Newspaper Page Text
‘The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
j This i« -.o RECOGNIZED RENT BULLETIN of Atlanta .uxl surroundings, it contains atom pk t list of ever'.
i Desirabh, Suit ibl< and Modern 11: ce of tny d< soription that la F< >R RENT.
Tile BEST >f Rooms. \partin'it's. Flat . Housekeeping Rooms. r ling and Rooming isai .-s bi'lo r fur-
nished or unfurnished) in any '.<>< aiitj’can be located with ease through the Bulletin. Locations, Ware
houses, Garages, Storage Houses. . to., can be found or rented with ease by reading and advertising in it.
The Georgian employs special representatives to keep this Bulletin complete with each issue, for the benefit ami •'
convenience of our patrons. Save time, money, worry and useless steps by consulting this Bull' tin when you desiie /i
, o rent.
< .... . >i
Rooms and Board.
two <• l r I necting rooms with bath
Det aen. pip king pleasant accommoda
ft ?- j'ui'tv .<* five 513 I’eachtreo hl
‘ . - . .
rate bod; g<» <1 table board: also nicely
.furnished room suitable tor two young
men. 121 ‘ aj-ii »1 Square. Main 4839-L.
• ■ J’KGE nicol;. furnished n*om: near bath;
o linnib»n: good table: home eom
foria ru .-I Peachtree, ivy DG:«-L.
- 20-12
FoR RENT Tu* unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette 47 Alaska are., Bell phon*
Ivy 64ST 12-10-1.4
L kRGE, sunny fr'-i * room, well prepared
meals, pkatant home D'» East Cain.
1 - ‘ 1<> ~ 39
WAN T EI • ~ T .7bT~ <mr<"e rs al 55 GuruV’D
Street. Vhoi.e Main J ■!.'? .1. J: • • 'M?
ROOMS’, with or wHhout pri’vun
family, cvcixuihi', congenial ami l-ome
like Mail. U9S-J _ 27k Rawson. 12-10-19
GOOD board. < h an r- ’tns ni;.l. con-
venient home • -ntlcm.-n only, 311
Whitehall. Phom Olanta -Ifilo. 12-19-2
"'7 pi : in in . sn . •:i ■■< at ’
unfurnished room. Special rate to peo
ple with ou n furniture. 12-1 ft-35
NICE, hn gr l ooms with hoard turn '< •
heat 327 Whitehall. Phone Main 3286.
[2 -J \26
TW<*or t’h, r-~77Ti7ig ladies can get room
and board in private family. Rates reas
onable: refer*-m es Phone Main 2SO-.L
BEAVi'IEI’L light. nirv rooms running I
water. bus: :• eat ■•; ver' reasonable 28 I
East North ,ivi nn- lv\ 5551.
( f o i cou
ple or two y.iung men. Furnari* heat.
' opposite the uapitol.
NICELY furi isiiud »•«*<» md use lit nt
table boaro 121 Caphol Square. Main
• - L.
rTRN'R-Tl i an< b< ird; gentk
men preferred. 308 South Pryor. Main
•• L 50 17 12
it 25
.37 E. Third Si reel.
OXE BLOCK front The (ieorifian ' Fortt newl\ furnish I
ed, stt'uni-iieaied rooms: electric I
lights; tire-proof building; free
baths. Rate: Hoard and room
-4?7.00 per week upward. Robert
I). Edwards, Proprietor. 12-14-35
WANTED A t ier Christmas, sixteen stu
dents to board nt student home; just
opened. Splendid board at $lB. Close in.
Address Student. Box 890, care Georgian.
12 -1 -2 5
REASONABLE room and board in new
modern Inman Park home. Ivy 4231.1.
ROOMS with or without hoard at. 74 For
NICELY tarnished rooms, with ot with
out board Atlanta 3710. 12- H- 22
HAVE pleasant front room with board
IJt 513 I i • 1 1 4 -2d
NEWLY fun i •>. room with board and
all modern conveniences. 179 North
laokson. Phone Ivy 1907-. L _ 12-13-19
BOTH single and double rooms with
rd at 1 East Cali 13-13-12
RooM ami first lass board. 128 Gor
don street.
36 East North Avenue.
BETWEEN the P< achtrees. Pine, light
rooms and excellent table board. Ivv
7501. 11-30-44
Board Wanted.
YOPNG LADY school teacher desires
board in nice homo. Give full inl’ormu
iton. L . Box 505, care Georgian. 12-20-12
WO Toi’NG La Id ES d< dn rooi an<l
board in strictly private family, on
<>uth side. Address M. IL C., cure Geor
ian. 32Gitt -J 2
LADY and two small children xxdsh board
in private home. Address C. N. A., care
loh neon-Lu nd t'mnpiiny. <-itx. 56-19-12
I ('ST LOOK at tlie number of ads umTer
the "Room ami Board’’ column of Tin*
Georgian. No wonder the people recog
nize that The Georgian is the paper to
•ok in for nice hoarding places, for they
::ve a larger, number of plac* s to select
-om. Pla< e your ad for boarders in The
Georgian’s "Room ami Board” column
’d till your vacant spaces at your table.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
I'OR RENT T<* gentlemen, nicely fur
nished room with all modern conv* n
’••iires: in private home, on north side.
>9 ' ■
)NE large i ■ • ami ont single r<a>m 1 • »r
gentlemen, steam heat; all conven
iences: private home: Peachtree street.
ivy 1779-J. 12-20-27
NICELY furnished rooms f«»r light house
keeping; conveniences. .161 South b’or
:A-th ._ _ 12 20 28
<>NE large room and one single room for
gentlemen; steam heat: all conven
iences: private home: Peachtree street.
