Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 53

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5 RE HEAR8T S M MM' AitJSMJ \ '. A ! ! .A.\ I A, GY, si NDAY. APRIL -A tCllt Atlanta Real Estate Is Certain to Increase in Value. There Are Bargains in These Ads. Ralph O. Cochran Co. 74-76 Peachtree Street BITEEIi STREET RIGHT eiose to Decatur Street, on Butler Sti'eet. we have a lot 70x200. with improvements, that pay a •tool! rental, that we can sell at the extraordinary low price of Slot) per front foot. This is a pick-up. and you must act quickly. EDGE WOOD AVENUE. A VACANT LOT. 30x100, f&lS per foot. Tqfihs can lie arranged on this, arid it is under t'iie' market value. Watch Edgewood Avenue. MARIETTA STREET. A CLOSE-IN vacant lot, 43x120, running through to the railroad, for $600 per foot. This property will sell for $1,000 per foot inside of two years. WEST PEACHTREE. A BRAND-NEW. 2-story home, out on West Peachtree. in the most desirable /eaitlehtjal ijemon of the st roke f6f $9,000. Term's call‘be affsKgecftniih^fiy the place can be houghf withodt nutcli■ e'SSlf. ’ LAWTON STREET. ON THIS STREET, close to Gordon Street, we have a 9-room house, price $4,650. The lot is 52x188. Terms $500 cash, balance by the month. BON AY E X T F R E A V E N IE A BRAND-NEW house, every convenience. Priqe $5,OO0. $1,000 cash, balance easy. You will like this place. HIGHLAND t\YENUJi. BEYOND Ponce DeLeon, this is the best section of the street, a 2-story 9-room brick house, on a corner, $7,500. $1,000 cash, balance $40 per month. There is nothing better on the market fur the money. Ralph O. Cochran Co. North Avenue Residence | p PINF STRFFT Mortgage Loans. Auctioneer* ■■ » •* • ■ r 1 ’ A BARGAIN IX THIS PLACE—Eight-room two- story msidfio-e in splendid condition. lot 50 y 150. We eau sell this place for $0,500. Cash $750. Assume loan of $2,250 al 5 1-2 per rent -. balance monthly. The land will be worth the price in twelve months. MONEY TO LOAN $12,000 at 7 per cent, and insurance money al lowest rales. QUICK ACTION. NO REl> TAPE. SMITH & EWING There tire plenty of high-priced homes on the North side, but there hi'' not mam yon can buy for ,0,300. We offer an unencumbered plaee. No. 182 East Pine, near Ripley street, for $3,500 cash; it is a two-story house showing its value to any observer. Forrest & George Adair POP KENT 15V FOSTER & ROBSON 11 EDOEWOOl) AVENUE. 4o:t Gordon .street, west end. «’X Tlllt RIGHT goli.g cut Gurdoti Hired, between Queen and Grady, we nave « good two-story » lev» n-room -equipped with all the mod uli oonveiiieimoH. auch oh beautiful cabinet mantels. tllirff, hearths, electric iw.'.rG, fiu‘\ bath and sick In the kitchen; ha.i a good «leef»T|ig porch and a nice fron ourcli. servant*. 1 ; loom, garage, chicken houses and lots, on a car llt.e, •oiivenieni to sole■-»1h . "d churches. In a drat-chiss neighborhood: nov. occu pied. but wiil be vacated mhen rented. Price 360. :• i.’UKUD'IEK AVENTH (BTOCKToX APARTMENT*.) ul'T IX STuCKTON APARTMENT*, Just opposite the main entrance of Giui t Park, we have a .second-floor live-room apartment, with all conven iences s, as electric light*, gas. buth and sink in the kitchen. Tnlt* apart ment is in rice condition through and tkr< ugh. \\\* furirish glut stove, water, heat and JanUor servi- c; on a car Hue; convenient to schools and churches. Price $80. v .\'i» A LONG LIST of other houeee. Ivy 1513. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. 130 Peachtree St. Atlanta 2S6i1. FOB SALE. HOME BARGAINS. $5,500 BUNGALOW in West End and on Gordon Street, stone front. Take a look at it. Terms. it has six rooms, $0,500 BUNGALOW, six rooms, close to Ponce DeLeon. Remember, it lias tile front porch and hath room, cement driveway. This is the prettiest little home on the North Side by far. Terms. $7,500—Another handsome two-story seven-room bungalow. Both of these places have servant room and furnace. $7,750—N< >RTH JACKSON, l ight at Police DeLeon, u dandy nine-room home; modern; on easy terms. Let us show it to you. $9,000—WEST PEACHTREE, a handsome nine-room house; -has everything '"V.Mv«K8AftiMU!