Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 57

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4 HEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, APRIL 20. 1013. RE 9 A World of opportunities are found each day in these little Want Ads. Do you read them? Real Estate For Sale. EXCHANGE FOR ATLANTA PROPERTY. 1,432 ACRES in Southwest Georgia, half-mile of railroad and six miles from county seat; 1,000 acres open land, red pebble with clay subsoil; 26 houses from two to four rooms each; barns and o.ther outbuildings; public road, R. F. D. route. Price $20 an acre. Will exchange for Atlanta property. TIIOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta. Ga. JUST OFF Wait Peachtree on a corner lot a swell 6-room bungalow for only $5,000. Easy terms. Fischer & Cook, 520 Fourth National Bank Bldg. WE OWN a lot on Bain Street, in Ea gan Park, that houses are built up on both sides, and 160 acres of land in MURRAY County, Ga.. that is 4 miles southeast of Chatsworth. that w'e will either sell or exchange for diamonds or other property. See us at once. Fischer & Cook, 620 Fourth National Bank Bldg. 4-20-1W LOOK AT THIS. A MODERN live-room house on lot 100 by 192 feet; electric lights; city wa ter; chicken runs; a large garden and in good neighborhood on North Decatur car line; $25 to $200 cash and $25 per month. P. O. Box 882, Atlanta. 4-20-43 WILL SELL at a great sac rifice 6-room new house on 70-foot lot. $600 or $700 will handle it. Worth in vestigating. Address Own er 24, care Georgian. 200-13-20 FOR SALE — B E AUTT- FUL NORTH GEOR GIA HOME.—SIXTY- THREE ACRES. 30 MILES north of Atlanta, within 200 yards of city limits of a good little town, churches, school and bank, two-story, six-room Swiss bungalow, hot and cold water, cabinet mantels, house screened throughout, cement walks, marble pillars, “Yankee”-built bam, cow house, servants’ house and other outbuildings. Nice orchard, all kinds of fruit. On account of the owner changing business, he is of fering the place for less than It cost him. Can arrange terms. Would ex change fop cottage in Atlanta. THOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Building. Real Estate Wanted. J’ARTIES^desiretonjuy a large house which can be remodeled for a health resort or a lot upon which owner will build to suit purchaser. Reasonable terms required. Write to W. W.. care Georgian. 43-20-4 ONE DOUBLE house in cheap negro locality, three rooms each side. Give price and location when replying. Cash. 1*. O. Box 150, Atlanta, Ga. 4-19-3 WANTED—A six-room bungalow: mod ern; good lot and in good North Side neighborhood. Address Home-Seeker, care Atlanta Georgian. 4-18-39 WANTED—Good vacant lot. Would give in exchange second mortgage purchase money notes. Let me know what you have. Address Lot, 898. care Georgian. 52-18-4 Farms For Sale. IN J vyry DAVIS COUNTY, near Ha- zlehurst, we have 645 acres with a new five-room dwelling, three stables and ample outbuildings, al>out 50 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, which has been carefully estimated at 2,000.000 feet. This property lies on the'Ocmulgee River and has steamboat, wood yard and tim ber landing. Price $22 per acre. Terms arranged. Address Davis, Box 803, care American. 4-20-10 » pi improved: price $300,000. Annual in come. $50,000. Address Dickinson Land Oo., Dickinson, Texas. 65-20-4 FARMS FOR SALE—A 4,000-acre plan tation with 1,000 acres in high state of cultivation. Improved with more than 30 tenant houses and ample outbuild ings, such as barns and cribs. Rents for 125 bales of cotton a year. Will sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. Address High Class, Box 802, care American. 4-20-7 W. M. SCOTT & CO. 210-212 Gould Building. A CHICKEN and fruit farm pick-up— 130 acres, 30 acres cleared, log house and barns. 200 apple trees, select varie ties; some peaches, fine spring, about 6 acres branch bottom land, 900 4-year- old gensing plants; 6 miles from Elll- Jay, mile from river, 1^ miles from school. The gensing plants alone worth the money, and 200 apple trees should be worth $5 each. $400 buys it. Nuff said. 4-19-32 BY OWNER—Twenty acres at Mallory Station, on Fairburn car line; five- room house, ham, pasture, running water: plenty of fruit; $2,800; $500 cash, balance to suit, or will exchange. W. W. Veal, Stonewall, Ga. 4-18-47 POULTRY, PET AND LIVE STOCK IBantams. SA^^AMR^Jame^bamtamS^^ Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-30 Ducks^ Dominique or Blue Pit Games. G. W. P., P. O. Box 1015. Ivy 3500-L. 200-20-4 PURE White Indian Runner ducks for sale (Patton strain); eggs, twelve for $1.50. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. K. Kirkpatrick, Route 4, Atlanta. 39-13-4 JEFFERSON'S White Runners—Great est winners in the South. Have won where quality counts. Never defeated. First pen, first cockerel, second pullet, Madison Square Garden, December, 1911; first pen, fifth cockerel, second pullet, Chicago, December. 