Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, December 23, 1912, FINAL, Image 14
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT AOS-USE FOR RESULTS MONDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1912. Auction Sales. “vt“auci'l()n7 SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS, INCLUDING QUA RT E R E I) OAK DRESSERS AND CHIF FONIERES, B R ASS BEDS, SOLID MAHOG ANY PARLOR SLIT, WARDROBE. RANGE. BRASS LAMP. COUCH —ALSO LOT OF FUR NITURE FROM THE $6,000 STOCK OF FUR-j NITI’RE FROM THE NEW HOME FURNI-j TURE CO.. INCLUDING OAK BEDROOM FUR NITURE. WOOL BLAN-i KE'I’S. INI.AID LINO LEUM. DO RT I E RES, SILK DR A P E R I ES, ROLL-TOP DESK, SHADES. BRASS CUS PIDORS. ETC.. TUES DAY. DEC. 24. AT 12 E. M ITCHELL STREET. COMMENCING ; * > . i ... Tuesday, we will offer to the iiigh-st bidder sev eral ■ -•nsignments of household fur fturc inetu Ung <|iisrtorp.i oak dress ers and chiff»»nJcrct-. Grass beds, couch, roll-i op desk, venter tables, Orcas <i;in walnut dresser md washstand, i.'i healer, solid no •>gany bedroom ; -v--. <• a' range, kitchen > »•_ '\-rni •-Mar’in iron bed;; with ;i»ri i<s ■!.■: fel matresses, feather »illo >. iiuUack. brass lamps, willow | »ckv!‘. p -iestal < nin" table with set j chai to match, kitchen table, wal ■ wardrobe, oa , I ■ fen. 1 , • ig!> .■hairs. ... i :• b-r, gas dome, i mediaiiic . ".■•sts, alarm clockr. fine be .room iu. lndin dresser, wash- • tanu and chiffonier. three piece ma •ugnnj parlor sr.i , upholstered In > tu‘n< oh*i bras* costumers, .tonsils. In this lot you will find many «»r . hlr ; - that are suitable for hrisunus gifts, sin h as ladies’ writ fii" desk; sewin./ rockers, child’s rockers, -, Di ass cuspidors, tine roCia rs f ; :u p: rl • . re- '.ptlon hall 1 nnd Hbrarj, l.o.curtains, portieres,! ■nw genuine Tur«Jsh leather rocker,! oi.'is.-- lamps hi <. io uv other things j ■ »<» numerous to mention. These j .; ■ ids ure til i n iew anti must | ■■ sold at this .--uh, open for in- • -pc. lion .Honda Sid<- siarts prom pt - ' ly at 10 a. m. Tn- s ‘a. . CENTRAL Al t 'I ION < <>.. 12 E. MitchHl Street. Furniture For Sale NOTH I-.. We art* offering our en tire line of Furniture, Rugs, Curtains and Mattresses at 25 per cent Discount. Our stock is complete, and we will save \ou Dollars on your Nmas House Furnisli ings. Conn todaa CAMERON FURNITURE OOMPAXY. 39 W. Mitchell St. 'WBfc'i^X 1 ' ■ fflr" I ' T'gSS:- ........ For Exchange—Miscellaneous. for violin. 172 South Forsyth. ’2-20-7 Money to Loan THE PR! DENTIAL IN SURANI E COMPANY OF \MERI< A can make you a loan on Atlanta im proved properly through their ■ loan correspondents, Turman, Black A Calhoun. 203-8 Empire Building. 6 7 12 1 @>VIDENT LOAN S. q’IETT INC. 14 AUBURN AVE. AV. F WMILLBN. ■U< iXK M. 2887 and brokers </. so' fetbrs T / Ay. bl‘>g ' 4GT STRICTLY PRIVATE MONEY ON HAND for liumedlute loans on property tn or near Atlanta J. E. V.inValltenburg, 501 Equitable building. 6-6-22 WEYMAN a CONNORS ES TABI.ISIIEI > 1890 n esl ' Estate 4-1-3 SPECf Ai; HOME*FUNDS’To LEND, any amount: 11 per .ent Write or call. S W. Carbon, 24 South Broad street 4-1-11 cN EIBST MORTGAGE real estate se curity. Home funds and Insurance imm tv. Rate« 6U to £ per cent interest. Wc Rlßo make monthlx payment loan;-. fr&n grive you the money a« soon as titles kre approved. RALPH O.( (M HRAN CO.. 74 7t CEAiaiTliEl STREET. L, H. ZVRI.INK, Manager. I‘ARM I/iaNS i'l.At'Ei in any unimini on Improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Goulc hiiikilng • '■ 11 wSTIIAVE plenty of money tc • lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearbi property, either foi straight or monthly payment plan Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Koster & Rbbson. 11 Edgewood Ave. Mr>NEY F<>ll SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own name.* cheap rates, easy payments Confiden- Mai. r» H Tolman. 