Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 13, 1912, EXTRA, Page 19, Image 19

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Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, REN TING AND LOANS E? , P; , , eg 1031-10S2. f quanta Phone MSI. . for sale. av I.LIAMS STREET, just north of l r . : fronting 58 feet and extend ' _’us feet, with a 10-foot alley on J ’ We consider this lot a good r ' !,000 eash and $2,000 a year for ve awith 7 per cent interest. The ;.ble for apartments, garage, , r any light machinery. Will ; rase in value. See Mr. Rad- ford < GOOD CORNER on Piedmont a very attractive ten-room resi ■ r.h nil the city conveniences. . ■ vely new. A splendid purchase See Mr. White or Mr. Brad- ; ,f \ST LAKE SECTION, only a ' A .. red feet off the Automobile ; rfectly beautiful tract of land fe< on a good road, con it four acres. The grove : . house is magnificent. The ini . - are substantial. Could be eas- • d into a modern home. We • . - ns a splendid suburban home. : and cheap for $5,000, on very See Mr. Hook or Mr. Eve. If You Have Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. , • irmly place $30.06 ■ 6-r. h.. 100 West Peachtree place. .$25.00 . ;.l.urne avenue .... 3 ? .00 «-r. h.. 125 Cooper (January D... 25.0 u - whitefoord avenue ... 26.60 6-r. h.. 260 Grant street 25.00 Cherokee avenue .... 26.50 6-r. h, 315 Central avenue 26.00 PUBLISH A M EEKLY KENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of rvthing we have for rent. Get a copy JOHN' J. WOODSIDE. i. NTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 612. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale 50 Acres Near Peachtree Road WT OFFER 50 acres within one mile of Peachtree road. Joins \\ T Ashford’s property. THE BEST BARGAIN IN SUB ll;i:\\ ACREAGE. $3,000 cash. EDWIN P. ANSLEY Land Department. Iv\ 1600. . Realty Trust Building. Good Investments *" IYME on Lee street. Has a nine-room home and a dandy lot, 60 by 238; e-rr.i.r f Lawton. You can remember, this is right on the car line. Terms. DELEON A VENT’E. close to N I levard; a dandy nlne- - !•.’ home; modern; with furnace; lot 47 by 150. L\< KSON STREET, close t< Ponce DeLeon, a pretty bungalow; • \ r tins. This is a real bargain. ST PEACHTREE home; brick veneer, slate roof, stone front, it has num and sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors. The window h with thr house. Screened. In fact, it is a bargain. The lot faces ar r little street. The owner is going West. Get busy MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. .’/"I National Bank Building. Phones: Ivy 1276, Atlant, 201. 5 as- ■ j i 525 Cash, Balance Sio Per Month ON WOODWARD AVENUE, we offer you a 3-room cottage with all improvements for SI,OOO. No loan. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 Third National Bank Building. Bell Phone Ivy 4286. Atlanta Phone 672. I lILLINAIOKRIS CO. 1 1" Atlanta National Bank Building—Both Phones 4234. F< )R a new. never-occupied 7-room 2-story house, on one 1 Hi. best streets in West End. Has furnace heat, hard 'mix. '.leeping poreh, beautiful fixtures; plenty of large ' ■■ t>. in. ilt tinted walls, big porches, on lot 54x200. Can nuke terms. '-.000 ( LOSE IN on the south side we have a good 6-roont 1 .ige mi lot 50x140 to alley, renting for $lB per month, lies s in perfect repair, and on one of the main streets on the I ■ ttL sidi■. Can arrange terms. No loan. A ILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. HUAI ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phone 2106 Main. s: \l’j; \ in -.H0.000 for a beautiful 9-room, new home on Pmce DeLeon ave lias sleeping porch, steam heat, hardwood floors, birch doors, elegant gas • ; ; 'hi i;c nxtures, two tine porcelain baths, beam ceilings, no loan to assume. t runs back to another street in the rear. This is what you are looking __ - ,,r I'euns. ‘ ■'*. lok at our now home now being completed at No. 21)2 Moreland ave- uie. Hose to Druid Hills; tile bath, furnace heat, hardwood Honrs, fine mantels. •' : K nUrrors, beam ceilings, plate rack; the very best of plumbing; lot is f. .