Newspaper Page Text
~ T i?J/ ANT * x for rj aonT—GEORGIAN WANT ads—use for results Saturday, December 14,1912.
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Tbit* is ’he RECOGNIZED RENT BULLETIN of Atlanta and surroundings. It contains a complete list of every
Desirable, Suitable and Modern place of <nj description that is FOR RENT. complete nst 01 every
The BEST of Rooms. Houses, Apartments Flats, Housekeeping Rooms, Hoarding and Rooming places (either fur
: ...ed or unfurnished. In any .ocallty can be located with case through the Bulletin. Business LocaUons VVare
• :<es. Garages, Storage Houses etc., can be found or rented with ease by reading and advertising it
The Georgian employs special representatives to keep this Bulletin complete with each issue for the benefit and
nvenlence of our patrons. Save time, money, wor.j and useless steps by consulting this Bulletin when you desire
: rent.
Rooms and Board.
-' \Vi ■ ruyng men can get nicely furnished
. .■■in heated room with board. 17?
:.' t rrest uve. Phone Ivy 5789.12-14-39
ThV Hollenbeck Hotel.
\ MODERN family hotel, 57 E.
Third street, one block from
The Georgian Terrace. Forty
newlv furnished, steam-heated
rooms; electric lights; fire-proof
building: free baths. Rate:
Board and room $7.00 per week
..pward. Robert D. Edwards,
p: iprietor.
. :I V t irnished rooms, with or wlth-
. .rd. .\tlanta 3710. 12-14-22
T asant front room with board
I 'eachtree street.l2-14-26
T,r gentlemen for nicely fur
,m with meals. Private home,
ivy 4763-J. 227 W. Peach-
J...... 12-14-30
Sr\T:iuTT>' couple, no children, can find
nh- home, north side, ten minutes ride Candler building; board reasonable.
, .ir <* \V 34 East Alabama street.
' ' 73-14-12
DEI ,l< IHTFI'L front room; excellent
26 E. Calm 49-13-12
TTarge room and board; steam heat,
If.fining bath and dressing room.
1 i.. Ivy 3694-L
STevvLV furnished room w ith board and
.11 modern conveniences. 179 North
.m kron. Phone Ivy P.107-J.12-13-19
\"<,i• > in secure room and board at 159
slave. Main 830-L. 12 13-24
BoTil single and double rooms with
board at 21 East Cain._ 32-13-12
LA light room, with board, in an <•!-
luiid. furnished, private, modern
furnace heat, telephone, electric
<■ . baiiis. the use of dining room, liv
ing • -'m. parlor; beautifully furnished;
Iron veranda: tlrst-class meals, the Very
be-’: ;< real pleasant home to a refined,
i:.,no:.’ "ouple: references. Mrs. Co
le. 6’9 West Peachtree street. Bell
< Ivy 5635-J. __ 26-13-13
>;• " '.’.l and tlrst-class board. 428 Gor
: street. 12-13-8
THREE comfortable rooms. light house- j
.. : ing if desired. Residence; north
I > f.-.E 56-12-12
FED Young lady tor roommate
• . young lady; S2O month, everything
haled Main 1592-J.36-11-12
FIRST ('LASS room and board. <
Best north side location. 16
Porter Place. Ivv 6705. 12-10-47 !
•_ —l
►MS, with or without board; private
Lundy; everything congen’al and home
]ikCall Main 1238-J. 278 Rawson st.
NICi.LY furnished front room, with ex
cellent meals, in ideal north side home;
g»‘ii >incn couples preferred. 17 Cast
Ivy 33-11-12
I boarders at 55 < Jarnett.
Phone Main 3459-J.’±lll7
COUPLE or two gentlemen for nice front
. • >m: also table board. Vacant the
18tb. 25b Capitol avenue. Main 2031-L.
YOUNG (’(d’i’LE or two young men can
secure reasonable board in furnace
heated north side home. • Phone Ivy
4414-L. _ 50 lL 0- 1?
TV O NICE furnished front rooms and
board at 29 East Harris. Ivy 3741-L.
NICELY furnished room and first-class
board at 406 Peachtree. Ivy 174 C.
“Cleanliness our motto.” The best ta
bles ir. the city. Ivy 2666-. T. 12-10-16
’ : "”M AND BOARD, $4 PER WEEK. 1
MEN < • ■ •
board, large rooms, for $4 per week. 18
place 12-9-35
THmse appreciating a home with every
• unifort and refinement, at reasonable
IV call at 28 East North avenue ivy
‘ t GNiSHED room with hoard. 25 West
Raker street __lvy I! < -J. _ 12-9-2
362 ’’E ACHTRE E l,arge. beautiful front
room for couple: steam heat, electric
hghts. accommodations for seven young
men, first-class tabh board. Garage for
rent. 1yy6668-J 12-7 13
NI<’ELY furnished rooms and excellent
• tible board. 121 Capitol Square. Main
__ 12-3-30
36 East, North Avenue.
BETWEEN the Peachtrees. Fine, light
z.»£9 omß an d excellent table board. Ivy
8501. 11-30-44
Board Wanted.
