Newspaper Page Text
A Wagon for a Phone Call
I XTO MATTER in what part of town you live, you can ■
STODDARDIZE as conveniently as though you H|
lived around the corner from STODDARD'S? just |H
phone ns—and our wagon will call promptly. " B
Have your clothes Dry (leaned by ’ the -famous B
STODDARD way! fig
A Wagon for a Phone Call. ®||
We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $2 or over ™
S LITcl Bei’ P PhonZTvy4“' _ D’ x ’ es Greatest
OLULLLLU. LI Atlanta Phom 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer
f 9999 f 99 99999 99t
: Crochet Wool knit, with leather £
! Cl' soles. I
□lippers ? ; :
z— /k 1” colors, l-'or ¥
woman, miss or 8
1 I ' Inl-J. 75.■ value. S
5 ’1 f.t V\ i \\' ’ i •’SV-. aMT JHB •■
i 49c £>~1 1
i $1.15 Men’s Operas 00068 1;
: ’ In Tan and Black Kid. Also Black as Ainas
I Felt: $1.50 values, • f> 1 »*' •"
>*■ Q, jr § I
i ' 51.39 /) „ I
Men’s Romeos / !JJ ■ ;
n and Black Kid. Also Black Z' jSBf 1 B
• ino elastic); $1.75 values fur / T'tt'iZ I £
Bed Socks Juliets |
• 'A woolen \ warm Felt ;• I
X Warmers. Slipper for worn <£?*’ * I
•!• t > ’’o< on, in colors.. JBj<v 7 OHr -» •:
•0.25 values, J-
j 25c 89c I
Storm Rubbers «/
■ : women, misses, boys, children: RICH’S
It is of unusual importance in the selection of gift goods-
to be able to choose from a stock comprising only wares of the
highest quality.
Examine our stock. Every article of the many designs in
silver. cm glass, art and Sheffield goods—quality prevails
i hroughout.
hir name mi the box gives the gift distinction that is fully
appieciated by the recipient : it carries with it an assurance of
lawless quality and correct designing.
%ugepe UyCayperfL
Solid Gold Mesh Bags
And Novelties for Christinas
The shirred and accordion mesh in our gold bags and
purses could not possibly be finer. It is really ''cloth of
gold. Every link is hand-soldered. Ihe quality ot ou,
bags cannot be excelled anywhere. '1 he frames are plain,
j engraved, engine-turned and jeweled.
Purses are worth $50.00 upward.
Bags range in value from $115.00 to $600.00.
111 vanities, Lorgnettes, match boxes, cigarette cases,
pencils, key rings, knives, fobs, vest sets, etc., we have a
big assortment.
\\ e want you to visit the store and see for youi'seit
the great variety of gift goods we carry.
Write For Catalogue
Our 160-page illustrated catalogue solves al! gift prob
terns. It brings your shopping to you. \Ve pay express
charges, guarantee safe delivery and satisfaction. A rite
lor a copy of this catalogue today.
Open Evenings Until Christmas.
Maier & Berkele, Inc.
Diamond Merchants
Established 1887. 31 Whitehall Si Atlanta, Ga.
As soon as it i-eaches the stomach all that distressing
gas, Sourness, Heartburn and Indigestion vanishes.
|! Time it! In live minutes all stomach
I distress gone. No indigestion, heart
burn. sourness or belching bf gas. acid
or eructations of undigested food, no
I dizziness, bloating, foul breath or
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs. It
is the surest, quickest stomach doctor
in the whole world and besides it is
' harmless and delightful.
Millions of men and women now eat
; their favorite foods without fear—they
know it is needless to have a bad stom
Ends Catarrhal Misery
Hawking and Snuffles
Booth’s Hyomei Destroys Germs, Soothes and Heals the
Sore Membrane of the Nose and Throat
No Stomach Drugging—Just Breathe it—Pronounce it High-O-Me
You can say good-bye to catarrh if
: you really want to.
You can kill every eatarrb germ that
is thriving in the inflamed recesses of
the membrane of the nose and throat,
and in a short time stop forever that
morning hawking in your throat over
i night.
A ou can make the membrane of your
nose and throat so healthy ami free
from germs and soreness that tin ter
rible colds that you catch so frequently
and that cause such nlsery will soon
be a thing of the pas'.
If you are really sincere in your de
sire to be rid of catarrh and its humili
ating symptoms, get a Hvomoi Inhaler
and a bottle of HYOMEI today. Ask
I .mi , . j_iih ij i . .i.i . .i.h _ hi
An Elegant Coat, With
Fine Materials Behind '
The Ultra - Stylishness
it has a rich, smart appearance, drapes
gracefully from the shoulder, and affords
great warmth without
excessive weight.
It’s a “Benjamin”
; model —the “Bond *Q|
Street.” And being <3 y i
made by America’s \
Foremost tailors, it. |l 'V
of course, embrace o ,m‘lT
all the good points IV wkp| fj
that go to make up a * X.
strict I \ first-class gar | jy AS
ment. \
Brown mixtures and >
Oxford mixtures. with I |
popular belted back.
YOUR size is here.
$25.00 and $27.50
Shoe and Clothing Co.
