Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 19, 1913, Image 15

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Many Opportunities Are Offered In These Ads For You to Own a Home—Read Them All BUSINESS GUIDE Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin Rooms and Board. • iCtr\\TTv r 7u^i^mi'nKmK^for^RentIeineT». with reasonable board: very close in. Main 4630-L. 4-18-35 auction Sales of Furniture and Household Goods. S'TKAl'. AUCTid1s’~COMPANY I 12 Card Mitc#>eM street, buys and sells »v rviliinjf; regular auction Tuesday .ml Friday. Bell phone Main 2424. 10-3-41 NICE 1 large unfurnished front room and good board for refined couple: very close in. Main 4630-L. 4-18-34 Automobile Repairing. '•'A^wvw\A«/wvw«wwwv^w\Ayww dKOim AUTO PARTS. -FORGED. Broken springs re-weld ed and guaranteed. Prices right. Sat isfactory service. Anderson Bros. & Rich, both phones, 372 Edgewood Ave nue. 4-2-7 Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. (®akp?’p R ? Fl , IUNm:RK exchange GAHPRJ cleaning, furniture repairer furniture bougiit ond sold and mat- nfu 3 p/ eno \ a . ,en 121 M '-Daniel Street. ■t* 1 !. Phone Mam 4840. Atlanta Phone ■* S - 4-6-8 36: PEACHTREE STREET—Fine loca- tion, near in. large, choice rooms to couple or gentlemen. Table board a specialty. 4-18-42 NICE, large downstairs room with ev ery convenience, meals with family, for couple or two young men. Best car service. Ivy 2749-.J, 4-18-18 FURNITURE ,or and (le- AAXi X ltvered. Satlsfac- RT..PA TUTT7A lion guaranteed. ;& Butler, Banks. AME RtdX?T5jATI ONAL BANK - ." Corner Alabama and Broad street. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000. re w. rtT , . . . v.uciiran Ar UUtier, 55 McDaniel street. Atl. phone 3091-M 3-22-14 F S5SSK !RB r , e ,P al T cd - upholstering. nea lly Clone. Work called ItS . Ive i ed Young K. Carson. 4.9 Marietta street. Atlanta 3587 3-5-6 1 TWO excellent front rooms for board ! ers. Electricity and oil conveniences; walking distance. lvy_2856-L. 4-18-14 I ONE NICELY furnished room with ! board for couple or two young men. Inman Park, private family. 350 Euclid. | Ivy 6388-L. 4-18-2 WANTED— Two young men or couple to board In private family on Cleburne Avenue, in Inman Park. Phone Ivy 2573-.). 4-18-5) Barber Shops. HAIR CUTS—15c. 3 Viaduct place, between Peachtree • nd Broad. 12-28-28 Bicycles. See D. Alexander. 54 N. Pryor. • M. 3116. Repair Work a special ty. 3-27-51 W.. L. LUNSFORD & CO. / e Pa ir l n g and refinishing furniture of ail kinds; satisfaction guaranteed. Phones, Atlanta 5950-F, M 51U S-G-30 Hardware and Tools. MAI ?6WaK 1-: tool^TTiouseVmid^^peciaP ties. 100 per rent value at 100 Edge- wood Avenue. H. G. Martin. 2-11-41 WANTED—At once boarders; desirable 1 rooms, home cooking, nice table. Ap ply 92 Orange Street. 4-17-22 Box and Bedding Plants. 50c per dozen. Telephone your r\rder. Tvy 1248-J. Ponce DeLeon Floral Co., 398 Ponco DeLeon avenue. 4-3-2 Builders. LET US BUILD ydu a home. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-15-16 Carpenter and Builder. '•'mriaKM'ltEPTir^oric ! P M. WHEELER, 19 South Forsyth St Phone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 12-31-16 Carpets and Rugs Cleaned. vfV^^A^iTEAM CARPET CLEA^ ING COMPANY (Inc.) 27 West Alex- | ander street. Phone Ivy 4186. Moist I and dry cleaning. Rugs woven from j your old carpets and rags. Porch | shades made to order. 2-8-27 HAVE two pleasant rooms with board at 51.3 Peachtree. 41-17-4 Hat Cleaning. and blocked. 36c. George's Hat Clean- mg and Shoe Shine Parlor. 3K E. Ala. Street. 4-10-11 j FRONT ROOM with board, also con necting rooms in modern Elizabeth ! Street home. Inman Park; reasonable, j Ivy 6963-.I. 200-17-4 Furnished Rooms Wanted COFFEE desire two rooms, partly fur nished for light • housekeeping, in North Sid** private home with owner, close in; must be desirable; rent not over $15. .1. E. L., Box 82, cure Geor gian. 41-18-4 IV ANTED- By a gentlemun permanent room with hath or hath privilege, on the North Side; references exchanged. Address p. <> Box 28, City. 43-18-4 Piano Bargains Special Bargains in Used Instruments 21 POULTRY, PET a«d LIVE STOCK w e are oi Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. > .aa j El>— Two first floor unfurnished rooms. Gall Main 4039. 4-17-5 BV COUPLE, three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping on South Side. Ad dress M. S. F., care Georgian. 4-18-30 A THREE-ROOM flat, second floor; has bath, water and gas. 91 West Harris. 25-18-4 THREE cool upstairs rooms, one block from Pryor Street. All conveniences. Use of phone. Vacant May 1. 