Newspaper Page Text
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin’
Do Y our Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
i This is the RECOGNIZED RENT BULLETIN of Atlanta anil surroundings. It contains a complete list of every
- Desirable, suitable and Modern place of cnj description that is FOR RENT. P
The BEST of Rooms Houses, Apartments, flats, Housekeeping Rooms. Bearding and Rdomiug places (either fur or unfurnished) in.nj -oeality can be located with ease through the Bulletin, Business Locations Ware
buses, Garages, .Storage Houses etc., can be found or rented with ease by reading and advertising in it
s The Georgian employs special representatives to keep this Bulletin complete with each issue for the benefit and
.mveidence ol our pations, have time, money, won y and useless steps by consulting this Bulletin when you desire
> to rent. •>
Rooms and Board,
57 E. Third Street.
ONE BLOCK from The Georgian
Terrace. Forty newly furnish
ed. steam-in ated rooms: electric
lights; tire-proof building; free
:>aths. Rate: Board and room
<7.(M) per week upward. Robert
I). Edwards, Proprietor. 12-14-35
*ANTEC»— After Christmas, sixteen stu
to board at student home; just
;p=*n?iL Splendid board at $lB. Close in.
/.iHress student, Box 890, care Georgian.
iTca SON ABLE room and board in new
; t’tlern Inman Park home. Ivy 4231 -J.
_ 1.2-16-27
NICELY furnished front room, with
ba rd; also single room; private family.
62 Last Cain street.l2-16-28
~;TT)MS with • r without board at 74 For
rest avenue. Ivy 4345. 12-16_-l 0
i Wo young men can get nicely furnished
-ieaii>. heated room with board. 17f
l-’orrest ave. Phone IvyJ>7B9. 12-14-39
NICELY furnished rooms, with or with
out board Atlanta 3710.12-14-22
Tl CVE pleasant front room with board
• t 513 Peachtree street.l2-14-26
<\>rpLE or gentlemen for nicely fur
nished room with meals. Private home.
Onnanent. Ivy 4763-.1. 227 AV. Pea, h
t ree.l2-14-30
DELIGHTFUL front room; excellent
l eals. 26 E. <Ciin. 3-15
. m and I■ai .. Sea h< at,
adjoining bath and dressing room.
. 13 31
‘ CWLY turnlsned room with board and
JI uodern conveniences. 179 North
P'm.’.e Iv> 1907-J. 1 2-13-19
A ' sccjie room and board at 159
iral are. Main 830-L.12-13-24
LuTH single and double rooms with
'•nurd a* 21 E<.st_Ca!n. 32-13-12
URGE. lit r< om. with board, in an el
•gairL furnished, private. m»Mern
• •miiLo- heat, telephone, electric
1 '■■c.: ■. the use of dining room, liv-
/ - ■m. parlor; beautifully furnished:
i uir veranda: first-class meals, the very
1. : a re..l pleasant homo to a refined,
: ai -nl couple: references. Mrs. Co-
rny, ci: W«<st Peachtree street. Bell
635-J. 26-IL-12 '
IN' l'i and first-class board. 428 Gor- |
A '2-i3-3;
FIRST-CLASS room and board.
Be< north side location. 16!
Porter Place. Iv.v 6705. 12-10-47
:• with or without board; private
family; everything congenial and home
-1 •• Cail Main 4238-J. 2’78 Rawson st.
Li’ /.i.Y furiHfthed front room, with ex
•ICuJ meals, in ideal north side home; •
TCh iiieif or couples preferred. 17 East j
?• rr: a y. enue - Iy y ° 35 - 1
El - Tabb b< ard< rs at 55 i San ■
’"iio.:p Main 3459-J. 12-11-7 .
C tl’i’LE or tw-» gentlemen for nice front i
•om: also table board. Vacant the i
7 256 Capitol avenue. Main 2031-L.
.■' ( \r n eh in
ueuro r«M . mable board in furnace- I
I • o.i. side home. Phone Ivy!
_3j2yJp-J_2 j
T'•’.'<*> .<:« ;< ;T,’pished front rooms and l
• ard al 29 East Harris. Ivy 3741-L. ‘
_ 12-J.O-12 ;
n i bed i om and first-class
lit’ ‘ 406 Peachtree. Ivy 1746.
12-10-14 j
i- i HOARDING. bi East Baker.
“dc-a’■ our motto ” The best ia- |
’■ - J !''• . Ivy 2666-. T. 12-10-16:
< - Ti j < ?• ladies can get excellent
largo c;oins. Tor $4 per week 18
luce. L 2-9-: -
’•* ”Si: ~ mrv/ath.g a with every-
■ mfo.-i and retirement, at reasonable i
’ . al! a. 2a East North avenue. Ivy |
RNISHED n >m with board. 25 West
12-9-2 •
' ■ '.) . < rooms and excellent I
“'<■ ..uni. 121 i.'apltol Square. Main
36 East North Avenue.
'■'•oihb and excellent table board. Iv.v i
*• 11-30-44 ;
- „ —7 ; ; - ~ - i
Board Wanted.
11 V< I KG I ADIER desire room and
board in strictly private family, on
■th side. Addies? M. B. care Geor
. ’ 16-12
x ' d’N-1 LA 1»Y• .. j!< h?r and roommate
want L<tard; north side: must be first- ;
' • ss: good board. Board, lh x 35, care
lan '. 14 81
i>6 D BOARD \el heat< d and i’gbt• d
s' room by gentleman; north side
and v diking distance. Full particulars or
no nttention paid. L., Box 250, care Gcor
giam 43-13-12
P''Akl) WAXTEI) by couple with baby
two months old; state price, location.