524 Austell building READ FDR PROFIT USE FO3 RESULTS. GEORGIAN WANT AOS POULTOY- 7UD(jL r.J.MARSHALL. A Talk to breeders About Breeders Now that the short season has about drawn to a elos>‘ in this sec tion, breeders will turn their attention to the selecting and mating of their stock for the breeding season. This is one of the most important features of the poultryman's work. It is especially so to the man or woman who have had many of their best fowls on exhibition two or three limes during the season. Two or three weeks of close cooping in a warm show room puts many otherwise strong and vigorous fowls into the dumps. They become soft and flabby in their condition. They lack that snap and vigor that is seen in the fowl that Jias had the range and exercise all the while. Some become so far gone that they can m ver be got into prime breeding again until after they are broody, raise a clutch of chickens and pass through their moult. These conditions usually change them enough to pth them upon the right track. With the proper treatment, however, they can all be brought around to a good normal condition. This can only be done by giving these birds sufficient time to regain them selves, before they are put upon heavy, rich laying foods The best food for these heavy conditioned show specimens is f ration almost exclusively of vege tables, both raw and cooked, with the addition of good wheat, bran. ■ (lo to the trouble to cook a lot of ' small potatoes, turnips, beets, etc., i all together. Into this mix enough wheat bran to thicken the mass , and feed while warm in the morn ing; tin- balance at noon, with a little chipped whoh oats at night. Give them cabbage, raw, to peck at when needed. Sueh a diet for about two weeks will usually bring all delicate appetites into their own and they will be ready to go for anything that conies their way. Whatever the condition of your breed ers may be. do not force them beyond j their natural trend. Eggs produced bt , forced and pampered breeders usually give us chicks of limited vitality, readj to turn up their heels at the slightest malady that comes their way. In other words, they will lack the vigor that goes to make up the good, big, husky individuals we all so much admire and desin to raise. Let the conditions be as natural as ian be. See that they .secure all tin possible exer cise. See that they are induced to eat all the sueulent. watery things possi ble, in addition to drinking much good, fresh water. Water is conducive to egg-making—not only egg-making, but the making of good, fertile eggs, if both male and female be normal. Fifty good . ggs from strong, vigor ous bleeders In the best of health—sin h eggs as will produce due, healthy stock —are worth more to you and to your customers than a hundred of the hit and-miss kind that seetn to be quite common each breeding season. It one wants to make a reputation that will stay with him and grow better and bet- i ter all the while, ho should strive to I please, not only himself, hut his cus- ! tomers. Ami if we please ourselves, w<; will, as a rule, please our customers, unless we keep a different line of breed er.- for the customers, which is tin ! very poorest policy in the world ami will eventually cun any breeder’s bus:-' ness into the ground. It you can not afford to sell your best I eggs for hatching, say so or do not sell j any at all, as some few high-class | breeders are doing, preferring to male their money from the stock sold. N. tli mg so puts a damper upon a man’s j business and the poultry business in I general as the habit some have of ad- | | vert Using their prize adverts- i i ing eggs at exorbitant prices, and then ' I when the shipping time comes tilling I \ the customer’s basket with great, big. j due eggs from some yard of scrubs. I Breeders, this is not business, to say I nothing of the unfairness of it between I man and man. Who could expect to | build a substantial trade upon such con | ditions? It is just as dishonest as slip- ■ - ————————- - 1 ■ ' ■ ————————— Orpingtons. I IN ('OMPETITION with the best Orplng j tuns In \in »rka, in> winnings at South ern International Poultry Show this year include hist black cock, first black pullet, ! first Black pen. and first white cock, be shb’N numerous other prizes and specials; luniiirols <ff beautiful Birds for sale; Oggs for hatching: satisiTivtioa guaranteed. i Mr.s, L P. Eberhardt, Elberton, Giu 12-21-8 | WHITE ORPINGTON eggs, $1.50 per set ting. Very tine stock, direct from Ivj 2»''4 J ■f. Arin. Poultry \ aids Have I some very fine Crystal White Orping tons for sale Both pullets and cockerels. E. S. Cole, Sullivan. 