Newspaper Page Text
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
DesinPbfe, Suitable and Modern FO^RENt' 11 *' conta,ns a com P le tc list of every
The BEST of Rooms, Houses. Apartments Flats HonsekLnl?? £ ENT ’
■il or unfurnished) In any locality can be located with ease P S*‘F d ’ ,lK an ‘? Roonil;1 K places (either fur
.s.-s, Garages, Storage Houses, etc., can be found or rented withl“* Bu ’’ et,n ’ Business Locations, Ware-
The Georgian employs special representative* m keen tills Bulletin co und advertising in it.
c divenlenee of our patrons. Save time, money, worry and’useless steps"
Rooms and Board.
\VE two connecting rooms with bath
tween, making pleasant accommoda
< for party of five. 513 Peachtree st.
; i ip.ommate for student; sepa
bed; good table board; also nicely
. ..lied room suitable for two young
121 Capitol Square. Main 4839-L.
]7\l;>;E nicely furnished room; near bath;
location: good table; home com
-241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1959-L.
c; RENT Two unfurnished rooms and
. henette. 47 Alaska ave., Bell phone
■.'.87. 12-20-24
i;GE, sunny front rooty, well prepared
...ils, pleasant home. 26 East Caln.
„AX T ED Table boarders at sl> Garnett
**'• l ‘ l I’h'-ne Main 3459 J. 12-19-18
m ' MS. with or without board, private
fmiilv. everything congenial and home-
Ma 1 n 1238-.1, 278 Rawson. 12-19-19
.. qd board, clean rooms; congenial, con
venient home. Gentlemen only, 311
V nail. Phone Atlanta 4810. 12-19-2
■nt nishedirooin. Special rate to peo
e with own furniture.l2-18-35
fcii. large rooms with board; furnace
ea‘ 327 Whitehall. Phone Main 3286.
Wo or three young ladles can get room
board in private family. Rates reus
able; references. Phone Main 280-J.
;:7: Al' ITFUL light, sunny rooms running
ater. best meals; very reasonable. 28
• North avenue, ivy 5551.12-18-14
. ;T:AS'>NABLE, homelike board for cou
’>!<• or two young men. Furnace heat,
■me Ivy 4414-L.27-18-12
. u’ELY furnished rooms and excellent
tabh board. 121 Capitol Square. Main
• a :9_l, 12-17-31
it.NISH ED rooms and board; gentle
men preferred. 308 South Pryor. .Main
‘.,'.6 E. 50-17-12
i iINISHED ROOMS fwith board at. 25
’e'i Baker street.lvy 549-J. 12-17-11
57 E. Third Street.
• >\E BLOCK from The Georgian
Terrace. Forty newly furnish
ed. steam-heated rooms; electric
'mlits; tire-proof building; free
baths. Rate: Board and room
77.00 per week upward. Robert
11. Edwards. Proprietor. 12-14-35
'.'ANTED After Christmas, sixteen stu
dents to board at student home; just
per.ed. Splendid board at $lB. Close tn.
Address Student, Box 890. care Georgian.
’ 'AS< iNABLE room and board in new
uulern Inman Park home. Ivy 4231-J.
ROOMS with or without board at 74 For
avenue. Ivy 4345. J_2-l_6-10
' H’ELY furnished rooms, with or with
out board. At lai ita 3710.12 -1 £-22
GAVE pleasant front room with board
- 12-' 4-26
L ' furnished room with board and
all modern conveniences. 179 North
a.Hcson. Phone Ivy 1907-J.12-13-19
f ‘- »TH single and double rooms with
hj -ard at 21 East Cain. 32-13-12
1 " »M and first-class board. 428 Gor-
Jj'B street. HzliL? 5
36 East North Avenue.
I 'TWEEN the Peachtrees. Fine, light
■ ' fi's and excellent table board. Ivy
'■"l. JU-30-44
Board Wanted.
V' H NG LADY school teacher desires
hoard in nice home. Give full informa
-1 805, ;tre ■ t ■>rgJan. 12 20-12
• ' LADIES desire room and
'■'•a rd in strictly private family, on
iith side. Address M. B. C., care Geor
\DV and two small children wish board
r. private home. Address C. N. A., care
Hison-Lund Company, city.s6-19-12
ST LOOK at the number of ads under
Room and Board” column of The
■rgiaii. No wonder the people recog
that The Georgian is the paper t
in for nice boarding places, for they
’• a larger number of places to select
‘ Place your ad for boarders in The
’•eorgian’s "Room and Board” column
fill your vacant spaces at your table.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
RENT To gentlemen, ilicelj fur
nished room with all modern cun ven -
• eves; in private home, on north side.
’*> - me Ivy 5109. 12-20-26
"NT large room and one single room for
gentlemen; steam heat; all conven
enres; private home; Peachtree street.
_.y 1779-J, 12-20-27
• I*’ELY furnished rooms for light house
keeping; conveniences. 161 South For
syth.l2 20-28
( ’NE large room and one single room for
gentlemen; steam beat; all conven
■ix’ps; private home; Peachtree street.