YOUNG LADY teacher and roommate
want board; north side: must bo first
class; good board. Board, Box 35, care
Georgian, 12-11-31
G'’OT> BOARD, well heated and lighted
single room by gentleman; north side
®nd walking distance. Full particulars or
no attention paid. L., Box 250. care Geor
gian. 43-13-12
BOARD WANTED by couple with baby
two months old; state price, location,
n/1 P-. care Georgian. 39-13-12
the number of ads under
, ,ie “Room and Board” column of The
, r "Fgian. No wonder the people recog
? hat The Georgian la th<
look in f< r nice boarding places, fur they
y»-“ a larger number of places io select
g - ’ ’ Place your ad for boarders in The
'igian’M “Room and Board” column
®nd nil your vacant spaces at your table.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
s I EAM HEATED, electric lights, exclu
sive bath, one or two beds, two blocks
• < apital City club, five blocks us Candler
building. Address Alexis, care Georgian.
100- U - .2
7-ICE rooms for rent; 173 South Forsyth
st.; hot and cold water; can get meals
next door; three blo< ks from Terminal
Ration. 75-14-12
nicely furnishe<i rooms; all con ven -
lences. 255 Courtlafid. Ivy 624 R-L.
LARGE ROOM, furnished for light house
keeping, third floor. 102 Ivy st.
Nl' ELY furnished rooms; light house
keeping apartment; private family. 151
Paring. I>l4 37
P*E \i TIFULLY furnished front room in
steam heated apartments; near in;
with private family Ivy
34M-L, 12-14-43
Nl< E ROOM, third floor; conveniences;
—lO2 Ivy st 12-14-41
ELY furnished rooms, all conve
niences. Close In. 150 Courtland.
’/ LLY furnished rooms, two blocks
Roni Candler Bldg. 160 Courtland.
EI.Y furnished front room, private
.. tamiij Every convenience Best loca
ii \\ ,. S i End, Gentlemen preferred.
HS. 12-14-29
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Lovely room in Virginian '
apartments for gentlemen or couple. Ex
ceiient case downstairs. Ivy 6719-.].
THREE furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 239 Courtland.
- , 12-14-27 ;
ONE large front room, between Hous
ton and < ’am. 191 Courtland. 12-14-25
NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold
water. Phone. 158 Courtland. 12-14-24
well-furnished front room for gen
tiemen. All conveniences 82 W Baker
St. Phone Ivy 4641. >l2-14-16,
tLRNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing; close in. 339 Courtland st.
LARGE, comfortable, splendidly kept
rooms for rent. Rates reasonable. !
three blocks from center of city. Mrs
Nina Foam by. 104 Ivy street.l2 -9 - 3
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for 17gKt
housekeeping; all conveniences; close
in: prices reasonable. 138 Pulliam si
I*OK RENT -One large front room, fur
nished or unfurnished; two blocks off
Peachtree st.; to one or two gentlemen.
Apply 60 Carnegie _way. 12-13-35
ONE nicely furnished steam heated room
for gentlemen only. Call at 188 Ivv st.
FOR RENT--One steam-heated room,
private family: walking distance; refer
ences exchanged. 28 East Alexander
street; apartment F. 1vy_G565.12-13-30
Fl RNISHED bed rooms and housekeep
ing rooms. 319 Courtland. Ivv 2483-L.
NEWLY’ furnished steam heated front
room, bath adjoining; private West
Peachtree home; excellent meals next
floor JPhone Ivy 1258. 1.2-13 25
TWO or three nicely furnished connecting
rooms for light housekeeping; electric
lights, separate gas, bath; two bed rooms,
and large kitchen; working people
preferred. 345 Peachtree street. 12-13-7
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
at 49 Terry street, near the capitol.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. $lO
and sls. 388-A Peachtreb. Ivy 4530-.1.
BEAUTIFUL large front room to nice
young man or business woman; all con
ven i cncss. _Jyv 2211-1 12-12-11
CONVENIENT, modern housekeeping!
rooms; close in; north side; rates reas- !
onp.bie 49 West Cain. 12-12-20
NICELY furnished secondfloor front room,
all conveniences: terms very reasonable.
Phone Main 1888-.1. 12-12-18
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping, $3 per week. 328 Whitehall.
FoR RENT Furnished rooms; steam
heated; hot baths. 11 Cone. Mrs. 1).
u. V. 1 t< 41-11-12
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 82 Williams street.
SMALL and large furnished rooms fur
gentlemen only; close in. 274 Whitehall
street. 31-10-12
FOR RENT -Close In. furnished and un
furnished rooms, with or without meals.
Main 3667-J. 22 Garnett street.l2-10-56
FOR RENT—Large front room; single
room; conveniences. 210 Spring. Ivy
3205-J*. 12-10-48
FOR RENT Large, upstairs front room;,
hot water, electric lights, furnace heat.
Ivy 6310. 109 Forrest avenue. 40-10-12
TWO nice front rooms 28 West Peach
troe place, Ivy 6537-J.12-10-20
DELIGHTFI L front room; private bath;
gentlemen: refined home. Peachtree,
care Georgian. 37-10-12
FOR RENT - Nicely furnished room, with
or without board. 311 Courtland street.
NIC El Y furnished rooms. 50c night. $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel,
North Broad street. Hot and cold water.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms in
private family. Call Ivy C2BB-J.
TW<> .'urnished or unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping: close in. Atlanta
Phom 5052.12-12-26
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms,
with all conveniences. Call Ivy 3983-L.
_• 12-12-21
BOOMS, with or without hoard: also two
uiifurnishi d rooms h r light housekeep
ing. 32 East Caln. Phone Ivy 2903. Call
for Mrs. Thorntun.l2-11-43
FOR-fniNT’ Four large furnished or un
furnished rooms, sink in kitchen: pri
vate bath: sl6 per month. 343 South
Pryor street 12-10-53
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO or three connecting unfurnished
rooms; north side. 428 Greenwo«xl av«
FOR ReJit Two large unfurnished
rooms, with kitchenette. Furnace heat
and everv convenience. New home.
