Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 24, 1913, Image 14

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I KsK. \ [r- : V t V. d! 14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THURSDAY. APRIL 24. 1913. A World, of opportunities are found each day in these Utile Want Ads. Z)o you read them? The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin Rooms and Board. couple r.Hrtii *n<1 board: nrlvxte honj» nortb "me only those wishinft something nice need epply lry ««• FURNISHED ROOM.-i with or without board 17» Ivy street, two blocks from Ctfidtor Bldg Furnished Rooaig For Rent A NT f urni* ► or gentle Ivy 54U-J suitable tor 24 Last 4-75-1® TWO rooms. furnished for light ho; keeping Just off South PrYor Ks»t Fair fftre^i 4- ROOM AND Rf’ nil convenient tree Phone Ivy VERY large furr vacant by is \RD in pri en 143 T £1®4-J .ate family . ’eat Peach- : two Hgbi ting rooms, furnished K • los for LABC Led room witn Ix^arij convenient to c- voting lad> single 4-23-37 iron! room large \e [•EUGHTKl’L .Side private for sumiii C Wee* Pea besi ctotree. Iv :plk ing men. pri\ !1 modern co FATLY furmatied rooms • ookmg also table board i Avenue Main 5172-J. location 195&-L 47-25-4 family . jn lance a 4-23-3* 4-33- NT Nicely ft eTiieti' es. 4j* ird floor. Ivy 4-21-11 jeflned. North All conveniences. Ivy 1294-J. 4-11-41 Furnished rooms. William*; apart 21 l»i 4-19-14 CAN a< boa ro ?9#|. commodate four with room aiwi a- 30 Last Cain Pbona Ivy 4-22-6 ^ Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. \\ aNTEf> Two"roomsTw 1th or without kitchenette. furn*shed or unfurnished, state ]<K*ai <-n and pr’.-e R I M care Georgian 4-22-4® SEVERAL ioo:r.-. rurrlahed or unfur nished. suitable for light housekeeping I „a»t Pine Street Ivy 4491. 4-22-12 CAN accommodate gentlemen or couple, nae light room with board private it-. 63 East Cain Street Ivy M«t-J <-*M3 THREE beautiful corner rooms, sepa rate entrance; private bath, veranda, sink in kitchen Ivy 99 4-22-28 LARGE front room, with board, in p Mfi — "—Mr vate Street family. 149 West Peachtree 4-21-2 i WO ROOMS and hoard, in private Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. '7fPi>?T Apartment, two rooms with hot and cold water; close in. price 110 per month couple preferred Apply 3S9 Whitehall 4-25-41 .> h r ,t ’pS. n S; h Kvm9 < . l frOW Pe %*:i*U SCTKRaL room. North Bid- about Phone Ivj 13SJ-J. -.-1 minute.' walk Would like to 4®-22-4 reserve one room. valk ivy «:e * CSTLY furnished room, for gentlemen viaVn^YvTl? 11 ** * boJLn1 Xer ‘^Vxwo large connecting rooms for light "T ■ housekeeping newly tinted all con- ROOM with board for a couple of young vgjiences Kelly Street .***** . m» Wi.air.aac UWUk r.i iv«fl- »wen or basin Hy. Call Main Street ladies 4228-J. private fain- 278 Rawson 4-20-67 TRY a WANT AD' tablet If you need ; anything They do the work 1 • EMGWTFT..'L rooms; bes* location private home, table board a specialty. Capitol Mam 2031-L 4-24-3© BOARD AND ROOMS. EXCKLLENT TABLE; desirable room* pse In; reasonable 115 South Pry- I Atlanta phone 4949 4-20-8® *®5'P*ACHTREE STREET—Fine loot- near in. large choice rooms to or gentlemen Table board a Ity, 4-1S-42 excellent front rooms for board POUR unfurnished first-floor rooms and one furnished room, cheap Apply 48 Evans Street. West End 4 25-22 FOR RENT—Three beautiful rooms. with gas. water and bath 91 West Harris Street 25-22-4 ON CAPITOL ‘\K dun upstairs rooms, porch, bath and hack stairs Atlanta phone 531®. 39-22-4 TWO unfurnished connecting rooms for rent; reasonable Now vacant 589 Central Avenue 34-22-4 rHRKf i . . • • Ugt with gas and electricity 353 Euclid Avenue Call Ivy 441 4-22-16 TWO or three unfurnished rooms; all convenience.- 5 : Hose In. Main 5604-.J after 8 p m 37-22-4 efs. I waylng distance Ivy 2356-1 Electricity and ^Inconveniences. FOR LIGHT housekeeping, four large. 4-18-14 ! unfurnished, modern rooms, second fli,or hot and cold water, with bath; furnished room with gas range connected No children Ref men erences exchanged Ivy.7089-J. 23-22-4 TWO connecting unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, private family. West End. Call West 168-L 4-86-75 ONE NICELY bearc for couple or two young men Inman Park, private family ZM Euclid. UtWL 4-1*-* l.imW C*ll Main M»L; privat* beard and rooms; all conveniences SOi *outh Pryor Street 4-17-11 BUSINESS GUIDE ff , POULTRY, PET ahd UVE STOCK Ready Reference for the Business Man, the Artisan And the Public in General Auction Sales of Furniture and 1 E'I'RIs'ittre repaired, uphoiaterin*. AUUUUU o<wea ui . ~ 1 reflniahmg neatly done Work caiied lelh ‘ “ Household Goods CENTRA!, AUtPriOK CCiMPAKT. « I>st Mitclieli atreet, buya and sella auction Tuesday everything sod Friday regular .... Hell phops Mii.n 3424. 