’ l '?A- ear Georgian. 39-13-12
JI'ST LOOK at ’he num «.<-?• of ads under
tl.e ‘Room and Board” column of The
Georgian. No wonder th * people recog
nize that The Georgian is the paper to
II *k in for nice hoarding places, for they
hive a larger number of places to select I
Place your ad for boarders in The ,
Georgian’s “Room and Board” column
and fill your vacant spaces at your table.
l-l 5 !!?’
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
■ n I’RA large room, with one or two
beds; steam heat; cluse in with pri
v,‘ ’ e . 1 ■ 55-1 GJ 2
‘ • InNTLEM AN of refinement, desiring w< 11
'iirnished room with home comforts,
uia\ find same in owner’s home. 18 W.
Pine, Between West Peachtree and Sprint.
' 11: R ENI f ir houseke< ■
<ng; also large bed room. 58 West
i‘earhtree_ 12-16-9
' l . in: furnace heated,
furnished room. 94 East Pine Ivy
--■d-L Garage. L l
l*’’i; RENI’ Rooms ;or roomers or light
uusekeeping. (.’heap. 145 Spring street.
1”» R REN’I om.. lovel? furnished front
I'uom, foi couple or two gentlemen,
‘■•’♦■ap. 242 Central avenue. Phone
H’l: RENT Nicely furnished rooms for
usekeeping. $iG; front bed room, sl2
’ ' ’arßegie way. 37-16-12
NICE rooms for rent; 173 South Forsyth
• s l; hot and cold water; can get meals
'”'X door; three blocks from Terminal
HH’R nicely furnished rooms: all conven
iences. 355 Courtland. Ivy 6248-L.
'-ARGIG R()‘iM, furnished for light house
keeping, third floor. 102 Ivy st.
NiPpLA furnished rooms; light house
keeping apartment; private family. 151
f hr i ng. 1 2-14 3 7
BLa F'I’IFFLLA’ furnished front room In
•steam heated apartments; near in:
k’/tth side; with private famih. Ivy
*'• 12-14-43
N’lt'ELY’ furnished front room, private
ttuTjily. Every convenience. Best loca-
L.n West End, Gentlemen preferred
RB. 12-14-29
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
I Nit F. ROOM, third floor; conveniences;
! -J- 40 ** ln - 102 12-14-41
Nl< I.LA furnished rooms, all conve
niences. Close in. 150 Court land.
NIC ELY turnished rooms, two blocks
irom Candler Bldg. 160 Courtland.
lOR RENT—lxively room in Virginian
apartments for gentlemen or couple. Ex
cellent case downstairs. Ivv 6719-J.
——- ‘ 12-14-28
°NE large front room, between Hous
ton and ( a in. 191 Court la nd. 12-14-25
NICELY” furnished rooms, hot and cold
water. Phone, 158 Courtland. 12-14-24
ONE well-furnished front room for gen
tiemen. All conveniences. 82 AV Baker
bi. I hone Ivy 4641. 12-14-16
V I RNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing: close in. 339 Courtland st.
FOR RENT- Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; all conveniences; close
in; prices reasonable. 138 Pulliam st
FOR RENT—One large front room, fur
nished or unfurnished; two blocks oft
Peaihtree st.; to one or two gentlemen.
Apply 60 Carnegie
ONE nicely furnished steam heated room
for gentlemen only. Call at 188 Ivv st.
For RENT -One steam-heated room,
private family; walking distance: refer
ences exchanged. 28 East Alexander
street; apartrnent F. ivy 6565. 12-13 30
NEWLY’ furnished steam heated front
roorn, bath adjoining; private West
Peachtree home; excellent meals next
apor. _Phone Ivy 1258. 12-13-25
TAX < > or three nicely furnished connecting
rooms for light housekeeping; electric
lights, separate gas. bath; two bed rooms,
and large kitchen; working people
345JH •
FOR RENT Nicely lurnisbed front room
at 49 Terry street, near the capltol.
For RENT--Nicely furnished rooms. $lO
and sls. 388-A Peachtree. Ivy 4530-. J.
F‘»R RENT -Furnished rooms; steam
heated; hot baths. 11 Cone. Mrs. I).
FL jy.yi e .- ik.ii” 12
SMALL and large furnished rooms f.-r
gentlemen only; close in. 274 Whitehall
street. 31-10-12
FOR RENT--Close in. furnished and un
furnished rooms, with or without meals.
FoR RENT Large front room; single
room; conveniences. 210 Spring. Ivy
I 329 5- J. 21- 10-48
; FOR RENT- Large, upstairs front room;
hot vater. electric lights, furnace heat.
I Ivy 6310. 109 Forrest avenue. 40-10-12
■ TWO nice front rooms. 28 AVest Peach
tree place. Ivy 6537-. L 12-10-20
1 >EI.!GHTFI’L front room; private bath;
gentlemen; refined home. Peachtree,
care Georgian.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, with
or without board. 311 Courtland street.
NICELY furnished rooms. 50c night. $2 50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7vi
1 North Broad street. Hot and cold water.
i WANTED— Ships of all kinds to burn
1 California oil and carry merchandise for
I the port of Los Angeles to and from the
| Panama Canai. The Ninth A universal/
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
' any address in Vnited States or Mexico.