Ivy 1779-J. 1 2-20-30
* YRGE. bright, clean, newly furnislied
/••onis for light housekeeping, consisting
t bed room and kitchenette with use of
• arlor and phone; hut and cold water;
plendid car service; easy walking dls-
' Dice. best section South Pryor. Call
Main 2840-J. 12-30-31
Nicely furnished room. All conven
cheap. Private family. 12-2*l-17
1 •‘R RENT One furnished room, in pri
vate home, close in; 8 Cooper. Main
630-L. 12-20-6
1 CRNISi IEI • ROOM for rent. 116 West
r Phone Ivy 4680-J. 12-20-5
'd: rent -Two furnished rooms f<>r
glit housekeeping; near in. 75 Nelson.
' ' nicely furnished front rooms, one
•omplete for light housekeeping. 205
uth Forsyth.s3-19-12
1 RNISHED rooms in private family,
near Terminal station. 75 Nelson.
\RGE front room; secund .floor: very
dght. IQ2 Ivy street. _ 12-19-27
‘’R RENT Handsomely furnished room,
across from Georgian Terrace. Phone
. v 6531.2 12-19-36
'•lt RENT—Niceiy furnished rooms; all
conveniences; close in. 104 Ivy street.
f clean rooms: two blocks Candler
Hldg ; $1.50 to $2.50 per week; ran sup
light housekeeping rooms for two
■ iples Comp and inspect 152 Courtland
street 12-19-23
I 'R RENI’ Furnished rooms; steam
•anted; hot. baths. 11 Cone. Mrs. D.
‘ [■ 12-19-21
' '■{ RENT Delightful front room; pri
vate bath; gentlemen: refined home
/ <o htrer, care Georglan. 38-19-12
' !• RENT Furnished half cottage, four
ms and bath: phone; new gas range.
, ’Hvenipnces; good location on south side,
j Main 4488-J 12-19-16
' RENT Five ’’upstairs rooms, fur
'>'hed or unfurnished; A-1 location: ail
wenlences; private bath: in house
ijh owner in Inman Park Furnished,
unfurnished. S2O. References rp
«c ' Ivy 2797-J 34-19-I:.’
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
b *kH.h I n E w T—I 7 arKe front room . with
wA/l- ett , e ' ll r,vat <* porch, hot anti cold
water, newly furnished. Ivy 6523
=— 12-19-11
, n I AttT N ?'~ T T < ’ or ,hre< ‘ furnislied con
v.n?fl ng hou , selte eplng rooms, with con
prlLate. famil >'; $4. $5.50 week;
adults onl\. 65 Crew street. 54-17-12
, n . lee ' B , unny room: al ‘ conveniences.
NICE ROOM in private family; board if
desired; furnace heat, electric lichts
neighborhood. Ivy 6622 33-18-12
TW<> nice bed rooms, large kitchen with
separate gas, electric lights: all
-innecting, private entrance. 345 -
Peachtree, Argyle Apts, 12-18-10
IOR RENT—One nicely furnished front
room; also furnished housekeeping
looms, modern; reasonable; north side
tety c.ose in. 49 West Gain. 12-17-17
' F 9 R i PENT—Two furnislied rooms for
light housekeeping. 82 Williams st.
TWO connecting rooms, furnished' for
housekeeping; private family. 103 West
I eachtree st. Phone Ivy 2979-J. 12-20-40
; NK ELI furnished rooms /or gentlemen:
also light housekeeping rooms; hot and
cold water and all conveniences. 255
I ourtland st. Phone Ivy 6248 L. 12-20-41
FOR RENT—Three rooms for liousekeep
mg; also large bed room. 58 West
Peachtree. 12-16-9
For RENT—Rooms for roomersFor llglit
housekeeping. Cheap. 145 Spring street
FOUR nicely furnished rooms; al! conven
iences. 255 Courtland. Ivy 6248-L.
NICELY furnished rooms; light house
keeping apartment; private family. 151
■Spring. 12-14.37.
NICELY furnished rooms. 50c night $2 50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7U
North Broad street. Hot and cold water.
WANTED—Ships of all kinds to hum
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama Canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
any address In United States or Mexjeo.
15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25
cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
For RENT—one or two rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished. Call Main
4551-L. 12-19-14
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms In
private family. Call Ivy 6288-J.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE unfurnished rooms, light house
keeping; gas; conveniences. 127 Ivy
street. Ivy 4280. 55-19-12
TWO large rooms with kitchenette; - sink
and all conveniences: price, $13.50.
' Phone Main 4807-.1, 12-19-33
I FOR RENT -One unfurnished room; all
conveniences; close in. 45 East Cain
I s lE e ?l: 12-19-40
I FOR RENT—Three nice connecting un-
I furnished rooms; all conveniences. 135
Logan sjreet. Call Atlanta phone 3877:
I call before 2 p. m.• 12-19-17
FOR RENT Two upstairs rooms; all
conveniences. 756 Highland avenue.
Phone Ivy 6373-L.33-19-12
1-5 oft’ all our Fuijiiture this
week. J. M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—An apartment of four rooms
and private bath, closets, veranda, sink,
hot water, telephone, electric lights, com
pletely furnished for light housekeeping;
in best residence section of West End.