1911; first hen, first cockerel, first pullet, first pen, second cock, Cleveland, January, 1912; first cock, first hen. second cockerel, second pullet, also special for best old duck and old drake in show, all breeds competing. Savannah, November, 1912; first cock, third hen, fourth pullet, third pen, Southern International Show, At lanta. December, 1912. We have the best flock and breeding pens in the South. Catalogue free. Eggs, $3 and $5 per twelve, $5 and $8 per twenty- four, $15 and $25 per hundred. All clear eggs replaced free. Day-old ducklings and stock for sale. Jefferson Poultry Farm, Albany, Ga. 3-22-13 PRIZE-WINNING BUFF ORPINGTON DUCKS. I HAVE the entire flock of the Copperas Falls Farm, including their first prize winners at Nashville, Memphis, Chatta nooga and Atlanta. Eggs $3 per 12. I also have fine White Leghorns: eggs $2 per 15. Mating list free. G. B. Moor- nead, Lynchburg, Tenn. 2-22-23 Eggs—All Varieties. AYW^*w!rwiarrTf3nnir'-<iui-k» from my prize-winners. $15 per trio; eggs, $5 for 12. White OrpingtonR, trios. $i.50; eggs. $3 for 15. Black Orpingtons, $5 each, eggs, $3 for 15. All stock have free range. J. E. Gifford. R. F. P., Mari etta, Ga., or 200 Temple Court, Atlanta. Ga. 1-25-12 BALANCE SEASON—Eggs from my special mating “bred-to-lay” S <\ White Leghorns, $1.50 setting; special mating White Runner ducks (Patton strain) including second drake, fourth and fifth young ducks, Atlanta show. November. 1912, $2 setting. South Geor gia Poultry Farm. Sale City, Ga 3-1-18 TIIE E(;< IS of dlffei • nt varii fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future. Instead of under the classification of •Eggs " Games. FOK SALK—Dark Cornish Eggs. $2.00. 15 winners. Mrs. A. G. Miller, Louisville, Ga. 27-13-4 PIT GAMES—Fighllns cocks for salt-. Eggs, J2.60 per fifteen. I. M. Kintball. Box 217, Florala, Ala. 79-15-3 Leghorns. Sli^f^^oSfir^W-LEriHiTRfJg: Show record unequaled in South: stock for sale; eggs $1 and $2 per 15; $5 er 100. E. S. Landess, Fayetteville, enn. 25-15-3 P« , T. WHITE RUNNER DUCKS—Original Spencer strain. Pure white eggs. Good type, head and carriage. None better. Eggs, $2 per twelve, $3 per twenty-four. Mrs. Lula Parrish, Al bany, Ga. 7-22-17 PURE WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs from snow-white prize-winning stock, $1, $2 and $3 for thirteen. Coweta Duck Farm, Senola, Ga. 4-9-15 WHITE LEGHORNS—Chickens out of danger. Ten pullets, one cockerel five and eight weeks old, at $6.50 and $8. I have 300 to dispose of at this price. Eggs and day-old chicks for sale. Blue Ridge Egg Farm. Blue Ridft*. Ga 2-1-27 WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy laying strain, $1.50; pullets, $2 each; i eggs, $1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert West. 132 Carter Hill road, Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-66 Plymouth Rocks. Dogs. BAKRKU ROOK eggs. pure and fresh I I)U«S FOR SALE Three full-blood rcl from Georgia Poultry Farm: $1 per' Beagle hounds 6 months old. First $15 setting. On sale at 12 South Broad gets them. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also Street. 4 20-63 three cat and coon dogs. R. A. Smith, j Jefferson, Ga. 60-20-4 AT THE SOUTHERN International show our one pen entry of Barred Rocks won first pen and the grand sweepstakes cup for the best pen in the show, all breeds competing. We also won grand sweepstakes cup of Barred Plymouth Rock cock ut Georgia Pouitr> Association Show We arc booking orders for a few settings of eggs from this grand pen. Atlanta Poultry Yards, 582 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Ga. 1-26-2 Business Opportunities. ATLANTA railway mall examinations May 3. Sample questions and coaching fre e. Box 1164, care American. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to got. My free booklet Y-103 tells how. Write today- now. Box 1165, care Amer ican. BE A DETECTIVE-rEarn $150 to $300 l per month. Travel over the world, j Box 1166, care American. WANTED—-Colored party to work round store and in hotel and do toher house work. Would take man and his wife. Box 1167, care American. Business Opportunities. STOGkT bond Issued,^industrial) powei\ railway, mining corporations pur chased, underwritten; sold, commission basis; capital supplied; established house. Box 1129, care American. ANY competent person desiring to bet ter his or her present position can learn something, of advantage; get. in touch with openings in every line of business; free descriptive circular. Box 1131, can Americas. TWO well-trained setter dogs, male and female; good retrievers; aged three years; price reasonable.