14-3-11 Automobile Repairing IiKOKEN XUffTPARTS. KM- FORGED Brokas aurizifiti re-aeld - -’rio t ‘i I . and delivered Young K Carson, 4,S Marietta aireet Atlanta 35S7. 3-4-« W I, LI'NS FORD at CO., I pholeterln*. repairing and rellnlahlr* furniture of all kinds: satisfaction & uarantee<! Phones, Atlanta 6S50-F. I 6111. 3-6-30 ed and gitarar.teed PrTces right Sal isfactory service. Anderson Bros *; Rich, both phoner, 373 El'll?-wood Ave Hardware and Tools. HARDWARE, tools, household special- ties 100 per ceni value at ;,)0 Ekige- 4-Z-i wood Avenue H. G. Martin 7-11-41 Banks. 'american'TYatiSTTal' bank. Corner Alabama and Broad streel CAPITAL AND Bl'RlT.i 'S 11 000,000^ Barber Shops. ilAm CUTS—15c' 8 Viaduct place, between Pearhtree and Broad. 12-28-38 Hat Cleaning and blocked. 2ic. George's Hat Clean- i»g and Shoe Shine Parlor. IV, E. Ala Street " 4-10-11 • Hatters. ACMK H ATTERS 'make' old' hats''look like new Mail order* given prompt at- tentlon 20 F^ast Hunter street 12-8-44 ty. Bicycles. FbS“'Bfi5¥«a;S"iid'iuppiTes. See D Alexander, 64 N. Pryor. M. *11*. Repair Work a special- spectal- 3-37-61 £ CALL Main 1350. Atlanta 1486. Bicycle rejaiiri and sundries. Atlanta Bicycle Company. 10 Peters Street 2-16-6® WE have a large stock of solid gold and bet*t grades of filled bracelets Price 82.60 and up; rash or time Banta-Cole Com pany, 5 South Broad Street 4-15-23 Lighting- Fixtures. ELECTRIC and gas fixtures; all new atyles; lowest prices Queen Martel and Tile Company, 56 West Mitchell street. Phone Main 681. 1-16-16 Box and Bedding Plant*. xix si 60e per dozen. Telephone your order Ivy 12^8-J Ponce DeLeon Floral Co.. T . , _ ^ 3»8 ponce DeLeon avenue 4 8-2 Lime, Concrete, Rooiing. 3tone. LXofi'Xi&fFf 'aTnTT'^i'<YnYiT'c o mpanT Builders. lEt ywT^a hcwnT ^t?l buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit 40© Temple Court. Main 4i6S 4-15-1® Lime, concrete and roofing stone. 915 3d Nat. Bank Bldg. 2-8-50 FOP. all kinds of machine work see Camp Bros , now located at 275 Ma rietta street. Phone M. 2987. 12-3-4 Carpen lCkT>! A Ltr ' D M. WJLEELER, 19 South Forsyth St Photie M 4166 Alianth 1547 12-31-1* Carpets and Rugs Cleaned. Carpet K'fr.Afft'A' A •rr.ANTA^s'fEAjre^ff'Sf-'fitEXYr: INO COMPANY (Inc.) 27 West Alex ander street. Phone Ivy 41*6 Moist and dry cleaning. Rugs woven from, your old carpets and rags. Porch ehades made to order. 2-8-27 Mattress Renovating. Sa'NITaW'Y' MAf r ’??rEkS ' 'RFNOVAT- ING—Factory new and up-to-date; moderate prices; give ua a trial. Jack- son & Orr Company, Means street and W. tt A. R. R. Both phones 5-20-14 ATLANTA REAL ESTATE is increas ing in value daily. Many bargains are offered In the Real Estate columns of ! the ' Want Ad” section of The Georgian ^ Ornamental Breeds That Are Also Useful There Are Many Varieties of Chick ens That Combine Beauty and Profit. VVe ha\e had inquiries asking us if th- re were some breeds of chick ens a 1 ttle more attractive or orna- men j1 than the popular breeds. To us there la nothing more attrac tive than almost any one of these use ful breeds or varieties, when careful ly bred. Of course, there are what are termed ornamental breeds. Per haps the most novel and attractive of these are the Polish. This is rather a small breed of fowls, about the size of a Leghorn, a large giobulai-shaped crest directly on top of the head ris ing .n Uie front just at the base of the beak. On good specimens in fe males the contour of this crest is smooth on the surface and well round ed and free from scraggiing feath ers. On the male it Is a little longer from front to back than it is from side to side, having the appearance somewhat of a flowing crest. There are several varieties of Polish, but the one most commonly bred and the most striking in appearance is the White Crested Black, a fowl with a »61id black body color, with a pure white crest. This crest sometimes contains stray black feathers, but such are somewhat defective The standard allows a slight black edg ing at the front where it rises from: the beak. Common defects in this variety are! white appearing in tne black body plumage, and black in the white crest. Other Varieties. * Other varieties of this breed are