Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 19, 1913, Image 10

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l i TTIF ATLANTA (JKOBOTAN AND NEWS.SATURDAY, \PRTL 10. 1013. A World of opportunities are found each day in these little Want Ads• Do you read them? 7-XC Hi Vi IrtKJVLl m hr the BUSY HOUSEWIFE SO "PREMIER Railroad Schedule. ^TTkITn iTaTiTwa^T OF THE CARRIER SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are published only us information, and are not guaranteed: Help Wanted—Male. WANTED—Several young men to pre pare for college in afternoons or night. mathematics and languages. Address 1 niversity Graduate, care Georgran.^ ^ SEWELL’S ! Money-Saving I SPECIALS [For Saturday / Buy from first hands And save 2(> per cent to j() per rent on your pur- chases. Solid carload New Irish Potatoes, per pk. 44c Solid carload York State 1 - Apples, per pk . 39c (Irape- .-.7%c ...7y 2 c Tomatoes, bas- 15c pail Snowdrift I 88t/ 2 c California Evap- Solid carload fruit, each . .. Snap Beans, qt. Fancy ket'. 10 ]b. Lard Fancy orated Peaches, per 11). ...7i/ 2 c Missouri Brand Break fast Bacon, per II). 15c Missouri. Brand Hams, per Ih 19c Missouri Brand Picnic Hams, per ID 14c Salt Mackerel, each 2 l / 2 c Solid carload Poultry and Eggs at positively the lowest prices in At lanta. Poultry dressed fresh on premises. Sewell Commission Company 113-115 WHITEHALL ST. Branch Store 164 Decatur St. Wood’s SATURDAY SPECIALS Dinner for Every Day By Elbert L. Thornton. Market Basket readers no doubt ere interested in not only Having in the cost of their meals, but in the manner in which they are prepared and the variety of suitable dishes one can have at a nominal cost. I will give you a number of South ern dinners suitable to the present market, which I hope will be of serv ice: Monday. Old Fashioned Bean Soup. Baked Ham, Red Gravy. Mashed Yams. Boiled Potatoes. Com Muffins. Rice Pudding. Vanilla Sauce Buttermilk. T uesday. Peas Porridge Hot. Veal and Vegetable Slew. Creamed Potatoes. Boiled Rice. Crackling Bread. Bread and Butter Pudding. Milk. Wednesday. Vegetable Soup. Pork Spa re ribs and Dumplings. Candied Yams. Browned Potatoes Egg Corn Bread. Apple Pie. Buttermilk. Thursday. Tomatoes With Rice. Roast Beef Browned Yams String Beans. Georgia Corn Pone. Orange Gelatine and Wafers. Milk. Friday. Fish Chowder. Baked Red Snapper. Mashed Potatoes. Cauliflower In Cream. Corn Bread. Peaches (canned). Coffee. Wafters. Salt Saturday. Cream of Rice. Pork. • Cabbage. Boiled Potatoes. ^ Fried Corn Cake. Stewed Apples and Cream. Buttermilk. r U)£ Rice. in Sunday. Chicken Soup With Celery. Raked Chicken With Dressing. Sugared Yams. New Potatoes Cream. Steamed Rice. Spaghetti and Cheese. Strawberry Ice Cream. Chocolate | Cake. Milk. TOP-NOTCH BREAD Far superior to any other. Manufactured in tli most sanitary plant in the country; also fine Pastries and Delicious Cakes made by the old reliable Geo. Mau-Hannemann Co. 20 Years in Business in this City. Groceries and Meats Gold Medal Flour, 24-pound hag i Self-Rising lour, 24-pound TETLEY’S TEA 1 -4-pound pack age 1-2-pound Spaek- Tge Dressed Chickens 18c tt>. Stripped Breakfast Bacon 13c lb. : 20 Par Cent off on all bulk Coffees. Reduced Prices On All Goods SATURDAY and MONDAY. J. M. MOORE (THREE STORES.» 1209 Whitehall, Bell M-2394, Atlanta 1394 52 Houston street, BeiJ Ivy 410, At* lanta 1613. 57 E. Hunter street, Bell M-1484, At- lanta 1071. Goods Delivered. No. Arrive From lib Blrmlngh’m 12:01 *m jjf, .W.v York . *< Oft am 13 Ji'iUsouvllle 5:30 urn I : \\ .