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z* A It Means Something *
-> 1 5
* s '*s-/J, a\ I" ‘ H «»’>!<• t<> make your slipper selections from 5
* I■ . (> Is® the most <-i>mpl<-te an<l elaborate stock in the Smith, j*
* £ Ami. b\ the way. time is rapidly passing away: the *
£ earlier yon make your selections the better it will 2
lor • VO ” an< l us ’
5 J. S FELT JULIETS, all colors FELT COMFYS Here in 2
tE ygMMy r£,r and sizes, with fur top to abundance. All colors and *
tS mat'd) color Two grades in ' Ribbon trimmed, and *
/®3 5100 ""' , Sl ' so ' onb $1.50 the pair
3 spt ial baiomin in a man - t, ’ r men and women. In *
* S i'P-r Full kid lined A "’f Tan, 5
* ■<■ sbp,., 51.95. Sl3g j
* f. 4 /wh d All st \ les fell slippers for children. *
f 1\ 5 8
«u? _r? z f M.Ri ch < Bros. Co. •
* ■ l -/y 7 • = . - S
5 '-u. ' r *
lyt of famnut Shota”
<* C x **
It's, it Merry Cliristnuis
l <>r tin. One Who (lets An
Eastman Kodak
Select one r our store for the one you wish to please Ihe most.
W e .(Ko want to call your aiteiitiou to our exclusive line of
hritstiiKis Cnrclss nnd Art Calendars
Ihowme- £ xt ~" "l‘ l ‘
For th< l.iille !•’. il \X 1 Illi v*> Candler Building.
Don’t Forget
«vb OMr 0W Dad
sW Issa
been , tor tl,e past
IrwX joIW month or more to pro-
\\VA vide you with the
’^'/ z necessary money to
\nY, purchase your Christ-
on mas presents, and who
has braved the depart
inent store to buy the
• things to make you
happy— FATHER.
Don’t, in your anxiety and tear of overlooking some friend,
forget the one person on earth, next to your mother, who loves you
most Give lather something.
Lounging Robe Handkerchiefs Jewelry
Bath Robe Neckwear Shoes
Raincoat Umbrella Hat
Overcoat Cane Muffler
Slippers Box of Hose Smoking Jacket
Suspenders Suit of Clothes Shirts
Underwear Suit Case Fancy Vest
\nd a hundred and om- other useful articles, any one of which
would make him happy- in the thought that he had not been
forgotten by his loved ones
0; )rge Muse Clothing Co.
tz/wwv «« ! : - - -
Georgian Want Ads Bring Big Results
, "■;■•■ Business Guide < t Atlanta” con-I
mins a • ompb t- list of every reputable ’
» business • on* •rn and individuals in ■
various Im* s of businesses in Atlanta and
irroundings. The alphabetical arrange
j merit insure- ready reference for your
► (-oiivenien'«• and you will be surprised at
: 1 th*- various lines of businesses and indi
* viduals that on are desirous "I getting in
’orn-h with .-hcl, day ;:i the year.’ Consult
lit for your **v* ry need. It will be found
' in the first two columns of the Want Xd
’ ) -ig* sos The Georgian
r xmas
We have a beautiful line
of useful articles, such as—
Silk Neckwear from 25c to
• Silk Half-Hose, 25c and
Combination Sets, 50c to
b $2.00.
Kid Gloves, $1 and $1.50.
Wool and fur lined
Gloves, 50c to $1.25.
Handkerchiefs (6 in box).
I 75c to $1.50.
Silk Handkerchiefs, 50c
and SI.OO.
Initial Handkerchiefs (6
in box), SI.OO.
Fancy Suspenders, SI.OO
i and $1.50.
Men’s and ladies' Um-
brellas, SI.OO to $15.00.
Lion Collars, 75c and $1.50
the box.
Cuff Buttons. 50c to $2.00.
Scarf Pins, 50c to $2.00.
„ Ladies' Silk Hose, 50c to
Men's Coat Sweaters, $2
and $2.50.
Walking Canes, $1.50 and
I $2.50.
Raincoats, $5.00 to $12.50.
And many other useful ar
. tides.
R.D. Barksdale
11 Decatur St.
Kimball House
Open Evenings
r B
I'm- .i Mii..ibl<'. ilaiuiy. useful
Xmas i;ift. can be had from
<mr immense stock of novel
Jewelrx. Som i hing out of
the ordinam something dif
ferent. 11 will pax you to
look at them.