154 Hich am son Street. 4-16-21 FOR RIvNT— Unfurnished Cooper Street. rooms. 57 201-18-4 ONE OR TWO large front rooms, pri vate porch; block of Peachtree. 400 Courtland Street. . 35-16-4 LISTEN! Call Main 2466-L; private board and rooms; all conveniences. 308 South Pryor Street. 4-17-11 Hatters. ACME HATTERS make oiflX'.ats look like new Mail orders given prompt at. tentlon. 20 East Hunter street. 12-3-44 Jewelry. _ i-e a large stock of solid gold and best grades of filled bracelets. Price $2.50 and up; -- r c = 8h ? r „ tirne - Banta-Cole Com- panj. 5 South Broad Street. 4-15-23 Lighting Fixtures. ELECTRf<r~£nd'gas f.ztures-~aU~iTew lowest prices. Queen Mantel ,lp Company, 56 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 681. 1-16-16 Lime, Concrete, Roofing, Stone. LACfyLiffi@^ANfysT3?rEri3^ijpASY; „ Lime, concrete and roofing stone. 91S •>d Nat. Bank Bldg. 2-8-50 COAL Coal. Jellico Lump- $4.75 fEDMpNT -COAL COAL CO. BOTH PHONES MAIN 3648. 1-13-34 ^ Machine Work. MALSBY COMPANY^ Manufacturers of and Dealers in MACHINERY. 438-40 MARIETTA STREET. 4-5-18 FOR all kinda of machine work see I ft t. IJ ...... — 1 . , . ...... _ — Camp Bros., now located at 275 Ma rietta street. rhone M. 29*7. 12-3-4 Coal, Coke and Wood. s. m. trt:itt" &~s(Jns, I for dry wood and best coal 1-31-21 I Contracting, Painting and Wall Tinting. WALTER ’BARTLETT, Contracting Painter. Wall tinting, etc*. Bell M. 14711, Atlanta 2394. 90 Josephine St. rA-19. 50-13-4 A. JOHNSON, 397 W. Fair St. Atl. 2064. For all kinds of painting and I tinting. Dentist. Mattress Renovating. SAN^RT^ifATTR'EgS^ES^'VATt Ij v G ~ Factory new and up-to-date; moderate prices; give us a trial. Jack- & Orr Company, Means street and A w ° Both phones. 3-20-14 TWO rooms and board, North Side; pri vate family; excellent home cooking Telephone Ivy 6675. 30-17-4 HANDSOMELY furnished front room for couple; private residence; can fur nish meals. Phone Main 6436-J. 38-16-4 NICE furnished room and couple; private bath. 7i ton Street. board for Washing- 4-16-8 NICE front room and board in private family. Phone Ivy 2104-J. 4-14-20 COZY INN. HALF-BLOCK from Candler Bldg; splendid looms; best board; $20 per month and up; sure to please. Phone Ivy 6652. 43-11-4 BEST MEALS IN TOWN. $S WEEK. ROOM AND MEALS, 34 197 SOUTH PRYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. 4-5-64 36 EAST NORTH AYE. BETWEEN the Peach trees; nicely fur nished rooms and exceiient table board. Ivy 6501. 3-26-24 PEACHTREE INN. A family hotel, located at Peachtree^and Alexander Sts. American plan $7.50 to $12.60 week. European, $3 to $7 week. 1-9-34 Board Wanted. son „ .... ..... W. & A. R. R. Printing. R YB ERT&T HOLLI NGMSWUrTH FOR ANY KIND of printing. We satisfy our customers. 10 vxilmer Street. Bell Main 4600. 4-4-6 PORCELAIN—NO GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK OUR SPECIALTY. Whalebone; Best Set. wifiSn $3.00 No More. No Less GOLD CROWN (22 CARAT) ..$3.00 BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH 3.00 SILVER FILLINGS 25 GOLD FILLINGS 50 CLEANING TEETH 50 TWENTY-YEAR GUARANTEE. EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS. 38*4 Peachtree Street. 4-2-31 Roof and Gutter Work. 1 EEPAiR all'Ymofsr^uttersr^aiPkinda sheet iron work. 33 South Pryor. Main 3127. T. W. Hooper. 8-4-62 Safe Cracksman. ire and burglar proof safes opened and repaired. C. C. Downes, 2914 Marietta Street. Phones M. 2146. Atlanta 4922 4-6-11 Sand. SAND. SAND In an;- quantity and quality; prompt delivers’. S. M Truitt & Son. 1 13-32 Sewing Machines. Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Trouble. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 ">R. GEORGE BROWN, Diseases of the Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 J Austell Bldg. I have the only compound ■oxygen plant ever brought South and ■ make this gas daily. Weak, nervous, |r naemic and pale people are invited to ■ rail. 4-6-13 Engineering and Machine )esigning G. V. PLANT. M. E. , I DEVELOP YOU It INVENTION. ■Dixie Pattern and Machine Works, 262 ■West North Avenue. Main 2829. 4-5-17 Shoes. GET the best shoes for the whole family. Peacock & Drennen, 222 Marietta Street. 4-16-28 Shoe Repairing. —sifofs^imscsomrsTswEB;— 50 CENTS. At Gwinn s Shoe Shop. 6 Luckie Street, Opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phones. 3-26-46 Fly Screens. ELY—SCREENS—FLY Stove and Range Repairing. STOVE DOCTOR. |COME SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Roller-bearing Screens, our Sliding ■Screens; none better. It will pay you to ■see our goods; get prices. 