Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 55

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HEARS'!’'S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, OA , SUNDAY, APRIL 20. 1912. 7 RE Of Course You Want Something. You Will Find It if You Read these “Want Ads” IfHrsl's Sundii.v American Published Weekly BY THE GEORGIAN COMPANY Railroad Schedule solthern HAlllVAY.^^ Help Wanted—Male. Cook East man preferred; refer- 5th. 25-19-4 At 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta. C.a, KllterM a* mail matter of the aeroml-vlaas at the pofUoffico at Atlanta, (la., under act of March :t. 18*3. Kubaerlptiou price. $2 per year, payable in advance. ^harp & J^oylston A THING OF BEAUTY. 18 a joy forever. If you are look ing for a. beautiful home on the North Side in ANSLEY PARK, we have it v This is an east front brick veneered home, built of se lected material, with three baths, combination fixtures, fine, largo veranda, hardwood floors and fin ished up as nicely as any house you ever saw; has one bed loom downstairs and four large bed rooms and one small one upstairs. This is convenient to car line, and the price is exceedingly reasona ble. We wan f to show’ you this MONDAY. ANOTHER ONE. IF there is anything we have not said about the first one that is good we can certainly say it about this one. This place has sun parlor, sleeping porch, furnace hat and six bd rooms, and is in an ideal location for a swell home. We have a price on this that Will make it sell. See us for information. Don’t phone. -PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAl. ANT) DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA. Tne following schedule figures are published only an Information, and are not guaranteed; .11: No. Arrive From :»« BlriolLgh'io 12: Now York 13 .lm kRonvllle 4.1 Washington 12 Shr« report 10 Heflin 28 New Yori 3 Chittn ga 7 Macon .... id 17 Foit Valley in 21 Columbus .10 H Cincinnati.. 11 29 Columbus 1 30 r.irmingh'm ! 40 B'lnlngh’m 12 30 Charlotte . . 3 A Aireon 4 87 New York 1.1 Brunswick . 7 11 Richmond K 24 Kansas City o 18 Chartnn'ica . 9 19 Columbus .10 31 Fort Valley 1ft: 14 Cincinnaii .11 23 .lacks*mvlile f> ■*17 Toccoa .... 8 Trains marked thus (•) run dally except Sun Other trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree Street. Loct and Found. All "Lo?\ and Found" articles adver tised m Tre Georgian or reported to the • Lost and Found Bureau” will be listed for thirty lavs and 4 can be seen at any time at Tn'£ Georgian office, 20 East Al abama Street. Your ' Lost and Found” ads will be taken over phone. Advertise for your articles In The Georgian and have them returned to you. LOST—Silver mesh bag on Fine Street to Ponce Del-eon car, containing re ceipt from Bagwell's Business College Reward. Ivy 1373- J. 4-19-24 LOST—Pearl brooch in Library, or Whitehall car. Reward. Phone 329 Decatur. 201-19-4 LOST—Ladies' Shriner pin with initials "E. M. M.” Return to Cashier. Pied mont Hotel. Reward. 206-18-4 Personal. Ure?51cle off.'tment~~p osi fively removes freckles. All druggists. By mail 50c. Bodk free. “How to Be Beau tiful.” Dr C. H. Berry Co., Dept. W.. Chicago. 53-15-1 FOR RENT. NO. oOO PEACHTREE STREET, cor ner Linden Street, you will find a two-story house of ten rooms, 2 bath rooms, steam heat and carrying all modern conveniences; a fine location for high-class boarding house; with in walking distance. Price, $100. Wo will gladly show you through at any time. GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. SPIRELLA CORSETS. OUR NEW spring models are out. Call for a corsetiere to come and demon strate to you in the privacy of your home. 56 Howell Place. Phone West 428. 4-18-4 MORPHINE and whisky habit can be cured; hundreds of testimonials. No danger, no suffering. Send for litera ture. Address P. O. Box 272. Atlanta. Ga. ' 3-5-7 PRICE & THOMAS-FL.Y'SCREENS. PRICE A- THOMAS-FLY SCREENS. PRICE & THOMAS—FLY SCREENS. PRICE A- THOMAS—FLY SCREENS. PRICE & THOMAS-FLY SCREENS. 62 N. Pryor St. Tel. Bell 4203 Ivy. 4-6-69 CORNS—Does your corn hurt? Buy our formula, have it filled, remove your j corns, and sell to your neighbors. 25c, stamps or silver. Wayne M. O. Co.. Dept. A, Cambridge City, Ind. 76-20-4 Special Notices Lodge Notices. A called communication of Atlanta Lodge No 5!'. F. and A. M., will be held in Masonic Temple this (Sunday) after noon, April 20th, 1913, for the purpose of paying the last sad tribute of respect to our deceased brother I). A. Quarles Ail members of* Atlanta Lodge and all qual ified brethren of other lodges are fra ternally urged to be present. ALVIN L. RICHARDS. Worshipful Master. RICHARD X. PICKETT. JR., Secretary. 4-20-71 Church Notices. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES. 'Fourth Sunday after Raster. April 20.) CATHEDRA!- Washington and Hunter Streets. Very Rev. C. T. A. Pise P.D., Dean. Hop.- communion 7:30 and 11 a. m. Service 4:30 p. m. Sunday school 9A5 a. m. BT LUKES CHURCH Peachtree, be tween Pine and Currier Streets. Rev, C. B. Wiimer, D.D.. Rector. Services 7:30 and 11 a. m.. 7:43 j> m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Wednesday, 4:30 p. m INCARNATION -242 1 ep Street. West End. Rev. John 1 >. Wing, Jr.. Rector Services 7:30 and 11 a in., 7:30 p. m. .