Phone JA’est 1069. 34-20-12
FIVE bright, comfortable rooms, nicely
furnished, also three rooms. All con
' veniences; beautiful neighborhood. Phone
ivy 2->7s •
I WANTED —One hundred thousand ready
made families to snare in the prosperity
!of Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer, out December 25th. will tell why
and how. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents a copy: Canada
ior foreign points, 25 cents. Send in your
1 order now. 10-21-4
| : =
I Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT -Modem six-room apart
ment, north side, close in. Ivy 5458-L.
36 19-12
YOI’NG COUPLE having a lovely home
In West End park, would sub-let four
rooms. All conveniences; furnace heat.
Phone West 918-J. G. H. Perry, 25 South
Gordon street. 12-18-8
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT -Furnished or unfurnished,
most desirable four or five-room st earn
heated apartment. Phone Ivy 2432.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT <'R SALE To reliable party,
nicely furnished ten-room house, second
dour from Capital City club; several nice
boarders. Call Atlanta phone 2177.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
LEASE OR SAI.E Artistic bungalow;
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. "Ans
ley Park," care Georgian. 39-19-12
i NEW six-room cottage, deep lot. modern
conveniences: near two car lines. 14
Howell place, West End. Apply 301 Grew
street. 27-19-12
i’W< i houses for rent, in good condition
Orte 3-room, $6. One 4-room, SB. Ten
minutes walk from the end of College
Park car line. Call Bell phone Main
SIN - Ri ii IM, up-to-date two-story house,
rents for $22.50: cozy home. 132 East
Georgia avenue Main 3744-1..12-16-4
EOR~RENT "Eight-room house, built for
home, on lot 62 by 247. Nice fruit
orchard. Electric lights and all modern
I conveniences. $25 a month. 122 LaFrange
[street. Call Ivy 6724-.1. _29-14-12
I EIGHT~RO< IM house. 521 CoSrtland. $35
\ T Spalding. 499 Courtland. 47-13-12
F 77r — "RENT? il' >1 Si-;s <'all, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochrun, 74-76 i’eachtree street. 1-1-21
FOR RENT 192 East Georgia avenue,
one six-room house, cabinet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50 Apply across the
street. 11-29-27
WANTED - Children to attend the best
schools In the United States. They are
located In Southern California. Bring the
old folks along The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address In United
I S«atcs or Mexico ISjcents; Canada or for
. -ign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now 10-21-4
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
-For Rent.
I'l RNISHED HOUSES—Eight rooms, on
North avenue, near Tech. SSO; two five
?.!A art 7f ents ’ ri Sbt near Grant park,
eat n >3O. I nfurnlshefl. eight rooms, on
Luckie street, right near Tech school, $45;
* i aF oorT l s ’ modern conveniences, in
cluding furnace, near new Ninth avenue
school, s3o; six-room apartment, near
\ ant oJA ark ’. * 25 - Call Webster, M. 2016
I J \ 2oob night. 807-8 Fourth National
| 12-14-44
• kOR RENT- Part or all of eleven-room
i nouse, furnished or unfurnished, to
| conveniences. 825 a month. 122 La France
[street. Ivy 6724-J. 28-14-12
j .
Farms For Rent.
(TWO FINE FARMS for rent; one eight
' twelve-mule. Also several
small farina. Toole Land Com pan v. Ar
lington, Qa. 12-11-17
Desk Space For Rent.
OFFICE SPACE for rent, with use of
phone. Apply 708 Candler Bldg.
1 chair, typewriter, phone, in go<al
for rent, $lO per month. Phone
Mam 2053. 12-19-34
Storage Room For Rent.
SPACE in rear 46 Auburn to rent cheap
for storage purposes. Ivy 3339.
Stables For Rent.
LARGE stable for rent cheap. Applv Dr.
Cook, 173 E. Hunter. 71-14-12
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
WANTED—Rooms for light housekeep
ing In private family. Box 805, care
Georgian. 31-20-12
YOUR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are
looking for nice rooms, look for them
where they have the largest number to
choose from. Your ad in "The Georgian’s
Rent Bulletin” will attract the attention
| ot the party that is looking fur rooms in
your house. Try it and see. 12-5-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
YOUR rooms can be rented if vou will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are look
ing for nice rooms look for them where
they have the largest number to choose
. X our . ad in “ The Georgian’s Rent
Bulletin will attract the attention of the
party that is looking for rooms In your
house. Try it and see.
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
\\ ANTED—Furnished four or five-room
steam-heated apartment for three or
I four months. North side preferred. Ad
dress H. V. G.» Box 801; care Georgian.
WANTED -To rent small steam-heated
furnished apartment or cottage for three
months. Address Savannah, Box 897, care
Georgian. 25-18-12
Railroad Schedule.
south:er>T railway?