* Write Frank GOVERNMENT Mize, Lafayette, Ga. 47-22-3 i Most thorough preparation, $5. Re turned if not EXAMINATIONS THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies; vigilant, kind and good ratters. Tele phone Main 1142 or Ivy 4000 A dog to be proud of. 3<M8-4 free Box appointed. Particulars 1168, care American. WHITE PLYMOUTH most beautiful and profitable of all. j Stock and eggs for sale Eggs, $1.50 for ; fifteen. Karsun Villa Farm. .1 M. Kar- wisch. Owner, Route 6, Atlanta. Ga. 1-11-3 ' PARTRIDGE ROCKS — The ..South's leading winning strain. Can give qual ity and bloqd lines unequaled by any breeder in the South. My birds are win ners at the Southern International, Ma con, Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Tenn.; Paducah. Ky.; Shreveport. La. Send f.»r mating list. R. P Cotter, Box G, Barnesville, Ga. 2-1B *17 TH< >R< >i TGHBRED WWt6 Plymo itl\ Rock eggs, excellent mating. $2 per 15. VV. H. 1 itzpatrick. College Park, Ga. , 1-21-’ 1 FOR SALE Scotch Collie puppies 6 ^1 weeks old; one female Collie 2 years ROCKS -The (Old; beauties. L. Janssens, 104 Warren Street, North Kirkwood. 38-17-4 Horses, Mules, Vehicles, Etc. WANTED—Surrey and buggy in good condition. Will pay cash for same. Must be wide gauge to be used on coun try roads. Telephone Ivy 4458. 4-20-14 Too Late for Classification. Personal. PERSONAL. HAVE a first class business that want $3,000 put in—will give to Ducks. Buff Orpington Ducks EGGS, $3 and $5 per setting. W. Ma Let US BUILD you a home. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-18-43 Farms For Sale or Exchange. good land, three-quarters of mile of car line: w’ell adapted for dairy or truck. Will exchange fQr cJJy property or good • south- Giedrgia (farm/ * Also, vacant lot, 60 by 100. on Marietta Street: close in. Let | me ‘Hear from you immediately. Main Mail address, 253 Highland Ave- 4-30-58 TWO West End corner lots, on Cascade Avenue. Two blocks from car line: 56x200; $1,000 each; easy terms. By Owner. Bell phone West 200. 38-18-8 THE BEST BARGAIN in Ansley Park" 60 feet on Barksdale Drive, close to the Ansley home, for $1,80.0; $700 cash, balance one and two* years. Bergen. Box 375, Jacksonville, Fla. 4-20-25 Farms Wanted. WA7vn*HJ^Yo'mjy^ar^good^lever^farnu i Apply to Robert Cook, Fairburn, Ga. 37-17-4 NEW eight-room house: bath; 249 Eu clid Ave., Inman Park; oak parquet floors, built-in buffet, full basement, servants’ toilet; price. $5,500; liberal terms. F. L. Markham, owner. Office, Ivy 1993; residence, Ivy 3755-L. 40-17-4 EQUITY of $3,500 in North Side home; worth $6,000, at y sacrifice; would con sider some cash and trade, cheap run about lars, ci aujitc aiKi it oa.v. uiivu-f * >ut or vacant property. For partlcu- s, call Main 62. 4-14-21 LOOK at this bargain; beautiful lot, 50 by 150. on car line: schools and churches; only $650. Easy terms. No Interest. (No agents.) Address Mrs W.. Box 881, care Georgian. 81-13-4 Farm Lands Wanted. WETTAvEseveraTcustomers^nfor^iarge and small tracts of Georgia farm lands. If you have farm or timber land that you want to sell or exchange, call on or write Frank T. Pike, 717 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. 4-20-8 Timber Lands For Sale. T^TTAVrr7riore^Thair > 30)005^acres^oPTong leaf yellow pine timber land; the whole tract is virgin and has never been worked for turpentine. For price and terms, address Virgin, Box 804, care American. 4-20-9 BEAUTIFUL bungalow for sale. Own er leaving city. Hardw'ood double floor, storm sheath; big lot, 60 by 200; six rooms. Best section of West End; one block of car line: all improvements. Everything built in house to make per fect home. Hedge. Whitehall car. Ad dress G., Box 805, care Georgian, or call West 353-J. Terms so any one can buy. 4-20-6 Dropsy. DROPSY' CURED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swelling in fifteen to twenty days. Co’- lom Dropsy Remedy Company, 406 Aus tell Bldg , Atlanta, Ga. 5-25-11 Adams, Adel, Ga. Maury 1-23-5 Langshans. ^O^^Xfj^fT^cRl^XP^Two’ "pens" "thor oughbred Black Langshans; also five young cockerels Owner leaving city. Call at 441 Lee Street. Telephone West 374-J. 65-20-4 FAWN AND WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs, from very best layers; guaranteed to hatch a good per cent; delivered to you at $1 per thirteen. Call Ivy 3209-L. 4-19-27 EXCHANGE—An Indian Runner Fawn drake for canary. 204-18-4 Orpingtons. §7^~eRyg : fAL~WHlTE' Orpingtons! eggs, $2, $3, $6 per setting of 15 eggs: old and young stock for sale. George M. Moseley, Menlo. Ga. 2-27-9 ON account of my health I am forced to sell our entire flock of ducks, con sisting of 100 Fawn and White Runners, 20 Mammoth Pekins and 14 White Run ners Most of these are prize winners and ribbons go with them. They are all select birds. Low price on lot, or either variety. Make offer or write me. Eggs $1 for 12, $5 per 100. Ducklings any time 25c each. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain, Ga. 4-17-10 WHITE ORPINGTONS^—My birds won first pen Atlanta. December, with the keenest competition ever known to a Southern show. I.dan furnish eggs frdm $3 per setting up. also a few choice breeders. Get my mating list; It’s free. H. A. Black, Cartersville, Ga. 1-23-7 Disinfectants. creosoteTfor sale. CREOSOTE is an excellent germ destroyer for poultry raisers to use aboJt the prem ises. We have it in any quan tity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. S. C. White Orpingtons. EGGS. $1.50 and $3.00 per setting. W. Maury Adams, Adel, Ga. 1-23-4 BUFF ORPINGTONS—Thirty hens and pullets at less than one-half their value for quick sale. Something nice in these birds; Owens strain. William J Lloyd, Chattahoochee, Ga. 1-25-19 man who will work, who does things. PATTERSON'S White Plymouth Rocks-1 position that will pay him well, and it you should have for your foundation ! looks as if his investment will nit him stock. They have been bred to win and at least 15 to 20 per cent per annum, pay. Large, vigorous birds. Winners at No way to lose a dollar Address ' Se Atlanta. Augusta, Savannah and many purity.’