\TTj ■ SAINT. 4 -' CHURCH -North Avenue and West Peachtree Street. Rev. W W Memminger, Rector. Holy commun ion 7:30 u m. Sunday school at 9:45 1 a in. Morning prayer and sermon at ! *1 a. m. Evening prayer. ? p. in. EPIPHANY--Moreland and Euclid Ave nue';. R. v. Russell K. Smith, Rector. Services 7:30 and 11 a m., 7:45 p. m. methodTst. ST. MARK -Corner Peachtree and Fifth Street?-. A. M. Hughlett, A.M.. LL.D. pastor Preaching at 1 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. rn. 2-15-3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FIRST Church of Christ, Scientist. Cable , hall. North Broad Street. Services. Sunday. 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 a m.: Wednesday evening testimonial: meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms at p.i:» the Grand, open daily, except Sun days and legal holidays, from 9 a. m. to 5 t>. in., free 10 the public 1-25-8 CHRISTIAN. WEST END (Christian) Gordon anil Dunn Street® W. O. Foster, mlnlst“\ itchchJhg 11 a m and 8 p. m. Sun day school at 9:30 j». m Christian En deavor 7 p. in. 2-8-54 BAPTIST. GRANT PARE BAPTIST Rev. Frank .1 Fleming “our new pastor." al both services. 34-19-4 PRESBYTERIAN. HARRIS •STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Rev. Jere A. Moore, pas tor. 9:45 a. m.. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.. object sermon by the pastor. 8 p nu. preaching-by the pastor. 4-19-1 UNIVERSALIST. “ -•« . I NT VERBALIST CIIURCH—16 E. Har ris Street, near Peachtree, Atlanta. Ga. Sunday school, 9:45 a. in. Chureh services. 11 a m. by Dr. Lawrence Phelps, of the Atlanta Theological Sem-, nary. Public cordially invited. Mem bers parish urgently requested lend. 4-19-2 F*££ ODIST. REV. B W. HUCKABEE, of Campbell. Tex., is al the Free Methodist Church Will preach Sunday at 10:39 a. rn.. 2:30 p. rn. and 7.30 p. m. The church Is lo cated a 1 273 Hill Street, near Grant Park. You take Georgia Avenue car. Meetings continue two weeks. Services ai 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. A wel- •nme to all. 4-"0-26 I FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS - Wood fly screens, m^tal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian olinds, metal weather Btrips furnished an where iu the S fifth,. Wjyte or phone W. R. Callaway, manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank Building. Atlanta. Ga. Mam 5310. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. FLY SCREEN) — PRICE & THOMAS. ELY SCREENS -PRICE & THOMAS. Salesroom and office. 62 N. Pryor Street. Factory 86 E. Cain Street. Beil phone Ivy 4203 4-6-70 Si RIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John R. Daniel, at 54 Wall Street, has an expert fitter and 1 it will cost you 110 more to have him fit , you, and R means insurance. 6-24-19 1 KLY SCRKEX8 KEPAIRRn—Price & j Thoieae, FLY SCREENS REPAIRED Price A Thomas FLY SCREENS REPAIRED—Price * Thomas. FLY SCREENS REPAIRED—Price A Thomas. • 62 N. Pryor St. Tel. Bell 4203 Ivy. 4-6-69 ; MATERNITY SANITAR1UM—Private. , refined, homelike Limited number of patients oared for Home provided ‘or infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 26 Wind sor Street 11-9-57 PRICE A THOMAS, Carpenters. PRICE & THOMAS, Carpenters. PRICE & THOMAS. Carpenters. PRICE A THOMAS. Carpenters. 62 N. Pryor. Phone Bel! Ivy 4203 4-6-69 IK YOUR T ‘ WF lffiUB, cell Roof ELECTRICIAN WANTED—Good all around man, one capable of handling conduit, knob and tube and motor work. Only first-class man wanted. Byek Elec tric Co.. Way cross, Ga. 4 8-1S •5100 WEEKLY profit for you at home in spare time. WOndtmiU} IU< ful mail order plan; your own boss your own business Don't worry about capital. Experience unnecessary; suc cess guaranteed. Write at once for free booklet telling how. Boyd H. Brown. Dept. 05. Omaha. Nebr. 62-20-4 MEN WANTED with rig to introduce and sell 85 extracts, spices, medicines, etc.; big money. Wilson made 590 week ly. We mean business. Box 774 Dent 13. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. 63-20-4 WANTED—First-class automobile re pairer, man to take position as head deliveryman, to look after routing of city deliveries; must keep all cars in good condition and on*' cfir him seif. Good position rlgjif man Ad dress. giving age and references P J C., Box 680. care Georgian. 72-20-4 Yi'ANTED -Organisers to solicit mem bers and organize lodges. Order of Owls. South Bend. Ind. 68-20-4 WANTED— Expert electrician, (0 take charge of electrical work in machine shop doing gen eral repair and rebuilding of machinery. Address “Progress,” ] care of Georgian. 42-18-4 \\ j aS’TEI > - Kami hamf Tbone Allama 5897-F 200-18-4 WANTED—Young man that wishes to learn granite business; must be sober and industrious. Address Venable Bros.. Atlanta, Ga. 4-18-1 V\ K x . i a > B icksnlith for - 1 road camp working 30 men. also act as guard. Good pay to right man. Ad dress W. J. Eakes, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, Rockdale Coun ty, Ga 4-17-1 WANTED—At once, first-class linotype operator (union). Appeal Publishing Company, Atlanta. Ga. 4-14-19 WANTED FOR 5 S. ARMY- Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35: citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hab its. who can speak, read and write the English language. For information ap ply to Recruiting Officer. Peachtree and Forsyth Streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. 