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as Information, and are not
No. Arrive From—l No. Depart To—
-36 B'ham... 12:01 am I 36 N. Yorkl2lsam
2 C'clnnati.2:4sam I 2 J’ville.. 3:05 am
35 N. Y0rk..6:00 am 30 Col'bus. 5:20 am
13 Jaxville...s:2o am 13 Clnci.,... 5 30 am
43 Was'ton 5:25 am 32 Ft. Vai. 5:30 am
1' Sh’port.. 6:30 am 35 B’ham.. 545 ain
29 Jaxville. 6:50 am .7 C’nooga 640 am
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 12 R’mond 6 55 am
26 Heflin. .. 8:20 am 23 K. City 7 00 am
29 N. York.ll:lsam | 16 Bruns’k 7;45am
3 Chat'ga. 10:35 am 29 B’ham..ll -.30 am
7 Mac0n...10:40 am| 38 N. YorklUOl am
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 ami 40 ChTtte 12:00 n'n
; 21 Col'bus..lo:so am) 6 J’ville. .11-20 am
6 Cincl11:10 am 30 C’bus ... 12:30 pm
29 Col’bus.. 1:40 pm] 30 N. York 2:45 pm
i 30 B’ham... 2:30 pm, 15 C’nooga 3:00 run
I 40 8’ham...12:40 pm] 39 B’ham... 410 nm
j 39 Ch'lotte. 3:55 pm I*lß Toccoa. 4'30 pm
4 J’ville4:sopm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 5 Cinci ... 510 nm
15 Brunn’k 7:50 pm] 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 nm
1 Jack’ville.B:lopml 35 Heflin... 5:45 pm
11 R’mond. 8:30 pm I 10 Macon.. 5:30 nr,,
24 K City.. 9:20 pm 1 C’cinati 8:20 pm
IS C’nooga. 9:35 pm; 44 Wash’n. 8 45 run
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pm
pmi P Fh’port.ll: 10 pm
H Clnci 11:00 pm] 14 Jjvillejjl_l£pm
Trains marked thus (•) run daily exJ
cent Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Centra! time
City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St
Legal Notices.
Martin W. Brown vs. Jesse A. Brown
Superior Court, March Term, 1913. No.
To Jesse A. Brown. Greeting:
By order of court, you are hereby no
tlfie<l that on the 22<i day of November,
1912, Martin W. Brown filed suit against
you for total divorce, returnable to the
March term, 19t3. of said court.
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the March term, 1913, of said
court. To be held on the first Monday in
. March. 1913, then ami there to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, Judge of
said court, this December 20, 1912
Mrs. .1. Octavia Mosolf vs. F. C Mosolf
. Superior Court, March Term. 1913. No'
] 27162.
[To F. C. Mosolf, Greeting:
By order of court, you are hereby no
; tilled that on the loth day of December,
. 1912, Mrs. J. Octavia Mosolf filer! suit
against you for total divorce, returnable
I to the March term, 1913, of said court.
You are hereby required to be ami ap
-1 pear at the March term, 1913. of said
court. To be held on the first Monday In
l March, 1913, then and there to answer
the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. I». Ellis, judge of
said court, this December 20, 1912
I’. B. Hopkins, Clarence Buchanan ami
M. o. Jackson, throe citizens to whom
was referred the petition for a new roao
beginning at the old Water Works road
between Lakewood and the Jonesboro road
and running south to Germania avenue.
. safil new road to be known as Meador
avenue and to be 30 feet wide, exclusive
of sidewalks, having reported that said
road will be of public utility, this is to
notify all persons that said road will be
declared a public road at a session of the
I board of commissioners of roads and ret
I enues of Fulton county. Georgia, to la
held Wednesday. January 1. 1913. at 10
o’clock a. m., if no good ami sufficient
I cause to the contrary is shown,
t'LIFFttRD L. ANDERSON, Chairman,
Commissioners Roads and Revenues Ful
ton County. Georgia.
11. M WOOD, ClerT 12-6-10
Study Your Breed When Mating
If any one at all interested in chickens, really wants to breed
good ones, and to improve them from year to yeal’, he can only
accomplish what he hopes for by getting right
down to business.
He mnst strive to know what really consti
tutes a good male or a good female of his va
riety. He can db no good by going along as a
blind man walks, stepping high, for fear of run
ning against the obstructions that may he in
the way. He must not try to slip around them
the easiest possible way. but with the neces
sary effort move these obstacles out of the way,
so that he will not only get around them this
year by hook or erook, but. they will be out of
his path for all time to come.
This may be applicable to other lines of busi
ness. too; but it is particularly so to the poul
try breeder. If he mates so as to produce good
stock this year, he should have studied the
question sufficiently to be able to repeat the
operation the following year. He should find
out that the mating of a good big male with small females will,
as a rule, throw a lot of large, ungainly stock, and the rest under-
size, with but little, if any, of the
happy medium. That about the
same unsatisfactory results will
be obtained when mating very
light with very dark colors in the
buff breeds. That in Rhode Is
land Reds, put medium shades
together rather than to try to
bring up the quality of light, fe
males by ehestnut-eolorcd males.
Learp to know the type anti shape ot
your variety. It should not take a Red
breeder five years to learn that a short
backed, high-tailed male is not good
Red form. The tail should be carried
lower, without a break as it joins the
back. The Leghorn, while it should
possess a full, well spread and flowing
tail, should not have one cocked up
like that of a stjuirrel, but it should be
carried low and smooth from the back.
The Japanese Bantam is really the only
chicken that carries a high squirrel
Learn to know that your Wyandottes
should have rather thick, short, well
arched heads, with good, broad, well
rounded heads, not slim and snaky;
that the backs should be Very broad,
short, with nice concave sweep to a
broad, well spread, rather short tail.