-Vh4! your henruttotild wish; on easy*tbrtr»arid $2,800—EAST GEORGIA AVENUE, six-room house; $200 cash, balance $26 per month. MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONES: IVY 1276, ATL. 208. A. J. & FI. F. W est, Real Estate IE YOU ARE interested in wantir.&,U» Vfoure a home* jyw six-room, modern cottage, largfl lot. very best WcfefiWiJdu ok# pafiBients, we are in posi tion to make sacrifice price. WEST : •;; \ : STREET New arid comph e; till roof floorr: tour bed rooms upstairs; two baths: furnace heat; large level ret; tony neighborhood; only $2,500 cash. Price $13.000. A. .J. & H. E. WEST. 218-219 Atlanta National Bank Bldg Ansley Park Lot IN THE BEST SECTION of thU P iUfk> and' just oiir blcrcit fro n - a. line, wo olVt-r a, slightly elevated ltfvel lot. size 50x150 /egt, for $2,750. This lot its i>6t$rden two nice residences, and is a bargain eitlier as a home or investment proposition. Empire Trust & Safe Deposit Co. Empire Building. MONEY WE HAVE ample connections whereby \ye can make loans on desirable real estate in the city. Anyone, wishing to have a loan made quickly will please site ds. Wo fail 'place the ap plication without any unnecessary Relay. Ralph O. Cochran Company 74-76 Peachtree Street. MARBUT & MINOR ~t uo SIGHT-KUOll TWO-STORY IIOT'SK: LOT 100 BV 200: SOUTH MOBELANP A V UNITE. '.VI -TV,- i NEW FIVE-KOOM COTTAiutsU At A-VEVWB. „o—SEVi-:X-KOOM C< .TTAGE: FEAT SHOALS A VENUE. NVK A ' «3S0 TO $800--THIRTY BEAUTIFUL LOTS, NEAR EAST ATLANTA BANK. *8.200 --.EIGHT ACRES WELL IMPROVED: 2 MILES OUT—Two large lots on McPherson Avenue. 51.609—Pi Ve - room ;iou£ , e, lot Ot'xISO, Elat Shoals Avenue. MARBUT & MINOR LOOKI WEST END PARK. <2.250—Here we offer you an up-to-date Groom bungalow, all. improvements. Here Ts a place that is going to sell. You sec this at epee. Easy terms arranged , 1 (T SOUTH Si I) K BARGAIN. \\ i-; HA'. ;: the biggest bargain on the South Shit* in a 6-room cottage, lot 57x7 30, in one-half block of two car lilies. What we van' an offer. $50 «V\SH and $25 per month buy a ue\v and modern 6-room bui.gAow. all improvements. Why pay rent? HARPER REALTY COMPANY - * WE U AY Ik IN INMAN PARJC on good street/ three brarici rtt»w rive--uom bungalows, .iust cue-half block from ear line. They have gas and electric lights, tile bath; in fact, every modern conven ience. See Mr. Robbins. THREE HUN1 >RB1 • At IRK - l I et tree Ft, ad, jurt ripe for subdivision. Something good and the price is right. Over 8.000 feel frontage. Sec Mr. Rob bins, 111’ North Pryor St. FOR RENT. ADAIR & FI O L T Beautiful North Side Subdivision Close In. RIGHT IN TOWN, neai- Piedmont Bark aiul Druiil Hills, here is the best tract ever offered. There’a a fortune in it. IF YOU are looking foi- a good home in any section of the city, see us; we have them and the price and terms are right. fl Rooms, 42D Gordon 8 Rooms, 460 W. Peachtree.... 8 Rooms, 2S5 Ponce DeLeon... 8 Rooms, 7St) N. Boulevard H Rooms, 403 Spring St 7 Rooms, 62 E. Tenth St 6 Rooms, 289 12. Fifteenth St... 6 Rooms, 34 Seals Place 5 Rooms, 25 Hale St 5 Rooms, 16 Arizona .$45.00 . 60.00 . 50.00 . 45.00 . 35.00 . 40.00 . 82.50 . . 20.00 . 20.00 $14 PER FOOT ON WESLEY AVENUE. 400x700—BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE, with wide chert shade and city water. It’s a pick-up. st reel. APARTMENTS. Wi; HAVE a beautiful apartment on TT *. ulilnffl .n <tront E.l«l Vy ■ ♦ Pfi • I a*.- $175 PER FOOT ON MADISON AVENUE. 54xli,0 NEAR GARNETT STREET. This lias a Hue future and will make somebody a lot of mou<'\. Very easv terms. Washing!.