4-1-1 WANTED—500 men to learn the barber i trade; tools and position furnished. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell Street 5-11-17 WANTED—Ideas. Inventors, write for list of inventions wanted und prizes offered by manufacturers. Also, how r to get your pate* i. Sent free to any ad dress. Randolph & Briscoe, patent at torneys. Washington. D. C. 7-11-23 DO YOU PLAY 'PObL?~Tf you do. come 1 o see "Bias” tat the TERMLN AL HO TEL POOL PARLOR. Wc sell 35c in checks for 25c Good tables, good cues and a nice bunch of clever boys. 2-1C-24 Help Wanted—Female. wTn’TED—A (•TumpeUmT^servant with references 110 Peeples St., West End. 4-20-60 A'ANTED—Cloak ond suit salesladies that come direct from suit department. Permanent positions to right parses. Grossman's. 4-20-72 WANTED—Experienced operators on fine tailor-made pants. Highest wc^es iaid. Apply to T. C. Lauren, the Tailor, 13 Decatur Street, Kimball House Block. 4-20-70 I > CAPABLE SALESMAN wanted to cover Georgia with staple line. High com missions. with $100 monthly advance. | Permanent position to riglu man. Jess j H. Smith Company. Detroit, Mich. ' ; 38-20-4 COMPETENT girl for general house work. Furnished room on the lot. Apply at 233 Myrtle. >*9-20-4 WANTED- Reliable white woman to cook and help with house work; good home, good wages. Phone Decatur 274, or write Box 1.63, Decatur. Ga. 4-20-21 Help Wanted—Male and Female w a.STEl)-Aperienced bum aim maid. Apply 142 Peachtree Street. 4-18-46 MEN. WOMEN Get government Jobs; excellent salaries. Write immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 49-C. Roches ter, X. Y. 44-13-4 Telephone clerk will take your ad. and. if requested, assist you in wording, or will write the ad for yor—that’s his business He will also make it' as brief as possible to obtain the resulf> desired. In order to accommodate customers, accounts will he opened by phone, but you will make payments promptly after publication or when bills ate presented' by mall. CJassified Adver- PIANO PUPILS. 25c lesson. Peachtree Street. 35 West 1-27-4 Agents and Salesmen Wanted. STOCK SALESMEN- Tlim* live stock .sales men to place limited amount stock. M o u e y maker. Millions behind company. Good eonunis- Situation Wanted—Female. TbTaT^tTcaT?" yTmmP^^nTfowTmT^^ fined, educated, capable, experienced, desires position as managing house keeper or companion for children. Ad dress Box 52. Milner, Ga. 48-18-4 YOUNG LADY desires position as gov erness. English course, drawing, pointing and elementary French and music. References exchanged. Box 1182, care Georgian. 31-18-4 WANT to furnish your servants and move your furniture. Thompson & Evans, furniture movers and employ ment agenev. Room 304 Odd Fellows Building Bell phone Ivy 7094-J, Atlanta phone K9S9-A. Just say: “Move me." You can pay within thirty days. 3-20-S S10U. 1145. Addn 0. box 4-19*11 . Insertion ...10c a line .8 insertions .. 6c a line 7 insertions .. 5c a lire SO insertions ,.4hcaline SO insertions ... 4c a line No advertisements taken for less than two lines. Seven words make a line. To protect, your Interests as well as ours, an order to discontinue an ad will not be accepted over the phone. Please make order to discontinue in writing No advertisement accepted fron. out of town unless accompanied by cash or forwarded through recog nized advertising agency. TELEPHONES LITTLE ADS THAT BRING BIG RESULTS WEAVERS WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. I’iain and Fancy Work. Ilijlh Wfif?ps. ATLANTA WOOLEN MILLS. TeacherB Wanted. TEACHERS WANTED for thp flr«t sec- und, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and sev enth grades in Conyers public schools; , salar> $50. Must have at Last three j years' experience and give reference. Charles K Galley. Sec.. Conyers, Ga 4-20-13 WE NEED 100 teachers; free registra- ' , tlon; seventh season. Apply to Hall Teachers’ Agency, Macon. Ga.. Dept. B. 4-20-29 i SCHOOL TEACHERS—I have the ) , questions and answers of the last ( seven State School examinations in I print; will mail them all for one dollar; descriptive circular free. B S. Holden. , Box 7, Ellijay, Ga. 4-5-21 WRITE for record of our eight years' work. High class patronage. Ef ficient service. Foster's Teachers Agen cy, Atlanta, Ga. • 64-8-4 TRAGIC STORY OF AMERICA'S GREATEST DISASTER." flood, wind and tire; the biggest money maker agents ever had; $16 daily if you start now; large $1.00 hook: 100 illustrations; outfit free J S Ziegler Co.. Chicago. 4-14-10 j TWO GOOD AGENTS WANT ED -To Ml) IdO lota 50sl50 feet at $100 (‘niTi iu new, rapidly growing town. Investment ppiaranteed. Remarkable possi bilities. Money simply deposited in bank, and in three years re funded. if purchaser not satis fied with results. Raymond I Land Company, Ravmoud, Ga. 4-17-7 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. IVkPjN i]lV yoim* married, couple. lo>»- band h student In the city, would like to care for a home during the summer or longer Can give best of references. Write Couple, care Georgian. 