See that your Rocks of any variety have
rather long backs, rising slightly onto
the tail. The neck is longer than the
Wyandottes, but not so long or straight
as the Minorca. The Rock should stand
a little higher from the ground than
the Wyandotte, but not so much so as
Notes of the Show
One of the most phenomenal win-|
nings ever made by a Southern breeder '
was that of J. C. Patton, of Charlotte. '
N. C M xvho exhibited ten young White 1
Indian Runner ducks', taking first prize |
drake, first, second and fifth pullets in 1
a class of 50 drakes and 67 pullets, '
made up of the best in the countrv.
’ |
Larkin Hill, of Lakewood Heights. I
has the distinction of being one of the
most enthusiastic breeders in the am
ateur class. He is only twelve j’ears |
old and has had four years experience I
in raising Black Langshans. He en- 1
tered fifteen birds and won second and !
fourth pens, first hen, first cockerel,
second and fourth pullet. He is to be
congratulated on his winnings.
Pope M. Long, of Cordova, Ala., eer- I
tainly has some fine specimens of Sil - I
ver and Partridge Wyandottes. His i
Rhode Island Reds.
PENS IS. C R. I. Reds > scientifically
mated for best results. Eggs, $5. sl6.
sls, S2O and $25 for fifteen. I'tility eggs
$2 for fifteen. Mrs. P. T. Callawav,
Washington, Ga.lo-26-9
WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy lay
ing strain, $1.50; pullets $2 each; eggs
$1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Car
ter Hill read, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66
Plymouth Rocks.
class pullet breeding yearling hens and
cocks, $3 to $5. If. A. Kuhn, Stewart ave
nue, Route 2, .\ti;int;>. 88-20-12
I WON at Thomasville show on ms White I
Rocks, first pen, first and third cock
erel, first pullet, third hen, best pen in I
show, best pullet in show and best bird |
fn show. Eggs from these winners $5 ‘
per setting. Henry W. Lester, Thomas
ville, Ga.ll-29-6 ;
“poultry fanciers7~
DON'T FAIL to see my exhibit
of Silver hii<l Partridge Wyan
dottes. These birds have won 150
prizes this season. Aly Parfridge
Wyandotte coek won first pre
mium at tlie Southern Interna
tional show, and is considered by ]
.judges to be the grandest Part i
ridge Wyandotte in the world. 1
lie has won five sweepstakes
which is a world's record for
parti-colored birds. This bird
won sweepstakes last week in the i
great Birmingham show. I have
the best in both Silvers and Part
ridges. Stock ami eggs for sale.
Pop* 1 M. Long, ('ordova. Ala.
WHITE ii'YANI oTTES; $7.50 ami ”sl6
trio; satisfaction guaranlrcd. Morris
strain. L. G. Evans, Lithonia, Ga.
THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White
Wyandottes We have four pen-» of
these grand birds mated and can furnish
eggs for hatching at $3, $5, $lO per fif
teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
will proilucf the winners for next season’s
shows. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle-
Ihorpe avenue. Atlanta 11-16 18
’i • u ■!’<;n ju:! ,! Kurt Orpington egga
$1 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main
3588. 10-9-15
FOR SALE Plymouth Rock Homer
pigeqns, 75i to $1.50 per pair: stock
guaranteed. Erwin Manley, Royslon. Uh.
the Langshan.
Then there is the Cornish Game,
which has very heavy thighs and
shanks, a thick head and bull neck,
close and hard feathered, almost with
out hackle, remarkably broad on back,
tapering sharply to root of tail; tail
carried low and decidedly pinched—<l
very heavy fowl for its looks, being so
tightly feathered.
The breeder of any of the different
varieties of the Standard or Exhibition
Game must look for entirely different
type. No matter what the color is.
the shape should be identical in all of
them. The legs should be long and al
most straight from the feet to the body.
The carriage of body should be almost
erect and slim. The neck slim and
bony looking, straight and without
hackle in male. The head slim, keen
and bony looking. The back rather
broad, and shoulders tapering sharply
to stern, with a low carried whip tail,
void of sickles, or nearly so, makes a
picture so different front anything else
of chickenkind that the breeder should
have no trouble in finding his good ones
or culling his poor ones.
So it should be all down the line. A
breeder should first study type and
learn to cull to the letter. Better breed
from two hens and a c.:ck that are real
ly good than two hundred that repre
sent the variety in name only.
Severe measures are absolutely nec
essary if you want to get to the top.
Os course, if you have no ambition for
that, do not attempt to breed good
stock, blit work entirely for eggs, re
gardless of Consequences.
i Silver Wygndottes took every first pre
] mium, capturing first pen. first cock,
■ first cockerel, first hen and first pullet.
] I’herv were 65 birds competing in this
class. In Fartridge Wyandottes his
] birds took first, second and third hen,
i second, third and fourth pullet. His
! Partridge Wyandotte cock bird is said
to be one of the finest Wyandottes in
I the world. This bird has captured five
: sweepstake prizes.