A’ ■■"-.I 12-13-1
FOUR rooms for light housekeeping; all
modern conveniences. Call between 2:30
and 6, or phone Bell 5399. 368 South
TTY •? - ’l2-12
THREE unfurnished rooms with sink in
kitchen. 47 Brotherton street, Atlan
ta phone 3424 12-12-8
FOR RENT- With owner, either three or
four connecting rooms, with all modern
conveniences for light housekeeping: in
| best section of West End. References re-
<iuire<l. Cali Bell phone West 210. 12-7-2
1-5 off all dur Furniture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
Housekeeping- Rooms For Rent.
THi:i:i-; rooms furnished fur lighi house
keeping. 113'i Capitol. Vilanta plume
5424. .'’‘L 1 . 1 -* 6 '
p< n'): or five hous< eeplng rooms, w ith
all conveniences. 178 Forrest avc.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
TWO-KOOM furnished epar*"lent to rent.
Price reasonable. < all or phone Ivy
6523. 37 East Alexander street. :i4-14-12
FtiIFREN'T Furnished half cottage; four
rooms and bath: phone; new gas range;
conveniences; good location on south side
Phone Main 4433-. J. 12-11-39
NICE* furnished sunny apartment, also
rooms, all conven’enc- 1 ., 308 Capitol
avenue. Main 2918-Ll2-9-21
FOR RENT Two or three connecting
light housekeeping rooms, with hath,
electric lights; newly papered; private
entrance Near In. 345 L Peachtree.
TWO large, bright rooms and kitchen
ette: modern conveniences; north side.
Phom Ivy 2478 ’r' l *' l4
WANTED One hundred thousand ready
made families to snare in the prosperity
of Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
ainiru". o-it 1 1, ' ruber 25tb. w ill tell why
an ,l h,. ; . ■ ir. . .: United
States it Mexico (6 cents txcopy; Canada
or f p.' point 36 cents Send in jmur
order now 10-21-4
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
RENT— \\ "ith private family of
1 n ?|ilts. new north side five-room (ad
ditional rooms can be had) furnace-heated
apartment, with private veranda, sleeping
Lurch, tiled bath, electric lights; easy
walking distance; good car service; splen
did neighborhofxl. Only acceptable par-
• Jies need apply. Price SSO. On lease,
less. Address D., Box 252, care Geor
gian. or telephone Ivy 961-L. 27-14-12
I\\ O CHOICE high-class north side
• apartments for pent; never been occu
■ A PPb* Glover Realty Company, 2V4
Walton street. 11-30-22
Furnished Houses For Rent.
bolt RENT OR SALE—Completely fur
nished cottage, five rooms, bath; all
conveniences; close in; splendid neighbor-
Moersch, 192 Crew. Phone Main
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Eight-room house, built for
home, on lot 62 by 247. Nice fruit
orchard. Electric lights and all modern
conveniences. $25 a month. 122 LaFrange
street. Call ivy 6V24-J. 29-14-12
EIGHT-ROOM house, 521 Courtland. $35.
A. T. Spalding. 499 Courtland. 47-13-12
FOR RENT—New six-room cottage; mo<l
ern conveniences; deep lot. 14 Howell
I’! ac .,w’est End. near two car lines. Ap
ply 301 Crew street. 27-11-12
LEASE OR SALE —Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. “Ans
lej i’.Tk.’‘ G.-orgian, 38-10-12
FOR RENT, HOUSES Call, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
’oehran, 74-76 Peachtree street. 4-1-21
FOR RENT -192 East Georgia avenue,
one six-room house, cabinet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50. Apply across the
street. 11-29-27
WANTEIK-Children to a trend - the best
schools in the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
{ ell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address tn United
States or Mexico 15 cents; £anada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send In your order
now. 10-21-4
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
FURNISHED HOUSES—Eight rooms, on
North avenue, near Tech. SSO: two five
room apartments, right near Grant park,
each S3O. Unfurnished, eight rooms, on
Luckie street, right near Tech school, $45;
six rooms, all modern conveniences. In
cluding furnace, near new Ninth avenue
school. $35; six-room apartment, near
Grant park, $25. Call Webster, M. 2016
day. 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth National
Bank. 12-14-44
FOR RENT Part or all of eleven-room
house, furnished or unfurnished, to
conveniences. s:’s a month. 122 LaFrance
street. Ivy 6724-.1. 28-14-12
Office Space For Rent.
FOR RENT Splendid ground floor office
space, centrally located; water, heat
and light. Address Box 314, care Geor
gian. 45-13 12
Stables For Rent.
LARGE stable for rent cheap. Apply Dr.
Cook, 173 E. Hunter. 71-14-12
FOR RENT Stables and wagon sheds, all
in good shape. 60 Garnett street.
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
A QUIET, refined couple, no children,
want furnished bed room, dining room
and kitchen on north sidti; must be on
car line; will be permanent. X. Y. Z. (
Box 255, care Georgian. 76-14-12
W ILL some one give or rent very cheap
a comfortably furnished room to an
honorable Christian business woman in
exchange for company at night. Address
“Christian Woman,” care Georgian.