golden, buff laced and white. The golden is a very attractive fowl in color, being a golden body color, ea^h feather laced with blac.k. Crest of the same color. The buff laced is also beautiful in markings, each feather being buff, laced with white. In other words, a white edging around the feathers. Of course these varieties must be arefully mated and bred to be of rea' merit and beauty. When carelessly bred, they are but a little more than a jumbling of colors. Coal Printing. COZY INN ,H ALF-BLOCK from Candler Housekeeping - Rooms For Rent. EXCELLENT h.4< use keeping rooms, pri- Bldg vat** entranor electricity, hot water; splendid rooms beat board $20 p*r use of phone. Ivy 286® L. 4-18-il month and up sure to please Pbona Ivy 6662 45-11-4 TFffr A ‘WANT AL> tablet if you need anything They do the work MEALS IN I OWN, H W -OOM AND MKALB. »4. 19. SOLUI •,OR CALL MAIN MHi 4-6-»4 S EAST NORTH A YE. 1 TWEEN the ren.-htree.; nicely fur- I'hed room* and excellent I a(d. Ivy *60 1 3-26-34 PEACHTREE INN hotel, located at Peachtree amt Oaaatder St*. American plan S*.»0 to i week. Luropear#, 83 to 53 week ^ We satisfy our customers; 10 Gilmer Street. Ben Main 460© 4-4-6 Board Wanted. WTtJT »t uluriitabed room, al*. bv a •■ouplf*; mail travel* pait me Must i<«* nice, with cotiven- ». Give particular* Address.!. \\ .. care Georgian. 46-22-4 Furnished Apai*tments For Rent. fur j nUl»ed fur housekeeping; new private home West k'.titl Park, to refined couple Reference* Weat 574 .1 40-13-4 THRKK-ROOli apartment every con- venlem e; large pdrcli; private family; North Side lv> ®28! 4-20 41 FOR RKNT r*our or five-room fur nished apartment All convenience*. Close In, For particular* cal! Ivy 2981. or cal! evening* -89 W«*t Peathtree; apartment B 4-20-62 APARTMENT of three beautiful room*. Inman Park Private home New Ijarge kitchen, with all convenience* , Screen* Bait parch Phone Ivy 2120-J. 4-20-35 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent. NEW modern six-room apartments 95 West Tenth Street Phone Ivy *126. Mrs Kerrla. 24-17-4 AA* r V M - f cvwt BYBERT & HOLLINGSWORTH COAL Jr 11 ICO Lump—GOAL FOR ANTKIND of printing $4.75 PIEDMONT COAL CO BOTH PHONES MAIN *641. 1-13-34 Coal, Coke and Wood. for dry wood and best coal. 1-31-31 Roof and Gutter Work. T^REpAlfi^airToofar^auttersrTtTi kinds sheet iron work. 33 South Pryor, Main 3127. T. W. Hooper. 3-4-62 mm U EDITED BY JUDGE F. J MARSHALL <8> m> X j The Hambuig t*las.« is another of the small but fancy colored breeds. It is even smaller than the Leghorn, with a rose or flat comb. The varie ties are black, white, silver spangled, golden penciled. The silver spangled is quite commonly bred in some parts of the country as layers. The foun dation or body color is w r hite, each feather tipped with a black spangle, the shape of the feather tip tapering to a point at the quill or stem of the feathers. The golden has a founda tion color of golden, with a black spangle at the tip as with the silvers. The penciled varieties are made up of a very alternative stripe across each feather throughout the plumage, the silver penciled being white and black, while the golden is golden and black in markings They are very beautiful when bred right, having the appear ance of pheasants in coloring. All these ornamental breeds lay a small white egg. They are very good lay ers. They are not, however, very vig orous, and are rather hard to raise and get started. When once they are on the way they can be raised with comparative ease. • They make fine pets where just a few are kept on a city lot. and make an ornament to any back yard—or front one, either, for that matter-— . and at the same time pay their way in eggs. For the farmer or one who wants to raise poultry to any extent, we would not advise their adoption. There are also a number of ornamen tal Bantams, such as Golden Sebright, Silver Sebright. Japanese Bantams and Polish Bantam*, but the Polish Bantams are strictly ornamental, for they are but of little, if any, practi cal value, although some claim that they will more than pay their keep in eggs laid. Questions and Answors. Judge Marshall; I have Buff Or pingtons which are in perfect health and ar^ splendid layers until they be come broody and stay on the nest about 24 hours. Then they develop a bowel trouble which is so serious that it prevent* setting. But they get well withi na few days when put back on the yard. I have had this to happen six times, and only to the broody ones Could you suggest a remedy? L. A. D. Ha peri lie. Ga. ANSWER.