The Hermitage Farm, of Hendersoii
• ville, Tenn., won first pen on White In
i dian Runners, there being 43 pens in
.competition. Mr. Johnson, the tnan
| ager, who is here witli the birds, says
I that the four young ducks in this pen
I were hatched from a setting of eggs
| from their best pen of breeders. The
: Judge says this pen is one of the best
mated pens he has ever had the pleas
ure of judging.
FOR SALE My entire poultry plant, Kel
lerstrass Crystal White Orpingtons.
t !' IOS or sin Kles. Have some splen
li<l birds, cocks, cockerels and hens; also
incubators, brooders and houses. Dr C.
P. Ward, 220 Gordon street. 59-19-12
bolt GOOD reasons I am
g<»ing to elose out my
Hock, consisting of first
prize and sweepstakes win
ners al Xcwnan, Columbus,
Carrollton and Atlanta. Will
sei] all together at a reason
! able price, or exchange for
! good auto or horse and bug
!gy. See me at the show
Thursday and Friday. (). L.
i('handler, Newnan, Ga.
BI 9 F ORPINtITONS Very fine pen of
prize birds cheap. Csrefullv bred' heavy
layers. Floersch, 192 Crew. Main 2792-L
tal White Orpington pullets ami hens,
Kellerstrass strain; bred from winners at
Knoxville, Chattanooga. Dalton. Gadsden
Summerville. Prices $3, sr> and $7.50.
Pullets March-April hatch. George M
Mos.-ly. Menlo, Gtu 12-6-8
A Buckeye Incubator.
, Is GUARANTEED to hatch every hatch
ible egg; irwurabk. $8 to $35. Get a
■ 1913 catalogue. Marbu* A Minor, East
■ Atlanta. Ga. 12-9-16
'"ground boms
EVER Y day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur
[ FOR SALE Fox terrier pup. a very
choice male, at a bargain Phone Main
For SALE Pointer* end Mtten, fox',
coon ami deer bounds, possum, squirrel
am! rabbit hounds; trained ami un
trained; money refunded if not as repre
sented. Write for list George P win
free, owner. White < >al< Kennels, Kerncrs
ville. N. C. , 12 17 -19
I'9 >lt SALE Pointer*, setters and hounds;
trained, partly trained and untrained.
| State wants. It. L. Whitt, Kernersville
| N <’. 40-16 12
IF YOU WANT to find something of some
value I • you, read the "Business Guide
of Atlanta," in the first two columns of
the want ad pages of The Georgian each
fit, y
Ducks. z
THE Nuiimii.-il White IHih
ner ulub will issue its first
annual eatalogue December
20, 1912. This is the first
book devoted entirely to.
White Runners yet publish-!
ed. . It will contain articles!
from foremost breeders.:
Price 50c. Free to mem
bers, Membership fee. sl.
Address (). O. Ray, Secre-;
tary and Treasurer. Kirk
wood, Ga. 12-20-11 j
SEE OUR winnings on Fawn and
White Indian Runner Ducks on
exhibition at the sliow this week.
Oak Dean Poultry Farm. Stone
Mountain, Ira. .12-18-36
RAY”’ri RACY’ RUNNERS are the talk of
the show room. They are beauties. Go
see them. They are bred by the Sno
white Poultry Yards, Kirkwood, Ga.; O.
O. Ray, manager, secretary and treasurer
of the National White Runner Duck club.
please the boys and girls more than a
trio of fine White Indian Runner ducks,
ready to lay? Can give you a fine selec
tion from a lot of one hundred for ten
dollars. Come and see us, or send your
order to Free Range Duck and Poultry
harm. Chamblee, Ga. 12 18-16
INDIAN RUNNERS— High quality, low
prices, white, fawn and white; grown
stock, ducklings, eggs. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Book orders at show. Georgia
Duck Farm, Smyrna. Ga. 32-14-12
WHITE Rt'NNER DUCKS Don't fail to
see my White Runners at Southern In
ternational show, December 16 to 21.
Book orders now for stock and eggs
Nice stock $6 and up; eggs $7.50 and $5
for eleven. J. E. Gifford, Route 6, Box
9, Marietta, Ga. 12-14-5
FARM, Chamblee, Ga, Have the larg
est line of White Indian Runner ducks Tn
the South. Fine stock. Can sell vou
pairs, trios and pens for less than oth
ers. Write for prices, stating your wants.
Also have large, fine lot of White Leg
horns and Rhode Island Reds. Remem
ber Free Range insures strong fertility
and vigorous stock, 12-12-6
CAN SPARE few more White Runners:
$lO trio; sls pen of four ducks and
drake; satisfaction guaranteed. South
Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga.
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock
and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry
Y’ards, O. O. Pay. manager. Kirkwood. Ga.
TWELVE HENS. This wonderful
scientific book is the real thing for poul
trymen. Indorsed by the best. Special
price, SI.OO. Money-buck guarantee. Mall
order texiay to The Piedmont Mfg. and
Supply Co., Mt. (lilead, N, C. 43-20-1 ’
RE SURE to see the
McMillan Seed Company’s
Exhibit at the Poultry
Taft Hall.
STOCK FOR SALE—Have some first-
class White Orpingtons and Mottled
Anconas at a bargain. Cole & George.