-i inifton 5i25 am 12 Shreveport . (1:30 am It: llcflin . ... H:20 am 23 Nc-.v York .11:15 am 3 t'hattn’Ka .10:3,') ant 7 Macon ....10:40am 17 Fort Valley 10:45 am 21 Columbus ..10:50 am (i Cincinnati.. 11:10 am 29 Columbus .. 1:40 pro 30 Birmlng^m 2 :30 pin 40 H’mingTi'm 12:40 pm 30 Charlotte .. 3:55 pm 5 Macon .... 4 :00 pm 37 New York . 5:00 pm 15 Brunswick . 7:50 pm II Richmond . 8:30 pm 24 Kansas City 0:20 pm 16 t’hattan’Ra . 9:35 pm 19 Columbus .10:20 pm 31 Fort Valley 10:23 piu 14 Cincinnati .11:30 pm 23 Jacksonville 6:50 am *17 Toceoa .... 8:10 am Trains marked thus day. Other trains run Ticket Office. No. 1 S’o. Depart To— 36 New York .12 :15 am 29 Columbus . 5:20 a to 13 Cincinnati . 5:40 am :;2 Fort Valley- 5 SO am 35 BL ndmjh’iii 5:30 am 7 Chiitui'ga . 6:40 am 12 Richmond . 6:35 am 23 Kansas City 7:00 am 16 Unitin' lek . 7 .43 am 29’m 11:30 am 38 New York. .11:01 aiu 40 Charlotte .12:00 n’n 6 Macon ....12:20am 30 Colupibu* .12:3*1 pm 30 New York.. 2:43pm 15 Chattn’na 39 Blrmlngh’tn *18 Toceoa ... 22 Columbus 5 Cincinnati 23 Fort Valley 25 Heflin .... 10 Macon . ■ • 44 Washington 24 Jacksonville 11 Shreveport 14 Jaeksot pm 4. It* pm 4 :30 pm 5:10 pm 5:10 pm 5:20 pm 5:43 pm 5:80 pm 5 .45 pm 9:3*t pm 11:10 pm He 11:10 pm run dally except Sun- City dally Central time. Feachtree Street. lie 21c Lost and Found. LOST—Ladies’ Shriner pin with initials “E. M. M.” Return to Cashier, Pied mont Hotel. Reward. 206-18-4 i LOST—Thursday afternoon, black seal purse lined with lavender, containing 1 brooch, money and some valuable data. | Return to Y. W. C. A. Reward. 44-18-4 LOST—White and black bulldog Mon- i day. Return 4 Sciple Street, or phone ' 4196 ivy. Reward. 202-18-4 LOST—Oblong gold belt buckle with monogram “A. T. C.” Lost either on 6:50 English Avenue car going out coop er Street, or at Broad and Marietta Streets, or on 7:10 West Fair car going i out. Kinder will call Atlanta phone j or return to 179 Chapel Street. Reward. 4 -1 o - - u WANTED—Expert electrician, to take charge of electrical work in machine shop doing gen eral repair and rebuilding of machinery. Address “Progress,” care of Georgian. 42-18-4 tv a sit hi i - r young man stenographer for general office work. Do n°t apply unless eomnetpnf. Address Postoftl Box’28 impetent. City. Post off ice 45-18-4 K I. ECTRICIA N WA NTED-Good all around man. one capable of handling conduit, knob and tube and motor work. (*nlv first-class man wanted. Byck Elec tric Co., Waycross, Ga. 4 8-18 WANTED—Farm hand. 5897-F. Phone Atlanta 200-18-4 WANTED—Young man that wishes to learn granite business; must be sober and industrious. Address Venable Bros., 'Atlanta, Ga. RESPONSIBLE parties to travel; either sex; salary and expenses; reference. Room 108, Scoville Hotel. 208-17-4 WANTED—Blacksmith for convict road camp working 30 men. also act as guard. Good pay to right man. Ad dress W. J. Eakes, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, Rockdale t oun ty. Ga 4-17-1 WANTED—At once. operator (union). Company, Atlanta, Ga first-class linotype Appeal Publishing L . 4-14-19 TELEPHONES Bell M Atlanta Telephone clerk will tak* your a<1. and, if requested, assist you in wording, or will write the ad for you—that’s his business. He will alio make it as brief as possible to obtain the results desired. In order to accommodate customers, accounts will be opened by phone, but you will make payments promptly after publication or when nills are presented by mail. Classified MEN—Our illustrated catalogue or per- ) sonal interview will explain how we teach barber trade in few weeks; we want more men to learn at once; Jons waiting; investigate now. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckfe St. 4.-13-4 , insertion ...10c a line 3 insertions .. 6c a line 7 insertions ... 6c line 30 insertions . .4^*c a line 90 insertions ... 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than two lines. Seven words make a line. To protect your interests as well as ours, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone. Please make order to discontinue in writing. No advertisement accepted from out of town unless accompanied by cash, or forwarded through recog nized advertising agency. TELEPHONES Bell M Atlanta LITTLE ADS ^Agents and Salesmen Wanted TWO GOOD AGENTS~\v A 'vT I ED—To sell 100 lots 50 X 1M feet at $100 each in new, rapj^ growing town. Investm™ guaranteed. Remarkable p 0ss j. bilities. Money simply deposited in bank, and in three years re iiuideu. if purchaser not satu.1 tied with results. Raymond Land Company, Raymond, Ga _ _ 4-H-71 good, WE want a good, live man to seliES estate and with such a man 2 1 make liberal contract. We als„ n L, lady who can spare part „r all 0 f h., Ume to assist us J. K. MeCullm.*, ? I Co., 014 Empire Bldg. McCullough & Mam 3903. 4*6.* "TRAGIC STORY OF AM}'],7 ! GREATEST DISASTER," flood j and tire; the biggest money ' m .S agents ever had; *15 daily if vou now; large $1.00 book: 100 Illustration, outfit free. J. S. Ziegler Co„ Chfi <-14-11 AGENTS—Chance to make big monir calling on automobile owners »», 0 „, proposition to-day. The Clayton * ' nicutt Co., Marietta, Ga.' LOST—Strayed from 118 Copenhill Ave- nue a male setter dog. white with liver colored spots. Return to above address | or call R. D. Ison, Main 4116. Specials for Friday and Saturday Legs of Lamb, whole 15c i Round Steaks 15c l.join Steaks 15c Fancy Little Illb Roast 15c Pot Roast 12 l-2c 1 1 ’ot Slew 9c | Snapper Sleak. whole 12 l-2c i Spanish Mackerel 15c Liver 10c Get the middleman’s profit; come and see. CAMPBELL BROS. 89 DECATUR STREET. 160 MARIETTA STREET. FOR FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Eggs and Country Butter CALL Atlanta 815 Main 3402 Farm Products Co. 129 S. Pryor WE DELIVER TO KITCHEN All "Lost, and Found" articles adver tised in Tne Georgian or reported to the i “Lost and Found Bureau will be listed for thirty lays and can be seen at ans lime at ' r ne Georgian office. 20 Last Al abama Street, „ . i Your ‘ Lost and Found ads will be ! taken over phone. . i Advertise lor your articles in The Georgian and have them returned to you- and WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY: Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35: citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, re-nl and write the English language. F< information ap ply to Recruiting Officer, Peachtree and Forsyth Streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. 4-1-1 WOULD YOU BUY a good automobile cheap? The automobile columns of the “Want Ad” section carry a list of BIG RESULTS LOST—Double-faced gold watch fob: number on case 1352169; inono- gram "B. V. D." Return to B. '■ Daumhersser. 299 Washington St. and receive reward. Phone M. '-38 Help Wanted—-Male. WANTED-^500 men to learn the barber trade; tools and position furnished. Atlanta Barber CoNege, 10 East Mitchell Street. 6-11-17 _2-J. 206-16- Help Wanted—Female. Situations Wanted—Male. WANTED—To keep set oTbookshraft. ernoons and nights. Address Bank Man, care Georgian. 4-18-jJ EXPERIENCED stenographer desire* position at once. Best references fur? -I ** L., 896, care nished. Address J. P. Georgian. 4-18-46 WANTED—Young man who 1b attend ing school to work in grocery store on Saturdays. Apply 5 North Broad. 