I 15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25
! cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
i Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
(TWO ROOMS for rent, furnished or un
furnished. No children. 354 East Fair
26 16- 2
I TWO furnished or um . rnished rooms in
private family. «’ail Ivy 6288-.1.
ROOMS, with or without board; also two
infurnished rooms for light housekeep
' ing. 32 East Cain. Phone Ivj’ 2903. Call
I for Mrs. Thornton. 12-11-43
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
i FOR RENT —Three unfurnished first-floor
connecting rooms; sink in kitchen; sl4.
Also two upstairs unfurnished rooms. SB.
! 194 South Pryor street. 12-IG-38
; FOR RENT- Two rooms for housekeep
ing: north side, on car line. 670 North
Boulevard. I'L«me Ivy 5848-J. 12-16-12
! F<‘R RENT Three connecting rooms in
' nice section for $9 per month. 40 De-
Gress avenue. 32-16-12
'FoR RENT Tw<> beautiful rooms. SB, or
Jiree upstairs rooms, $5. 1 Maithewson
street, block beyond Buckhead. 25-16 12
i TA Vo or three connecting unfurnished
rooms; north side. 128 Greenwood ave.
•F( »R HENT- Two large unfurnished
j rooms, with kitchenette. Furnace heat
, and everv convenience. New home.
I West _ 12-13-1
TIIItICE nnf l !. nislit'il rooms will, sink in
kitchen. 47 Brotherton street, Atlan
ta phone 3424.12-12-8
]-'» off ail our Furniture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
| - ■—e .
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
THREE r< ms furnlshe 1 for light
keeping. Capitol. Atlanta phone
5424. 12-14-46
F< »VR <>r five housekeeping rooms, with
all conveniences. 178 Forrest ave.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
TWO-ROOM furnished apartment to rent.
Price reast-nable. Call or phone Ivy
■ ' Alexander street. 34-14-12
in »i: RENT Furnished half cottage
rooms and bath; phone; new gas range:
conveniences; good location on south side.
Phone Main 4433-J.2-11-39
\i<■ i. ' irnislu d sunni apartment, also
rooms; all conveniences. 308 Capitol
ivenue Mali '.si
F’OR lent Two or th re i connecting
light housekeeping rooms, with bath,
electric lights; newly papered; private
entrance. Near In. 345Y 2 Peachtree.
TWO large, bright rooms and kitchen
ette; modern conveniences; north side.
Plume ivy 2478.12-9-1 i
AVANTED One hundred thousand ready
made families to snare in the prosperity
of Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer, out December 25th. will tell why
and how Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents a copy; Canada
or foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your
order now 10-21 4
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT With private family of
adults, new north side five-room (ad
ditional rooms can be had* furnace-heated
apar’inent. with private veranda, sleeping
’ I porch, tfipfi bath, electric lights, easj
: j walking d stance; goo.i car service; splen-
• did neighborhood, only acceptable par
ties need apply Price SSO. On lease,
less. Address !>.. Box 252, cure Geor-
• gian, or telephone Ivy 2 61-L. 27-14-12
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
bIX-RoOM, up-to-date two-story house,
rents for $22.50; cozy home. 132 East
Georgia avenue; also x one at 28 Grace
street. Fuur-r<jom house; ail improve-i
Main 3? 14-L. 12-16-4
FOB RENT—Eight-room house, built for
! home on lot 62 by 247. Nice fruit
orchard. Electric lights and all modern
conveniences. $25 a month. 122
street. Ivy 6724-J. 29-14-12
LIGHT-ROOM house, 521 Courtland. $35.
A. T. Spalding, 499 Courtland. 47-13-12
LEASE OK SALE—Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. “Ans
.ey Fjirk/’ Gt .rgian 38-10-12
9oR RENT, HOUSES—CaII, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
t ochran, 74-76 Peachtree street. 4-1-21
For RENT 192 East Georgia avenue,
one six-room house, cabinet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50. Apply across the
street. 11-29-27
AVANTED—Children to attend the best
schools In the United States. They are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner wifi
♦ell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out. Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
M RNISHED HOUSES—Eight rooms, on
North avenue, near Tech, SSO; two rive
roo iP ap;: rtmerits, right near Grant park,
each s3u. Unfurnished, eight rooms, on
, Luclue street, right near Tech sell ?01, $45;
six room.-, all modern conveniences, in
cluding furnace, near new Ninth avenue
; school, $35: six-room apartment, near
. t.rant park, 525. (’all Webster, M. 2016
‘■b\ 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth National
Hank. 12-14-G
i ,< i i: RENT- Part or .ill of <-h'vrii-r> •■m
house, furnished or unfurnished, to
1 conveniences. $25 a month. 122
street. lyy 6724-J, 28-14-12
WANTED- Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal It is located at Tx>s An
geles. the key to the great Southwest
• The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
l Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
; will have the facts‘about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cents Send in your or-
i r h™’ 10-21-4
Office Space For Rent.
( FOR RENT—Splendid ground floor office
space, centrally located: water, heat
and light. Address Box 314, care Genr-
i Kian. 45-13-12
Stables For Rent.
LARGE stable for rent cheap. Apply Dr.
I Cook. 173 E. Hunter. s 71-14-12
FOR RENT—Stables and wagon sheds, all
In good shape. 60 Garnett street.
