Newspaper Page Text
News of
MR.'nnd Mis Robert F Maddox
entertained at a beautiful holiday
pnrty on Saturday evening, the
decorations being arranged with novei
and artfatb effect. M tb toe and doily
combined with palin'-- and other l.oi. «
party plants d'-corated i.i.- r<- >ptlon
apartment, and In the loggia wi, poin
settia plants w ith the g: • 1 n. Ana . in
Beauty roses were used In th <1 awing
room, while the dining room wa- ra
diant with Easter 111 1 - •, white It .man
hyacinths and poins> ttti. The Hower
were in silver vase, .uid ilvr basket--,
and the candelabra v. er. shaded tn red.
The courses weie served on silver plat
ters decorated in holly sprays, and tin
ices weie In a design of little snow
house., tipped bj miniature I'hii tiua
Mrs. Madd x was gowned tor tin
evening In white satin it H diapery of
white tulle embroidered in gold.
There wer< .4 guest- piesent.
To Attend Miss Smith
After Mi-.-s l ist lnr < i. t elanu’s visit
to Mr. and Mis, John llaj - llaininond
at .'heir palatial I.omc on r-'l.r ridtm <ir
<Je, she will b tin- Ipmse guest of tins,
intin .to frtmids -if Ii- par nts. Sena- ;
fm Hi ll Mis. H Smith, of Gemgin. ,
f, //
f 4W '
Beautiful Dorf linger
One never knows the full possibilities
of table service appointment till a piece or
two of Dorflinger cut glass is on the table.
As a Christmas gift. Dorflinger offers
the donor great artistic scope. Dor Anger
comes in the finest cuttings the world
knows. All designs.
Dobbs & Wey Co.
57 N. Pryor St., Next to Equitable Bldg.
Tin- regular meeting of tin- West End
Study chi.-H will l» held -*.t Mr.- '). E
Pi i'-hatd'- home XV.-dm -d.n morning at
10:45 o'clock.
Dr <" <’ Jom s will deliver a lecture
nt St. Johns i liij'- h, corner Georgia ami
t'entral avenue tonight at X o’dock,
under th' auspices of the Woman's
Ml, tonaiy so-i.t l Tin subject will]
be. "Personality."
The Harmony So. .al club will give .-. !
"Wet -h D.'«ne«" on Dn - ruber 111 at the j
Jewish Educational -illian. . Many I
novel feature- are to be introduced per-'
talnlng to N» >v Year.
s.-.> ,-a XX aslllngton dispat' h to The j
X-w Orleans 'l'hnes-Democrat. Sena- :
tm link.- Smith was In Id'-nt CleV* i
la lid’s ■ .i Him r.
At th. forthcoming marriage, fori
which no date has been annoum-.-d, m |
Ml Eu- Hoke Smith and Ensign Al-I
ston It. Simi -on, I S. A , the prettj i
<•. I.utante <inug 1.-r of l’resld< nt ('lev'-- * ‘
land will In ony of the atteiidantx. Sen-|
jor Smith and family will give a houae ;
warming during the holidays at their ,
unv home on California avenue. ,
A Birthday Party.
Mis." Mil-ited Heflin recently ceie
b it.,l h-- birthday with an afternoon
part. Tim Http friend- sharing in ,
the p ei -Un s of the merry affair wee |
*1 Henna Bishop, Bessie Ingram, ,
l.iiii M; and Hortens- lllassiughme. ,
'l. i■ Brittingham, Doothy, Burea. !
Do . i and Mi:t \ Arnold, Nell Fleming ,
ar.. 1. ti. Preston and Master James .
t wo Thousand, Initialed, Priced
boxed ' FOR 90cL boxed
1000 Women's French bordered, exceedingly sheer, hand em
broidered initial.
1000 Women's Hemstitched, hand embroidered Longfellow
initial, pure linen.
1000 Women's hand drawn thread hemstitched. 1 S. 14 mid
1-'_’ inch lum. pure linen.
1000 Meiis hand embroidered initial, medium xveight pure
1000 Men s plain hemstitched 1 S. 14 and 1-2 inch hem, pure
5000 Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.50, Boxed
Two thousand four hundred Handkerchiefs, Alpine emb. by Swiss
I’ 'sputry. all beautiful designs. Pure linen. Boxed, 3 for SI.OO.
More than txvo thousand Handkerchiefs of pure linen for women.
All hemstil' ht d. < Irecian block and floral design embroidery, from
Franc, and Ireland; also Swiss embroidery. Special at 15c each.
More Than Two Thousand Five Hundred
Hand-embroidered corner handkerchiefs, pure linen.
Real Armenian-edge lace handkerchiefs, pure linen.
Colored ha nd-embroidery handkerchiefs.
Hand-hemstitched plain handkerchiefs, pure linen.
Machine-embroidered Shamrock handkerchiefs.
For Women and Children.
Mi-.- X Irg.nla Lipscomb will entertain
-t a small buffet luncheon next Satur
daj in honor of Mi-s Mary Butler, of
Jacksonville, the guest of her Bister, j
Mrs i'li;ii..-s Stone. Miss Butler has,
ju-t r turm-l from in extended stay
abroad, and will make h» i debut soon
after her return to Jacksonville. Miss
Lip-,..m1> ha- invited a group of the
- debutant".- to meet Mis Butler.