202-17-4 Typewriters For Rent. 151TO1 GOOD machines rented any where. for three months. American Writ. Mch. Co., 48 N. Pryor. Musical. WANTED— First-class orchestra, open for engagements, dances, wedding*, etc. Address Box 890, care Georgian. 29-16-4 Help Wanted—Female. r<TT41 Q LKARnTSIlCTnEKY; best VJ 1 1\LO trade on earth lor women; pay $60 to $100 a mdrtlh. Write Ideal School of Millinery, 10044 Whitehall Street. 3-29-41 • WANTED—Young women and gills de siring attractive positions. Welfare of operators and clerks closely supervised by the company; their conduct on the premises carefully'guarded by matron, woman supervisors ar.d chief operator, who have complete control over the re tiring and operating room Short train ing course for (hose inexperienced; sal ary paid while learning Salary in creased upon being transferred to oper ating force, and for those becoming ef ficient. increased as they become worthy, with opportunities for ultimate advance ment to $75 per mpnth. References proving the standing of the applicant essential. Those bavjnsl «ducaL--»nal ad vantages preferred. Lunch room and comfortable retiring rooms provided with several hundred Carnegie Library books for the convenience of the operators. Matron and trained nurse in attend ance Apply 8:30 to 5. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Training School. 25 Auburn Avenue. 3-20-25 Agent sand Sulegmen Wanted. AGEN^T^U^norYtnbe^’ greedy for work; easily make $4 to $10 a day; sell every where without talk: sample 25c: cata logue free. Sanitary Household Compa ny, McElhattan, Pa. 36-20-4 LADY to travel in Georgia, groceries. candies, jewelry. Good pay und tai lored suit or twenty-year watch free In ninety days Experience unnecessary. Me Brady & Co., Chicago. 27-20-4 SALESMEN—Something ne®. and a present for you. The Consolidated. Kokomo. Ind. 29-20-4. SALESMEN—Big commissions. Unlim ited possibilities. Large profits by giv ing part or entire time selling novelty punch board deals. Something new Hood win Company, 1005 Madison Street. Chij&go. 70-20-4 AGENTS make 500 per cent profit sell ing our GOLD WINDOW LETTERS. NOVELTY SIGNS AND CHANGEABLE SIGNS; 800 varieties. Enormous de mand. Catalogue free. SULLIVAN CO., 1224 4Van Huron Street. Chicago. Ill. 30-20-4 V' AN UNINCUMbEReD woman, compe tent and reliable, to do rooking and ! general housework; must furnish refer ences. Apply 19 tu 12 a. nu, 25 Howard Street. 202-20-13 [WANTED—Reliable servant for plain cooking and part general housework: family of six; no children; furnished room on lot. 14 Mayson Avenue. Edge- wood. Bel! phone Ivy 3824-J. 56-20-4 COLORED WOMEN agents for wonder working Palmer’s Skin Whitener. Start own business. 100 per cent profit . #1.50 outfit free to responsible agents. Write to-day. giving references, Jacobs Pharmacy, Atlanta. Ga. 1-25-3 Main 714 Doctor, \V B. Barnett 1-1-7 Matrimonial. WEALTHY baschelor-makl. 41. would marry. M.. Box 25. League. Toledo. Ohio. 22-20-4 Help Wanted—Male. REBPONSiBLE parties tu travel; either sex; salary and expenses; reference. Room 4. Cumberland Hotel. 208-17-4 WANTED—Man who can set up bicy cles. drive automobile and put on auto ' tires. Apply Alexander-Seewald Co., 56 X. Pryor Street. 4-20-23 WANTED—A man who lias, use of team and understands rolling of tennis court, i" roll and put court in shape. Apply Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday morning. 7 to 10 o’clock. 7 Doane St., corner Pryor. 4-20-18 WANTED—Ten hoist runners and ten labor foremen. Apply 2 Spring Street. 4-20-17 WANTED—Men of ability to learn the cotton business in our sample rooms; high salaried contracts; we also teach by correspondence. Branch school in At lanta. Ga.. and other cities. Address Charlotte Cotton School, Charlotte. N. I ANYBD'fjY can earn $20 weekly raising mushrooms entire year in cellars, sheds, boxes, c-tc. Market waiting. Free booklet. Hiram Barton, 29 West Forty- eighth Street. New York. 31-20-4 Medical WANT MEfs to learn the'barber trade and accept positions now waiting. Country or city shops. 1 teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and fur nish tools, wage* while learning See me or write, for catalogue. Manager Moier Svsteni of Colleges. 38 Buckie Street. 33.-20-4 WANTED First-class painters. Apply 107 North Prvsr St. Riddell Bros 4-19-20 : Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—Girl for general housework. Must be good cook. Apply in person Monday after 10 a. m. Bring refer- i ences 94 Ponce DeLeon Place. 4-19-30 j WANTED-- Woman servant for couple. Apply Monday, 453 Candler Annex. 4-19-26 WANTED Experienced saleslady; must have dem onstrating and selling abil ity. Good pay to righi part:- Give reference?. Ad dress J.. Box 508. care Geor gian. 4-15-13 j WANTED Young lady copy holder: good wages, steady position. B.vrfi Printing Co. 4-19-201 WANTED First-class cook: none other need apply 371 South Pryor Ftreet 290-19-4 j WANTED—Good cook, good wages, room-on lot. .Apply 777 Ponce DeLeon. 1 Phone Ivy 2030-L. 42-16-4 il’UT* WANTED >n dressmaking. Ap ply 71 1 2 Whitehall .Street, third floor 4-18-48 A GOOD white nurse or maid to leave city. Phone Main 2488-L. 4-18-24 WANTED—-An experienced cracker packer and girls to work in icing room Apply Frank E. Block Co., Elliott Street. 4-18-17 WANTED Experienced milliners and makers. Apply 115 Peachtree Street. 