Newspaper Page Text
News of
— —
hostess at a large reception this
(fternoon, complimenting her
sirs. Thomas Warthan Evens,
marriage was an event'of Wed-
~ : ano ferns, with greenery,
tin; decorations throughout the
11I1K . . ; Mrs. Evans on West Peach
r.c street. The table in the dining
room hail for a centerpiece a plateau
{ narc issi and pink roses, surrounded
bi ,i'< ">ative details in pink and white,
punch table was placed in the 11-
i, !;i rv, and was decorated with smilax
,n.l bung with grapes. An orchestra
played during the afternoon.
Mrs. Evans received her guests wear
|!iC lavender charmeuse satin, trimmed
.„; t silt' i-lace. Mrs. Thomas Warthen
.re her wedding gown of white
satin, trimmed in lace and
pearls. in entertaining were Mes-
S.mi I >. Jones, Frederick W. Cole,
~,..j. Wi-tnioreland, John E. White,
\ . i; i 'j’lpiid. Samuel Atkinson, Sam-
1 I.mupltin. Julian Prude and L. Z.
11.. . Jr. Serving punch were Mipses
, ; Hires. Mary Hawkins, Marguerite
Elizabeth Dunson.
Clears Stuffed Up Head
And Catarrh Disappears
Breathe the Healing Air of the Eucalyptus Forests of
Australia and Quickly Get Rid of Catarrh.
fly in. ■ 11' banish catarrh if you
iv.i? breathe it a few times a day. It
. .i',.' remedy of Its kind before
i that can penetrate into every
n....k. .■ rm I . fold or crevice of the mu
nvi brant and destroy the mi
crub- >.
HfoMEI is squeezed from the green
■ f the Eucalyptus trees of in
’. , .i Australia, where catarrh does not
■ and combined w ith Listerian an
<i . s Pour a few drops into the
iiiltibr and breathe this mighty germ
li' viroyhig air; an air more healing than
,u • ' I:.-- pine-covered Adirondaclts.
.Xntlr.' how quickly that stuffed-up
If J cl a;.-; keep at it a few days and
Extra Fine Watches For
Christmas Remembrances
It is the time-honored custom to reward faithful offi
cers. superintendents, department heads and retiring officers
<■ t hristmas with a token of your esteem. Parents couldn’t
po.ssihh select a more appropriate gift for son or daughter
Wr are agents for the celebrated Patek-Philippe watches
end repeaters, A full line <>f Howard. Hamilton. Elgin,
'Aatllmm. Touehon ami Agassiz watches is carried in all
W<> want you to come to the store and see our line of
watches and watch bracelets.
W rite For Catalogue
Our ItiO-page watch and jewelry catalogue solves all
-hi problems. Saf • delivery and satisfaction guaranteed,
h.xpress charges prepaid on mail orders.
Write for a copy today and let our catalogue bring
lj . "in shopping to you.
l| Maier & Berkeley Inc.
Gold and Silversmiths
Established 1887 31-33 Whitehall Atlanta, Ga.
| In the Rush Don’t Guess--Send Her f|
I _ I
19m i
9B r
,j.. ' "ays the same ■ fre.-a. |>» .'t-< ''^w *7*v
wJU 'oubly guaranteed. Sold • xc'ip-iy ■■ y '4B®'”’*“* ll? 41
,vt, ,I1 ' h ' £' H - Cone. Inc. „ ** ftp
I * ■ S
A} i ■ KS
IV< When you want a - ,_■>; '■’.,’, ■ • ÜbJU
•Wi ’ delightful treat select from >■ ' ‘ IjK
Wl " o.’AK
'••• •' Fussy Package Fasti.doii Illy K?<»
1 SI.OO a pound. Vink of I’ A\ ''' ~ *s£ 11*41
IV< lection (’liocolates tor t ’on f. < t e :t i
•Ws <1i)o ~ |..,0n. l Whltm.-ins Salop! •■» '' ,~ I ■ J ,^’’ M>k
ts» pound. •■ls42- HHf . jSF ' • •'*X ' LSS
jPJI Special Gift Boxes, »l -5 to ?!■"■ < - ? t ••’
CONE’S ’=“ I
S ; “A Good Drug Store’ Kimball House Block
A Christmas dance will be given to
morrow evening at the Brookhaven club
in honor of the returning college girls
and their house guests.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Wimbish -will
give an informal buffet supper tonight
at their home on West Peachtree street
for Mrs. William C. Donnell and Miss
Virginia Donnell, of New York,, guests
of Mr. Murray Donnell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J Spalding will en
tertain these popular visitors informally
at luncheon Sunday, and on Monday
Mrs. J. Edgar Hunnicutt will give a
luncheon in their honor.
Miss Katherine Richardson will en
tertain at a small bridge party on
Tuesday evening, January 7, in honor of
Miss Hildreth Burton Smith, one of the
season’s debutantes.