Th- ,e..-ptlon at which Mrs. Frank
; Dean vil elite tain at her Ansley Park
' o sidence tao middle of January will be
■ compliment to Mis. Joel Dean, of
Pit*. - !r.; g. a <•' nt bride, and for Mr-.
Aug ast ■).- xx'l.'-f son, who I.- being cor
dially wi-1.-orned since her return to
Atlanta, aft"* an absence of several
y -ar*.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dickey will en
tertain tit dinner at their home on
Peachtree street one evening this week.
In honor of Mrs. Dickey's mother, Mrs.
Mill*. other Lewis, of Danville, X'a., w ho
is their guest.
.Mr. and Mrs. Charleton gburn will
give a box party at the Grand this
evening In honor of .Miss Adeline Thom
as' guesi, Miss XXTllcy Gayle, of Mont
The bridge tea at which Mrs. Julian
Prade will entertain tomorrow after
noon will be a compliment to Miss Ade
line Thomas’ guest, Miss XVllley Gayle,
of Montgomery, and Mrs. Robert Win
ship Woodruff, a recent bride,
A number of friends will join the
players for tea. The hostess will be as
sisted In entertaining by her mother,
Mrs. George Westmoreland, and by Mrs.
Thomas P Westmoreland and Miss
Adeline Thomae. Tea will be poured
by Mrs. Charleton Ogburn and Mrs. E.
C. Lyle.
Miss Sarah Rawson will entertain
with a luncheon of twelve covers to
morrow. Miss Martha Phlnlzy. of Ath
ens. the guest of Mrs. Hughes Spald
ing, and Mrs. Robert XX’oodruff, a bride
of the season, will share the honors.
Mrs. J. ('. Hunter will entertain at a
luncheon of 30 guests on Thursday at
the Piedmont Driving club, in honor of
Mrs. Waller Taylor, of Westchester,
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. Ifi.-Recog
nized as an anarchist of international
notoriety, Edward Lagzbin, a hunch
back three feet tall, will be deported on
th'- strength of Information received
her'- from Washington.
Lagzbiu arrived a short, time ago
from the Orient. Because of his In
firmity he was detained as likely to
become a dependent, and a record of his
'-use with his description was sent to
XX ishington. It was found to tally with
a. circular" furnished to the immigra
tion otlhers at New York by the Rus
sian government.
Visitors Attend
at Club
Among the guests at the dinner
dance at the Piedmont Driving club
Saturday evening were several visitors,
in who.-e honor partie.- w-ic rrang**d.
The Club was elaborately decorated in
the holiday colors and a delicious din
ner was served.
Miss Martha Phinizy, of Athens, and
Mrs. Janies Y’oung Swift, of Elberton,
th- guests of Miss Marjorie Brown, r.nd
Mrs. Edward T. Brown, were enter
tained by Miss p -sie May Ottley. Other
guests wa ■ .J.sees Mattie Sue Phinizy.
Murjori ■ B own and Harriet Calhoun,
Mi*, and Mi’s. James Richard Gray. Jr..
Messrs. Prince Webster, James Alex
ander, Horton Mathewson, Edward
Barnett, Montague Boyd and James
Young Swift.
Mr. Hamilton Post, of Baltimore, was
tendered a large dinner party by Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Nunnally.
Miss XX illey Gayle, of Montgomery,
was the complimented guest at a party
given by Lieutenant and Mrs. Castle
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Love, of
Chattanooga, were tendered a party by
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew* Calhoun.
Mr. and Mrs. XVilllam A. Speer en
tertained a group of married friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Doughty Manley had a
party of ten.
Miss Harriet Cole's party was a com
pliment to Miss Surah Coates, a bride
elect, the other members being Miss
Helen Hawkins and Messrs. James Cal
laway, Graham Phelan and Carl Fort.
A congenial party Included Misses
Mary Hines, Marie Pappenheimer, Hel
en Hobbs and Alice Vandiver, and
Messrs. Madison Bell, Ed Peeples,
Claude Douthlt and Charles Nlnnlnger.
Others present were Misses Marlon
Goldsmith. Nina Gentry, Gladys LeVln,
Ruth Stallings. Mary Helen Moody.
Sarah Rawson and Constance Knowles,
and Messrs. Joe Brown Connally, Eu
gene Haynes, Hal Hentz, M. S. Harper,
Lewis Gregg and Joseph D. Osborne.
Last evening the regular Sunday
night supper was largely attended,
among thos-* present being Misses Mary
Hines, Emma Kate .Amorous, Caroline
Muse. Helen Hawkins. Nina Gentry,
Alic.* Vandiver, Martha Francis. Har
riet Cole and Harriet Calhoun, and
Messrs. Dugas McClesky. A„ G. Ryan,
Graham Phelan, M. S. Harper, Claude
Douthlt. Madison Bell, Charlie Sclple,
James Callaway and Willis Ragan.
I music notes
Interesting musical events of this
week will be the two final recitals of
the fall season at Cox College and < 'on
servatory, announced for this evening
and Wednesday evening.