Prices and quality will suit
\ ou.
17 Edgewood Ave.
Cheaper than you can bake in your
own kitchen, better than can be had
elsewhere, pure and clean are the Fruit
Cake. Pound Cake, • 'ookies and Pastry
sold at the store of D. Zakas, 30 Peach
tree street —Five Points.
Wliy worry about your Christmas or
Sunday "dinner when you can get just
w hat you want, all ready to serve, de
licious, pur,.- and wholesome, at Zakas’
store? (Advt.)
Head "the Business Guide of Atlanta."
It will pay you to consult It for any line
of business. Find it in the first two col
umns of the Want A<l pages of The Geor
KE E L Y' S KEEL Y’ 3 | KE E L Y' S
(fill i
Yuletide Daintiness
Stocks and jabots of French Neck Bows in Scarfs. Our selection
shadow laces, having pretty how and jabot embraces handsome
jabots attached with effects, some pret- effects, point ap-
p,p," 9 . of fancy shadow lace,s<lc, ph««c I,erre and
sM and button 75 sl.ooand Spamsh laces. A
trimming, and $1.50; also large number of
special styles lace jabots
in black; they in white of chines ° r flo _
are very pop- s h a d ow ral effects _
ular; 50c lace, $1.50 to
to $1.50. $3.50 to $7.50 $7.50
Specials ,
Marabou Collarettes in Dainty gifts of holiday Another assortment for
natural black and white fans are much in favor. you to select from.
■muffs to match. Ivory and feather Ivory fans, gauze
These represent f ans f or m i fises effects, spangled
the season s , .... and lace trim
latest nove 1 - andchddren mcd; fr()m
ties: $4 50 from 25c SI.OO to
to sl6. to $1 sls
» I
n Lm
iI I Mitchell 1913 ' - - •
J z I MIE 1913 Mitchell is the finest, most complete and powerful motor ig;,
® car anyone has ever had a chance to buy at a moderate price (5i,500 for the 5-pas- sSj
senger Four, $1,850 for the 5-passenger Six, $2,500 for the 7-passenger Six.) iQI
This is a strong statement. Everyone will say so, everyone is wondering how it ui be K’
done. But the statement is no bigger than the tacts. It is being done, and you can read the vSi
details here. Then you can prove them at the nearest Mitchell dealer’s.
There you can see the new T-head motor (the power producer) with the long stroke T>
and 7 inches). This is among the big features in the 1913 Mitchell and has been proved
far superior to all.previous types of motor.
1913 Mitchell is an American-built French car
In every line it shows American staunchness and reliability, with the right suggestion of
elegance that is associated with the foreign motor cars, it is long, loxv and impressive looking,
« I with unequalled comfort provided by the new style French Belaise springs .X
JI \nother thing. The high standard we have inaintaii ed through 73 years of which:
building is all in this car. Nothing has been slighted t > obtain the moderate riling IpSl
RSI price; materials and workmanship are the best we can obtain. SJjs
'w Al! Mitchell 191? cars have left drive and center control; Bosch ignition; Firestone demountable rims; I
rain-vision windshield; Jones speedometer; silk mohair top and cover; Turkish upholstered cushions; Tim
ken front axle bearings; gauges on the dash to show air pressure and oil pressure; gauge in the gasoline tank
which show, the amount of gasoline it contains; and a portable electric lamp which also illuminates the
instruments on the dash
All with T-head motor, electric self-starter, electric lighting system and 36-in. wheels
Wheel Base Stroke ap i Bore Prices F. O. R. Racine
7-pastenger Six 60 H. P., 144-in. 41-4x7 in. .... . $2500
2or 5-pa»«enger Six 50 H. P., 132-in. 1 x 5 in. t . . 1850
2or 5-po»enger Four 40 H. P., 120-in. 4‘ 4 x7 in 1500
Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company, Racine, Mis.
® Mitchell Motor Co. of Atlanta. Wi Peachtree St.. Atlanta. Ga.
Here’s Good Advice!
M \A7 HEX Men’s or Women’s clothes are soiled ami Ki
stained, it's always SAFE to hate 'em Dry ('lean
t||| >d by the scientific STODDARD xvay. because it re- ■
|S| moves the dirt ami stains, without injury to even the ■
most delicate fabric!
® You take no risk—when xou STODDARDIZE!
E® A Wagon for a Phone Call. y.
We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $2 or over
Stoddard G, - eat , es ‘
k_7 V 4. Atlanta Phone 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer