Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 15, 1913, EXTRA 2, Page 3, Image 19

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NEWS OF SATURDAY. APRIL 12, 1913 MRS. PANKHURST IS FREED; HUNGER STRIKE A WINNER LONDON’. April 12.—. Mrs. Emn*i— line Pankhurst, president rs the Wom an's Social and Political Union and leader of the miiit int suffragettes, who was sentenced to three ; ears «<i April 3 for inciting women to blow up the horn of .Chancellor David Lloyd- George with bombs, was released from Holloway jail to-day after serving nin** days of her sentenep. Mis. Bankhurst's release was brought about by a physical coilapse resulting from a "hunger strike.” Not a mouthful of solid food passed her lit- during her stay in Holloway jail, although she drank water in large quantities. Dir ing the firm week of hr fast Mrs. Pankhurst bore up so w II under her abstinence from font tbit rh<- pr'son doctors believed she Iri'i carried fdrtd tablets into jail and xx .i> sustaining herself upon them. firs. Pankhurst was very weak v en she was liberated, and he r f’k*n<’s fear that sh 1 ? will suffer se rious consequences. She was sen t :•< h| by Justice Lush in <»!d Bailey ( mitt on April 3 and immediately was taken to Hollowav jail. The parting w«nds of the militant leader to her followers were that she would never • r in an English prison. • I will bp out in time to take part In ti.e suffrage demonstration in Al bert Hall on April 10." she declared Ms. Pankhurst was liberated on a license for a limited period issued l*y Horne Secretary Reginald McKen na. This ticket of leave provides that Mis. Pankhut?' s tall be remanded to prison upon her return to health The militant L ader is reported in \• ta grave condition. Sylvia Pankhurst, a daughter of the militant leader, was notified of h*r mother's release and had Mrs. Pank liurst removed to a private nursing h*>inc. Aly mother is in very bad health.” declared Sylvia Pankhurst. ’She was subjected to brutal treatment in pris on by physicians and wardresses. who attempted to feed her forcibly when ►he refused to eat Voluntarily. She is verx weak and we fear that she will hi iff* r permanently from the treat ment she has undergone.' News of the release of the leader of the ••cause" brought great rejoicing to the headquarters of the Woman’s Social and Political Union. However, it was made cl pm* there that viulen r would not t eas 1 . IS NOTED SAVANT’S SON. t’Hh’AGO. April 12. "Jack Lewis.“ identified hs Flank Graham." “George B. Lewis" ajd “Weaver B. dark." accused of defrauding wom en of jewelry, to-day admitted he Edmund E. <Von Klein, son of Dr Ctrl H Von Klein, of Minneapolis, noted biologist. Von Klein said he kept hi* identity Ferret because he did not want »o disgrace his father, 71 years old. "When I tell my story in court.” he ►a d. "no ringer of suspicion will be po : nted at me." GIRL PINES FOR BELMONT. W ASHINGTON. April 12.—Ray m*»nd not money -is what she wants, an ci ding to a statement by Ethel Lorraine Belmont, the former chorus girl, who recently married Raymond Belmont, son of August Belmont. He left het a week after the cere mony. Mr-. Belmont ia attending the an nual show of the Washington Kennel Club here. After declaring het husband has b« en persuaded td le.rve her, she said: Mr. August Belmont is a great man but he does not know me. and in my opinion he has no heart " GIRL DEAD: YOUTHS SOUGHT. LEXINGTON. KY., April 12 Of ficers of Pulaski County to-day of fered a reward of SIOO for tto«si l*rce and Milford Arnold, sons •»( prominent families here, and request ed lit ■ State to off*” - an additional re ward. The boys are accused of being resftoncibte for rhe death of Cora Whitaker, aged IX. of a wealthy fam ily. who was found dead yesterday jn the woods neat her home with a bull •( bole through her body. The bov* went t«» the home of the girl’s father ami told him she ki’ed herself while play ing with a revolve'. Both then d’.