Newspaper Page Text
| “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do /our Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Th’- r tin RE''< >c NIZED RENT BULLETIN of Atlanta and surroundings. It contains a complete list of every >
K Dts>- : <•. S'ii- ...i. I ■ ■: ,;:i\ <1.•.. ription that is FOR RENT.
1 ■ ' ' ' A; ’tinenis Elat Housekeeping Rooms, B*irding and Rooming places (either fur- '
nfdrn d> In any o< litj can b ted with ease through the Bulletin. Business Locations, Ware- (
< hou." s. g st i igi Houses •t< . in h< found or rented with ease by reading and advertising in it. )
'I '■ ■ <mi • ! :il re r. sentatlves to keep this Bulletin complete with each Issue, for the benefit and (
< cont l nien . ol our patrons. St m n y, worry and useless steps by consulting this Bulletin when you desire 5
| to rent.
Raoms and Board.
HAVE pl. asant front room with board at
613 Peachtree stret 52-11-12
FiliMSlii.,- room id th good board.
Sp/m’ Street Mrs.
FIRST-CLASS rooiji and board.
Best north side location. 16
Port ! Ivy tiTil 2- Ifi 1 7
ROOMS. with or without board; private •
family; everything • n:ii! and home
like. Call Main 4-3S-.1. 278 Rawson st.
Laiigi: ~i;< M i d*for two poui g
men with private family, on I’orrest
aven Ur. Phone Ivy 95532-11-12
NICELY furnished front room, with ex
ct iivnt meals, in idea! north side home;
ger th nt i. or eouj.h s preferred. 17 East
North av-nm Ivy ’ ■ 83-1112
\ ■ . < Jarnett.
Phone Main 315: .1. 12-11-7
TWo V<>UNG MEN or couple can get
very de.-:rablo room, w’lh electric lights,
furnace heat and ill modern < <»nveni< nces.
with privatt north side family. Meals |
furnished if desired. Bell phone Ivy 5096
i rout
t he
18th. 256 Capitol avenue Main 2031-L.
' 1
FOR REN i I rent room
two vonng men. near in References
exchanged. MaLn _2508- 112-10-46
YOUNG COUPLE or two young men ran
secure reasonable board in furnace
eated north urn Phone Ivy
ONE SINGLE room with board nt 21 |
East Cain : treet 12-10-22
TWO NR E furni oed from rooms and
board at 39 East Harris. Ivy 3741-L.
, 12 10-13
NICELY furnished room and first-class
board at 106 Peachtree. Ivy 1716.
“Clcanlim s our motto.” The best ta
bles in the city Ivy 2666-. T. 12-10-I*l
HAVE JUST bought anil finished 105 1
Chgrokee avenue Can take three or ■
four men to board. All conveniences.
Call Main 2467. 12-10-18
W’ N > .\l b' >• I AT:.
4848 ' !o'. -
GENTLEMEN or ladles can get excellent ■
board, large rooms, lor $4 per wt< 1.. is |
Capitol plai ■ 12 ■
THOSE appreciating a home with every I
comfort and refinement, at reasonable ■
rates, call at 28 East North avenue. Ivy i
555;. 12-9-29
Ft HI RENT Two nice housekeeping
roori . steam heated; board In house i
it 1" i ■ ' >' i
FURNISH I• I i room vv th board. 25 West I
Raker street. Ivv 541.-J, 122 |
362 PEACHTREE -Large, beautiful front
room for couple; steam heat, electric
lights, .accommodations for seven young
men, first-class table board. Garage for
rent. Ivy 6668-J.12-7-18
NICE front room downstairs; rooms up
stairs for light housekeeping. 202 S.
Forsyth st.l2-6-30
’l’Alll.E BOARDERS; also can accommo- |
date four students in room. 76 Wash
ington. 12-5-32
NEWLY furnished room with board and
al) modern conveniences. 179 North
■lacltson. Phone Ivy 1907-. T. 12-5-18
TOT? can secure room and board at 15!'
Central avenue. Call .Main 830-L.
. 12-5-3
REFINED young couple can get board in
•furnace-heated north side home. Home
cooking. Reasonable, care Georgian.
