Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 58

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- r .a^ r -t-m.fca. , ... ....... . v,. IIEARST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, ATLANTA, f!A„ SUNDAY, APRIL 20. 1010 One Public Building to Go Inside of Another r v»-;- v§v *3* • *1* *!••*!• *3* • •!*•*!• Atlanta Watches the New New York Courthouse Tho architect's drawings of the new New York County Courthouse. Below is shown a section of the ground plan. Guy Lowell is tin successful architect. His fee will be $60,000. The court house will cost $10,000,000 > ' , , . 1JL /; '» n n n 'n_a_'n n n -rrrr >«••»••«{ "T' go ooooo: S “— L M s o» .0 t J Blush For Bare Legs; Strike For More Pay Faversham’s Roman Mob Also Objected to Washing Extremities Eight Times a Week. CINCINNATI, April Iff.—Well for .Tullus Caesar he was FJmperor of Rome, and not of Cincinnati, else he would have trouble In outfitting: his legions But times have changed since Cae- *arr*day. as was evidenced In a strike of seventy-five men hired to play the mob 1n William Fav^rsham's produc tion of “Caesar." "If we must show our knees to ur own people, then we must have more money than 1f we only showed our neck and arms," wan the way one of the centurions put It up to Ed Kelly, stage manager. Another undesirable feature was the rule that required all Roman Senators to wash their legs after each per formance. This means elaht distinct washings a week, there being that many Tho cents. promts supers" demanded $1 for each he manager offered only 50 \e regular price, and a com- of 75 cents was reached to- $10,000,000 Structure Planned for the Metropolis to be Most Modern in Country. Dog, Locked In, Gets ‘Help by Telephone Centra! Calls Police When She Hears Yowls and Cries Com ing Over Instrument. One of the greatest problems of the present time In tho South la the question of new public buildings. At lanta Is only one of the cities of the South which has a crying need of new buildings in which to house Its municipal affairs. Therefore, contractors who make a business of constructing public build ings, are watching closely New York City's proposed $10,000,000 court house. This building, which will actually be two separate round build ings, one within the other, Is said to bo the last word In public buildings. Tho outer building is modeled after the Colosseum in Rome It will be 500 feet in diameter and five stories, or a total of 200 feet in height. 275-Foot Pile Inside. The inner building will be eight' stories high, or a total of 275 feet. The three upper Ptorles will bo re- srrved < xcluslvely for the Justices of the Supreme and City courts. In addition to its resemblance to the Colosseum from tho outside It will contain a replica of the Pantheon In Rome about tho central court or main lobby, which rises to the height of three stories. The Pantheon was 102 feet in diameter. The lobby will be 115 feet in diameter. The outer shell will be devoted en tirely to court rooms. The first floor will contain eleven City Court rooms and one large auditorium or court room to be used for special occasions. The smallest of the City Court rooms will be 4Sx46 feet. Others are 48x49 The other floors in the outer build ing will l>« devoted to Supreme Court rooms, of which there wiU be sixty- two. Eight of these will be larger than the other fifty-four. Each court room will have a gallery for specta tors. Guy Lowell, whose plans were chosen in a competition with twenty- two leading architects, Is the first ar chitect to design a round public build ing In this country'. When asked how he came to make this decision, he said: Got HI* Idea In Rome. "I sot the Idea when I was In Rome last year. _ I saw there a model of the City of Rome as it existed 1,800 years ago. I found many round build ings in the group, and was struck by their beauty and the economy in spare and cost of construction.” There will be four main entrances with eight Corinthian columns at each, with space for eight statues of the worlds great law givers, from Moses down to the present day \bov this the entire building is to’be sur rounded by eighty Doric columns each forty feet in height. The Corin thian columns will bo fifty feet high The ground floor will cover the ,>n-' tiro site, and will contain 120,000 square feet of floor space. There will be twenty-four public and eight pri vate elevators leading from the ground floor. There will also be freight service and food elevators Of course, New York's proposed courthouse Is probably much larger than any needed In Atlanta, but local contractors who have studied the plans of this building, declare that it Is an ideal construction; and a con struction of a similar one in Atlanta would be a step forward along "The City Beautiful” line. THE HOME BUILDERS' PAGE Contracts Taken finy Place Combination Gas and Electric Lighting Fixtures AT HALF PRICE jyiAN =]V,A T ER,AL MATERIAL-**" Special Sale of High Grade Fixtures J. E. HunnicijU & Co., 53 & 55 N. Broad St. “Look for the Tile Store Front” Kit her way you may prefer. It matters not which, just so you have ilie combination. It takes a good painter and il requires goad paint to make a good job. We know—consult us. Georgia Faint & Glass Co. 35-37 Luckie St. TliF HOME OF 0000 PAINT Prompt Delivery You know what this means when you are build ing. We fill your order and deliver when we say we will. Our big auto truck does the trick. We give you just what we sell you, and deliver just when we promise. ANYTHING IN WOOD. We are Atlanta aernts for Texas Cement. As Good as Any, and Bet ter Than Most. Phoenix Planing Mill Office and Factory, 321 Highland Ave. Phones: Ivy 3200, 3201, 3202. Atlanta 65. NEW Apri 1* SCIENTISTS TO STUDY BIRDS IN BEHRING SEA noises j' SEATTLE, April 19 —The little some lower schooner Polar Bear sailed for DRY FARMING A SUCCESS; * CROPS OF POTATOES HEAVY ELKO. NEY . April 19. The lateet report shows that the experimental He !.