Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 27, 1913, Image 133

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Copyrlgtn I9l*.vytht Star Company Ureai Britain /fights Reserved American magazine Section of Ream's Sunday American, Atlanta, April 27, m= m 9 m phere, the perfect historic detail, the pathos, nobility and sense of reality which permeate the recon struction and which lead the Cali fornians to believe that in the “Mission Play" they have a crea tion which will live on for scores of years to show the world the he roic drama of the birth of Cali fornia. H HE old Mission days of order to cs California — that pictur- visions. P es<jue period like none terey, but other in history—have now the been reconstructed, and are being Discourage perpetuated by a remarkable pa- Fra Junip< geant-drama called the “Mission The Padre Play” in a little theatre at San Ga- Ohristianiz ibriel. not far from Dos Angeles, the He makes very heart of the old Mission coun Heaven to try In its spirit and in much of its mination. technique the "Mission Play” is long-expec akin to the famous production at on the ho Oberammergau. baptizes h It is, indeed, intended that it shall In the < be California’s Oberammergau. and sion. near it is the hope of the patriotic pro- 1784. the ducers that they will be able to 'been estab make it a permanent institution pering T The play enters its second season spiritual p this year, and the increasing num- the milita her of “pilgrims" has made the hope California seem justified i claimed ti The play was written by Mr John dent of th MoGroarty. a native Californian. . ante River Senator R. F Del Valle, of Califor- the wit ai nia. realizing the importance to his pero In State of preserving for the present teristic sc and coming generations a picture of of life in its most heroic and romantic time, by dances, enabled it to be produced dances. The “Mission Play” is given in a In the t quaint building, which in itself the situati lends atmosphere to the drama. the Miss] In the first act Fra Junipero. the greed and founder of the Mission, a Francis- corrupt of can whose character was startling- icans rega ly like that of St. Francis of As- .gain, pass* eisi. is seen at the old San Diego Such in Mission awaiting the arrival of Don the story Gaspar de Portola from the north. Play " W where he went to find Monterey in convey is A Powerful ■iPip-ir Father Junipero Serra. “the Mission Saint,’’ Rescues i the Child of the Gentiles Heroic Fra Junipero Serra, Founder of the California Missions.—A Scene in the “Mission Pley ” Sighting the Return Off San Biego of pon Gaepar de Portole'e Fruitless Expedition to «nd Monterey Font. Th# Remarkable Attention to Historic -