Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 13, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12

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Where Where Qualities Prices Are Are Highest lowest Very Fine Thin-Skin FLORIDA ORANGES 14c Dozen: 8 Dozen for SI.OO Two-Carload Shipment of New Crop Nuts Finest We Have Offered Biazu Nuts. medium. pound. 12c Beat Mixed Nuts, pound 20c Nuts, extra large, re- .. , . cleaned. pound 18c | 1 IVf ' for 95c California S »fi Shell Englii>li ‘ Choice .Mixed Nuts, pound .15c Walnuts— - No. 1. pound 22c b, ven P‘ )Und » f<)l 95c No 2. pound 18c Shelled Pecans, pound 90c Soft Shell California Almonds, Shelled Valencia Almonds, per pound 22c pound 60c Paper Shell California Al- Shelled Jordan Almonds, per moral r, pound 25c * pound 80c Jumbo Texas Pecans, pound.2sc I’fpost Georgia Paper She'll Shelled Englf-h Walnuts, per Pecans, pound 60c pound .60c Black Walnuts, pound 3c Shelled Black Walnuts, pound, 40r Three Carloads of Georgia YELLOW YAMS 21c Peck Mince Meat and Plum “Zatek” Chocolate Pudding I Icing Atnv»re's .Mince Meat: In bulk, per pound . 15c f hof'ol«te Icing s a new and popular product I'iue I- 2 pound ' Otis 25c for Icing cakes, for ice cream and , ~ desserts, for making fudge or fo r 'Hn-e that con drinking hot. Ready for use no I cd. package 10c eggs, milk or sugar to add. Alni > > Plum Pudding One half pound. 15c ■'-pound cans . 63c ' Walter Baker’s or Lowney s 2 pound cans 43c Chocolates, one-half-pound < ake ... 19c i-poi.iid <an« 23c i. T> . . Walter Bakers or Lowney’s Co dual cans 10c ioa, one-half-pound tin. ..19c Marigold Butterine Marigold Buttorine looks, smells and lasies like best cream ery batter Absolutely pure and healthful, fully guaranteed and always satisfactory for both table use and cooking. One pound eartons 25c Pound Carload of Golden Russet Grape Fruit Carload of famous (Solden Russet (.’rape Emit on sale Friday and Saturday: Small 4c: 3 for 10c. Large 6c; 5 for 25c, Extra 8c; 4 for 30c. Box of any of above sizes for $3.00. Brunswick Flour Famous Brunswick Flour best for cakes and pastry: 24-pound Bag, SI.OO 48-pound Bag, $1.90 ROGERS’ 36 PURE FOOD STORES hie ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13. 19i2 J.MJIK2 COMBSM. J.M.HKB COMPANY. J.MJIKB COKWL Great Bargains For Friday and Saturday COME EARLY Ostrich Plume Sale For Xmas Gifts ~J U, The finest values in genuine African Ostrich Plumes, in white, black and colors. Select early to get the exact shade and style you need. $12.50 Plumes $6.49 SIO.OO Plumes $4.95 w $ 6.50 IHumes . . . . $3.49 Juniors’ Suits at Cut Prices We take stock January 1. and must close out these Junior Tai lored Suits. $12.50 Suits, now SIO.OO $15.00 Suits, now $12.00 $20.00 Suits, now $15.00 $22.00 Suits, now SIB.OO $25.00 Suits, now $19.75. All-Woolen Dresses for chil dren and for juniors now greatly reduced in prices. Christmas Aprons o 'n W ' WL Nurses’ and Maids’ Aprons of flu* best qualities, with or with out Bibs—2sc, 50c, 75c. Fancy Aprons in great variety. 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50. ra Christmas |r ■fl Picture Sale Wt t'S* I 4 i 9 To our knowledge you can not give more Hi [p£ i! genuine joy to a friend than io present a per- vM II *■ ' I !!Zi jM sonally selected picture that appeals to you. |Mt I Lj 'i * ,ave a wonderful stock of reproductions of 'rkl bG masterpieces and of modern subjects at these ( I*l |Si j low prices; also Den Pictures, suitably framed. ’W j M* H and everv one will make an acceptable gift. t ' ft a ij X’ j Pictures, values to SI.OO. at . . . .$ ..»(• |u/| Pictures, values to $2.50. at OS \ ‘A J| Pictures, values to $3.50, at .... 1.98 j\ . Pictures, values to $4.50. at .... 2.50 J| Pictures, values to $6.00. at .... 3.50 ? «},] A great many Art Novelties also in this de- j •y partment suitable for gift?. f ' I T- Kodaks. $2.00 to $35.00. Films developed I f 5 "jj free. >< ’do r— —— I ma J. M. HIGH CO. Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear Hats and Shapes, Values to SB.OO, We have only about fifty Trimmed and Ready-to ,Wear Hats to close out at this price, and fifty women will get the biggest bargains of the season. Hats worth to fIHI Ru 31 SB.OO each, all at one price. Fine selection of Shapes in Velvets. jf y Felts, etc., small, me- jb ditim and large. Vai- J r ues to SB.OO i / 98c Sale Begins at 8:30 CdltS FURS 1-5 OFF Do you realize that here, just when you want to give Furs for Christmas, that you can take advantage of absolutely unequaled bar _/V\ gains? Every piece of Fur in our stock is guaranteed to be exactly as represented, and | <v< ‘ r - v piece, from $12.50 sets to the finest .4 _• , Eastern Mink and Russian Lynx, will be in- jfflWhk y W-btj eluded in this sale - $12.50 Fur Sets, now SIO.OO s ls - 00 Fur Sets, now $12.00 v *'WEjWK z $20.00 Fur Sets, now $16.00 MT* ;t 't/ $25.00 Fur Sets, now $20.00 I] 4’ll $35.00 Fur Sets, now $28.00 iTOWI' I—l'N SSO-00 Fur Sets, now $40.00 ' // $75.00 Fur Sets, now $60.00 General Reduction in Coats For Women, Misses and Children Consider giving her a beautiful Fur or Plush Coat. or a long, warm Chinchilla, or a handsome Black Cloth, beautifully lined throughout with rich black satin: and W oome early to the third floor tomorrow to select before the stock is too much picked over. / Ob. Women’s and Misses’ Long Street and Auto Coats— f SHKLI Values to $20.(10. at $12.95 Values to $25.00, at $14.75 Values to $30.00, at $19.75 wMI $ Beautiful Seal ami Murored Plush Coats, at $29.75 and $25.00. HSfIKLU The finest Russian Pony ami other Fur Coats now at ’’ greatly reduced prices. OWIII All Juniors'and Children’s Coats on the Second Floor are being sold at greatly reduced prices. f I "I DORAN PINS A Complete Line of these Famous Pins MOUNTED |N attractive holiday boxes A MOST acceptable AND • USEFUL • GIFT ’BmL Remember that these pins are fully guaranteed for satisfactory wear. ((Assortment includes beautiful patterns in all finishes and real hand engraved. D«p t Priced 35c. to $1.35 Sets Visit demonstrator who will be p'eased to show pins and explain their merits Christmas Suggestions From Our Shoe Department We are headquarters for Daniel Green felt fur-trimmed Ju liets and t'omfys. in ail colors—blue, brown, red. gray, laven der. purple, old rose, black and oxford: all prices SIOO $125 $1.50, $2.00. ’ ’ ’ hoi Children's I.eggins in all color.- black, reu, blue, brown and white—all prices 75c, SI.OO, $1.25. $1.50. Men's, bovs and youths' Slippers, in all leathers, priced from SI.OO to Misses' and children's felt Juliets: all prices. 75c, SI.OO, $125. Cqmbknx mas T’ es i Ww Don’t fail to see the \ Algol nobby Silk Four-in- Hind Ties we are \ selling at 0n1y... 25c Also beautiful and / / exclusive novelties in .A I Silk Neckwear \ An< 3 our Boxed Sets I that include Silk I Necktie, Silk Hand 'jSSx «&■ kerchief and Siik Sox L--J at to 12 set Men’s Gloves rfOWB I I < I•* . j GLOVES | ’ Hl W II/ 1 The famous D. & P. Gloves for men. “They wear out, but they take their time about it.” Prices $1.50 and $2.00. Men’s stylish Kid Gloves. Spe cial price. Pair SI.OO. Men’s Auto Gloves that have been $3.50. now $2.50. Furniture One-Fifth Off Entire Stock taU-liL ’ ■ Goes in KawnnLllll /' i“n!l l '|i| i'l JH This ii il j i,I 9»1 Sale ’ s " “« UillJ]' Fine * Offer- j ings for H Xma» BWfSaW Gifts | V, ’ -jHaviland China. Also White and Gold Sets and Open Stock Iff * ; ’Y) New stock just in of Sets, also open stock. See our special offer ings of Dinenr Sets at $14.98. $22.50, S3O and $38.50. Values sls to $45 set. High’s Lunch Room Save time while doing your Chri>t mas shopping. Don’t go home for lunch go down to our nice new Lunch Room, where you can get a fine meal at a very low price. High’s Toy Dept. Don't fail to se<‘ our special offering* in Dolls. Toys, Wheel Goods, Furni ture, etc. Everybody will find this tin place to get the best Toys at lowest prices