—It appears to us that your hens are overrun with what are termed the “Mighty Mitee,” and they are mighty, too. They infest the cracks and crevice* of the hen house and get mixed up in the nesting ma terial. so that when a hen is confined to the nest constantly getting no chance for relief from them as do the hens that are out and about during the daytime leaving the most of these pests in the cracks and crevices until the next night. Thip constant nagging and sucking of her very life blood kept up day after day so works upon her nerves as to give what is called nervous diarrhea This, of course, entirely unfits her for the service imposed upon her and she leaves the nest apparently in disgust. Being relieved of the?e pests, part of the time at least, she soon regains her equilibrium and is in apparently good health again. This is the most reasonable solution of the problem, as I look at it now, and not knowing anything more about the condition of your fowls in other ways than I do. Of course the remedy is to burn up the old nesting material and see that the boxes are clean and free from the mites before refilling wdth the new material. Go over the house or place where the boxes are located and give it a good dose of kerosene in all the cracks and hiding places. They are pretty hard to see and locate, but they exist just the same. Then hens should be thorough ly dusted with some good lice powder the second day of her sitting, and re peated in a week. Real Estate For Sale. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW A swell California bungalow hon** new and modern In every way i arv . lot; In Kirkwood. See me at one# Mighty good terms. This propertv wM be in Atlanta soon. See me now CHARLES E. THOMPSON Room 201 Equitable Bldg.. Atlanta, <ia BEAUTIFUL suburban home site, six acres, on car line; will sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. Owner, B os 813, care Georgian. 4-23-11 FOR SALE—Vacant central lot Maiii son Avenue, opposite Terminal Sti tion, gheap and reasonable terms: would ake nome for part payment Addre»„ P. O. Box 443, Atlanta, Ga. 42-33*4 Bargain—Inman Park Home. OWNER leaving city, will sell home m Inman Park, half block off Eucl, Avenue. 120 feet front: shaded lot sui rounded by line privet heugr Sever rooms, ideally arranged. 64,600 sume 62,100 loan; balance to suit pur chaser Owner. Phone Ivy 591 2 4-38-'. FOR SALE—On a cberted street, neai Ponce DeLeon Avenue, beyond Ponce DeLeon Park, near car line mv six room cottage: all conveniences, lnclud ing furnace. Need some cash. Make me an offer around 63,600 Address Bar gain. Box 999, care Georgian 4-K-' ONE-HALF block from Eudld Avenue on one of the prettiest streets in in man Park, on a shadv lot, 122 by lt« i have a splendidly built seven-room house 1 will sell for S4.5W on terns Address Inman Park, Box 9*0 care Georgian. BY OWNER, at bargain, 14 Adams St Decatur, six rooms, hall and bath all conveniences. Call Decatur 56. or ro off at Pattillo Station. 4-22 33 FOR SALE —Beautiful new seven-room cottages on nice street. Marietta ten minutes walk from car line. Splendid garden, barn, shade and fruit trees Ready now for occupancy. Only 62,764 Will take cash payment 5500 and term, cm balance. John P. Cheney, Marietta Ga. 4-22-1 Bantam*. BXN'TA'MS^-Gam* banvamaT'SeSrighta Buff Cochin* Carlisle Cobb, Athens, Ga. 4-26-3# Contract Painting and Wall Tinting. Y. A JOH NaOlUTir#' Kalr'aC West 1288-J. for all kind* of painting and } tinting Dentist. Safe Cracksman. fire ar.d burglar proof^safea opened and repaired. G. C. Downes. 29Marietta Street. Phone* M 2146. Atlanta 4922. 4-6-11 Ducks. FOR* SALK—Day-old White Indian Runner ducklings. 50c each. Stock direct from California. S. A. Juhan, Adel Ga 62-23-4 PI KE WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs from snow-white prize-winning stock. $1. 82 and $3 for thirteen. Coweta Duck Farm, Senoia. Ga. 4-9-15 Sand. SAND. Furnished Rooms For Rent. '! \YO furnianed room* for light house keeping 249 South Pryor Phone Main 3648-J. 4-25-39 NICELY furnished room* m North rtide private home, hot aial told water * tunectin* bath; or will i pie ith coupl< Ivy 2448-1* xhare house 4-28-2® PIEDMONT AVBNT’E furnished home to rent for summer, eight room* with three bed rooms and three baths; price $70 p**r month; no children Write D \Y M 1091 Atlanta National Bank Building „ FOR RENT 12-room furnished house, near in Phone Main 8354 4-19-6 ARE TOC LOOKING for a tie*'* a little "Want Ad for you good posi n'ill find It FOR KENT- Five-room cottage, '* l; ci< fur* r<tailed, for summer month*, close In; garden planted Phone M 3839-J. 48-4:0-4 FCRNISHED rooms in private horn*; all conveniences; baths, hot and cold water. 19 East Harris 4-23-27 Main 417*-L COMPLETELY furnished 7-r©on» house for *uinmer References required. 4-19-31 «*NE furnished room for gentlemen connecting bath all conveniences Peachtree Place Ivy 4468-J 4-23-28 EXCELLENT rooms. w»>h or without hoard, private home North Side Ivy 8251. 4-23-29 furnished room* to couple __ m modern conveniences • an furnish board if desired, gentlemen wanted to share room with young man Look at these rooms. Phone Ivy 1298, or call at 1W Ivy Street 25-8S-4 TWO large or gentlemen NICELY furnished front room gentle- * ne R1 men preferred Atlanta phone 11984 Unfurnuhed House* For Rent. FOR RKNT Ni« e four-rown house with hall, ell c*nv*nianoa*. two car bm*s. $ 12.60 28 Gr*\ Cgll Ivy 2779-.1 Mr • FOR RENT No 51 li win Street, mod ern eight-rdom house; good lot and stable to reliable tenant owner will make attractive price on leave Apply >b Howard S' **3-80-18 OUR RENT Hat describe* everything for rent Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3396 Charles P Glover Realty Co , - • — *• I 11-49 4-23-3 Wilton street TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, com- plelaly furmahed to couple without children: ah convenience*, private fam ily one block of Grant Park 4-8 East Georgia - Avenue. 4-22-6 FIRST-FLOOR ROOM to couple, with- | <»ut children 137 Walton Street 4-32-3 ■ com. private bath, shady lot, gentie- preferred “West Peachtree. " cate < “ocgiaa 38-22-4 *:KAXD OPERA visiton can secure two i r »oma in fine neighborhood, convenient io three • ar lines private home, very • ra.'unable Ivy 2478 4-21-1< .aTLY furnished room in private • me for nurse or gentleman Good fiiiborhood Main *®2t-J 201-21-4 \ \ i; YOl* SOLD THAT HOUSE? A itle “For Sale” ad in the “Want Ad ■tion will i nti a purchaser UT.LY FURNISHED front room for ‘o young men; all conveniences; tel- • du* electric lignts. desirable loca- r: <jn Whitehall Street Call Main 4-21-14 ■ *M. ua* !y furnished for lady in ' • ''t i wo; convenience*; $6. 51 irden Street 4-31-6 1 J£TJNT—Nicely furnished cool o '!*. * - va e family to one or two g inc-n; ah conveniences 510 per h. 4-r>-i4 Houses For Rent^ FOR RENT. No. 600 PEACHTREE STREET e< ner Linden Street, you will find a two-story house of ten rooms, 2 bath rooms steam heat and carrying all modern conveniences, a fine location for high-class boarding house; with in walking distance. Price. $100. We will gladly show you through at any time (IEG. P. MOORE. <*ai Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. R PORCELAIN—NO GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK our hpeciVlty X «TWT Best Se; t $3.00 No More. Ns Less GOLD CROWN (22 CARAT) . |3 08 BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH 3 08 SILVER FILLINGS 26 GOLD FILLINGS 50 CLEANING TEETH oQ T WENT Y-YEA R G ( AR ANTEE. EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS. 38* Peachtree Street. 4-2-31 prompt delivery. ntity a 8. M. Truitt & Son 1 13-32 Sewing- Machines. WE KENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $?. per month; lino machines repaired; prompt deliv ery Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Company. 79 Whitehall 9-14-44 Buff Orpington Ducks. EGGS, $3 and 55 per setting W. Maury Adams, Adel, Ga. 1-23-5 Shoes GET the best shoes for the whole family. Peacock ic Drennen, 222 Marietta Street. 4-16-28 Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Trouble. Shoe Repairing. :>0 CENTS. Al Gwinn's Shoe Shop, 6 Luckie Street. Both phones. 3-26-45 DH. GEORGE BROWN. Disease* of the ... Ear. Now, Throat and Lungs, 312-14 Opposite Piedmont Hotel Austell Bldg I have the only compound oxygen plant ever brought South and j — make this ga* daily. Weak, nervous, anaemic and pale people are invited to all. 4-6-13 Engineering and Machine Designing. gTvT ] v i?ant, m. e. 1 DEVELOP YOUR INVENTION Dixie Pattern and Machine Works, *262 West North Avenue Main 2829. 4-5-17 Fly Screen*. PLY—SCREENS—FLY~ COME SEE our Roll-aawy Screens, our Roller-bearing Screens, our Sliding Screens none better. It will pay you to see our goods; get prices 217 Kiser Bldg Main 13X1. Porter Screen Co. J. .1 Crawford. Agent 2-4-14 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD GOODS and f ianoe Office and warehouse. 