*’ Box 30, care Georgian. 96-20-4 other shows. Exhibition and utility birds of the finest quality at reasonable prices Eggs, (2 to $5 per 15. $8 per 100. Stocks and Bonds. We guaranteee perfect satisfaction. Write us Patterson Farm, Fitzgerald, S~T()(’KS \ \ I) 'BONDS FOR SALE- Travelers Bank & Trust Company. 10,000 shares Eagle Mining Company. 8,000 State Mutual Life Certificates cheap. 60 shares Cherokee Life Insurance Company. Realty Trust MEN and women to make lists of names and addresses for mail order houses; big pay; spare time. Box 1169, care American. BIG PROFITS one a dyeing and clean ing establishment: little capital need ed. We, teach by mail. Write for book let. • Box 1170, care American. BE A i ‘i. ic "i'i \ E Eai ii $150 to $10$ per month; travel- over the world, write Box 1019, care American. DON’T work for others 1 started a very small mail order business a few years ago. Made $8,500 first year. To day am one of the large mail order operators of the country. I want, you to cooperate with me. I will put you into money-making business, supply you with everything to start and the work can be none at home in spare time; no canvassing; no experience; in structive book free. Box 1,600, care American. AD BARGAINS—20 words in 100 month* lies, $1; 100 weeklies, $2; 20 big Sun* day papers, $5. Box 1132, care American* UNITED STATES AND CANADA pat ent for sale to manufacturer; new in vention in logging bunks. Box 1133, care American. BIG MONEY is being made with pop corn and crisp*ttes and candy. We teach you the business free. Our kettle- popped pom'orn is seasoned while pop ping; great big light, lluffy kernels that melt in your mouth; 20 per cent more bulk corn per pound than from any other machine: the best corn at the least cost; makes crlapettea so far superior to others that there is no comparison; enormous profits; our improved auto matic crispette press is a wonder—a world-beater, write for eatalog. Box 1134, care American. ADVERTISERS.' mail dealers, our ad- vertising guide gives rates, circula tion of 2,000 different publications; in cludes 30 mall order plans. Box 1144, care American. $100 TO $500 investment secures you regular income. No stock proposition; you participate in individual lease earn ings For particulars, address Box 1146, care American. HUSTLER wanted to automobile business American. work for me in Box 1,001, care 6V4 PER CENT bond*. Based on land, the basis of all values, necessity loan : agreement. Our location and oppor tunities warrant our offer. Box 114 care American. 1146, BARRED, BUFF AND WHITE Ply mouth Rock stock and eggs for sale; eggs. $1.50 for 15. Satisfaction guaran teed. T. R. Duggan, W'arthen. Ga. 3-27-38 EGGS from prize-winning White Rocks. both at Atlanta and Columbus shows, $2.50 and $5 per 15. Incubator lota. $15 per hundred. Stock for sale. Paul J\. Wright, 653 Glenn Street, Atlanta. Main 2748-J. 2-12-33 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. EGOS from fine-laving and prize-winning strain. $3.00 per 15; $15.00 per 100. R G. Hooks, 229 North Moreland avenue, citv. Main 2330. Atlanta 5380. Empire orgia Realty Trust Com- \P - 100 shares Company. shares ( pany. 50 shares Railway Postal Clerks’ In vestment Association—will trade this stock. CHARLES E. THOMPSON. Stock and Bond Broker, 201 Equitable Building. Atlanta. Ga. 95-20-4 Purchase Money Notes. For Sale -Purchase Money Notes. egg: . ... teen; laying pullets $3 each; pen of seven pullets‘at bargain. Brown. 131 Crewe Main 109. 34-16-4. Eggs—All Varieties. EGGS FOR HATCHING- Single Comb Rhode Island Reds; parent stock win ning first in Madison Square Show. .Tan uary. 1912. White Indian Runner ducks, finest quality. Green House Poultry Yard, 17 Campbell Street, South Kirk- w'ood, Ga. l-ll-l FINEST EGGS. $1 a setting, delivered. Address Finley, P. O. Box 1515, At lanta. 4-19-17 FOR SALE—One pen Kellerstrass White Orpingtons, one cock and four hens; also several trios of Cook’s White Or pingtons; foundation sto?k direct from Cook farms. Write for prices. Mrs. F. O. Miller, Fort Valley. Ga 3-12-16 SINGLE COMB BLACK ORPINGTONS —My pens for 1913 are now complete. Write for my mating list and get the best in eggs for hatching. J. W. Steph enson, Decatur, Ga. 1-8-2 FOR SALE — CHERT AND RALROAD • FRONT. 28 1-2 Acres. THIS will make an ideal truck, dairy or poultry farm; four-room house, bam and other outbuildings; fine spring. Special price for a few days. THOS. W. JACKSON, Fourth National Bank Building. $3.250—A fine new six-room bungalow In Decatur. Large, level lot and all conveniences. Terms $200 cash, $22.50 monthly. W. H. S. Hamilton, Decatur, Ga. Phone Decatur 413. 