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Fine Georgian's Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
”- * —te «« or even-
; ® an^* g So^
’Tho 3 GS^S” o s;:ci^X^aUves^ l^l; :^n^^^ n^^^■ e T' n / nJ
convenience of our patrons. Save time, money, wor;y and useless steps by consulting this BuHetin when you desire <
I to rent. ' >
Rooms and Board.
7-o'b IHTFUL front room; excellent
‘'c'.'Lls. 20 E. Cain. It 13 - 12
vs, . “large room and board; steam heat.
‘ B .fji'.ining bath and dressing room.
ivy :;>;:‘4-.J.
NEWLY furnished room with board and
■'.ii modern conveniences. 173 North
i*hone Ivy 1907-J.12-13-1:>
in secure room and board at 15;>
■ ■.■ntral ave. Main 830-L.12 1.3-24
miTII single and double rooms with
1„..,rd at 21 East Caln.32-13-12
v' xTl'lE. light room, with board, in an el
"tgai t'v furnished, private, moderh
I, ol ’e furnace heat, telephone, electric
■ t« baths, the use of dining room, liv
y'c room, parlor; beautifully furnished;
•v,a t veranda; first-class meals, the very
bes'v a real pleasant home to a refined. I
permanent couple; references. Mrs. Co-
' <:■ i West Peachtree street. Bell
phone ivJLS6SS-.E 26-13-12
m■. ‘M and first-ciass board. 42S Gor
d<: street. 12-13-3
THREE comfortable rooms, light house
keeping If desired. Residence: north
s . ’ Ivy 825-.1. 56-12-12
' \ ' Young lady for roommate
v.-i'tii voung lady; S2O month, everything
fni-i ;ded. Main 1592-.1.30-11-12
HAVi: peasant front room with board at
513 Peachtree stret. 52-11-12
M.-'IIKi' room with good board,
close in. Apply Mrs. Dearybury. 72
Springstl ect.39-11-12
FTRST-CIjASS room ami board.
Bost north side location. 16 '
I’ortcr Place. Ivy 6705. 12-10-47 j
jjrioJß. with or without board; private
family; everything congenial and home- '
like <'all Main 4238-J. 278 Rawson st. i
LARGE ROOM and board for two young j
men with private family, on Forrest
avenue Phone Ivy 95532-T. -12
Sit 1 ELY furnished front room, with ex
cellent meals, in ideal north side home:
gentlemen or couples preferred. 17 East
North -vriitie. Ivy 935. 33-U-J2
\\w'l'i.l’ Table boarders at 55 Garnett,
i' Main 3459-.1.12-11-7
Col l’Ll: >-r two gentlemen for nice front '
room; also table board. Vacant the I
IStli. 256 Capitol avenue. Main 2031-L.
", S’i; COUPLE ~r two young men can
secure reasonable beard in furnace
k.ated north side home. Phone ivy
<414-1.. _ 50-10-12
Itv 11 NICE furnished front rooms and
art! al 29 East Harris. Ivy 3741-E.
NDTil.' furnished loom and first-class
hard at 406 Peachtree. Ivy 1746.
SELECT BOARDirtG. 16 East ißaker'
“Cleanliness our motto.” The best ta
kes in the city. Ivy 2666-.1. 12-10-16
4843. 12-10-7
GIINT I.I’MEN or ladies can get excellent
hoard, large rooms, tor $4 tier week. 18
Captt'.l jplace ; 12-9-31 ,
THOSE appreciating a home with every
mforf and refinement, at reasonable ;
rates. call at 28 East North avenue. lev i
FURNISHED room with board. 25 Wi -t 1
Raker street. Ivy 549-J. 12- 1 ■ - -
362 PEACHTREE-■-Large, beautiful front
room for couple; steam beat, electric:
lights, accommodations for seven young j
men, first-class table board. Garage, for
rent. Ivy 6668-J, 12-7-18
NICE front room downstairs: rooms up
stairs for light housekeeping. 202 S.
Forsyth st. 12-6-30
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol Square. Main
4839-L. 12-3-30
36 East North Avenue.
BETWEEN the Peachtrees. Fine, light
moms and excellent table board. Ivy
6j.01. 11-30-44 ■
Board Wanted.
