Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 16, 1913, Image 4

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lAfl-niULU UII1A.MII VUUULI TTIE \TT..\XTA OEORGTAX AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY. APR 11.16.inin. FOUR HURT IN STRIKE RIOTS AT MILFORD. MASS., PLANT MILFORD. MASS., April lb, »n, Including two policemen, Tloml> injured to-day In a pi ■ (J hat,Ie between the authorities * 500 striking Industrial Wo of the World at the Lapworth & taine elastic web factory. Mian' The strikers fought with ,1*8110 clubs. The trouble orlri ,Inver the attempt of a mol Four were lohed and rkers Sons tones natch f r.oo , who B Ut “ o. >. .11.10 ’live 1,1 break up a crowd of 25 girl .-tm. were going to work. Th; Sunday American. YOUR ad vertisement .n the next issue will sell rt? goods. Try it! DEMOCRATS WILL GO SLOW ON CURRENCY LEGISLATION WASHINGTON. April hi. Demo cratic members of the Senate Eom- mtttee on Rankin*? ami Cnrronuy have derided to ftn slow on eurrency |pg- Uflallon. The committee an ill uiony tnkrn bv the truMl" apfl Hie. GlaftH fore framing a l>il ;tudy th** tonli- IMiju "money ommlttee* Si*- Th«* proHp^ets VGEPHESUEVT IIS Fi V ! ICE PRESIDENT THOM AS R. MARSHALL, who believes popular opinion favors reversion of large es tates to government. are now that there will be no action at thiH extra se^nion. Nearly everybody in Atlanta read* The Sunday American, YOUR ad verti»ement in t ie next issue will sell floods. Try it! 1 i c*n i jmlrfr Ml kj i i- m f m m m m m 2 V LJ ‘ □ Q . 1 1 1 ' 1 y-aSM8LL"\ Scheme of Fortunes Reverting to State Would Carry 2 to 1 Is Marshall’s Belief. Bank’s Plan Makes Christmas Painless Travelers Institutes Weekly Deposit Scheme to Provide Fund for Qifte. F ; 1 I UwL II 2jm K 1 Al H A K L S T O 1< B ft4 a\. Pryor St. Choose Your Piano House As You Would Select Your Bank Your piano investment will then be safe and will pay good dividends. You do not look about for unknown banks and bankers; why consider unknown makes and unknown makers? Open a piano account with W. W. Kimball Co. Deposit a^smull amount each month and pay for a Kimball Up right or (irHnd or a wonderful Kimball Flayer-Piano. The association with this fine old piano house, from one to three years, while making monthly payments, is ap pfeeiated by all as being particularly advantageous. Our location is most central, and this too, is still another advantage all those ealling monthly appreciate. Remember the old piano slogan of Atlanta, “You can find the piano you want at Kimball's.” This great house can best supply your needs, no matter what you want or how much you want to pay, when it comes to pianos, uprights, grands, player-pianos or fine church and residence pipe-organs. Manufacturers.ot Kimball Quality W. W. Kimball Co. ESTABLISHED 1857. ATLANTA BRANCH, 91 NORTH PRYOR ST. H. R. CALIF. Mgr. WASHINGTON. April 16.—Men of judgment have expressed the belief that a proposition to make all estate* over $100,000 revert to the State upon the death of th<* owner, would be car ried by i vote of two to one. declares Vice President Marshall In a state ment isrued here elaborating his speeeh made In New York last Satur- j day night. His leading points follow : 1 "Men arc* asking whether there is any difference between the manufac turer who comes to the Government asking for help in his business and the poor man who goes to the work house to ask for help. “The que.-tion is being asked why the Government should be expected to guarantee profits to the manufacturer when It does not guarantee the differ ence in the cost of food at homo and abroad to the consumer with an extra dollar for a rainy day. “There was a time in England when children were born not as British cit izens, hut as cogs in a machine, fed, as it were, to ^he mills and factories, ft was a somewhat similar condition that produced Rousseau in France and It was Rousseau’s writings that brought about the revolution. “I would go down into the ditch to shake the hand of a poor man, but I would also be glad to shake the hand j of a rich man. We are all brothers.’’ I BILL GIVES RAILWAY MEN 1 DAY REST IN 7 WASHINGTON. April lfi -A bll' making it compulsory for railroads to grant their employees 24 consecutive hours off duty out of . every period of 158 Hours has been introduced by Senator Kenyon, of Iowa. The | bill Is designate l to amend the law of March 4, 19 17. limiting the hours of employees of railroads. MERGER OF GIRLS' SOOTHES IMi HEALS Hyomei Medicates the Air You Breathe and Gives Quick Re- 5 lief in Catarrhal Troubles. Bo wise in time and use Hyomei at 1 he first warning of catarrhal tre bles. pc not let the disease extend along the delicate mucous membrane, grad ually going from the nose t«* the throat, thence into the bronchial tubes, and then downward until the lungs are reached and you are in dan ger of consumption. Hyomei will relieve all curable forms and stages of catarrh. It is so I uniformly successful in this common yet dangerous disease that it is al- ; ways sold on money back if not ben efited plan. There is no other treatment for ca tarrh that is like Hyomei or just as good. None can take its place, none give such quick and sure relief and at so little cost. Its medication is breathed through a pocket inhaler that comes wiih every outfit, thus reaching the most remote cells of the air passages, killing the catarrhal germs and soothing and healing the Irritated mucous membrane. Beglu the use of Hyomei to-day and von will soon find that the offensive breath, the droppings into the throat, the discharge from the nose, snif fling and all other symptoms of ca tarrh are overcome The complete outfit costs but $1. Extra bottles of liquid, if later needed, 50 cents at druggists everywhere. Girl Pleads She Is Medium, Not Insane Talks to Dead Sweetheart and Rela* tives Think Her Crazy—Ad judged of Unsound Mind. Pretty Aliene Foster, of 400 Pied mont Avenue, who was adjudged in sane in the Ordinary’s Court to-day, told the jury that her lapses were due to journeys into the world of spiritualism with a dead boy sweet heart, the son of a San Francisco woman. "I am not ^nsane,’’ she said to her trialmen. "1 am a medium. I sup pose. Sometimes I feel peculiar, and I talk with people from the other world. "Most of the time when I am New in Atlanta is the OHriatVn »• Savings’ Club,' which the Traveler* Bank and Tn»ft*^Coo»parvy« start* Monday. Christmas 1» a bugbear with the average citipin, who uvually ge*s an advance on his December salary about December 20, buys his gift® and either is "tyroke” or badly "bent” | for a month or two afterward. To make Christmas “painless,” tht Travelers’ begins Monday to receive deposits either of 1 cent or 5 cent®. Each week the initial deposit is add- ?d to the amount due. For instance, with a 5-rent membership, deposit? run 5, 10, 16 <Jents, and so on. tjpi to $ 1.65, |he amount to be deposited the week of December 1. *■ ** The club disbands December 10, when the Travelers’ w ill mail ch*yks to all members.' Those who have started at 5 cents and increased their deposit by that -amount egch week will gpt $28.05; those who began with 1 cent will draw' $5.61. Those who wish to can work the plan the other way around, and pay the maximum next Monday, decreas ing it each week until on. December l they will deposit etthej* 1- cent or 5 cent* as the cajje may be. Over-Zealous Suitor Fined for Love Scene Demonstration Over Boarding House Companion Takes Student-Into Police Court. l V When O. A. Reaves, an Amarillo, Texas, student, was arraigned' to-day before Recorder Broyles for creating [a scene yesterday in the dining room at his boarding house. 