0hi0.32-21*12 WHITE ORPINGTONS. IFOR GOOD itasotis I am going to close out my Ho<*k. consisting of first I prize ami sweepstakes win ners at Newnan, Columbus. Carrollton ami Atlanta. M ill sell all together at a reason able price, or exchange for good auto or horse and byg gy. See me at the show i Thursday and Friday. O. L. Chandler. Newnan. Ga. I 'al W hite Orpington pullets and hens ■ Kelleiatrass strain; bred from winners at ! Knoxville. Chatt ttnoogi*. Halton, Gudsdei.. I Summerville. Prices <3. $5 and |7.50. Pullets March-April Latch. George M j Mosell’. Menlo, Ga Plymouth Rocki. jMA'l’EI' DECEMBER 1 tu .•oiithluunce mating,: First cock and sweepstakes ‘ | winner (Judged •'>’ E. K. Thompson, of Armenia. N. Y.i to females of the vert best tviw, eggs $lO per fifteen Fen N’.' 2. headed by first I*ll cockerel and sweep stakes winner January, 1912. to eight cockerel bred females; eggs $5 per fif teen Closing out lot of young birds at very low prices to make room 1 guar antee satisfaction. If you are looking for : the best, 1 have It. George It Berry. Home. 11.< 12-18-37 1 WoN at Thomasville show on my While Rocks, first pen. first and third cock erel. first pullet, third hen, best pen n show, best pullet In show and best bird in show Eggs from these winners 55 per setting. Henry W Lester, Thomas | vllle. 1 la 11-29-9 Eggs. THOROUGH BRED Buff Orpington eggs. I’. 50 per 15. 126 Windsor street. Main SMt. 10-8-15 IgllJ KJ MAESKA-Vt ping a. customer a lead dollar in ex change for a good one. In fact, it is even worse, for your customer breeder spends the whole season of bls time finding out that you have bunco, d him. Breeders, let us do the right thing. Let us be honest. If we can not be honest, let us be as honest as we can. TWOSPLENDID“ WHITE ROCKS - • ukb ■ Oil jo - r> Those two prize winners are owned by Mrs \\ \ Sharp, of Decatur, The ecwkerel non first nt the show last week; the pullet won second at the re cent Georgia Poultry association show Rhode Island Reds. HAVING purchased the entire flock of .1.1. Hosford and, combined with mine, I can offer for sale first pen, fourth pen and fifth pen at the Georgia Poultry as sociation. October-November. 1912; cock erels. $2.50 up; pullets, $2.50; have over two hundred to select from; eggs, $3.00, $5.00 and SIO.OO per setting of 15. Mrs. a i. \u . ii, <)a 11 PENS ■" < i; 1 k< is) s siontificaiiy mated for Lest results. Hggs. $5. $lO, sls, S2O atirl $25 for fifteen Utility eggs, $2 for titteen. Mrs. P. T. Callaway. Washington. Ga. 10-26-9 Leghorns. FOR ~SALE -~WhHe "leghorn hens; one year old; strictly pure; ai 75c each. Mrs. ’l’. B. Roberts. Franklin, Tenn. 29-23-11 Ducks. PATTON'S WHITE RUNNERS again score the top notch. On ten entries young ducks won first drake: first, second and fifth duck. Don’t fail to see these wonderful specimens nt poultry show. .1, <’. Patton, Charlotte. N. (!. Represt nted by Mr. Hall- I man at the show . 12-21-1 I SNtAVHI ri. Pin LTKY Y XKDj-. breeHeTH *f Ray’s Rat > Runners <purt white ‘Runner Our winnings first sea son. fourteen ribb<>ns fc on five ducks. O. G. Ra> . rnana ter. KirKW<»..>d. •<a . sevre tary-trviisurer National White Runner 1 >uvk Club. 11-1119 . ■ . «lease the boys and girls more than a 1 trio of tine White Indian Runner ducks, 1 r-L’uly to i.'i> can give you a fine selee- I ti«>n front h lot of one hutnlred for ton I dollars <' >me and see us. or send y«»ur order to Free Range Duck and Poultry Earn;, ('hanibb e ' iN’DIAN Rl NN I'RS High quality, low prices, white, fawn and white: grown stock, duckling', eggs. Satisfaction guar anteed. Book orders al show Georgia Ihitk Harm. Smyrna. Ga 32-14-12 \-; i DUCK ’• \' ■ ’ ■ FARM. Chamblee, Ga. Have the larg est line of \\ bite Runner ducks Tn the South Fine stock Can sell you pairs, trios and pens for less than oth ers Write for prices, stating your wants. Mso have large, tine lot of White Leg horns and Rh<|d< Islam) Reds Remem ber Free Range insures strong fertility an<i vigorous stock. 12-12-6 CAN SPARE’ White Runners; $lO trij. sls pen of four ducks and I drake; satisfaction guaranteed. South ’ Georgia Poultry I’ann. Sale City Ga 11-27-4$ Wyandottes. THE FAMOUS Regal strain of White ' Wyandot tea. AVe have six pens of ' these grand birds mated and can furnish eggs tor hatching at $3, $5, $lO per flf teen. Now is the time to buy eggs that will produce the winners for next season’s show’s. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Ogle thorpe avenue, Atlanta.ll-16 18 Poultry—Miscellaneous. PLANTS. CANARY BIRDS.; GOLDFISH AND DOGS X’ORTH AND SOITH SIDE' DELIVERIES 9 A. M. IN MAN PARK AND WEST END' 2 P. M. PHONES 2568. WE HAVE SOME perfectly beautiful Eox tr-rrier pups and arc selling th«*m at great bargains. Males 57.50, females $5. WHITE RABBITS make nice presents for the boys. We have some beauties at .$1 each. w HITE Rl< . P< >P< !< )RN The ven bi variety for popping. 10c pound; 3 pounds 25c. i. \ih . S< >i -e iGI the Intel national Sanitary Hover. One of these hovers was on exhibition at the Poultry Show, and every one that saw it said it | the greatest thing for the poultry • man that bad ever been gotten out. They I will accommodate one hundred and twen-| ty-five chicks, and sell at $8.50. Come in and look at them. THE QUESTION of how tn make your hens lay is easily settled if you buy the best feed. The Red Comb brands are be yond a doubt the cleanest and best feeds on the market. Red Comb scratch feed Is made from the very best of grains, and Is perfectly balanced. It sells at $2.25 a bag of 100 pounds, 10 pounds 25c. Red Comb Meat Mash Is made of the ingre dients that go to make up increased egg production, ft sells at the same price as tho scratch. ill'l l’' \NI» WHITE Plymouth Kocks and White Orpingtons. Winners at all the leading shows this year. Sweepstakes on all classes. Bred to lay and to win. Stock and eggs for sale at all times. IL C. Arnold, Thomasville, Ga. 44-23-12 *SOO YEARLY PROFIT OUT OF TWELVE HENS. This wonderful scientific book is the real thing for poul trymen. Indorsed by the best. Special price, SI.OO. Money-back guarantee. Mall order today to The Piedmont Mfg. and Supply Co., Mt. Gilead, N. C. 43-20-12 Pigeons. FOR SALE —Plymouth Rock Homer pigeons. 75c to $1.50 per pair; stock guaranteed. Erwin Manley, Royston, Ga. 52-19-12 Incubators. A Buckeye Incubator. Is GUARANTEED to hatch every hatch able egg; insurable, $8 to $35. Get a 1913 catalogue. Marbut & Minor, East Atlanta, Ga.l2-9-16 .. Bones. GROUND BONES FOR CHICKENS EVERY day. Campbell Bros., 89 Decatur. Goats. FOR SALE Angora goat; gentle, kind and broken; with or without wagon and harness. John Aunom, Greensboro, Ga- 67-21-12 iVELL trained goat, wagon and harness; practically new; nice Christmas gift to any boy. M. 1978. 172 Washington st. '65-21-12 Dogs. i rWENTY-FIVE FiOLLARS buys a pair due blooded fox and cat hounds: purtlv ' trained: two years old; male and female’; white and red spotted. Will exchange tor good blooded setter; Llewellyn stock pre ferred. Welborn Fuller, Bowens Mill, Ga. FOR SALE—WeII trained pointers: some fine retrievers; prices right John L. Mil ler, Iron City, Ga. 69-21-12 I FOR SALE—Six pairs of" full blood Red Bone hounds. Trained for opossums, ' coons, squirrels: pointers, setters. All of these dogs are $25 dogs. Will be sold for | half price for next eight days Rabbit > dogs $5 each. Watch dogs $lO each One >alr of trained goats, fourteen months old Broken well for wagon; pretty color— white and black spots Berkshire and white Essex pigs J. S. Bobo. Villa Rica, Ga. 12-21-18 Fid; Stl.E Pointers and setters, fox. coon and deer hounds, possum, squirrel and rabbit hounds; trained and un trained; money refunded If not as repi-e --sented. Write for list. George P. Win free. owner. White Oak Kennels, Kemers vllle, N. C. 12-17-19 FOR SALE Pointers, setters and hounds; trained, partly trained and untrained. State wants. R. L. Whitt, Kernersville, N. C. 49-16-12 Ponies. FOR SALE—Ponies for Christmas. S6O to SBS: nice spotted ponies Can make arrangements to ship for Christmas. J. P. Frank. 