1 BOARD. well heated and lighted
single room by gentleman: north side
HLd walking distance. Full particulars or
’"attention paid. L., Box 250, care Geor
WANTED by couple with baby
two months old: state price, location,;
P care Georgian. 39-13-12 '
1 i ST LOOK at the number of ;><!:-• ’i j•• 1 - :•
the “Room and Board” column of The
Georgian. No wonder the people recog
• uzo th; t The Georgian is the paper to
!' 6 in for nice boarding places, for they
’ ave a larger number of places to select
from Place your ad for boarders in The
Georgian’s "Room and Board” column
«oi<l fill your vacant spaces at your table.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT-—Furnished rooms for ligl t
housekeeping: all conveniences; close
prices reasonable. 138 Pulliam st.
I ’ ’ll RENT- -One large front room, fur
, i.ished or unfurnished: two blocks oif
! ’<achtree st.: tr» -me or two
I '. ■ : ■ • -a , 12-'
”\H nicely furnished steam heated room
t gentlemen only. Call at 188 Ivy st.
lOR Ft ENT- (me steam-heated room,
pr.vatc family; walking distance: refer
‘ exchanged. 28 East Alexander
apartment F. Ivy 6565. 12-13 3"
I 1 FINISHED bed rooms and housekeep
cig rooms. 31'.) Courtland. Ivy 2483-E.
—. I I • • - _l ___! J ' __ . ' ■ . -
Money to Loan.
—~—l Si o~k t“g~a g e
bwiy® LISHED 1899. 21-2
12-13-15 I
'' •ar.b-uds. about 2-kt. each; perfet t .
n ottered. Installment payments. I
-A: Lg_lyy 3339. 46 Auburn ave._ 46-12-12!
. • AMERICA can make you a!
h'..; . Atlanta improved property;
. ?l ' meir loan correspondents. Tur-;
(? \‘? Black & Calhoun. 203-8 EmpTe .
“ , ’ddmg L _ 6-7-12-1
L. I, ’ S ‘ HAND for Immediate loans ,
■•a>?ir I> o ope r t l' ln or near Atlanta ■!. E. '
a 'i'alkenburg. r,Ol Equitable building.
_ftlortyigeß on Real Estate. tD3
• ! 'I.CIAL home FUNDS TO LEND? any
•,y ~® unt: 6 pPr cent Write or call. S
__ arson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17
euX 1 ? 8 ? SofiTGAGE real a e .■■■ -
* Home fundsand insurance mon-
Kat pr 514 to 3 per cemt interest. We
C. monthly payment loans
.'r, y Vf - V f) ti the money as soon as titles
r l * approved.
p— ll Z' ’::1 .1 ?< 1: i,•
on < b °ANS PLACED In any amount
Th," J n ’P, r °ved farm lands in Georgia
, ~ Mortgage Company,
Furnished Rooms For Rent
NEWLY furnished steam heated front
room, bath adjoining; private West
leachtree home; excellent meals next
door. Phone Ivy l.'.'.s. 12-13 25
TWO or three nicely furnished connecting
rooms for light housekeeping: electric
lights, separate gas, bath; or two bed
rooms, separate kitchen; working people
,i.<■ ri ed. ,: i;.’..._Pc:iehtree street. 12-13-7
1-1 -R KENT Nicely turnislied front“room
at 49 Terry street, near the capltol
FOIt KENT Nicely furnished rooms. $lO
and sla. 388-A Peachtree. Ivv 4530 ,1
' 33-J3 -12
BEAI TIFT 1. large front room to nice
young man or business woman: ail con
vemencew. Ivv 221.1- L. 12-12-11
CON\ ENIENT. modern housekeeping
rooms; close in; north side; rates reas-
onable. 49 West Ca in. 12-12-20
Nb ELY furnished secondfioor front room,
all conveniences; terms very reasonable
Plm” e Mtiin JBBB-.r. 12-12-18
TII REE furnished rooms for Tiglit h7mse“-
keeplng, $3 per week. 328 Whitehall.
2 -12-5
I‘fiil KENT Furnished rooms; steam
heated: hot baths. 11 Cone. Mrs. D.
IT_\\lu!e. 41-11-12
LARGE, nicely furnished tlrst-floor
rooms, housekeeping if desired. 131 Ivv
street 12*13-27
TW i nicely furnished connecting rooms; ’
hot batli. Atlanta phone 4185. 134 Ivv
st.reeL-Apt. C. _ 12-11-10
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com- I
I plete for housekeeping. Hot baths; Bell I
phone: location can’t be beat; sl6. 290
i M'ashingten street. 12-11-25
! ONE iarg'* front room or one small room. I
furnished: close in. 60 West Harris.
