers. Also, how to get your i patent. Sent free to any address. Ran- ' dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash inKton._T>. C. 7-11-23 , RAILWAY mail clerks wanted; S9O i month; Atlanta examinations coming , scon; coaching Wee. Franklin Institute. Dept. 49 W„ Rochester. Ji. Y. 42r11-ll . STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 16% I Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet room; transient 50c Open all night ' 3-21-19 [ ! WANTED—Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in ‘ afternoons. Good wages, aifd chance for promotion., Call at circulation depart-j ment The Atlanta Georgian. 20 East Alabama street. 1 WANTED- Discouraged, but perfectly I men and women, to take a new i grip on life and try a little happiness for ' a change. The Ninth Anniversary Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how to do It. I Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now SPECIAL RATES ate given on "Slt''a tions Wanted” ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three times for 20c, seven times for 40c. Help Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED —First-class waiter or wait ress. Apply 241 W. Peachtree. 12-11-22 SIOO IN GOLD FREE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PERSON SUGGESTING THE MOST SUITABLE NAME FOR A NEW PERIODICAL TO BEGIN PUBLICATION ON MARCH 4 FOR PARTICULARS. ADDRESS Pl B LISHER, 26 PONCE DE LEON AVENI'E. ATLANTA. GA. 11-25-3 Try Ranev’s Blood Remedy FOR RHEUMATISM. OLD SORES, UL- C E R S, CANCER. PELLAGRA. SCROFULA. FEMALE TROUBLES. IN DIGESTION ECZEMA AND TETTER; SSO FOR A CASE OF SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IT FAILS TO CURE. CALL ON THE RANEY MEDICINE COMPANY, 513 AUSTELL BLDG., ATLANTA. GA. ; ATLANTA PHONE 61.4. OFFICE HOURS, 7 TO 6. SUNDAY, 9 TO 12. MONEY WANTED to plant tn southern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know It. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam • pies of actual cases. Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. Teachers Wanted. TEACHERS for January openings, rural, graded, high schools and colleges; j splendid direct calls daily; satisfactory service guaranteed. Sheridan Teachers' Agency, Greenwood, S. C. 40-12 SPECIAL FALL enrollment; good open ings yet. Foster’s Teachers Agency. Atlanta, Ga. 9-23-31 Salesmen Wanted. HELP WANTED —Average salesman can make $lO per" day selling new census surveys of Georgia and Flor ida territory. Small bond and a little cash starts you. Address Southern man ager, H. J. Finch. Atlanta. 12-1.0-40 MONEY WANTED to plant In southern California, where it grows better than anywhere else in the world. One dollar grows to ten before you know it. The Ninth .Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will give some exam ples of actual cases. Out December 25. Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send In your order now. Agents Wanted. THE Twentieth Century Wonder. It. .1. Gilliam, 1:06 Temple Court Bldg. Atlan MAKE MONEY spare time'; easy work. Almond Sales Company, Charlotte. N. C. WANTFID- Live agents, men anti women, for best household specialties un earth. I Particulars free Patten Specialty Com pany, 6612 VVoodland avenue, West Phil adelphia, Pa. 51-10-12 Situations Wanted—Female.’ | SPECIAL RATES are given un "Situa tions Wanted” ads. Your 30-word ■id inserted one time for 10c, three times tor 20c, seven times for 40c. REGISTERED pharmacist, young lady, wants position in drug store. Applv. call Main 1 r_s3._ M iM Tvl.. W. 55-11 -i 2 COMPETENT stenographer, five years experience, desires position immediate- ly, or January Ist. Can furnish best of references. Call Main 4563-.1. Miss Wright. 17-11-12 Ul’-TO-DATE dressmaking, plain and fancy, at 17 Cherokee avenue. Best style books are used; work guaranteed. Prices moderate. Bell phone Main 4224. Atlanta 3947. -1:1-11-12 WANTED l.ailj -of refinement, with knowledge of nursing, desires position in dentist's or physician’s office. Ad l dress F. L. 8.. Box 223. cure Georgian. 