196 Courtland Street, witnesses declared he had made too big a demonstration over I one of the girl boarders. William Evans, the boarding-house proprietor, said he interfered and that Reaves attacked him. The stu dent was also said to have acted dis orderly at the dining table In the ! presence of other guests. Judge Broyles fined him $25.75. LA GRANGE COLLEGE BOARD FAVORS WESLEYAN MERGER County’s Institute for Incorrigi- bles May Combine With Har riet Hawkes Refuge. GENERAL OJEDA PAROLED BY U. S. AUTHORITIES DOUGLAS. AKI7... April HI—Five hundrei and fifty-five Mexican rebels end Federal* have been killed in the campaign around Cananea and Naco. General Ojeda, the Federal Com mander. who with his staff, fled to United States soil when he saw de feat at the hands of the rebels in evitable. has been paroled with his staff, hv the Xlnlted State? military authorities. RETURNED MISSIONARY TO LECTURE ON JAPAh ftev. Cameron Johnson, of Riohl mond, Va„ who has spent most of hll life as> a foreign missionary at his nw J expense, will deliver an illustratJ lec ture on Japan al the Westminstel Presbyterian Church at 8 o’clock tol night. At the same hour and placl to-morrow night Mr. Johnson will give an illustrifted lecture on Chhnl and Friday evening on Korea. j As a result of a proposal submit ted by John J. Eagan and R. A. Hemphill, trustees of the Harriet Hawkes Home. Fulton County Com missioners will consider the advis ability of locating the county's pro posed home for incorrigible girls on the Hawkes site in Stewart Avenue, near Hapevtlle, and co-ordinating the work of the two institutions. The proposal was made to the Com mission in the form of a letter to trull C. Waters, chairman of the County's committee on alms and ju- ■vehlles. It is a theory of the Hawkes trustees that the work of both in stitutions can be conserved better un- $er one management. - If the plan Ts adopted both homes will be located on the 50-acre tract deeded the trustees by A. K. Hawkee, but the Hawkes endowment doubtless will be used for the Hawkes home. Commissioner Waters said that he Will lay the matter before the full Commission for decision and will ad vocate the plan, providing the coun ty is given a deed to the land and absolute control. "The county proposes to erect a home for Incorrigible girls." said John J. Eagan to-day. "and for this reason it is easy to see that the work of the Hawkes home would be more effi cient if co-ordinated with the coun ty's undertaking." HUS BANDTRIEDTOBU R N HER, SAYS DIVORCE SEEKER i SOUTH BEND. IND., Ap-il 1«.— Recusing her husband of setting fire to their home in order that she might he killed and tnen calmly going away tio leave her to her fate. Mrs. Agnes jlertsch to-day filed suit for divorce against Emil Hertsch. According to the allegation* Hertsch poured coal oil about the home, spread qome over her clothing, touched a match to the place and then walked out. Mrs. Hertsch was saved by iremen. She said to-day she believed her husband Insane. Have You Bought Your Soring Footwear Yet? No! Well, you should see the new things we are showing in Colonial Pumps and Low Heel Effects that are stylish. We have them in Patents, Tans, Guns, Mat Kid, White Canvas and Buck. Real Beauties $ 2 50 to $ 6' ,n Shoes and Hosiery £7-29 Whitehall LAGRANGE, GA„ April IS.—The general plan for the consolidation of LaGrange Female College with 1 Wes leyan Female College at Macon was approved yesterday at a meeting of the board of trustees of th^ local i school and a ooitfinittee appointed to meet a committee from Wesleyan to . go into the plan lit detail.' , - . . n This action does not mean that the the spiritualistic world 1 see and talk consolidation of the two institutions with the son of a lady whose home is I is an assured fact, but that tt is be- in San Francisco. He is my sweet- J fng .serlotjply considered by’ b.pth iri- heart. When I am in what you call ! tituttons arid will likeiy .be cotjsum- a 'trance’ my relatives think I am | mated if an agreement' can be crazy, 1 suppose, but really I am reached. The committees liaVe a great not." deal of detail, work to do before th,e Stic tpjd a pathetic story of bar I matter ran finally be acted upon. confinement in sanitariums for ner- ' — 1 t- votisty affected people because, she said, of a spiritualistic power which she had no control. over BRYAN BILL WOULD PROTECT CITRUS FRUIT FROM DISEASE Mayor and Council T5rifflo fl-tror* Pnmn a'bill prohibiting the- admission liito Ddibllc U Vcl A UIllU the United States of any cltrui fruits A , Infected with the rtd' scale, while fly WASHINGTON,, April 1«.