Phi ■ o Ivy 3583. 12-11-21 I
FOR RENT -Two beautifully furnished I
bght housekeeping rooms; reasonable;
j with owner; to couple. 240 Central ave
| hue. 35-11-12
i t*<d: KENT Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 82 Williams street.
FOR KENT Lovely room in Virginian
apartments for gentlemen or couple.
Excellent case downstairs. Phone Ivv
’iZL’hl: 12-11-3
SMAI L and large furnished rooms f.r
gentlemen only; close in. 274 Whitehall
i street. 31-10-12
85“ EAST FAIR one corne’r
front room: nicely furnished. 34-10-12
Fid! 11 EXT * Close in. furnished and un
furnished rooms, with or without meals.
Maili_3t:C7-.1. _22 Garm tt stre. t, 12-10-56
FOR RENT Large front room; single
room; conveniences. 210 Spring, ivv
"205-Ji 12-10-48
FOR RENT Large, upstairs front room;
hot water, electric lights, furnace heat.
Ivy 6310t_ 109 Forrest avenue. 40-10-12
TWO nice front rooms. 28 West Peach
tree phi co, Ivy 6537-J, I£-10 -20
1 iELIGHTFI'L front room; private b;.'b;
gentlemen; refined home, Peachtree,
care Georgian. 37-10-12
Fort KENT Nicely furnTsheS room, With
or without board. 311 Courtland street.
Fl >ll KENT Nicely furnished rooms;
conveniences; close in. Main 5398-L
,2‘il Whitehall. W 13
I FOR HEXT Nice rooms: light house
keeping: apartment: close in; private
i family. 151 Spring street. 12-6-18
, X’li'ELY furnished rooms. 50c night. $2.50
i a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7 1 -
' North Broad street. Hot ami cold water.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
TW<» furnished or unfurnished moms in
private family. Call Ivy» 6288-.1.
TW<» furnished or unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping: close in. Atlanta
phone 5052. 12-12-2 4 •
TWo furnished or unfurwshed rooms,
with ail conveniences. Call Ivy 3983-L.
I. L ’ 4.1
ROOMS, with or without board: also two
! unfurnished rooms for light housckeep
irtg. .32 I'ast Cain. Phene Ivy 2903. Call
for ?irs. Th• > r rton. 12-11-43
FOR REN I’ Four large furnished or un
furnished moms, sink in kitchen: pri
vate bath: sl6 per month. 343 South
Pryor street. 12-10-53
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RIJNT Tw < lai ge unfui ni hi
i rooms, with kitchenette. Furnace heal
and every convenience. New home.
West 950-J, I 2:!?' 1
FOUR rooms for light housekeeplni
modern conveniences. Call between 2:30
and 6, or phone Bell 5399. 368 South
I ’ryor. 52-12-12
THREI’ unfurnished rooms with sink in
kitchen. 47 Brotherton street, Atlan
ta phone_3424 12-12-8
TW< FoF"three large, good room I ligl
housekeeping; hot batli and phone. 251
Crewel- 12-11-32
FOR RENT With owner, either three or
four connecting rooms, with all modern
conveniences for light housekeeping; In
best section of West End. References ro
ti u!red. CaJR Bell pl:one West 210. 12-7-2
1-5 off nil our Furniture this
week. J. Al. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
’ _ V,i.7it have Vi"; ' Try a ti.rre-t'.me
ad in the "Lost ai d Found" columns of
The Georgian and recover your articles.
‘ ~- - - . ... li ■ll - '~ -■ ■ l i-r - -
Money To Loan.
WE HAVE plenty of money to
I lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
I and nearby property, either lor
'straight or monthly payment
'plan. Also for purchasing pur
lchase money notes. Foster &
i Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
1 “Toney for salaried people
I AND OTHERS. upon their own names:
•' cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden-
I tial !• H Tolman, 524 Austell L.tUrt in«r.._
301 p -oo s
I !
Real Estate For Sale.
'fer rent or sale: easy terms: live-room
bungalow: large lot. <,<>xt7« Wet to alley:
cormr Adair avenue and Parsons street,
two blocks west of Lakewood car line.
Apply t<> Owner, 409 Equitable
p<)l{ SAI is BY OWNER My home. 46
< •openhill avenue. Tills is a pretty place I
~f six re. ms. bl'im lot. -b fixture.- 1
ami mantels, -vails tinted in rich co ors,
splendid neighb obood. .dos. to ear line. i
ail street Improvements: term*
small cash payment will handle. < all |
Main 2106. 12-10-26
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
FOUR, or live housekeeping rooms, with
all conveniences. 178 Forrest ave.