On Wednesday evening Mr. Wilford
Watters will be the director in charge
and a delightful program of Christmas
music will be rendered. Among the
pupils of the conservatory who will
take part are Misses Marguerite lid
wards, Della Glausier, Lois Ryals, Neil
Zlpperer, Pearl Johnson, Lois Arnold,
Marguerite Hearn. Melrose Green'
Louise WatlUns, Myrtle Cook, Norwood
Key, Effie Louise Walker, Winifred
Youmans and May Rafter.
Special numbers will be the old Ger
man Christmas carol, "Holy Night.”
and others rendered by the chorus un
der Professor Watters’ direction.
The young women to act as ushers
for the Christmas concert are Misses
Helen Martin, Lucile McWhorter, Grace
Kener and Addle DeFoor.
An interesting program was given by
piano pupils of Kurt Mueller at the At
lanta Conservatory of Music on Friday
evening, assisted by pupils of Mrs. Kurt
Mueller, Georg F. Lindner, vio
lin, and Wilford Watters, voice. The
performances gave evidence of the ar
tistic seriousness and good success with
which the conservatory has conducted
the instruction of its pupils.
A singer with four distinct voices,
the wonder of physicians and the de
light of all who hear him, is the special
offering at the Montgomery theater this
week. The fact that Dayton sings in
four voices at all is marvellous, but
when each voice is not only distinct,
but full and pleasing, it is phenomenal.
This Is something you have never
heard before, and will probably never
hear again. At the Montgomery this 1
week only. (Advt.)
The highest skill of the si’versmith is
displayed in Crankshaw's table silver in
hand-chased, hand-pierced and engine
turned designs.
Coffee Sets, serving trays, sandwich
trays, salad bowls, cake plates, fruit bas
kets in al) styles of design.
Among novelties are silver deposit
pieces--water sets, sugar and creams.
m armalade jars, whiskey sets.
Charles W. Crankshaw
Atlanta National Bapk Bldg.
rluHB First Class Finishing and En- i
larging. A complete stool; filinr. I
kr plates, paners, chemicals, etc. i
Bpavlal Mall Order Department for
•Ut-vf-town customers.
Mod tor Catalog and Prico Liat.
A. M HSWKtS '.V. ..*•<.■»* Be,•>»■,'»«! •
U rt Whitehall StATLANTA, «A
MA''ON, GA., Dec. 16. —The police
committee of council will this afternoon
Investigate the charges against Police
man Will Avant and Lieutenant Champ
Drew, who are both under suspension.
Avant was suspended from duty for
calling his lieutenant “a fat scoundrel,”
embellished with several lurid adjec
tives, and the lieutenant was suspended
because Avant charges him with re
peated intoxication while on dutv.
KEELY company
' ■' •■'■'■'•.A'-y''' v ■ •' lx‘ T "
■T>i'*’-Y *TiS- C/va ‘
)A] Are you a votary of the artistic?
V Are you a lever o£ the beautiful?
l-Sa Would you make a gift that would endure? VA
' P y° ur loved one with an Eastern Rug.
ere re the Values:
Eastern Gift Rags
Beluchistans and Kurdistans and Mo- Sarabands and "
Kazaks. 4 ft. 6 in. suls. 6 ft. to 8 ft. Irans. 6 ft. to 7 ft.
nkrto 5 ft. 6 in. long, 2 long, 3 ft. to 4 ft. long, 4 ft. 6 in. xvide.
ft* 6 in. to 3 ft. xvide. wide. ..
g $10.75 $17.00 $27.00 g
® $16.50 $25.00 $35.00 W
. * „ ~
Let your gift be from that “Far Country’ whence
comes the Christmas Spirit.
H Keely Company ®|
“77/r G v //Z Beautifur
■— - ‘
The art lover and the practical person will both
be delighted and entertained by the collection of
Christmas Jewelry and Novelties that we are now sub
mitting for your approval, h’s like entering the won
derland of Jewelry.
| !<
Belt Buckles Lockets silver Ba<’s
Bracelets Manicure Sets tTiibrellas
Brooches Pin Cushions Toilet Sets
Card Cases Picture Frames Waist Sets
Jexvel Cases Rings Watches
Citj-ar Cutters Fountain Pens Pencils
Cigarette Cases Ink Stands Pocket Knives
Cuff' Buttons Letter Openers Scarf Pins
X Crops Military Brushes Studs
Fobs Match Boxes Watches
Our Stock Represents the Combination of the L ’setu! and the Artistic j
s . —--
A z" ’ x R
■’ /f.J' " ;
NASHVILLE, GA., Dec. 16.- Zeiman
Walker shot and killed Sam Williams in a 1
negro row here. XValker claims that Wil- i
The only private school in the South for Deaf Children. Only school
South teaching SPEE< 'H exclusively Most advanced methods; home life
Unsurpassed results.
Miss Arbaugh’s School for Deaf Children
110 Rogers Ave. MACON. GA.
Hams was preparing to shoot when he
lire 1. Lily Knight and Maggie Bailey
have been arrested as accessories. They
are said to have caused the shooting.