Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 56

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T _» v.t • r % srvii \\' V jjjilli -U. iyj»*. I 8 RF. H KARST'S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SI T NDAY, APRIL 20, 1910. If You Want a Position; If You Want Help; If You Want Anything, You Will Find It Here BUSINESS GUIDE Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General The American’s Rent Bulletin AUTOMOBILES: For Sale, Repairs and Accessories. Architects and Builders 111 I I. I 1 teot who understands your particular lined* Mv long experience as architect and builder and I can furnish you plans, specifications and bill of all necessary materia la cheaper than anybody else in Atlanta It's to y<»ur interest to see me FRITZ WAfiKXliK. 40$ Fourth National Hank Building. Rhone Main lit. 4 Auction Sales of Furniture anti Household Goods. csxTkai. Auction company, 12 East MllcUell a treat, buys and sails everything; n-gulnr auction Tiwau and Friday, liell phone Main ^ Automobile Repairing. BROKEN Al’TO PA1 ITS. UE-F* >RGED. Broken springs re-weld ed and guaranteed. Prices right, bat- jgfar torv service. Anderson Bros. <v Rich, both phones. 372 Edgeuood Ave- nue. A-z-i Banks. a MKiucX?r~5rATl?i^Xn~BAifSY' Corner Alabama and itroad street. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Jl.000,000. Barber Shops. flATH CUTS- l.V. X Vjaduct place, between Peachtree ■ nd Broad. 12--8 T Bicycles. T8uppl)e«, See D. Alexander. 54 N. Pryor. - M. 3116. Repair Work a special ty. 3-27-51 CALL Main 1820. Atlanta 1486. Bicycle repairs and sundries. Atiantu Bicycle Company. 10 Peters Street. 2-15-66 Box and Bedding Plants. aYTi a jTl'.^)1 ; r7rf^beTrdTnK and box plants, 50c per dozen. Telephone your order. Ivy 1248-J. Ponce DeLeon Floral Co., 23s Ponce DeLeon avenue. 4 3-2 Builders. L K'r~ buy Term*- 4189 Tfs Bill. D you a lot you a home. Will or pay off your lot. » Trinple Court. Main 4-15-16 1 ’ll 1*0111‘ • Diseases . SBKt tIALTV- rTilWNIt’ MSKAS& OF P,1 LOOP, heart . lungs, kidneys, liver, rheumatisr ■ ). nervous diseases. medic inns furnish' ed; consultation free. Write or call on Dr. M T Sailer. 68 Jieuth Broad 11-11-2 Contract Painting and Wall Tinting. S. A .John sox'.7 * \Y Kafr St'..' \V«>st 1288-.I. for all kinds of painting and tinting Carpenter and Builder. am, RliftSi .: i i • , • i: tfolfK 1*. M. WHEELER, 1!» South Forsyth 8t. «... Rhone M. 4186. Atlanta 1547. 12-31-16 Carpets and Rugs Cleaned. Can'tYsfiT7\M rAi:r , ui > cEEXfT- Taci company tino.i 27 w>»t tin- andet 1 ■ • Phon< Ivy 4186 Moist end dry cleaning Rugs woven from your old carpet and rags Porch shades made to < rder. * 2-8-27 Coal COAL •lelliro i .11 llip— COAl, $4.75 PIEDMONT COAL CO. BOTH PH ON 178 MAIN SM*. 1-13-34 Coal, Coae and Wood. 6T'm. till ’Vi'T'X si Ins, for dry wood and best coal. 1-31-21 Chronic Diseases. speclaltV ^cTTu< > nit T>Tsrasks^ OF BLOOD, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver. etc , rheupmtiBin, nervous discuses, medicines furnished: consultation free. Write or call on Dr M T. Salter, 68 South Broad. 11-11-2 Dentist. Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. southuk.n KrnNrrrni; kxch \n.;e <.'A Ill’KT eh'rtidtig. i uri*ii tii«- repairer Furniture bought and *»id end niat- tifsm-s renovated. 121 McDaniel Street. Bell Phone Main 4840. Atlanta Phone 4 6 •: PI |» \ m |»L Called f - 1 1 o •> I I l o I jiwred Satlsfac- 1 > L" I» \ I I > I,' | | tbm guaranteed. It I . I . \ I 11 I, J 1 ]iran K . i ttitlcr, 55 McDaniel street. Atl. phono 3091-M 3-32-14 FFUNITIR! repaired, upholstering. refinishing neatly done. Work calied for and delivered, young K Carson 479 Marietta street. Atlanta 3567 .5-5-6 W. It. LUNSFORD tb CO., Upholstering, repairing and reflnlahing furniture of all ki/nis; satisfaction gjia ran teed. Phones, Atlanta 5950- F. M 'III 3-5-30 Hardware and Tools. HARDW Alfic, toSfir household stieciitl- 'le* 100 jior (fill value at 100 KclIf.- " ■ 4venue h a Martin. 3-11-41 Hat Cleaning. .- IT: a U" ilA'TJT'TT,' .TfrSrTtatiT'wSaried nnd blocked, 35c. i!<v>rg«» Hat Clean- lug and Shoe Shine Parlor, 3* . E Ala. : Street. 4-10-11 Hatters. SI SSKYX 2S WIUTKIIALL STREET. Old) TTATS repaired in first-class con dition 4-1-6 ! i rTERS make <>m hats look hue new. Mail orders given prompt at- terPInn. 20 Fast Hunter street. J 2-3-44 Instrument Makers. l. a . i tost i ;c.m" mfo7~Scl~ ~ . Instrument Makers. \f)\V LOCATED AT 278ik EDGEWOOD \VENPE All kinds of high-grade •ight machine work done. Special at tention given to repairing of engineers’ Instruments. LEVELS and TRANSITS ______ 3 n AI) Jewelry. \\ I’, have n large stocIT'of^'HoficI gold and best grades of tilled bracelets Price $2.60 and up; cash or time. Banta-Cole Com- mhii.v, 5 South Broad Street. 4-15-23 Lighting Fixtures. electric and gut nxiurm; all uw . Queen Mantel m.I nif. I ompany, r.o West Mltrliell itreot. I hone Main 081. 1-10-10 Liliie, OonoreU, Roofing, Stone. ■ ,adt. "i.tmi; ani>vfffNircssfpAfnf: •» . Iff,’ C, ono . rote un<1 roofing atone. 