_ .12-12-7
Y<»UR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are
looking for nice rooms, look for them
where they have the largest number to
choose from. Y’our ad in “The Georgian’s
j Reni Bulletin” will attract the attention
of the party that is looking for rooms in
your house. Try it and see. J 2-5-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Four unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping at once; reasonable: close
it. I; ri.ui t !ii <v.: e <;*H)rgian. 43-14 IL’
NTED Wth couple «>r small family,
unfurnished housekeeping rooms for
business woman: no family; near in pre
| furred. !>., Box 44, care Georgian.
WANTED—Two connecting front rooms,
close in; state price and location; con
veniences. Box 244, care Georgian.
( 12-13-6
YOUR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them In the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are look
ing for nice rooms look for them where
. they have the largest number to choose
from. Your ad in “The Georg’an’s Rent
Bulletin” v/11l attract the attention of the
party that is looking for rooms in your
house. Try it and see.
. HELP WANTED—To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities In the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner. out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico. 15
cei ♦« a copy; Canada or foreign points,
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Furnished Apartments Wanted
WANTED Small furnished apartment or
: bungalow, north sldi-; possession wanted
I first of year; no children. Address B.
I Box 240. care Georgian. 58-12-12
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED To rent five «»r six-room bun
galow ; modern conveniences; north side
’ preferred K.. Box 719. 12-14-40
J WANTED HOUSES -Wo have demands
for several first-class houses on the
( north side. If you have anything you
want rented, list it with us Phone
I 16uo. Edwin P. Ansley, Realty Trust
: Bldg 11-21-27
• I - - - - - ... -
WANTED—fine hundred thousand ready
made families to share in the prosper
-1 ity of Southern California. The Ninth An
, niversary Ed t : <m of The Los Angeles Ex
i amlner, cut December 25th. will tell why
I and how Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy: Can
r ada or foreign points. 25 cents Send In
’ your order now 10-21-4
Want. Ads
f I ■
; Results
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—One dress suit, size
36. Price $15.00. One Tuxedo.
Price $5.00. Phone Ivy 6376.
SEND ORDERS for Christmas mistletoe
and holly, with berries, to Gordon Hun
nieutt, Tallulah Falls, Ga 85-14-12
LOUNGE, cook stove, piano, couch swing
192 Crew, Phone Ma in 2792-L. 12-14-23
15-HORSE motor and Bxß air compressor.
Apply Dr. Cook. 173 E. Hunter. 72-14-12
ORDERS TAKEN for patty shells. Deea
__tur 417. 67-14-12
Pot Roast ’.loc
Prime Rib Roast 12 l-2c
Loin Steak 15c
Porterhouse Steak 15c
Chuck Steak 10c
Round Steak 12 l-2c
Legs of Lamb 12 l-2c
Compound Lard 10c
Liver 10e
Small Red Snapper Fish..l2l-2c
Sugar Cured Hams, sliced... ,22c
Veal Chops and Steak 12 l-2c
Our meats are good. Ask the
89 Decatur St. 150 Marietta St.
GAS stove, bed room furniture for sale.
86 W. Peachtree place. 42-14-12
FOR SALE —Fine, large, thln-sheil
cans, select. 35c pound. Extra select,
50c pound. Others, 25c pound. II D.
Goodwin, Greensboro,
FOR SALE —One sideboard, one hat
rack, one bed room suit, one odd dress
er and a cradle, all oak, cheap Apply 50
York Ave. 36-14
SSOO Worth of Music Free.
At this season of the year It is dif
ficult for our salesmen to visit all of
their prospective customers In time
to be given an opportunity to explain
our prices and terms. In order to
facilitate their work and make every
visit count, we are offering $5 worth
of music free to every one who Is now
ready to take the matter up with one
of our salesmen. Cut this ad out and
mail to us, stating when our sales
man may call on you, how much you
wish to pay cash, etc. Regardless of
whether our salesman can satisfy you
or not, this offer Is open to you If you
will advise us of your Intentions to
purchase so as to give us an oppor
tunity to explain to your our prices
and terms. Be sure and state In your
reply when our salesman may visit
your home to talk the piano question
Post Office Box 1623.
Atlanta, Ga.
and large home safes, sls; Hall's bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank build
ibg 9-7 - 33
Ol’R POCKET adding machine saves
time and worry. Mure than 3,000 In use
In United States postoffices. Nice Christ
mas present. Sent prepaid balance of this
year for fl. Money returned If not
pleased. Haynes Manufacturing Compa
ny, Henrietta, N. C. 35-.-12
FOR SALE -Second-hand cornet; silver
plated; high and low pitch. H. G.
Wood, Grand Opera House. 44 13-12
FOR SALE Good store shelving, one:
bookkeeper's desk, one roll-top desk,
cheap for <*ash. Box 314, care Georgian
ONE 6 and one 8-foot wall
cigar case; brand new;
•'heap. Terms if desired.
Also new floor cases with
bevel plate tops, 6 feet, $25;
8 feet, $32. Worth more.
Atlanta Show Case Co.
FOR SALE Antique brass andiron and
fender, ivy 2483-L. 12-13-23
FOR SALE Girl's bicycle; cost $25; will
take sl6; perfect condition. Call 324-B
Whitehall. BenneU, 28-13-12
Wll.L sell oak i liiffonler in good condi
tion or will exchange for cedar chest
or sectional book case. Bell phone East
Point 291-Lu 12-12-10
Full SALE Braud new Standard Cornet;
never been used; cheap for cash. Phone
Main 4120-J. Lee Neal. 25-12-12
CHEAP 28-lnch 12-gauge, 2H-inch drop,
Lefever shotgun. W. J. Garner, 250
Marietta street. 12-11-35
FOR SALE--Sweet potatoes In car load
lots; fine stock. It will pay you to have
my prices before placing your orders.