'• v 1779 I ’2 ' ■ • '
i \I; ■ . • . deal I ■ fun
rooms for light housekeeping, consisting
of bed room and kitchenette with use
j trior ami phone; hot and cold water:
splendid ear service: easy walking dla
liince; best section South Pryor Call
Main 28to I 12-30 31
128 SOI ’ Tll PRY <ll ST 11E1' T Ma In 250.
Nicely furnished r*'<un. Nil <-on\en
letices. Cheap. Private family.
• ■ 1; 1 \ : • i • root ■
vote lean*, clos* in; 8 Cooper. Main
• tTO - L 12 - 20-6
I’s 1 INIsTrITI ’ H »X| ~f..i ~r• nt. 116 West
|'. ' • ... P . I '■>!• .1 | ' .
! ■ di
light housckcc.- ng; near in. 75 Nelson.
. • •
i\ < • nirrix n. •■. u from moms, one
c omplet* for lq:hi boi-mimvping 205
tg h ' "J± _
rvßN’isH' l' r- in family,
near Terminal s .>■ on 7. Nelson.
IGI ocui ioor; vwn
light Un Ivv _ 12-19-27
EOR RENT Handsomely furnished room,
across from Georgian Terrace. Phone
ivy 6531. i 2 19-36
FOR RENT Nicely furnish* <i rooms; ali
conveniences, close in. 101 Iv\ street.
ii >n two blocks < ’aiidh r
Bldg.: $1.50 t« $2.50 per week; can sup
ply light hous*d<ee|lng rooms for two
couples. Come ami inspec t 152 Courtland
»;reet. i_2-i?-23
**‘.R Ri'.NT Furnished rooms: steam
laated hot baths 11 Com Mrs D
H. Whi<« _ 12-19-21
-TBR RENT -f’rilgl'tfu! fr'xnt room: prl
ate bath, gentlemen: relined home
1111 r * ,i “* Georgian 38 19-12
RENT Fut ntshed half cottage; f*»ur
rooms <*.•! oath. pn*»ne. new gas rang*-,
conveuter,.. > g..od Ideation <n south sid*
T7>one Main < *l3?-.1. 1”-V -16
.‘ i! : Tivl‘te : i.\-’-
■p;h CW’. • u Irrnin ; ; nk.’ Put r..c.*‘d
4*ue<* .. a . j 31-19-1*
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
• I
* F<>R RENT ' -ge f*. room, with •
kib li. net t<-. private porch, hot ami cold I
water; newly furnished. lv\’ 6523.
. ■ • , ■ • con-
nocting housekeeping rooms, with con
venience-; private family; $4, $5.5a week;
adults only . 65 Cr; w -tn * t 5 1 -17 12
' (jNP. nice, sunny room; all <*onv w ni« n< < s
3yx> < *api. < ave. XI-dn_ 29l fcjL 72 18 -1 f
NICE R< x »M in private family : board if
dosirob; furnace heat, eleetri lights,
;;• ■•.! n vhb.i hood. I\ y 6622 __ 33-18-12 I
I T\V< > nice 1»«-<I room:-, large kit* hen with!
bath, .-••parat* gas. electric lights: all I
J connecting; private enrram *-. 315’ .;
, . 10
FOB RENT One nicely furnished front
r •*.!!; also furnished housekeeping;
|t ■■•m>. modern; reasonable; north side.
■ ■ ■ . . • , •
' t-’< *r RENT Two furnished rooins for»
■ pit g 82 w iniami si
12-20- 13
|T\V«» connecting rooms, furnished for
i housekeeping; private family. 103 West
i Jea■ -n > re Phone Ivy 1 979 J 11-20-4 »
rooi i . • ■ ntlemen;
also Ji- if housekeeping rooms: hot ami
cold water and all conveniences. 255
' • I 6248-7 L :JO-41
FOR RENH Three rooms foi . ekee|>-
mg; also large bed room. 58 Weat
FOR RE NT Rjooms foi roomeri ■«• ’ igh t
housekeeping. Cluan. 145 Spring street.
I 1 <HR nicely furnished rooms; aR conven
iences. 255 Courtland. Ivy 6248-L.
c< ■ i.i,' fpm ' : rooms; iu r hf house
keeping apartment; private family. 151
Spj;hl 1 4 37
NlCj JA fiirnishrd rooms, 50c night. $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. TVj
North I'-roa'i street. Hot ami cold water.
WANTED Ship.' of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
tiie port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama Canai. The Ninth Annlversa/y
Kdliion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
lx** ember 25th. tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Malle*! to !
any address tn United States or Mexico, '
15 cent.*’: Canada or foreign points, 25
cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooins
For Rent.
I FOR RENT One or two rooms, fur
| nished or unfurnished. Call Main
<551-L. 12-19-14
TW<> furnished or unfurnished rooms in
private family, ('all Ivv 6288-. T.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE unfurnished rooms, light house
keeping; gas; conveniences. 127 Ivv
eet Ivy 1280 55-19-12
TW< > large rooms with kitchenette; sink
and all conveniences; price, $13.50.
in 480<-J 12-19-33
F< »R RENT (Hie unfurnished room; all
conveniences; close in. 45 East Cain
■ . I: l .NT Three nm-< t ing im
furnished rooms: al! conveniences. 135
Logan street. Call Atlanta phone 3877;
* all before 2 t>. in. 12-19-17
h'OR RENT Two upstairs rooms: all
conveniences. 756 Highland avenue.
Phone 1x y 63RL L. _ 33-1912
1-5 off all our' Furniture this
week. .1, M. High Com
pany. 12-9-34
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
iOR RENT \ n apartment ot tout ro
and private bath, closets, veranda, sink,
hoi water, telephone, electric lights, com
pletely furnished for light housekeeping:
in best residence section <p’ West End.