217 Kiser |Bldg. Main 1319. Porter Screen Co. ’. J. Crawford, Agent. 2-4-14 STOVE, range and furnace repairing “ Pry 61 South Pryor Street. Bell Phone Main 1460. Atlanta phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN. THE FIXER. Fire-Proof Storage. fWB STORK HOUSEHOLD GOODS and pianos. Office and warehouse, 239- i Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John |9 Woodside Storage Company. ! STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta phone 2235. Bell phone M. 2699. Furniture. T. C. FURNITURE C. ■ ash or easy payments, 415 Marietta, Atlanta 1797. 4-5-12 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. ‘ K^^aTi^d^and^repaired - : ; ROUNTREE'S. 77 WHITEHALL ST. ! PHONES: Bell M. 1576. Atlanta 1654. Fresh Oysters Daily. VIRGINIA and New Orleans oysters ou the half shell, 40c Dozen. 77 Peachtree street. ptE YOU LOOKING for a good posl- tion? A little “Want Ad’’ will find it for you. Musical. WANTED—F'irst-class orchestra, open [ >or engagements, dances, weddings, Address Box 896, care Georgian. 29-16-4 Typewriters For Rent. GOOD machines rented any where, 55 for three months. American Writ. Mch. Co., 48 N. Pryor. Violin Maker. changed; repairing a specialty. The Old Reliable Violin Dealer. Mays Bad- gett. 34V4 Peachtree. 3-31-34 Wood. WOOD. SOUTH GEORGIA mill cut-offs by the carload or any quantity you may want. They make fine kindling. S. M. Truitt & Son 1-13-33 Piano Bargains PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS. SOLD at the lowest prices and on the most reasonable terms at which first- class instruments can be handled. Behr Bros., Newby & Evans, Ludwig and others. Call and see me before you buy. WALTER HUGHES, 88 N. Pryor St. 3-29 I wishes nice board hi nice, private family. Can furnish good references. Call West 172 after 6 p. m. 4-16-14 Furnished Rooms For Rent. DELIGHTFUL room; refined, North Side private home. All conveniences. Excellent meals near. Ivy 1294-J. 4-18-41 TWO large front rooms, newly fur nished. 29 East Ellis Street. 35-18-4 UPSTAIRS furnished rooms: can ar range for light housekeeping; close In. Phone Ivy 1934. 85 West Harris St. 4-18-31 TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent at 166 East Linden Avenue. See them. 26-18-4 EXCELLENT housekeeping rooms, pri vate entrance, electricity, hot water; use of phone. Ivy 2856-L. 4-18-13 REASONABLE, furnished rooms for la dies or gentlemen. Phone Main 1965. 4-18-16 DELIGHTFUL modern flat of four rooms and bathroom in owner’s resi dence. References. 530 Piedmont Ave nue. 201-17-4 enug a strong array of values in used pianos taken in as part pay ment on high-grade Kim ball uprights and Flayer Pianos during the past six- tv davs. When Eggs Are Sold By Weight Houdan- Will Be in Demand Hard Working Laying Chicken That Has Been Favorite for Ye. irs. i nest been t hauled and instruments have j h o r o u g h 1 y over fly skilled workmen, | are in splendid condi- Some poultry written tion, both in point of ap- THREE beautiful rooms with bath, gas, pearance and tone. A n y instrument pur chased can be traded with in two years, and the full amount paid will be cred- a electricity and every modern conve- j ifed Oil the purchase (if new Kimball. UPRIGHTS. TV. O ROOMS and kitchenette; $12.50. Phone and lights. 54 East Alexander. 4-16-25 LARGE first-floor room, large cook room, or three rooms, cheap. 131 Ivy Street. 43-16- ! Starr Piano us Player . .. .$ 65.00 FOR RENT—Two large rooms and hall. with closets, sink, toilet, bath and use (]ntp ( ( jf v of telephone, for light housekeeping. 95 j v * c41 ' ' , v Ira Street. 202-16-4 ! Piedmont UNFURNISHED ROOMS, rent reason able. with or without meals. 106 Raw- son Street. 4-16-200 THREE large connecting rooms, with separate gas, pantry, sink. Phone Main 847. 530 Lawton. 26-16-4 FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all con veniences; close in. Apply 114 East Fair Street. 4-15-21 ROOMS FOR RENT—Apply Miss Mary Hendley, George Muse Clothing Com pany. 4-15-10 THREE unfurnished rooms, nicely ar ranged for light housekeeping. Phone West 872. 4-13-65 Rooms Wanted. ROOMMATE wanted for young gentle man on North Side; nice room. B. K.. care Georgian. 