- , 44 4-12
NICELY furnished room for two. either
young men or young ladles, excellent
table; table boarders wanted. Will give
meal tickets. 139 West Peachtree. Ivy
6oU» 12-4-24
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol Square. Main
4839-L. 12 3-30
36 East North Avenue.
BETWEEN the Pmichtrecs. Fine, light
rooms and excellent table board. Ivv
*•601 . __ 'l-30-44
N'i’l ■ ns with excellent table
board, $4 to 86 w< , 123 Capitol ave.
WILL exchange nice, clean room and
board closi- in tor diamond, piano, tnn
toreyclo or typewriter. Plano, Box 300.
care Georgian. 11-8-32
Board Wanted.
Ri'< >M AND BOARD wanted by young!
lady who is employed. Prefer private '
family where there are few nr no other i
■rs I.iki ni.-t I «ith use of i
phone, bath , it< Givi full particular*. :
T. E L. n.-e Georgian,
YOUNG LAID desires room and board in,
heated home or apartment; private;
family: Miilkmir dist,.m . ; ri'f> rene< ex
changed. Address Box 852. earn Gear- i
pan. 30-10H2;
M'AXTI'D Room and hoard by young I
lady in private .Christian home flood
references. P O. Box 1434, Atlanta. I
7.' ■ _____
.14 ST I.'if>K at tin . r o ads tinder i
the "Room, and Board” column of The!
nize that The Georgian . - the pap'er to I
look in for nice boar, mg piaees. for (hey I
have a larger number of places to select
from. Place your nd for boarders In The
Georgian’s "Room am! Hoard” column I
and till your vacant spaces at your table. |
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RICNT— Furnished rooms; steam i
i heated; hut baths. 11 Cone Mrs. I»
Whhe. ji-i 1-12 :
LARGE, nicely furnished first-floor
rooms, housekeeping if desired. 131 Ivy
WA NT ung indy for room nut 1
’'■?V vuung lady: S2O month,
f •nclude<*. Main 1592-.1. 36-11-12 I
TU r o n*«'-eh furnished connecting r*«<»nis;
hot bath. Atlanta phone 4485 134 Jvv
street Apt c 12-11-10 I
i ST RAM-HEATED front rnorn adjoining I
bath, close in. Phone Mam 5121.
TWO r’< tlv fur.t *lo tl frimV !■ onu com- ’
plete for i ■•><. ; •. < np llm » ..»>. . >*<.»! I
i .it .-I't > • i •« in. dv chi 'im ris i
FOR RENT Tw. beautiful!' ’ furnl t. .
w^ h Lner‘T.'. '?:m' t: I . ''' J’ ! bl ‘.’ '
K. light huuuekci.( Ing. 83 Williams street i
E K>«'»llent • af* dowuHln’-
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
iBS EAST FAIR STREET, one corner
; r,| ht rm> m£_nl<• ely turnished. 34-10-12
jONE LARGE front comer
room furnished suitable
for two gentlemen (twin
|beds); every modern con
jvenience! new, steam-heated
apartment; very near in;
north side. Ivv 1281.
I'iß RI-;XT Close in, furnished and un
furnished rooms, with or without meals.
I Main hikT -.l 22 Garnett street. 12-10-56
. FOR RENT Two rooms, newly furnished
for housekeeping: also large lied room,
with separate led, modern conveniences
and clean; five minutes walk from busi
ness < enter 77’4[ Brotherton street.
I I 'iR RENT Lirge front room, newly fur
nished, with board. all conveniences.
Ivy 1907-.1 173 North Jackson. 12-10-51
Id'R RENT Large front room; single
room; conveniences. 210 Spring Ivy
3-'>s-J 12-10-48
FOR RENT-Newly furnished room; elec
tric lights, furnace heat, hot and cold
P'Ciirrmr. 45-10-12
I l id! RENT To gentleman, nicely fur
nished room with all conveniences lit
: private home; north side. Ivy 5109
I 12-10-28
la>rge, upstairs front room;
hot water, electric lights, furnace heat
Ivy 6310, 109 Forrest avenue. 40-10-12
l i il: RENT Kitchen and bed room, com
pletely furnished; 815 per month. 47
West Fair. 12-10-12
I't >R RENT J jirge furnished room, with
private bath and entrance. Bost north
side location, in private family Ivv
| . 12-10-17
i FIVE blocks out, one furnished room. 8
Cooper Main 4630-L. 12-10-9
TWO nice front rooms. 28 West Peach
tic I'lacr. Ivy 6537-J.12-10-20
| DI.It ;i H'FI'L front room; private bath;
gentlemen; refined home Peachtree,
care GeorgiM. 87-10-12
I’t'R REX'T Rooms for light housekeep
ing ( all from 6tolo p. m. 100 Vs Cen
.llsi I plm i ; one block_ capftol. 47-9-12
! •> Tl;.\ laige room with one or two beds i
m steam-heated apartment and if de-I
sited an furnish kitchenette alsb. 28 I
i.a-i Alexander street, Apartment E.