«- .* fipea red. ALL SWISS LINES NATIONAL. BERNE. SWITZERLAND. April I ’ Th<* State Council ratified to-day th- S’. Go’hard Railway Convention **f 19«rj. by which the last of the princi pal Swiss lines became the proper y i f the Swiss Confederation. The vote whs 33 to 9. Tiie convention w.h latitied by the National Council «n Ar-ril t. ami now becomes definite. TTR ITir WATCH ® Jit JLw JK^ i»’.*•« a «.enu why t.uv» >'. k'Salh*! '.Old A<. h *.»*• 'I •«•’•* !!<•»«• vi offer t*r*va it. Ju Pa« -Ka»e* of <»uf prrfntn*- at IS *U. . " , hi » & i>k< W h-*" aohl send o«SSfl».t we <;i AK.4NTKK to *on4 y*u » ** uh , . .bwauUfvllTenoaUt «w. m-m wind 4 set Chat ramparea for ■Ctit<r with aoy mH .ll* t.Ol-l* wa« h mada. LaJ ••’or G*nta’< ham m desired free with every wat« h ?er , w- , .'2 k. 51 tiraeaa St.. Rew Y** CMy CAMERA AND COMPLETE OUTFIT, 25c A little beauty. Sure to ~ please. Leatherette covered *4A carpera and complete outfit r of D ates piper cnem cals. _' ’ i* e t . v> t ■ ' mplet' mstruc . ] MM t • > • an, boy or Qrl can take GOOD PICTURES "f m wCM■ n - o a •' - ■ --as ?t v a-'n '• p' rt r. , ->'C TURES TAKEN AND Fl% 'Ss.-gj V ISHED -N TWO MINI TES Complete camera ready for '■*»**»’ '.-.IIIAMW .. ,„ e smpped prepaid by par cel post tor only 25 C (silver), ROOT SALES CO. - : . A? e" 3 - 0 60 «. New y o k THE OEORGI AN’S NE W 8 BIUKFS MRS. EMMELINE PANKHURST, the English suffragette who was sentenced to prison for three years, was released from jail Saturday, having won in the ‘' hunger strike ’ ’ which she declared and maintained. Picture shows her being taken to prison by a London “bobbie. ” m IHSf j \ \ -*!•* fir V tl BC a J i > ■ * U* Wr mSr LIU NOW SEARCH FOR MISSING MEMPHIS MAN IN PARIS LONDON. April 12--The warm for George Wilberforce Martin, who Memphis (Tenn.) millionaire who mysteriously disappeared last week, was extended to Paris to-day A description of Martin was tele graphed to the French authorities, also a description of the beautiful Brasilian woman with whom Martin had an appointment on the evening of his disappearance. Al the request of Mr. Martin’.-* rela tive*. .1 Lockhart Anderson, at whose home Martin was staying here, offered a reward of $2,500 for the recovers of Hie missing man or for information leading to the discovery of his a her a bouts. The police having failed to g-*i any trace of Martin. Anderson said fie would . ocsult a clairvoyant. I hope during the seance the clair voyant will tie able :o tell me where* Mr Martin ir. and if he is Hill living." said AndeiMoi The sitting will take place in the apartments occupied by Mr Martin before his disappearance.” JUMPS IN ICY RIVER NEW YORK. April 12 —J W Buch anan, an inventor, who is trying to interest the steamship companies in hi* life preserver, gave a demonstra tion of his ••on rivam e in the Hudson I The apparatu** conaiats of a lo*>se litting canvas water-proof suit, lined with heavy felt and containing pock ets tilted with food ind water The feet are Weighted with lead to main tain the wearer in an uprigh position He declares that in the suit it is im possible to sink or die from exposure for seven days or more, no matter hoa high tile waves or how cold the water It took three minute* for him to get into the suit and to inflate an air hag under the feh Then he tumbled off ihe dock at Went <)n»* Hundred and Twenty-ninth Street and fell into th* 5 icy waler The air belt kept him «float and the weight.*’ righted him In*' antly. POSTMASTER IMPRISONED HUNTINGTON. W VA . April 12 - <'liartes Hansford, formerly Postuins ler at Hansford, pleaded guilty to day to defalcation and wan lined JI .»'»•». He was sentenced to one year in Leavenworth prison FLOOD BREAKS LEVEES AT BEULAH; LOSS GREAT MKMPHfR. TENN. April 12 —Dis patches rect*ived here this afternoon stat** th** levees at Beulah. Miss., have given away. No loss of life was re porttd, although it wa* stated that hundreds of persons had been made homeless and the property 'lamage' would run into the thouaunds. United State* aimy otfleers will take charge of the rest ue work Tiie main levee on th*- Arkanaa> River protecting I ake .LHTerson. 