4-18-200 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms FurJRent. FOR RENTvrifwo?th ree or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, in modern, close in North Side apartment. Re duced price until September. Ivy 6033-.T 4-18-44 Wellington . . New England Carleton Crown of our prominent breeds of have been written and re- about In the poultry and farm papers until there seems to br nothing to be said about them that has not already been said time and again. It matters but little whether breed is any better than other breeds, or, for that matter, half as good as most breeds, just so it has a lot of pushers back of it, you will hear about t from every quarter of tiie compass. But the breed I start ed out to talk about, the Houdan, is not one of the boomed kind. It Is one of the hard working laying kind. As its name implies, it is of French origin, and has been bred in its pur ity for more than century. They have been bred in this country for many years; in fact, before the days of booms, which accounts in a great measure for Us quiet way of doing business. There are a good many breeders of this fine old chicken in this country who have been breeding them for a quarter of a century; in fact, when a person of good judg ment, who knows the real value of a nn Sets hold of them once he rare- I— O.UU ly lets up. They may take up an ad- 19": nn ! ditional breed as the wave of popu- larity sweeps over the country, hut 150.00 they will hang on to the old reliable 1 - . Houdan, pronounced Hoo-dun, with LOU.UU ; the accent on the last syllable. i nn In size it is practically the same as DAU/U | th e r. i. Red, but entirely different in 165.00 general appearance of a mottled fowl. Not having been inbred to keep up with the extremes of the fancy in points, it is a fowl of won derful vitality, and the eggs hatch- well and chicks grow rapidly from start to finish. Any one wanting a fowl for the" home for eggs in abundance and meat of the finest kind should nbt hesitate for a moment to take up the Houdan. shape and general makeup. It is a fowl with a crest and beard, and has five toes upon each foot in place of the four toes of the common fowl. The flesh is white and very tender. They lay a pure white egg of large size, and are non-setters. They are really one of 'the most remarkable fowls from a family or utilitarian standpoint in the whole poultry realm. I believe it will not be many years until eggs will be sold by weight, and then people will be looking around for the layers of large eggs, and the Houdan will be right in the swim. They are a fowl that bears confine ment well, yet are good foragers when allowed the range. A short descrip tion of them would read: Body of the plumage black, about one feather in five tipped with white, giving the Question* and Answer*. Judge Marshall: I see quite little in some of the papers about feeding sour milk to chickens. We had al ways considered sour milk as very objectionable as feed for chickens. What do you think about it? What is the best way to feed it, if it is all right to feed? Seneca, S. C. J. B. SMITH. Answer.—Sour milk, or clabber, as it is commonly called, Is one of the best and most wholesome foods you can give chickens, either young or old. It Is best that the milk be well soured or coagulated and not just on the turning point. The milk in this condition is much more wholesome. For fowls not accustomed to eatr' ing it it is a good plan to use some of the milk for mixing a rpash, but do not have it sloppy; have it stiff enough so that it will be rather crum bly. After they have eaten it in thU way for a few times they will becoma so accustomed to the taste that they, will readily drink the plain milk. Aft er chicles are two weeks old you can commence to give the sour milk t®. them to drink. Just a little each day at first, when they will soon be able to take it at all times and In the place of water. People who are in a po sition to use this sour milk and do not do it do not know how much they are missing. Of course, vessels used..' as containers should be scalded out often and not allowed to become.. moldy from old milk adhering to them. ~i. 200.00 Ducks. And manv others. EXCHANGE An Indian Runner Fawn drake for canary. 204-18-4 Also, two dozen organs at; °? 0 ac e count of my l,eaUh 1 am forced prices ranging from $10 up. W. W. KIMBALL CO., Atlanta Branch, 94 N. Pryor Street. 11. R. Calef, Manager. AUTOMOBILES sell our entire flock of ducks, con sisting of 100 Fawn and White Runners, 20 Mammoth Pekins and 14 White Run ners. Most of these are prize winners and ribbons go with them. They are all select birds. Low price on lot, or either variety. Make offer or write me. Eggs $1 for 12, $5 per 100. Ducklings any time 25c each. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, Ga. 4-17-10 Eggs—All Varieties. BALANCE SEASON—Eggs from my special mating "bred-to-lay” S. C. Whit© Leghorns, $1.50 setting; special mating White Runner ducks (Patton strain) including second drake, fourth and fifth young ducks. Atlanta show. November. 