12-1 l 2 -13 ’ 13
—— =
Furnished Apartments For Rent. 1
BOR RENT—Furnished half cottage; four'
rooms and bath; phone: new gas range;
conveniences; good location on south side,
tjwne Main 4433-J 12-11-39
NICE furnished sunny apartment, also
rooms; al! conveniences. 308 Capitol
a X en 2£- _ MahT_29lß-J. 12-9-24
FOR RENT Two or thrue connecting
light housekeeping rooms, with bath,
electric lights; newly papered: private
entrance. Near in. 345*6 Peachtree.
TWO large, bright rooms and kitchen
ette; modern conveniences; north side.
Phone Ivy 2478. 12-9-14
W ANTEV -One hundred thousand ready
made families to snare in the prosperity
of Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer, out December 25th. will tell why
and how. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada
•>r foreign points, 25 cents. Send In your l
order now 10-21-4
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
i FOI’R connecting sewing rooms, newly
I papered, in house with owner; private
| bath. 275 East Pine. 12-6-36
I 7- ■ .I, r
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
i EIGHT-1: >< house, 521 Courtland. $35.
A. T Spa ding.
J F< »R RIdNT- New six room cottage; mod
ern conveniences; .deep lot. 14 Howell
l’ " est End. near two car lines. Ap
’ ** y W Crgyv street. 27-11-12
LEASE <>R SALE—-Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. “Ans
l_ej Park/ G< 38-10-12
FOR RENT, HOUSE? -<’.<ll. write <r
phono for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 74-76 Peachtree street. 4-1-21
FOR RENT 192 East Georgia avenue,
one six-room house, cabinet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50. Apply across the
WANTED-—Children to attend the~best
schools hi the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary I
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will I
f ell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
States > r Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Office Space For Rent.
FOR RENT- Splendid ground floor office
space, centrally located: water, heat
and light. Address Box 314, care Geor
gian. 45-13-12
Stables For Rent.
!'OR RENT—Stables and wagon sheds, all
in good shape. 60 Garnett street.
- 27-13-12
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
WILL some one give or r»-nt very cheap
a comfortably furnished room to an
honorable Christian business woman in
exchange for company at night. Address
“Christian Woman.” care Georgian.
YOUR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are
looking for nice rooms. Jook for them
where they have the largest number to
choose from. Your ad in “The Georgian’s
Rent Bulletin” will attract the attention
of the r»arty that Is looking for rooms in
yotir house. Try It and see. 12-6-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—With couple or small family,
unfurnished housekeeping rooms for
business woman; no family; near In pre
ferred. D., Box 44. care Georgian.
WANTED Two connecting front rooms,
close in; state price and location; con
veniences. Box 244, care Georgian.
YOl'R rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are look
ing for nice rooms look for them where
they have the largest number to choose
from. Your ad in “The Georgian’s Rent
Bulletin” will attract the attention of the I
party that is looking for rooms in your j
house. Try it a nr! see.
HELP WANTED To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Ims Angeles Exam
iner, out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 115
cerrts a copy: Canada or foreign points.
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
burnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED Small furnished apartment or
bungalow, north side; possession wanted
first of year: no children. Address B. C.,
B< x 240, car« Gedr| 58-12-12
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED HOUSES—We have demands
for several first-class houses on the
north side. If you have anything you
| v.ant rented, list it with us. Phone
I ' 1690. Edwin P. Ansley, Realty Trust
| Bldg 11-21-27
Real Estate For Sale.
Ft >R SALE 30-acre truck, dairy or chick
en farm, near East Like: s’j miles from
Atlanta. Any bustling man can not only
mane a living hire, but make money. 15
acres cleared: balance woods. Land fertile
and well adapted to any kind of truck.
Old five-room house, pretty good barn,
good orchard and two springs. Terms,
SSOO eash, balance five years. 8 per eent.
Interest payable annually. $3,500. owner,
t Box 221. care_Gcorglan. 12-10-52
PRETTY six-room cottage on acre lot,
v, it h electric lights, water and sewer;
half block of car; SSOO cash, $25 per
31 Inman Building. 12-10-35
I FOR SALE By owner, new twelve-room
l-.ome in Inman Park. All modern im
provements Easy terms. No agents.