\\ ejt 1069 31-20 I
FIVE bright, comfortable rooms, nicely
furnished, also three rooms. All con
veniences; beautiful neighborhood. Pimm*
Ivy 12*18-9
\\ x\ ri,i» One hundred thousand ready
made families to snare, in the prosperity
or Southern California. The Ninth Anni
versary Edition of The Los Angeles Ex
aminer. out December 25th. will tell why
aud how. Mailed to any’ address in I nited
States er Mexico 15 cents a copy ; Canada
or foreign points, /25 cents. Send in your
order now 10-21 4
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
!■'• 'll Hl'lNT Modem six-room apart
ment. north side, close 10. Ivy 545 X-1,.
_ 86 I»-12
’ YOUNG I >'i i i: i.><. om a lovely home
■ * in West End park, would sub-let four
■ looms All , "tnenlonces. furnui .■ heat.
I'hone W. s: t'ls-.l i; n. I'etrv, 25 S.-uth
Gordon street. 18-18-8
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
I-’XR RENT Furnished or unfurnished.
( most desirable four or five-room steam
i heat ml apartment. Phone Ivx L43L.
I . . . 12-20-8
Furnished Houses For Rent.
I EtUt itl' X'l' Oil s.u.i: 'TTn-'liablTVstNy;
nicely furnished ten-room house, mtoir'i
. d..«»r from Capital (‘lty club; several nice
IwHUdeis. Call Atlanta phone 2177
? 18 21
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
[ ,-s.,
, LEASE (»R SALE Artistic bungalow; |
screened, tiled, furnace, garage. ‘ \ns
ley Park,” rare Georgian 39-19-12
; NEW six-room cottage, deep lot. modern
, conveniences; near tw<» ear lines, it
I low ell place, West End. Apply 3»q t’rew
■ T\V<‘ houses tor rent, in goiM.i’c*•milTion
• i'dv 3-room, $6 one 4-room, Ten
. minutes walk from th*' end of College
Park car lino. Call Bell plume Main
- 4837 - I '* 12-18-5
> SIX-R()4)M. up-to-date two-story house,
• i rents tor $22.50; cozy home. 132 East
j Georgia avenue. MjHn 3744-L. 12-16-4
FOR REN I Eight-room house, built for
! home, on lot 62 by 347. Nlee fruit
orchard Electric lights and all motiern
• convenience- $25 a month. 122 LaFrange
-• street Call Ivy 6724-. I 29-l<yl2
I JGHT-RO«'M house, 521 Court land. $35
Sjaiding <99 <'ourtlaml J7 J 3-12
! FOR KENT, H'trscs Cail, write 01
;io ! f t om rent bulletin Ralph <»
1 ( ' ,H 'bran. 74-76 1 ’eachtree strePt 4-1-21
i l(»R RENT 192 East Georgia avenue,
<.me vix-room house, cgbluet mantels,
etc., modern, $17.50. xpply aooss the I
street 11-29-27
W \NTED Children to attend the best 1
:•< hoolg In the I’nited States. They are
i Ifon a Bring tht
( ’ folks al ng ’lhe Ninth Anniversary 1
Edition of TV • L >s Angeles Examiner will '
•11 L - ojy- of th< most remarkable i
*y>'.uin ex»*r devised Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
. \b (co 15 cents , ’’ e or for
* gn point-. ’ • cent.- order
'Furnished or Unfurnished Houses I
For Rent.
j FI’FINISH ED HOUSES Eight rooms, on i
North avenue, near Te* h. SSO; two fix- !
room apartments, right near Grant park,
each S3O. r ’nfurnished, <ight rooms, on
Luckie street, right near Tech school, $45;
six rooms, all modern conveniences, in
cluding furnace, rear new Ninth avenue
school, $35; six-room apartment, near
Grant park, $25. Call Webster M. 2016
day. 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth National
1 ' _ ' ; . , • I
i'd; RENT Part or all of ■ ever i oi
■ house, furnished or unfurnished, tn
i < >nx micnces. $25 a month. 122 LuFrarcu
.street Ivy 6724-J. 28-14-12
Farms For Rent.
TW O FINI i ' RMS for i■ nt. ••• • ght
j and or*- tw»-lv<'-muh-. Also several
small farms. Toole Land Company, Ar
lington, Ga. 12-11-17
Desk Space For Rent.
<>FFlce SPACE for rent, with use of
phone. Apply 708 Candler Bldg.
4 44-20-12
DESK. < halr, typewriter, phon**, "in good
location, for rent, $lO per month. Phone
Main 2053. 12-19-34
Storage Room For Rent.
SPACE li real 46 Yuburn to' rent cheap
for storage purposes. Ivy 3339.
‘ 43-19-12
Stables For Rent.
LARGE stable for rent cheap. Apply Dr
Cook, 173 16. Hunter. 71-14-12
Furnished Rooms Wanted .
WANTEIt Kobins for light hottsekeep
ing in private family. Box 805, rare
Georgian, 31-20-1:1
I of'I: rooms can hr rented if yon will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who ar.,
looking Cor nice rooms, look for thorn
whore they have the largest number to
choose from. Your ad in "The Georgian’s
Rent Bulletin" will attract the attention
of the party that is looking for rooms in
your house. Try It and see. 12-5-12
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
YOUR rooms can be rented if you will
advertise them in the Recognized Rent
Medium of the city. People who are look
ing for nice rooms look for them where
they’ have the largest number to choose
from. Your ad in "The Georgian’s Rent
Bulletin’’ will attract the attention of the
party that is looking for rooms in your
house. Try it and see.