203-18-4 WANTED—Good colored girl for house work. Apply 58 Boss Street. 202-18-4 LADY, middle aged, required to fill a responsible position In our business. Experience not necessary, but must be quick to learn. Good pay ar.d perma nency Address A. L., Box 895. care Georgian. 4-18-3 BE A BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR The work is agreeable. The surroundings are pleasant. You are paid a salary while learning. The opportunities for rapid ad vancement are excellent. In creased salary is assured if you prove efficient. There are several vacancies in our training school for young women between 16 and 22 years of age who have a common school education and can furnish satis factory references. Apply in person at training school, 25 Auburn Avenue in the Bell Telephone Exchange AGENTS—Does $3,000 yearly look good I to you. $30 to $60 weekly awaits you f! if you follow rny instructions. Expe rience unnecessary. My 17 years' ex perience is behind you. My goods ore nifty, household necessities. Wright, South Carolina, made S23.30 one day; Roley, Alabama, made $52 one day. Write quick. E. M. Davis, president, C-749 Davis Block, Chicago. 64*20-4 \GMNT8 All “Flood" books at cut prices. Orders filled promptly; men tion author vtanted. Outfits 10c. Syndi- ! cate Publishers. 104 Clark St.. Chicago. 66-20-4 \ \< ti i CLEANER AGENTS Exclu sive, new design, $7.50, wheel operated, bellows type cleaner: without clumsy box or dirty dust bag. Big profits. Write Dotv Company. Dayton, Ohio. 71-20-4 I WANT a good real estate salesman if ran get one who has had experience in Atlanta and who will work. Kino op portunity for right man. Address R 10. Salesman, care American. 82-20-4 AGENTS WANTED Agent* for article which sells on sight: no talking neces sary; show sample and sale is made: 100 ner cent profit. Particulars free. Wil* liam Barnes Box 372. Atlanta, Ga. 38-20-4 Situations Wanted—Male. T~uSTTiu>r’wanted^Ty^ young married man as contractor’s assistant, six years' experience; can furnish best of references as to ability, character and honesty. Address C. \V. G., care Geor gian. 87-20 : 4 ; YOUNG man wants position either in department or drug store, two years’ ! experience In each. Can give best of rec ommendations. Address C, Box 303, care - • . lt-20-4 I B()Y, age 14. lives at home, good hab its. best of references, wants posi- ! tlon as office boy with some progres sive firm. R. L., P. O. Box 78. College , Park. 69-20-4 BOOKKEEPER, flow empiu\♦■<!. Would like small set of books to keep In spare lime Address G. A., Box 8u6, ! care Georgian. 83-20-4 FIRST-CLASH awning and tent maker in all its branches, also expert pipe . frame maker, a No. 1 cutter and finisher in the latest improvement as a tent maker second to no man. Can give estimate on any kind of canvas work «\ould be pleased to correspond with parties desiring a man. Rasmus Jensen, 102 W. Cain Si., Atlanta 42-20-4 WANTED First-class butler; recom mendation required. Phone Ivy 327. 41-19-4 WANTED—Position witn some good firm as shipping or receiving clerk by young man; one who is reliable and experienced. Address F. S., Box 11, j care Georgian. 34-20-4 SMALL SET bocks for several hours evening? by experienced bookkeeper. X. Y., care Georgian. 35-20-4 A YOUNG man with eight years expo- , rionci in the Mudvin business de* I sire? a change. Can give A-l reference* i Address Tumlin, Atlanta Georgian. 200-19-4 ' POSITION wanted as office clerk. 1 am 21 years of age have had four year? experience in office work, can furnish the best of references from past and present employer* and bond if neces- i ?ary; am witling to start on a reasonable salary, and can come May 1. Address Accurate, Box 904, care Georgian. 31-19-4 WANTED—To keep set of hooks in aft ernoons arid nights. Address Bunk Man. care Georgian. 4-18-3$ Wanted—Miscellaneous. WANTED -One second-hand merry-go- round. Must be a bargain, John Frank Malone, Monticello, Ga. 4-20-2 WANTED Flvs million fssl lumbar aawed and loaded on cars. One and three miles side track P. L. Holt, Americus. Ga 59-20-4 WANTED \ City Directory 1913. Tel ephone Ivy 5341 price, etc. 41-20-4 WANTED To do your typewriting; apecial attention to "bonds for title," legal and advertising work. For inter view, address Good Work, care Ameri- i can. 4-18-37 WANTED- To buy two grand opera tickets for Monday night fron. some one having season ticket. Anderson, care Georgian. 29-18-4 WANTED To rent soda fountain. State j price In first letter. Address Fountain. ' eara* Georgian. 4-18-29 WANTED Good, second-hand vertical letter file, three or four drawers: must bo cheap. Main 699 Mr. Kaplan 4-8-11 1 BUY MEN’S old clothe* and shoes Drop a card. !. Bock, 177 Gilmer St. IM;tno Bargains Special Bargains in Used Instruments \Ve hit offering a strong array of values iu used pianos taken in as part pay ment on high-grade Kim ball uprights and Player Pianos during the past six- [ ty days. These instruments have been t h o r o u g h 1 y over hauled by skilled workmen, kind are in splendid condi tion. both in point of ap pearance and tone. ! A n y instrument pur chased can be traded with in two years, and the full amount paid will be cred ited on the purchase of a new Kimball. EXPERIENCED stenographei desires position at once. Besi references fur nished. Phone Main 48G5-.L 1-18-45 DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. WORKS white you sleep. It acts on the liver, bowels and the kidney* and -emoies the foul waste matter from the r.testinal tract 'hat causes 50 per cent a!', human ills. Office, 9» Ashby Street. 