Address P. O. Box 96, Callahan, Fla
COMBINATION coal and gas ranges
Southern Stove and Supply Company,
121 Whitehall 10-15-4
WOOD. 7-18-15
1-5 off all our Furniture this
week. .J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere Southern
Stove nd Supply Company, 121 Whlte
lit-.A'i ERS. $. 50 to 445 We save you
enough to buy your coal. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall street. 10-15-4
CAST RANGES, with water back, 830 and
up Southern Stove and Supply Corn
p.’iny, 121 Whitehall.lo-15-4
ST<>VEB > ■ a ise our
expenses are less Southern Stove and
'uKI-Ilt’TloN oil heatera, $3.50 up?
So'jtbnrn Stove and Supply Company.
121 Whitehall. 10-15-4
National (’ash Registers.
$35, SSO, S6O, $75. SIOO and up. Terms easv
on North Broad Street. 7-20-52
SAFES, files, cabinets, new & 2nd hd
Gookln Bank X- office Equipment Co.
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any In service;
plain or designed; any size Catalogue
fret Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore
8 16-31
CADET HEATERS, with coll. SouthAn
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall 10-15-4
WANTED—Bicycle for boy six years old;
must be in good condition. Call Ivy
WANTED—ChiId with Rogers bread but
tons 6270 or 6655. Call Ivy 3639-L.
WANTED—Second-hand typewriter. In
good condition. Address "Typewriter,”
care Georgian, giving description and
price. 53-12-12
We'll Bring Cash For
Old Clothes and Shoes
166 Decatur Street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced.
Pembroke Sales Company. 143 South Pry
or street. Hell phone Main 1434, Main 187.
Atlanta 2285 SjJ.LL 2
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell street.
Bell phone Main 2424.8-26-26
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. 1. Bock, 32 Bell street.
SELL THAT ARTKfLE" that you have
that Is too good to throw away and
of no earthly use to you. Some one Is
looking for that very thing. The "For
Sale Miscellaneous" columns of The
Georgian are the market place for your
articles. See how rapidly you can sell
your things, no matter of what descrip
tion, through The Georgian, tl will pay
•you well to consult this for sale column
WANTED —Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Ix>s Angeles to and from the
Panama Canai. The Ninth Anniversai/
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California Mailed to
any address In United States or Mexico,
15 cents: Canada or foreign points, 25
cents Send In your order now 10-21-4
Furniture For Sale.
FOR SA-Fight rooms of furniture in
good condition. Will sell separate
pieces or whole lot. Atlanta phone 1995.
WE nickel plate automobiles; first-class
work. S2O to $25, according to size of
car. Bell phone Main 1598, Atlanta phone
2336. Atlanta Plating Works, 291% Ma
rietta st., Atlanta, Ga. 12-14-38
WANTED -Electric. Will exchange two
lots in West Atlanta and old model five
passenger touring car for second-hand
electric, in first-class condition. Box 881,
care Georgian. 30-14 12
FOR EXCHANGE -Mitchell five-passen
ger; top. windshield; complete and In
perfect condition; for vacant lot. Auto.
Box 500. care Georgian 12-10-24
FOR SALE—-One Hudson 1912
five-passenger touring car, in
excellent condition. A bargain
for $l,lOO. One Buick Model 20;
just been painted and overhaul
ed; a bargain at SBOO. One Hud
son 1911 torpedo car; just been
painted and overhauled; for a
quick sale SBOO. One Maxwell
touring ear in excellent shape;
a big bargain at S6OO. Address
Fulton Auto Supply Co.. 46 E.
North avenue. 12-13-28
ELECTRIC, first-class condition, at one
third original cost. Address L., 601
West Peachtree. 12-13 12
OLDEST repairers of automobile radia
l tors, fenders, lamps, etc.; also manu
i facturers of all kinds sheet metal work
for automobiles; no fakes tn our work.
Warlick Sheet Metal Mfg. Co.. 248 Edge
wood ave. 12-13-14
1912 FIVE-PASSENGER touring ear: all
the equipments; for sale; intallment
I payments. Ivy 3339. 47-12-12
I JUST bought on our recent trip North
great stock of automobile standard
; casing. Prices astonishingly low. Mc-
Pherson Auto Tire Company. Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED —Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them will
want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons
Mailed to any address In United States or
Mexico. 15 cents: Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send In your order now 10-21-4
Business Opportunities.
VALUABLE patented vending and change
making machine; the most wonderful
invention of the age. The machine that
sells and makes change Am financially
unable to.manufacture. Will sell reason
able exclusive-patent, including one ma
chine and full set patterns. A. H. Ar
nold, Calhoun. 8. C, 87-14-12
WANTED Reliable man, conveniently
located, to handle direct with consumers
fresh-laid, eggs and specially fattened
poultry from our farm. Old Hickory
Farm, Cornelia, Ga. 93-14-12
FOR SALE DairyT'wlmk: or half; one~of
best routes. Apply* 1 >r. Cook, 173 E
Hunter 70-14-12
SODA FOI’X’TAIN and carbonator now In
operation In Austell building for sale
’ cheap. I. C. Clark, Capitol avenue
I 62-14-12
FOR SALE—One of the best pacing jew
elry stores in one of the most grow
ing towns in the South; a bonanza; own
er going In wholesale business. Address
Jeweler. 210 N. Main St., Greenville S C
STOCK AND BOND issues marketed
I>arge investing clientage; active sales
organization. Give full particulars and
references. Established House, I’ O. Box
1922, New York. ' 33-7-12
$2,500 STOCK of merchandise, six-room
house on two-acre lot. nineteen pecan
trees, paying $7.50 each per year, on Geor
gia Northern railway. Brooks county
Georgia; all for $5,000. Will trade for
farm land or renting property. Address
Pecan, Box 877, care Georgian. 29-13-12
WELL L< >CATED, established business,
cheap. .Address Business Bargain, rare
Real Estate For Sale.