915 •d -Nat. Bank Bldg 3 8-50 Machine Work. \l AI.MIY COMPANY. Manufaotur. I K of an.l Dealers in MACHINERY 438-10 MARIETTA STREET ——. —- l-l-ll '‘R kinds of machine work see • amp Bros , now located at 276 Ma rietta street. Phone M 2937. 12-3-4 Mattress Renovating. 4v/’' |:; V- : ''\"M'CrTiYi:s7t-^ iiDN'tyCAT'-' ,i 7'* 1 i« (, tory new and up-to-date: moderate prices; give us u trial Jack- \v !l P” n C -^ M1 P un V. Means street and " A •' R- R both phones. 3-20-14 Pa,int. PORCELAIN—NO GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK OUR SPECIALTY. Whalebone; Best Set, GOLD CROWN (22 CARAT) . .$3.00 BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH 3.00 SILVER FILLINGS 2o GOLD FILLINGS 60 CLEANIN’*i TEETH 50 TWENTY-YKAR CI AKANTEE. EASTERN r.\INI,ES8 DENTISTS. 38% iTachtree Street. 4-2-S1 FJv Screens. FLY SCREENS I'IA Rooms and Board. « cnK large aruP HmAJiroom. not and cold wuf«T. electric lightm otul all cOiiven- ienc*. Phone Ivy 3281. '-29-68 TWO RooMS and excellent' table board; North Side home; walking dl*- taVjce. Ivy 6675. 4-20-56 REFINE!) youhg couple or two gentle men to occupy nice room in private family. Raten reasonable. Inman Park Kept lot Ivy 21S6-L. 4-20-54 ONE LARGE room for rent, with board 224 South Prypr. 4-20-52 RO(.)M with board for a euupie of young men or bUHinerfr ladles; private fanp I Call Main 4228-J. 278 Rawaon Street 4-750-57 WANTED Refined chuplo to room and board in private faintly. Only thoee who wlnli something nice need apply all Ivv 2118. 4-29-65 I )ELI<3HTFU1j roorriH, beat location. private liume, table board a .sperlalty 266 Capitol. Main 2031-L. 4-20-30 GRAND OPBR A VISITORS Wo liavo two comfortable rooms in our private home that we can let during Grand Opera. The rooms to be occupied by two inch ami furnish breakfast at live dollars a day per room. Ad -Irens.I. K. MeLauehlin,.43 West Fifth, or phone Ivy 505K-.J. 57-20-4 WANTED Bt/iirdera or roomers; newly furnished rooms and first-clans bdferd; reanonablo. 22 Bruthertoti Street. Bl-20-4 BOARD AND ROOMS. EXCELLENT TABLE; desirable rooms; clone In; reasonable. 11.5 South Pry or. Atlanta phone 4949. 4-20-36 TWO large, delightful front rooms, near hath, large verandas for summer; bent lot'stton; good table. West Peach tree. Ivy 1959 L. 40-19-4 MRS. BETTS has charge of 16 East Bar ker Street and would like couple or gentlemen for board. Ivy 2666-.I. 4-19-25 ROOMS and flrst-elasR board at 29 East Harries all conveniences Ivy 3741 -L. 4-19-15 IIILLYEK PLACE CORNER TRINITY AND CREW. An IDEAL Hummer home; large rooms, porches; home cooking a specialty. .Main 1810-J. 4-19-14) BEAUTIFUL front room with hoard; private home. 222 West Peachtree. Ivy 5784-.J 4-19-16 WANTED- With board. comfortable front roorii for two gentlemen. Fur nished or unfurnished; private bath con nected. within two blocks of Peachtree und not farther out than Third Street. < V M R., Box 903. care Georgian. 36-19-4 NEWLY furnished room, for gentlemen. with reasonable hoard; very close in. Main 4030-1,. 4-18-35 NICE large unfurnished front room and gnod hoard for refined couple; very close in. Main 4630-1.. 4-18-54 :;62 PEACHTREE STREET Fine loca tion, neat in, large, choice rooms to couple or gentlemen. Table hoard a 4-18-42 NICE; large down talra room with ev en convenience, meals with family, for couple or two young men. Best car service. Ivy 2749-.1. 4-1.8-18 nil: TRIPOD PAINT COMPANY, ui- .>„ *7-9 Pryor Street. 1 BOotl". prompt service. Phone oa \i.5n «i’« 'wi |,|,om ' M 1,(11 Main 4711. Main 4<10, Atiantu 406. 7-l-p* Printing. KYBeBT & I !< HjLINGSW( >KTII POU ANY KIND of printing. Wo satisfy our ‘Atstomer*; 10 Gilmer .Street, Pel! Main 4000. — 4-4-8 Roof and Gutter Work. I RKUAfR nil i'('"fs7''Kn'ne?;r w niririmis >,::ni 1 n.TH,4e^ Safe Cracksman. I'hT^nT^TA.iiriJiJFyr^f opened and repaired. C. C. Down©*, 29U Marietta Street. Phones M. 2146. Atlanta 4922 4 5-11 ■ I i Sand. Ear. Nose. Tltroac and Lung Trouble. in: (HCOKSB BROWN. !■ eaaea of the -Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 Austell Bldg. 1 have the only compound oxygen plant ever brought South and make this gas daily. Weak, nervous, anaemic and pale people are invited t * ©alt. 4-6-13 Engineering and Machine Designing. <1. V. PLANT. M. K. I DK' ELOP YOl'Il INVENTION, rat tern ami Machine Works West North Avenue Main 2S29. 4-5-17 M.L SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Roller-bearing Screens, our Slkllr^ Screens; none better. It will pay you t«- sno our goodk; got tirices 217 Kiser Bldg Main 1219 Porter Screen Co. I ,J. Crawford, A gen 2-4-14 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD GOODS arid r la nos Office and warehouse, _*:i9- Edgt wood avenue Ivy 2037. John J. Woodside Storage Company. SAND. SAND In any quantity and quality- prompt delivery. S. M. Truitt A- Son! 1 13-32 Sewing Machines. '' ui ' 1 n< w machine with compUvt© sot of attachments for $2 per month- also machines repaired; prompt deliv ery. Both phonos 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall » I *4 Shoes. GE1 the beet shoes for i he « hole fnmilv. lVaoock ik Drennen, '2'2‘J Marietta Street. 