>n Street just vacated; has 7 rooms, every convenience. The price $250 PER FOOT, LFUKIE STREET. CLOSE TO THE PIEDMONT is right. Dali us up. Brown, Strauss & \\ ard Compam IF YOU ARE oil to values, you can see money in this. Adjoining pvyii'Tty held at $700. Can make, .easy terms i ■. , - —" —C-’ ; - STONE MOUNTAIN CAR LINE. ON THIS NEW CAR LINE Y\*o have sonic line bdi j/uiibs. Wt* know iilmosi every plaee on or near the (reor^ia railroad, and eon C 4-^q A iAn rf*rnPllt'Q select just what you want, whether it is an investment or a home O Lv^dlll” I lt*dL\CvJ. jJ Cx L l Hldl lo already built. This is a fine section and prices will increase very REAL ESTATE. LOANS, RENTING. 112 f’andldr Building. 112 North Pryor Street. HOMES BUILT ON EASY TERMS. Phones: Ivy 3224-3235. rapidly. Il‘ you want something there, see use at once. NEW. 6-room, second storq; refrigera tors. g:is riingos', electric iigiits toid all modern conveniences; 67 Highland, second door from Jackson. Spe cial price to September 1. : i i*0> i ■ t q'lrh ' 1 H k) W. H. WITHERS 217 and 218 Temple Court, Phone Alain 4569. 150 ACRES OX TI1E CAR LINE. CITY WATER. WITHIN ONE-FOURTH MILE of property selling for !jk!5 per foot. This can be handled around $250 per acre, with release clause-on-small cash payment: ItVo-Rue subdivision, and an easy seller. Owner a non-resident and says sell anyhow. ADAIR & HOLT REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 97 1-2 Peachtree Phone Ivy 10 EUGENE D. HILL RENTING. PHONE IVY 936. 07 X. FORSYTH ST S8 Highland Avenue: ten rooms $25.00 46 Wchi North Avenue: nine rooms 75.f9' 'i North Boulevard: eight rooms 42 -0 ‘58 Court!aml Street; eigut rooms . 4>.00 266 Fast i< ourtii St ivy t; tight rooms 45.D‘ 7i Virginia Avenue; eight rooms; special C'•.(*' • 67 urm md Street: seven rooms : 0.00 261 East Georgia Avenue; seven rooms 27.50 ■ ‘ Boulevard Terrace; seven rooms ::5.b0 t East Hunter Street; six rooms 2*.00 6"'7 North Jackson Street; six rooms... 1 Fouth Boulevard: six rooms :8.Ci» Pickert Street; six rooms •' ormowood Avenue: five rooms T9.fat :-\H' Atlui.t i Avenue, threw rooms 12k •' BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE PARK IN thinking of a home be sure lo see this, the most beautiful of all Atlanta suburbs. $3,350 BUYS a beautiful 6-room bungalow, water, bath, sew erage, lights, screened; lovely corner shaded lot near church and schools: built for a home. Terms. $‘2.500—$100 cash, 6-room cottage, two blocks of ear line. lot 100x112; $20 per month. Why pay rent? 20 At RE FARM on Fairburn ear line. 4-room house and burn, -lovely dak grove and big orchard of Yates apples, t his place is actually a bargain at $2,750. $500 cash. If yon don't expect too much and mean business, let me show yon this. 5 \CRE tract, new 6-room bungalow, good barn, wire fence. line stream, one mile from College Park and near Fail- burn line. $4,500. Would exchange for properly in or near Jacksonville. Fla. Act at once. VACANT LOTS. $250 to $500. Conn out and let me show you. Call 171 East Point Exchange and make your date. I. C. McCRORY ( O'tiee Next to Posioi'tiee, College Park. LOOK AT 24 AND 28 WEST END AVENUE—Six-room bungalow. furnace heated, hardwood floors, tile bath rooms, stone and brick frontage: the most attractive house on this street. Nos. ■eets. WE A1|E just about completing three 6-room . 32, atiirpT XfeDCEosg/Stj-eet, between We/wiir be-frlrfU ti TfoGw* tfiein mein at any time. -room himgalowsvi Xus Lee aitdj Ashby,- Street« WE SELL our houses on EASY TERMS, just like RENT. See us before they are sold. We MAKE LOANS and buy PUR CHASE MONEY NOTES. Feld Realty Company 211 EMPIRE BLDG. M. 208, ATL. 54;; TENTH STREET HOME ‘.ns " ' •JUST 01-‘F WEST PEACHTREE STREET I cah sell jou an ui)-to-».ate tw.»- story home, with all conveniences. Terms $750 ca.*:h. assume lean five years $2,500 arid balance like rent. Price $6,750. A S. HARRIS MAIN 13S7. 