1912, $2 setting. South Geor gia .Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. 3 1-18 NICE large front room, furnished or un furnished. close in; gentlemen or cou- | pie: references exchanged. Phone Ivy » 3123. 4-17-1' ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. THE EGGS of different varieties of fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp ' instead of under the classification of THREE beautiful corner rooms; sepa rate entrance; private bath, veranda; sink in kitchen. Ivy 99. 4-17-4 SEVERAL rooms, furnished or unfur nished. Call Ivy 4491. 195 East Pine Street. 4-15-17 Furnished Apartments For Rent. NICELY furnished rooms, all conven iences. 104 West Harris Street. Phone Ivy 188. 4-18-5 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, with or without board. Call 115 W. Cain, corner Luckie. 4-18-7 TWO single, nicely furnished rooms, private family; all modern conven iences. 440 South Pryor. Main 2924. 4-18-10 FOR RENT—Two large cool rooms; new bungalow, in beautiful oak grove; one mile from East Lake, on McDonough Road. Can arrange for light house keeping for couple without children. L. U. Cousins, Route 1, Decatur, Ga. 33-16-4 FRONT room, nicely furnished, close in. also small room reasonable. 20 West Harris. - 43-17-4 NICELY furnished room; all conve niences; North Side; close in. Ivy 3915-J. 4-17-19 FOR RENT—Large bed room, furnished, with small connecting kitchen. 68 W. Peachtree St. 4-17-20 FURNISHED ROOM. $2 and $2.25 per week; close in. Apartment C, 286^ Whitehall. 209-17-4 NICELY furnished room, everything convenient. Call at 82 Spring Street. 26-15-4 LARGE upstairs front room; gentleman only; private home; screened win dows. electric lights, furnace, hot w-a- ter. 109 Forrest Avenue. Ivy 6310. 4-17-13 ONE NICE room for rent, connecting with bath, to two young men. Call 113-B Richardson Street. Main 1241-J. 4-17-15 PRETTY front room, furnished neatly, modern conveniences; close in; just two blocks from Candler Building. 188 Courtland Street. 203-17-4 FOR RENT—Elegant room with bath and other conveniences: exceptional: city references required. The Savoy, 11 West Baker Street. 31-17-4 FURNISHED room, private home: also roommate wanted for young man; sep arate beds. 19 East Harris. 4-16-30 FOR RENT—In Northern home, front room and kitchenette, complete for light housekeeping. Cheap to responsi ble parties. Call Ivy 5859-.1. 4-16-27 NICELY furnished front room for rent; $8 month. 46 Capitol Avenue. 4-16J26 FOR RENT—Furnished room, private bath, in steam-heated apartment; North Side; close in. Apply Box 716. care Georgian. 4-16-10 apartment bunding, newly papered and painted; steam heat; all modern conveniences; within four blocks of the Candler building. Call 606 Empire Life Building or phone Main 1897. 2-1-14 LA&GE. clean front room and bath; electric lights; first floor. 48 Peach tree Stree;. 4-15-24 S?OR RENT—Two furnished bed rooms; all good conveniences. 43 West Peachtree. Ivy 2160. 4-15-13 NICIT 11 ght rooms, private family; hot DO YOU NEED HELP of any kind? A little •’Want Ad’ will get it for you. baths; close in; conveniences. 151 Spring. Ivy 6640-J. 4-15-6 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath, shady lot; gentle man preferred. "West Peachtree, ’ Georgian. 49-13-4 ONE* ROOM neatly furnished. 210 Spring Street. Phone Ivy 3205-.I. 4-12-11 FOR RENT—Three elegant furnished rooms for light housekeeping 407 Fraser. Apply in rear. 107-13-4 HOUSEKEEPING apartment furnished from a kitchen cabinet to a spoon; about *12 minutes walk to postoffice; at tractive price to two couples or family with no small children. 105 Fowler St. Atlanta phone 5828-B. 28-18-4 and fender work, lanta phone 3816. Ivy Street. At- 3-10-12 FOR SALE—One 1912 Ford (almost new) runabout; one Hudson "20" run about; A-l condition: newly painted. J. W. Boone, 256 Marietta St. 200-13-4 WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS. LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT- 1. Df “ TIE NEW GRESHAM. 17 W. CAIN. MRS. D. E. M’GAW. FURNISHED rooms and apartments; permanent, and transient people so licited: dining room connected. Bell phone Main 6050. 4-6-8 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent. ONE beautiful modern 4-room apart ment; second story. Phone Ivy 3698-J. 4-17-9 NEW modern six-room apartments. 95 West Tenth Street. Phone Ivy 6125. Mrs. Ferris. 26-17-4 for RENT—Five-room flat; instanta neous heater: all conveniences; beat neighborhood: three blocks of business section. Apply 240 Woodward Avenue. 