204 Fourth Ave.. Nashville, Tenn. 11-23-55 Business Opportunities. : FOR SALE- Summer resort, 31 roornscom pletely furnished; on Southern railway; 22 miles from Chattanooga; finest spring in country ;good paying business; $7,500 for quick sale and its’s a bargain. Terms. J. R. Johnston, Tucker Springs. Tenn. 38-23-12 FOR SALE 14-room rooming bouse, well furnished, at half price; terms. 145 ■ Spring street. 27-23-12 FOR SALE. FOR A FEW DAY’S we are offering for sale a restaurant in one of the best lo i cations in Macon. Owner desires to sell on account of leaving the city. ALEX ALEXANDER. MANHATTAN CAFE. Mulberry Street, Ala con. Ga. i WILL TRADE restaurant pay ing $lB to $25 per week profit . for vacant lot or automobile. Or will sell cheap. Phone Main 2053,12-19-35 Real Estate For Sale. ■ t $750 $l5O ’’liKii gets it. “Lot Owiwr.’' ; ; Box 812. care Georgian. 29-23-12 ] LKEWOOD HEIGHTS New five-room suburban home: large lot 60x179 to al ley, corner Adair avenue and Parsons ' street. iw«» blocks west ot Lakewood car • . unc. For rent $16.50 a month, ur for sale i $2,200; S2OO cash, $25 per month: almost . like paj ing rent. Apply to Owner, 409 I• u. . ble H.-iv. SALI /. • . . • . . t• . !• ' and Egan Park. Also five-room cot tages with good lots. Address Dr. S. T. • : W hitaker, 52?» Lee street. Bell phone West • | 24712-20-22 i I ‘ 1-5 off all our Furniture this week. J. M. Hitrh Com pany. 12-9-34 ”ASK mTF~BABBAGE" to sell It. 1T23 • (^an,^er Bldg Ivy 1561.12-5-? FOR SALE Before buying real »state i -all lo we us Me handle all classes of i propertj and will do everything to please you and treat you right. Ralph u. Coch- Hran Company. 74-76 Peachtree st. 12-4-4” ATLANTA REAL ESTATE BOARD Advertisements under this heading are by members of the BOARD, and are subject’to the best rules and usages prescribed by the BOARD. These columns are used exclusively by members of the ATLANTA REAL ESTATE BOARD, lyhich assures the buyer protection of an organi sation designed to remove all improper practices from the business. W. A. FOSTER AND RAYMOND ROBSON. Real Estate, Renting and Loans. 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. FOR SALE. ON WILLIAM STREET, just north of Baker, a lot fronting 58 feet and ex tending back 205 feet, with a 10-foot alley on rhe side. We consider this lot a good buy for $2,000 cash and $2,000 a year for four yrars, with 7 per cent interest. The place is suitable f >r apartments, garage. mu ••h-j- or any light machinery. will steadily increase in value. See Mr. Rad ford. •jN MARIETTA STREET, between Wai lace and Bellwood avenue, a four-room house on lot 25 by 130, to alley, $3,250; 3750 cash, balance one, two and three years, with 7 per cent. This will make you money. See Mr. Eve. EIGHT ACRES of land immediately at East Lake junction, which we consider a genuine pick-up for $4,500. We can handle this for you and make you good money. See Mr. Radford. SEVEN-ROOM two-story house, on west side Davis street, near Kennedy. Rents for $13.60; SI,OOO cash; bargain. See Mr. White. ON EDGEWOOD AVENUE, at the cor ner of Hurt street, through to Deca tur street, good home on lot and plenty of room for apartments and stores. This is the class of property that money is made on. For particulars see Mr. Hook or Mr. Eve. FOR RENT BY FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. STORES. 115 BRYAN STREET. OUT ON BRYAN STREET and Loornis avenue we. have a good store room in a nice neighborhood, where we think a nice grocery store, with fresh meats, ought to command a good trade. Price sls. 816 MARIETTA STREET. ON THE LEFT going out Marietta street we have a good store room that we can rent you, including city water, for $10.60 per month. 274 NORTH BOULEVARD. ON THE LEFT going out Boulevard, near Highland avenue, we have a brand new brick store room. Has never been oc cupied and is located in A-l good neigh borhood. Fine location for drugs, gro ceries or any other good business. Price $25. 