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
\V ANTED—-Furnished four or five-room
steam-heated apartment for three or
four months. North side preferred. Ad
dress I{. V. G., Box 801, care Georgian
M ANTED To rent small steam-heated
furnished apartment or cottage for three
months. Address Savannah, Box 897, care
Georgian 25-1812
Railroad Schedule.
The folitiwing schedule figures are pub
fished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive Froth—[No. Depart To
3fi 8'ham...12:01 am 36 N. I'orkl2lsam
2 C’' 2 .I'ville.. 305 am
I 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am | 20 Col'bus. s:2oam
13 Jaxville...s:2o am 13 Cincl 6:30 am
43 Was'ton 5:25 am| 32 Ft Vai. 5-30 am
1* Sh’porL. il.HOant 35 B’ham.. 5:45am
28 Jax Ville. 6:50 am i 7 C’nooga 6'4oam
•17 Toccoa.. 8:10am 12 R'mond 6:55am
26 Heflin.... 8:20 am! 23 K. City. 7 00 am
29 N. York. 11 :1a am I 16 Brnns'k 7:45am
3 Chat’ga. 10.35 am 39 B'luu i.. 11 •:)<) an ,
7 Mac0n...10:40 ami 38 N. Yorkll oiam
27 Ft. Vai .10:45 ami 40 ChTtte 12 09
21 Corbus..lo:so am | 6 .1 vllle. 1120 am
•I Cincl 11:10 am 30 C’bu5...,12':30 nm
2-' Col’bus.. 30 N York 2:45 pm
36 n ham... 2:30 pm 1.. C noogu 3:00 nm
40 B’ham. 12:40 pm! 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm
39 Ch'lotte 3:sspmi*l3 Toccoa 4-30 nm
5 I'ville 4:sopm 22 CoTbus. 5:10 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm' 5 Cinci . . 5:10 nm
15 Bruns'i. 7:50 pm: 28 Ft. Vai 5:20 pm
I Jack'vtlle.B:lopml 35 Heflin. . 6:45 nm
11 R’mond. 8:30 pm! 10 Macon. 5:30 nu,
24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 1 C’cinati 8:20 pin
16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm 44 Wash'n. 8 45 pm
19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm! 24 .laxvillc. 9:30 pm
31 Ft Vai..10:25 pm! 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm
_l* 1 'inci -J 1 :<><> pm 14 J’xville 11:15 pm
Trains marke.l thus <•) rurTdafiy,"ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Centra! time
City Ticket GffDe, No 1 Peachtree St
Legal Notices.
5I A I I-. < >|. GI ,i 11 it H a Fit It on Connt\
Martin W. Brown vs. J.-sse \ Brown.
Superior Court. March Term. 1:113 X..
To Jesse A. Brown. Greeting:
By .Tiler of court, you are hereby no
tified that on the 22.1 dav ~f Noventher
1912, Martin \\ Brown tiled suit against
Son for total divorce, returnable to the
March term, tl'l.’t. of said court
You are hereby required to be anti ai
pear at the March term, 1913. of said
court. To be held on the first Montlav in
March. 1913. then anti there to answer th"
plaintiffs C'lmptaint.
Witness the Hon. W I>. atdge of
said court, this I>eeeml7or 2t>. ifti.’
ARNOLD Blit '1 LES. < 'h-rk
l_2 7
STATE OF GEORGIA Fulton t’anntv
Mr.-, I. Octavia Mosolf vs. F. c. .\t,,s,.|t
Superior Court. March Term, 1.0:: x,,
To !■' <' Mo>olf, (;rt*e: ing
B? us ««>urt. y*»u ;.rv hen-bx no-
tified that on the 17th day of De ember.
1912. Mrs .1. (kqnvia Mosolt fib* I suit
against you f<>r total divorce, returnable
IO the .March term, 1913. of said c<mn.
You arc hereby required to b,. am! ap
pear at Hu* .March term. 19LE of said
court. To be hehl on the first Mofulax in
March, 1913. then an*l thcr*- to answer
tiiv plaintiiY's complaint.
Witness tlie Hon. " D. Ell.s. nMgv ot
said court, this December 20, l'.H2
\RN« •!.! • BR< LES, Cl
_ 12-20-36
I’ B I'i'i'kins, <’lar v vnce Buclgin.m and
M. <» .lai'kson, three* citizens to whom
was referred the petition for a new read
beginning at the old Water Works r<>ad
between Lakewo*»<l and th*' Jonesboro road
ami running south to Germania av« nue,
said new road to be known as Meador
avenue and to be 30 feet w de exclusive
of slduw.dks. having reported that said
road will be of public utility, t>Hs is to
notify all persons that said r<*ad will be
declared a public roa a< a ion of iie
I board of commissioners of roads and re\-
enues of Fulton county. Georgia, io be
held Wednesday. January 1, 1:»I3. at 10
o'chM’k a. nu. if no good and sufficient
cause to the contrary is shown
i LIFFORD L ANDERSON, (’hairnian.
Commissioners lb ao ... iicv-nc. .- Ful
ton County . GeorgD
I! V WOO” (’Jerk 12 6-10
Study Your Breed When Mating
If any one at all interested in chickens, really wants to breed
•root] oil's, and to improve them from year to year, he can only
accomplish what he hopes for by sjfettiiijr right,
down to business.
Ih must strive to know what realiy consti
tutes a good male or a good female of his va
riety. lb- can do no good by going along as a
blind man walks, stepping high, for fear of run
ning against the obstructions that may be in
the way. He must not try to slip around them
the easiest possible way. but with the neces
sary effort move these-obstacles out of the way,
so that hi- will not only get around them this
year by hook or crook, but they will be out of
his path for all time to come.