Address Box 847. < are < !ei rgtnn 12-7-14
1-”) off all our Furniture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
■'■assTml':' - baWb \ge" to sen it. Til’d
< '.itHik-r 1 Udg, Ivy 1561, 12-5-2
I SALK He buying real estate
i cal! 10 see u: We handle all classes of
I uroperiy md will do everything to please
J you and treat you right. Ralph <>. Coch
ran Company, 74*76 Peachtree st. 12-4-47
Rhode Island Reds.
TWO fine Rhode Island Red cockerels,
eight pullets, from extra fine birds,
cheap. W. J. Garner, 250 Marietta street.
MOK'TVIEW FARM- Start now with
eight hens, one, cock, $lO. L. S. Bot
teniield. 27-. J, Decatur, Ga. 12-10-59
[ MONTVIEW FARM—Start now with
eight hens, one cock, $lO. L.. S. Bot-
| tenfteld, 27-. T. Decatur. Gal 2-10-60
I WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy lay
i ir.g strain, $1.50; pullets $2 each; eggs
$1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Car
ter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66
Plymouth Rocks.
I WON at Thomasville show on my White
Rocks, first pen. first and third cock
erel. first pullet, third hen. best pen In
show’, best pullet in show and best bird
tn show. Eggs from these winners $5
per setting. Henry W. Lester. Thomas
ville, Ga. 11-29-6
MON T VIEW FA RSWS ta r t now with
eight hens, one cock, $lO. L. S. Rotten
fiekb_27 *i, Decatur, Ga. i? 10-61
FOR SALE’ AT ONCE Fifty S. C <’rys-
I tai White Orpington pullets and hens.
Kellerstrass strain; bred from winners at
Knoxville, Chattanooga, Dalton, Gadsden,
Summerville. Prices $3. $5 and $7.50.
Pullets March-April hatch. George M.
Mosely, Menlo, Ga. 12-6-8
THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White
Wyandottes. We have four pen> of
these grand birds mated and can furnish
eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO per fif
teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
will produce the winners for next season’s
shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle
thorpe avenue, Atlanta. 11-16-18
PURE GRIST champion pit games, guar
anteed game and fighters. W. A. Sum
merlin. Buchanan, Ga. 47-20-11
FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Have the larg
est line of White Indian Runner ducks In
I the South. Fine stock. Can sell you
pairs, trios and pens for less than oth
, ers. Write for prices, stating your wants.
Also have large, fine lot of White Leg
horns and Rhode Island Reds. Remem
ber Free Range insures strong fertility
and vigorous stock.l2-12-6
INDIAN RUNNERS -Pure White and
Fawn and White; all ages; reasonable
prices. Eggs $1.50 to $lO. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Georgia Duck Farm. Smyr
A FEW choice trios of White Indian
Runner ducks (Spencer, Fishel strains)
for sl2; fawn and white. $5 pairs; $7
trios; twelve pens; good ones. We guar
antee to please you. Eggs, $2. $3 and $5.
Hen eggs for incubation, $7.50 per 100.
Oak Dean Poultry Farm, Stone Moun-
(’.)N SPARE few more White itiun-i'-,
$lO trio; sls pen of four ducks and
drake: satisfaction guaranteed. South
Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City,
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality, stock
and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry
Yards, O. O. Ray, manager, Kirkwood, Ga.
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington oegs.
$1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main
3588. 10-9-15
Real Estate For Sale.
BEAUTIFUL HOME site, elevat- ;
ed, trees, right at Peachtree
road, in the Buckhead-Brook- ■
haven district, for sale at a bar
gain. This is your opportunity .
to get your north side home site
cheap. “OWNER. P. 0. Box
800, City. 12-6-52 ■
For Exchange—Real Estate.
cheap or trade by 5-passenger 30-horse
power ear for vacant lot or equity in a
Ismail place. Call MairML 12-12-27
side residence lot, near Peach
tree road, for 1912 or 1913 up-to
date touring car. provided car is
new. or practically new. “Own
er,” P. 0. Box 800. City. 12-6-53
WANTED Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Eos An
-1 geles. the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Eos Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
I will have the facts about this great proj-
I ect Mailed to any address In United
I States or .Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now. 10-21-4
Farms For Rent.
TWO FINE FARMS for rent; one eight
and. one twelve-mule. Also several
small farms. Toole hand Company, Ar
lington, Ga. 12-11-17
Farms Wanted.