■■bring Sra with a party of •clentl**a * tanning station hero is doing a grout ke a study of animal and I work for the State The land is far above water and all cultivation is done by dry farm methods. Vege tables are grown under this mode of cultivation and. satisfactory results are reported. In the case of the Peerless potato 94 bushels were gathered from a measured acre. Burbanks showed SI The lowed record was J41 bird life in Northern waters J In the party are Dunbar Lockwood, | a big game hunter, of Boston. Samuel ■ r. Mister, of Boston, "representing the j Smithsonian Institution; W. Sprague 1. j Books, of Milton. Mass., representing d 1 the Museum of Comparative Zoology s. | at Harvard, and Joseph Dixon, of - Berkeley. Ca!., representing the Mu- el.sewn of Comparative Zoology at the n j t'.’iiversliy of California. The cruige 1 bushel*. ' ■■ -ist us mem hr. J bushels. Chaavbcjz 12X15 Ci_ CHAMOt-R. i£x i5 Parts, ch &to*_Q Q'xio JC|TCHtA4 I2)i3 1 H Livi/sa S2ocwn a »- •* u j i/mg 33doa\ 1 | B4-XI5 h L VE.ITAA4I7A a.o k3 4 Description. The idea that bungalow construc tion is confined to weatherboarding and shingles is an erroneous one. The photograph shows an effective design with green tile roof and sand color con crete block and stucco walls. The entire front of the house Is prac tically one room, the large opening and columns being the only partition between living and dining room. The centrally located hall gives access to all rooms. If six rooms were needed it would cost only $50.00 to make three rooms twelve by fifteen across the front of the house. The house as shown could be built for $2,500, and if weatherboarding and shingles were used, $300 to $500 would be saved. Plans furnished by LEILA ROSS WILBURN, Architect, 305 Peters Bldg., Atlanta Tl®*. FLaai Sargent’s Artistic Builders' Hardware K you are building or planning to build, it will pay you to inspect our line of locks and other builders’ hardware We cheerfully furnish estimates from your blue prints. We are offering at this time es pecial bargains in locks from the Anderson Hardware Company stock which we purchased. If you would save money on your hard ware. see us at once, as these lo# priced goods will soon be exhaust- KING HARDWARE CO. 53-55 Peachtree Street No modern home is complete with out BELL . TELEPHONE SERVICE Call the Business Office Better Be Sate Than Sorry A well known phrase. The man who coined it is the proprietor of the “top notch” wall paper and decorating concern in Atlanta; newest ideas, best work—al ways guaranteed. You may set your watch by Burnett’s prices. They are absolutely right. J.L. Burnett 71 S. Pryor St. Slantwise Across From N©w Court House. Phones 48. In The United States w Member Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Member Atlanta Builders Exchange. Member Master Painters and Decorators Association of the United States. Wiiliam Wilson Contractor Painting and Decorating FORSYTH BUILDING, ATLANTA < Ball 762 Ivy SURETY BOND ON ALL WORK Large Contracts a Specialty PHONES Atlanta 1316 We Make Repair Work A SPECIALTY STEWART & HUNT Plumbing Contractors 53 East Hunter Street : Atlanta, Ga. Lighting Fixtures For the Home 1913 Designs LOWEST PRICES Queen Mantel & Tile Co. 56 W. Mitchell St. Phone 681 Main J. R. Hime Sand Co. 308 Empire Life Building Shippers of high grade building and concrete sand. Our No. 1 is sharp and clean and will stand analytical test. Our No. 2 is a perfect sand for. plastering, brick work, and general utility purposes. We ship only in thoroughly cleaned ears, and endeavor ■ to make prompt shipment. Call Ivy 6071 QUALITY “AS GOOD AS WOODWARD’S” Is the most our competitors can offer you. Buy your material from us and avoid any uncertainty. Sash and doors, lumber and millwork of all sorts In hardwood or plr.e. WOODWARD LUMBER CO., Atlanta. HEAT When you want it, where you want it, and at the right price. The Eichberg Heating Co. 445 Marietta St. Atlanta, Qa. Phone Main 4335 Home Furnishings We are equally well pre pared to furnish your new home complete or supply the extra pieces of furniture needed here and there. DRAPERIES All classes of drapevy work cut and hung by an expert on short notice. WINDOW SHADES All styles and sizes made to order. GOLDS MITIb ACTON WITHERSPOON CO. 62 Peachtree. “Lifetime Furniture.” * 61 N. Broad Street. F. GRAHAM WILLIAMS BRICK PRICE ATLANTA* GA. ANY KIND 601 GRANT BLDG. No House Is Modern or Up-to-Date Unless It Is Wired for Electricity AND Piped for Gas Georgia Railway & Power Co. Atlanta Gas Light Company Phone 4945 1 il • < s r-i /A 1