4-20-16 LAND FOR SALE. 1J) ACRES on chert road, five miles out. This is what you have been | looking for, so you can get there in your auto. Nice grove, small cottage | and barn. See this Monday. TIIOS. W. J ACKSON. ' 1 Fourth National Bank Building. : For Sale or Exchange—Real Estate. Fog saTJWoiT555H'Tia'n«k— Rig' i,a'H gain in real estate; new, modern sev en-room house on car line, in West End. This is a pick-up. See owner. M. M. Anderson. Ivy 2120. 4-20-11 COME OUT any time, evening or Sun day, and see attractive two-family steam-heated house; North Side; bound to enhance $2,000 in next two years. Paying 7 per cent net now on purchase price; 12 per cent gross. Foot Seal Place and Eighth Street (Perry). $1,- 500 cash, which will mean more than 3.3 1-3 per cent on amount actually in vested. Would take half equity in rent of one or both floors, or exchange for $2,000 lot. Ivy 4995-J. 4-20-53 IN LAURENS COUNTY' I have 1.200 acres of good, strong, mulatto land with a clay subsoil. There are about 600 acres under cultivation, clear of stumps. This plantation lies well and is w r ell watered. There is about 1,500,- 000 feet of timber on this place. It is located within 7 miles of one of the fast- j est growing towns in Southwest Geor- j gia, and lies along a railroad with a j station on the farm. Will sell on easy j terms or exchange for Atlanta property. Address Laurens, Box 801, care Ameri- | can. 4-20-7 j WILL EXCHANGE my $2,000 equity in beautiful two-family apartment, North Side; income $90 per month; for $1,000 cash. Automobile or balance to suit purchaser. Ivy 4995-.T 4-19-23 FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots in College Park, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Me Crory. i H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS, PLANTS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. PHONES 2568. WE HAVE the prettiest lot of Canary Birds in the city, and they are splendid singers. We sell all our birds and guarantee them to be entirely satisfac tory. Come in and pick out a songster. $2.75 each. HAVE YOU SEEN the beautiful Bedding Plants we are showing. We have Geraniums, Coleus, Sal via, Vinca, Moonvine, Petunias, Pansy, Verbena and Hollyhock. They are all good, strong, vigorous plants. Very much better than you can buy any where else in town; but we don’t charge you any more than other people. Come in and see our stock, and compare with any others in the city. OTR TOMATO, Pepper and Egg Plants are all trans planted stock, and will thrive and do very much better than the drawn plants. Tomato Plants 20c dozen, Pepper and Egg Plants 25c dozen. CYPHERS INCUBATORS and Brooders —the standard of perfection. ’INTERNATIONAL SAN IT ARY HO V ERS—VVc have sold more than one hundred of them this season, and not a complaint. If you need a Hover, be sure and see this one. $8.50 each. FLOWER POTS and Flower Tubs. FERTILIZER for the lawn and garden. NOW is a good time to spray out the hen houses. We carry the very best disinfectants. Come in and let us show yon our line. SPRAYS for disinfecting and 50c to $4.00. whitewashing from A COMPLETE lint- of Poultry Feeds. PHONE us your order for Baby carry the best. Chick Feed. We IF IT ISN’T convenient for you to come to the store, phone your order. We have double delivery serv ice. All orders placed before 2 o’clock delivered the same dav. Poultry—All Varieties. EXCHANGE—Cycle Hatcher for good brooder or four R. 1 laying hens. 65 Crew 41.-20-4 KRGfc RANGK DUCK AND POULTRY FARM, Chamblee, Ga. Large stock of White Runners, Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh eggs, strong and fertile. Write for prices on stock and eggs if you want a bargain. 1-21-18 Wyandottes. GOLDEN LACED WYANDOTTES, the best and prettiest in the South. W. D. Bennett, Molena, Ga. 12-33-33 THE FAMOUS REGAL STRAIN of White Wyaadtittea ale noted for their snow white plumage, quick growth, early maturity, large egg-producing qualities, perfect Wyandotte shape, and big win nings at the large Eastern and Cana dian shows. We have six pens of these grand birds mated and can furnish eggs for hatching at $3, $5. $10 per fifteen Regal Wyandotte Yard, 230 Oglethorpe Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 11-16-18 FOR QUICK SALE I offer 14 laying hens and pullets and one cockerel. White Kooks, for $15. Fischel strain. Some are direct from Fischel. W. P. [jHiOad r >n Dean, Greenwood, S. C. 4-19-4* I* Ro*94, ca BARRED ROCKS—Best of all breeds. Eggs from prize winning, prolific lay- ■ ing strain. $1 per setting, on sale at 12 I South Broad Street. 86-13-4 EGGS from prize-winning E. B Thomp son Ringlet Barred Rocks, either mat ing. $3 for fifteen. $5 for thirty. A M. Kendall, Dallas. Ga. 3-8-11 I HAVE some splendid risks in pur chase money notes either firsts or seconds. The makers of these notes an all home owners, and they arc now fUi&ad Jm the payments. "'Win' Pay,” ire Georgian^ ^^^^^-20-4*; Real Estate For Sale. Pigeons. FlNE Half Homers 50e per pair; will make interesting price on whole lot. 665 Highland Avenue, Ivy 3555-L. . . . 