293 MARIETTA STREET. ON THE RIGHT going out Marietta street and adjoining the Sixth Ward bank, we have a brand-new brick store room, on car line and in thickly popu lated section of our city; fine location. Price S2O. ;WE HAVE A LONG LIST of business houses all over the city. Come to see us. FOSTER & ROBSON. IF YOU HAVE MONEY to lend we can place It safely. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bld. Both Phones 4234. SEE US about a high-class 6- roorn bungalow on the north side. We can sell on terms of S3OO cash and balance like rent. This is n real home in every way. Will have to be seen to be appre ciated. $1,350 FOR a vacant lot right off of Highland avenue, with ail improvements. Better see this. Nothing else on the street at this price. $4,500 WILL BUY a beautiful 6- room bungalow on one of the main streets in Inman Park, on lot 50x200 to alley. Owner is compelled to get some cash at once, and is offering to sacrifice this home for a quick sale. Don’t fail to see us about this at once. Terms S7OO cash and balance S3O per month. 138 SPRING STREET. S6OO Per Foot. 33x100. Within a block of Peachtree. Will consider other property in exchange. J. 11. EWING. 116 Lobby Candler Bldg. Ivy 1839. Atlanta 2865. Real Estate For Exchange. WANTED—To exchange good farm; close in; foe city renting property Call M. ; 2053. 12-20-39 1 Fanns For Sale. FOK SALE Eighty acres of land one mile ‘ .»f McPherson station, and four rilles of Dallas. Ga.; good two-room house, or * chard and good well of water; will take ! an acre: also 20 acres of land for sale nvtween Thomas and McPherson stations. i This is just the place for a summer home 'or poultry raising: S2O per acre. Address ■ C. D. Holland, Route 8. Dallas, Ga 12-21-17 Farms For Rent. I TWO LINE 1 ARMS for rent: one eight and one twelve-mule Also several small farms. Toole Land Company, Ar lington. Ga 9 12-11-17 Farms Wanted. I \\ ANT a small improved farm on main ’ highway near railroad station. Will e* • change \ lama property for 11. A. CL l>nnk’ir 10 Copenhill avenue, Atlanta HOMES BUILT TO SUIT. NEXT year we want to build sis- teen or twenty houses in our Stewart avenue subdivision near the Tenth Ward school. We can build these houses according to the customer’s own plans, and ar range easy terms of payment. Now is the time tu come in and discuss with our building depart ment the kind of house you wish. You can select a lot. give us an idea of what you want, and we will turn the house over to you complete in every respect. Any one who inspects the j houses we have already put up in . this subdivision can see the high I grade of workmanship and mate rial used. We build houses to last, and to make every customer feel like passing the word along. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 6(19-10 Atlanta National Bank Building. Both Phones 4234. WE HAVE a beautiful 6-room bungalow we are offering at SI,OOO less than owner paid for it. We recommend this as a gen uine bargain. This was built for a home. Best of material used throughout. If you ever expect to buy a home, here is your chance. See us about the price. We will let you make your own terms. CLOSE IN. on the south side, we have a 6-room cottage for $3,500, renting for S3O per month. Loan of $1,500 at 5 1-2 per cent. If you are looking for something good on the south side, take a peep at this. Terms, SSOO cash, and balance $25 per month. $1,300 —SEE US about a 'vacant lot in Inman Park section. Has all improvements: one-half block from car line. Nothing else in the street at this price. IS rr SAFE TO BUY ATLANTA DIRT? WE ask you in candor for your answer. , If you think it is safe, and you have the nerve to back your judgment, come to my office, 305 Third National bank, and let me give you some Information on a piece of property 100x250 with three houses fronting one street and two houses front ing the other street; houses rented to white tenants, and room for other houses At price we can make you the rents will pay for the property. There is on this property a loan of $1,200, which can be taken up or assumed. 