25-16-4 Unfurnished Apartments Wanted. W AT* T~E O'—Cou pi e desire four-room unfurnished apartment on North Side. Occupancy on or before .Tune 1. State particulars. Address "M ,” P. O. Box 1718. 37-16-4 Furnished Houses For Rent. IN Ansley Park, half block from Peach tree, house ami furnishings, new last summer; eight rooms; Muy to October. A. N. Bentley, 1127 Candler Bldg. 201-18-4 NORTH SIDE; seven rooms. Will rent for three or four months. References required. Box 782, care Georgian. 41-16-4 PIEDMONT AVENUE furnished home to rent for summer, eight rooms with three bed rooms and three baths; price per month: no children. Write D. W. M., 1001 Atlanta Bank Building. 4-16-7 LEAVING CITY until late fall and would like to rent my nicely furnished house, strictly private and modern, only seven minutes walk to heart of city. 65 Capi tol Avenue, or phone Main 3695. 32-16-4 Furnished Houses Wanted.. WA^TEfv^urnlshed 5 or C-"roonT^coU tage; references exchanged. X. Y. Z., care Georgian. 4-17-18 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. 28 GRAY STREET—A nice four-room house with hall; all conveniences; two car lines; $12.50. Call Main 3744-L. 4-17-3 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., 2% Walton street. 2-13-49 Office Space For Rent. FOR RENT—Office space, with use of phone. 922 Austell Building. Phone Main 1096. 37-12-4 Business Space For Rent SMALL stand, close in on Central Ave nue; suitable for produce or grocery; cheap rent. See Withers, 154 White- naii Street. 29-17-4 5 . 7 * 5 “1 „ AND ALL infringers, agents or users are hereby 0 NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN- s - S'YER IN THE COURT FOR VIOLA- TION_OF_ THIS LAW. LIQ UID TIRE •Een. Leghorns. WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy laying strain, $1.50; pullets, 82 each; eggs. $1.60 and up. Mrs. Robert West, 132 Carter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-8-66 Orpingtons. BLAClT?)Kra?Gl ^o^'eggs $2' "per fif-" teen; laying pullets $3 each; pen of seven pullets at bargain. Brown, 137 Crew. Main 109. 34-16-4 CRYSTAL "WHITE Orpingtons; eggs. $2. $3, $5 per setting of 15 eggs: old and young stock for sale. George -- -- - “ 2-27-9 TONIC COMPANY, KANSAS CITY" i M Moseley, Menlo, Ga MO. 4 . 8 . 4 j I ‘ * 2 - 00 PER HOUR. NIGHT RATE. $3.00 PER HOUR. PHONE IVY 3196. 13 HOUSTON STREET DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CO AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT. 3-28-26 FOR SALE—One pen Kellqrstrasa White Orpingtons, one rock anrl four hens; also several trios of Cook’s White Or pingtons; foundation stock direct from Cook farms. Write for prices. Mrs. F. O. Miller. Fort Valley, Ga. 3-12-16 P roof gasoline and automo- ol . !s ., a specialty- We handle all ""if.’°l ‘'res. Automobile accessories. AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO il N. FORSYTH STREET. 4-4-69 (rood Used Cars at Reasonable Prices. FORD ROADSTER with touring body also. Courier Roadster, fullv ourier Roadster, fullv equipped and electric light. Bulck Model 10 Roadster with electric " ’ Model 10 Roadster fully equipped, nim- ble. seat. Overland 4-passenger touring. 1 rlmo touring car. new top and seat covers. Staver touring car. repainted fully equipped. Columbia 1911 4-passen- luippeu. coiumDia J911 4-passen- ger, with electric lights, new top, re- palnted. These cars all In good running condition and will be sold: worth the money we ask. Two-clyinder Bulck truck in good condition, $360. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY 241 PEACHTREE ST. 4-11-8 WE «^ a v. v « s « veral chassis and will build body and paint car to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any north*™™ ’’ nti! yo ’' s * e "* PRYOR PLACE. SINGLE COMB BLACK ORPINGTONS —My pens for 1913 are now complete Writ© for my mating list and get the best in eggs for hatching. J. W. Steph enson, Decatur, Ga. 1-8-2 Plymouth Rocks. BARRED ROCKS—Best of all breeds. Eggs from prize winning, prolific lay ing strain, $1 per setting, on sale at^l2 South Broad Street. 86-13-4 EGOS from prize-winning E. B. Thomp son Ringlet Barred Rocks, either mat ing. $3 for fifteen. $5 for thirty. A. M. Kendall, Dallas. Ga. 3-8-11 Poultry—All Varieties. FREE RANGE DUCK AND POULTRY FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Large stock of White Runners. leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh eggs, strong and fertile. Write for prices on stock and eggs If you want a bargain THE FAMOUS REGAL STRAIN of White Wyandottes are noted for their snow white plumage, quick growth, early maturity, large egg-producing qualities, perfect Wyandotte shape, and big win nings at the large Eastern and Cana dian shows. We have si* pens of these grand birds mated and can furnish eggs for hatching at $3. $5. $J0 per fifteen. Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Oglethorpe Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 11-16-18 Dogs. vigilant, kind and good ratters. Tele phone Main 1142 or Ivy 4000. A dog to be proud of. 36-18-4 FOR SALE—Scotch Collie weeks old; one female Collie 2 years old; beauties L. Janssens, 104 Warren Street, North Kirkwood. 38-17-4 puppies Hie 2 yea WANTED—Toy French poodle dog, male or female. Call Main 2286. 4-16-6 Cows. FIVE-GALLON Holstein and Jersey, gentle, easy milker. Few her equal and none her superior. Frank A. Doughman. Attorney. 606 Fourth Na tional Bank. Telephone Main 1142 or Ivy 4000. 37-18-4 FOR SALE—One fresh Jersey cow; sec ond calf. Phone Ivy 6105-J. 4-16-16 Automobiles. DOBBS TIRE REPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 238 PEACH TREE STREET. PHONE IVY 5646 4-1-3 A ltll FOR-PABSENGER CADILLAC; best car ever built and we will let you see us overhaul it and put It in brand naw shape: price right. Come see it. Travis & Jones, 36 James Street, third floor. 1-1-54 Wanted—Miscellaneous. Seeds and Poultry Sunplies. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, VEGETABLE AND FLOWER-, ING PLANTS. POULTRY SUPPLIES. PHONES 2563. A FULL LINE of Cyphers Incubator# and Brooders. INTERNATIONAL $8.50. Sanitary Hovefy- STANDARD SPRAY PUMP, made of solid bras*; guaranteed for five yearrr $4 each. MYERS’ HANDSPRAY, 50c each. MYERS’ each. WHITEWASH SPRAY, i* A FULL LINE OF BRASS CANARY - CAGES. SUIRREL AND PARROT CAGES ALL SIZES of flower pots and tubs. PRATT’S POULTRY DISINFECAN’l fine for killing mites and lice, ank disinfecting the poultry houses. WHATE OIL SOAP for killing bugs on rose bushes and flowering plants For Sale—Miscellaneous. ' 1 i®R£E^KoKgETlGrBn5^ fixtures for quick sale $35. C. H-. Beuchler, Boulevard, near Piedmont Avenue. 4-I6-1T FOR SALE—An electric fan, alternat ing and direct current. F. & J. Loan Co., 120 Decatur Street. 4-16-20 SECOND-HAND SAFES—Small, me, dlum and large home safes, $15; HalFe bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C. .1 Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank Building. 9-7-33 FOR SALE—Electric fans of all makes and styles cheap for quick sale. Pawn brokers Auction House, 5t Decatur St. Bell phone Main 1434. Atlanta phona 3286. 50-18-4 WANTED—To do your typewriting; special attention to "bonds for title," legal and advertising work. For Inter view, address Good Work, care Ameri can. 4-18-37 WANTED—To buy two grand opera tickets for Monday night from some one having season ticket. Anderson, care Georgian. 29-18-4 WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new Mfrs. all kinds sheet metal work. Warlick Sheet Metal Co., 24S Edgewood. 3-4-54 Cast5 ron until you see GARAGE, NORTH 4-2-21 AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND ALL MACHINE PARIS. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. 86 GARNETT STREET 2-26-0 IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble; It «s chemistry, scientifically applied; It has been examined and ap proved by Edgar Everhardt, professor in charge of department of chemistry at Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons, and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Vulcorlne Co., 309 Peachtree St. 3-26-45 CLDSMOBILE "Limited" 1910 seven- passenger, luxuriously appointed, with handsome leather victoria top; complete equipment; excellent condition, will sac rifice $900. AMERICAN-MARTON SALES CO., 1.696 Broadway, New York City. 4-16-7 Automobiles For Rent DUNHAM MOTOR CO. FIVE and sev«n-passenger cara Garage, 112 East Ellis Street. Call Bell phone Ivy 2496 day. Main 4325 night 3-31-33 Tire Repairing niTiH r ( TR AiYEn5TrairwccA Ntww: Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sanders- Hneer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Sprlna Street, Atlanta, Ga. 3-28-15 FOR SALE—1911 model Oakland road ster, good condition; bargain for cash. Can be seen at 34 Auburn Avenue. 4-11-28 $1,800 FRANKLIN ROADSTER, in ex cellent condition, air-cooled, alumi num body, full elliptic springs; an Ideal car for business or professional use; $650. Paui Dixon, 47 Whitehall. Phone Main 1743. 27-18-4 SACRIFICE SALE OF Pope-Hartford Automobiles. NOW is the time to purchase a used car. We need the room for our new* product. Don’t miss this opportunity. An attractive offering of Pope-IIartfords at sacrifice prices. Come and look them over, or address. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. L. S. CRANE. 34-36 JAMES ST., ATLANTA, GA 3-26-42 Motorcycle^. MCTTORcITJLLS^^EXgy TE^MS ;lel BICYCLES. EXCELSIOR motorclycles, high-grade bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycle*; complete stock S arts and accessories; modem «ervlc* epot. Lowest prices; easy terms. AL EX ANDER-8KITWALD CO., 145-147-149 Edgewood Avenue. Phone Ivy 1602. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. 4-1-22 THOR MOTORCYCLES, repairs and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop In city We will take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co., 116 Edgewood Ave. 3-26-31 Bicycles. WANTED—To rent soda fountain. State price in first letter. Address Fountain, care Georgian. 4-18-29 FOR SALE—Oak dressing table and baby walker, good condition, at half- price. Ivy 3500-L. 205-18-4 EQUIPMENTS for Ice cream factorv complete. Ice cream freezer, motor ice crusher, belt and shafting and tub#* Southern Dairy Company, 181 Soutlt - Forsyth Street. 4-17-21 - dress form; WANTED—Good, second-hand, vertical letter file, three or four drawers; must be cheap. Main 699. Mr. Kaplan. 4-8-11 WANTED—Second-hand gas stove. Must be In good condition, and cheap for the cash. Address R., Box 891, care Georgian. 27-16-4 I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. L Bock, 177 Gilmer St. DROP A CARD. We’ll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoes. "THE VESTAIRE.” 166 Decatur Street. for prices household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell Street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-21 For Exchange—Miscellaneous. TO TRADE—Desirable vacant lots for two high class second-hand automo biles. Ivy 4141. Address Coogle, 1102 Third National Bank Bldg. 4-17-6 TRY A "WANT AD” tablet If you need anything. They do the work. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company, 20 East Atlanta, Alabama St. Georgia. CALL Main 1320, Atlanta 1436. Bicycle repairs and sundries. Atlanta Bicycle Company, 10 Peters Street. 2-16-66 Garages For Rent. rHAvinsr renYa^^anUajuPpara ge~at _ ige at 412 Gordon Street. Phone West 330-.J. 4 14-9 Entered at Atlanta poatofflce as second- class matter. Subscriptions Payable In Advance One year, mall, postage prepaid, $6.00 Six months, mall, postage prepaid, 2.60 Three mos., mall, postage prepaid, 1.26 One month, mall, postage prepaid, .46 Subscriptions Payable in Advance Delivered by carrier, one year $5 20 Delivered by carrier, six months.. 3.60 Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1 30 Delivered by carrier, one month .... 46 Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and eihv silica, on* $reek u ONE new Hall-Borchert price, $10. ONE blue whip-cord pocket suit; size, 36; never worn; price, $12. Phone Ivy 30-17-4 6376. ONE 50-GALLON WHEEL TANK FOR SALE CHEAP. AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO 71 N. FORSYTH ST. 4-18-29 FOR SALE A good L. C. Smith visible typewriter; 14-lnch carriage; terms- reasonable offer accepted 184 Fraser Street. Atlanta phone 1600 . 4-17-g DUNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS remove dirt and germs from rugs, car-. Pf *®. floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners'from 332.50 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C J Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth National Bank 13-2-11 Building FURNITURE—We buy and sell cash bargains. Southern Wreckage Com pany, 114 South Forsyth Street. Both phones. l-lT-X WILL SELL my old upright Stein way piano for $100 cash if taken qtiick In storage at 107 Temple Court Building until sold. 4-11-iJ SEND $1 for 600 extra early sweet po tato plants, lemon yams, or 600 Ber muda onion plants, the big kind. ' ' - the Model Farm. Ttftcn. Ga Address 3-20-T SIGNS S1£ N * PAINTING °- 1VA - L ' ° CO., 77H Whitehall. M. 3780 > 1-18-81 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Automatic Refrigerators may; cost a little more than some re frigerators, but taking into con sideration the amount of food and ice they save, they are th*^ least expensive of all refrigera^- tors. Price $17.50 to $75X10. ; C. H. MASON, /.£ Agent. 9 and 8 W, MltcheU Bt. PEAS. PEAS, PEAS for"sale: cvtkj -a rlety; pric . Ha cation. 8. C. ice and staple sent on ttaway spartanb 3-19-j,. SAFES, Fn.ES, eabtaets, new and s*e5,lf ond hand. Gookin Bank and Offlca t • Eqnljjment Company, 113-116 N. Pryor Street, ifElV RdBBEk TIRE* put on Mitchell, 229 Edgewood Avenue 2°lj!*