31-11-12 SITUATION WANTED by young lady, experienced office clerk, cost system clerk, or doing any general office work. Employed, desires to change. Address 8.. Box 855, care Georgian. 36-si' 12 THE best heli) obtainable, tn every line can be easily gotten by consulting the "Situations Wanted’ <■<>llllllll of The Georgian. Mr. Business Man and Wom | an, the party that can till that position 1 you have open is addressing you in the "Situations Wanted” coitimns this very day; . YOUNG LADY wants position as ste nographer: two years experience; mod erate salary. Phone Main 4595. Miss P. L.. ::74 Central avenue. 39-9-12 A MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants a home in a small family to do light housework las companion. Call at 86 Greenwood ave. ! Mlss L - H - 35-9-12 ■I WANTED- Situation as nurse or cook for I Small family with room on the lot; will -1 ing to work. Address 294 Magholiu street, ' Atlanta. Ga. 32-9-12 j WANTED —Sewing at private homes. Good dressmaker. $1.25 per day. Dress . maker. 374 East Hunter street. 12-5-11 Dressmaking. I DRESSMAKING, remodeling an<l ladies' ; 1 tailoring; reasonable prices. 168-A Ivy j street. 12 6-50 , —1 Situations Wanted—Male SPECIAL KATES are given on ’ Situa- ■ Hons Wanted” ads. Your 30-word ad inserted one time for 10c, three limes for ‘ JOe. seven for 40c WANTED Petition a- chauffeut or re pairman; eight \4 ur- < .x pcri< n<c Ad dr<*MH M.. 125. <. ire Coo£g all. .1- H -12 r (WANTED Position us h... kk.% p<r, lan uary 1; employed; wish < hangr. Three ‘U‘Hr> exp< rlen<e b« <»kkeeplTig. t-:< i <-g a- ; l»hy. gnm i- u.»rli <>wn t vp* h•iu r | \l <; Uh- i I Viet • . i. INITI ATION WANTED <:<".<l eom'.ii u- I j th ii bookkeeper nr«J eherthand man <!■■• > * IfM t<l •diHI K' th ’ ]> i'i rd I* ill*! il d iHiOUT-i.’. MhH • Hoad* S» tthd Ad '. reim Cot ;l It alh n box **< Situations Wanted—Male. j A-1 COLOREI > CHAUFFEUR wants work I at once; willing to do anything honor ' able around house. Call Main 1406-L or Main 5038 and ask for Joseph Magwood. I j 37-11-12 i WANTED Position by young man as bookkeeper; four years experience; good references. Moderate salary to be- 1 gin. Address V. W. W.. 360 Capitol ave rue. Phone Main 377t.'-.1. 29-11-12 . YOUNG MAN wants position at once as bookkeeper-steno or shipping clerk. Best of references furnished. Address South Carolinan, 103 South Pryor. At i lanta, 25-11-12 {EXPERIENCED office man of ability de-i sires to get located with good bank or I corporation. Four years banking expe irfenee and general office work. Will give bankers as references. Bond given in any amount by bending company. Address I Box 321. care Georgian. 3,6-11-12 | (YOUNG MEDICAL student wants work after school hours to pay for room and , boiufl. Can use typewriter and familiar | with railroad office work, but will do 1 anything. Box 856. care Georgian. ; 39-10-12 I YOUNG MAN, now traveling for big house, desires to locate permanently in Atlanta, my home. Am familiar with all I genet al office work and can operate type ' writer. Can furnish A-l references from I present employers and others. Age 23. ( Allow me an interview. Anxious. Box ' 21L_ear<’ Georgian. 35-10-12 THE best help obtainable tn every line can be easily gotten by consulting the "Situations Wanted" columns of The Georgian. Mr. Business Man and Woman—the party that can fill that po sition you have open is addressing you in the "Situations Wanted", columns this very day. 12-5-12 I YOUNG MAN with good .references wants position with some one that needs good',' honest help. Address J. IL K.. care Geor gian. 44-9-12 YOUNG MAN desires employment in of fice. Would prefer position as assistant bookkeeper. Good penman and fast and accurate at figures. Address Position. Box 219, care Georgian. 