9l-20-4i( PERSONAL. a first class brand-new home onnally Street. Inquire on the nniseuu Up-to-date in every way, endid terms. Call at this office. I hav at 26 premise sph CHARLES K. THOMPSON Room 201 Equitable Building, Atlanta. Georgia. 93-20-4 Rhode Island Reds. as tine Herts as pan he found in Ameriea, and can start you right or furnish you blood that will improve your flock. Eggs from my three best matings, all headed by prize-win- 1 ning cockerels at Atlanta. Au gusta and Macon, at $25.00 per setting. Jffcns headed by cock erels that were head of winning pens at Augusta, Macon and Hagerstown, at $5 per setting. Other matings of same blood line at $2 per 15, $8 per 100. Mrs. P. T. Callaway, Department G, Washington, (ia. 10-26-9 i; i: ,\i. ES TATE I ,< >A sis. SIN • thousand <1 oliars to lend on At - la’nta dirt. Me ney here ;io d •lay. prompt attention Ready* Box 89. care Georgian; 92- 20*4 Rooms and. Board. FURNISHED ro )TT1. with or without hoard: single room; str E*et in Ik ft er shape. 189 ivy. 4-2 0-74 Business Opportunities. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF you have $3,000 that you want to put Jo work, and desire also a position that requires work, answer this ad. You,• can dead easy make 8 to 15 per cent on your money, and it’s absolutely safe; you can watch it ai all times. “Work.'' Box P3. care Georgian 97-20-4 BE YOUR OWN MASTER; slop wage slavery! Formulas and Instructions for manufacturing six big sellers and 100 business opportunities Box 1,013, care American. UADY OR GENTLEMAN, fair edueft- i tion to act ns our representative in | home town. We furnish the capital. i Show you how to build up permanent, profitable business from your own home. I staple line. Exclusive territory. 8ell- j ing experience unnecessary. Our book let. “How to Start in Business for Yourself,'' explains all Free on re- j quest. Address Box 1002, care Ameri- I can. WANTED Information reporters ev erywhere; big pay; spare time; con fidential. Inclose stamp Box 1,003, care American l DENTIST—Must be good workman as well as good Christian, moral man. After satisfactory trial can offer full partnership in a practice that lias aver aged $15,000 per year for the last six j years and can he. doubled by the right : parties. Give full particulars In first letter, strictly confidential, letters re turned. Box 1,004, care American. WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS for local merchants. We teach you how and furnish you “cartoon cuts’’ to accom pany your copy. No field of endeavor is so wide open Three months’ course fits you to handle the advertising of a dozen stores. Box 1,005, care Ameri can. ►on t work for others; start mall order business at home, i made $8,500 first year I will show you how. Instructive booklet free. Box 1,006. care Ameri can. WANTED—If you want position as fire man, brakemun, electric motorman, conductor, colored train or sleeping car porter, first-class Georgia. Alabama, Kentucky roads, $65 to $160 month; steady work, winter and summer: no experience nqcessary; no strike. Write immediately. Name position wanted. Address 1,007. care American. COLORED hustler in each locality. $100 month. Just spare time. Experience unnecessary: secret benefit order. Write j quick. Box. 1008, care American. LEARN the cotton business In our sam ple rooms or by correspondence ! course; good contracts for men of abil- , iQG experienced cotton Instructors; five years’ successful operation. Write Box 1,009, care American. LEARN the cotton business—Classing. stapling, averaging, buying, selling, exporting, etc., taught in 30 days, satis- faction ^guaranteed. Box 1,010, care Ameriqpm MEN add women to make lists of names and addresses for mail order houses; big pay; spare* time. Box 1011, care American. si hi M<>\TMLY ar)4 expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work. Box 1,012, care American. A \NTlSu IDEAS if you can think of something simple to patent, write us for valuable information. Box 1150, care American. STOCKS, BONDS and patents nego tiated; companies organised and capi tal invited for railroad issues, mining, light, heat, power plants and industrials. Box 1147. care American. WANTED Good man or firm to manage this territory; best gasoline lighting proposition ever offered. Small capital or good references required. Box 1140, care American. WRITE QUICKLY—Let me start you In a home business that will bring vou big money dally. Be your own boss. Spare time Experience unnecessary. Let me prove how I guarantee you suc cess Will show you how I received $650,000 quickly. Address Box 1148. car' American. AI) BARGAINS—25 words in 100 monthlies. $1; 100 weeklies, $2. Box 1141, care American. META IS specialties manufactured on contract royalty, or bought outright; dies and tools a specialty; 25 years’ ex- l perlence. Box 1142, care