Newspaper Page Text
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The biggest value of all- 19 13 Mitchell -SISOO-$1850-52500
’SI / T' HERE IT kS - There is the whole thing about this wonderful new’ B|!
7$ XlitchelJ car—the value. There is nothing equal to It, nothing like it has ever been pro- itM
duced, to give the buyer so much for his money. What does he get? First of all—
beSt ° f i u the r^rv lon » l X St ? l H’ T ‘ head motor—the motor that is going to revolutionize
motor building. The Mitchell motors have a 6 and 7 inch stroke; the stroke that gives
tremendous power—nothing can match it.
The T l 1 ''ad Motor.-We know that this improvement—the T-head motor with 6 and 7 inch stroke,
and properly balanced bore-1» the nght idea at last, and the most valuable improvement that has ever been
£"?“£ d auto ’”“hile mechan-.e . I hink of an engine like this in a moderate price car. Do more than
think about it. Ask people who know, and see the car yourself. It is a revelation. ’
La -r>° ther Features.—There are some more things that make the big value in the 1913 Mitchell:
T. . ” a "l he ! z aSe; , “"i n ‘‘ w ’ ’.T’ , h Bel aise springs; the complete electric lighting system; electric X
Istarter1 starter independent of each other, and both operating from driver’s seat. i
I We Want t 0 ,® m P hasize t^ e fact thnt lhis bte value of the Mitchell 1913 cars has been obtained with- fcj
out any sacrifice of the high standard of material and workmanship always maintained in our plant. iQj
p® All Mitchell 1913 cars have left drive and center control; Bosch ignition; Firestone demountable rims: W
I i J^ ln -vision windshield; Jones speedometer; silk mohair top and cover; Turkish upholstered cushions
i i Timken front axle bearings; gauges on the dash to show air pressure and oil pressure; gauge in the*
It gasoline tank which shows the amount of gasoline it contains; and a portable trouble-finding electric
II lamp which can be conveniently attached.
All with 7-head motor, electric self-starter, electric lighting system and 36-in. wheel*
Wheel Base Stroke and B >r/ Pricer F. O. B. Racine
7-pa»»enger Six 60 H. P., 144-in. in $2300
111 2or 5-passenger Six 50 H. P., 132-in. 3'4x6 in 1830
S 2 or 5-passenger Four 40 H. P.. 120-in. in 1500
v!itchell-I aewis Motor Company, Racine, Wis. |»|l ■
MITCHELL MOTOR CO., of Atlanta, 316 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. fei
""" * ’’-'l'J 1 .J.. I'. 1 ! Ji. . ni. ■,■■■,i Mem,,—, r-- ■imiiu jj ■TIL™"! Il
I - ix I
I efti Kok I
I Santa Glaus' tetter to the F ‘tyr 4 |
| |™ w Little Folks Bl> j| B
/,. My Dear Children—l am here I* ’ Bg'
j ///js again. Happy to see you all. I (j
fff/A. ** aVe '’ roU g^ t l° ts aIK I lots of fsO T?
’ pretty things for you. My head- v, ( «
H \>;T-J quarters are at Duffy’s, corner
yXvM Forsyth and Mitchell. Come and *
see me. ,flr ■
pMs v
I I!
I Shoe Bargains i Shoe Bargains |
| For Ladies For Children B
Shoes; Ci jQ Vici and Box Calf Shoes; Cl ?C H
g 52.50 value;now tpi* 1 17* 7 S2OO value; now
P Fine Patent Colt, button ft-2 Vici and Box Calf Shoes; Cl Jft P
or lace; $3.00 valuesl.7 J $2.50 val ,ie; n0w,<01.47 H*
B Fine Gun Metal, button (M w Vici and Bux Calf Shoes, $175 fi
lor lace; $3.50 va ue W. 40 ® 2 .' 75 Ta ?„ e; n ° w ls a L I*’ 13 «
S _. Vici and Bex Calf Shoes; (N no Se
B Fine Russia Calf, 16 but- C? JQ S3.CO value; now<Pl.“o B
g-j ton long; SS.CO value <p...Tu Vici and Box Calf Shoes; $? ftft p
g Fine House Shoes; iQ r $3.25 value; now<oL.uU g
H hear the priceVici and Box Calf Shoes; Qi jq
* $3.50 value; now k
■ For Gentlemen For the Little Tot. I
i valueSoft Ki.l Shoes; hard I
B n- , „ , or soft sues; 50c value
B Gun Metal ftQ Soft Kid Shoes; solid jq ||
Blucher; $3.50 valueleather; 75c value 49C B
j- Men’s Tan Russia Calf, til no Soft Kid Shoes; very y; ,
B button and lace: $4.00 value. . pretty; SI.OO value ivC B
I Duffy’s The People’s Tradng Place Duffy’ s I
Corner Fcrsyth and Te-.iSw/ a’ff'f-/ Corner Forsyth and
Mitchell Streets I til 3 y Mitchel Streets
If you are thinking of buying
I I —mmn— ——™w™ ■ar~BHaiaiaigatasi^«^ MM gg i-
. =
a house, a lot, a horse, an automobile, a business, i
a musical instrument, you will serve your own in- 1
terests by consulting Georgian W ant Ads. J
U——m—W——I I ni _ *’ " ■ ~>» ■» - Hi. - - -gj-J
Xmas Offer
r£F Saturday
This remarkable free offer is for tomorrow
(Saturday) only. Every suit ordered will lie dtliv- >
: yred in ample time for Xmas.