238- Edgewood avenue Ivy 2037. John J. Wood side Storage Company Fresh Oysters Daily. VIRGINIA and New Orleans oysters on the half shell, 40e dozen. 77 Peachtree street Furniture. r cTYrRNITl'RE c. Cash or easy payments, 4X5 Marietta^ Stove and Range Repairing. ' STOVE DOCTOR. STOVE, rang- And furnace repairing *1 South Pryor Street. Bell Phone Main 14*0 Atlanta phone 1410. 4-16-10 DAN THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING We sell second-hand ga* stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET Atlanta phone 2286. Beil phonj? M 2699 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases —TTg^Araytr^rrwi’Xi^ED: ROTJNTREK'S. 77 WHITEHALL, ST PHONES: Bell M 1676 Atlanta 1654 Umbrellas. Bl'Y from makers: all prices and styles i-e-covering and repairing every um brella kepi In repair free Phone fot salesman: prompt service TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO. 1166. Whitehall St 4-26-55 Violin Maker. 6£f> ^L.l.lN^'^ a lid ex^ changed; repairing a specialty. The Old Reliable Yiolin Dealer. May.* Bad- gett. 84% Pea-htree. 3-31-31 ON account of my health I am forced to sell our entire flock of duck*, con sisting of 100 Fawn and White Runners, 20 Mammoth Pekins and 14 White Run ner*. Most of these are prize winner* and ribbons go with them. They are all select birds. Low price on lot, or either variety. Make offer or write me. Eggs 51 fur 12, $5 per 100. Ducklings any time 25<- each. Oak Dean Farm, Stone Mountain. Ga. 4-17-10 Disinfectants. CREOSOTElMR SALE. CjjREOSOTE is an excellent lierin destroyer for poultry raisers to use about the prem ises. We have it in any quan tity. Atlanta Gas Light Co. Poultry—All Varieties. EGGGS FOR HATCHING. FROM Kellerstrsa* White Orpington pen, cost 5100. fifteen for $2; from Thompson's Ringlet Barred Rocks, dou ble mated, highest grade. 12 for fifteen; best White Leghorns, $1.50 for fifteen. Some very fine stock of the above varie ties for sale cheap Paufin’s Poultry Farm. Fort Gaines, Ga. 3-8-15 Mrs. B. H. Middlebrooks, Yatesville, Ga. BARRED Plymouth Rocks. S. C. White Leghorns, Fawn and White Indian Runner clucks; eggs from each, $1.50. %2 and 53 per 15, 86 and 58 per 100 Day- old chicks. 515 per 100 Satisfaction guaranteed. 3-8-12 FREE RANGE DUCK AND FOTTLTRT FARM, Chamblee. Ga. Large stock of White Runners. Leghorns and Rhone Island Reds, enables us to ship fresh f‘ggs, strong and fertile. Write for price* on stock and <*gg* if you want a bargain. 1-21-18 IF it Is a lot you want Moran is th*> mar. 1021-5 Empire Bldg Phoiw Main 3018. 4-22-8 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalev screened, tiled, furnace, garage Ad dress “Ansley Park,” care Georgian 31-22-4 OVERLOOKING Druid Hills, lot 50 bv 150, for 5300. Will double in value is short while; 530 cash. $5 per month. A pick-up. Investment, care Georgian Box 403 4-22-1 LET US BUILD you a home. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4I8V 4-18-4,' FORTUNES have been made in Atlanta Real Estate. Your opportunity is probably to-«ia> Read Real Estate ads in “Want Ad” section of The Georgian. Atlanta 175>7. 4-6- Oifice Space Por Rent F< >R ftENT-^At 1 raetive ofrfcc space. fourth floci’ Third National Bank Budding, fronting Marietta Ftreet, com prising about 1.500 square t>«u Will rent a* whole or subdivide See tenant oi premises. 4-C3-200 Stores For Rent. ‘ RN1RHED : hoard, at 136 ♦novated prtvi Ivy Street te bath. or without thoroughly 4-23-13 Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. south brSTfCrniturb” exchange CARPET cleaning, furniture repairer, j Furniture bought and sold and mat tresses renovated. 121 McDaniel St rest. Bell Phone Mam 4840. Atlanta Phone 3882 4-8-8 Wood. WOOD. SOUTH GEORGIA mlU cut-offs by th# carload or any quantity you may went They make fine kindling. S. M Truitt A Soil 1-12-88 ATLANTA REAL ESTATE Is increas ing in value daily Many bargains are offered in the Real Estate columns of the “Want Ad section of The Georgian. Eggs—All Varieties. A FEW TRIOS White Runner ducks from my prize-winners, $15 per trio; egg*. 55 for 12. White Orpingtons, trios. 51.50: egg*. 