4-16-28 Shoe Repairing. Hotfs'-rr xrr^nT:Ln5rs'f:'W;'f>y~' .‘>0 ci;\ts At Gwinn s Shoe Shop. 6 Luckie Street. Opposite Piedmont Hotel. Both phones! 3-26-45 Stove and Range Repairing. STOVE l)Oi Toi,\ sn’oYE. range and furnace repairing. 61-South Pryor Strict. Bell Phone M-in 1460 Atlanta phone 1410. 4-10-10 DAN. I'llK I'l.XKK STAVES AM’ Rl TRIG IP. A TOR RE PAIRING. We second-hand gas stoves. We sweep chimney*. 171 WHITKli Ai.T, STREKT. Mlanta phone 2235. Bell phone M. 2699. Tnmki Ban and Suitcaaaa. WTAll.Kinv N f) 1 AUtED ROUNTREES. 77 WHITEHALL ST. PIBiNKS: Bell M 1776 Atlanta 1654 TWO excellent, front rooms for board ers Electricity and all conveniences; walking distance. Ivy 2856-L. 4-18-14 OKTf NICELY furnished room with board for couple or two young men. Inman Park, private family 550 Euclid. Ivy 6388-L. 4-18-: VVANTKI» Two young men or couple to board in private family on Clduurif Avenue, in Inman Park. Phone Ivy 37.72-J. 4-18-9 WANTED At once hoarders; desirable rooms, homo cooking, nice table. Ap ply 92 Orange Street. 4-17-22 H WE two pleasant rooms with board et 513 Peachtree. • 41-17-4 FRONT ROOM with board, also con necting rooms In modern Elizabeth Street home, Inman Park; reasonable. Ivy 6963-J. 200-17-4 LISTEN! Cell Main MH-L; private board and rooms; all conveniences. 308 South Pryor Street. 4-17-11 TWO rooms and board. North Side; pri vate family; excellent home cooking Telephone Ivy 6675. 80-17-4 NICE furnished room and board for couple; private bath. 76 Washing ton Street. 4-16-8 NICE front room and board in private family. Phone Ivy 2104-J. 4-14-20 COZY INN. Furnished Rooms For Rent. TYf'o HfjtVroonia. f/ith’r. Parly going away until September. 2)f> Richardson Street, otic-half block ofP Capitol Atenue. *13.20. 29-19-4 152 WEST PEACHTREE Two or thre i ^onn^ctlfig rooms for housekeeping; running water In kitchen; modern con veniences; within walking distance; rent reasonable. 98-20-4 TWO NICELY furnished rooms light housekeeping, just off Pryor. 77 East Fair firt-eet. 4-20-59 • RAND opera week, room ..with one or two beds, close in, three blocks o f MidlToriunv Phone. 4273-L, 7 Wellington Apartments. 4-30-73 OR RENT—Close in, one room nicely furnished, very cool, 86 East Fair Street 90-20-4 HANDSOMELY furnished large front j room, private bath, shady lot; gentle man preferred. “West PeachtH-c." Georgian. 49-12-4 ONE furnished front room suitable for gentleman or couple, in private fam ily, 63 East Cain Street. Phone Ivy ‘*932-L. 4-20-69 THREE connecting furnished rooms on first and second floorn for light house keeping. Bath, water, gas and phono. Cali Main 3822. 4-20-55 TWO front, first-floor, sink in kitchen, hot bath, nicely furnished, light House keeping rooms; close in; parties with out children. 117 Formv. alt. Phone Main 4752-J. 4*1*5 ONE.SMALL furnished front room for rent. 39 Carnegie Way. 4-19-8 IjARUE furnished rooms; electric lights; hot water; close in. Apply Trinity Apartments No. t. 202-19-4 FOR RENT—12-room furnished house, near in.. Phone Main 3364 4-19-6 DELIGHTFUL room; rulined, North Side private home.- All conveniences. Excellent meals near. Ivy 1294-.L • 4-18-41 TWO large front rooms, nowlv fur nished. 29 East Ellis Street. 35-18-4 NICELY FURNISHED front room for two young men; all conveniences; tel ephone, electric lights; desirable location <*n Whitehall Street. Call Main 2827. 45-20-4 WANTED-- Two gentlemen to occupy room private home, nicely furnished; reference required. Ivy 70I9-.U 49-20-4 FOR RENT Five-room cottage, fur nished, for summer months; close in; garden planted. Phone M. 3639-J. 48-20-4 UPSTAIRS furnished rooms; can ar range for light housekeeping; close in. Phone Ivy 1984. 85 West Harris St. 4-18-31 TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent at 100 East Linden Avenue. See them. 26-18-4 £ REASONABLE, furnished rooms for la dies or gentlemen. Phone Main 1965. 4-18-16 NICELY furnished rooms, all conven ience-. 104 West Harris Street. Phone Ivy 188. 4-18-5 FOR RENT- Two furnished rooms*, with or without board. Call 115 \Y. Cain, corner Luckie. 4-18-7 NICELY furnished front rooms; young men preferred. 56 West Peachtree. Ivy 6553-J. 4-20-38 Unfurnished Rooms For Kent. unfurnished rooms, gas. sink and connecting bath, with hot water, private home. No objection iu one small child; pice location, tine block Georgia Avenue car, one-half block Capitol Av enue car, 140 Bass. 4-.0-66 TWO nice rooms. Colonial Hill; third house oil right from main drive; Ellz- aBeth St. 54-20-4 ON® «>i; TWjO tjfcrge front rooms; pri vate torch; bjock of Peachtree 400 Courtland Street. 35-16-4 FOR RENT Three large connecting, first-floor rooms, hath adjoining, sink, and separate gas meter. Close in. Main 5334-L 32-19-4 7- i MIT WE unfurnls e rpon ball and pantry, nice bath, kitchen. gasFghte. 