33 West End place, Atlanta, Ga, 12-17-3
WE HAVE some beautiful fox terrier
pups and are offering them at extremely
low prices; males, $7.50; females $5. They
make nice presents for the boys.
BETTER LOOK OUT for roup this kind
of weather It Is very dangerous and
very contagious. As soon as you see a
sign of it, use Conkey’s Roup Remedy.
It is guaranteed to cure.
Mash this cold weather and they will
lay just the same as they do in spring
time. $2.25 a bag of 100 pounds; 10
pounds, 25c.
WE HAVE a few hundred bushels of
wheat that we bought for planting, but
as the season for planting is over, we
are selling it at chicken wheat prices.
It is very much better than the ordinary
chicken wheat. $1.50 a bushel.
SPRATT'S PUPPY and dog cakes. 10c
pound; three pounds 25c.
feeding mustard to chickens We have
just gotten in a shipment of French’s
Poultry Mustard, prepared especially for
poultry. It sells at 35c and 60c a pack
age, I>4 pounds and 3 pounds
RED COMB SCRATCH FEE|.. a perfe'-t
ly balanced ration; free from dirt and
grit; $2.25 per hundred pounds.
I’til'LTl’Y FEEDS ami remedies ot' al!
Horses and Carriages
FOR SALE Military saddle horse. <an I
tic driven to buggy. Suitable for ladles’ i
mount. Age, eight years. Reasonable!
price. Phone Main 2062. Lieutenant lies- I
ter.26-2U 1?
WANTED To buy for cash, first-class i
second-hand Stanhope buggy Bell
phone West 1011 J, ’ 12-P.I-20 I
Foil SALE One elegant medium sized'
rnare, suitable for lady, and one pony ;
mule. Both gentle and work anywhere.
Little, IM Whitehall. ii'-i?
i-’id; sale ' >l: KXi’H \m;k for autenno- !
bile, one Wilkes horse, six years old, and ■
rubber-tired buggy. Box 876, care Geor
gian. 30-13-12
FOR SALE Ponies for Christmas, S6O to
SBS; nice spotted ponies. Can make
arrangements to ship for Chriotmas. .1. P.
Frank. 204 Fourth Ave., Nashville. Tenn.
milch cow for sale cheap. Fresh
in milk in spring. Write Wil
liams, I’. O. Box 677. 12-18-17
Just look at the number of ads under
the ‘’Room anti Board” column of The
Georgian. No wonder the people recog
nize that The Georgian is the paper to
look in for nice boarding places, foi thej
have a larger number of places to select
from. Place your ad for boarders in The
Georgian's “Room and Hoard” column
and nil your vacant spaces at your table.
Legal Notices.
STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Fulton.
To the Sunerior Court of Said County:
First W. J. Hays, J. L. Ward and J.
C. Fuller are successors and present own
ers of “Hays-Haygood Company," a cor
poration located in said county, and its
charter was granted by* said court on
April 5, 1909. through amendment to the
charter of “W. J. Hays & Company,”
which was granted by said court on Sep
tember 3, 1907, the original charter being
granted under the name and style of
Hays <t Company” on the date
herein before set out and the amendment
thereto being grante<l by said court under
the name and style of “Hays-Haygood
‘ ompany ' on the date hereinbefore set
out, and the original charter was granted
for the term of twenty (20) years.
Second—At a meeting of all the stock
holders duly called, to-wlt: W. J. Hays.
J. L. Uard and J. C. Fuller, on the 2<th
day of November, 1912, a resolution was
passed authorizing said corporation
through aforesaid stockholders to petition
sal.l court, in the name of said corpora
tion, for an order allowing said corpora
l"n to surrender Its . barter and franchise
to the state of Georgia and be dissolved
as a corporation. Said resolution was
signed by all of the stockholders of said
'•orporatlon, an.) the same is hereto ap
pended as “Exhibit A." p
Third Petitioners show that there are
no outstanding debts against said corpo
ration, and that the dissolution of the
same may be awarded without any ln
al,y the stockholders.
GE<>RGI A—Fulton County.
In person before me. the undersigned
attesting officer, authorized to administer
oaths under the laws of the state of
Georgia, appeared W. ,i. Hays, president
and general manager of "Hays-Haygorxl
< ompany; J L. Ward and J. C. Fuller
who. first being duly sworn, depose and
say: l at thej' are sole owners of said
erporat.' n and at a called meeting duly
assembled of themselves on the 27th day
ot Novem .er. 1912. resolved to petition
said court io dissolve said corporation and
direct tiiat charter and the franchise
of same be sutrendered to the state; de
ponents further say that there are no out
standing debts existing against said cor
poration and that the dissolution of the
same may be warded without any fnjus
!*? e I" any of the stockholders.
M. J. Hays, President and General Man
ager; J. Fuller, J. L. Ward. Sec
retary and Treasurer.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
4th day of December, 1912.
x , . CHAS. 8. BOWEN,
Notary Public, Fulton County, Georgia.
Carl Hutcheson and Anderson, Felder,
Rount-ee & Wilson, Petitioners’ At
Fulton Superior Court.