43-9-12 IVA NTED Position as shipping clerk, as sistant foreman of laborers, office work, clerkship or any legitimate position, pay ing a fair salary. Can call and satisfy as to ability. References furnished if required. E., Box 222, care Georgian. ■ 56-10-12 Si’l l A’l'li >N WANTED - Good combina tion bookkeeper and shorthand man de sires to change. Good record. Rapid and accurate. Married, steady, settled. Ad dress Combination, Box 850, care Geor gian. 29-9-12 YOI NG MAN with three years experi ence wants light set of books to keep or stenographic work requiring half of day. 1.. H., 34% Luckie street. 28-9-12 BARBER, German, wishes position, city or country. Stockburger. Williams 11 ouse No,' 3, 15% Alariet t a_s t reet. 29-9-12 WANTED—Position as shipping clerk or ■ city salesman by young man of 26. • Will give references and reasons for I change on request. Address E. R. 8.. 23 ■ Holderness._Atlnnta. 12-jL3S I EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and all round office man, now employed, would like to get extra work or light set of books. Would not conflict. Industrious. ■ Box 2’16, care Georgian. 69-7-12 i YOUNG MAN (l s 23, married, desires to | locate in Atlanta as office man; was I bookkeeper and credit man for largest (hardware concern in South; best of ref erences. Address J. L.. 10% Walton istreet, Atlanta. 55-7-12 BOOKKEEPER and .‘ hipping clerk, now I employed, wants change. Any kind of I clerical work. Moderate salary. Mar . Tied, sober and steady. Best recommen rlatioh from present employer. Address IL. . Box 842, care Georgian. 51-6-12 I YOUNG man, 30, wants position with wholesale house; experience in shipping | and billing; excellent references; willing :, to accept small salary to begin. A. FL, j Box 212. care Georgian. 31-6-12 WANTED I'osition by married man. 34 years old, in wholesale grocery store or with commission house. Will furnish ref erences. Do not smoke nor drink. Ad dress J. T. S., Box 825, care Georgian. 26-4-12 i ——————— " Boarders War.ted. SEE "Rooms and Soard” Under Georgian > Rent Bulletin. Lost and Found. THE party that has found your lost ar ticle will be looking for your ad in this column. Let him know that you were the loser by placing an ad in The Georgian's j "Lost and Found" column. 12-5-12 | LOST—GoId loeket with small diamond I setting, daisy design. Initials .1. T. L. i engraved on back, lieward if returned to |221 or.iri building; J. T. l>.ini>l. ia-lV$4 ! L< 'ST- —whi■ French poodle; answers to the name of " Tiny.” Pink ribbon and ; bell around neck. Reward if returned to i John F. Glenn. 734 Peachtree street. I 12-11-28 I STRAYED Black and white pointer dog. named "Dick.” Has black head and I hack; slight defect in right eye. Finder I 'will please notify S. A. Pickett, 311 Wai- I ton building. Office phone Ivv 2513. ' House phone Ivy f>524. 12-11-9 LOftT- Orange and white female setter from 280 North Jackson street Wed nesday morning. Notify Main 2128 and get reward, ■ ) 12-11-11 L< >ST In High's, Keely's or Chamberlin's ' silver card case and vanity, engraved "E, ■I G " Call Main 22:i'., Reward. 12-11-11 i LOST--Breastpin; black enameled pansy; I small pearl set; gold back. Reward. 17 I East Eleventh/ sl. i'. t 12-10-57 I [ LOST—GohI watch, W on one side, dla-| monds on other; on inside Alfred to Eva. j Christmas. 1890. Liberal reward. Mrs. A. I .1. Wurm, 142 East Eighth. 12-10-54 I Li'ST Strayed from 210 Hill street, one I light colored Jersey heifer; short horns. I Please notify and receive reward. | 49 10-12 I LOST —White setter dog at end of Hlgh ' land avenue ear line; reward. Joe ' 1 Walker. 1020 Fourth National Bank Bldg. J_2 10-30 ' I?'ST Double ease gobi watch, mono, i gram "J. F. I. " Lost November 24. 1 Reward. John T. Langley, R. F. D. 4. At- . _7-le-1 IF' Y' 'l’ WANT to find something of some value to you. read the "Business Guide of Atlanta." in the first two columns of the want ad pages of The Georgian each day. 12-3-14 Personal. WA.N’t'El! To dress dolls. Phone Main 1515. 