Our Xmas Gift to You
You get a Suit worth from $25 to $35 and a
regular $5.00 Fancy Vest, for $15.00. Order to
-1 morrow.
Regular $25.00 to $35.00 Suits
Made Union
to Your |B Label in
Individual K Every
Measure Garment
Perfect Fit Guaranteed
Corner auuurn avenue ana reaentree btreet
i 1
127 Stores from Coast to Coast
■ >
j r - _ . I
x -
“Jack” “Bob” i
Nine Peachtree Street
I Any Suit or Overcoat Now !
20y OFF
An unusual opportunity to secure high-grade garments
at a substantial discount. This is
|| Our First “Sale”
January Ist we will begin remodeling our store to make
ready for our new department of
Men’s Furnishings
This is tin 1 first discount sale in the history of this busi
ness. and is worthy of your immediate and active attention if
I you are in the market for “duds’’ of this character.
* All orders placed now will be
i Delivered Before Xmas
[ QnSavin<js
I |l| I A Christmas Girt
K That Will Grow
INSTEAD of buying only toys nn<!
1 trlnkots. give your child one present
!; this Christmas that will increase In
I w value with the years. Stan a Saving-;
I Acpount . and put the Bank Hook, with
|'| J; 7\\ his name on it, In the toe of his little
I h stocking. My. won’t he be proud when
I MmJ hf fie it! It will be there when tie
I 1 Hsz > toys are broken, the candy gone, the red
II TAm wagons and dolls thrown aside or for
th Jsy<|jlW gotten.
111 111 Where Are the Christmas Presents You
'lt.' / Gave Yuur Little Boy or Gir) Last Year! j i
( > 1
Travelers Sank and Trust Co.
ra Cigar manufacturers cannot afford 1
B to overlook a selling capacity like ■
O, ours —1,000,000 cigars a day.
That’s why 3-for-a-quarter values can be B
|i.|| sold in our stores for fl
p| 5c I
Benefactor cigar
WWW If Saperior Size Domestic W
o'o a Fa Tunita cigar
Princessa Size Imported Porto Rico
WW I Palma de Cuba cigar
Boa<,ac ’ Size Havana and Porto fuco Blend
Ji ' . W All favorites at this popular price, anil all United
Cigars give smokers corresponding advantages.
\ ' ‘ Wbil.the.. cigar, .reewh the
W ' ' I sains price and equal high
W* ! ea,,h 18 • d,f * Il'ilMil—■
V ferrnt type and ap- I ■
h 'X'-J peals to different I fig *’kft m ft Ifi ■
uuci. I BIF- B ■ W"J| I
*6 Peachtree St. (Corner Auburn Ave.)46 Marietta St. (Corner Forsyth St.)
23 Peachtree St. Corner Decatur St.)
Extra Special!
I !
Wolfsheimer & Co.
Our Own Slaughtered Tennessee Hogs
Pork Shoulder IQI Pork Chops 1 *7l
at at 1 Z 2 C
t> 1 zi - Spare Ribs and 1
Pork I lams jg c Ba ek Bone at... lOC
La I’d (our own home-
Pork Loins 1 t rendered, pure) 1 CC
1 at A tens, at
j Lamb and Mutton
Lamb Stew 7 Lamb —Hind 1 t
at ■ ** Quarter, at . ...*OC
Lamb Shoulder 1 O Mutton —Fore Q
at 1 VC Quarter, at
j I Lamb —Fore 1 Ql_ Mutton —Hind jOl
Quarter, at ... * Quarter, at
| Beef
i ® eakß .„ 12' 2 cto2Oc Tt° tßo “‘...fclol2lc
I ® t oast locto 15c “T.......Tk1010c
: Hams and Bacon
Hams—Picnic, Hams—Regular, |
1 Bacon —Rex,
I at
2 ens 2oc ST 15c&17k
S7 S 23c 2” k 8 22c
S urkeys 2sc
Butter and Eggs
| “ ne ..lßcto3oc S u ‘‘ er ....30ct040c
Eggs—Fresh country, O n 1
at OZ.2C
Peaches—Fancy California, Lemon ha
; Cling, in heavy syrup, at £>\JC
For cash only. Telephone orders and C. 0.
D. orders are not considered as cash.