4-9-16 ftfO^tTMONDSoN’S Tansy” Pennyroj al and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re- iable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation. Irregularities and similar obstructions Trial hox by mail, rib Frank Edmondson £ Bro . manu facturing chemists, 11 North Broad St., A'--nta. « WANTED- First-class plasterer to skim post two rooms. Apply 106 Lawton ' Street. 35-19-4 I WANTED—Plumbers. Winecoff Hotel. Peachtree and Ellis Streets. George A. Fuller Co. 4-19-7 Tv ANTED—Several young men to pre pare for college in afternoons or night; mathematics and languages. Address ' niverSitv Graduate, care Georg'an _ _ _ 4-18-40 I WILL .STAR T YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvenr.g mirrors; i t o capital: tree instructive bookef. giv- I ing piar.s r.f opeiati<<n. G. F. Redmond, i Dept. 85, Bouton, Mass. it-14-15 house 4-18-8 WANTED—Three experienced cleaners. 267 Capitol Avenue. WANTED- A good colored woman to dc cocking and general house work. Phone Ivy 6401 . 4-18-6 WANTED—Good cook; must come well recommended; prefer dhe tha* wiM live on lot. jApply 1089 Peacjbtr^e St. 42-17-4 GIRL as cook and do general house work. also laundry on the place; small family. Apply 15 West Twelfth Street. 204-17-4 RESTAURANT cashier ! igh-Uas* hotel wanted at once. Give telephone num ber, references and experience in let - ter. Address G. Bex 500. care Georgian 4-17-16 Help Wanted—Male and Female. WONDER INKLESS writing pen free. Inclose address, together with four 2c stamps, to help pay postage and pack ing. IV O. Box 431, Louisville, ky. 37-20-4 BiG MONEY in dressmaking. New methods, new' instructions. Anybody ran do h with our system. Learn at home. Write to-day to McMurrayS Dressmaking School. Gifford Block, At- tleboro. Mass. 67-20-1 LA DIES, make shields at home, $10 per 100 Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped ad dressed envelope. Eureka Co.. Dept. 67-A, Kalamazoo, Mich. 61-24-4 SHORTHAVi) CcTTRSE; $15. Si~WeH Peachtree St. 4-30-28 WANTED Lady or gentleman, fair ed ucation, to act as our representative in home town. We furnish the capital. Show vou how to build up permanent, profitable business from your own home. Staple line. Exclusive territory. Sell ing experience unnecessary Our book let "How to Start Business for Y'our- sclf." explains all. Free on request. Address Clows Company, Dept. H. Phil adelphia, Pa. 48-29-3 WANTED Men a:jd women; all or spare t'me: copy letters, postals: $25 ’o $35 per week by following our prac tical instructions: no canvassing; parti culars for sclf-addfenaed stamped en velope. Advertising Company', Proebus. Va 52-8-2 SALESMAN—Commission allowed at 20 per cent to live wire salesman. Call at Room 6, Moore Bldg. 4-20-31 s T OC R SALE8MK\- Three live stock salesmen ito place limited amount I stock. Money maker. Mil- lions behind company. Good commission. Ad dress P. 0 Box 1145. 4-20-22 SNAP—Silvering mirrors, plating ta- ’ bleware; big profit. Write Clarence Sprinkle, plater. Free information. Grant Street. Marlon. Ind. 29-13-4 i I AOKN'l'S WANTttn—To util the liitost Invention for coal oil lamps; every j demonstration a pale; users can not re sit!. Finch Supply Co., 611 Lily St , Grand Rapids. Mich. 86^6-4 ; AGENTS—-$5,000 accident Insurance wlrli $26 weekly indemnity for iy- Jury . payable for 200 w'eeks, cost $5.00 yearly; $2,000 Insurance. $16 weekly, ne- cideni or illhefis, $5 yearly. Policies written by oldest and leading old line stock company. Extremely liberal com missions. Conley A. Vanderpool, Mgr*.. 922 Candler Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. 4-v-2 SHELDON SCHOOL o{ Salesmanship, 1 4 2 3 Candler Building, Atlanta, WANTED—A |Kisitlon a* soda dispens er; can furnish references: five years experience. Apply A. G.. care Geor gian. 33-18-4 WANTED—Position by reliable young man as collector or time-keeper. Can give references. Address J., Box 674. care Georgian. 30-18-4 ON ACCOUNT «»f leaving Atlanta I recommend my chauiieur (white) to anyone requiring the services of h com petent driver of G r or six-cylinder cam, who will take complete charge of car and give It conscientious attention, and is thoroughly honest and reliable. Appiv 156 Peachtree Circle Telephone 8261 Ivy. 4-18-20 EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN STE NOGRAPHER of executive ability, business training and character, de sires change; now confidential stenog rapher and assistant 1o treasurer-man ager large supply and machinery cor poration. Box 10, K, care Georgian 4-1S-12 i YOUNG MAN w’ants clerical position or collector's place; good references. X 160 Spring Street. 35-17-4 WANTED—Position as shipping clerk for wholesale house by man 25; good references; packing house preferred. C. B. G.. Box 905. care Georgian. 