American. RESTAURANT for sale in good loca tion, Tampa, Fla. Reason for selling; ! poor health. Good business. At a bar gain. Box 1149, care American. STOCK AND BOND SALESMEN OR INSURANCE MEN WHO have a select clientele of invest ors or who are capable of reaching and dealing with investors are advised | to write us at once. IT IS A BROAD OPPORTUNITY. The proposition is as novel as it is at- ! tractive, and as straightforward as it is lucrative. Character in the salesman will he as essential as ability, and first - class references will be required. No drawing accounts or expense money, but you are paid liberally and protected in your territory. Address Box 1139, care ! American. MANAGER WANTED—Man with some knowledge of bookkeeping and sales manship, to manage branch office in At lanta; contract $1,500 yearly and extra commission; references and $750 cash Investment on secure basis necessary. Address Box 1143, care American. AGENT—You know every lady uses a chamois rag. I have 1 in 1 sanitary chamois vanity bag, box of face powder and mirror; every lady buyer. Box 1244, care American. SALESMEN WANTED—Visiting notion trade, to take orders on fast selling shirtwaist belt; commission only. Ad dress Box 1020, care American. LOCAL representative wanted; no can vassing or soliciting required: good in come assured. Address Box 1021, care American. WE will pay you $120 to distribute reli gious literature in your community; experience not required; man or woman; opportunity for promotions; spare time may be used. Box 1022, care American, Cows. JERSEY—Four gallons; second calf; fresh with third in May. F. P. Folge 77.00. 21 East Alabama. -20-4 PRINTER WANTED for my office in ila. Must be reliable. References required. $50 per month. Box 1171, care Atneri- . on $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust- all-round Job man worthy people to travel and distribute J *’ samples for big wholesale house. Box 1,014, care American. BE A DETECTIVE Earn $150 io $300 WRITE moving picture plays, $100 to $1,000 each; all or spare time; experD ence or correspondence course unneces sary; free particulars. Box 1024, care American. I* MAKE more than $200 a month by mail writing advertisements. No capi- WANTED—Ideas. If you can think ol something simple to patent, write us for valuable information. Box 1026, care American. FOR SALE—One fresh milch cow.. Call Tvy 6176-.T 6r apply 119 Columbia Ave nue. 4-20-61 FIVE-GALLON Holstein and Jersey, gentle, easy mHker Few her equal and none her superior. Frank A. Doughman, Attorney, 605 Fourth Na tional Bank. Telephone Main 1142 or Ivy 4000 37-18-4 per month; travel over world; stamp tal or previous experience required. Full for particulars. Box 1015, care Ameri- particulars free. Box 1172, care Ainer- oan. j ican. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn over $80« monthly; greatest opportunities. WriU Box 1026, care American. USB your spare time to build up a mall ! > HAVE averaged $200 per week with .. . .. ..... D , v, nil m nil . .e. I oe Y.n o i tioao < u4ti et n.l n. I Tomato Plants All Leading Varieties. 15c Per Doz., 2 Doz. for 25c. Bell Pepper Plants The Large Bull Nose, 25c Per Doz. Potato Slips 25c per ioo $2.00 Per M. McMillan Seed Co. The Old Reliable Seed Store, 27 South Broad St. Bell Phone 4341. Atlanta Phone 2135. order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits; 27 op portunities Particulars free Box 1,016, care American. WANTED Men of ability to learn the cotton business in our sample rooms; high salaried contracts. We also teach by correspondence. Branch schools in Ati&nta, Ga., and other cit ies. Address Box 1,017. care Ameri can. A GOVERNMENT JOB FOR $1 A book containing courses of study for civil service examinations. Box 1,018, care American. WRITE MOVING PICTURE PLAYS $10 to $100 each; all or spare time: experience or correspondence course un necessary; free particulars Box 1054, care American. m: A I DETECTIVE Earn $160 1 > 30 - per month; travel over world. Stamp for particulars. Box 1151, care Ameri can Good coat maker at once; Box 1153, care American. small mail order business; started with less than $5. Send for free particulars; explains how. Box 1173, care American. EARN $7 to $12 daily, restoring faded colors in rugs and carpets, whole or spare time. Original Armenian process. Great, demand. No capital. Full par ticulars free. Box 1174, care American. LINOTYPE instruction. 1,000 linotypes sold last twenty months. Great future for operators. Twelve weeks *80. Un limited, $150. Box 1175, care American. USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits. Twen ty-seven opportunities. Particulars free. Box 1176, care American. I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital; free Instructive booklet, giv ing plans of operation. Box 1177, care American. SALESMAN to call on physicians; e»~ tablished trade; expenses and commis sion; also one for Central Georgia. Ad dress Box 1027, care American. ANYBODY can earn $20 weekly raising mushrooms entire year, in ceilaiC sheds, boxes, etc.; markets waiting; free booklet. Box 1028, care American. CUTTERS, TAILORS, the Great Modettn System of garment cutting is a beaodn light on the highway of proaperity. Write for booklet; get in line; be guc j cessful. Box 1029, care American. i 1 NEED GOOD MEN—everywhere—p«rt or ail time—learn my buainees; mal t I money with me; no experience needed, desk and full outfit free. Box 1030, core i American. 