26-19-4 TWO unfurnished front rooms for light housekeeping; every convenience. Take Pine Street car. 1 Angler Ave. f' 28-19-4 BY COUPLE, three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping on South Bide. Ad dress M. S. F.. care Georgian. 4-18-30 A THREE-ROOM fiat, second floor; has hath, water and gas. 31 West Harris. 25-18-4 Ft *U RENT -Unfurnished rooms. 67 Cooper Street. 201-18-4 THREE beautiful,rooms with bath, gas, electricity and every modern conve nience. 133 Capitol Avenue. 4-16-18 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FltuNT ROOM; nicely fumiHiipJ. rinse in; also small room reasonable. 20 W Harris. 43-17-4 STEAM-HEATED rooms for rent, fur nished or unfurnished. 293 North Boulevard. Ivy 3406.-J. 30-19-4 FOR RENT---Two, t hree or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, in modern, close in North Side apartment. Re duced price until September. Ivy 6033-J 4-18-44 NICE largo front room,’furnished or un furnished. close in; gentlemen or .cou ple; references exchanged. Phone Ivy 4*17-12 THREE beautiful corner rooms; sepa rate entrance; private bath, veranda; sink in kjtchen. Ivy 99. 4-17-4 SEVERAL rooms, furnished or unfur nished. Call Ivy 4491. 195 East Pirie Street. 4-15-17 35-H. r\, G-passougvr car. full electric equipment, including Remy Magneto, almost new tires and in general good condition. $400. This is u bargain. Jos. W. Hill. 186 N. Jackson Street. 4-20-200 ■ model touring car. run 5,1-00 mile*, fully equipped and in good order. Sell for caith or trade for purchase money notes. See it at 81 North Prypr St. •-*-20-48 JUST \ i; f11 f ;i > Largi took tires; 36x3 *7.90, 30x3 *8.90, 30x3% $11.90. 22x3b. 312.90, 34x3% $13.90, 32r.4 $17.90, 28x4 $18,90. 24x4 "$19.90, 36x4 $19.90, 36x4*,2 *24. 37x5 *25. Also lot of cheaper tiros. McPherson Auto Tire Company. 46 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 79-20-4 AUTOGENOUS WELDING and machine repair work of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHEARER MACHINE CO.. 197 WHITEHALL STREET. --26-10 ROAD HOI' SK- - Your party will enjoy a meal with us. First-class a la carte service. Southern style cooking. 50 by 50- foot roof garden, with ham mocks, dowers and swings. The cleanest little hotel in Georgia. Charles F. Bane, Manager, The New Kvnne- saw House, Marietta, Ga. 4-20-1 Good I M'd Cars at Reasonable i’rices. *ORD ROADSTER with touring body a so Courier Roadster, fully equipped and electric light. Buick Model 10 Roadster with electric lights. Buick Model lu Roadster fully equipped, rum ble seat. Overland 4-passenger touring. I rlrno touring car. new top and scat covers. Stiver touring car, repainted, fully equipped. Columbia 1911 4-pnsscn- ger. with electric lights, new top. re painted. Those cars all in good running condition and will he sold; worth the money we ask. Two-clyinder Buick truck in good condition. »350 Rl'IOK MOTOR COMPANY. 241 PEACHTREE ST. 4-11-8 kOR SALE—1911 model Oakland road- ster, good, condition; bargain for cash. Can be seen at 34 Auburn Avenue. 4 18 28 FOR SALE—Great sacrifice. $1,200 for a $2,700 first prize, New York. French Gray Detroit Electric Carriage. Exceedingly handsome; excellent condition. Now on show at Edgar & Gilbert Garage Company, 34-3t> Auburn Avenue. Owner. Yet,tor’s Qual ity Clothing Shop. 78 North Broad Street. 4-20-4 Housekeeping Rooms Wanted. BY COUPLE, three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping on South Side. Ad dress M. S. F., care Georgian. 4-18-30 Rooms Wanted. WANTED—Two first floor unfurnished rooms. Call Main 4039. 4-17-5 ROOMMATE wanted for young gentle man on North Side; nice room. B. K., care Georgian. 4-18-200 AUTOISTS—Spend week end at New Kennesaw House. Marietta, Ga., the | Meanest little Hotel in Georgia. First-class cafe, a la carte service. Southern style cooking. Roof garden with hammocks, swings and flowers. OH AS. F. BANE. 4-12-4. Manager. Furnished Apartments For Rent. TWO connecting unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; private familA'. West End. Gall West 150-L. 4-20-76 ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. REPAIRING and manufacturing. Lamp and lender work. 72 Ivy Street. At lanta phone 3816. 3-10-12 FUR RENT Four ids-i’nd apartment. For <>r five-room fur- AU conveniences. EXCELLENT rooms, with or without board; private home; North Side. Ivy 6221. 4-20-39 / i o 14 TT I I H e a dquarters. ' • O. Il l IjIjO k. R. fK)gan & Co., Atlanta. 4-20-32 NTGBLY furnished room, with connect ing hath, in family of two. Rent rea sonable. Just off Washington Street at 14 Clarke Street. A. M. Sheats. 50-20-4 o sin ah private family; all modern conven iences. 440 South Pryor. Main 2924. 4-1 $-10 XU’ELY furnished room; all conve nience?; North Side; close in. Ivy 3915-J. . 4-17-19 FURNISHED ROOM. 52 and $2.25 per week; close ill. Apartment O, 286Vs Whitehall. 209-17-4 ONE NICE room for rent, connecting with bath, to two young men. Call 113-B Richardson Street. Main 1241-.T. 4-17-15 PRETTY front room, furnished neatly, modern conveniences; close in; Just two blocks from Candler Building. 