’ 27-13-12
1 ~ ’ 1 ~ ' ——————
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
WANTED Furnished room In private
i family by refined young lady. Box 25ti
, Georgian. 36-12-12
> YOl’i; rooms can be rented If you will
I advertise them In the Recognized Rent
• Medium of the city. People who are
looking for nice rooms, look for them
where they have the largest number to
choose from. Your ad In “The Georgian’s
Rent Bulletin’' will attract the attention
-of the party that is looking for rooms In
your bouse. Try it and see. 12-5-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
i WANTED- In walking distance, two or
, I three rooms by adults, for light house
. 1 keeping. E. N., Box 267, care Georgian.
I 1 ■53-16-12
> i
•I W ANTI.D- Four rooms, unfurnished;
north side. Steam or furnace. For
housekeeping. Address A.. Box 264. ~a r e
■ Georgian. 44_-16J2
. | WANTED -With couple or small family.
. t unfurnished housekeeping rooms for
! I business woman; no family: near in pre
. | ferred. L>., Box 44, care Georgian.
, 35-13- U
; Yid’R. rooms car. be rented if you wtll
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
; Medium of the city. People who are look
: Ing for nice rooms look for them where
they have the largest number to choose
’ from. Your ad in “The Georgian’s Rent
: Bulletin" wiil attract the. attention of the
1 party that is looking for rooms in your
. house. Tri it and see.
I HELP WANTED--T 0 develop the re
t sources of Southern California, the land
. of progress and new ideas. Read about
l the opportunities In the Ninth Anniver
, sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exani
. iner, out December 25tli. Mailed to any
; address in United State,s or Mexico. 15
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points.
25 cents. Send In your order now’. 10-21-4
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
’ WANTED HOUSES Wo have' dema'nds
for several flrst-claas houses on the
north side. If you have anything; you
wain rented, list it with us. Phone
L 1600. Edwin P. Ansley, Realty Trusi
WANTED One hundred thousand ready
made families t' share in the prosper-
• ity of Southern California. ’Die Ninth An-
- niversary Edition of Th© Los Angeles Ex
» arnlner. out December 25th. will tell why
> ami how. Mailed to any address in United
1 States or Mexbco, 15 cents a copy. Can
ada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send in
j your order now 10-21-4
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
i I lished only as information, and are not
i guaranteed:
1 I No. Arrive From—|N<>. Depart To—"
>1 36 8’ham...12:01 ami 36 N. Yorkl2:ls am
5 | 2 C’c!m.atl.2:sf*m; 2 J'vllle.. 3:06 am
35 N. Y0rk..5:00 ami 3(1 Col’bus. s.2Jan,
■ i 13 Jaxville...s:2o am 13 Clnci 6:30 am
43 Was'ton 5:25 am 32 Ft Vai. 5 30 am
U Sh’port.. 6.30 am 35 B’ham.. 5.45 am
2a Jaxvllle. 6:50 am[ 7 C’nooga 6:40 am
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10am; 12 R’moml 6 55 am
, 26 Heflin.... 8:20 am; 23 K. City. 7:00 am
29 N. York.ll:ls am I 16 Bruns'k 7:4satn
3 Chat’ga. 10:35 am 29 B’ham 11 30 am
■’ 7 Macon.. .10:40 am J3B N. YorklUOlam
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am, 40 Ch'l’tte 12:09 n’n
21 Col'bus..lo:so am I 6 J’vllle.. 11-20 am
6 Cine!. ...11:10 am 30 Cbm. .12 .30 nm
‘ 29 Col’bus.. 1:40 pm; 30 N York 2:45 inn
1 30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 15 C'nooga 3:00 p'u
J 40 8’ham...12 40 pm 89 B’bain 110 pm
• 33 Ch'lotte 3:55 Toccoa 4:30 pm
: I.J villc . .4:.'opm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 5 Clnci.... 5:10 pm
t 15 Brur.a’k 7:50 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 520 pm
1 .lai'k’vilie 6:lopm 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm
f 11 R’mond. 8:30 pm 10 Macon.. 5:30 m„
24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 1 C'clnatl 8:20 pm
1 16 Cnooga ”35 pm 44 Wash'n. 8:45 pm
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm, 24 Jaxvllle. 9:30 pm
31 Ft, Vai..10:25 pm; 11 Sh’port.ll;lo nm
- ':?® D™ - 1 * J’yville 11:10 pm
Trains mat lied tliu.s <•> run dally, ex-
• cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Central time
3 City Ticket OITI e. No. J Peachtree St.
Business Opportunities.
|WANT’!D Reliable man. conveniently
located, to handle direct with consumer*
i fresh-laid eggs and specially fattened
’ poultry from our farm. ‘Hd Hickory
! Farm Cornelia. Ga. 93-14-7 L
1 FOI* Dairy, whole <>r half; <»ne of
best routes. Apply Dr. Cook. 173 E.
I Hunter.7o-14-12
SODA Ft>UN r.YIN an.i carbonator now in
operation in Austell building fur sale
cheap. I. C. Clark. Capitol avenue.
WELL LOCATED, established business,
cheap. Address Business Bargain, care
Georgian. 12-11-38
Money to Loan.
PHONE M. 2897
101 peters
L 1 IL
PANY OF AMERICA can make you a
loan on Atlanta improved property
through their loan correspondents. Tur
man, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire.
Building. 6-7-12-1
MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans
on property in or near Atlantl L E.
VanValkenbiirg, 501 Equitable building
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
amount; 6 tier cent. Write <»r call. S.
