Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 21, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12
IT’S VERY EASY TO fiET WHAT VOL WANT S< JMEONE IS SURE i O H WE IT. NO MATTER V. HAI IT IS. TO GET I n TOUGH I ,VI 11 THE PROP- J ER PARIA I it T"* OEORGIAN WANT ADS _ ' —lr— —mum mrrr ,ii,.r;—ni—t—i—.l■ —umr mwiroram ‘■wrininwtri it—wkwuMiF tff -r—— ——————————l Correct Usage of Full D ress JML _ —< =— vFT Custom rules—and as Far hack as memory carries you, V>4 custom has made it imperative that in attendance at Evening Functions where Ladies are present-- Ope ras. Dances, Cards, /T‘ / \ w codings, Banquets, etc. —one must he dressed in accordance IjU|/ /1 \ with the usage of the best society. I \ \nd society accepts our offerings of Full D ress Apparel r I / £ as being absolutely correct to a detail—and the quality as M/S vJ /A f conforming to the elegant and refined tastes of the correct | fl JK o\| dressed gentleman. A 4 I_J I*l C ’ \M ac HURDDE .A. I loliday suggestion ——— FuL Dress Suits—s 37 50. $45 and SSO Waistcoats—s3.oo. $4 00. $5 00 to $7 50. Silk D ress Hats—s6.oo. The new satin-finished collapsable Opera Hat— Dress Shirts— $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50. D ress Glove 51.50 to $2.50. Dress Shoes and Pumps to $6.50. Ties, Jewelry, Sox, Handkerchiefs, etc., of correct form and best grades. | Overcoats an d sUI t s Th in gs Worth While Gifts of Sterling Value Suitable and Sensi hie Gifts Men in their vanity and good judgment appreciate the Auto and Steamer Rugs. Hair, Blanket Cloth or Camel s Better Things” to wear. Hi ’ $ 7 . 50 to S ISOO Hot and Cold Liquid Bottles, according to size. $1.25 to $2.50 Our stock ol Suits and Overcoats offers unquestionably Silk Umbrellas, handsomely mounted or plain handles, the greatest variety rs to Styles, Quality and Prices—no $3 to S2O less than eight good m.kes from which to select. Fine Walking Canes, mounted or plain 75c to $lO Silk Lined Overcoats $25 to S6O Umbrellas and Canes to match $7.50 to sls ; „ T . , n Jointed Umbrellas and Canes. $2.50 to $ 6 slo to S4O Handkerchief and Ties to match. $1 to $3; Ties and Hosiery Waterproof Raincoats $ 6 to S3O to match .. $1 to $5 Blue and Bia. k Suits .. $lB to SSO Silk Hosiery in all fancy shades and black 50c to $2.50 Fancy Colored Suits sls to SSO Silk Handkerchiefs, white or fancy colors 50c to $1.50 Semi Pi ess Suits $25 to S4O Linen Handkerchiefs plain or initial 20c to $1.50 Young Men s and Youths Suits and Overcoats sls to $35 Silk Suspenders, silver buckles, $1 to $4; Suspenders. Garters Boys Suits and Overcoats $ 4 to sls and Arm Bands to mat ch $1 to $3 If Living Out of Town Send Us Your Nlail Orders at Once EISEMAN BROS., Inc. h Atlanta s Greatest Men s an d Boys U>ift Stet re F U-13-15-17 Whitehall Street Atlanta. Ga. EXTRA BARGAINS FOR XMAS SHOPPERS ON ONE DAY, SATURDAY ONLY WAISTS. 50c i White Lingerie, Lawn and Linen Waists. Good styles, some slightly soiled; worth up to $1.50; choice SATURDAY 50c TOP COATS, $7.50. New Coats of heavy materials, in black, blues and mixtures; all sizes for ladies and I misses; values up to $15.00; choice SAT- URDAY $7.50 SUITS, $9.75 One rack of choice all-wool Coat Suits, in j black, blue and mixtures; several good styles' worth up to $18.00; choice SAT URDAY $9.75 PETTICOATS, $2.50. One counter of fine Silk Petticoats, of taf feta and messaline silk; plain, brocaded and changeable; black and colors, choice $2.50 • M , g —1 ■■ i ■ ’ I THE MIRROR 46-48 WHITEHALL STREET 'if ‘ ‘ ■ "pHE WANT AD WAY IS THE MODERN * way; by no better method can Real Estate be bought, sold, rented or exchanged, than through the Real Estate columns of THE __j_j ATLANTA GEORGIAN. /. /. /• i I THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1912. WAISTS, SI.OO. Pretty White Lingerie Waists, in Xmas boxes. Several styles, worth up to $2.00. Fine for Xmas presents; choice SATUR DAY SI.OO RAIN COATS, $2.98. Choice Rain Coats, of goad material, in tans only. Full length, in ladies’ and misses’ sizes; worth $5.00; choice SAT URDAY $298 SUITS. $15.00. One rack of fine Coat Suits in all new ma terials. Black, blues, brown and fancy mixtures. Suits worth up to $25; choice SATURDAY $15.00 XMAS FURS. We are showing a fine assortment of choice Fur Sets, Muffs and Neckpieces. Prices from $9.75 to $45.00 a set. Great Cut Price Christmas Sale Beautiful Gift Pictures Special Sale in the Art Department,2nd Floor With Special Bargain Tables on First Floor Harrison Fisher Studies, Hand-tinted Copies of Celebrated Master Beautifully colored in original