FOR SALE —By owner, north side lot;
must sell; terms. Main 4460-J.
FARMS from 10 acres to 75, within 15
miles of Atlanta. We have the buyer.
Let us hear from you if you want your
place sold or traded.
Atlanta Suburban Realty
Phone Main 2053.
BY OWNER, new six r.Kirn bungalow. In
man Park; high class; bargain. Call
Floyd, Ivy 3149-L 12-14-36
FOR SALE Seven acres, lialf mile be
low Clarkston, Ga.; new car line sur
veyed through place; two acres clear, bal
ance In wood. A snap at $1,250. II A.
Jolly,Clarkston, Ga. 12-14-12
TAisi; A l.oi'K! 37" Capitol avenue for
salic: seven rooms; elevated lot; fifteen
'minutes from Peachtree street. Low price
; for_<|uick sale. Call Main 2997 61-14-12
. FOR SALE by owner. $3,500. six-room
I bungalow, 61 Elbert street, just off
Stewart avenue; lot 50x182 feet; gas and
‘ electric lights; hot and cold water con
■ nectlons; everything up-to-date. A cash
payment and balance like rent. Prettiest
section around Atlanta; also for $2,750 a
five-room bungalow. 35 Gardner street,
300 feet east of Stewart avenue, lot 50 by
190 feet: everything modern, terms easy.
Apply to W. A. Baggett, 146 Lucile ave
npe. Phone West IIM 61-12-12
FOR KALE “BY ii’.VNl j: My home. 46
Copenhill avenue. This Is a pretty place
of six rooms, large lot. elegant fixtures
and mantels, walls tinted in rich colors,
splendid neighborhood, close to car line,
all street Improvements: terms easy;
small cash payment will handle. Cali
Main 2106. 12-10-26
Real Estate For Sale.
LAKEWOQD HElGHTS—Suburban home'
for rent or sale; easy terms; five-room
bungalow: large iot, 50x179 feet to alley;
corner Adair avenue and Parsons street,
two blocks west of car line
Apply to Owner. 409 Equitable Bldg.
, 12-13-10
FOR SALE—3O-acre truck, dairy or chick
en farm near East Lake; miles from
Atlanta. Any hustling man can not only
make a living here, but make money, 15
acres cleared; balance woods. Land fertile
and well adapted to any kind of truck.
<>ld five-room house, pretty good barn,
good orchard and two springs. Terms,
SSOO cash, balance five years, 8 per cent,
interest payable annually. $3,500. < >wr.< -
Box 22L care Georgian. 12-10-52
FOR sale By pwner, new twelve-room
home in Inman Park. All modern im
provements. Easy terms. No agents.
Address Box 847, care Georgian. 12-7-14
1-5 oft’ all our Furniture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
"ASK MR. BABBAGE" to selßt IHB
Candler Bldg. Ivy 1561. 12-5-2
FOR SALE Before buying real estate
call to see us. We handle all classes of
property and will do everything to please
you and treat you right Ralph O Coch
ran Company, 74-76 Peachtree st. 12-4-47
BEAUTIFUL lIOME site, elevat-
ed, trees, right at. Peachtree
road, in the Buckhead-Brook
haven district, for sale at a bar
gain. This is your opportunity
to get your north side home site
cheap. “OWNER,” P. 0. Box
800, City. 12-6-52
For Exchange—Real Estate.
cheap or trade by 5-passenger 30-horse
power car for vacant lot or equity in a
small place. Call Main 17. 12-12-27
side residence lot, near Peach
tree road, for 1912 or 1913 up-to
date touring ear, provided car is
new. or practically new. “Own
er,” P. 0. Box 800, City. 12-6-53
WANTED Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal It Is located at Los An
geles. the key to the great Southwest
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25.
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cents Send In your or
der now 10-21-4
Real Estate Wanted.
SEVEN-ROOM house, direct from owner;
must be bargain. Phone M. 1460-J.
For Sale or Exchange—Farms.
farm for exchange.
I HAVE a farm of 333 acres, Sumter
county, five miles from Americus, Ga..
, 250 acres open, balance saw timber; land
lies mostly level; soli red and gray, with
I clas' subsoil. There Is a five-room house,
i three tenant houses, three barns, shelter.
buggy house, blacksmith shop, two good
I wells and never falling branch. Will ex
| change this for Atlanta property or sell
lon easy terms. Address Sumter, care
Georgian. 12-14 34
Farms For Sale.
FVhT~SALE~CH e'aP— f49o aerTYianUD
tlon. Fine buildings, rich, level, black
land. 400 acres Bermuda grass, tiie "blue
I grass of the South.” G. B. Wilson. Crock
ett, Texas. 99-14-12
Farms For Rent.