W. t’hr.M.'n, 24 South Broad '•[•<>,; 4-Vl7
ON FIRST MORTGAGE real estate se
curity. Home funds and insurance mon
ey. Rates .Va to 8 per cent interest. We
also make monthly payment loans. We
(‘an give you the money as soon as titles
are approved.
ij. 11 Zl RLINE. Loai Mhijgei.
FARM LoANS PLACED In any amount
un improved farm lands in Georgia
The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould
WE HAVE plenty of monej to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
! and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
I plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
AND OTHERS, upon their own names.
ch< ftp rates. - ents. < Jonfiden
tlal. D I!. ■ : Ti.-t j•. 52 ' 'i.-t'-ll bull Hl g
Money Wanted.
WANTED Loan of $1,500 January t. 3 to
5 years; good security. Box 91. Molena,
Ga. 12-7-1
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE Seven acres, half mile be
low Clarkston, Ga.; new car line sur
veyed through place; two acres clear, bal
ance in wood. A snap at $1,250. H. A.
lolly, Clarkston. Ga. 12-14-12
Copenhill avenue. This Is a pretty place
' of six r< nms, large lot, elegant fixtures
and mantels, walls tinted in rich colors,
splendid neighborhood, close to car line,
all street improvements: terms easy;
small ••ash payment will handle. Call
! LAKi.Ai'i i) HEIGHTS Suburban home
for rent or sab-; easy terms; five-room
bungalow; large lot. 60x179 feet to alley;
corner Adair avenue and Parsons street,
two blocks west "f Lakewood car line.
Apply to Owner, 409 Equitable Bldg.
30-acre truck, dalrj or chick
en farm, near East Lake; 5’ /2 miles from
Atlanta. Any hustling man can not only
■ make a living hec, but make money. 15
, acres cleared; balance woods. Land fertile
and well adapted to any kind of truck.
Old five-room: house, prettx good barn,
good orchard and two springs. Terms,
SSOO cash, balance five years. 8 per cent,
interest payable annually. owner.
■ Box 221, care Georgian. 12-10-52
i ——
11-5 oil all (Hi)’ Furniture this
week. -I. M. High Com
jpany. 12-9-34
! ”ASiJ mTF/ BABB aGE “To sei 1 “iL H 23
Candler Bldg. Ivy 1.561,12-5-2
FOR SALE Before buying real estate
call to see us. We handle all classes of
property and will do everything to please
you and treat you right. Ralph o. Coch
j ran Company, 74-76 Peachtree st. 12-4-47
For Exchange—Real Estate.
side residence lot, near Peach
tree road, for 1912 or 1913 up-to
date touring ear. provided car is
I new. or practically new. “Own
j <>r,’’ I’. O. Box 800, City. 12-6-53
1 WANTED Manufacturers and merchant.-;
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Los An
g'-lrs, the key to the great Southwest.
The iNinth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
x ill have th* facts about this greet proj
; ect. Mailed to any address in United
; Status (>i- Me.\ « n 15 cents. Canada oi for
; eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
der now 10-21-4
Farms V/anted
WAN I E I >.
FARMS from 10 aurrs to within I •
miles of Atlanta. We have the buyei.
I>et us hear ffum you if you want .‘ our
place sold o’ tiaded.
Atlanta Suburban Realty
< oinpanv.
■ . I’liune Main 2063.
WANTED To rent farm near Atlaiita
for cesii rent, by a Northern tanner.
Farm must have good buildings and land
that will give fai’- returns for liar J. in
! telllgent work. Call Main 2692-J, or
I dress 388 South Boulevard, Atlanta. Ga.
Legal Notices.
GE< RGIA. ■ 1 ’ .T< >N COUNTY Superior
Gourt. January Terri . 1913 J. H. Porter
let al. vs T 1‘ Kimberly No. 26784
Mrs. S. J Friddell, .1 M Harrison, al.
I To Mrs S J Friddell Jrid J M. Harrl
; son, Greeting: By order of court, you are
i herons notified that on the 30th »!av of <>c
itobri. 19.2. .1. H. Porter, et al., flied suit
against yon f<>r r<-ni<’val of cloud on title
, t" ’and establishment of <i< reform-
I at lon of .-,amc and other relief, returna-
ble to the January tc.-ni, 191.3. of «atd
■ court You are hereby required to !>•* and
appear at the January mrm. 1913. «f said
I court, to b<* held on the first Monday in
i January. u !3, then aim there t<> answer
the plaintiff's complaint Witness the
H<’l;. George L. Hell, judge of said court,
lhis October i". I?IL.
11-1 -
Find the Cause
When anything goes wrong about the poultry yards, tiud the
cause. If the eggs are infertile and do not hatch, if the chicks die
otf. if the hens get sick or do not lay; in fact, if
anything happens that is not as it should be. stop I
and tind the cause.
How many times you hear people talk about
hick. They have no luck raising early chickens.
They never have an\ luck getting eggs in winter
oi’ getting pullets to laying before eold weather
sets in.
To hear tiiem talk one would conclude that
the poultry business was run mostly on luck. But
this is not true. Everything in this world follows
the law of cause and effect. A certain effect is
produced by a certain cause, and this is just as
true in the poultry business as in any other branch
of business and should be controlled by man in
all practical ways.