36-9-12 I
FOR RENT -Nicely furnished room, with !
j cr without board. 311 Courtland street. I
, . 12-9-30
j FOR RENT Nice clean, furnished rooms,
close in; all conveniences. 260 Ivy
stree 40-9-12
i'l Wo large, bright rooms furnished com
plete for light housekeeping, with pri
i vale family; hot and cold water; porcelain
,buth; use of phone; very reasonable.
, Pilule Main 3170-J.
i For RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
I conveniences; close in. Main 5398-L.
I '“**l Whitehall 12-6-43
I FOR RENT Nice rooms; light house
keeping; apartment; -close in; private
; family. 151 Spring street. 12-6-18
Ft iR RENT- latrge nicely furnished front
room, two beds; couple or young men.
58 W- t I’.aciilicel2-5-26
R RENT—Furnished rooms, well heat
ed, for couple; no children, all conven
ience T.i West
THI’IIK or four well furnished rooms for
rent, also single room. 343 South Pryor
NICELY furnished rooms, 50c night. $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 714
North Broad street. Hot and cold water.
NICELY furnished front room 205 Spring
Iy y 2168-L. 12-4-43
FoR RENT Furnished rooms to couple
for housekeeping. 42 Auburn avenue.
I’l RNISHED ROOMS and store for rent,
near Terminal. 71 Mangum. 12-1-25
FoR RENT One front room; 4iot wa
ter, electric lights; close In. 286 Wash
ington street. 12-4-2
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
ROOMS, with or without board; also two
unfurnished rooms for light housekeep
ing. 32 East Caln. Phone Ivy 2903. Call
for Mrs Thornton. 12-11-43
For RENT- Four large furnished or un- I
furnished rooms, sink tn kitchen; pri
vate bath; sl6 per month. 343 South
V\ ILL RENT two or three rooms in my
home on North Boulevard to coupie or
gentlemen; meals In the same block.
Aildress Home, Box 862. care Georgian.
>8 10-12
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for
rent reasonable. 170 Washington.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO or three large, good rooms for light
housekeeping; hot laith and phone. 251
: '2rew_2!.L 12-11-32
i i i! jiE.NT Unfurnished, two or three
room- for light housekeeping Neil
Margan. 68 East Ellis street. 12-10-45
FOR RENT Five beautiful rooms and
bath, on beautiful private residence
sir'd, twelve minutes walk of Candler
building: excellent for light housekeep
ing 108 Courtland. Phone 5283 Ivy
j Only S3O. 12-10-11
FoR RENT With owner, either three or
four connecting rooms, with all modern
conveniences fur light housekeeping; in
hi st section of West End. References re
■l. (‘all Bell phone West 210. 12-7-2
I,'! I! rooms can be rented if you wTll
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are look
ing for nice rooms look for them where
the\ h ive the largest number to choose
!••• 'in. Your ad in "The Georgian’s Rent
Ihilletin” will attract the attention of the
party that is looking for rooms In your
mms... Try it and see,
1-5 off all our Furniture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. ' 12-9-34
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
Ftiß KENT Furnished half cottage; four
and bath, phone; new gas range;
' n\, i i. aces good location on south side
Ph ne Main PUHRJL 12-11-39
Nlt’i. furnished sunny apartment, also
all conveniences. 308 Capitol
av. nui Mam 2918-J. 12-9-34
>ll RENT -Two or three connecting
;t't ' m-ekeeplng rooms, with bath.
■'• Tic gits, newly papere<l: private
l entrance Near in. 345'« Peachtree
I'M ■ 'la bright rooms and kltcherc
• i . rn conveniences; north side.