PWO FINE FARMS for rent; one eight
and one twelve-mule. Also several
small farms. Toole Land Company. Ar
lington, Ga. 12-11-17
Farms Wanted.
WANTED—To rent farm near Atlanta
for cash rent, bj' a Northern farmer
Farm must have good buildings and land
that will give fair returns for hard in
telligent work. Call Main 2692-J, or ad
dress 388 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga
Legal Notices.
tention to apply to the judge of the su
perior court < r Fulton county. Georgia,
that being the county of the undersigned
guardian's appointment, for an order to
sell the undivided Interest (being togeth
er a one-half interest) of my wards. El
eanor Williams. Clarke T. Williams, Ruth
Williams and Henry W. Williams, minor
children of Fannie L. Williams, deceased,
in and to ail that lot, tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being In the city
of Savannah, county of Chatham and state
of Georgia, and known on the map of
said city as the eastern portion of lot
No. twenty-four (24), and the western
portion of lot No. twenty-three (231,
Troup ward, said eastern portion of lot
No twenty-four (24) having a northern
front of forty-five (45) feet, a rectangular
depth southwardly of sixty and eighty-six
one-hundredths (60.86) feet, and a south
ern front of forty-four and ninety-nine
land one half one-hundredths <44.99%)
feet; said western portion of said lot No.
twenty-three <23) having a northern front
of four and'slx one-hundredths (4.06) feet,
a rectangular depth southwardly of sixty
and eighty-six one-hundredths (60.86)
feet, and a southern front of three and
ninety-eight one-hundredths (3.98) feet;
said eastern portion of lot No. twenty
four (24) and said western portion of lot
No. twenty-three <23) being contiguous
and as a whole having a northern front of
forty-nine and six one-hundredths (49.06)
feet, a rectangular depth southwardly of
sixty and eighty-six one-hundredths
<60.861 feet, and a southern front of for
ty-eight and ninety-seven and one-half
one-hundredths (48.97%) feet, and togeth
|er are bounded on the north by Macon
street, on the east by the eastern por
tion of said lot No. twenty-three (23), on
the south by Charlton street, and on the
west by the western portion of said lot No.
I twenty four (24). The reasons tor such
application are the removal of incum
brances. partition, division ami reinvest
ment. and because the proceeds can be
invested to a better advantage The ap
plication will be heard in the superior
court room of Fulton county, Georgia, on
the 6th day of January- 1913.
Guardian of Eleanor Williams. Clarke T
VS iillams. Ruth Williams end Henry W
V. H. Kriegshaber, N. H. Cheshire
and W. C. Harper, to whom was referred
a petition for a new road beginning at
the Cheshire road, at a point where the
same crosses the county line, and run
ning north parallel with the line between
the counties of DeKalb and Fulton, a dis
) tance of about 300 yards, to the south
east coiner of land owned by W J. Head,
thence northwest to intersection with said
Cheshire fad, said road to be known as
a part of ti e Cheshire road, and to be 50
feel wide, having made favorable report
tinder oath as by law required, this is to
notify all persons that petition will be
granted at a meeting of Hie board of
commissioners of roads and revenues of
Fulton county. Georgia, to he held on
Wednesday , the Ist day of January. 1913,
, at 10 o’clock a. rn., If no good and suffi
cient cause to the contrary Is shown.
1 Commissioners Roads and Revenues Ful
ton County, Georgia
I H. M. WOOD, Clerk. 11-30-1
Legal Notices.
STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Fulton.
Io the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of J. L. Ward and J. C.
ruller, all of said state and county, re
spectively shows:
hirst 'l'liat they desire for themselves,
their associates and successors, to be In
corporated and made a body politic under
the name and style of "Ward-Fuller
i ompany, for the period of twenty (20)
J'yars, with'the rights of renewal from
time to time thereafter.
Second—The principal office and place
of business of said company shall ha in
the city of Atlalrra. state ana county
aforesaid but petitioners desire the right
to establish branch stores, offices and
agencies in any other county in this state
and in other states.
Third—l he object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to itself and share
Fourth—The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be six thousand ($6,000>
dollars, ten per cent, of which amount
has already been paid in: but petitioners
desire the right to increase said capital
stock, at any time, to a sum not ex
ceeding one hundred thousand (sloo,oo'l'
' !’ 1 ! a , rs - The sa,<l capital stock is to be
divided Into shares of the par value o;
one hundred ($100) dollars each.
Fifth—The purposes for which said cor
poration, is organized are as follows:
(a) —To buy, sell, manufacture and
generally deal in men's clothing and fur
lb) —7’o lease, buy, sell, use and hold
all such property, real or personal, as
may he necessary or convenient in con
nection with the said business; to borrow
and loan money, and to do any and all
things herein set forth as objects, pur
poses, powers or otherwise, to the same
extent and as fully as natural persons
might do.
Sixth—Petitioners desire the right to
sue and be sued, to plead and be Im
pleaded, to make all necessary by-laws
and regulations, and to do all things that
may be necessary for the successful
carrying on of said business.
Seventh They desire for said Incorpo
ration the power and authority to apply
for and accept amendments to its char
ter of either form or substance by a vote
of a majority of its stock outstanding at
the time. They also ask authority for
said corporation to wind up Its affairs,
liquidate and discontinue Its business at
any time it may determine to do so by a
vote of a majority of Its stock outstand
ing at the time.