WANTED—To rent farm near Atlanta
for cash rent, by a Northern farmer.
Farm must have good buildings and land
that will give fair returns for hard, in
telligent work. Call Main 2692-. L or ad
dress 388 South Boulevard, Atlanta. Ga.
Legal Notices.
STATE OF GEORGIA County of Fulton.
To the Superior Court of Said County:
First W J. Hays. J. L Ward and .1.
C. Fuller are successors and present own
ers of "Hays-Haygood Company,” a cor
poration located In said county, and its
charter was granted by said court on
April 5, 1909. through amendment to the
charter of “W. .1. Hays & Company,’*
which was granted by said court on Sep
tember 3. 1907, the original charter being
granted under the name and style of
‘ \V. I Hays & Company” on the date
hereinbefore set out and the amendment
thereto being granted by said court under
the name and style of “Hays-Haygood
Company” on the date hereinbefore set
out, and the original charter was granted
for the term of twenty (20) years.
Second -At a meeting of all the stock
holders duly called, to-wit: W. J. Hays.
J. L. Ward and J. C. Fuller, on the 27th
day of November, 1912. a resolution was
passed authorizing said corporation
through aforesaid stockholders to petition
said court, in the name of said corpora
tion, for an order allowing said corpora
tion to surrender Its charter and franchise
to the state of Georgia and be dissolved
as a corporation. Said resolution was
; signed by all of the stockholders of said
corporation, and the same is hereto ap-
■ pended as ” Exhibit A.”
’ Third Petitioners show that there are
• no outstanding debts against caul corpo
ration, and that the dissolution of the
same ma; be awarded without any in-
TWO incubators, one brooder, ono Mann
bone mill, cheap. W. J. Garner. 250
Marietta slreet. 12-11-36
A Buckeye Incubator.
Is GI'ARANTEED to hatch every hatch- I
able egg: insurable. $8 to $35. Get a
1913 catalogue. Marbtit & Minor. East I
Atlanta. Ga. 12-9-16
__ . .. ■
CHRISTMAS is only n few days off. How
about coming in and picking out a can
ary bird? We will be glad to mark it and
send It out for you on Christmas eve. We
have some beauties at $2.75 each.
<l< >I,DITSII - Thousands of them. All
sizes, at 10c, 15c and 25c. each. They
are nice for the little folks. Grown folks
like them, too.
WE HAVE a beautiful collection of potted .
plants and they make an ideal gift. We
would be glad to have you come In and
see what we have.
HAVE YOU TRIED feeding your hens i
Red Comb Meat Mash? If not, get a
bag It is the greatest egg producing food
on the market. $2.25 a bag of 110 pounds;
10 pounds 25c.
THIS IS REAL ROl’P weather. Better
get a package of Conkey's Roup Rem
edy. It is a sure cure and sold on a
money back guarantee. 25c, 50c and $1
WE CARRY a full line of the famous
Clayton’s dog remedies; a remedy for
every disease. A book on the care of
dogs free.
falfa Meal, Meat Scraps. Crushed Bone,
in fact, everything for poultry.
EVERY’ day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur.
FULL-BLOODED toy poodles. 205 South
Forsyth. Main 4311-J. 49-12-12
FOR SALE Ponies for Christmas, S6O to
SBS; nice spotted ponies. Can make
arrangements to ship for Christmas. J. P.
Frank. 204 Fourth Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Horses and Carriage!
FOR SALE - tine large horse, suitable for
driving or farming; also one buggy and
harness; $75. Apply at 38 Marietta street.
I 'rater's cigar stand. 25-13-12
I't’lt SALE OR EXCHANGE for autorno
bil. , one Wilkes horse, six vears old, and
rubber-tired buggy. Box 876, care Geor
gltcu 1,0-13-12
FOR SALE CHEAP—Horse, harness and
light spring wagon: very thing for re
tail grocer or truck farmer. Call either
phone 283. 54-12-12
ROAN HORSE, seven years oi.i, cheap.
Call the Fleischmann Company, 129
Edge wood avenue. 26-12-12
Legal Notices.
justice to any of the stockholders.
GE< IRGIA-—Fulton County.
