Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 13, 1912, HOME, Page 21, Image 21

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- A ■ ' ■' " t M—WPDH— *** •>;. BWl—^^nffggfc3aßW—Sßa^w^^BßEMragVMat >SM J; >, ; •*»-•, V „«£- _3wL».?®J%f| I ■'■' M I mY> _ / I ?w^3ik u I ' 1 I I D1 AMO ND S | Here's a real Xmas gift. The kind that fl lasts and always reminds the owner of the ■& giver. Our aim is quality of the highest and prices of the lowest. S I \ EASY TERMS [ fl Patrick&Thompson f 18-A West Mitchell Street A / fc'VG I FT 1 11 f° r 8 Christmas j Portable Lamps, Brass and Iron Andirons and Fire Sets. Special fl prices. M Queen Tile Mantel Co. H 56 West Mitchell Street \ Open A Savings Account IL As A Christmas Present S Have you stopped long enough to realize that a savings aeco u nt W opened in the name of your boy Vj or girl would be a most appro- fl priate gift for Christmas? O It will be of real benefit to uj them. It will instill into their &l youthful minds the savings habit. W* We pay 4 per vent interest <»n M savings. z W Guarantee Trust & Banking Co. S 15 W. Alabama Street. /*“ Visit Atlanta's Most f Sanitary Barber Shop | For Your Bt Christmas Work i Then You Will Become a Regular C ustomer. jLi PLAIN AND SHOWER BATHS. « ~ PRESSING SUITS, 35 Cents | Open Sundays until 1 :00 p. m. for Baths 4j Royal Barber Shop I 12 1-2 West Alabama Street $ 'Near Broad Street M Phone M. 5213-1 R. E. AIANSTON. W M SWEATS. Proprietor Manamr sa| ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.FRIDAV. DECEMBER 13. 1912 ( ;r n For " ’3 | FVRSI m /Z|e Christmas I gift I De Luxe I l;t1 " ( Hl * r . v with it a prestige, K aa a life-long service. M WsVpvJoKm» Stunning Fur pieces H J « lJ(1 S "'"- "bl be L delightfully surprised ■ a ' the remarkably £ ' Low Prices C Southern Suit & Skirt Co. 43-45 Whitehall Street F A p J Oyster Headquarters t y —>K»w n y , r*ißmatat»D«.rj;<MH.^ , w».y r WT.wrrmafwr' wan K We Serve Them Any Style, Anj’’Time w ■ —Day or Night. || Do It Quickly and in Splendid | St vie H Everybody knows what and where it fe 0 is when you say * t FOLSOM’S J \ Santa Claus Has Some Beautiful I | Bicycles fori ' „ "1 Little Boys ° and Girls #Z*/ \ I -' - 1 i Johnson-Getvinner Co. 1 /24 Peachtree Street fl f Opposite Candler Bldg. fl ‘ He has requested them to be held until | < hristmas Eve. when he expects to call w ith -fl his reindeer ami carry them to the homes of fl f all the little boys and girls who have been good w •<-. and obedient to their mammas. J SODA FOUNTAIN /’ K and Dairy Lunch, Cigars and Tobacco. 4 g The Good old Reliable £ | Word Bros. | 18 E. Alabama Street. W J Jewelry at Cost! M Going Out of Business M Watches, worth $17.50 to S4O. at $lO to $25 Vj T Good stock jewel**/ and novelties to select from. UE j McDuffie & Word 7 18 E. Alabama Street A W AIK ~ 10 0 ~ FEE TAN D~S T\l E DOUARS T» : '"'■'^'VnA^ixXAr#W l ' l • >, •VWk' S LET YOUR I Christmas Gift M this year llw l • HWm BE A l fifcS KODAK <Or /;,, |y » KODAK PKTI RES of the things that interest A us means Fun in taking, and Fireside (’oinpan- K ionship in the years before ns. | V Let us help you select one We have them. $5.00 to SIOO.OO. Til NexlDoor O CANDLER BULDINti A The Best of all | Christmas Presents j HALLET & DAVIS VIRTUOLO The New Instinctive Player-Piano We will put a \ irtuolo in your home fl ovi-r the holidays on trial without expense or m obligation to yon. ('all us up ou the phone Y and make today. | HALLET & DAVIS PIANO CO. 50 North Pryor Street I", Established 1839 VZM. CARDER, Manager j For Christmas and b Every Day I »The Alamo ■SFawnnw■ 'll■ ~TrTrT~]T~rnrui iij iuiib-—!■ —mu—u■■■ I The Little Play House With the Big Show | Gives the Best Women and children care d for. y Shows are clean and amusing. n 30 Whitehall St. Globe - Wernicke Sectional Book Cases i oo big for the stocking, « but hundreds buy them. Made in ail sizes and finishes. SOLD ONLY BY f Raylis Office Equipment Co. I No. IS. Broad St. Phone Main 241 KBmmmbq— ■——Jl I 7 L Vr 11 w Z \ |\J = IsE«N \ hr Y ; iLOL j <. V t' ff .’ -’V / ■ t Hwhi : iMwB ,■■'■' I' » ttUnISSnN? n li.- 4 Lt twitwa V ww hl/M wW’W t // Ut Jf r L. HM wa’ V XF f w lr\l I »:W1 7 /W i nHr N\ '-v’<4■'Z. A / 'wV /SAjAwprJNji i Ar*'*'** " v -a • Vvk St>-.' ■■ rak W. "v'e- -wragW ''fjSjTV •<■••' -c.’ ' ; T ' ' 'iT - ...,-.'.' f \v< 21