183 Courtland Street. 203-17-4 FURNISHED room, private home; also roommate wanted for young man. sep arate beda^ 19 East Harris. 4-16-80 FOft RENT - In Northern home, front room and kitchenette, complete foi light housekeeping. Cheap to responsi ble parties. Call ivy 6869-J. 4-16-27 HALF-BLOCK from Candler Bldg.; splendid rooms: best hoard; $20 per month and up; sure to please. Phone Ivy 6652. 43-11-4 LARGE, clean front room and hath; electric lights, first floor. 48 Peach tree Stree.. 4-15-24 NICE light rooms, private family; hot baths: close in: convenience?. 151 Spring. Ivy 6640-.1. 4-15-6 FOR RENT—Elegant room with bath and other conveniences; exceptional; oity references required. The Savoy, 11 West Baker Street. 31-17--* 1*0 R RENT—Three elegant furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 407 Fraser. Apply In rear L07-13-4 ROOMS for light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms in private family; no children. 110 Luckie Street. 39-19-4 FOR RENT—One furnished room for ladies employed. References. Pri vate family. 142 East Merrltts. 4-19-29 FURNISHED room with housekeeping privileges. 49 Luckie Street, one block i from Piedmont. 4-19-21 ONE furnished or two or three partly furnished first-class rooms on North j Decatur oar line, Oakhuvst Station. Call j Atlanta phone Decatur 331 for informa- Ition. 4-19-22 BEST MEALS IN TOWN. $8 WEEK. ROOM AND MEALS, $4 197 SOUTH PKYOK CALI. MAIN »048. 4-5-64 *36 EAST NORTH AVE. BETWEEN the Peachtrees: nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6601. 8-26-24 1‘FAGH 1 BFK INN. \ family hotel, located at Peachtree and Alexander Sts. American plan $7.60 to $12 50 week. European. $3 to $7 week 1-9-34 Furnished Rooms For Rent. FORTlENT^Tw'y. large cool rooms; new bungalow, in beautiful oak grove; one mile from East lAke. on McDonough Road. Can arrange for light house keeping for couple without children. L. I*. Cousins, Route 1. Decatur, Ga. 83-16-4 LARGE upstairs front room; gentleman j FoR RENT—Furnished rooms in steam FOR SALE--One 1912 Forfi (almost ... . v-, .. , ... t nnoi new) runabout; one Hudson “20’* run- t .ose in. For particulars call Iv> *.981, about; A-L condition: newly painted. fpartment b"* S * " e8t Pca £ ! .t{«*j J. W. Boone. 256 Marietta St. 20C-;’-- THREE-ROOM apartment; every con venience: large porch; private family; North s:<^-. Ivj 4-20-41 THE NEW 7}RESHAM 17 W. CAIN, MRS. D. E. M’GAW. FURNISHED rooms and apartments; permanent and transient people so licited; dining room connected. Bell phone Main 0050. 4-6-8 APARTMENT of threft beau til r< Inman Park. Private home. New. I Large kitchen, with all conveniences, j Screens. East pi rth. Phone Ivv 2329-J. 4-20-25 THREE beautiful rooms, bath, front and back porches. Xjelightful for summer. North side. Ivy 2478. 4-20-34 FUR RENT during summer months 4- room, furnisiied apartment, close in. North Side. Phone Ivy 1735-L. 27-19-4 HOI'SEKEEPING apartment furnished from a kitchen cabinet to a spoon; about 12 minutes w r alk to postoffice; at tractive price to two couples or family with no small children. 105 Fowler St. Atlanta phone 5*28-B. 28-18-4 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent. NEW Unfurnished four-room apart ment; well arranged: every conven ience: rear in; corner South Pryor ami Richardson. Streata. Gall Mr. Bauman. Main 142. 4-19-28 ONE beautiful modern 4-room apart ment; second story. Phone Ivy 3698-J. 4-17-9 NEW modern six-room apartments. 95 West Tenth Street. Phone Ivv 6125. Mrs. Ferris. 26-17-4 Furnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT—Six room c ottage, 345 South Boulevard. Rent $39. Apply to MR Temple Court Building. EIGHT ROOMS: well furnished; all modem conveniences; will rent cheap for four months. Address P. O. Box 343. Atlanta. 26-20-4 COMPLETELY furnished; delightfully cool location; large grove; 196 Juni per. Ivy 6544-J. 4-20-37 COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house for summer. References required. Main 4170-L. 4-19-31 Furnished Houses Wanted.. \V"A*PsTElcP^t r urni8hed 5 ur 6-rooirPcoO tage; references exchanged X. Y. Z.. rare Georgian. 4-17-18 WARNING TO INFRIN GERS AND IMITATORS. LIQUID TIRE TONIC IS PROTECT ED BY U. S. DUYREA PATENT, NO. 578551 AND ALL INFRINGERS. AGENTS OR USERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MUST AN SWER IX THE COURT' FOR VIOLA TION OF THIS LAW. LIQUID TIRE TONIC COMPANY, KANSAS CITl MO. 4-8-4S HIGHEST proof easolinc- and automo bile oils a specialty. We handle all makes of tlre^. Automobile accessories. AUTO OIL AND GASOLINE CO., 71 X. FORSYTH STREET. 4-4-59 SACRIFICE SALE OF Pope-Iiartford Automobiles. NOW is the lime to purchase a used car. We need the room for our new product. Don’t miss this opportunity. An attractive offering of Pope-Hartfbrds at sacrifice prices. Come and look them over, or address, USED CAR DEPARTMENT. L. S. CRANE, 34-26 JAMES ST.. ATLANTA, GA. * 3-26-42 FOR SALE CHEAP—Baby Max well' fully equipped and in A-l running condition. Apply 36 Inman Bldg. 202-13-20 $1,S00 FRANKLIN ROADSTER, in ex cellent condition, air-cooled, alurni- . num body, full elliptic springs: an ideal car for business or professional use; i >1050. Paul Dixon, 47 Whitehall. Phone Main 1743. 