32-17-4 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like to keep a light set of hooks at night as a side line Can furnish good refer ences. D. H. K Box 901. care Geor gian. 38-17-4 WORK with h oroHperouu farmer by a young business man of Atlanta; am 21; have worked on farm; would work part or all of Spring and Summer or longer Give full particulars. Address F . Box 413. care Atlanta Georgian 4-16-34 WANTED -Position a* bookkeeper and typist by young man with four years experience: now employed, but desire change. If you want a good man, ad dress P. L , Box 12, care Georgian. 204-16-4 Ga. CALL or write if you mean business. It means MORE BT SIN ESS for you. 4-15-44 AGENTS WANTED—For tiie ">forror* of the Ohio Flood;” a thrilling and au thentic account; great seller. big profit; anybody anywhere can make lots of money; retail price 81.00. Agents’ sample copy and terms only 35 cents. Write quick. . II. A. Stewart, Jenifer. Ala. 47-18-4 HEAL ESTATE SALESMEN— If you dan sell town lots we will give you attractive contract. Big commission. Address Box 260, Cord*U, Ga. 35-20-4 RESPONSIBLE parties to travel; either hex; salary and expenses?; reference. Hoorn *. Cumberland Hotel. 208-17-4 ciucnTON-snimniR, 9 Istsb!!ibe4i886y WAN TED First - class nurse; refe ences 894 West Peachiree Street EXPERIENCED P R X telephone op erators and experienced meal operator* can secure attractive positions by ?p- plyir.L t<; Mr Rob r.-« c, !V<< u 10. So tru HeU Telephone Main Exchange 7>; South Pi'Ci St ret:. 4 011 im Lum,r. Busmrtt Tnitfiir; School in tli* South. INOIVIDUAl. INSTRUCTION SY TH£ PftOFMETORS II PERSON. . catalog i > r. r nrr. KISER.BVILCHNG ATLANTA. I AGENTS call on best people; best, new est automobile necessity; sells with large profit*; troubles instantly, perma nently repaired. Particulars, Wolff Bros., Box 869, Macon. Ga. 46-18-4 WANTED—Three high grade salesmen. local and travel. Position good for $500 to $1,000 per month. 309 Peach tree Street. Phone_740. 32-18-4 PORTRAIT AGENTS--Send your work direct to artist and get better work. W» get order out on time. Prices to suit \our 'rarie Stevens Bros. 23 \<t Whitehall Street. Atlanta. 3-7-35 WE want a good, live rnan to sell real estate and with guch a man we will make libera! contract. We also need a ;»dy who can spare part or ad of her time to a.-sist us. J. F McCullough A < V, 614 Empire Bldg Main 8JO.3. 4-16-13 Ai»ENTS- -Chinee to make big money calling on automobile owners, get our , .vprwition to-day The Olu/ton A lion i. cult Co. Marietta, Ga. 40-10-4 Situations Wanted—Female. TYPEWRITING to do at home: years of experience; prompt service; moder ate prices Address A . Box 64. care Georgian 78-20-4 HOUSEKEEPER of education, training and large experience wants position in city <t country. References given nnd required. Main 2268.1 or address Marion. Box 808, care American. 86-20-4 WA NTED— Position as sick nurse. U«n furnish the best ot references. Ma ternity cases a specialty Address M. U. J . 225 West Peachtree. Call Ivy <274 J 53-20-4 WANTED Position by white woman In private family to cook and care for dining room. Best references. Mrs. R.. care Georgian. 202-19-4 WANTED A position in a refined home as companion or housekeeper. Would assist with sewing Address Box 81, Newborn, Ga. 49-18-4 IN TEN DAtg, owing to change in location of our office, as competent a ste nographer and secretary as we have ever had will be open for a position. We are anxious to secure a place in Atlanta for her. Kennedy- Brown-Hall ( o. Phone Ivy ooTo-I,. 51-18-4 •mums. Angelos Player Marr Pic lano Gate ('itv Piedmont Wellington Now Kny'and . . Cnrleton Crown And manv others. .$ Ho .00 . 125.00 . 125.00 150.00 . 150.00 . 150.00 . 165.00 . 200.00 DROP A CARD. We’ll bring Cash for Old Clothes and Shoes THE VESTA IRE." 166 Decatur Street. WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture Cash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitebell Street. Bell phone Main 2424 g-33-24 Also, two dozen organs at i prices ranging from $10 up. W. W. KIMBALL CO., Atlanta Branch, 94 N. Prvor Street. For Exchange—Miscellaneous. II. R. <'alef. Manager. TO TRADE—Desirable vacant lut^ for i two high class second-hand aulomo- j biles Ivy 4141. Address Coogle. 1102 j Third National Bank Bldg. 4-17-6 f or Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-*-Gas stove, perfect condi tion. $5, 240 Bass 4-20-67 FOR SALE—One ladies' bicycle, with coaster brake; good, condition; price $8. «'ne army tent. 6 by s feet: good condition; price $4; one lawn swing; price $2. Apply ut 516 Capitol Avenue 75-20-4 FOR BALE- Second-hand wall enses, suitable for drug, dry goods of cloth ing store. Mahogany finished. See the above at 248 Peachtree Street 4-20-47 SECOND-HAND ggs stoves, M.gO up: secolid-band cook stoves, $4.50 up; second-hand ranges, $15 up; oil stoves, $.:,50 up; gasoline ranges; coll heat ers. set up, $16. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 181 Whitehall Street. 4-29-50 ROLLTOP desk; oak. in good condi tion; first $8.50 takes it 192 Capitol Avenue. 81-20-4 FOR BALE Fotu typewriters in very good otder; very cheap if sold soon. Address L B., Box* 807. care Georgian. 84-20-4 FOR SALE CHEAP Three second-hand pool tables; also three electric fans. Call at 229 Simpson Street. 39-20-4 FOR SALE Brand new gasoline engine, six-horat-power. 