This max be applicable to other lines of busi
ness. too: but it is particularly so to the poul
trv breeder. If ho mates so as to produce good
stock this year, he should have studied the
question sufficiently to be able to repeat the
operation the following year, lie should find
out that the mating of a good big male with small females will,
as a ride, throw a lot of large, ungainly stock, and the rest under
size, with but little, if any. of the
happy medium. That about the
saim- unsatisfactory results will
In- obtained when mating very
light with very dark colors in the
buff breeds. That in Rhode Is
land Reds, put medium shades
together rather than to try to
bring up the quality of light fe
males by chestnut-colored males.
Learn to know the type and shape ot
your variety. It should not take a Red
breeder live years to leant that short
backed, high-tailed male is not good
Red form. The tail should be carried
lower, without a break as it joins the
back. The Leghorn, while it should
possess a lull, well spread and flowing
tail, should not have one cocked up
like that of a squirrel, but it should be
carried low and smooth from the back.
The Japanese Bantam is really the only
chicken that carries a high squirrel
LeanOo knew that your Wyandottes
should have rather thick, short, well
arched heads, with good, broad, well
rounded heads, not slim and snaky;
that the backs should be very broad,
short, with nice concave sweep to a
broad, well spread, rather short tail.
See that your Rocks of any variety have
rather long bat-ks, rising slightly onto
the tail. The neck is jonger than the
Wyandottes, but not so long or straight
as the Minorca. The Rock should stand
a little higher from the ground than
the Wyandotte, but not so much so as
Notes of the Show
‘tup of the most phenomenal win
nings ever made by a Southern breeder
was that of J. Patton, of Charlotte.
N. C., who exhibited ten young White
Indian Runner ,lucks, taking first prize
drake, first, second and fifth pullets in
a class of Jo drakes And 67 pullets,
made up of the best in the country.
Larkin Hili, of Lakewood Heights,
has the distinction of being one of the
most enthusiastic breeders in the am
ateur ei..<s. He is only twelve years
ohl am! has had four years experience
in raising Black Langshans. He en
tered fifteen birds and won second and
fourth pens, first hen, first cockerel,
second and fourth pullet. He is to be
congratulated on his winnings.
Pope Al. Long, of Cordova, Ala., cer
| tainly has some fine specimens of Sil-
I ver and Partridge Wyandottes. His
Rhode Island Reds.
DENS <s. c R. 1. Reds) scientifically
nuiud for best results. Eggs. “$5, $lO,
sls, S2O and $25 fur fifteen. Utility egg'-,
is 2 for fifteen. Mrs. P. T. Callaway,
I Washington. Ga. 10-26-9
-- Y -
I W HITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy lay
-1 ing strain. $1.50; pullets $2 each: eggs
i $1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Car-
I—_l ’ _ 1 la.-ad, Montgomery. .\ la. 11-9-66
Plymouth Rocks.
class pulle* breeding yearling hans and
cocks. $3 to Sa. H. A. Kuhn, Stewart dve
n_ue. Route Vtlai ... 33>20-12
I \\ (»N at Thomasvjlle show on my White
Rooks, first pen. first and third cock
erel, first pullet, third hen, best pen in
show, best pullet in show and best bird
fn show. Eggs from these winners $5
per setting. Henry W. Lester, Thomas
ville. Ga. 11-29-6
POULTRY I \N< I Fix’s.
DON'T FAIL to see im exhibit
of SihtT and Partridge Wyan
tl 'ties. These birds have won 150
prizes this season. My Partridge
Wyandotte cock Avon first pre
miuni at the Southern Interna
tional show, and is considered by
judges to be the grandest Part
ridge Wyandotte in the world.
He lias won live sweepstakes,
'which is a world's record for
part i colored birds. This bird
won sweepstakes last week in the
great Birmingham’show. 1 have
the best in both Silvers and Part
ridges. Stock ami eggs for sale.
Pope M. Long, ('ordova. Ala.
trie: s.i tisfuction guaranteed. Morris
I strain L. G. Evans. Lithonia, Ga
I 12-16-35
.THE F.AMt'l’S iwgal strain of White
Wyandottes We have four pen. of
I these grand birds mate ’ and can furnish
i eggs for hatching at $3. $5, $lO per sis-
I teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that
j will produce th* winners for next season’s
1 shows Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle
fhot pe av> iiuA Atlanta 11-16 18
i Til< RtSI’GHBRED Buff Orpington eggs.
81 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main
I35«8. 10-9-15
j r ' ■■■■
>'(»R SALE Plymouth Rock Homer
pigeons, ..■*•„ t«> si..’o per pair: stock
»rn i’ niiv*"i Er« in Manlev, R--vston. Ga
K-- wl
- IS?
the Langshan.
Then there is the Cornish Game,
which has, very heavy thighs and
shanks, a thick head and bull neck,
close and hard feathered, almost with
out htickle, remarkably broad on back,
tapering sharply to root of tail; tail
carried low and decidedly pinched—a
very heavy fowl for its looks, being so
tightly feathered.
The breeder of any of the different
varieties of the Standard or Exhibition
Game must look for entirely different
type. No master what the color is,
the shape should be Identical in all of
them. The legs should be long and al
-1 most straight from the- feet to the body.
The carriage of body’ should be almost
’ erect and slim. The neck slim and
1 bony’ looking, straight and without
: hackle in male. The head slim, keen
1 and bony looking. The back rather
broad, and shoulders tapering sharply
to stern, with a low carried whip tail,
void of sickles, or nearly so, makes a
I picture so different from anything else
of chickenkind that the breeder should
* have no trouble in finding his good ones
I or culling his poor ones.