-.t deep; east front. If you don’t get this you are going to be sorry. —CLll r ’ p, ‘ :s right and terms easy. ______________ This <>• a close-in proposition; it is a nice 6-room house, east front, with- II w.dkirg distance of down town; the best buy in the city. It is almost semi- • -’-'-’-H l . l ■ :, lley side and rear. I ■' to Euclid avenue: now listen: 6 moms, good condition, adjoining homes . • 1 i"f 4,000; will sacrifice this for $3,200. It won’t keep. Call us up at once, '‘•rnis easv. .... , —■ J Druid Hills Corner Lot WITHIN one ami one-half blocks of the most beautiful home in , Atlanta we have a perfectly level corner 101. facing east and '"■uh. of 1.55 feet front by 290 feet deep, that we van deliver, if >i at once, at SSO per front foot. There is nothing else in this '" ''•in to compare with this. HAAS & McINTYRE Olanta National Bank Building. Phone M. 123.>. I Homer A. McAfee, Stiles Manager. FOR SALE BY FRONTING R R. TRACKS. ( j J-P Lp p* (Also Two Other Streets.) k -* Where you can't go wrong: 150 feet on [J i > * T e-r-x A. 7 one street by 167 feet on another, with 1\ P JX I Y railroad tracks In rear of property, 220 ■* * • f,. pt Two "I<l houses now on premises, I (>. _ _ _ _ rented. Kight at new viaduct Buy It l ) |\/1 |_> /X 1 L-MPIHE BUILDING. REAL ESTATE. RENTING. LOANS. Phones 1599 Beachtree Street Investment ■* AN OFEER the best proposition on Peachtree > 'ii'et-i: new improvements, long lease, at a good ■ of interest. Call at office for particulars. J. H. EWING 116 CANDLEIi. STORES. <NT--n BRYAN STREET. OL T f»N BRYAN STREET and Loomis* avenue we have a good store room in a nice neighborhood, where we think a nice grocery store, with fresh meats, ought to ■jmimand a good trade. Price sls. 816 MARIETTA STREET. ON fHE LEFT going out Marietta street ■ we nave a good store room that we can rent you, including city water, fur $10.60 * per month. 274 N()RTH 801 LEM ARD. ’ ir- LEFT going out Boulevard, near Highland avenue, we have a brand new brick store room. Has never been oc cupied and Is located in A-l good neigh- ; borhnod. Fine location for drugs, gro- ' ceries or any other good business. Price i $25. 29$ MARIETTA STREET. ON THE RIGHT going out Marietta street and adjoining the Sixth Ward bank, we have a brand-new brick store room, on car line and in thickly popu lated section of our city; line location. Price S2O. WE HAVE A LONG LIST of business houses all over the citv. Come to see us. ' FOSTER & ROBSON. ITIEATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FBI DA Y. DEUEMBEK 13. 1912 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Homes Built to Suit NEXT year we want to build fifteen or twenty houses in our Stewart Ave. subdivision near the Tenth Ward school. We can build these houses according to the customer's own plans, and arrange easy terms of payment. Now is the time to come in and discuss with our building department the kind of house you wish. You can select a lot. give us an idea of what you want, and we will turn the house over to you complete in every respect. Anyone who inspects the houses we have already put up in this subdivision can see the high grade of workmanship and material used. We build houses to last and to make every cus tomer feel like passing the word along. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR NORTH SIDE HOME $6.500-N0 LOAN TO ASSUME. SSOO to SI,OOO cash, balance like rent. This is a beautiful house of 8 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood doors, pretty mantels and fixtures. Located on wide street, 200 feet off West Pachtree. Not often you have a chance like this. Make us an offer. THOMSON & LYNES 20 Walton. Both Phones 458, EAST LAK E LOTS IN I HE FAST GROWING section of East Lake we offer some, choice lots on very easy terms. Your chance to double your money in a short time. Call and get a plat, prices and terms. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE B UILDING. IT np CAI E? HILLIARD STREET, CORNER I LviV GALE PITTMAN PLACE. I( ) H l\l I LARGE LOT, 117x105 feet; has 5 j V_Z A J. X H | « houses on it, with good, steady rent <y7 T X r-N r\ O I retUrn ”' PrlCe ° nly ,9 '° oo ' VV I It J I I I J H THOS. R. FINNEY. Sales Mgr. * * V - 1 12 Auburn Avenue. HOME BARGAIN An up-to-date 5-room cottage on nice lot. right at Druid Hills (this side), right near the new Highland school; not necessarv to cross car tracks to get to the school. This is a real bargain and must be sold at once. Price $4,500 on easy terms; would consider a small piece of acreage as part payment. WILSON BROS. PHONE M. 4411-J. 7oi EMPIRE BLDG Money To Loan. Money To Loan. WHEN A’OU eompleteyoiir house or store, building or apartment, let us figure with you for a loan at the lowest rate of interest obtainable. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN, 205 Empire Building. Loan Correspondents for the Prudential In- surance Company of America. LAND FOB SALE. 100 ACRES, GO miles south of Atlanta, 60 acres in cultivation, 25 acres in timber, balance pasture; 4-rootn cot tage, three barns and other out-houses; two public roads. Rented for four bales of cotton. Price $3,500. The owner has just instructed me to cut in half if sold before Xmas. Must be cash. Don’t write and ask a lot of questions. Go and see the place and it you have the cash you will buy. 'l'l IOS. AV. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Bldg. LifOFFiSKT PUT IMS UP <‘Hk.A<;<» Dec 12. Th? strength shown in wheat this morning was mainly on the light off* rings in the pit, us the demand was not of an urgent character. Early advances were shown of ’« to with sales of Ma_> at 89 to and July at 86bj to The market in the old world was rather unsettled, showing < onsidurable strength early but weakened later The weather in the Argentine was reported a.: unset tied in the first cable t was said to have been more favorable. v'orii a . ham lower on the excel lent weather for shelling, and movement and the. <»xpe< tation that receipts will show marked increases. Liverpool was easier on the American < ables and reports of a large acreage planted in Argentine. The buying of wheat continued right uj to the <*i<>so with shorts and Investors taking hold freely ami resting spots for the day were to %<• higher. One of the features of the market was the fact that thos« who have been selling every time a strong market was in evidence wen- slow about putting out short lines today. Corn dosed with advances of Vi 1n %-• and resting spots were around the best prices reached. < )ats were ’ ,»• lower to about \c high er and hog products were fractionally bet ter all around. Cash sales of grain today were: Wheat, 65,000, corn. 95.000; oats, 130.000 bushels. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Grain quotations: . Prrvlout Open. High. Lovr Close Close 1 WHEAT— Dee 83% 84’ /a 8374 84 H 83% I May 89 Jk'.u. 89 89% 89’,' July B»r> 87’s* 86’- 87 86% | CORN - De. 47% 48 47’ 4 47\ I May 4848-’n 48’* 4848’ 4 I July 18% 49% 48\ 49% 48“% OATS - T'p". 32L 32% 32 32% 82% Mav 32’ t 31 31% 32% 32% July 3?. 33 32% 33 32% PORK Jan 18.bS 18.62 1 " 18.45 M ’ 18.25 18.40 18.20 18.37% d«. 25 Lard - 1 10.60 10.52’ ? 10.52% 10.7,r Jan 10.13 10.25 10.0 - 10. \U • -7' » 6 ■, • b.?7* ? ■ RlH.** .bin 9..'-' .j." ‘B7 l . 9. <2 : 9.95 i M • - -.lfh’ 9.80 ’ ?.7J LAND FOR SALE. 1,275 ACRES—Stock farm. Will trade for Atlanta property, or small farm near Atlanta. This is one of the best stock farm propositions in north Geor gia. Four hundred acres of the land is almost perfectly level; 700 acres in timber, all kinds; new 6-room residence and 5 tenant houses, new bftrn and oth er out-houses. Owner Is engaged In other business and doesn't have the time to look after this place. THOS. VV. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Bldg. i ” ™~ " LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened unchanged to higher; at 1:30 p. m. the market was unchanged to %d lower. Closed unchanged. Corn opened %d lower; at 1:30 p. m. the market was %d lower. (Tosed un changed to %d higher. CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS , ,)e< ' 12 Wheat, No. 2 red 1.02 ft) No. 3 red, 90©1.00, No. 2 hard y'„i ter 4, 85: 5^ 8 ’ ; •' hard winter, 83% &86; No. 1 northern spring, 86%<?r87%- No 2 northern spring, No. 3 spring. 82ftr84\. .. f .'” rn <- 3 ’ 451 «''t46%; No. 3 white, 46%. No. .1 yellow, 46V46'. No 4 44ft, ?>! 4 Whlte ’ No. 4 yellow, 44% fa 45%. ’ L a . ,s ’ 2 white, 35; No. 3 white, 33% 41’4 4 ’ Nu ' 4 whllc ’ 32 © 33 : Standard. 33% PRIMARY MOVEMENT. WHEAT— 1912 i TsTI Receipts I 1,388,000 CTMOO - M.ipments 343."00 '.88.000 CORN— I is-V i ' i9n:~~ Receipts 609.00(1 788,000 ■Shipments ._ .. . . _316,000 4 85,000 CHICAGO CAie LOTS. I'o.lowing are receipts for Thursday «n<l estlmaied receipts for_Fri<lay: IT burs ua y J Friday Wheat ~ 2° 23 Hogs ■■■■ . . . 26,000 io,ooo LIVE STOCK MARKET. Dec. 12. Hogs Receipts -6.000 Market, steady to s<: lower Mixed and butchers, $7,007)7.45; good heavy $7.30«r7.45: rough heavy, !7.oo'rr 7.30 light $7.00ft<7.40; pigs, $5,254:7.00, bulk, s7.2sfti i Cattle -Receipts 6,000. Market steady . Beeves. $6.404111.00; cows and heifers I $2 754(8.50; Stockers and feeders, SS.OOftr ■ 75: Texans, $6 404)8.50, calves, sß.7srq . Sheep Receipts 17.000. Market strong Native and Western,<Kr lambs j $5.151t 8.25. COTTON SEED OIL. _ c ’ ntr 2 r ' 011 quotation®: • r Spot i.25fti6.40 J i •• ( -mi- 4 r 1 6.28<h642 i•• . 636 625'j 6 March i J.384f612 6.3Xf/6.34 April ..... 6.41 (/ 643 6 3506.37 • . . 6.494/6 50 6.43 a6 41 ♦ 6.5006.60 6.444/1..48 Tu’\ 6 f,.; .’47 . C m ’ •• ■ 4 * :nle« 16,s*" b trre Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & |)O ALSTON IDEAL HOME PROPOSITION WEST PEACHTREE STREET. ON A LOT 50x200 on the swell cst part of this beautiful thor oughfare we have a modern nine room home, with conveniences as follows: Five rooms down stairs, toilet and lavatory, with hard wood floors in every room but the kitchen, hardwood staircase, four bed rooms upstairs and two baths with tile floors, also has large closets, truuj< room, and dandy sleeping poreh. This house has a tile roof and a great big tile front veranda. House is heated with a hot water furnace, and the radiators are placed with an idea of getting the best results and still leaving the proper space for the furniture. This is a grand home, and we can make easy terms. Houses For Rent. GEO. P. MOORE. Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Ave. PHONE BELL 5407. ATLANTA 5408 377 EAST FAIR STREET—We have a nice six-room cottage, with all mod ern conveniences; nice neighborhood; close to school and within easy walking distance. Price $25. 10 EAST ALEXANDER STREET—We have a two-story house of eight rooms, carrying modern conveniences; nice nelgborhood and close In. Let us show you this place. Price $35, LAND FOR SALE. 90 ACRES, 35 miles west of Atlanta, 2 miles from railroad station; a real nice little farm, 5-room cottage, painted and celled; barn and other out-houses; good strong land. If sold tn the next ten days $1,150. on terms, or SI,OOO all cash. After you see this place you would not ask any reduction in the price. THOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Bldg. MDRGANANDLOEO SUPPOHT STOCKS By CHARLES W. STORM. NEW YORK, Dee. 12 Bear raiders were still in control at the opening of the stock market today, and most of the Standard stocks showed material losses, although support became visible after fif teen minutes of trading. This gave the list an irregular appearance. Improvement was shown In the market in the last hour after a day of excited trading. Prices of most of the standard issues held firmer and advanced above the low rang.. Certain banking interests closely identified with the exchange bought heavily of steel and Reading 'me report In Wall Street was that some of the heavy selling of the past three days had resulted from the transfer of stocks of a big estate into cash. The market closed heavy. Governments unchanged; other bonds steady. Stock quotations: ._ 'Clos Prev STOCKS High Gow Sale Rid CTM Arnal. Copper. 75>,2 73$t; 75Vti 74%' 74% Am. Ice Sec 18S, 18 Am. Sug. Ref ills ;113?(,:U5%, 113% Am. Smelting 70’4 68% 69% 69% 69 Am. Locomo. . 41% 40% 40% 41% 41 Am. ('ar Fdy 54% 54% 64% 54%| 53% Am. Cot. Oil . 56% 55% 56% 56% 56 Amer. Woolen . 19% 19% Anaconda . .. 38%' 37% 38% 38% 37% Atchison ... 165%. It'4% ■:(>.'.% 105% 104 A. ('. L 138 136% 137% 136% 136 t; Amer Can ... 28% 27% 28% 28% 27% do. pref. ...114% 112 114', 113% 113 Am Beet Stig.. 49% 17% 48% 18% 18 Am. T and T ,138% 138 138 130% 137% Am. Agricul 54% 54 Heth Steel ... 36 34 35% 35% 34% B R T 87% 86 87% 86% 86% B. and 0.....;104% 103%! 104%;104 !103% ('an. Paclfii- . . 260% 255 259%!258 258% Corn I'rodU'tn 13% 13% 13% J 3% 13% ( and 1 > 78% 76% 78% 77% 77% Consol. Gas .. 138% 135% 138% 138% 136% ('en. Leather . 27 26%. 27 27% 26% Colo. F. and I. 32 32 32 33% 32% Colo. Southern, .... 32%* 34 I'■ and II 1162 162% and R G. 19 19 19 19% 19 Distil. Seeur. 2u% 20 20% 20% 19% Eric . .. 31% 3(1% 31% :;ii a 311 4 do, prer. .. 48% 47% 48% 18% 48 Gem Electric 18.. 182% 181% 181% 180 Goldfield Cons. 1% 1% G. Wes'.Tn .. 17 17 17 16% 16% North , pfd. 134% 132% 134% 133% 132% G North, (lie. 40% 40 40% 41 40 Int. lit. Central .. 125 125 Interboio ... 17 16% 16% 16% 16% ■io. pref. .., 59% 57% 59% 59 58 lowa Central .... 11 JO K. C. Southern 26 26 26 26% 2'. K. and T 26% 25% 25% 2’6% 2.’,% do. pref .... HOL. 6U L. Valle.'. . . ~168%, 165%'168 : 8i'168 " 166% 1., and N. . . 141% 139', 141'» 111 139% Mo I’;., in.- . . 11 % 40% 41 % 41 % 40% N V Central 109% 108% 108% 108% 108% Northwent. . .135 135 13.', 1350, 134% Nat. Lead ,>6% 56% 5e% 56 54"', N and W. . . 110% 110% 110% llu non. No. Pacific . . 120% 118% 1,9% 119% 118% <>. and 1\ . . . . 31 %l 3o % : Penn 120% 120% 120% 120% 120 Pacific Moll 29% 30', P. Gas Co . . 110% 109% 110 110 10: % p Steel Car 34% 31 Reading ... 16 1 161% 161% P, 1 % P',4 ■ , Roc k Island. . 23 22% 23 23% 22% do. pfd.. 14 42% 14 44% 16% It I. and Steel 24 2’3% 23% 24% 23'. do. pfd.. . . 86 84% 86 86% 84% S.-Sheffield .15 48 •So. I’aeitl" . . 110% 107%.109% 10H 108% So. Railway . 