805 EMPIRE BUILDING WILLIAM A. VERNOY REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT CO. Ivy % j a\ ti7 North Forsyth S(. KENT M iXEV Yol NEVER SKK AGAIN The .-umc money paid In easy in- KtaUnnents on a HgME YOU BUY from I F will soon make YOU INDE PENDENT. Pttpltol View; six-room bungah.v. $2 50'' Eu.-t Eighth Street; six-room bnns»aIov $4.vi0 Avenue: ntven-rciooi cottage $2.6C • 7o AURICS, - < 0 in cultivation, of which io acres i.s the bottoni Iar.«i; thrtc- ruom ! ouso. : hearing fruit trees; $9*0; $ "0 cai?h, balance $20*0 a year. 40 ACRES. 10 In cultivation; three-room houte, barn, small orchard and lire spring: $75.0; $l£0 cash. 18 ACRES. Gt cultivation, balance in line timber.: live-n o:n house, bon . siubltp' unci bearing orchard; f-h.tvo; one-third cae..: balance one. two and three yearn. A.J.MAYFIELD REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. 49 S. Pryor St. WEST FAIR STREET. Lot worth $800. house worth equally much. Quick action will secure tills for $900. This is worth while In vestigating. . 8—NEW BUNGALOWS—8 In North Kirkwood OX MURRAY IIILL AND CLIFFORD AVENUES, ADJOINING BEAUTIFUL DRUID HILLS, on North Decatur car line, we have just completed eight six-room bungalows, all in beautiful, modern design: built of the very best material and workmanship: on lovely lo:?; large porches, 10 by 20 feet; stone fronts; electric lights; arte sian water; large, airy, sunny bed rooms, with closets and bath con necting: lovely living room ami dining room: connecting hall and back porch; brick and cabinet mantels ar.d beautiful fixtures. These houses are built to sell to the most exacting and are bound to please those of refined taste. W© want you to look these over and compare them critically with' any'you have seen. All fined for furnace, ar.d ser-vautaF. ro s ms .in ^basements. Ali of these houses are built on -lovely■ Jot?,- on streets us pretty as a. picture; r.'.ce shade, cement sidewalks; ore-half to one block to car lire; five-minute schedule and fifteen minutes’ ride from Equitable Builuing: get off at Murray Hill Station. Select ary one of these pretty houses at $3,300 to $3,- 300: $360 to $51)0 cash, balance $25 monthly. Walker & Patton S NELSON STREET. PHONE MAIN 2S24. 8lrfT ffO?. O' DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 60‘f- 0 ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK BLDG BOTH PHONES 4224 $5,2.50 GORDON STREET--We have a beauty iu a six-room bungalow on lot 50x200. Alley in rear, with modern finish and conveniences. $4,350 FOR A MODERN six-room cqttage on Park Avenue. Buy this have Grant Park for your iront yard. Term's can be ununy d. and $6,750 WILL BUY a dandy good seven-room bungalow on St. Charles Ave. If you are looking for u North Sidfc home ask to see this This was built for a. Home and must be teen to be appreciated. Terms. $500 cash, bal ance $60 per month. ON WEST PEACHTREE, the v. ry best: part of it', I have for sale two splendid homes —one of them a qurner-r-oast front. i >N PEA* ’HTUKE PLA* *E. near West P»-ac!it:ee, T have two other nice homes, uouth front. ALL thest. pieced are up to date, with all cojivcniences, and in the best-resU»cnc section on the .Nort h Hide; every one of them i« well worth tho price u^ketl lor them and terms may be had THOS. J. BUCHANAN PHONE Mail: i2,'.S-J. 405 PETERS BLUE. FOR RENT. :ll PETERS STREET, now 3-stor.v ami basement brick building. right at the new Southern Freight Depot and Terminal Sta tion. .If you need such u building, see * LIEBMAN W1LLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. Real Estate ami Renting. 