50 mile* from the mouth of that river. I»mk»- at 1 o'clock this morning S« v -tal towns, including Lak* Village. \rk . will Ih* under water by night. The break give- no relief to the levee* along ih*- Mississippi River. The <*r<Mt of the rto«»d is passing Memphis to-day. The check in the fall iwo days ago was .-aused by the w iter backing up and rtoo<ling the’ country around Graves Bayou when the levees broke there. More than 2,t‘M refugees were camped along th*- Mississippi River levee near Wilson. Ark . to-dav The j G*»vernrarnt has supplied them with aj week’s rations The flood danger has shifted to points below Helena Ark., accord- 1 ing to Major E. M Markham. Sev eral miles of the levees are being guarded carefully. The river at Mem phis to-day registered 44.1. a fall of Sos a foot since yesterday. Another| flight ri<e is expected. POTOMAC RIVER RISING. WASHINGTON. April 12. The Po loitta* River is rising The Ohio' flood, whi< h affected the headwaters of the Potomac, made no change at W ishitigion. but to-day the volume of water i« increasing Rain continues hourly in a steady downpour. On July ♦». 14XH. Pennsylvania Avenue was flooded and the White House grounds wete inundated. FOUND VENUS IN A CELLAR. Home. \pril 12 A beautiful statue of Venus was revealed at , Naples when th** firs' floor of a hous* •n the Via Sama Solit co’lapsed into an unsuspected ancient cellar. The atatue is <*f Parian marble and experts declare it belongs to the best period of Greco-Roman art. *1 POPE’S RELAPSE ALARMS Rt»ME. April 12. p. m Pope Piu> X suffered a relapse at n<w»n u* day At the Vatican it was announ<*< d that the Papal newspaper. Th** «>s*erva tor*« Romano, would say this evening that the Pope is suffering fr*»m bron chlii>. Th** tirst ofticial bulletin was is-*u. d on the Pope's? relapse at :3h <> < lock by Dr. Marchiafava Th* bulleUti stated that His Holiness had been attackd xvith a fresh cold. < -*»up.ed . with brom hitis ind catarrhal symp toms There was also a high fever. Hew ever the <h»ct<»rs stli’ in-n.M d that the Pope’s condithm was not' ■ i.etg* r »usl*. serious Alarm was man if.-t about the Vatican, however FREAK CALF "OPERA TROUPE"! JKSI’P <;.V, April 12. When is ai calf not ■' calf .' Wlwn it is an open troupe This decision was mad-- by J Mavor Robert L Ibnn-tt. of thi- • ty. j \ showman wished to sxhiblt a freak, calf in Jesup and applied to the Mayor I for a li. ens- As there is no m-niior j of freak shows in th* tax ordinance j the Mayor had to nr' >—' r ■ '■ ’’ lassiii. aion oe.aif to.iM oine, .nd I '• id'-d it was an opera troup*' I • TARIFF CRISIS IS ON AS CAUCUS DEBATES SUGAR WASHINGTON. April 12 -The ri ►is in the Underwood tariff revision program wns reached to-day wh**u the Democratic caucus took up in $ sugar schedule. Sugar is one of the best revenue producers in the whol * tariff law. At present it brings in un der the Payne law over $54),000,001 x year. The estimated revenue imd*>r the Underwood law would be $37,0«i0.. 000 a year, a 25 per cent reduction be ing planned, fht* total revenue whi -n the- Underwjod bill is expected o raise is $267,000,00(1 a year. There is i strong sentiment .itmiu lX*inocrats fur putting sugar on he free list i miffed lately, instead of at the end of three years, as planned by f Underwood bill Representative Harl wlck’s amendment putting sugar n the free list immediately, many Dem ocrats believe, will be accepted. 1•- spite President Wilson s dec’a.’a t { oa in favor <»f the (’nderwood progri.u. and if the motion prevails, the W.i v < and Means Committee will be om pellcd to devise some means of mak ing up the $40,000 000 deficiency v’H / will result. Representative Broussard off.