40-29-4 WANTED—A er; can experience. Apply gian. —A position as soda dlspene- furnish references; five years 1 A. G., care G*or- I 33-18-4 ! HIGH-CLASS, experienced solicitors: steady employment in city to capable ladies. Apply any morning, 8 to 9 o’clock, Mr. Holcomb, 191 Edgcwood Ave. 4-12-15 EXPERIENCED P. B. X telephone op erators and experienced local operators can secure attractive positions by ap plying to Mr. Robinson, Room 10, South ern Bell Telephone Main Exchange, 78 South Pryor Street. 4-6-71 WANTED—Ideas. Inventors, write for Street. list of inventions wanted and prizes - offered by manufacturers. Also, how to get your patent. Sent free to any ad dress. Randolph & Briscoe, patent at torneys, Washington. D. C. 7-11-23 Butler. : 4-16-31 J DO YOU PLAY POOL? If you do, come I to see “Bias” at the TERMINAL HO- t AQip Sunday one bunch of keys; find- TEL POOL PARLOR. We sell 35c in er will kindly notify H. Solomon, 89 , checks for _25c. Whitehall. Reward. LEARN MILLINERY; UDA'Dlo trade on earth for wo best trade on earth for women: pay $60 to *100 a month. Write Ideal School of Millinery, 10<H£ Whitehall 3-29-41 FOUND—Wednesday morning. one Scotch Collie and one bird dog. i Owner call at Georgian Office. a.u l,. Alabama St., ask for Benny- Good tables, good cues. 36-16-4 j and a nice bunch of clever boys. 2-10-24 LOST—Either in Rich’s or Atlanta Na tional Bank Thursday ladies diamond ring. Return to 87 East Merntts Ave nue or phone Ivy 1913. Handsome re : ward. WANTED—Young man who knows how to solder. 76 Ivy Street. 4-16-33 4-16-4 Personal. SPIRELLA CORSETS. ! OUR NEW spring models are out. Call 1 for a corsetiere to come and demon- 1 smite to vou in the privacy of your home. 56 Howell Place. Phone West 428. 4-18-4 I YOUNG LADIES taken for training at ! the Randolph Company Hair Dressing Parlors, 5814 Whitehall Street. 3-3-37 WOULD YOU OWN YOUR HOME? A Georgian the way. "Want Ad" will show you jRRl) GRAVY COUN- \ TRY (whole) OQ ‘ j HAMS . [ Dressed Turkey 27 l />c <Faiic.v Dressed Ileus 22c • Pork Roast 17 ’o and 22< Porterhouse St.ak.22 1 .. & 25. It J jLavih Chops .‘JOe ll’ure l’ork Sausage, t)>..17Vhc | Blue Valley Butter 40c, V ( ) Prairie Rose Butter 40. ! Wood Bros. \ B)5 Peaehtroe. Luekie. Bell Ivy 7086, 7087, 7088 , 796. EAT TflP-TOP BREAD At all grocers. FAT Tfl P=TOP BREAD At all grocers. FREE! FAT TIP-TOP BREAD LI Friday and Saturday we will give free a 10c j of Stollwerck’s Goeoa or Chocolate, as follows: box of Stollwerck’s Cocoa a 10c size package '/ Chocolate, and with a 25c package Stollwerck’s 10c box Stollwerck’s Cocoa The past patronage of all our customers is appreciated and fa continuance of same solicited. size package With a 25e Stollwerck’s Chocolate a TAPPAN & CO. 55 HIGHLAND AVENUE, 118 & 120 Whitehall KINGAN ’S OR MORELL S CASH GRO, GO. KINGAN ’S OR BREAKFAST BAGCN Lb. 12" DEATHLY sick husband begging to see his runaway wife. Calls her Polly and Sara B. C. .lames, Columbia, b. C. 49-16-4 MORPHINE and whisky habit can be cured; hundreds of testimonials. No ! danger, no suffering. Send for litera ture. Address P. O. Box 272, Atlanta, , Ga. 3 - 5 -' 2 GEORGIA CANE SYRUP— Gal., 38c; y 2 Gal., 19c; y 4 Gal., 10c. PARKSDALE BUTTER, 34c. Cash Gro. Co. 118 and 120 Whitehall FORTUNES have been made in Atlanta Real Estate. Your opportunity is 1 probably to-day. Read Real Estate ads in “Want Ad" section cf The Georgian. 