42 1 4> Decatur St. 200- 20-13 BANKRUPTCY petitions. $1.60 pel* bfel; warranty ^leedy, bond* for title, mort- gage*,' contracts, ndteW, real estate plat stock certificates and bonds. Prompt service. Bennett's, 21 South Broad St. 201- 20-13 LARGE fire and burglar-proof safe for tale; terms to suit; modern lock and fixtures; in perfect condition. Call Main 1163. or write U. <>. Box 1637 4-20-21 i FOR SALE Second-hand soda fountain at a bargain Also fan \v top. wired for electricity, and glassware. Address j J. O. G., care Georgian 68 20-4 SEU. .ND-ll AND SAFES Small, me dium and large home safes, 515; Hall’s bank’ and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Hank Buildin?. . 9-7-33 FOR SALE Moving picture machines, chair*, curtains ami all supplies at i lowest prices. W. H Peck, Rhodes Building. Atlanta. Ga. 4-6-83 FOR SALE One bicycle 16 Augusta Avenue or Piano Bargains IMANO BAUGAINS. ' WE HAVE the following pianos in ex change for the Vlrtuolo, the new in stinctive player-piano: Steinwaj $ 50.00 j Kranich. & Bach t..,- 50.00 Decl<< r & Sons ' 60.00 Nteiff 60.00 Fischer .1 Buy your piano direct from the fac tory nnd save rhe middlemans profit. I billet & Davis Piano Co., 50 North Pryor St.. William Carder, Manager. 4*20-15 PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS. SOLD at the lowest prices and on the most reasonable terms at which first- class instruments can be handled. Behr Bros., Newby & Evans, Ludwig and others. Call and see me before you buy. WALTER HUGHES. 88 N. Pryor St. For Sale—Miscellaneous. WILL SELL my old upright Stein wav piano for $100 cash If taken quick. In storage at 10" Temple Court Building until sold 4-11-14 SEND $1 for 500 extra early sweet po tato plants, lemon yams, or 500 Ber muda onion plants, ike big kind. Address the Model Farm, riftcn, Ga. __ 3_i20-7 c|C\v BROWN SIGN & PAINTING ►MATING CO.. 77»/ 2 Whitehall. M. 3780 3-18-33 SETTLED colored woman warns good home a* nur*e or cook; room and board. 76 North Boulevard. 20U-14-4 buggy. Apply ull Main 2510. 4-19-18 VALUABLE information to party who left coil of cable wire in vacant lot on Mitchell Street, between South Pryor and Washington Street* *. W. Phil lips. 153 Whitehall Street. 4-19-9 NOTICE—Tiie water mill of A. f). How ard. on Roswell Road at Nance's Creek, which was damaged by flood, is now in good shape and ready for busi ness Postcard Will bring wagon to your door. Fresh ground every day. Address R. F D. 2. Chamblee. Ga. 4-10-1 OPERA TICKETS, exceptional location; one for Tuesday U'TravJata”), one for Wednesday ("Cyrano"), five for Satur day matinee ("Lucia"). Price $5 each. Call 1594 Third National Bank Building. 51-16-4 FOR SALE—Electric fans of all makes und styles cheap for quick sale. Pawn brokers Auction House, 51 Decatur St. Hell phone Main 1434 Atlanta phone 22*5. 80-184 FOR SALE -Oak dressing table and baby walker, good condition, at half- price Ivy 3500-L 205-J8-4 EQUIPMENTS for ice cream factory complete. Ice cream freezer, motor, ice crusher, belt and shafting and tubs Southern Dairy Company. 181 South Forsyth Stre€? 4-17-21 ONE new HaTT-Borchert dress form, price, S10. ONE blue whip-cord pocket suit. size. 36; never Worn, price. $12 Phone Ivy 6376 39-17-1 ONE 50-t J A 1 • L< )N \Y HE EL TA N K FOR SALE CHEAP. AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO. 7 1 N FORSYTH ST. 4-16-29 FOR SALE A good L. C Smith visible typewriter; 14-inch carriage; terms reasonable offer accepted. 184 Fraser Street. Atlanta phone 1600. 4-17-8 FOIt SALE '1 v... typewriters, two dic- taphones. depk*. c hairs,, Bur roughs addii g machine. E. L. Thomas, receiver. 310 Fourth National Bank Building 52-20-4 AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR Antonia I if Refriperatur* may cost a little more than some re frigerators, but taking into con sideration the amount of food and ice they save, they are the least expensive of all refrigera tors. Prion $17.50 to $75.00. C. II. MASON, Agent. 6 arid S \\ . M it chill 8* PEAS, PEAS, PEAS for sale: every va riety; juice and sample sent on appli cation Hattaway A Co., Spartanburg. SC. 3-19-10 SAFES. FILES, cabinets, new and Sic- ond hand. Gookin Bank and Offlca Equipment Company, 113-115 N. Pryor Street. NJ'f\V RUBBER TIRES put on your baby carriage Repaired, repainted and re-covered. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert • Edgowood Avenue. 3-13-9 K fU V r P .»N SIGNS signifies best qual- I j ty. Kent Sign Co., 120V* j ty. Peachtree Street 8V« 3-5-29 NO. 10 SNOWDRIFT 87)^c. country eggs 19V*c dozen. 40c coffee 28c pound, 30c coffee 22c. 25c coffee 19c pound. Cash Grocery Co.. 118 Whitehall. 2-21 - 7 WE RENT good pianos $3 per month up. We sell good piano* $5 per month up. R. P BECHT COMPANY. . 107-108-109 Temple Court Building. Main ' '-7 2-19-26 Palmistry. GYPSY PALMIST. SATISFACTION assured in ever> par ticular Located at 153 Whitehall Street. 4-20-61 TREMAINE. The Mystic. 125 WEST PEACHTREE ST. UNDER \ POSITIVE GUARANTEE DEVELOPS personal magnetism and psychic gifts by which your great- e.-i! wish ran positively be realised. Help nnd advice concerning your most secret and important affairs. Convinc ing test* to every caller, name*, date* and facts Consultation. $1; no higher No ffe unless you are told exactly what you wish io know Curious or frivolous persons not desired at any price: Yort must he sincere My work is my reli gion. -$ring tfiis ad- 47-20-4