Pl '• ' -178. 12-9-14
*7 I'Fl: MONTH Smail furnished house
apartment Atlanta phone
•’•■’’lL. 50-7-12
"> m- bvnii lfullj furnished, tiiod
ivenlenc' s: bright and comfort
. n< tg> borho >.• Plmne 1\ \ 2478
. . 12-4-44 Laie ion lost? Try a U.rre-tlme
I a m ’ ■ L’ i and !• and" column* of
Ji ■ u, u, and recover your •rticloß
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOUR connecting sewing rooms, newly
papered, in house with owner; private
bath. 275 East Pine. 12-6-36
... a
Furnished Houses For Rent.
M 01) E R X\~CLE AN?“ SIX-R CM) M
2591-L. 11-27-1
Houses For Rent
Real Estate and Renting.
- 10 Auburn Ave.
377 EAST FAIR STREET—-We have a
nice six-room cottage, with all mod
ern conveniences; nice neighborhood;
close to school and within easy walking
distance. Price $25.
have st two-story house of eight
rooms, carrying modern conveniences;
nice neigborhood and close in. Let us
show you this place. Price $35.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
Ftiß RENT—New six-room cottage: mod
ern conveniences; deep lot. 14 Howell
place, Wi st End, near two car lines. Ap
ply 301 I'rcff street. 27-11-12
LEASE GR SALE—Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. “Ans
ley Park.” Georgian. 38-10-12
FOR RENT, HOUSES —Call, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran, 74-76 Peachtree street. 4-1-21
EIGHT-ROOM house, 521 Courtland. $35.
A. T. Spalding. 499 Courtland. 40-4-12
FOR RENT—I 92 East Georgia avenue,
one six-room house, cabinet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50. Apply across the
street. 11-29-27
WANTED—Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
i located In Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will |
I ’ell the story of the most remarkable
. school system ever devised. Out Decem
l ber 25th. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for-
I eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
WANTED—Large room and kitchenette,
or two rooms furnished complete for
light housekeeping; warm, comfortable
and clean; north side preferred. E., Box
854, care Georgian. 29-10-12
WANTED—Room and board by young
lady In private Christian home. Good
references. P. O. Box 1434, Atlanta.
YOUR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are
looking for nice rooms, look for them
where they have the largest number to
choose from, Your ad In "The Georgian’s
Rent Bulletin” will attract the attention
of the party that Is looking for rooms In
your house. Try it and see. 12-5-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
HELP WANTED—To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new Ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner. out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED HOUSES —We have demands
for several first-class houses on the
north side. If you have anything you
want rented, list it with us. Phone
I. 1600. Edwin P. Ansley, Realty Trust
Bldg. 11-21-27
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From — No. Depart To
86 8’ham...12:01 am 36 N. Yorkl2:ls am
3 C’cinnatl.2:ssam 2 J’ville.. 3:05 am
35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 20 Col’bus. 5:20 am
13 Jaxville...s:2o am 13 Cinci 5:30 am
43 Was’ton 5:25 am 32 Ft Vai. 5'30 am
1* Sh’port.. 6:30 am 35 B’ham.. 5:45 am
23 Jaxville. 6:50 am 7 C’nooga 6:40 am
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am
26 Heflin ... 8:20 am 23 K. City. 7:00 am I
29 N. York.lo:3oam| 16 Bruns’k 7:45 am
3 Chat ga. 10.35 am! 29 8’ham..10:45 am I
7 Mac0n...10:40 atn| 38 N. Yorkll:01am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 40 ChTtte 12:00 n’n
21 Col’bus..lo:so am I 6 J’ville. .11-20 am
6 Cincill:lo am 30 C'bu5....12:30 pm
29 Col’bus.. 1:40 pm 30 N. York 2:45 pm
, 30 R'ham... 2:30 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm
40 B’ham... 12:40 pm 39 B’ham .. 4:10 pm
39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm
S J’ville4:sopm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 5 Cinci ... 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm
1 Jack’ville.B:lopml 35 Heflin... 5:45 pru
11 R’mond. 8:30 pm| 10 Macon.. 6:30 pm
24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 1 C’cinati 8:20 pm
16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm! 44 Wash'n. 8:45 nm
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 24 Jaxville. 9:30 nm
31 Ft. Vai..10:25 jim| 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm
14 Cincill:oo pm 114 J’xville 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus t*) run daily,
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Central time.
City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St.
Legal Notices.