I So it should be all down the line. A
breeder should first study type and
. learn to cull to the letter. Better breed
from two hens and a cccK that are real
ly good than two hundred that repre
■ sent the variety in name only.
> Severe measures are absolutely nec
essary if you want to get to the top.
: Os course, if you have no ambition for
I that, do not attempt to breed good
t stock, but work entirely for eggs, re-
• gardless of consequences.
Silver Wj’andottes took every first pre
tnium, capturing first pen, first cock,
first cockerel, first hen and first pullet.
There were 65 birds competing in this
class. In Partridge Wyandottes his
birds took first, second and third lien,
second, third and fourth pullet. His
Partridge Wyandotte cock bird is saitF
to be one of the finest Wyandottes in
the world. This bird has captured five
sweepstake prizes.
The Hermitage Farn’t, of Henderson
ville, Tenn., won first pen on White In
dian Runners, there being 43 pens in
competition. Mr. Johnson, the man
ager, who is here with the birds, says
that the four young- ducks in this pen
were hatched from a setting of eggs
| from their best pen of breeders. The
judge says this pen is one of the best
I mated pens he has ever had the pleas
ure of judging.
FOR SALE—My entire poultry plant, Kel
lerstrass Crystal White Orpingtons.
trios or angles. Have some splen
'ihl birds, cocks, cockerels and hens; also
incubators, brooders ami houses. Dr C.
P. Ward, 22t> Gordon street. 59-19-12
I’OK GOOD reasons I am
going to close out my
Hock, consisting of first
prize and sweepstakes win
ners at Newnan, Columbus,
Carrollton and Atlanta. Will
sell all together at a reason
i able price, or exchange for
: good auto or horse and bust
: gy. bee me at the show
; Thursday and Friday, O. L.
(’handler, Newnan, (la.
Hi 9F ORPINGTONS Vert fine pen of
prize birds eheap. Carefully bred; heavy
layers. Floersch, 192 Crew. Main 2792-L
FOR SALE at ONCE Fifty S. C. Crys
tal AVhlte Orpington pullets and hens
Kellerstrass strain; bred front winners at
Knoxville. Chattanooga. Dalton, Gadsden
Summerville. Prices $3. $5 and $7 50‘
Pullets March-April hatch. George M
Mosely. Menlo, Ga. 12-6-8
A Buckeye Incubator/
Is GfAHANTEED to hatch every hatcli
itble egg: insurable. $8 to $35. Get a
: 1913 catalogue. Marbut & Minor. East
I Atlanta. Ga. 12-9-16
r " T '
1 EVERY day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur
1 11-25-13
FOR SALE Fox terrier pup. a very
choice male, at a bargain. Phone Main
155*. 12-19-10
FOR SALE—Pointers and setters, fox,
coon and deer hounds, possum, squirrel
■ ami rabbit hounds; trained and un
trained; money refunded if not as repre
sented Write for list. George P. AVin
free. owner,"White Oak Kennels, Kerners-
' , vllle’. N c 12 17 19
Ft iR SALE Pointers, setters and hounds,
trained, partly trained and untrained
State wants. It. L. AVhitt, Kernersville.
Nt' . 40-1612
■ IF Yt'l WANT to find something of some
value to you. read the "Business Guide
of Atlanta." in the first two columns of
the want au pages ot The Georgian each
; Jay
THE National White Run
ner club will issue its first
annual catalogue December
20, 1912. This is the first
book devoted entirely to
White Runners yet publish
ed. It will contain artirles
from foremost breeders.
Pi’ire 50c. Fret* to mem
bers. Membership fee, sl.
Address 0. O. Ray. Secre
tary and Treasurer, Kirk
xvood, Ga. 12-20-11
SEE OCR winnings on Fawn and
White Indian Runner Ducks on
exhibition at the show this week.
Oak Dean Poultry Farm, Stone
Mountain, Ga. 12-18-36
RAY’S RACY RUNNERS are the talk of
the show room. They are beauties. Go
see them. They are bred by the Sno
white Poultry Yards, Kirkwood, Ga.; O.
O. Ray, manager, secretary and treasurer
of the National White Runner Duck club.
please the'boyk and girls more than a
trio of fine White Indian Runner ducks,
ready to lay? Can give you a fine selec
tion from a lot of one hundred for ten
dollars. Come and see us, or send your
order to Free Range Duck and Poultry
Farm, Chamblee, Ga. 12 18-16
INDIAN RUNNERS—High quali tV, low
prices, white, fawn and white: grown
stock, ducklings, eggs. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Book orders at show. Georgia
Duck Farm, Smyrna, Ga. 32-14-12
see my White Runners at Southern In
ternational show, December 16 to 21.
Book orders now for stock and eggs.
Nice stock $6 and up; eggs $7.50 and $5
for eleven. J. E. Gifford, Route 6, Box
9, Marietta. Ga. 12-14-5
FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Have the larg
’ est line of White Indian Runner ducks Tn
the South. Fine stock. Can sell you
pairs, trios and pens for less than oth
ers. Write for prices, stating your wants.
Also have large, fine lot. of White Leg
horns and Rhode Island Reds. Remem
ber Free Range insures strong fertility
and vigorous stock. 12-12-6
CAN SPAKE few more White Runners;
$lO trio: sls pen of four ducks anal
drake; satisfaction guaranteed. Soum
Georgia Poultry Farm, Sale Cltv, Ga.
WHITE RUNNER ducks of quality; stock
and eggs for sale. Snow White Poultry
Yards, O. O. Hay, manager, Kirkwood, Ga.
TWELVE HENS. This wonderful
scientific book is the real thing for poul
trymen. Indorsed by the best. Special
price, 81.00. Money-back guarantee. Mail
order today to The Piedmont Mfg. and
Supply Go., Mt. Gilead, N. C. 43-20-11
BE SURE to see tlie
McMillan Seed Company’s
Exhibit at the Poultry
Taft Hall.