The foregoing petition read and consld
ered and it Is ordered by the court that
said petition he heard before this court
«>n the 11th day of January, 1913
It is further ordered that said petition
be filed in the office of the clerk of the
c/'tirt. an<l that a copy of same be pub
lished as required bv law.
Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit,
iris 6th day of December, 1912.
GEORGIA— Fulton County.
Phis is to certify that the foregoing is
correct an<i exact copy of the petition of
Hays-Haygood (’ompany," a corporation
seeking dissolution; also an exact and
correct copy of the order of the court.
Clerk of Superior Court, Fulton County.
December 6, 191212-6-38
o 1 E . ! )E GEORGIA Util ton County:
B A. Harmon vs. Mrs. Olivia Harmon.
§ u P er J or Court. January Term, 1913.
No. 26794.
To Mrs. Olivia Harmon, Greeting-
By order of court you are hereby noti
fied that on the 31st day of October. 1912
B. A. Harmon filed suit against you for
divor.'e returnable to the January Term.
1913, of said court.
You are hereby required to be and appear
at the January term. 1913, of said court
to be held on the first Monday in Janu
ar\’ ttn( i there to answer the
plaintiff s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, Judge of
said court, this November 5 1912
w t > .<Tv O H.’ BR OYLES, Clerk.
W, J. LANEY, Attorney. 11-5-10
STATE <)F GE< >RGlA—Fulton County]
Lottie M. VonDolen vs. Otto H. VonDolen
k- up TJ > L Court. January Term, 1913.
.No. 2b014.
'l’o Otto H. VonDolen, greeting: By or
der of court you are hereby notified that
on the 2d day of November. 1912, Lottie
M. VonDolen filed suit against you for di
vorce, returnable to the January Term
1913, of said court.
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the January Term. 1913, of said
court, to be held on the first Mondav hi
January, 1913, then and there to answer
the plaintiffs complaint.
Whness the Hon. W. D. Ellis. Judge of
said court, this November sth 1912
w T T BROYLES. Clerk.
J. LANEY, Attorney. 11-5-8
C A. McAfee vs. Magnolia McAfee Su
f.’£L t 2 r Court. January Term, 191$. No
To Magnolia McAfee, greeting: By or
der of court you are hereby notified that'
on the 2d day of November. 1912 C. A
McAfee filed suit against you for divorce'
returnable to the January Term. 1913 of
said court. ’
You are hereby required to be and ap
pear at the January Term. 1913. of said
court, to be held on the first Monday In
January. 1913, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint. “
Witness the Hon. W D. Ellis, Judge of
said court, this November sth 1912
W. J LANEY. Attorney. ' 11-5-9
Publication of list of salaries reported
as fixed i>> the officers for their employ
ees, as required by Section 7, of the sal
ary act, approved August 22 1911
’ $3,000.00
i „, u,t ! es 2,000.00
a’ t m n >' e J 1,948.00
S’ u F f; lnter ”.948.00
It B I eavours 1.948.00
J L Poindexter 1,948.00
J. H. Broadnax 1,948.00
I - Chambers 1,948.00
Minor 1,948.00
vv alter Knight 1,948.00
Bartow Allen 900 nn
William Gilleland.. ,| 900 00
A- f I’ennlngton ” 7 20i00
J. R. Robinson 600.00
' r,J t al s32,ooo.oo
m S’ $3,000.00
,v C ,l,*'’ l ,'"U 2,400.00
P. G. Keeney ” I'gOjOt
Ulark Howell 1,6:0 0J
J. P McDonald t,6/?.o0
1- M. Myers t/10.00
<’. H Brotherton t,>10.00
J. W. Goldsmith 1’ >OO 00
J. 11. Jones j 500.00
T. J. Lewis 1,’00.00
S. 'I Conyers 1,500.00
J. G. t . Bloodworth, Jr 480 00
Miss A. Logan 900.00
Miss M. E. Thompson 900 00
Miss M. Catlett 900.00
Miss 17. Baker 900.00
Miss V. Cooper 900.00
Miss N. Riley 720.00
Miss L. Thompson 720.00
Mrs. B. McQuade 720.00
Mrs N. M. Henderson 720 00
Miss A. Eidson 600.00
Miss C. Wood 600.00
Miss I. Lovejoy 600.00
Mrs. M. C Dlckert 600 00
Mrs. V. C. Davis 600.00
Mrs. Eva Case 600.00
Mrs. G. N. Cartoll 380 00
Total $35,000.00
John Corrigan tin addition to sal
ary as special bailiff as now
fixed by law. per annum) $250.00
Edward c Hill, assistant solicitor 2,050.00
Harry E. Litham. office man 700.00
Incidental office expenses 500.00
E. A. Stephens, assistant sollcitor.s2,4oo.oo
Dan Goodllng. Jr., bailiff 1,200.00
W. J Laney, clerk 900.00
Incidentals 500.00
N. A. Garner, special criminal bai-
liff. paid by ■ ounty as,2oo.oo
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
The foregoing is a complete list of em
ployees ami their salaries as fixed by the
respective county "ffk'ers ami filed by
them in pursuance of the prov'sions of the
act of August 22, 1911.
Clerk Commissioners Roads and Revenues.
Fulton County. Georgia.