36 Whitehall Street
.J $ s
j resultsl
Wia»MiiiHwrir iiriiMww'iiiiiiiiiwii ■iiii i iav«i»wwiMßwrHwwiiTri i r'
j The Want Ad Section of I
» I
The. Georgian Fills
the Bill
One Cent a Word
Get a large 50-cent ease of Pape’i
Diapepsin from any drug store and pui
your Stoniacn 'iglit. Stop being mis
erable—life is too short—you are not
here long, so make your stay agreeable
Eat what you like am' digest it; enjoj
it, without fear of rebellion in the
Diapepsin belongs in your home.
Should one of the family eat something i
which doesn’t agree with them or in
case of an attack of indigestion, dys
pepsia. gastritis or stomach derange
ment. it is there to give the quickest,
surest relief known. (Advt.)
’ for a HYOMEI outfit. The pri,’< is
SI.OO. If another bottle is needed, the
price is 50 cents.
, Use it according to the simple direc
tions that, go with each outfit alm if you
are not satisfied that it is killing the
pernicious health-destroying g< -ms of
catarrlijand freeing you from vile mis- I
ery, you can have your monej back.
Booth’s Hyomei is not a secret rem- I
edy. It is made of that marvelously I
healing antiseptic. Australian Emalvp'- I
tus, combined with Guaiacol, Thymol!
and other germ-destroying antiseptics. I
it is furnished to all who suffer by
pharmacists everywhere. Booklet about
catarrh and trial sample free from
Booth's Hyomei < 'o.. Buffalo. X. Y.
(Advt. >
A Great Suit and Coat Sale
Many Garments Marked at LESS THAN HALF
a . v 'vatehing the markets, close buying and being out
\a.Cl sitle tlle high-rent district, we are ALWAYS able to save
if you from ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALE on your purchases
I'"- here : but in this instance, we can save you even more than
gjWpL- that. And remember that when we tell you an article is
V " ortll DOI!BLE O, ’B SALE PRICE, you can DEPEND
< z upon the GENUINENESS of our valuation. Positively no
/ \Au Aa fictitious valuations are allowed in either our advertising
V I vk Aft w " r our s t°re.
O A ’U® Today we are offering:
L i As '' '' l’ an 'J so,lie au, 4 stylish Suits of tine serges and man
// / V H ' sl ' niixf ’ ires ’ elegantly tailored and lined with guaran-
/ / ' A teed satin. These Suits are easily worth DOUBLE OUR
c’iiL jßj&a/ W" PRICE. Tomorrow we offer them fit
nt. choice
'' IF Blue, black and fancy mixed Suits; plain tailored and
A W' handsomely trimmed steles. Suitswell O 411?
WWf j' K*’ " ortll ONE T,,IKD MORE; only |U. 40
Jr aJ ’N One rack oi stylish mannish serge Suits; plain Tailored
| ’ and trimmed effects; lined with guaranteed satin; bine,
j l brown and black. Wvrlh at least QE
I 1 ONK-THIttD MORE; onlj
$18.U5 Coats for only SB.‘)a. Think of this! They’re
/•' I brand new styles just received. Handsome mannish
'4 ll clothes in many styles, with latest belted back, patch pock-
F jl t ' ''■ "*'l'' ''olltß' liu d lapels, deep cuffs, etc*. E© ©E
f if L'eiiuine high-grade Coat, onl.v
Wtf- / ' J'l S " 1 Coats, only *4.!•.’>. This is a new shipment just
v I «/ /I received. The styles are v>-ry snappy and stylish. Belted
f| ■' backs, two-faced cloths, fancy collar and cuffs, patch
I a? a pockets, etc. A very unusual tF j| ftF?
I offer for only >4.95
Stylish Hats and Shapes at J/3 to J 4 LESS
ri’iinnied Hats: worth Silk Beaver Shapes;! Shapes worth up to $6:
up io .sls: dioii’c. 53.95 SH.So tallies ... $1,95 <‘hoi<-e 7sr
Save Money On Your Blankets and Comforts
Large Wool-Finish Blankets; very Large 12-4 Cotton Blankets, only SI.OO
soft and fleecy, 0n1y51.95 ! n '
Fine Wool Blankets; gray and white; Double-Faced Stlkohne Comtorts;
choice ‘ $4.95 cotton filled; SPECIALSI.9S
Christmas Goods at ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF LESS
Dolls. Toys, Rocking Horses, Wagons. Autos. Velocipedes. Books. Games. Skates. Toilet Seis.
Jewel Cases, Manicure Sets. etc.
The Underselling Store
Take Walker Street or Lucile Avenue Cars
/I Forethought
IV For the Christmas
B Festivities
ent - e,nan i” picture bespeaks
W* J *■ dignity and refinement He’s going out to
% crace occasion. His assurance is founded
agslOWr 0,1 the selection of his evening clothes which
T have been chosen with infinite care.
I latter him with the “imitation” that is
■ vour advantage. Buy your best Evening
Dress at Muse’s, where everything pertaining
’ s ci e^ant - an< i g°°d form.
J W Tl XEDO COATS to match and $35
Full l»r<-s> Waistcoats to $7.50
K I‘niiips—patent and dull s 4, $5 and $6
l>re» Shoes —patent and dull $7
Silk and Opera Hals sß
Why not one of these for his gift?
Geo. Muse Clothing Co.
way; by no better method can Real Estate be
bought, sold, rented or exchanged, than
through the Real Estate columns of THE
111 ATLANTA GEORGIAN. .*. .*. /. .»