160-Page Poultry Book Free Lousy Hens ore never profitable. They cannot lay when tortured night and day by lice and mites. Dust the hens with pfafP Powdered Lice Killer * 25c and 50c to exterminate the body lice, and paint or spray the roosts and nests with Prep* Liquid Lice Killer 35c, 60c and fl to sweeten them up and destroy mites. That means bigger profits. “lour money hack If It falls.” Get Pratts Proflt-sharlnr Booklet. H. G. HASTINGS & CO., 16 W. Mitchell St. WANTED good Job. I MADE $50,000 in five years with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Box 1162, care American. WANTED—An all-round printer, $10 week State experience Box 1164, care American. WANTED At once, two \ i white bar bers; $15 guaranteed. Box lf55, care American. WANTED At once, two first-class white barbers; $15 guaranteed Box 1166, care American. RELIABLE MAN to do dairy and gar den work. Reference* wanted box 1167, care American GOOD BARBER wanted; guarantee $12 per week No boozer need apply. Box 1168, t are American WANTED- Combination gear and body striper. Bos id*. <;»r<- American EARN $15 weekly mailing circulars spare time. Box 1160, care American. BE A DETECTIVE Earn *W0 to $300 monthly. Big demand. Easy work. Box 1161, carfe American COLORED AGENT wanted in each lo cality. $100 a month. All or spare time. Write quick for particulars. Box H62. care American ' WANTED -One all-round patternmaker. Steady job for right man. Box 1163, care American. WRITE moving picture plays; $10 to $100 each; ail or spare time; expe rience or correspondence course unnec essary; free particulars. Box 178, care American. ONE GOOD INVESTMENT is worth a lifetime of work; your opportunity to get in on ground, floor; shares $10; ma chine will do work of three men. Box 1126, care American. WANTED Some one interested in mica mine, 3V6 miles from Blackwell, Ga. Box 1128, care American. WANTED—Representatives to sell tbis company’s $500 amortization agree ments, guaranteed investments and 5 per cent loans on long terms to bey, build, Improve property, or to lift moi t- gages; good salesmen who will devote eight or ten hours to this work each dn> can make from $250 to $500 per tncriih. Address Box 1031, care American. WANTED—Railway mail clerks tor par cel post; $90 month; Atlanta, Ga., ex aminations May 3; coaching free. Box 1032, care American. AN intelligent person may earn fl00 monthly corresponding for news papers; no canvassing; send for particu lars. Box 1033, care American. GOVERNMENT examinations; most thorough preparation $5. returned it not appointed; particulars free. Box 1034, care American. WHAT MEXIA, TEXAS, THE CITY OF CO-OPERATION. WANTS—Our citizens wilW support and take stock in a steam laundry, canning plant, candy factory, creamery, cloth or overall fac tories. Finest blue shale in the State for brick yard. A small cotton factory would make money here. All kinds of woodworking plants will do well in this location. We are developing one of the best gas fields in the South; the field is one mile from the city. Have you a rig or money to drill? We will co-operate with you. The agricultural lands around Mexia have never been boosted; statis tics show we can raise more vegetables and berries than any section of the State. Buy good land from $30 to $100 per acre, improved. We are on two trunk lines; using our own natural gas for lighting purposes; spending $150,000 m good roads; have a modern city of 4,000 population. Make us show you. Box 1127, care American. SALARIED PEOPLE—Double your in come without interfering with present position; learn the mail order business and get on easy street, party W’ill teach you for small cost If nterested in your own welfare, write me. Box 1130, care American. $2.00 A DAY; spare time; distribute c ir culars, show' samples, take orders; ape- cialties w'anted every house; $1.50 pre mium free to customers; going fast. Box 1035, care American. I HAVE AVERAGED $200 PER WEEK WITH a small mail order business; started with less than $5; send for free particulars explaining how. Box 103$, care American. COLORED Pullman car porters wanted. We train you by mail; Positions every where; freo booklet. Write Box 1037, care American. WANTED—Railway mail clerks exami nations May 3; $900 to $1,800 yearly. I conducted government examinations; can help you pass; trial lesson free. Write Box 1038, care American. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS wanted; $900 first year, promotion to $1,800. exam inations May 3 in every State; common education sufficient with my coaching, full information free Writ© for booklet V-10L Box 1040, care American.