Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 20, 1913, Image 64

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7 THIS COUPON entitles the holder to a handsome Wool-Pelt College Pennant at the Special Reduced Price of 15 Cents when presented to any Atlanta newsdealer or at the offices of ICAN 35 Peachtree St. 20 E. Alabama St. ATLANTA, GA. Three cents extra If sent by mail or redeemed by out-of-town newsdealers or agents. 18 Cents Each if Sent by Mail or Delivered by Out-of-Town Newsdealers The table cover reproduced here is 60 inches in diameter 54 Cents if Sent by Mail or Delivered by Out-of-Town Newsdealers The Hearst’s Sunday American College Pennants are 12x30 inches in size; durably made of wool felt, with HEAVILY EMBOSSED FELTED LETTERS (not merely painted). Each reproduces in a highly artistic manner the color and the seal or mascot of some great university. A different subject each week. The three now ready are offered this week with the special 3-pennant coupon to give those of our readers who want to start a pennant collection an opportunity to obtain the three pennants without waiting for three coupons to appear. This offer will not appear again. Only one pennant with each coupon in future. The table cover pictured in the center of this page shows one of the many delightful effects secured by the use of these pennants. If you want beautiful color effects in table or couch covers, den decorations, etc., start your collection of college pennants NOW. Pennants are ready for distribution by newsdealers, everywhere, and at both Hearst’s Sunday American offices: For Less Than The Usual Price of One Georgia Tech- Georgia University Alabama Poiytedmk(Aubnrn) I IK ATI ST'S ST'XDA v AMERICAN. ATLANTA. GA.. SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 10H And This Three-Pennant Coupon ALL THREE FOR THIS COUPON entitles the holder to three handsome Wool-Felt College Pennants at the Special Reduced Price of 45 Cents when presented to any Atlanta newsdealer or at the offices of 20 E. Alabama St. ATLANTA, GA. 35 Peachtree St. Nine cents extra if sent by mail or redeemed by out-of-town newsdealers or agents. Single Pennants Cts. And This Single-Pennant Coupon