Mrs. Thomas D. Meador has post
poned the dinner party- she was to have
given at the Piedmont Driving club to
morrow evening in honor of Mrs. Rob
ert Meador until a late date and will
entertain instead at a bridge party to
morrow afternoon at the club. There
will be six tables of bridge, and a
number of friends will join the players
for tea,
Monday afternoon Mrs. William Low
ry Meador wijl entertain informally at
bridge for Mrs. Robert Meador.
Miss Gertrude Richardson leaves to
morrow to- spend Christmas in Jack
sonville with Miss Eleanor Wilcox, a
classmate at the National Cathedral
school, in Washington, D. C.
your suffering and hawking and dis
charge of obnoxious mucus will cease
, entirely. Then continue until every
germ is destroyed; until the soreness
and dryness in the throat have disap
peared. HYOMEI is guaranteed for ca
tarrh, coughs, colds, sore throat, croup,
deafness caused by catarrh, or money
back. Complete outfit, which includes
inhaler, can be obtained for SI.OO at
druggists everywhere.
Tq break up cold in head or chest
■ in a few minutes, pour a scant tea
spoonful of HYOMEI into a bowl of
boiling water, cover head and bowl
with towel and breathe the vapor until
■ blessed relief comes in a few minutes
Miss Prior Bride
at Evening
Tlie marriage of Miss Helen Prior
and Mr. Stirling Grimes Turner was
solemnized last evening at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar
land Stephens Prior, on Ponce DeLeon
avenue. Dr. Charles Daniel, of the First
Baptist church, performing the cere
Easter lilies and Richmond roses, in
termingled with gieenery and foliage
plants, composed the decorations
throughout lite house. The bridal par
ty stood for the ceremony before a
bank of palms flanked by vases of
Easter lilies. The mantel was also
banked with ferns and Easter lilies, an.i
the walls throughout the house were
garlanded in smilax.
The bride was attended by her sister,
Mrs.'Walter Clarke, of Chicago, as ma
tron of honor, and Misses Mary Tur
ner, of LaGrange, and Katherine Bleck
ley as bridesmaids. The bridegroom’s
brother, Mr. Frank Turner, of Bir
mingham. was best man.
The bride was charming tn her wed
ding gown of white charmeuse satin
adorned with rose point lace and elab
orately embroidered in seed pearls. The
long tube veil was adjusted with or
ange blossoms, and the bridal-bouquet
was of bride roses showered with val
ley lilies. Her only ornament was a
diamond pendant, the gift of the bride
• The matron of honor wore white bro
cade satin and her Howers were Rich
mond roses. The bridesmaids wore
white charmeuse satin and carried a
large bouquet of the same flowers. Mrs.
Prior worp a handsome toilet of gray
crepe de chine combined with chantilly
lace and pearl garniture.
At the reception which followed the
ceremony Mrs. Prior was assisted in
entertaining by Mrs. Bun Wylie. Mrs.
Edgar Dunlap. Mrs. D. R. Wilder. Mrs
O. C. Fuller, Mrs. Woodroe Coleman
and Misses Marian Goldsmith, Evelyn
Rugland, Elizabeth Morgan, Louisf
Hamilton and Jane Stanflol.
The bride's table was elaborately
decorated in red and white, a plateau
of Richmond roses fringed with valley
lilies being surrounded by red unshaded
tapers in silver candlesticks. Silvei
compotes held creamed sweets ami
bonbons in red and white, the mints
being heart-shaped. A delicious sup
per was served. An orchestra played
during the evening. White satin boxes
of wedding cake with the bride's mono
gram in gold were given the guests.
The piazza was inclosed in canvas
and hung with smilax, quantities of
holly, with foliage plants, being used
as decorations.
The punch table wreathed In smilax
and decorated in gorgeous fruits was in
the library, and was presided over by
Misses Jane Stanfiel and Elizabeth
During the evening Mr. and Mrs.
! Turner left for a wedding journey to
‘Cuba, and will sail from there to New
York. The bride’s going-away costume
was a smart tailored suit of blue
broadcloth, worn with blouse of blue
chiffon veiling American Beauty satin.
Her hat of black velvet was faced in
American Beauty satin and adorned
with an aigrette.
—L !—LL_J__LL
At Crankshaw’s you'll find
numerous dainty little gift arti
cles in new and original designs,
in inexpensive as well as the
higher grades.
Shirtwaist rings, collar pins,
bar pins, scarf pins, tie clips,
Lockets, crosses, beads, card
eases and all the latest vanities.
Charles W. Crankshaw
Atlanta National Bank Bldg.
Tea For Brides,
Mrs. Janies G. Ison entertained at
I tea tills afternoon at her home in Inman
I Park, in houob of three brides—Mrs.