27-If-4 DOBBS TIRE KEPAIR CO. WE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES. 226 PEACH TREE STREET. PIIONE IVY 5646 4-1-3 A 1911 FOR-PASSENGER CADILLAC; best car ever built and we will let you see u.g overhaul it and put it in brand new shape; price right. Come ^ee it- Travis &. Jones, 26 James Street, third flooi. 3-1-54 FOR SALE—An electric automobile, in perfect condition. Call at 1365 Peach tree Road. Ivy 821-J. 1-20-40 MO!) K I] 38 Overland Roadster, 25 H. K, in good mechanical condition. MOflEI. 38 Overland 4- passenger Touring ( 1 ar. F. A. L. ROADSTER. 45 H. P., Continental Motor —in ideal c o n d i t i i>n throughout. MODEL 49 Overland 4- passenger Touring 'Car. Just been thoroughly over hauled and repaired. FIVE -PASSE X G E R Mitchell Touring Car. THE ABOVE Cars ran be bought at especially at tractive prices. Can be seen at OVERLAND SOUTH ERN MOTOR v CAR CO. 232 Peachtree Street. 1-20-64 Money Wanted. WANTED—Loan 81.750, house and lot College Park, worth $3,500. For 5 years at 8 per cent, first mortgage. Address box 708. care American. 89-20-4 WANTED—--Party with about $300 or $400 to Invest in good paying busi ness; weekly dividends guaranteed. Ad dress Manufacturer, care Georgian. 25-17-4 i; \VK WILL PAY fi » ON SAVINGS. IN SUMS of $500 to $5,000. The Merchants and Mechanics’ Banking and Loan Co., 209 Grant Building. Tel. Ivy 5341. Cash Capital $120,000. Thos. J. Wesley, Cashier. * B. M. Grant, Pres. 3-11-50 Business Opportunities. /VWVWWWWV'rfVWW^VWWVWWWWWW AN ELEGANT cigar stand in one or the leading hotels in the city for sale. Doing a profitable business, but owner ) desires to leave city. Capital required, about $500. Address H. A. P., Box 620. care Georgian. 73-20-4 FOR SALE—5c and 10c store; stock new; less than three years old. Fifty miles of Atlanta. To\\ n population 4,0(10: county seat. Best location. Rea- I sonable rent. Good stqck room. Modern show windows. Reason for selling, . other business in view. Address V. c * i S., care American. 4-20-44 WOULD like to meet lady or gentleman with $300 to invest for half interest in good business proposition in city. Re ply confidential. C. W. C.. care Geor- | gian. 85-20-4 WANTED Partner wit] $600 Business permanent, honorable and suitable for man or lady, and will easily clear $3.- j to $4,000 yearly. Investigation will satisfy any sensible person. Don’t an swer unless you will investigate by ap pointment. Address Partner, Box 3, care Georgian. 40-20-4 LEARN mechanical drawing, most lu crative profession. Full course of in- ! structions $1 with yearly subscription to Patent News, Washington, D. C. Par- i ticulars free. 34-6-4 V ILL trade hifih-trrade matin factiiriiig stock and cash for farm or stock of merchandise. 0. ] T. Hennessee, Covington, Ga. 4-13-1G PATENTS bring wealth. Write for Proof. “Profit” can save any inventor ! hundreds of dollars -free for this ad. A. , J. Wedderburn, paftmt attorney, Dept 207. Washington, 1 >. C. 35-6-4 W A NTF I ) YOU want to sell > » rx . > i i-J-L/y our business, no matter where located; need partner or addi tional capital, write Young & Good roe. Business Brokers. 412-414 Peters Build ing, Atlanta. ”\Ve can sell any busi- | ness that has merit." *4-20-42 EX i JEP cian. practice greseive at less R. W. TIONAI Well-. : tncdci ■ Middh than v Parker, - opportunity for pbysi- established, good-pavirg *n 1mm© in thrifty, pro- • Georgia- town; for sale alue "f house. Vddress Madison, Ga. 1-20-5 UP-TO- DATE Rock of drugs in good SoutTi Gforgi a tovrr. cash or terms Address (’. Bra id ford, Sp&fks. Ga W’i have several Flienders chassis ami w'ill build body and paint car .to your order. Bargain prices. Don’t buy any second-hand car until you see us. NORTH PRYOR GARAGE. NORTH PRYOR PLACI2. 4-2-28 OLDSMOB1LE "Limited” 1910 seven- passenger, luxuriously appointed, with handsome leather victoria top; complete equipment; excellent condition; will sac rifice $900. AMERICAN-MARION SALES CO., 1096 Broadway. New York City. 4-15-7 VULCGRINB IS ONE practical solution of the tire trouble; it is chemistry, scientifically applied: it has been examined and ap proved by Edgar Kverhardt, professor in Charge of department of chemistry at Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons, and is guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded, v ulcorlns Co., 309 Peachtree St. 3-2o-4.> WINDSHIELDS. RADIATORS, lamps, fenders, repaired as good as new. Mfrs. all kinds sheet metr.l work. Warllek Sheet Metal Co 248 Kdgewood. 3-4-b4 AUTOGENOUS METHOD. AUTO AND ALL. MACHINE DARTS. METAL WELDING COMPANY. MAIN 3013. S« GARNETT STREET^ Automobiles For Rent ^DUNHAM^idTORTcb!'™ FIVE and seven-passenger cars. Garage, 113 East EPIs street. Call Eell phone Ivy 340*1 dav. Main 4325 night. 