Eighth—They desire for the said cor
poration that It have all such otlfer
rights, powers, privileges and immunities
as are incident to like incorporations, or
permissible under the laws of Georgia.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in
corporated under the name and style
aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and
immunities herein set forth, and as are
now, or may hereafter be. allowed a cor
poration of similar character under the
laws of Georgia.
Petitioners' Attorneys.
Filed In office, this the 30th day of No
vember. 1912.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior
court of said county, do hereby certify
that lhe foregoing is a true and correct
copy of the application for charter of
the “Ward-Fuller Company,” as same
appears on file In this office.
Witness my official signature and seal
of said court, this 30th day of November,
Clerk Superior Court, Fulton Counts'
Georgia. 11-30-61
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
By virtue of the authority contained In
the will of R. K. Giffen, deceased, will
be sold at public outcry, to the highest,
bidder, before the court house door of said
county, on the first Tuesday In January.
1913. within the legal hours of sale, the
following described property belonging to
the estate of R. K. Giffen, deceased: AU
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in land lot 15. of the Fourteenth dis
trict of Fulton county. Georgia, commenc
ing at a point on line between proper!}
formerly owned by H. E. W. Palmer and
property' known as Walker, Giffen &
Goldsmith property, at rear line of lot
sold by R K Giffen to W S. Kendrick
by deed dated January 1, 1910, and re
corded in deed book 275, page 246, and
running thence southwesterly along Pal
mer's line 50 feet, more dr less, to a 14-
foot alley; thence southeasterly 50 9-10
feet, more or less, along safe’ alley; thence
northeasterly 50 feet, more or less, to said
Kendrick’s lot: thence northwesterly along
line of said Kendrick’s lot 50 9-10 feet
beginning point. Being part of property
j shown on plat recorded in office of clerk
1 of superior court of said county, in plat
book 3. page 87; the alley shown tn said
plat having been extended to Palmer’s
Terms, cash. I
Executrix of the Will of R. K. Giffen, De
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
By virtue of an order of the superior
court of Fulton county, Georgia, passed
on the 30th day of November, 1911, in the
case of E R Belcher, guardian of J. L.
Honeywell. Jr . vs. Mrs. Cora Honeywell,
No. 26128. Fulton superior court, the same
being a petition (or partition, the under
signed. who were appointed commission
ers tor the purpose of effecting a sale
of the property in question in accordance
with the terms of said order will, on the
first Tuesday In January, 1913, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, before the court
house door of Fulton county, Georgia,
between the hours of legal sale, the fol
lowing described property, to-wlt: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing In the city of Atlanta, in land lot 84,
of the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty, Georgia, commencing on Tattnall
street 40 feet west of Mills' Smith's line,
thence running westerly along Tattnall
street 60 feet, more or less, to the inter
section of Markham street; thence in a
northerly direction along Markham street
78 feet, more or less, running within 52
feet of Milly Smith’s line. Being the
same property sold by E. E. Rawson to
Walter It Landrum and sold by W. H
.andrum to James L. Hight, recorded ir.
deed book 105, page 581. October 22. 1894,
and sold by James L. Hight to James L.
Honeywell July. 1904, recorded in deed
book 175. pag>- 319. and being known as
No. 85 Tattnall street, Atlanta, Ga.
This December 6. 1912.
JOHN A. BOYKIN. Attorney. 12-7-12
GEORGIA Fulton C< inty.
Ordinary’s office, December 14. 1912.
E. H. Frazier has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of Alberta
M. Gtlham. deceased. This is, therefore,
to notify all concerned that the same will
he heard on the first Monday in January,
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as Information, and are not
No. Arrive From—l No. Depart To—
3f. B ham .12 o• am t 36 N. York!2:lsam
2 C'clnnatt.2:s. r am 2 J’vllle.. 3;05 am
36 N. Y0rk..6;00 am I 20 Col’bus. 6:20 am
13 Jaxv111e...5,20 am 13 Cincl 5:30 am
43 Was'ton s;'2sam; 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am
U Sh’port.. 6:30 am 35 B’ham.. 5:46 am
2a Jaxville. 6:50 ami 7 C’nooga 6:40 am
•17 Toccoa.. 8 10 am 12 R'mond 6:55 am
26 Heflin.... B:2oam| 23 K. City. 7:ooam
29 N. York. 10:30am| 16 Bruns’k 7:45 am
8 Chat ga. 10.35 am 39 8’ham..10:46 am
7 Maeun. .10:40 am| 38 N. Yorkll Olam
87 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 40 ChTtte 12.00 n’n
21 Col’bus..lo:so am) 6 J’ville. .11:20 am
6 CinciH;loami3o C'bu5....12:30 pm
29 Col’bus.. 1:40 pm 30 N York 2:45 pm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm
40 8’ham...12:40 pm 39 B’ham.. 4:10 pm
39 Ch’lotte 3:55 run *lB Toccoa 4:30 pm
6 J'vflle4:6opm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
87 N. York. 6:00 pm 5 Cincl... 5:10 pm
16 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm
1 .Tack’vllle.B:lopm 35 Heflin.. 6:45 pm
11 R'mond. 8:30 pm | 10 Macon.. 5:30 pru
24 K. City.. 9:20 pm: 1 C'cinatl 8:20 pm
16 C’nooga 9.35 pm ! 44 Wash’n 8:45 pm
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm
31 Fl. Vai .10:25 pm j 11 Sh'port.ll :10 pm
14 pm |_l4 .T’xville 11:10 pn
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run dally. Central time.
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St