Forrest and George Adair, Auctioneers
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
By virtue of an order from the court
of ordinary of Ware county, Georgia,
there u ill be sold at jitiblii- outcry, on
the tlrst Tuesday in January, 1913, at the
court house door in Fulton county, be
tween the legal hours of sale, the follow
ing described property belonging to the
estate of J. IV. Brown, deceased:
111 that tract or parcel of’land, lying
and being in land lot 130. of the 14th dis
trict of Fulton county. Georgia, more par
ticularly described as follows: Lot No.
I.' in Block NS. 50 feet fronting Eagan
avenue and running west even width 172
feet; lot No. 3 in block KS, 50 feet front
ing Harrison avenue and running east
even width 224 feet; lot No. 2 in block
HU. fronting 50 feet on Central avenue
and running east 172 feet; all of same in
second addition of Eagan Park subdivision
plat of which is re.-orded In deed book
183, page 704, in office of clerk of su
perior court of Fulton county.
Terms cash.
Administrator Upon the Estate of J. W.
Brown, Deceased. 12-11-5
WANTED One hundred thousand ready
made families to enure In the prosperity
of Southern I’ullfornia The Ninth Anni- I
' veraary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
unilner, out December 25th, will tell why
and how. Mailed to imy address In United
.St tt< sor Me-i olsei■ ta a copy: ('unada
I« r foreign points, 25 e. tits derid In your
order now. 10-214
Business Opportunities.
i cheap. Address Business Bargain, care
' WILL SELL furniture and lease on
twelve-room house, full of boarders, at
sacrifice. Investigate. Leaving city.
Apply A. B. C., Box 851, care Georgian.
sale. This stock is worth SIOO per
share. Am willing to trade for land or
one automobile. Address all communica
tions to Box 55, Milledgeville, Ga.
Money to Loan.
PANY OF AMERICJt can make you a
I loan on Atlanta improved projyerty
through their loan correspondents, Tur-
I man. Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire
: Building. 6-7-12-1
I MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans
on property in or near Atlanta. J. E.
VanValkenburg, 501 Equitable building.
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S.
W. Carson, 24 Broad street. 4-1-17
ON FIRST MORTGAGE real estate se
curity. Home funds and insurance mon
ey. Rates 5>4 to 8 per cent interest. We
also make monthly payment loans. We
can give you the money as soon as titles
are approved.
L. H. ZI’RLIN'E, Loan .Manager.
on improved farm lands in Georgia.
’The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould
building. 7-13-1
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Conflden
tial. I>. H. Tolman, 524 Austell building.
• Aa J0 ‘ peter s
L O AN (V.
►hone MAIN Sil CO
Real Estate For Sale.
FOR SALE BY OWNER—My .home, 46
Copenhill avenue. This is a pretty place
of six rooms, large lot, elegant fixtures
and mantels, walls tinted in rich colors,
splendid neighborhood, close to car line,
all street improvements; terms easy;
small cash payment will handle. Call
Main 2106.12-10-26
PRETTY six-room cottage on acre lot,
with electric lights, water and sewer;
half block of car; SSOO cash, $25 per
31 Inman Building. 12-10-35
FOR SALE—In Inman Park, seven-room
two-story house; furnace: combination
fixtures; large bath, reception hall, but
ler’s jiantry and large basement; for sale
at cost by owner. Call Ivy 5914-J.
FOR SALE—By .owner, new twelve-room
homo In Inman Park. All modern im
provements. Easy terms. No agents.
Address Box 847, care Georgian. 12-7-14
1-5 off all our Furniture this
week. J. M. High' Com
pany. 12-9-34
BEAIiTTFUL’HOME site, elevat
ed, trees, right at Peachtree
road, in the Buckhead-Brook-
haven district, for sale at a bar
gain. This is your opportunity
to get your north side home site
cheap. “OWNER,” P. O. Box
800. City. 12-6-52
"ASK MR. BABBAGE" to sell it. 1123
Candler Bldg. Ivy 1561.12-5-2
FOR SALE—Before buying real estate
call to see us. We handle all classes of
property and will do everything to please
you and treat you right. Ralph O, Coch
ran Company, 74-76 Peachtree st. 12-4-47
For Exchange—Real Estate.
side residence lot, near Peach
tree road, for 1912 or 1913 up-to
date touring car, provided car is
new, or practically new. “Own
er,” P. 0. Box 800. City. 12-6-53
WzYNtFD—Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It Is located at Los An
geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now. 10-21-4
Farms For Rent.