156 RICHARDSON STREET—Between South Pryor and Formwait streets, two story, seven-room house; lot 32x105; loan $2,000, due June, 1916, and think of this. 6 per cent money here. We want you to consider this. House now rented for $35 month. 48-WROSALIA STREET—Two new tive room bungalows; gas, water, porcelain bath and all conveniences. Lots 40x195 to alley. Street Improvementse down, and in excellent condition. Owner away from city, and unable to give his personal at tention to property reason for selling. Both houses now rented to good tenants. These can be had for a cash payment of 8250 and the rest monthly like rent. THE L. C. GREENE CO., 305 Third National Bank Bldg. Ivy 2943 The best help obtainable in every line can be easily gotten by consulting the "Situations Wanted columns of The Georgian. Mr. Business Man and Woman —the party that can fill that position you have open is addressing you in the "Sit- What have you lost? Try a three-time ad in the "Lost and Found” columns of The Georgian and recover your articles. Real Estate For Sale deal Estate For Sale WIL LI AMS-HARI S< )CK CO REA£< ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK DC-- Phone 21 06 Main. BARGAIN -$10,0)0 for a beautiful 9-room, new home on Ponce DeLeon ave nut; has sleeping porch, steam beat, hardwood hours, birch doors, elegant gas •i-V • ’ fixtures, two fine porcelain baths, beam ceilings, no loan tc assum I his lot runs back to another street in the rear. This is what •ou are lookluß for. Terms. TAKE a lok at our new home now being completed at No 2!«2 Moreland a-t nue. close to Druid Hills; tile bath, furnace heat, hardwood floors, fine mantel dressing mirrors, beam ceilings, plate rack: (he very best of plumbing; lot if over -o0 leet deep: east front. If you don’t get this you are going to be sorry rhe price is right and terms easy. s3.6so—This is a close-in proposiTion. K is a nice 6-room house, front?with in walking distance o' down town; ths best buy in the city It is almost send central, alley side and rear. WEST END HOME LIgII I \ I GORDON S PREET we have the home of a party who has to move •” account of business and must sell. Terms to suit you. Could make cash payment as low as SJ»O and monthly payment like rent. Has all improvement* large Jot; east front. Now. here is your chance to euchre the rent man But you must be quick, as a bargain like this won’t last long WILSON BROS. PKONE M 4411-J Jfli EMPIRE BLDO USE GEORGIAN WANT ADS Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & p>OYLSTON BARGAIN IN A FARM. WE HAVE recently had listed with us sixty acres of as pret-tv a piece of farm land as any one could wish to see. This is in hair mile of one of the five-eent sub urban ear lines, and has a nice little spring branch running th. entire length of the land. You will have to see this to appre ciate it, and we will take pleas ure in showing you the possibili ties of this piece of ground. The price is reasonable, and the terms easy. SUBURBAN HOME. THIS IS a great big modern home with five acres of ground, and is one of the biggest bar gains near the city. The house has ten rooms nicely finished up. furnace installed, with sewer and water plant already in, and in working condition. We can sell this for what the land itself will sell for in a few years. If you want an ideal residence close to a car line this will be very interest ing. Houses For Rent. GEO. P. MOORE. ! Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Ave. Bell Phone M. 5407. Atlanta 5408. 74 WALTON ST.—We have a nine room house carrying all modern con veniences; house is in good repair and is in a line location for high-class boarding house. Let us show you this place. Price, S7O. 368 CENTRAL AVE., corner Richard son St., you will find a six-room cot tage with all modern conveniences, within easy walking distance. Close to schools. Let us show you this place. r — ; —n I Looking ! 1 for Rooms, Apart me nits or Houses I , I O > You’ll tiiid a com- i plot? list of all desirable ; furnished, unfurnished. I housekeeping roo m s and rooms with board in this page today, and i every day. Read The Georgian ‘‘For Rent’’ Ads when you want to rent any thing under the sun.