2'7% 27 27% 27% 27% do. pfd.. . . 79% 7:*% 79% 79% 7'.t% St. Paul. . . . 112% 109% 112’% 111% 11", Tenn. Copper 36% 31 36% 36% 251a Texas Pacific 21% 21% 21% 22 21 % Third Avanue 31% 3| Union I’aeitl 156% 153% 15« % 155 ‘ 15., 1' S. Rubber 62% 62 . 62% 62% >',2’% Utah Copper , 56 r,’", 56% ... 1 S. Steel . 66% 61% ’l6 65% 64% d,. pfd . . t 07% 107% 107% 108% 107'., V. ■( '. < 'ltem. . 43 12 43 42% 41 % West. Union . 73% 72 73% 72% 7'1% Wabasl 4 1 i 1 4 t <lO. pfd . . 13 12 . West. Electric 75% 74% 7b 76% "5% wia. Central bo 49 W. l|:,r)lu,:'i .. 51% 5J T" : ! ’’til.? ■" ■ hi CROP ESTWE LOWERS COTTON NE\y YORK, Dec. 12.—Firnuiess In ca bles caused the cotton market here to <>l»en steady, with prices net unchanged to 3 points higher than last night's close. Trading was small, with a disposition among traders to await tb.«- publication of the government crop estimate, which will be made public at I p. m. After the call, the market was barely ' steady. The ring sold, but their sales were lim ited. The larger spot offerings were quickly absorbed, most of it being taken by larger spot interests. Prices later eased off 1 to 4 from the opening quotations. Renew'ed buying of larger spot people and a wave of short covering during the late forenoon trading resulted in a quick advance Prices rallied 5 to 7 points over the first figures Trading was light at the initial trading of the aft ernoon session, but the market was sup ported by the best sources and prices firmlj held at the high levels. Liverpool exchange reopened for an extra session after the usual closing hour to meet the bureau report. The issuance of the government’s esti mate was flashed at 1 p. m.. placing the figures at 13,82.0000 bales, compared with 14.885,000 last year, which was regarded as bearish. Heavy selling predominated, causing a rapid decline. January dropped to 12.50, March to 12.58, May to 12.50 and July to 12.51. loiter an aggressive move- ' inent prevailed, led by spot people, which checked the downward tendency, hold ing prices at the levels stated above dur ing the late trading. At the close the market was steady with prices a net gain of 7 to 14 points from the final quotations of Wednestiay. RANGEJIN_ NEW YOR ' e U FURES _ vju 9 J’rii/l'tj is c|-: 3 I'2, 5 I Dec. 12.52 12.57'12.36'12.36 12.38-40 12.52-54 • lan. 12.65'12.74 12.46'12.52'12.51-53 12.62-63 Feb. | 1..........1 112.50-52 12.62-64 Meh. 12.72 12.85 12.50 12 58112.55-58 12.70-71 Apr. . .112.54 12.66 May 12.68 12.78112.49,12.56 12 55-56 12.66-67 June I 1 12.51-53112.63 .mil 12.64 12.74 12.46 12.53 12.51-53 12.63-64 Aug 12.,'6,12.63 12.51 12.42'12 53-46112.54-55 Oct. 11 86 11 '(0 11 86 11.8:’ 1 1,80-82 11 Hti-UO Closed steady. Uverpool cables were due to come 1 to points higher today, but the mar ket opened steady, with prices at a 3 points advance. At 12:15 p. m., the mar ket was quiet, 1 to 2 points higher on near months and 2% to 4’4 points advance on distant positions. At the close the market was quiet, with prices at a net gain of I’4 to 414. points from the final figures of Wednesday. Spot cotton steady at 1 point advance; middling 7.07 d; sales 10,000 bales, includ ing 6,100 American Estimated receipts today are 60.000 bales, compared with 56.205 last week and 61,630 last year, against 73.000 bales the year before. This market closed at the usual time, but reopened tu meet the government crop estimate. RANGE IN LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures opened firm. Opening. Prey Range 2 P. M. Close. Prev. Dec. . . . 6.83 -6.81 6.80V z 6.81 Dec.-Jan. 6.81 -6.80 6.78’t 6.80 6.78 Jan.-Feb. 6.79 -6.78 6.76 6.78 6.76 Feb.-Meh, ’ 2 6.76 V: 6.74K4 Meh.