53 for 15. Black Orpington*, $5 each. eggs. $5 for 15. All stock have free range. J. E. Gifford. R. F. D., Mari etta. Ga., or 200 Temple Court. Atlanta, Ga 1-25-12 Plymouth Eocks. PARTRIDGE ROCKS — The ^South's leading winning strain. Can give qual ity and blood lines unequaled by any breeder in the South. My birds are win ner* at the Southern International, Ma con, Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Tenn.; Paducah, Ky.; Shreveport. La. Send for mating list. R. P. Cotter, Box G. Barne*ville, Ga. 2-16-17 PATTERSON S White Plymouth Rocks you should have for your foundation stock. They have been bred to win and pay. Large, vigorous birds. Winners at Atlanta. Augusta, Savannah and many other shows. Exhibition and utility birds of the finest quality at reasonable prices. Eggs. $2 to $5 per 15, 38 per 100. We guarantece perfect satisfaction. Write u*. Patterson Farm, Fitzgerald, Ga BARRED ROCK eggs, pure and fresh from Georgia Poultry Farm; 51 per setting On sale at 12 South Broad Street 4 30-63 FINEST EGGS. 51 a Address Finley. P. lanta setting, delivered. O. Box 1515, At- 4-19-17 BALANCE SEASON—Eggs from my special mating “bred-to-lay - * S. C. White Leghorns. 51 60 setting; special mating White Runner duck* i Patton strain) including second drake, fourth and fifth young luck*. Atlanta show, November 1912. S3 setting South Geor gia Poultry Farm, Sale City, Ga. 2 1-18 THE EGGS of different varieties of fowls will be found classified under their respective breeds in the future, instead of % »nder the cl assi flea tion of •Egg* Games. 'iT GAMES -Fighting cocks for sale Eggs. $2.50 per fifteen. 1. M. Kimball, Box 217. Florals, Ala 79-15-8 Typewriters For Rent. FOB RF NT A fine nev. brick store.1 n*' xt floor te Jacobs' pharmacj Gnr- ! den and I.f* c Streets. t\ est End. Suit- able for any fir*t-class bus ness Phone j L'.. 190 4 -23-201. j the Business Furnished Rooms Wanted to? i>afl»i housekeeping by couple: good lo cation State price K f. M < are Gf >rg<AD - . . 45-22-4 For Exchange—Miscellaneous. Wlfc't WHA NOK $S00"eivuUy in !4<W vacant lot tor A-l motorcycle. Ad dress Quick, Box 811. care Georgian. 274 *OOP machine* rented any where. *6 for three months. American Writ. Mch Co . 48 N. Pryor. Dropsy HAVE YOU THAT HDU8K little ‘‘For Sale" ad in the “Want *ei tIon will find a purchaser. A DROPSY CURED Relieve* shortness of breath in 716 lo -48 hour? Reduces swelling in fifteen to twenty day* Oo'- Leghoms. VVlUTE“'£E:0.1l6RNS^?5£ickerw out of danger. Ten pullets, one coekarel five and eight weeks old, at 35.50 and 38 I have 300 to dispose of at this price. Eggs and day-old chicks for sale. Blue Ridge Egg Farm. Blue Ridge, Ga. 2-1-27 WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, heavy laying strain, $1.50- pullets, 52 each; eggs. $1.50 and up. Mrs. Robert Waat, 133 Carter Hill road. Montgomery, Ala. 11-9-86 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. EGGS from fine-laving and prize-winning strain. $3.00 per 15: $15.00 per 100. R. G. Hooks. 229 North Moreland avenue, city. Main 2330. Atlanta 5380. Rhode Island Red*^ I HAVE as fine Reds as can be found in America, and can start you right or furnish you blood that will improve your flock. Eggs from my three best matings, all headed by prize-win ning cockerels at Atlanta, Au gusta and Macon, at $25.00 per setting. Pens headed by cock erels that were head of winning pens at Augusta. Macon and Hagerstown, at $5 per setting. Other matings of same blood line at $2 per 15. $8 per 100. Mrs. P. T. Callaway, Department G, Washington, Ga. 10-26-9 Pog»- POR SALE—Cheap, four fox terrier puppies, seven weeks old; they are fine pups, al a bargain. Henry Myers. 343 Luckie Street. Atlanta phone 4211. 4-21-4 WOULD YOU OWN YOUR HOME? A Georgian “Want Ad" will show you the way. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies; vigilant, kind and excellent ratters. Males $10, females $7.50. F. A. Dough- man Decatur, Ga Telephone Ivy 4000 or Main 1142. 4-31-21 Seeds and Poultry Supplies. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. SEEDS. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER ING PLANTS. POULTRY SUPPLIES. PHONES 256S. A FULL LINE of Cyphers Incubators j and Brooders. THE BEST BARGAIN in Ansley Part 60 feet on BarksdaJe Drive, close tn the Ansley home, for $1,800; $700 cash. -nance one and two years Berger Box 375, Jacksonville, Fla. 4-20-tft NEW eight-room house; bath; 249 Eu did Ave.. Inman Park oak parque’ floors, built-in buffet, full basemen, servants* toilet; price. $5,500; libers- terms. Apply F. L. Markham, owner Office. Ivy 1993; residence, Ivy 37S6-L 40-17-4 Real Estate For Exchange. will EX( HangE TmKK) tn nice six room cottage for automobile in goori condition. Address E. C. C., Box <06 care Georgian. 