In person before me, the undersigned
attesting officer, authorized to administer
oaths under the laws of the state of
Georgia, appeared A, j. Havs, president
and general manager of "Hays-Haygood
Company;’’ .1. L. Ward and .1. <’. Fuller,
who, first being duly sworn, depose ami
say: That they are sole owners of said
corporation and at a called meeting duly
assembled of themselves on the 27th day
of November. 1912, resolved to petition
said court to dissolve said corporation and
direct that the charier and the franchise
of same be surrendered to the state de
ponents further say that there are no’out
standing debts existing against said cor
poration and that the dissolution of the
same may be warded without any injus
tice to any of the stockholders. '
SV. J. Hays, President and General Man
ager; J. C. Fuller, .1. E. Ward, Sec
retary and Treasurer.
Sworn io and subscribed before me this
4th daj» of December. 1912
Notary Public, Fulton County, Georgia.
Carl Hutcheson and Anderson, Felder,
Rountree & Wilson, Petitioners’ At
Fulton Superior Court.
The foregoing petition read and conslil
ered ami it is ordered by the court that
said petition be heard before tills court
on the 11th day of January, 1913.
It is further ordered that said petition
be filed In the office of the clerk of the
court, and that a copy of same be pub
lished as required bv law.
Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit.
This sth day of December, 1912.
GE< >RGIA- -Fulton County.
'lbis is to certify that the foregoing i
correct and exact copy of the petition ot ,
"Ilays-Ilaygood Company. ’’ ; rporatlon
seeking dissolution; also an < xaet and
correct copy of the order of the court
Clet k of Superior Court, Fulton County.
December H. 1912 12-6-28
P. R. 1 lopkins, Clarence Buchanan and
M. O. Jackson, three citizens to whom
was referred the petition for a new road
beginning at the Old Water Works road
between Lakewood and the Jonesboro road
and running south to Germania avenue.
sai<i new road to bo known as Meador
avenue and to be 30 feet wide, exclusive
of sidewalks, having reported that said
road will be of public utility, this is to
notify all persons that said 'road will be
declared a public road at a session of the
board of commissioners of roads and rev
enues of Fulton county, Georgia, to be
hold Wednesday. January 1. 1913, at 10
o’clock a. m., if no good and sufficient
cause to the contrary is shown
11. E. W. PALMER.
Commissioners Roads ami Revenues Ful
ton County. Georgia.
H M. WOOD, Clerk. 12-6-10
| GEORGIA Fulton County.
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers. December 13, 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Mrs. Lula Jones, widow of Randolph
Frank Jones, deceased, for a twelve
months' support, for herself, having duly
filed their return, all persons are hereby
cited to show cause, if any they have,
at the next January term of this court,
why said application should not be
JOHN It WILKINSI'N, i >rdlnary.
GE'iltGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, December 13, 1912.
Frampton E. Ellis, administrator of es
tate of Francis C. Loyd, deceased, has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
Francis C. Loyd. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions, If any they have, on or before the
first Monday in January next, else leave
will then be granted said applicant, as
applied for.
JOHN 11. WILKINSON, Ordinary.
Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent.
W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson
-Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 1»IL
ON WILLIAMS STREET, just north of
Baker, a lot fronting 58, feet and extend
ing back 205 feet, with a 10-foot alley on
I the side. We consider this lot a good
: buy for $2,000 cash and $2,000 a year for
• four years, with 7 per cent interest. The
place is suitable for apartments, garage,
laundry or any light machinery. Will
I *'dily increase In value. See Mr. Rad
'DN A GOOD CORNER on Piedmont
avenue, a very attractive ten-room resi
dence, with all the city conveniences.
Comparatively new. A splendid, purchase
for *13,500. See Mr. White or Mr. Brad
few hundred feet off the Automobile
drive, a perfectly beautiful tract of land
fronting 400 feet on a good road, con
taining about four acres. The grove
around the house Is magnificent. The im
provements are substantial. Could be eas
ily converted into a modern home. We
offer ibis as a splendid suburban home
proposition and cheap for $5,000. on very
easy terms. See Mr. Hook or Mr. Eve.
It You Have Money to Lead. Wo Can Place it Safely.
| 6-r. h., 74 Grady place $30.00 6-r. h„ 100 West Peachtree place. .$25.00
, 6-r. h., 170 Cleburne avenue .... 35.00 6-r. h., 125 Cooper (January 1)... 25 00
6-r. h., 108 Whitefoord avenue ... 25.60 6-r. h., :;69 Grant : tree I . 25.00
6-r. h., 305 Cherokee avenue .... 26.50 | G-r. h.. 315 Central avenue 26.00
WE I’I'HI.ISH A WEEKLY RENT It I ’ 1.1 .!■: TI N. g-iytng good :t fl] tlon <’f
everything we have for rent. Get a cope
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For S*le
REAL ESTAE. 116 Lobby. Candler Building.