3-21-23 Tire Repairing HIGH-GRADE STEAM VULCANIZING. Retreading a specialty. Prompt atten tion given express shipments. Sanders- Speer Vulcanizing Company, 100 Spring Street, Atlanta. Ga. 3-28-15 Motorcycles. •FWliJ-C^LINDER^Curtiss rootcrcycle; seven-horsepower. First-class order. Tires good. First $65 cash gets it. Ikey P Barrett, I'. O. Box 631, Covington. Ga. 39-22-1 MOTORCYCLES ** EASY TERMS •• BICYCLES. EXCELSIOR motorclycles, high-grade bicycles; complete line new and used bicycles and motorcycles; complete stock parts and accessories; modern service depot. Lowest prices; easy terms. AL- EXANDER-SEEWALD CO.. 145-147-149 Edgewood Avenue. Phone Ivy 1609. PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION. 4-1-22 THOR MOTORCYCLES, repa'rB and ac cessories; best equipped repair shop in city. We w ill take care of you. South ern Motorcycle Co., 116 Edgewood Ave. 3-26-31 ” j auuu i.'u’iivs uiMj ai•conn;s of local firms and corporations foi specified i»rice. Address Qualified, can Hearst’s American. 4-18-36 FOR SALE Furnishings of Kix-ro«in> fiat; close in: part cash. Owner wiii take part of purchase monev in board Address Bargain, care Georgian. 34-18-4 Full SALE-- Up-to-date grocery store in good location; average business, $1,600 per month. Box 7care Georgian _ 200-15-4 WANTED-Five hundred stockholders to sha^p in the profits of my store Men’s furnishing.- tailoring, shoes, hats. Allen M. Pierce. 16 Marietta Str 4-15-12 PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE. i A VALUABLE improvement on wall construction, damp, heat and cold proof: eliminates repairs: less insur- l ance; perfectly sanitary. See the Mod ern Construction Company, rooms 40S- 409 Gould building. Atlanta, Ga. Phono Main 4398. 3-8-6 Rea! Estate For Sale. F<tJ: SALK—till a"cheneffV5feel5n,-ar Ponce DeLeon Avenue, beyond Pome DeLeon Park, near car line, my six- room cottage; all conveniences. Includ ing furnace. Need .some cash Make me an offer around $3,500. Address Bar gain, Box 999, care Hearst’s American. ^ 4-2C-46 Garages For Rent. jpHAVE for rent a barn and garage at 412 Gordon Street. Phone West 330-J. 4-14-9 < ply; private home; screened win- ek*i trie lights, furnace, hot wa 109 Forrest A .cnue Ivy 6310. 4-17-1; heated apartment: hqt and cold writer, electric lights: suitable for housekeep ing: will rert cr.tlr^ apartrncfii fur nished or unfurnished. 35:; Whitehall ..... — — - —J Stree:. Apartment O. Mrs. Fox. ^-ly-l^ FOR RENT Furnished rooms in modem — ajv.rtrnent building, ncwlj paperetl j FOR RENT Ore fuhr.;slicw room, w ith all cohvemei ccs. 4.5* -.f. Ivy 9-13 RENT Xkel> furnished rooms; all convenieivces. 45 Williams; apart ment 3, third floor. Ivy 2116. 4-19-14 painted: steam heat: all modern ••onvejniences; within fottr blocks of the Candler building. Gall 606 Empire Life building ■ >r phone Ma11i 1897. 2-1-14 | Fc>l TIIREE furnished rooms for house keeping. References. No children 1 1 ■ '—7 r~~: .. ., * . *. . | Mi ELI furnished ught housekeeping . , , . , : rooms. $4 per week 388 Peachtree. EXTRA LARGE, furnished, pretty front room, private porch and electric lights. — :—:— —. riephone 62 Williams, corner Baker. Ivy 6760-J. 4-19-200 Furniture. ^ T. C. FURNITURE « Cash or easy payments, 415 Atlanta 1797 Violin Maker. NICK business woman who wants home >n private family call Atlanta pltone 1791 References 38-1t*-4 OLD YloLlNS Bol'GHi, sold and - J changed: repairing a specialty. The Old Reliable Violin Dealer. Mays Bad- Marietta. get*. 24v Pea'*ittree. 3-31-34 l Fresh Oysters D;ul\ \ IK* :IMA 1.11(1 \. V O Wood WOOD REFINED YOUNG lady roommate for young lady doing light housekeeping. V R.. Boa 10. care Georgian. 37-19-4 UXF FURNISHED bed room and fur nished kitchenette 43 West Peachtree ivy _16l*. 4-15-y* , Furnished Rooms Wanted COUPLE desire two rooms, partly fur nished for light housekeeping, in North Side pri\aie home with owner, ciose in; must be desirable, rent not ■ rer $15. J. E. L., Box S2. care Geor gian. 41-18-4 W A XTKD—By a gentleman permanent room with bath or bath privilege, on the North Side: references exchanged. Acid res ■ P. O. Box 28. Ui y. 47-18-4 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FoR RENT -No. 51 Irwin Sireeu mod ern eight-room house; good lot and stable: to reliable tenant owner will make attractive price on lease. A;m]\ : 5 Howard St. 203-20-13 A OKAY STREET—A nice four-room house with ball; all conveniences; two car lines: $12.50. vlall ^lain 3744-L 4-17-3 OUR RENT lift describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co , 2U Walton street. 2-13-49 Business Space For Rent ALL sianu. close in on Central Ave nue; suitable for produce or grocery: cheap rent Sea Withers, 154 White- Money to Loan. THE RANDOLPH LOAN COMPANY IS PREPARED to make first mortgage loans on real estate, second mortgage loans, and we buy and sell _PU»;chase monev notes. He loan I-ROM ’1,000 TO ;i 000*000. The rate of interest is o, 5L. 6. 6*2, 7. 