-Apr. 6.76 -6.75 6.74 Apr -May 6.75 -6,74 6 73V4 6.74% 6.72 May-June 6.74 -6.73 6.72V4 6.73 6.71 June-July 6.72V4-6.72 6.72’/ 2 6.71 U 669 July-Aug. 6.69 -6.68 6.69 6.68’-2 6.66 Aug - Sept 6.59 6.59V4 O.GS’-j 6.56 Sept.-Oct. 6.40 I > 4-6.42 6.42 6.42 6.27’4 i Oct.-Nov, 635 -6.36 6.36 6.36 6.32 1 Closed quiet. I HAYWARD a. CLARK’S DAILY COTTON LETTER NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 12 —New York professional reports say tiic Pell Inter ; ests bought at least 50,000 bales yester day. and that Watkins says the govern ment estimate will be around 13.450.000. This shows the bullish feeling prevailing in that quarter. Liverpool met our advance, coming in 5 points higher this morning Spots I point higher. The movement shows signs <>f decreasing The Into-sight figures for the week looks around 572.000, against 646.721 last year. Comparisons of mill takings tomorrow’ are likely to be bullish, as we compare with takings of only 393,- 000 bales for this week last year. The heavy exports during the past eight weeks ami consequent large stork afloat will give large landings and takings abroad, whereas, last year the heavy exports and takings <ii«l not get In until January. Our market opened unchanged, gained a few points and ruled very firm. The gen eral disposition was to buy, but the ab sence of sellers prevented business. RANGE IN NEW ORLEANS FUTURES. i a ? | • § I f I X 5 h \ f I £6 1 lee. 112.80 12.82 12 70'12 73 12.68-69’ 12.79-80 Jan. 12.82 12.90'12.65 12.70’12.70-71 12.81-82 Feb . 12.72-74 12.83-84 M.'h 12 86 12.95 12.69 12.74 12.74-75 12.85-86 April 12.77-78 12.88-90 May '12.92'13.01 12’75'12.81 12.81-82112.92-93 June i 1 12.84-85 12.94- )« .July ! 12.90-91’13.00-01 (><:(. 13.01’13.0942.85112.90112.86 112.92-94 Closed barely steady. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Coffee imitations: I I Closing January 18.15 113.15@13.20 February 13 .Di 13.35 13.2’5 u 13.30 March 13 52 13.51<h 13.55 April 13.621; 13.70 13 64f( 13.66 May 13.76 H3.74«f13.75 lune 13.75'u 13.811.1.8(011 13.81. lulv .... 13 86 13.85111 13.86 \ugust 13 88ft( 13.95'13.••()(« 13.91 Srpf.■ruber 13 94 13.95'u 13.96 i " tobei 13 94 13.96® 13 96 November 13 96 13.95$ 13 96 iu’eernber 1 3 <)2'o ’ 3 06 C|0«.:.l stott'l” Sal,-*, 92,000 bags ESTABLISHED 1861 Complete Facilities Tin re may have been many ways in wliieli yon ha\c been t'l’cally benefited by association with this bank; bin there are still many departments which you, per haps, have never thought of. that could serve you to your best advantage. If you anticipate making a trip or want to send money anywhere in this country or abroad; if you want to insure security for your valuable papers, jewelry, trunks or storage boxes; in fact, in a dozen or more wavs, we can become almost INDIS PENSABLE in our expert service. Ask ns whatever you want to know about it. Lowry National Rank OF ATLANTA Capital and Surplus . . .*2,000,090.91) Undivided Profits .... 282,509.00 TODAY'S MARKETS COTTON. NLW yuRK, Dec. HL Firm sales and ■ "vrring by local shorts resulted in the cotton market opening steady, with pri<‘e?» • to 12 points higher than the closing • pjotaiions of Thursday,. Good support was given th» market by big bulls and spo; interests. The selling was light and scattered. After the .-all prices made a further advance of 4 tn 11 points on con tinuation of buying orders from the very besi. sources. Later a wave of protit-tak ing prevailed, causing a decline of 4 to 5 points in most active positions from the early high levels. NEW YORK. Quotations In cottun futures: I I. ~l IllWPrevT D"" uH.rr 12 >7.12.55 u’JTiTsb‘l2.3B-40 I‘Wry-. : 13.58 12.64 12.51-53 Tune'.::; 12 :' u 12 : 7 ' •lulj . . 