TWO FINE FARMS for rent; one eight
and one twelve-mule. Also several
small farms. Toole Land Company, Ar
lington, Ga.l2-11-17
I __
uho you are, tohere
you live, or what
will bring results,
tfrij sSt
Exhibiting at the Shows.
There is no better paying investment a breeder of tine poul
try can make than to enter some of his best stock at one or more
shows that are ‘convenient to him. It is usual
ly the best plan to make this showing at a local
show for the first time.
In that way one becomes familiar with all the
tactics of the show room before he tackles the
leading exhibitions ivhere the competition is so
strong and so much depends upon every move
that is made.
The advantages of the show room to the
breeder of good stock to be sold for exhibition
and breeding purposes are many and varied.
In one case where a man is timid and has no
confidence in his stock it usually inspires him
with confidence when he finds that his stock is
much better than he had thought it was.
On the other hand, it takes the conceit out
of the fellow who has the big head and does not
know it. He quits bragging and gets to work
to produce something that is really worth something.. He not
only rinds out that his. stock is not good enough to win prizes,
but is really not as good as lie
should have to put into his breed
ing pens. He can proceed at
once to get some that will not
only be a credit to his yards, but
will breed something good for
The timid fellow not only finds out
that he has some first-class stock of
his own. but by talking' and mixing with
the bunch of old breeders at the show
he gets many a poiner on what is the
best way to maintain the high standard
he already has. For there is many a
novice in the business who has bought
his stock for breeding mated for him so
that It will give him something good,
but he is not well enough acquainted
with the ropes to know, how to duplicate
what he already has on hand. They
can also learn the value of stock of the
different grades, so that they may be
able not only to give the purchaser val
ue received, but will not be selling their
$lO birds for $5 and the $5 ones for $lO.
In other words, he will learn much
that will be of value to him as to the
best methods of conducting the poultry
business for all concerned. He finds
out In what condition his competitor
has his stock, and perhaps some of
the methods he has employed to get
them that way. Another and impor
tant thing to be gained is the adver
tising out of having them upon exhibi-
Attention, Poultrymen! What Strain Have You?
KET, for the people are beginning to make their selections. You know
that they want to mate and breed prize winners and are anxious to get good
stock. Let them know that you have the best stock obtainable.
The Georgian’s Poultry Pages are the market place for your products,
for The Georgian is the recognized Poultry Medium of the South. Do not
let your competitor get all the business; start your ad right away and keep
It going. Results are bound to follow. Many are profiting by using these
columns and you can do likewise.
Rhode Island Reds.
TWO fine Rhode Island Red cockerels,
eight pullets, from extra fine birds,
cheap. W. J. Garner, 250 Marietta street.
HAVING purchased the entire flock of
J. I. Hosford and, combined with mine.
I can offer for sale first pen, fourth pen
and fifth pen at the Georgia Poultry as
sociation, October-November, 1912; cock
erels. $2.50 up; pullets, $2.50; have over
two hundred to select from; eggs, $3.00,
$5.00 and SIO.OO per setting of 15. Mrs
A. L, Matthews, Redan. Ga.JL-2.5-35
My combined winnings so far this season
at the Hagerstown, Macon and Au
gusta shows on S. C. R. I. Reds were five
firsts, four seconds, four thirds and four
fourths. As show birds they win and as
utility stock they lay and pay. Eggs and
stock for sale. For prices write Mrs. P
T. Calloway. Washington, Ga. 10-25-9
MONTVIEW now with
eight hens, one cock, $lO. L S. Bot
tenfleld, 27-J, Decatur, Ga. 12-10-59
•- 1 • -r -
FOR SALE —Twenty-five fat Wycoff
White Leghorn hens, one registered
cockerel, two years old; snow white and
a beauty; two young cockerels, twelve
Brown Leghorn hens. First check cer
tified for S3O f. o. b. Talbotton, Ga., geis
the lot. No better birds In Georgia. Ad
dress Mrs. L. G. Steed, Talbotton, Ga.
MONTVIEW FARM—Start now with
eight hens, one cock, $lO. L. S. Bot
tenfleld, 27-J. Decatur. Ga. 12-10-60
WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy lay
ing strain, $1.50; pullets $2 each; eggs
$1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Car
ter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-06
ONE TRIO Kellerstrass strain White
Orpingtons, less than two years old;
beauties and worth double the price asked.