4-25-1* For Sale or Exchange—Real Estate. i-rnTBEAurfFuL" h7jmes^55T bmkf ing lots in College Park, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see L C. Me Crory. EGGS from prize- winning E. B Thorjp son Ringlet Barren Rocks, either mat ing. W for fifteen 55 for thirty. A M Kendall, Dallas. Ga. 3-8-11 Horses, Mules, Vehicles. Etc. FOR SALE—One medium-size mule, cheap. W. J. Garner, 250 Marietta. 4-22-35 GOOD HOR6E, eight years, weighs 750 pounds. You can buy cheap. Coma »ee him. Don’t care to feed. East Ashland Avenue. Costly. 4-22-29 COME OUT any time, evening or Sun day, and see attractive two-famil' steam-heated house; North Side; bound to enhance $2,900 in next two year.^ Paying 7 per cent net now on purchase price: 12 per cent gross. Foot Sea’ Place and Eighth Street (Perry). SI. 5(H) cash, which will mean more thar 38 1-3 per cent on amount actually in vested. Would take half equity in rem of one or both floor*, or exchange for $2,000 lot. Ivy 4905-J. 4-20-5* Fanns For Sale. BY OWNER—Twenty acres at Mallory Station, on Fair burn car line; five- room house, barn, pasture, running water; plenty of fruit; $2,800: $500 cash balance to suit, or will exchange W. W. Veal, Stonewall. Ga. 4-18-47 Farms For Sale or Exchange Po^T^XLhT??jr - E5r??fi^V?rE^TS5 v, acre« good land, three-quarters of mile of car line; well adapted for dairy or truck. Will exchange for city property or good south Georgia farm. Also vacant lot. by 100. on Marietta Street ; close in. Lei me bear from you immediately. Main 2053. Mail address, 253 Highland Ave nue. 4-20-5* Money to Loan. INTERNATIONAL $8.50. Sanitary Hover. I HAVE $15,000 to lend for a client on Atlanta property. W. C. Cousins. At torney. 416 Kiser Bldg. 50-23-4 WANT $9,000 for four months, will pa v $25 per month Real Estate, care Georgian. 203-23-4 STANDARD SPRAY PUMP, made of solid bras*, guaranteed for five years; $4 each. MYERS HAXDSPRAY, 50c each MYERS each WHITEWASH SPRAY, 53 A FULL LINE OF BRASS CANARY CAGES. SIJIRREL AND PARROT CAGES ALL SIZES of flower pots and tubs PRATT - S POULTRY DISINFECANT, fine for killing mites and lice, and disinfecting the poultry houses. WHATE OIL SOAP for killing bugs on rose bushes and flowering plants. FORTUNES have been made in Atlanta Real Estate. Your opportunity probably to-day. Read Real Estate ads ‘Want Ad” section of The Georgian MONEY ON HAND for immediate loan* on property in or near Atlanta. J. E 'VanValkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg _ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own name. •cheap rates, easy payments. Confi dential D H. Tolman, 820 Austell building. WEYMAN ft CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate 4-l-« Orpingtons. FuR^sTni^^ne^perTKellersTrass \?hite Orpingtons, one cock and four hens, also several trios of Cook’s White Or pingtons. foundation stock direct from farms Write for prices. Mrs. F O. Miller. Fort Valley. Ga 3-12-18 WHITE ORPINGTONS—My bird? won first pen Atlanta. December, with the keenest competition ever known to a Southern show. I can furnish eggs from $3 per setting up. also a few choice breeders. Get my mating liat; it’s free H A. Black. Cartersville. Ga. 1-28-7 S. C. White Orpingtons. kKn Dropsy Remedy Company, 40*i A us- j EGGS, $1 50 and $3 00 pe” setting W tell Bldg Atlanta, Ga. 5-25-11' Maury Adam* Ad*!. Ga 1-23-4 Tomato Plants All Leading Varieties. 15e Per.Doz., 2 Doz. for 25c. Bell Pepper Plants The Large Bull Nose, 25c Per Doz. Potato Slips 25c per 100 $2.00 Per M M cMillan Seed Co. The Old Reliable Seed Store. 27 South Broad St. Bell Phone 4341. Atlanta Phone 2135. FARM LOANS PLACED In any imount on improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LENP. any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 WANTED—To buy good purchase money notes, or first mortgages- Georgia Land and Loan Co., 909 Third National Bank Bldg. ...... MORTGAGE LOANS On Atlanta Property. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. 6 and 5^ P®r cent. RESIDENCE BUILDINGS, 56 and 6^ per cant. Your rate depends upon the locatior- Without notice you can nay back » hundred, anj T multiple of a hundred dol lars, on the entire loan on any interest date. TURMAN. BLACK i CALHOUN. ?.oan Correspondents. PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA. 708-8 Empire Building WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on At lanta and nearby property, ei ther for straight or monthl.' payment plant. Also for pur chasing purchase money note? Faster & Robson, 11 Edgewoe-i avenue.