1 FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian Dlinds, metal weather strips furnished anvwhere in the South. Write or phone \\. R. Cal la wav,- manager, 1403 l-ourth National Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310. Help Wanted—Female. TrELP^VANTED^irT^dressniaking. Ap ply 71^ Whitehall Street, third floor. 4-18-48 WANTED—Young lady between ages of 15 and 18 as assistant in office; must write good hand and l>e quick and accu rate in figures. Call between the hours of 11 and 12 Saturday morning. 302 Foote & Davie# Building. 4-18-200 WE want to get in touch with a lady willing to travel; good appearance and ordinary common sense the only quali fications necessary. We pay all ex penses, etc. Apply at once. H. S. A., Box 10. care Georgian. 39-18-4 WANTED—Young women and girls de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully guarded by matron, woman supervisors and chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating room. Short train ing course for those inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning. Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient, increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advance ment to $75 per month. References proving the standing of the applicant essential. Those having educational ad vantages preferred. Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attend ance. Apply 8:30 to 5, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School, 25 Auburn Avenue. 3-20-25 IS YOUR NAME In the Business Guide columns of the “Want Ad" section’ Little ads bring big results. Help Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED—Experienced butler and maid. Apply 442 Peachtree Street. 4-18-46 WANTED—Immediately, a good cook. Apply 653 Piedmont Avenue. 4-18-22 j WANTED—A young girl to clean up for half of day. Apply 653 Piedmont Ave. 4-8-21 MEN, WOMEN—Get government JobB; excellent salaries. Write immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 49-C, Roches ter, N. Y. 44-13-4 WOMAN for general house work; room on the lot. Apply 485 Peachtree St. 4-18-27 PIANO PUPILS, 25c lesson. Peachtree Street. 35 West 3-27-4 WANTED—Position by reliable young I man as collector or time-keeper.' Can give references. Address J., Box 674 I care Georgian. 30-18-4 ON ACCOUNT of leaving Atlantal recommend my chauffeur (white) to I anyone requiring the services of a com petent driver of four or six-cylinder cars, who will take complete charge of car and give it conscientious attention, and is thoroughly honest and reliable. Apply 156 Peachtree Circle. Telephone 5261 Ivy. 4-18-20 i EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN STE NOGRAPHER of executive ability, 1 business training and character, de* ! sires change; now confidential stenog rapher and assistant to treasurer-man ager large supply and machinery con ! poration. Box 10, K, care Georgian. 4-18-12 YOUNG MAN wants clerical position or ! collector’s place; good references. X, Z., 160 Spring Street. 35-17-4 ! WANTED—Position as shipping clerk for wholesale hoiuse by man 25; good references; packing house preferred. C. B. G.. Box 905, care Georgian. 32-17-4 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would Ilk* to keep a light set of bocks at night as a line, '"yn furnish good refer- en D. H Box 901, care Geor gia 33-17-4 WORK with a prosperous farmer by a youpg business man of Atlanta; am 21; have worked on farm; would work.1 part or all of Spring and Sumraf.v or 1 longer. Give full particulars. Addresi F., Box 413, care Atlanta Georgian 4-16-34 WANTED—Position as bookkeeper and typist by young man with four years experience; now employed, but desire change. If you w'ant a good man, ad dress P. L., Box 12, care Georgian 204-16-4 COLLEGE graduate with year’s expe rience in banking desires position in office at once. Not afraid of wort Address 1-3 North Broad Street. 