12-11-16 ; WILL the party who witnessed orme street ear kncck invalid man down in front of Constitution building, Atlanta, at 110 p. nt., December 20, 1911. kindly com i municate with 1,. Bryant. Hapeville, Ga., I an<l_vonf‘!r a gr'-:H_l:iv<>r? 12-1131 | WANTED—To do your Christmas deco rating; new ami novel ideas for Christ l mas parties and entertainments; lady of I taste and refinement. Widow, care Geor gian. 12-9-13 1 FANCY WORK, embroidery and crochet, reasonably done. I'hone Atlanta 5908. SPIIIELLA. ’ I HK.VDQrAKTEKS, 56 HOWELL PLACE. MKS. A LEK (’HAMPE. PH< »NE I M X'J’EEXITY fe ' .YiTAiur.v Private. refined, Jwinellkr. Limited number of p.'itfents cared for. Home provided for rifai.r Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind . :cr St. 11-9-57 FLY ‘<,LEENS. ILV SCREENS, FLY S"REICXS -Wood fly screens meta! fly s :<• ”ns, hardwcMHi rioor;:, Venetian blinds, ; metai weatner strips furnished .anywhere ■ln the South W-Je or phon*' W. H. Cal ’ away, nia;.a,;er. 1403 Fourth National ' Rank building. Atlanta. (Ju. Main 5310. i 5.15-5 Sl' JOT’S REST LTS ‘ome from imp’ t perly fined. John B Daniel, at M Wd Mroet. ha - an « Xpert title” and It «111 'on no more to him Ut 1-5 off all oiii' l''ui’iiit lire this i j week. ,1. M. lli'jh ('oiii-| Diuiv 12-9-31' Medical. I CATARRH CURED OR NO PAY. —Wite Today— HOME REMEDY COMPANY. ' ERIN. TENN, 38-7-J2 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal j and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup- I pressed meAstruation. irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall. , 50c Frank-Edmondson Bro., manufac turing chemists, 11 North Broad street, Atlanta. 2-17-14 MRS. DR. VIOLET McMILLAN' DISEASES of women and children. 200- 202 Hillyer Trust Bldg Bell phone Ivy I , 4619. 9-28-58 Dropsy. : DROPSY CURED —Relieves shortness of ■ | breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in fifteen to twenty days. Collom | Dropsy Remedy Co., Ul2 Austell bldg. At- i lanta. 5-25-11 i Palmistry. YAN ; f PALMIST. YOU are sure to profit by a reading. No fee charged unless every visitor is per fectly satisfied. 93 Auburn ave. (in tent.) GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, located on East Hunter, between Central ave nue and Washington street. 11-11-11 GYPSY PALMIST. MADAME CAMILLE tells past, present and future. Special reading, 25c. this week. Located 50 Edgewood avenue, be tween Ivy and Pryor. 11-11-34 Palmist and Life Readiiiti. 17 EAST MITCH ELI, ST . (IN TENT). GYPSY QUEEN. IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Luckie; can be consulted on affairs of life. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-11 WANTED —Discouraged, but perfectly good men and women, to take a new grip on life and try a little happiness for a change. The Ninth Anniversary’ Edi tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25, will tell you how to do it. Mailed to any address In United States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your order now. Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED —A two-block shingle machine, must be in good condition, also a bolt ing machine. D. J. Ray, 55 Glenn street. DROP A CARD We’ll Bring Cash For Old Clothes and Shoes "THE VESTiAIRE” FURNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kind accepted on consignment. Cash advanced. Pembroke Sales Company, 143 South Pry or street. Bell phone Main 1434, Main 187, A tin at a 2285. 8-15 12 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central .Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household tgoods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House. 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526. I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street. SELT, fIIAT ARTICLE that you Jtave that is too good to throw away* and of no earthly use to you. Some one is looking for that very thing. The "For Sale Miscellaneous” columns of The Georgian are the market place for your articles. See how rapidly you can sell your things, no matter of what descrip tion, through The Georgian, tl will pay you well to consult this for sale column. -- 5-12 WANTED—Ships of all kinds to burn California oil and carry merchandise for the port of Los Angeles to and from the Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversat/ Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. tells just wbat the canal will do to Southern California. Mailed to I any address in L’nited States or Mexico. 