17 Walton Si. National Bank Building Heal Estate and Builders 9d5 f ourth Main 2100. MORELAND AVENl E LOT for $1,850. This js $750 l^ss than any oiN*r lo: < " the street. Level as a floor, and a beauty, a sacrifice if there < vor one. ANSLK> PARK AND UN THE PRADO—A lot is as perfect ay its sur rounding?. Just a few feet from the car. Has never been offered for 1»—; than $3,250. but owner has to sell this week, ^nd says "cut it to *2,650.” Three Choice .Ansley Park Homes ON LAFAYETTE DRIVE, right off Peachtree Circle; eight larg* rooms; every improvement.; furnace heat; lot 93x200, elevated, with splendid view of the park—$8,250 cash and assume $10,000 loan due in four year A $13,000 home for $1 3,250; absolutely the best buy in the park. i ■ Bell Phone Ivy 4286. 717 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Atlanta Phone 672. FOR SALE JOHN I. WOODS IDE LOTS—OkMEWGOI) PARK. EASY TERMS. Nice shade, good neighbors, fine street, public school, good car serv* foe. 1 THUS. R. FINNEY. Sales Mgr.. 12 “Ileal Estate Row.” ON A NEW STREET that is a comer, overlooking Druid IHIIh, and right al ;i fast car line, we have a seven-roOi.i bungalow that was built *. months ago by its present owner for A home. Resides having flfi* porch ami bath, grate ami furnace heat, hardwood Hoot's ami an Ulterior Mulsh that is , dream. :< lias those home features. This place is easily worth $6,500 to-di-' and will be worth more in a year’s time, but the owner bought hiy lot at «. time when the future of the «tree‘ wasn't seen, so it doesn't figure in the price of *3.300 the owner gives us. Yes: good terms. MADDOX DRIVE- Eight-room dwel ling; brand-new; furnace heat, hardwood floors; jam-up: lot is 60x240. Frio, $6,500 and on terms. Fourteenth Street Home Strictly modern 9-rooin residence, absolutely up to (be minute. Beautiful Hardwood floors. Mahogany man tels, Artistic Electric Fixtures, furnace heat, servant 's room, cement driveway and garaga. In fact, everything and a large lot thrown in. Am forced to sell, therefore offer my home $2,000 under market. Will make easy terms. Phone Owner, Ivv 5522. Ben Graham Company 219 EMPIRE BLDG. PEACHTREE ItOA D lUi-ACRE FARM, onlj 5150 per acre, with more than 22)00 feci froniag.:. In three miles of Oglethorpe University group.’v. mul SI\ve r L;ik v . Fine fa; i i. Wc can cut this up into t\ • iGy tracts of fl v acre each build a Would exchange for soni: propaiiy in ci . Hou.-> ;.nu lo: as first payment, or ho; ’e vacant lots. PALMER. Salesman. FOR RENT BY iChas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2' -. WALTON S'!'. MADDOX DRIVE -Six-room bungalow; hot water, heat: all improve ment. lot 50x24u. This is a beauty arid will TICKLE YOU. $7,60# on terms. THOMSON & LYNEIS 18-20 WALTON STREET. BOTH PHONES 12-r. 12-r. 12-r. 12-r. lO-r. y-r. 5;-r. 8-r. H-r. S-' S-r. H- • . 5t»0 Peachtree St . IT E. North Ave . *0 Wert End Ave.... 8:: Central Place... , Donee 1 '©Leon Ave.. . . 42S Gordon Si 8:» Ashby St fill* Foire« A •**. . ... Vest Eighth St. (fur.) 581 Courtlard St... 780 N. Boulevard 84 Vj. Cain St 107 Uapltoi Ave Highland We. 20 Gap'Son St .$106.00 . 100.00 . 50.00 35.00 . 76.00 '5.00 40.00 10.00 5.00 47.50 12.50 40.00 45.00 ::3.00 . 22 Go 6- 6-r. C-r. la. ;;6i !•:. Georgia .\ve ... r. h.. 12z No’-Ot I aw.I St.... b., 13? Venable- Si. 1:-, 2'1 Daley tit -r. i .. 81 Turman Ave -r. Ji.. 885 Grew tit -i .*•)?.. 689 Glernv/ood Ave.. -v. h.. 5 Rockyford Ave.. Ivlrk trood -r. apartment. \'. Bouinvarrt. -r. h., Ill Kelly Fi -r. h.. 311V. Whitehall St. .. -r. !•., 1 Fosrest til -r. h.. 722 Eaaf Fair - -r. h.. 24 Tfc!ime*G-e ..... -r. h., 1 Connecticut Ave.. $ 27.50 25.00 18. do ! 2.00 25.00 18.06 it;, go Home and Income $160 Monthly $2,500 CASH will put you in poasessiou of Four- Apurtmout Brick Building on prominent Xortli Side street', level corner lot. Always rented at $210 per month. You can on-upy one ot' the Apartments and have an income of $160 monthly. Price $20,000. *2.500 cash, balance verv easy. Might consider North Side lot around $2,500 as part pavmeut. GEORGE P. MOORE REAL ESTATE AM) RENTING. 10 AL B ERA AVE.