Get this bargain for $lO 1238 DeKalb
avenue. Bell phone Ivy 6359-J, 12-11-10
FOR SALE —One Black Orpington cock
bird, one Black Orpington cockerel, four
Black Orpington hens, four Black Orping
ton pullets. Among these is the display
pen that won at Atlanta in January E.
E. Mack, Thomasville, Ga.l2-11 -20
MONTVIEW FARM- Start now wjth
eight hens, one cock, $lO. L. S. Botten
fleld, 27-J, Decatur,Ga. 12-10-61
THREE White Orpingtons, Kejlerstrass
strain, cockerels, $2 each. J. T. Pitts,
Newborn, Ga. 37-9-12
tal White Orpington pullets and hens.
Kellerstrass strain; bred from winners at
Knoxville, Chattanooga, Dalton, Gadsden,
Summerville. Prices $3, $5 and $7.50.
Pullets March-April hatch. George M.
Mosely, Menlo, Ga. 12-6-8
Plymouth Rocks.
EGGS from prize-winning Barred Plym
outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock,
first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup
(sweepstakes) on Just four birds. Fine
cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock.
Lithonia. Ga. 9-14-5
PATTERSON'S White Plymouth Rocks
you should have for your foundation
stock. They have been bred to win and
pay. luarge, vigorous birds. Winners at
Atlanta, Augusta. Savannah and many
other shows. Exhibition and utility birds
of the finest quality at reasonable prices.
Eggs. $2 to $5 per fifteen. $8 per hundred.
We guarantee perfect satisfaction Write
us. Patterson Farm. Fitzgerald, Ga
BANTAMS -Gaine bantarnii, Kebrl<hti»,
Huff Cochhni. Curlißle Cobb, Athene,
I' < >\V M\ X \ '!•- h ;» 1 :■ t t r kFiow
that you have h vacancy nt your table?
There arn hundreds thlw very day looking
for nice, hoiiie-llkv boarding placet
them with un ad In the “Boardorji
Wanted** column of The Georgiau.
tion. Os course, if you win some prizes,
so much the better, but in case you do
not it will still be a good ad for you, as
so many will see your stock, and if it is
nice will want to buy stock and eggs for
future delivery.
Be prepared to advertise your stock
in every possible legitimate way. Have
a nice lot of business cards ready to
hand out to all who are in any way in
terested in what you have for sale. Be
free with it, for it is the free advertiser
I have found who usually succeeds the
best. •
If the show management will allow it.
have some nice little sign to put up,
giving your name and address and the
breed or breeds von are handling. Such
poster will help talk your business, and
especially at times when you are out or
your back turned. Advertise prizes
won, but be perfectly fair about it. Do
not try to gouge the other fellow by
any cute or slick way of wording things.
I have noticed time and again that tlie
party who is working the smooth job on
some one else generally comes out at
the little end of the horn finally, in the
grand windup. We have a lot of good,
honest exhibitors attending the shows
in this country, and it is a pleasure to
be thrown with them in a business way.
I would like to see every recruit to the
ranks of that type. Bring out your
stock and rub up against the other fel
low. It will <lo you good in more ways
than one.
FOR SALE—Few good White Indian Run
ner ducks. Also one trio exhibition col
or Fagvn and White. Winners at Atlanta
and Augusta 1911 and 1912. E. E. Mack,
Thomasville, Ga.l2-11-19
WHITE RUNNERS, sls per trio; Buff
Orpington ducks, $2 each. Theo A.
Brown, 125 Sycamore street, Decatur, Ga.
Fawn and White; all ages: reasonable
prices. Eggs $1.50 to $lO. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm, Stnyr
na, Ga. 51-7-12
A FEW choice trios of White Indiari
Runner ducks (Spencer, Fishel strains)
for sl2; fawn and white, $5 pairs; $7
trios; twelve pens; good ones. We guar
antee to please you. Eggs, $2, $3 and $5.
Hen eggs for incubation, $7.50 per 100.
Oak Dean Poultry Farm, Stone Moun
tain, Ga. 12-3-25
CAN SPARE few more White Runners;
$lO trio; sls pen of four ducks and
drake: satisfaction guaranteed. South
Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga.
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock
and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry
Yards, O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood, Ga.