IVY 1839. ATLANTA 2865
HA\ E SOMETHING VERY GOOD, but you li.-ve to i:i(|iiir. ;.i llie
office for particulars.
100-FOOT LOT ON CORNER. Will double in value in lev. years.
$3,750 cash required.
214 Empire Building. Main 66.
LUCKIE STREET BARGAIN—A 25-foot lot on Lnekie. facing
the Plaza at Bartow and Nassau streets, ofily $240 per foot.
One-fourth cash anti one to five years on the balance.
(.'AIN STREET- —between Bartow and Lucki* 23 feet at $2lO
per front foot. Very easy terms.
Y TTAT T Opposite Inman Pork; 600 feet front-
1(1 I—l I\ I age on Georgia railway. You can make
JV 7 Illi J . money her. .
woodside 1 /
$6.500 —NO LOAN TO ASSUME, SSOO to SI,OOO cash, balance like
rent. This is a beautiful house of 8 rooms and sleeping
porch; hardwood floors, pretty mantels and fixtures. Located on
wide street, 200 feet ofi’ West i’aehtree. Not often you have a
chance like this. Make us an offer.
20'Walton. Both Phones 458.
$1,350 FOR new six room negro house; water and s. ver. rents so?
$16.50 per month; never vacant; fine location.
$2,750 FOR two-story, seven-room modern home; all enn'enieuces,
half block of car line. See us Mondat
214-215 Empire Building. M. 66. Atianta. 344.
jiyu... ■!!■■■ wy.. W . . - - - ».!■!!'■!?
609-10 Atlanta National Bank Building—Bath Phones 4234
WE HAVE just had placed in our hands for quick sale a gen
uine bargain in a six-room cottage on the south sid . We
have a price of $2,650. assume loan of $1,500, balance cash.
Our office sold this place less than 30 days ago for S 1,500. House
is in perfect repair, faces ear line and renting for $25 per
month. This price is for a few days only.
SEE US about a beautiful north side six-room bungalow we
are offering on terms of $250 cash ami balance like rent.
James Street Lot $325 a Front Foot
THIS has a small house which can < aslly be converted into a store and res
idence. Within a stone’s throw of the new Ansley hotel and right at the
new Y. M. C. A. building. This is a bargain, and only takes $2,000 cash.
(’ALL US t’P about any of the following pieces of property: Store house
on lot 25x100, Marietta street; combination store house on lot 34 by 110.
East Georgia avenue; Houston street; Edgewood avenue; Auburn avenue.
IVY 4978. 1409 CANDLER BLDG.
Phone 2106 Main.
BARGAIN—SIO,OOO for a beautiful 9-roHm, new home on Ponce DeLeon ave
nue; has sleeping porch, steam heat, hardwood floors, birch floors, elegant gas
and electric fixtures, two tine porcelain baths, beam ceilings, no loan to assume.
This lot runs back to another street in the rear. This is what you are looking
for. Terms.
I TAKE a l»*k at our new home now being completed at No. 292 Moreland ave
nue, close to Dndd Hills,; tile batli, furnace heat, hardwood floors, line mantels,
dressing mirrors, beam ceilings, plate rack; the very best of plumbing; lot is
over 280 feet deep; east front. If you don’t get this you are going to be sorry.
. The price Is right and terms easy
i $3,650 This Is a close-in proposition: it is a nice 6-. east front. wittß
in walking distance of down town; the best buy in tl*» it Is almost semi
central; alley side and rear.
avenue we have a good store room in a
nice neighborhood, where we think a nice
grocery store, with fresh meats, ought to
command a good trade. Price sls.
ON THE I.EFT going out Marietta street
we have a good store room that we can
rent you. Including city water, for $lO-60
per month.
ON THE LEFT going out Boulevard, near
Highland avenue, we have a brand new
brick store room. Has never been oc
cupied and is located In A-l good neigh
borhood. Fine location for drugs, gro
ceries or anj' other good business. Price
ON THE RIGHT going out Marietta
street and adjoining the Sixth Ward
bank, we have a brand-new brick store
room, on car line and in thickly popu
lated section of our city; tine location.
Price S2O.
WE HAVE A LONG I.IST of business
houses all over the citv Come to see us.