True, there are certain conditions of weather
that work to interfere with the best of success at
. .X. » • X * i fl I
times, and yet right here is where man urgently comes in and over
comes these conditions in a great measure and brings success out of
apparent defeat. It should be the
aim and the will of the poultry
man to arrange the causes to pro
duce the desired effects. Good
healthy stock well cared for at
proper times will produce full egg
Try to stop the leaks. It is the little
leaks that make the great big defeat
and bad luck, as many are pleased to
call ft. They make the same mistakes
year after year and wonder why they
do not prosper.
Learn to study your fowls and the
conditions around them, and when you
Rhode Island Reds.
FoR SALE Two very fine cockerels that
I picked utf> cheap at the shows, $lO and
17 Harwell. 12-16-16
HAVING purchased the entire flock of
J. I. Hosford and, combined with mine,
1 can otter for sale first pen, fourth pen
and fifth pen at the Georgia Poultry h«-
'oelatlon, October-November. 1912; cock
, erols. $2.50 up; pullets, $2.50; have over
two hundred to select from; eggs, $3.00,
1 $5.00 ami SIO.OO per setting of ID. Mrs.
Matthews, Ga. 11-23 8$
My <• imblned winnings so far this season
at the Hagerstown, Macon and Au
gUhta shows on S. C. R. 1. Reds were five
firsts, four seconds, four thirds and four
fourths. As show birds they w’ln and as
utility stock they lay and pay. Eggs and
stock for sale. For prices write Mrs. I’.
T Calloway. Washington, Ga. 10-26-$
ONE S. C. W. I Leghorn cock (won in
Atlanta last December; and live pul-
I lets, laying, and large size, for S2O.
, (Young’s pure strain). These are fine
■ breeders. W. F. Jones, East Atlanta,
j Ga.l2-14-10
‘WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy lay
ing strain, $1.50; pullets $2 each: eggs
: $1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Car
ter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66
Plymouth Rock«.
A FEW good Tart ridge Plymouth Rocks
1 . .. Harwell. 12-16-19
WHITE HOCKS- Show birds and utility’
birds for sale. Eggs after January 1.
O. Harwelll2-16-17
! 1 W< >N at Thomasville show on my White
Rucks, first pen, first and third cock
i erel, first pullet, third hen, best pen in
| show, best pullet in show and best bird
•tn show. Eggs from these winners $5
per setting. Henry W. Lester, Thomas
ville, Git. 11-29-6
trio; satisfaction guaranteed. Morris
strain. L. G. Evans, Lithonia., Ga.
THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White
Wyandottes. We have four perns of
these grand birds mated and can furnish
eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO per fif
teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
will produce the winners for next season’s
shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle
thorpe avenue, Atlanta. 11-16 18
WHITE <»RPINGTUN~eggs. Jl.To per~flD
teen. Stock direct from Cook Farm. Ivy
FIFTEEN Buff Orpington chickens for
sale cheap. Call Bell phone East Point
368. 28-16-12
FOR SALE AT ONCE -Fifty S. C. Crys
tal White Orpington pullets and hens,
Kellerstrass strain; bred from winners at
Knoxville. Chattanooga, Halton, Gadsden,
Summerville. Prices $3, $5 and $7.50
Pullets March-April hatch. George M.
Mosel . Menlo, Ga 12-6-8
■ FIVE PAIRS White Runner ducks, six
months old, cheap. C. O. Harwell.
I 12-16-18
i INDIAN RENNERS High quality, low
! prices, white, fawn- ami white; grown
stock, ducklings, eggs. Satisfaction guar
i anteed. Book orders at show. Georgia
Duck Farm, Smyrna Ga. 32-14-12
’VHm 7 ~RUNNER DUCKS Don't fail to
see my White Runners at Southern In-
I ternational show, December 16 to 21. I
Book orders now for stock ami eggs, j
' Nice stock $6 and up; eggs $7.50 unit $5 ,
•for Coven. -I. E Gifford, Route 6, Bex
tMarietta, Ga. 12-14-5 j
I FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Have the larg
est line of White Indian Runner ducks in ,
he South. Fine stock. Cun sell you |
, itrs, trios and pens for less than oth
ers. Write for prices, stating your wants.
Also have large, line lot of White Leg
| hoFns and Rhode (Bland Reda, iieioem
| her Free Range Insures strong fertility
| ano vigorous stock.l2-12-6
’ A FEW • hoi<-o trios of White Indian
; Runner ducks (Spencer, Fishel strains)
i for sl2: fawn ami white. $5 pairs; $7
i trios; twelve pens; good ones. We guar
i ntec to please you Eggs, $2. $3 anil $5.
! Hen eggs for incubation, $7.50 per 100.
I oak l oan Poultry Farm, Stone Moun-
CAN SPARE few more White Rut
*:•» trio; pen of Cour ducks end
I drake; satisfaction guaranteed. South
Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City. Ga.
| WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality: stock
and eggs for sale Snow White Poultry
'Yards, O. O Ray. manager, Kirkwood. Ga.
! THOROUGH BRED Buff Orpington
$1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main
3588. 10-9-15
A Buckeye Incubator.
1« GI'ARANTEED to hatch evnthatch-
I able egg; insurable. $8 to >35. Get u
I ’2 catalogue. Marbut Minor East
Atlanta. Ga. # 13-9-16
become thoroughly familiar with con
ditions you will know how to treat the
[ various conditions to insure success.