Aurelian Cooledge, who was Miss Flora
Stakely, of Montgomery. Ala.: Mrs.
Fied Ison, formerly Mis- Aline Miller,
of Meridian, Miss., and Mrs. Frank Ja
voway. who was Miss Barbara Hunter.
Holiday decorations of holly, mistle
toe ami smilax were used, and a color
scheme of red and white was carried
out on the tea table, which had tor a
<-enterpiiece a basket of Richmond roses,
the handle tied with green tulle.
Ihe punch table, in the drawing
room, was presided over by Misses Le
bie Ewing, an 1 Millie May Blair, of
Marietti. Ti soiled by Mrs.
Frank Dabney and Mrs. Edward Kelly.
Assisting in entertaining were Misses
Marton Fielder. Katherine Douglas,
Mary Jeter, Marquesse Riteh, Mrs.
Carleton McKinney and Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Ison was gowned in white satin
trimmed in duchess lace and pearls and
Vlaborati -y embroidered. Her mother.
Mrs. William M. Terry, wore black
Chantilly lace over satin. Mrs. Cool
edge wore rose-colored satin bordered
in marabou and trimmed In Chantilly
Mrs. Fred Ison wore her wedding
gown of white satin trimmed in Chan
tilly lace and pearls. Mrs. Jacoway's
gown was of black lace over American
Beauty satin.
Cheaper than you can bake in your
own kitchen, better than can be had
elsewhere, pure and clean are the Fruit
Cake. Pound Cake. Cookies and Pastry
sold at the store of D. Zakas. 30 Peach
tree street—Five Points.
Why worry about your Christmas or
Sunday dinner when you can get just
what you want, all ready to serve, de
licious, pure and wholesome, at Zakas’
store? (Advt.)
First Class Finishing and X*
larging A complete stock filmr.
plates, papers, chemicals, ate.
Special Mall Order Department for
eut-of-town customers
•end for Catalog and Price Liat. !
A. K. HAWKtS CO. .-Kodak Deparlmtnl I
H WhltohaO St- ATLANTA, SA. J
Our Holiday Offering
We Bought the HOWARD PIANO
CO. Stock, Including Uprights,
Grands, Cabinet Grands and
Players—B7 Pianos.
During the holidays we are placing these special bargains
on sale, regardless of cost, selling them as long as they last,
at Prices from $55.00 and up, Player Pianos $276.00 up.
Pianos, $55, S6B, $76, sllß, $179, $2lB, $236
Terms, $4, ss,' $6, $7, SB, $9, $lO
We must dispose of this purchased stock at once in order
to make room for our regular line of instruments, including
such well known makes as Henry R Miller, Steger,
Weatherholt, Singer and many others, a large stock of
which is now on our wareroom floors for your inspection.
Special Player Demonstration 2 O’clock Every Afternoon
Pianos Held for Christmas Delivery
Weatherholt Piano Co.
“The House of Quality”
72 North Broad St. Phones, Ivy 3161, Atlanta 2352
Factory Tuning $2.00; Work Guaranteed
Informal Buffet Supper.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Boynton en
tertained at a buffet supper last even
ing at their residence on Piedmont ave
nue. Christmas colors were used for
the decorations, palms, ferns and crim
son earnations making an effective
combination, adorning the reception
room, living room and dining room.
Punch was served by Misses Laura
and Clara Cole. The guests present in
cluded only relatives and a few inti
mate friends.
ANNISTON. ALA., Dec. 20.—-Judge
T. W. Coleman, In city court today, de
cided against the city in a sanitary
privilege tax case submitted yesterday
to test tile validity of a new ordinance.
A It Meins £ome $ hing J
-•» ■ ■ •
- tt lk sb
» to make your slipper selections from *
* l <“ n "’ st ( ‘ oni pl < 9e anti elaborate stock in the South. 8
S iWy aZT And. by the wav, time is rapidly passing a wav. the S
* * earlier you make your selections the better it will «
irelyf * )e t° r y° u an d us. *4
it w
FELT JULIETS, all colors FELTC OMF Y S here in S’
ami sizes, with fur top to abundance. All colors and
a* match color. Two grades in sizes. Ribbon trimmed, and
* stock- SI.OO and $1.50. only $1.50 'he pair.
S \ :| bargain in a man’s *" r men and women. In *
I slipper. Full kid lined. A '"‘f P<> ck ’ ,t S ’ ZP CaßP ’ T * n ’ "
* * $2.50 Slipper for $1.95. $135 VaJUe *■
All styles felt slippers for children. •'
IVA /WoR s
M. Rich & Bros. Co. 2
b* 7T7-j itjCi.-yJ • _ at
J* Ls S rt 'V i- / "*
t* “A Department of Famout Shoet"
Toy Trunks
Fo J th * KMdies st
20 c-t o«
Th« Trunk Store 92 Whitehall