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs.
$1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main
3588.1 Q-9-15
FOR SALE—24 White Wyandotte pullets,
March and April hatch, some of them
are laying now, also several trios prop
erty mated; all of these are Morris strain.
A, G. Wilson, Lithonia, Ga.l2-7-8
THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White
Wyandottes. We have four pent, of
these grand birds mated and can furnish
eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO per fif
teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
will produce the winners for next season’s
shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle
thorpe avenue, Atlanta. 11-16-18
PlGEONS—Carneaux and white homers,
$1.50 per pair. Unmated pigeons, 50c
each. Theo A. Brown, 125 Sycamore
street, Decatur, Ga. 12-10-32
TWO incubators, one brooder, one Mann
bone mill, cheap. W. J. Garner, 250
Marietta street.l2-11-36
A Buckeye Incubator.
Is GUARANTEED to hatch every hatch
able egg; insurable. $8 to $35. Get a
1913 catalogue. Marbut & Minor, East
Atlanta. Ga. 12-9-16
’ )
EVERY day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur.
Horses and Carriages
FOR SALE —One standard bred black
horse, one good phaeton, two sets of
buggy harness, one good spring wagon and
harness at a bargain. 90 Metropolitan
a venill '- Multi 4836-.1. 12-10-6
WANTED To buy family horse suitable
to drive to surrey. Apply to 908 Chero
kee st., Marietta, Ga 12 9-12
FOR HALE Ponies for Christmas, S6O to
185; nl« apotted ponies. Can make
arrangementt to ship for Chrlntmaa J. P.
Frank, 204 Fourth Ave , Nashville, Tenn
t f a r n f" tte > and Ruff
left from last season's haf'2 n
from my Atlanta’ and kueHV/' 3
ners. Will sell che.n to
breeding pens. Bwk vm?
now. E. E. Mack,
pens, $5 for 15; als, »
Mhite Indian Runner ducks V
pionship pens. Birds l„,tL . °F> (!>;■?■
Marshall. Henry w. H]
straws White
double-mated Ringler r o ?4'
Leghorns. Cockerels and \ WM
the above varieties. Whhe IndV tts 9
ducks, Fishel and Valentin/
foundation stock Is the be S - t tra;r ‘, 8 - 1S
Write Paullin’s Poultry tii
Gaines, Ga. J rsrm, pS
H. G. HASTL\(7siCfil
seeds, plants, belbs ?!
WEST 2 P. M. Plloxls “1
IF c«£ia}y bi/d N for ChrFsSs 80 ™* J
and pick out a good singer’ C \v« ",’’l
glad to mark your naX, n ' T ,h
liver it to the address y ou give
mas eve. We have some ver' fin/ 1 .I*’ 1 *’
U a J an(l .. a dutiful line of ca».
blrda 3ell at_s2.7s and cages from Jl to’fc
AVE HAVE a beautiful lot
10c, 15c and 25c each Thev°« ? n
nice gift for the little folks. F, h
25c up to $3. gl w«i,
RtA l L s T Ur rA le l! ds ’ do not forget n %
Biddy. Get her a bag of t£,i *
Meat Mash and she will show her /“ Bl
elation by supplying you with
fresh eggs. $2.25 a J,’3/
WE CARRY a full line of dog
If your dog is sick, consult us
book fre™ nedy for every dlsease $
SPRATT'S Puppy and Dog Cakes'
WE HAVE SOME pretty puppies thaTZm
make nice presents for the bovs e®
white rabbits and Belgian hares* A ‘“
ANY TIME that it isn’t convenient~t»
you to come to the store, phone
SS7„,.r “5
FOR SALE CHEAP—Hounds ami b-i
dogs; thoroughly trained; eighteen
hound and bird pups. Write your wan™
R. A. Smith, Jefferson, Ga., 11. F D i
\\ ANTED—To buy grown Boston terne
bitch. Write James H. Bogman, Stnjr
na - Ga - 34-11-11
I HAVE some thoroughbred Shepherd !
pups for sale. Write Box 201, Bogart.
Ga - 12-ir-a
WANTED—One hundred thousand ready-
made families to share in the prosper
ity of Southern California. The Ninth An
niversary Edition of The Los Angeles Ei.
antlner, out December 25th, will tell Thy
and how. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy: Cea
ada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in
your order now. 10-21-4