205-16-4 ence; speaks and writes Spanish and English; desires a responsible position. Can furnish A-l references. Write Ans* ley. care Georgian. 203-16-4 WOULD you give 25 cents ror a geod Job? Place a "Want Ad” in The Geor gian and get one. At All Dealers. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. Salesroom and office, 62 N. Pryor Street. Factory 86 E. Cain Street. Bell phone Ivy 4203 4-6-70 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at ! 34 Wall Street, has an expert fitter and j It will cost you no more to have him fit ! you, and it means insurance 6-24-19 AT ONCE, steady washerwoman to work on lot. Apply 27 West 16th St. 4-18-25 A GOOD white nurse or maid to leave oity. Phone Main 2488-L. 4-18-24 WANTED—An experienced cracker packer and girls to work in icing room. Apply Frank E. Block Co., Elliott Street. 4-18-17 WANTED—An experienced cook; none other need apply; small family; good wages. 58 East Merritts Avenue. 4-18-15 WANT to furnish your servants and move your furniture. Thompson St Evans, furniture movers and employ ment agency. Room 304 Odd Fellows Building. Bell phone Ivy 7094-J, Atlanta phone 5989-A. Just say; “Move me.” You can pay within thirty days. 3-20-8 WANTED—Experienced milliners and makors. Apply 115 Peachtree Street. 203-18-4 CALLER KING TO DETAIL ALL ROAD BALL GAMES win be 9 Ytadu - A t la n t a on the job this ct Place, when garni 1 at Nash- Oaller King afternoon ai the Nashville vlHe is? called Mr. King will run, a detail, play by play, of every road game of the local club this season and has rented the old Staten tight hall for the season. Mr. King detailed the world’s series In this hall, and will also be on hand at the same old stand when the big games come off this fall. The game at Nashville starts promptly at 3:80 o’clock. If you have never heard Mr. King detail a ball game you had better g«t the habit. You will think you are watching the real game. AIABAMA AND MERCER CLASH ON DIAMOND TO-DAY EAT TUP-TOP At all grocers. DANNY MAHER CAPTURES FOUR OUT OF SIX RACES Special Cable to The Atlanta Georgian. LONDON, April 18. The Ameri can Jockey, Dannv Maher, despite his increasing weight, performed a re markable trick at the Newmarket Race Uourse yesterday by winning four out of six races. Three of the races, including the principal event of the day. tlie Craven Stakes, in which -Maher rode Lord Rosebery's Sanqhar to victory, were won In succession. Besides capturing the Craven Stakes, Maher won the 3-year-old handicap plate with Brand, took a selling plate rue© with Highland Fowl and also led the field to the tape with Lord Roaeberv. and his fast ball t4am will and Saturday are expected. , April University of Alabama | play Mercer here to-day j and some close contests 20 PLAYERS TRY FOR JOBS. OPELIKA, ALA., April .18—About 20 bail players have reported to the local management and are straining every muscle to make the team. Ope JERRY HARRINGTON DEAD. KEOKUK. IOWA. April 18. Jerry Harrington, once catcher of the cinein- j expects to be in the race all sea- nati Reds and also for the Louisville team, died yesterday from the effects ! son and will be represented by i ?,>• ThV* n-Tl-o . '- ,od team - Th ‘* "•»> Opelika'-; ,-,r« ».!•». i“« J Mr.