7 l o and S per cent, DE PENDING OX' GRADE and size of loan, j loine direct to our oHice. Ou»cU service. We finance building propositions. .1 in- ] man Building. Main 87.. S-2o-l ' PURCHASE money notes bought and money loaned on real estate, /’hasi. P ( Glover Really Co.. Walton St. 4-1--- PURCHASE MONEY notes wanted for client. Small * amounts, running for sliort time preferred. R. V'. Gilliam. At torney. Sikth floor, Fourth National Bank Building. 4-16-9 ■ e#: 29- Oince Space For Rent. 77n oPdesTrable office"DTrenr. Tca^ sonable. 1030 Candle*". 4-20-33 TO HOME OWNERS. $13 monthly pays for each $1,000; ten \ears in which to repay loan. CALVERT MORTGAGE AND DEPOSIT COMPANY. 601-2-3 Fourth National Bank Bldg Phone Main 1126. 4-11-25 FARM LOANS PLACET' in any amount on improved farm land< in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company. | Gculd budding. 7-13-1 ITlREi: on the h. 17 Pe^ehtrt Dill CUf jttiitity ' " r t idlins >»r four oonneo.iiig >>>slied , omplete to 1 conveniences: location. 504 Mair. 3486 j. Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. i EX\'KiTi.KN'd'Tiouseloee^iug^i'Sosas. iu-;- entfance, elcctricitA. ho water: Desk Space For Sent. 1 r WILL'''liENY'7 esk j nice offivv on second fcor 'best office buildhtgs in cental • SPECIAL HOME FUNDS j any amount: 6 per -‘ f -n >r iiaif of i ca.lL ^ W. 'larson. 24 of . no of • street. of city ai : VC use vf ' WANTED— To buy goc :e if » c- ! money not- =. o' : .-t I*- j '-eorgla I.xiiti anti J can C s» .* l • National Gunk 1 O LEND. Write c. iti. Broad ■ ;g*r- Money to Loan. ^S(31?TO?VGprL6AN S On Atlanta Properly. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 5 and per cent. PESII)ENCE BUILDINGS, 5R, 6 and 6 5 £ per cent. Your rate depends upon the location Without notice you can pay bad: a hundred, any multiple of a hundred dol lars. on the entire loan on any interest dale. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. Loan Correspondents. PRUDENT!Alt INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 203-8 Empire Building. VTK HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei- ther for straight or monthly payment plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Ed ?ewood avenue. MONEY OX' HAND for Immediate loans on properly in or near Atlanta. J. E. VanValkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED I’FJTPLS AND OTHERS, npon Umir own names: Tdap rate-, easy payments. Confi dent^) P TJ Tolman. S20 Austell b' Aiding. W KV.MAN & CONNORS. !LS' ABLISJiLD 1.890 M- gajree on Rf'al Estate. i ( FOR QUICK SALE—North Side lot. 50x 527: chert street. North Side, c-lose i. ; Peachtree: price only $700; $35 cash can ndle thi.«. balance $17.56 month. Ad ness that has merit.’ ROOMING HOUSE. FoR SALE—Twenty-threo rooms; close in, near corner Peachtree and Cain Streets; ideal location; cheap rent. All large, outside rooms. Will rent at good prices. A place to make money. The furnishings are first class ami a big bar- * gain at $750. Call quick. YOUNG y.OODROE. 413-414 Peters Building. *_ _ _ 4-20-42 SODA WATER. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY bim- ness for - $2.2:0. Big bargain. Beautifully equipped stand, splendid lo cation, good future; cheap rent; long ’eas' only $C cash required: balance * easy. Good opportunty here. Investi gate quick. Sec YOUNG Pc GOOD ROE. 13 Peters Building. 4-20-42 ONE-IIALF block from Euclid Avenue, on one of the prettiest streets in In man Park, on a shady lot, 12$ by 156 I have a splendidly b-HH seven-room pose. 1 will sell for $4,500 on terms. Address Inman Earn, oux 966, Sundav American. 4-20-45 BIG BARGAIN; 759 Gordon Street; new, modern seven-room house for sale; on car line, by owner. Address P. O. Box 441, Atlanta. 4-20-12 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage Ad dress “Apsley Park*” care Georgian • 48-i3-4 $2,000—For sale t .360 Beckwith Street, lot 50 by !00. with 5-room house. This pretty little homo is near Ashby Street jusi northwest of Hunter Street, in very good white neighborhood. Will sell it on easy terms like rent or I will take vacant lor ,,r lots or small negro i house for the $1,160 and let party assume loan on it, which runs three a cars. An i ply 209 G*ant Building. Telephone Ivv ' o341. Thomas J. Wesley. 46-20-4 WE OWN a. lot on Bpin Street, in Eagan Park, that houses are built up on both sides, and 160 acres of land in MURRAY County, Ga.. that is 4 miles southeast of Chatsworih. that wo will either sell or exchange for diamonds or other prop erty. See us at once. Fischer A- C6ok, 520 Fourth National Bank Building. ~ 4-20-20 OAK ST , right at Lee. a swell 8-room 2-story, modern home with two baths and on large lot for only $4,150. Easy terms. Price been reduced from $5,600 «'all at once. Main 3860 or 520 Fourth National Bank Building 4-20-20 INMAN PARK—We have Just off More land Avenue a lovely 6-room, modern bungalow on large lot for $4,000. Ease terms. Fischer Sr Cook. Main 4613. N 4-20-20* , idress North Side. 92. < Georgian. i I 4-1-3 — ■»- ■ • J m