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25 cents Send in your order now. 10-21-4 For Sale—Miscellaneous. CHEAP—2B-inch 12-gauge, 2%-inch drop, Lefever shotgun. W. J. Garner, 250 Marietta street. 12-11-35 FOB SALE -one new rocking horse, ex cellent condition, with saddle; mane and ; tail natural hair. Leaving city. 121 Capi tol Square. Main 4839-L. 12-11-23 FOR SALE. ' ONE 125 horsepower R. D. Cole return tubular boiler, complete with fittings, | including grate bar and smokestack. one 30-horsepower New York Safety I’ower Company automatic center-crank engine, complete with fittings and lubri cator. One drying kiln system complete, with blower trays, frame work, pipe coils, con veyances, valves, etc. one pulverizer, with elevator system, chains, inlets and outlets of steel and iron. One mixing machine, complete with countershafts and pulleys. One pressing machine, complete with hopper, pressing wheels, etc. 165 feet of Gandy belting. One lot shafting, hangers and pulleys, clutch couplings and levels, pipings, valves and miscellaneous scrap iron ami steel. Wanted—Blds on whole or any part of above, to be removed from 56 Foundry street by purchaser. Inquire of Mr. R. R. Johnson, R. O. CAMP BELL COAL COMPANY, Gould building, Atlanta. Ga. 12-ID4 UUNTI.EY PNEUMATIC'CLEANERS re move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets, floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J, Daniel &• Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk, Bldg. 12-2-11 VISIT OUR TOY BASEMENT. Wheelbarrows 50c up Doll Carts $1.50 up Doll Beds $1.50 up Chairs and Rockers ....$1.50 up Desk and Chair $2.98 up Dining Room Set $3.50 up Steel Wagons SI.OO up Velocipedes $2.00 up Automobiles $3.75 up Special showing of Furniture. Suitable for holiday gifts. Terms if desired. GOLDSMITH-A( TON WITI (ERSPOON CO. Lifetime Furniture, Rugs and Draperies. ii 2 Peachtree. 61 N. Broad. Fl TINITI’RE \VE BUY AND SELL <’ASII BARGAINS. SOUTHERN WHECKAGE OoMPANY, 114 SOUTH: Forsyth street both phones I j I''ill SALE Cunibinatlon pool-billiard ta- I hie, with full equipment; cheap Ad- ! idress 103 ogletborpe avenuie. 13 10-58 i Foil SALE one gaa water heater, g< <>d as new. cheap. Cull Atlanta phone 343”. I \nd <>n< furniahed front room for rent 51 Brotherton. 111-10-49 I'‘Li; SAI.E otic fiat top dealt In good • I'Udltlon oil Temple Court bulljlnu Will 'ill cheap Apply to engineer of | IllM. 1., :■ II ll'Oii SAI.E Butty abella. Phone lieeatur 417. 28-10-12 Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. THE ENTIRE STOC’K OF FURNITURE FROM THE NEW HOME FUR NISHING CO.. INCLUD ING QUARTERED OAK DRESSERS AND CHIF FONIERS, OAK BOOK CASE, Brass beds, MAHOGANY PARLOR SUIT, PEDESTALS, WOOL BLANKETS. IN | LAID LINOLEUM. LACE CURTAINS. BED ; SPREADS, SHADES, MATTING. ETC.. FRI DAY, DEC. 13. AT 12 E. MITCHELL ST. COMMENCING AT 10 A. M., Friday, wo will offer to the highest bidder the entire stock of furnishings from the New Home Furnishing Co., including mahogany and quartered oak dressers and chiffonieres. brass beds, mahog any, fumed oak and early English pedestals, combination bookcases, cen ter tables, game tables, washstands, mahogany, fumed oak and early Eng lish rockers, suitable for the parlor, reception hall and library. Turkish leather rockers, ladies' sewing rock ers, pallor suits, ranges, refrigera tors, Vernis Martin iron beds, dress ing table, feather pillows, felt mat tresses, wool blankets, shades, ladies' writing desks, sewing baskets, linoleum, Axmlnster and Brussels art squares, lace curtains, brass cos tumers. brass cuspidors Also, in this lot there are many articles suitable for Christmas gifts. These goods are all new and must be sold at this sale. You can certainly profi.t by coming to this sale, as we have furnishings that you can buy at your own price. These goods must be sold. Open tor inspection Thursday. Sale starts promptly at 10 a. nt., Friday, De cember 13. CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 E. Mitchell Street. For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—Sweet potatoes In car load lots; fine stock. It will pay you to have my prices before placing your orders. Address P. O. Box 96,-Callahan, Fla. 1-5 off all our Furniture this week. J. M. High Com pany. 12-9-34 FpR SALE —One set of Rldpath's "Hls tory of the World," nine volumes; good as new: cost S4O. Will sell cheap or trade for twenty good White Leghorn hens and rooster. W. C. G., Box 192, Monroe, Ga. 12-9-39 FoR SALE—Comfortable north side cot tage; six rooms and bath; $2,950; small cash payment. Balance like rent. Phone Ivy 6432. 12-9-38 FOR SALE CHEAP—Household goods, including Chickering piano. 255 Court land. Phone Ivy 6248-L. 12-5-22 COMBINATION coal and gas ranges. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 HEATERS? $2.50 to $45. We save vou enough to buy your coal. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 White hall street. 10-15-4 COME to corner Peachtree and EUls streets for brick, lumber, doors, sash and ipantels, cheap. Denton & Flournoy, house wreckers. 11-12-J5 LOOK at our stoves and ranges” before you buy one anywhere. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White hall. 10-15-6 CARRIAGES REPAIRED AND RECOV ERED. NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR BABY’S CARRIAGE. PHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 EDGE WOOD 7-18-15 CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O and up. Southern Stove and Supply Cotn pany, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 COAL! COAL! JELLICO LUMP. $4.75. PIEDMONT COAL COMPANY. BOTH PHONES MAIN 3648. WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our expenses are less Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall 10-15-4 PERFECTION oil heaters. $3.50 up. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 National Cash Registers. $35. SSO, S6O, $75, SIOO and up. Terms easy THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO? SAFES, files, cabinets, new & 2nd hd. Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. -20-31 NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore. 8-16-31 CADET HEATERS, with cull. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 White hall 10-15-4 FOUND—The best place for prosperity and success. Everybody's doing it. Come out to Southern California The Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will set you right. Out December 25. Mailed to any address tn United States or Mexico 15 cents a copy. Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order row. 10-21-4 For Exchange—Miscellaneous. TO EXCHANGE—Gas stove, folding cot or chairs for two or three large trunks. Cali or write 11.. 92 Davis street. 30-11-12 Automobiles. FOR EXCHANGE—MitcheII five-passen ger; top, windshield; complete and in perfect condition; for vacant lot. Auto, B>'X 500. care Georgian. 12-10-24 FOR SALE—I9IO five-passenger Ford auto, in good running order; newly painted: $250. Phone Ivy 5914-J or cail at 66 Sinclair avenue. Inman Park. WANTED Visitors to come out and ’>ee the great Southwest. Most of them will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25th. will set forth the reasons Mailed to any address in United States or Mexico. 15 cents: Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4 Motorcycles. FOR SALE—Two brand-new motorcy cles cheap for spot cash; one single and one twin cylinder; eig)it horsepower; nev er been put on ground; guaranteed one year. Best reason for selling Address .1. C. 0., 404 Oakland avenue, Atlanta i FOR SALE Excelsior motorcycle; cat I be bought at a bargain; is In first-class condition. Address It. A. F.. P. O. Hox I 1484, City 12 7-62 TO EXCHANGE The best climate aud soil In t’.e world for a tired and frost bitten fart> back East The Ninth An niversary Edition of The Loa Angeles Ex aminer, out Dceomter 35th. will tell where they are and how te get one Mailed to ntiv utldrc in United Btat«o or Mexico, U. cents; Canada ot wduta. 2Go 1 In your order now ' *