*- year n ,<nt.inized baseball. EAT TIP-TOP BREAD At a 1! grocers. TWO NEW FIELD COACHES FDR PRINCETON ELEVEN PRINCETON, N. J., April 18. -TUe Tiger football team will come under the tutelage next fall of Walter Gres ham Andrews of Wilmington, N. C., who have been appointed to the posi tion of Held coaches at Princeton. Tiie new directors take the places of La- gun Cunningham and T J. Wilson. The Held coaches at Princeton have intimate charge, together with Train er Keene Fitzpatrick of the detai'.s of coaching. WHITNEY MEETS JOHNSON IN 10-R0UND GO TO-NIGHT EAT MATERNITY SANITARIUM—Private, refined, homelike. •Limited number of patients cared for. Home provided f or infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind- > 6or Street. 11-9-57 TTTi YTY'vTTT? ROOF leaks, call Roof I r lUUn Doctor, W. Main 714. Barnett, 1-1-7 BREAD At all grocers. DENVER, April 18— Frankie Whit ney. the Cedar Rapids. Iowa, fighting carpenter, and Eddie Johnson, a lo cal boy. clash here to-night in a scheduled 10-round battle. Betting fans here have made Whitney a 6 to 5 choice, due to the great form he has been showing in training. Both boys are lightweights. GEORGIA BEATS ALABAMA. ATHENS. GA.. April 18.—John Mor ris duplicated Corley s wonderful pitch ing performance Wednesday by letting the heavy-hitting Alabamans down with two bingles yesterday afternoon. Geor gia won, 13 to 2. ATTELL LEAVES FOR NEW YORK; STILL AFTER TITLE Abe Attell, former featherweight champion, who met Bennie Kaufman at the Orpheum Theater fiasco Tues day night, left yesterday for his home in New York. Attell said he was sorry that his match with Kaufman proved a bloomer, but he hoped to be able to meet some worthy foe around here soon. Abe said that he was going to challenge the winner of the Dundee-Kilbane bout on the coast April 29. JOHNNY DOBBS SECURES HOHNHORST FROM TOLEDO Eddie Hohnhorst. who played first base at one time for the Crackers, then with New Orleans and later with Cleve land and Toledo, has been secured by Manager Johnny Dobbs, of the Mont gomery team. Hohnhorst comes from Toledo. Hohnhorst will battle Bob Tarleton. who was in this league also before ;he present season, for the regular first basing job of the Billies. Spencer, secured by the Billies from Rochester, has been turned back to that club. COLONELS RELEASE RICHTER. LOUISVILLE, KY.. April 78.—The Louisville team yosten.av released Ditcher Reggv Richter to Montreal, of A lhe Iwlarna-Uunal League- A House, A Home, A Horse, A Lou)— These “Want Ads” Will Tell You How WANTED—Good colored girl for house work. Apply 58 Bass Street. 202-18-4 LADY, middle aged, required to fill a responsible position in our business. Experience not necessary, but must be quick to learn. Good pay and perma nency. Address A. L., Box 895, care Georgian. 4-18-3 WANTED—Three experienced house cleaners. 267 Capitol Avenue. 4-18r8 WANTED—A good colored woman to do cooking and general house work. Phone Ivy 64C1. 4-18-6 WANTED—Good cook; must come w r ell recommended; prefer one that will live on lot. Apply 1089 Peachtree St. 42-17-4 GIRL as cook and do general house work, also laundry on the place; small family. Apply 15 West Twelfth Street. 204-17-4 RESTAURANT cashier high-class hotel wanted at once. Give telephone num ber, references and experience in let ter. Address G, Box 500, care Georgian. 4-17-16 WANTED—First-class nurse; refer ences. 894 West Peachtree Street. 4-17-2 WANTED—Good cook. Only two in family. Good wag6s. Reference re quired. Bell phone Main 1229, or call mornings. 