tints, size pieces—An Ideal Gift. 16x20. gold leaf frames, and ft® Moua Lisa.” “ Whist his Mother.” worth $3.00. Specially priced atl • "Age o.' I niiocenee.and sub — ————— jects 75c to $1.50 Unframed Harrison Fisher Studies, —— Embracing almost the entire productions Popuiar and Masterpieces in Large of this popular artist, in original tints, and ... Va . rameE ‘ beautifully mounted, ready £*©<«* Pictures by (rat, Kuysdale, Burne-Jones for framing. Special . and other celebrities. Reg- g<# gg Special Lot of Dining Room Pictures. Special Let of Odds and Ends. - Popular pastels in elegant mission frames: Masterpieces, popular studies, mottoes, formerly priced at $9.00; ' comics and religious subjects, all sizes and special at shapes; values up to $2.50; Oval Metal Frames, brown, black and gilt; „ x ._ ! —"—” x .. . Beautiful 1913 Calendars, 15c to $1.50. beautiful studies; genuine 50c Harrison Fisher. Philip Imileau and the values; special at cnt e little '‘Campbell Kids.” Make Somebody Happy With a KODAK For an XMAS GIFT none but the best will do, and they are to be found at this store. Prices right We are now'in a position to do high-grade Printing and Developing in 24 HOURS, as we have equipped our Art Department with a finishing department tor convenience of our customers? FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Don’t fail to see our line of Xmas and New Year Cards and Calendars. A Sale of Beautiful Gold Handle Umbrellas I For Christmas Gifts at sg.oo U P Engraved Free by Our Own Engraver See our Window Display and the beautiful stock of Umbrellas near front door. Every one is of the best silk with silk covers, and all are new, clean, high-class stock. This season’s productions—not old, worn stock. We ask you to make your selections early, so we can do the en graving in plenty of time. J.M.HIGS CCMRm Had Serious Lung * Trouble—Now Well i Somehow there exists a vast amount of ' scepticism as to the possibility of curing Consumption. We state none but facts, ; and are sincere in what we assert. If we were afflicted with Tuberculosis, I i we should do precisely what we ask oth- I ers to «'.<• lake Eckman's Alterative promptly Hiid faithfully. The reason we should do this and warrant we have for asking all Consumptives to take it, is that we have the reports <>t mans recov eries. one of which follows: ItilH Susquehanna Ave.. Phila.. Pa. •'Gentlemen: For two years I was af flicted with hemorrhages of th* lungs, the number totaled nearly one hundred. Our I family physician advised another climate, ias t<> remain would probablj be fatal. However i remained, and in February of I 1.902, 1 was taken with a severe attack of pneumonia. When I recovered sufficieni ; ly to walk about the house l was left with a frightful hacking cough, which no medi c:n«» I had taken could alleviate, it was lat this time. March 1902, that 1 learnetL i of and started taking Eckman’s Altera i live. In a short time my cough was gone ,n;<l i was pronounced well Since that I time I have had two slight attacks of pneumonia and I havt usorted lu no ■ other medicine to effect a recovery. •I am present In excellent health and feel that as long as 1 can obtain Eck man’s \lterative I have no fra* of Con- 1 sumption. I can not speak too highly for i the good it has done.” iSigned! HOWAKb L. KLOTZ. Eckman’s Alterative is effective in Brun- ♦ chltis. Asthma. Hay Fever Throat and Lung Troubles, and in upbuilding the system. I »oes not contain poisons, opi ates or habit-forming drugs For sale by all Jacobs’ drug stores and other leading druggis 8 \si sot i— ns of re. coverics. and write to Eckman Labora tory, Philadelphia. Pa, for additional evidence. tAdvt.) Extra Fine Watches For C hristmas Remembrances 11 is ill l, time-honored :.mi to reward faithful " eers. superintendents. department heads and retiring ofii'-i'' at Christmas with a token of your esteem. Parents coiddn'' possibly soleel a more appropriate gift for son or daughter We are agents for the celebrated Patek-Phil ippe watem • and repealers A full line of Howard. Hamilton. Eicoi. Watlham. Touehon ami Agassiz' watches is carried in ■ models. We want you lo come to the store and see our line oi watches and watch bracelets. Write For Catalogue Our IHO page watch and jewelry catalogue solves ail vilt problems. Safe deliver) and satisfaction guaranlei-d Expt ess charges prepaid on mail orders. Write for a copy today and let our catalogue brie: your shopping to you. Maier & Berkeley Inc. Gold and Silversmiths Established 1887 31-33 Whitehall Atlanta. Go j .A tlanta. Go