Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 21, 1912, HOME, Image 23

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Smoke Boards and Smoke { Inspectors May Come and 111 Go—But Central Station | Electric Current Will Cure the Smoke Evil Forever ' I HERE is one way-only ONE effective way—to get rid of the smoke * nuisance now ruining Atlanta and Atlanta s reputation. HI CUT OUT THE ENGINE AND BOILER-CUT ’EM OUT OF FACTORY AND SKY-SCRAPER ALIKE-AND INSTALL CENTRAL STATION ELECTRIC CURRENT. Our expert engineers will give estimates on installing this electric cur rent in any building or factory in our territory. These estimates will show that this current will do the work of the engine and boiler 20 to 40 per cent cheaper than they can do it, and 100 per cent more satisfactorily. AND ALL THIS IN ADDITION TO ABATING THE SMOKE. Where is the PROBLEM in connection with the abatement of the smoke nuisance in Atlanta, when these FACTS are considered. Let’s get down to plain talk: Do YOU own a factory or office building that is adding to the general smoke nuisance in Atlanta? Why not look into this Central Station Electric Current Proposition? ' YOU KNOW IT WILL STOP THE SMOKE. WE KNOW IT WILL BE MORE ECONOMICAL AND MORE EFFI CIENT THAN YOUR ENGINE AND BOILER. Now, let’s get together and talk about it, and stop all this smoke stuff. Phone the Contract Department to send a man to see you AT ONCE. Contract Department Georgia Railway & Power Co. Phone 4945 ' : '' ; wsr p Wr ’Wk I W.--...V* %■ j-brS* jSU:i:.jiglffrfl r:?,:^TTiIgiMk|g|gjHBMBMOMMI This Is Not Atlanta’s Sky-Line—lt’s Her Smoke-Line, Where the Sky-Line Used To Be. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS SATCRDA Y. DECEMIIEI? 21. 1912. PAGE FIVE—MAGAZINE SE CTION