One man claimed that he was never
successful in getting eggs in winter, al
■ though his hens were In apparently
good health. We found, upon further
inquiry, that he had twice as many hens
1 In the one house as it could accommo
. date, which was the very plain reason
> to me why he didn’t get eggs. If cliang
i Ing one condition does not produce the
desired effect, make other changes un
til the right change is made, all the
i time using practical common sense
i along practical lines.
I WISH to exchange twelve white and
fawn Indian Runner ducks for as many
S C. white Leghorn hens. I want good
stock. Charles T. Blaine. Franklin, N. C.
for sale Large angora goat,
L I L- CREENSBt .RO, GA. 41-14-12
RIGHT NOW is the proper time for plant
ing bulbs in the open ground. Planted
now. they will furnish an abundance of
beautiful blossoms in the early spring.
WE HAVE .Single and Double Hyacinths,
Tuiips. Narcissus and Lilium Auratum
Bulbs of the very best grades. Bulb cat
alog free.
SWEETPEAS are one of the most suc
cessful of all the annuals. This is a
good time to plant them. ‘■Hastings'
Finest Mixed" contains 72 separate and
distinct varieties. Plant them for the best
results. 60c a pound, 20c a quarter pound,
10c an ounce.
M E CARRY a full line of Clayton's Dog
Remedies. A remedy for every disease
A complete treatise on the care of dogs
WIZARD BRAND sheep manure—the
very best fertilizer for the lawn—
a bag of 100 pounds.
WE HAVE a complete line of Eyrie ship
ping coops and egg boxes.
yard appliances. Grit and shell boxes,
drinking founts, dry food hoppers, feed
pans, etc Get our prices on anything you
need In this line. Catalog free.
EVERY day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur
Horses and Carriages
FOR SALE CHEAP—Horse, harness and
light spring wagon; very thing for re
tail grocer, dairyman or truck farmer
Call either phone 283, 12-16-6
FOR SALE Horse and buggy; horse gen
tle; driven by a ladj' for four years.
Apply Ivy 986-L, or 626 Piedmont ave
blle, one Wilkes horse, six years old, and
rubber-tired buggy. Box 87t>, care Geor
gian. 30-13-12
FOR SALE -Ponies for Christmas, S6O to
SBS; nice spotted ponies. Can make
arrangements to ship for Christmas. J P
Frank, 204 Fourth Ave.. Nashville, Tenn'
I Fol’. SALE—-Gentle Angora goat. Atlan
ta plmne 1872. 15 Plum street. 27-16-12
I ,
: Foil SA LG Pointers, setters and hounds,
trained, partly trained and untrained.
I Stut»- wants. It. L. Whitt, Kernersville,
; 10-16 12
bOX TERRIERS—Two male puppies,
three months old; beauties; ?8 each. <’.
( >• 1 lai well. 12-: 6-16
DOGS fur sale cheap. Rounds and bird
dogs, thoroughly trained; some voung
stock, partly trained; will exchange dogs
for gun, typewriter or chickens. It. A.
Smith, Jefferson, Ga 54-14-12
FULL-RL< _>( >DED toy poodles. 205 South
I’L 43-12-12
WANTET• Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Ma.led tc any address in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send In your order now ’.O-21-4
Legal Notices.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
JumeH H. Gray vs. Sadie F. Gray. Ful
t"ii Superior Court, March term, 1913.
To Mra. Sadie F. Gray
B> order of court, you are hereby no
tified that on the 27th day of November,
ll'li’. James H. Gray filed ault against
you for divorce to the March term, 1913,
of said court. You are to be at the
March term. 1913. of said court. To be
held on the first Monday In March, 1913,
to answer the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hoti. W. D. Ellis, fudge of
said court, this November ?7. 1912
M'JCBE & POMEROY, Attorneys.
Legal Notices.
GtA >i:GIA. !• T’ LTD 1
Fulton Superior Court. November I
Term,-1912 I’aullne H. Crawley vs. C. E. •
Crawley Libel for Divorce—The defend
ant. c. 1! Crawley, is hereby required to
be and appear at the superior court, to
be held in and for said eounty on the first
I Monday in January, 1913, to answer the
I plaintiff’s libel for divorce, as in default
thereof the court will proceed as to jus
tice shall appertain. Herein fail not.
M itness the Hon. George L. Bell, judge of
said court, this November I. 1912.
«. lerk Superior Court, Fulton County. ■ j
Attorneys for Plaintiff. 11-1-26
Maude L. Wesley vs. P. J. Wesley. Su
perior Court
GEORGIA Fulton County. ;
I P. J. Wesley:
By order of court you are notified that
on the first day of November, 1912, Maude
I. \\ t sley tiled suit against you for di
vorce to the January term. 1913, oi said
I court.
Y hu are required to bo at the January'
term of said court. To be held on the
flr<t Monday in January to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint
Witness the Hun. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this November 1, 1912
MARK' HOLDING, Atn.rne}.ll-1-65 j
GEoRGIA Eult(>n County. 1
Murtha Maunds Smith vs. Daniel Smith.
Superior Court.
To I taniel Smith, Greeting:
B\ order of court you are hereby no- 1
titled that on the 31st day of October,
1912. Martha Maunds Smith filed suit j
against you fur divorce, returnable to the 4
January term. 1913, of said court.
You are hereby required to oe and ap
pear at tlie January term, 1913, of said
court. To be held on the first Monday in
January, 1913, then and there to answer
the plain.iff's complaint.
Witness the Hun. W D. Ellis, judge of
saw court, this November 1 1912
MAYSON C 3 JOHNSON, Attorneys.
Georgia Fulton County.
Lillie Holt Sullivan vs. Paleman Htlsman
Paleman HUsman Sullivan:
By order of court you are hereby noti
fied that on the 21st day of October, t 913,
Lillie Holt Sullivan tiled suit against you
for divorce, returnable to the January ’
• term of said court.
You are required to be at the January i
term, 1913, of said court, to be held on »ie
■ .5 Monday 111 January, to answer the
plaintiff s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W D. Ellis, judge of '
said court, tills October 30, 1912
fjE’oRGIA —Fulton County.
Nell F. llaynesworth vs. c. J. Haynes
To C. J. llaynesworth: By order of '
court you are notified that on the Ist day
of October, 1912, Nell F. llaynesworth I
filed suit against you for divorce, return- '
■ able to the January term, 1913, of said
You are required to be at the January
term, 1913, said court, to be held on the
first Monday in January, 1913, to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint.
I Witness the Hon. .1 T. Pendleton, judge
of said court, this October, 1912
HEWLITT * DENNIS, Plaintiff’s At
torneys. 11-1-13
GEORGIA Fulton County. !
: Dora Jablonski vs. Henry F. Jablonski.
Henry F. Jablonski: By order of court
you are notified that on the 3d day of Oc
tober, 1912, Dora Jablonski filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
January term, 1913, of said court.
You are required to be at the January
term of said court, to be held on the first
Monday In January and there to answer
the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 22d October. 1912
i llgl-16
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Margaret Hall vs. Gilbert Hall. Fulton
Superior Court. Divorce. Term 1911.
, Y’erdlct for Total Divorce October. 1912.
I Notice Is hereby given tliat on tlie Bth
’ day of October. 191_, I tiled with clerk su
perior court, said county, my petition, re
turnable to January term, 1913, said court,
• to be held first Monday In January. 1913,
1 for the removal of disabilities resting upon
’ me by reason of verdict in said case,
which application will be heard at said
January term, 1913 -
I HEWUTT * DENNIS, Attorneys.
GEORGIA—FuIton County. |
Mrs. B. B. Gutmann vs. August Gutmann.
August Gutmann: Bj’ order of court
you are notified that on < ictober 17. 1912,
, Mrs. E. B. Gutmann filed suit against you
’ for divorce returnable to the January
; term, 1913, of the superior court of said
You are hereby required to appear at
the January term of said court, to be held
I on the’first Mondaj- in January to answer
plaintiff's complaint.
The Hon. W D, Ellts, judge of said
court, this October 17. 1912.
• 11-1-11
Court —Peter McDermott vs. L. McDer-
1 mott —L. McDermott: By order of court,
you are notified that on February 13,
1912, Peter McDermott filed suit against
you for divorce to the January term, 1913,
of said court. You are required to be
. at the January term of said court on the
first Monday in January. 1913, there to
answer plaintiff’s complaint Witness the
Hon J. T. Pendleton, judge superior
court. This the 16th day of October, 1912.
: 11-1-5
Court —Annie Bell Gordon vs Louis
Gordon —Ixmls Gordon: By order of court
I you are notified that on February 13. 1912,
Annie B. Gordon filed suit against you
for divorce to the January term. 1918, of
■ said court. You are required to be at
. the January term of said court on the
first Monday in January, 1913, there to
answer plaintiff's complaint Witness she
Hon. J T Pendleton, judge superior
court. This the 16th day of October, 1912.
I 11-1-5
D. Fecter vs. Alice Fecter—Alice Fecter:
By order of court, you are hereby notified
that on the 28th day of October, 1512,
. Charles D. Fecter filed suit against you
, for removal of his disabilities, to the Jan
. uary term, 1913 of said court. You are
to be at the January term of said court,
to be held on the first Monday In Jan-
, uary. to answer the plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness tlie Hon W D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this 28th of October. 1912.
, GEORGIA Fulton County.
Mrs. Hattie M. Rogan vs. Griffith C.
To Griffith C. Rogan: By order of
court you are notified that on the 9th
Jay of October. 1912, Mattie M. Rogan
file.! suit against you for divorce, return
able to the January term, of said court
You are required to be at the Januar'
Term. 1913. said court, to be held on the
first Monday in January. 1913, to answer
the plaintiff's complaint.
; Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
, said court, this 18th October. 1912
; HEWLITT & DENNIS, Plaintiff’s At-
y .11-1-15
; Schneegass vs. Laura Sclmeegass -In
: Fulton Superior Court To Laura Selinee
gass: B> order of court, you are notl
i tied that on the Ist day of November,
i ”111. Emil Schneegass filed suit against
' you for divorce, returnable to the January
term. 1913. of said court. Y’ou are hereby
reoulred to appear at the January term of
’ said court, to be held on the first Mon
day In January to answer the plaintiff's
I complaint. Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis,
t judge of said court, this November 1. 1912
GEORGIA Fulton County.
’ Minnie L. Carlisle vs. J. G Carlisle, Su
perior Court.
To J. G. Carlisle, Greeting.
By order of court you are notified that
. on the first day of November, 1912. Minnie
t L. I'urlisle tiled suit against you for dl
. voree returnable to the January term.
’ 1913, of said court.
s You are required to be at the Januar;’
, term of said court to be held on the first , ;
Monday In January, 1913, to answer the
f plaintiff’s complaint.
YY’itness the Hon. George L. Beil, judge
of .mid court, this November 1. 1912.
' 11-1-63