STOCK FOR SALE —Have some first
class White Orpingtons and Mottled
Anconas at a bargain. Cole & George.
33 West End place. Atlanta. Ga. 12-17-3
WE HAVE, some beautiful fox terrier
pups and ate offering them at extremely
low prices; males, $7.50; females $5. They
make nice presents for the boys.
BETTER LOOK OUT for roup this kind
of weather. It is very dangerous and
very contagious. As soon as you see a
Sign of it. use Conkey's Roup' Remedy.
It is guaranteed to cure.
Mash this cold weather and they will
lay just the same as thej’ do in spring
time. $2.25 a bag ot 100 pounds; 10
pounds, 25c.
WE HAVE a few hundred bushels of
wheat that we bought for planting, but
as the season for planting is over, we
are selling it at chicken wheat prices.
It is very much better than the ordinary
chicken wheat. a bushel.
SPRATT’S PUPPY and dog cakes, 10c■
pound; three pounds 25c.
feeding mustard to chickens. We have
just gotten in a shipment of French’s
Poultry Mustard, prepared especially for
poultry. It sells at 35c and 60c a pack
age, 1% pounds and 3 pounds.
RED 1 '.MH St 1: A I't' 11 FEED; a perfect
ly balanced ration; free from dirt and
grit; $2.25 per hundred pounds.
POULTRY FEEDS anti remedies of all
Horses and Carriages
Ik OR SALI. Military saddle horse tan
l be driven to buggj. Suitable for latites’
; mount. Age. eight years. Reasonable
price. Phone Main 2062. Lieutenant Hes
ter. 26-20-13
WANTEIt T" buj for cash, first-class
second-hand Stanhope buggv Bell
phono West 1011 J. 12-19-20
FOR SALE -one elegant medium sized
mare, suitable for lady, and one pony
mule. Both gentle anj work ant where
Little. IS4 Whitehall. 25-19-12
Ft >r.’s \T.f. i .i: i:.n. ■; t x_x<:i: f.. r ~ ;1 n,.,,...2
bile, one Wilkes horse, six vears old. and
rubber-tired buggy. Box 876. care Geor
gian- 30-13-12
For SALE—Ponies for Christmas, 860 to
SBS; nice spotted , Can make
arrangements to ship for Christmas .J P
Frank. 204 Fourth Ave.. Nashville, Tenn'
, 11-23-55
milch cow for sale cheap. Fresh
in milk in spring ''-’rit l Wi’
liams, P. 0. Box 677. 12-18-17
Just look at the number of ads under
the "Room and Board" column of The
Georgian. No wonder the people tecog
nise that The Georgian is the paper to
look in for niee boarding places, for the'
have a larger number of places to select
from. Plat e your ad for boarders In The
Georgian's “Room and Board ” column
and fill your vacant spaces at your table
Leg’al Notices.
To the Superior Court of Said Countv °‘
First—W. J. Hays, J. L. Ward •
C. Fuller are successors and presen? n<
ers of "Hays-Haygood Company ‘ °*’ r ‘-
poratlon located tn said county amt u
charter was granted bv sai*i ts
April 5, 1909, through amendment *» rt ,2 n
charter of "W. J. Havs * Cel to th «
which was granted bv said court*?,US 5 ’
tember 3. 1907. the original charter
granted umter the name and su-le S f
" • J - Hays * Company” on the d a ? f
hereinbefore set out and the amen tn ,e
thereto being granted by said
the name and style of "Havs H a , Un< *' r
Company" on the date herelnbefi?r/ < lodI od
out, and the original charter was ??? SPt
for the term of twenty (20) lnle ' J
Second—At a meeting of all tho ’«♦ ,
holders duly called, te-wit: W h j
J. L. \\ ard and J. C. J»Sj)ler. on t'i •»
day or Aovemoer. iy x 2. a
passed authorizing said corn?? a o a ’’
through aforesaid stockholders to rlth On
said court, in the name of said ™T 10n
tain, for an order allowing sad ??r?" ra ’
tion to surrender its charted and fra9'7 ra '
to the state of Georgia Ind be dlssoh-S
as a corporation. Said resolution 0 '
signed by all of the stockholders Os OJ?
n.? ara
ration, and that the dissmmim? .dT
same may be awarded without anv 0
atl?st?n7?ffi^Tutl^lz^\o Un X r &’ le<!
oaths Onder the l-.m, of the I
Georgia, appeared W. J, Havs nrO-t t f
and general manager tit "Hays-?Tlyr,Ti
Company;” ,1.1„ Ward and J C
O' 1 ' 0 ’ < Jjs t , b ?l nfc ' du! Y «worn, dejose «; r l
say. That they tire sole owners of "- i t
corporation and at a called meetin J J? 1
assembled of themselves on the 27Kt
of November. 1912, resolved to nOtitt*
s “ f<l P’Uft ‘o dissolve said corpo?atmn .n”}
direct that the charter and the franchis
or same be surrendered to the state
ponents further say that there are n?'/ U
standing debts existing against sakl tw'
poration and that the dissolution of thi
" l^ r s: «£*. Ws
retary ami Treasurer. ’ *°'
~,S w? r n *2 subscribed before me thl.
4th day of December. 1912. " " ’
r.?ei ar »4 U 1 ic ’ Fulton County, Georgia
Carl Hutcheson and Anderson. Felder
torneys ee & wils °n. Petitioners’ al
Fulton Superior Court.