357 Washington Street. | 4-15-45 WANTED — Experienced saleslady: must have dem onstrating and selling abil ity. Good pay to right party. Give references. Ad dress J., Box 508, care Geor gian. 4-16-if WEAVERS WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. Plain and Fancy Work. High Wages. ATLANTA WOOLEN MILLS. Teachers Wanted. WRITE for record of our eight years’ work. High class patronage. Ef ficient service. Foster’s Teachers Agen cy, Atlanta, Ga. 64-8-4 ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is Increas ing in value daily. Many bargains are offered in the Real Estate columns of the “Want Ad” section of The Georgian. Agents and Salesmen Wanted. AGENTS WANTED—For the “Horrors of the Ohio Flood;” a thrilling and au thentic account; great seller; big profit; anybody anywhere can make lots of money, retail price *1.00. Agents’ sample copy and terms only 86 cents. Write quick. H. A. Stewart, Jenifer, Ala. 47-18-4 AGENTS call on beBt people; best, new est automobile necessity; sells with large profits; troubles instantly, perma nently repaired. Particulars, Wolff Bros., Box 359, Macon, Ga 46-18-4 Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED—A position In a refined home As companion or housekeeper. Would assist with sewing. Address Box 81, Newborn, Ga. 49-16-1 PRACTICAL young gentlewoman, re fined, educated, capable, experienced, desires position as managing house keeper qr companion for children. Ad dress Box 52, Milner, Ga. 48-18-4 YOUNG LADY desires position as gov erness. English course, drawing, painting and elementary French ana music. References exchanged. Box 1182, care Georgian. 31-18-4 FIRST-CLASS experienced maternity nurse wants to make engagement for May and June. Hattie Beeks, 144 Brown Avenue, §outh Atlanta. 50-16-4 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing to do by day. Call Ivy 2060-J. Lula 308-lb ■§ YOUNG LADY desires position »s WJ- ing clerk and stenographer at once. Can give references. Address 336 ten- tral Avenue. IN~TEN DAYS, ’ owing to change in location of our office, as competent a ste nographer and secretary as ( we have ever had will be open for a position. We are anxious to secure a place in Atlanta for her. Kennedy- Brown-Hall Co. Phone h? 5575-L. ’ 51-184 PERMANENT position 5 young lady stenographer; hate CaI 45-16-4 three years’ experience. SETTLED colored woman wants home as nurse or cook; roorn »■ board. 76 North Boulevard. WANTED—Seamstress for few days; $1.10 per day. Call Ivy 1734-J. 44-16-4 r WA.^TED—Agents to sell lectures; best l IffcMUry productions, “Lif« and Career I or Bob Taylor;’’ men and women of good appearance, education anC refine ment can get permanent position and good pay: good references required. Address Globe Book Company, Morris town, Tenn. 4-18-32 i Read for Profit; Use for Results. WANTED—A settled white woman to cook and assist in housework; good £>av; references required. Phone Ivy 742-J. 4-16.12 WANTED—Three -high grade salesmen local and travel. Position good for $500 to $1,000 per month. 309 Peach tree Street. Phone 740. 82-18-4 WANTED—A white girl for general housework; furnished room in the house; references required. Phone Main 4249. 4-16-11 PORTRAIT AGENTS—Send your work direct to artist and get better work. We get order out on iime v Prices to suit your trade. Stevens Bros., 23^4 Whitehall Street, Atlanta 3-7-85 Situations Wanted—Male Female. RKFINED young couple, husb«4* student In the city, would like, to for a home during the summer or Can give best of reference. Coupla, care Georgian. ^ REFINED young married coupl*. band a student In the city. to care for a home during the sunin^^ longer. Can _ Write Couple, care - a home during the su ™„_ re , Jan give best of relffiflM jple. care Georgian HAVE YOU BOLD THAT HOUSE 1 A little -For Sale" ad In the "Want-* 4 section will find a purchaser ft