-r**d a amendment for a rate of 1.4 <»n >ug*r. Five members of the Louisiana i« !•- gation will vote against the I’m wood bill on its final passage, ! s said, if sugar Is free-listed <,n if ’ll.* Underwood provision is adopted »y the caucus. Represe itativo k. «.f G** ♦ - gia, suggested that the thrte-y*’:r provision I r free listing sugar in n • (’nderwooc bill should go into fi •*t three y j a r 's from May 1. 1913. ins» • » I of th re • >ears from th** dale f final passage of the bill. This sugg •- - t:on is to facilitate the *igar busi ness, May I l»« ing the date w hen rew crop comes on the market. The Ways ami Means I’omuit’ ' tentatively a*’< epted Ha’dwick s p! • Senator Simmons, chairman »f finance Committee, says th** 'omni '- tee will b* found in harmon? w* i President Wilson upon most of’ »• disputed points in the new ♦arlff bill, including wool and sugar. PUTS COIN ABOVE TARIFF WASHINGTON. April 12 A late will be iix» d to-day forth« first in -ei - ing of ih<* n- w Senate Banking ind Currency Committee and th- first dis cussion will follow respecting the •- rious • lemon'- of reform that mnst enter into currency legislation. Chair man Owen ha> be- a ill with plomairto poisoning and will not b< ahi«* o hi th rtak‘* the str* r.nous labors »f h< committ**e for a week or ten flay If the p« oplc of the country w«»ui<* only realize it. currency r* form •> in even moie important subject bhi tariff revision." <ie<lared •’huirmao Owen. It will be the purpose of ; ’i • committee to fratm . with the Hous * <•ommiUeo. a measure that will nice, the approval of the entire oun r* The pro|M»sed legislation wiil tw given all pos-ihb* publicity breaue • ’t s necessar / that the changes b under - sioo«l and accomplish* d without ite turhhig hii.-iivsa st ibililx and ••nti iien« •*." WOULD ABOLISH SENATE. TALLAHASSEE. FLA Xpril 12 - Representative Floyd to-day n‘»o --1 <lu< ed a voluminous joint r<e-nhitu»*i in the Florida H >u>«* providing .'«•<’ * • onstii4i!i*»nal amendment ♦*• ib*»ii-ti the State Senate Floyd is the H »us«* fluor I*-liter or ■ the Progressives, who are in « ma - ■ jority. and his measure is stigg* sfed i in all serhmsneijj* by the Pi»»<!•*->»' es of both H*»usrs. It was not rer*- \<*«i iin jest and is expect* d *» pa-s no H*»use. BRYAN WANTS EGGS. WASHINGTON April 12. Wn»ii i told yesterday tba the Hon. J*»>« pfitis 1 Daniel- has 9*> chick<-ns «m hj< > «» , m fry jHace near here, which yield : > fresh egg* daily. Secretary Bryan !••- ' marked that th** Se< r-tary >f *♦•• I Navy should “whack u>»' Ihe egg, ! with th** other members »f *he t‘ «t» inet. Mr Daniel* has not yet resuon-t- d ■ to the summons. AIR BOMB ARMOR FOR SHIPS. IJINIMiN. April 12. L gli* tr'iiaf plates <!*•• being fitted to Gio (•<»>*••■< of the Magazines in th« battleship Temeraire as a protection trains* 'projectiles fired from long di.-ta«**-- ranges *»r flropprfi from .*ir«u ts '»■ - , *r dreadnought* are to be similar'/ protected. CAR STRIKERS RETURN. BUFFALO. N Y.. Apr.l 12 .Stnet • ar servi*-** of this city was resumed to-day. af**r « aix-day strik •. IF I turned strikers manned the < ar I’h • l*»ses by the men ami :he company - were mure than a million du lars Ti • men return to work under .m a«r >. ment by th** <oin|wn.v t*» grant •!! » • «- sonable redrosc. WOMAN DIES AT 106. SHAKEN PA.. April 12 AL c Mary Stanton, aged 166. the o d -t woman in We*«<rn Pennsylvania, d 1 to-d.iy al Sharpsville. Tobacco habit,;;,, , ! pr<>*«- »n»»r iteaffll *€•(•*< ««Hr life. N® »»" r<w<f l-r< atli. u> b art w’-akCM'N*. K**<ain mum y »i*r c*lm »- • au • *ai«ri.»r mrf la. ,tr«tig:ii WAwUm** >*u i-h-'w; nr ni. the v ♦..» r.aMh < T*.:•*• •* K«*A W«eh I’* w-13* I* e* • WaiM lr<«. E J. WOODS. 5J4 SlMth *••.. A 34* New Y>rt. N V. mTICS p, w fro-- i’.« DU. BOSANKO st* M. I* l * “ l - »*- CA UivUXkJ X ..rilms, auori bn-»:s t *•**•*• *"-**> .. . -I . jo. . •*•«• FR4.t <Uk "•»« »<- <*«• *— *• ***“• I 3