12.63 12.73 12’.6i’it\68 ITSI-53 August . 12.53 12.62 12.51112.62 12.53-55 September . . 12.53-55 < ictober ,■ II .89 11 ,93 11.89 1 i Ai<)l LBO-82 NEW ORLEANS. Quotations In cotton futures: ,L I , I 111:00' Prev? |Open;High|low 1A.M.1 Close fleeember . ..... I i j vn-i~FS January . .12.82 12.'ss ij.’gi ij‘B3 12 7oTI February 1270 ti \pr r |'i h '' ' ' 12 ' 85 i 12 ’ 91 1 ii:8 G2:89 12J4J5 June '■ ? 2 ' 9:! A iTsD* Oc'tober' ' 'i l2 -® 2 | i2; 0 8 43:02 13:63 12:|4i - ■ 1. i. 86 STOCKS. i N'l■ W B \ 5^ AR T ES w - storm. « as 1 '(V. f 13- V a „<£ ”ve buDng‘ U Th ,I 'li V "f n ' " n aggress- Slucks nth ! 1 " as lrre «i*'ar. Soma teiTal loX K d * al,,K and otllers * anadlan Pacific started weak with & TT'Tn'- T" W,,lJ ’ ” ’ ™>>ut^U 'L , ,-'"Y g31,, '-'<> % over night s Imai. Reading attracted disp'iax\%| en Tb?h4 'i' thc >,trcn « th *hleh it ■« Jnt r rF ls/ue at 164 ‘h for • l.anv.if bin before 10:30 o’clock had advanced to 166% for a net gain of ’ Pacl'fi • »h er T hUr ' < " )By ' s cloHln R I’nmn mn, a '■‘, h r' l ! we,i «"'<’ngtb. This Issue be- Dst .'ill.; ' a " r of 1 point over ast night s price. Hut on aggressive buv seorel i, 8 ?-""' “I- "I’""' 1 "f % "aS S TA.. 1 '."at Northern preferred. li-t w T n 1 ,',' "" ho ’”"6 trading th# ;' ". |s tom "U heavj supporting orders : "’F . f,,r I’rofil taking ) (lie bulge. 1 nlted States Steel com- 'im-hanged. but subsequently gained %. Southern Pacific rose % Ameruim Simltinjr opened '.. off. but later recovered and gained : ss. rraetlonal losses were sustained in I tab (upper, Missouri Pacific. Consoll >lilted I,as. Heel Sugar and a few others. I he curb was steady. Americans in London were strong. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Stock quotations to 11 a m.t S'l'u'lxS '<>p'n High I-"" Tm ('ETe AIIIIII. Copper 71%. 75'.J 74% 75%, 74% Am Sug. Ref '116%'117 1116% 116%! Am. Smelting 71)%' 71 '7O 70% 69% Am Car F<l.v.. 54%' 55%, 54%' 55 54% Am. Cot. Oil 57 157 57 ‘57 56% Atchison ...106 106 105%i105%1105% Amerban Can 2'8% 28% 28% 28% 28% Am Beet Sun. 49 4:1 48'-. 49 48%. B. B- T \ 876, 88%j 87% 88%' 86% B. and 0 104 104% 103% 104% 104 ''an. Pacific .. 258 ,258 1257% 257%:258 Corn Products ' 14 : 14%! 14 " 14% 13% c. and <». ... 78%’ 78% 78% 78% 77% Consol. Gas ... 138% 138%. 138% 138% 138% Erie 31% 31% 31% 31% 31% Gen. Rleetrlc 181% 182 181% 182 181' . G North., pld. 134% 134% 131', 131% 133% 111. Central . . 127% 1 127' 2 .127%'127% J 25 interboro 17% 17% 17% 17% 16% do. pref. . . 59% 60% 59‘6| 611% 59 Lehigh Valley. 168 169% 168 ’ 169',...168 L. and N .140% 1140% 140% 140% 141 Mo. Pacific ... 41% 11% 11% 41% 41% N V. Central 108% 108% ' 108% ' 108% 108% N. and '.V 112% 112% 112% 112’U 110 North I’aeifie tl’c, 12(1% 119% 120% 119% Reading 164% 1.66% 164%:165% 164% Itep. I. and S 25 25 25 ,25 24% S<>. I’acific .. l.()9% ; 109%,108% 109%T09 So. Railway . 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% St. Paul ... 112 112’% 112 !112%'111% Texas I’ueific 2’2%, 22% 22% 22% 22 Union Pacific . 156 i 1.17% 155% 156% 155 C. S. Rubber 6.3 1 63 63 '63 62%' Utah Copper 56 1 57 |56 57 U. S. ste.-l 65% 66% 65%| 66% 65% do, pref. . 1«8% t08%Tf18%'108%.1083, IV. sl. Rleetrlc 771* 77%' 77% 77% 76% GRAIN. j CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Grain quotations: Open. High. Low. 11 a. m, WHEAT— Dec .. . 81% 84% 84% 84%' May .. . 89-t, 89% 89% 89’, July ... 87 87'., 86% 87% CORN— Dec. .. . 47% 47% 47% 47% May .. . IBU 48% 48% 48% July .. . 49% 49% 49% 49% OATS— Dec. . . 32% 32% 32% 32% May . . 32’r 33 32% 33 July ... 33 33 33 33 PORK— Mat . . .18.37% 18.37% 18.37% 18.37 W RIBS— Jan. 9.97% 9.97% 9.97% 9.97% 19