The foregoing petition read and consid
ered and it is ordered by the court that'
said petition be heard before thte court
on the 11th day of January’, 1913
order ’’ d ‘hat said petition
be tiled in the office of the clerk of ths
court, and that a copy of same be pub
lished as required by law. v
s. u ?T lor ?°, urt ’ Atlanta Circuit,
z.,1 •KU?.’? 1 of December, 1912.
GEORGIA—FuIton County
This is to certify that the foregoing it
"Havs Copy of " the petition of
Hays-Haygood Company.” a corporation
■ eeking dissolution; also an exact and
correct copy of the order of the court
Clerk of Superior Court, Fulton Countv
December 6, 1912. 12-6-3 S
B. A. Harmon vs. Mrs. Olivia Harmon
N0' e 26794 CoUrt ’ Januar >’ Term, 191:i!
To Mrs. Olivia Harmon, Greeting
« 5\u or ? er % co » u . rt you are hereby noti
fied that on the 31st day of October, 1912
B. A. Harmon filed suit against you for
divorce returnable to the January Tenn',
1913, of. said court. *
You are hereby required to be and annea
at the January term, 1913, of said court,
to be held on the first Monday in Tanu
a P? 1913. then and there to answer "hi
plaintiff s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge ot
said court, this November 5. 1912 J K
Wll BROYL ES, Clerk.
\v. J. LANEY, Attorney. 11-5-10
Lottie M. VonDolen vs. Otto H. VonDolen
No P %814 Court ’ Januar y Term, 19131
To Otto H. VonDolen, greeting; Bv or
der of court you are hereby notified that
on the 2d day of November, 1912. Lottie
M. vonDolen filed suit against you for di
)’A\ r o Ce ’ / et ? enable to the January Term.
1913, of said court.
You are hereby required ’to be and ap
pear at the January Term, 1913, of said
court, to be held on the first Monday in
January, 1913, then and there to answer
the plaintiff s complaint.
Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of
said court, this November sth, 1912 S
t T ,A R ? so > LD BR OTLES. Clerk
IV J. LANEY. Attorney. 11-5-8
STATE OF GEORGIA-Fulton Countv. ”
C. A McAfee vs. Magnolia McAfee. Su
"6Bl3r CoUI t ’ Januar Y Term, 1913. No.
To Magnolia McAfee, greeting: By or
der of court you afe hereby notified that
on the 2d day of November, 1912, <’ \
McAfee filed suit against you for divorce,
returnable to the January Term, 1913, of
said court.
You are hereby’ required to be and ap
pear at the January Term, 1913. of sal.i
court, to be held on the first Monday in
January, 1913, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint
Witness the Hon. M’ D. Ellis, judge ot
said court, this November sth, 1912
... T t . x4 R ?°LD BROYLES, Clerk
V. f. LANEY, -Attorney. li
Publication of list of salaries reported
as fixed by the officers for their employ
ees, as required bj' Section 7, of the sal
ary act, approved August 22. 1911
T .!?’ ( ?Y, cn $3,000.00
J. I. Golden 2 400.90
\V. L. Haygood
J. M. Suttles 2,000.00
E. T. Stanley 1,948.00
A. P. Liddell 1,948.00
T.»A. Burdett..../.' 1,948.00
F. L. Hunter L 948.00
R. B. Deavours 1,948.00
J. L. Poindexter 1,948.00
J. H. Broadnax \ . L 948.00
J. W. Chambers 1,948.00
J. P. Minor L 948.00
Walter Knight L94R.00
Bartow Allen 900.00
William Gilleland... | 900.00
A. F. Pennington 720.00
J. R. Robinson 600.00
Total $32,000.00
I. H. Jeffries $3,000.00
T. C. Miller 2,400.00
W. W. Clarke 1,800.00
P. G. Keeney 1,800.00
W. H. Abbott 1,800.00
Clark Howell 1,620.0"
J. I*. McDonald A 1,62".00
F. M. Myers 1,620.0"
C. H. Brother ton 1,500.0"
J. W. Goldsmith 1,50" 00
J. H. Jones 1,500.00
T. J. Lewis 1.500.00
S. T. Conyers 1,500.00
J. G. C. Bloodworth, Jr 480.00
Miss A. Logan 9"0.00
Miss M. E. Thompson 900.00
Miss M. Catlett 900.00
Miss E. Baker 900.00
Miss V. Cooper 900.0"
Miss N. Riley 720.00
Miss 1,. Thompson 720.00
Mrs. B. McQuade 720 0"
Mrs. N. M. Henderson... 720""
Miss A. Eidson Hun""
Miss C. Wood 600.0"
Miss I. Lovejoy 600.0"
Mrs. M. C. Dicker!
Mrs. V. C. Davis 60" ""
Mrs. Eva Case 60".' '■
Mrs. G. N. Carroll 380.""
Total $35.0.1
solicitor cnb'f:;u<* court.
John Corrigan Jin addftlcm sal
ary as sp-j'-ltl a .« 5 now r .
fixed by law. per annum* $250 ‘ "
Edward C. Hill, assistant solicitor
Harry E. Latham, office man "00 "
Incidental office expenses 500' ■
Total $3,500 00
E. A. Stephens, assistant solicitor.s2. 4"
Dan Goodling. Jr., bailiff.....--.. - ’
W. J. Lanev. clerk. J, r **
incidentals •”"
Total $5 (»<♦*• 0"
N A. Garner, special criminal bai
liff. paid by county as'"’
GEORGIA Fulton County.
The foregoing is a complete list of ■ t
plo) r eea and their salaries as fixed l"
respective county officers ami filed
them in pursuance of the provisions 1 t
act of August 22. 1911.
If M.
•’l**rk Commissioners Reties and Revet
Fulton County.
A LONZ'» RICHARI .auditor.