—Senator Bryan, of Florida, to-day introduced Woodward Objects to $7,000 Appro priation on Ground it Practically Anticipates Revenue. [or other parasitical enemies of the citrus family. Established f 86 j EISEMAN BROS., Inc. Incorporated H)12 2 [ IB A m - »» : U? are you a 44 Blue Serge-ite” 3 Are you the "partial-to-Blue-Clothes” party, who conics to look at all the styles and all the fabrics and colors and LIKES ’em all—but HLUE, UKST?—and BUYS BLUE—too—yes, EVERY TIME; because the “BLUE CLOTHES” habit becomes a strongly favored one when once cultivated. And the fad is not restricted to retiring men of reserved tastes either. Young men are the chief devotees of the BLUE SUIT -there’s a dapper “dress iness” in their appearance, that gives a man the air of the strictly ‘‘well groomed”— To narrow the subject right down to busi ness. we are showing the largest and most rep resentative lines of the popular BLUE SUITS from SEVEN OF AMERICA'S MOST NO TABLE MAKERS. All the favorite fabric finishes. Serges, basket weaves, cheviot finishes in the very deep toned blue, medium deep blues, and in the ver newest NEW Blue. ENOL1SH cuts, NOEFOLKS. and their many versions. $15, SI 8.50, $20, $25, $30 to $45 Hess Tan Oxfords Look Fine With Blue Suits $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 Eiseman Bros., Another light between Mayor | Wooward and the (’ouncll was begun 1 to-day when the Mayor found ob jections to the appropriation of $7.- | 000 for a water pump for the river station. He held a long, heated con ference with W. G. Humphrey, chair man of the Council Finance Commit- j tee. and \V. Z. Smith, but when seen by a Georgian reporter he would not ! say whether or not he would veto | the resolution. The appropriation was taken from the expense account of the water de partment. Mayor Woodward’s ob jection was that this expense money would have to be replaced in June find that the act of Council prac tically amounted to anticipating rev enue. to which policy he is strongly opposed. The Joy of Coming Motherhood f Wonderful Remedy That is a Natural Aid and Relieves the Tension. Mother's Friend, a famous external remedy, ts the only one known that Is able to reach all the different parts In best advertising medium. The Sunday American goes every where all over the South. If you have anything to sell The Sunday Amer ican is “The Market Place of the South.” The Sunday American is the DIRECTORS ONLY CONTEST IN ATHLETIC CLUB VOTING 11-13-15-17 Whitehall Entire Building The largest and most^complete Outfittory for men in the South Only one contest is anticipated in tlie annual election of the Atlanta Athletic Club Tuesday night. That is for the directorship. Fourteen can didates have been nominated, of whom five are to l»e chosen. Those nominated are R. W. John son. Frank IT. Reynolds, Dowdell Brown, Coke Davis, H. C. Heinz, Carl ton Smith, Paul H. Nnrcross, Stanley Norcross. C J. Holditch, A. V. Gude. Jr.. Howard Matthews, Jr., C. Me- Michael, C. M. Ramspeck and \Y. G. Srantley. Jr. There will be no contest for presi dent and vice president J. Henry Porter received the nomination for president and H. W. Davis was named for vice president. „-~v after the formula of a noted family doc tor. and lubricates every, muscle, nerve, tissue or tendon affected. It goes direct ly to the strained portions and gently but surely relieves ail tendency to sore ness or strain. By its daily use there will be no pain no distress, no nausea, i^o' dagger of laceration or other accident, and the period trill be one of - supreme comfort and joyful anticipation To all young women Mother’s Friend ! is one of the greatest of all helpful in fluences, for it robs childbirth . of all Its agonies and dangers, dispels all the doubt ami dread, all sense of 5 fear, and thus enables the mind and body* to'await the greatest event In a woman’s life with untrammeled gladness. Mother’s rriend is a most cherished remedy in thousands of homes, and is of such peculiar’merit and value as to make It essentially one t© be recom- l mended by all women. You will find it on ?ale at all drug ! stores at $1 a bottle, or the druggist wll gladly get it for you if you insist upon it. Mother’s Friehd is prepared only bv the Bradfieki Regulator Company, 137 Umar Building, Atlanta. G&., who will send you by mail, sealed* a very Instruc tive book to expectant mothers. Write j for it to-day. Human System Poisons Itself Otherwise Most of Us Would Live To Be Methuselahs. Scientists say that almost every mo ment we are poisoning ourselves. Autotoxemia, they term It. or Self- Poisoning. Eliminate Vutotoxemia and we could live to be hundreds of years old. All food eaten leaves in the stomach some waste, unused particles. This waste ferments and generates uric acid and when uric acid gets in the blood it poisons the system—self-poi soning. Constipation, indigestion, bil iousness. dyspepsia, sick headache, languidness and a weakened physical condition all result from self-poison ing. JACOBS’ UVHR SALT flushes stomach and Intestines, dissolves the uric acid which has accumulated and expels it with the fermenting waste. Take JACOBS' LIVER SALT In the morning before breakfast. You will do a better day’s work, and live longer. JACOBS’ LIVER SALT is better than calomel for constipation and bil iousness. Acts quickly and more thor oughly. requiring no cleansing after- dose of oil; causes no after-danger of salivation; never gripes or nauseates It effervesces agreeably. No other liv er tonic has the same mild, natural flushing action, though many imita tions (in name i are offered. Insist that vour druggist supply the genuine JACOBS’ LIVER SALT If he can not. a full-sized jar will be mailed upon receipt of pcice, 25c* postage free. Made and guaranteed by Jacobs Pharmacy Company, Atlanta. PutinaNickelNow This is not a prize-giving contest nor an advertising ’ Scfietn*. U is a simple plan to help you save your own money. It is the Christmas Savings Club. It begins next week. . > You deposit five cents the 1st week, ten cents the 2nd week, fifteen cents the 3rd week, twenty cents the 4th week, and so on for 33 weeks. At the end of that period, which will be Xmas time, when you need money most, you will have $28.05 to your credit in this bank. .v r , Draw Out $28.05 Xmas Or, you can deposit two cents the first week, four cents the second week, six cents the third week, and so on for 33 weeks, and have $11.22 at Christmas. Or, one cent the first week, two cents the second week, three cents the third week, etc., and have $5.61 at Christmas. You can deposit in any or all three of these classes. Can you think of an easier way to provide money for Christmas presents? Can you think of an easier way to cultivate a regular habit of saving? You don’t have to draw the money out at Christmas unless you want to. You can leave it in this strong and progressive bank, where it will draw 4 per cent interest compounded twice yearly, and add to it by continued savings. We will begin receiving these special savings accounts next MON DAY MORNING, APRIL 21st, at 9 O’CLOCK. We will continue to receive them for ten days. The number of accounts of this kind we can open are, however, of necessity limited, and all persons who desire to take advantage of the arrangement are urged to call and make their first deposit as early as possible. This is a plain, straightforward banking proposition. If for any reason you discontinue payments, you get back all that you paid in. The Travelers Bank and Trust Co. is The Bank of Personal Service. This is a special service we are performing to make it easy for you to cultivate the saving habit. Travelers Bank & Trust Co. Peachtree at Walton