Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 27, 1913, Image 24

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4 H TIT:AIN'T* M'.VDAV AMERICAN. ATLANTA, GA.. SUNDAY. APRIL 27, 101.1, B ETWEEN th * matinee and inf? performances of the opera— the l ast week, and the brilliant assemblages at the <’apita) Gity anti the Piedmont Driving Clubs, innu merable small parties have been giv en, most of the n for tin- entertain- rpcnt of a visitor. At the Driving Club and at the Georgian Terra ctea parties galore have interested the women, and many of the men who found time for this pleasant informality. Main small af fairs in private nomes huvt e|i for house guests. » Mrs. Edward T. Brown' a happy event of Tuesday filler honor guests being L. Mills, Mis. II. ; If wing the lattei and th£ h An artist i 1 Montgomery, reek at the Georgian ■. was tendered an informal the Piedmont Driving Club afternoon, by Miss Sarah ’owls*, the honors being shar- Miss Marion Rous, of Haiti ie w 1 the Wlnne, of 1 were Miss Georgian Ter- VKSTRRDA V 1 s. Jack been giv- flowers of the apartmei ts of open to guests Brown assisted 1 tea was afternoon, | Mrs. Albert Mitchell, and Miss! Nashville visitor use gues{ of Mrs, Brown, arrangement of the wild morning Mrs. Henry kson entertained at a break- last, for Mrs. Robert Jackson. of | Nashville, and i number of informal parties was given at the Piedmont Driving club and Georgian Terrace, matinee. all s Him taining Mu Miss Loui> ! - guest* the Georgian Terrace, lor Black. Aliss M;i > Drenn; r$ingham and Mi adorned the .< I;own residence and Miss Marjorie <r luothed In enter- 1 lost ess to part v Tuesday tit for Miss Nita of Bir- oustan Davis. following the atv tyle frr CHt tile W enls. ni s Gayh errac V A dinner part: of Tuesday evening was given b> Ai. and Mrs. Sanjuel Willey . who 1 Atlanta as, the Cowles, spent with her par Terrace. Mi* guests at the Rous, of Baltimore, and Miss Bessie Wlnne, of Demopolis, Ala. The three visitors were entertained during their visit, among tic* affairs in their honor being an inf< rmal tea given b> Mi- Sarah Cowles at the Pied mont Driving Club Friday afternoon. of Montgom- inentiy visited >f Miss Sarah *ek In Atlanta^ the Georgian' had as her Miss Marion T. WYym&n, in tumor of Mr. and Mrs. George Connors, and Airs. Richard Massey, of Birrningfjam. Tile decora tions were of E.ister lilies and pink roses. anti Mrs. Weyman was :i ♦•harming hostess, gowned in powder- hjue charmeuse w ith shadow lace cor. >>ge. Alis, Frank Inman's luncheon! vVhs a compliment to Mrs. Albert •VJ 'll, Ali-s \!r Fhect ers, and an; ej'ent. of Tuesdox. ‘Mrs. Louis Mogul s tea at the | AI1SS the spent Volk Root Alice Ormond, who lia past few years in Ne with her mother. Mrs. Florcm Ormond, is now in Paris for a year’s stay. Mrs. Ormond and a.Iss Orm- ond are at* 20 Rue de Hard ay’, and Miss Ormond will devote much of her time to literary work. Driving i^'vn gu< t^c table bowls if lub. ts. in t wa s jj K111 i i*n wore a wistaria blue velvet ton a. smart blue s pj i lines. JMr. and Airs ibe guests of h ’liues da sembled 12 out-of- ie rose room, w here uorned with ros« \ buds. .Mrs. Alagtd satin and hyacnith- ination gown, with iw hat trimmed in Airs. W. on Fiftt ardo Alartin were ... at a dinner party • “•liing* given by Air. and H. Conklin, at their residence i nth Street. VI 1:SS AI ipion ' was one of affairs . f \Yodn l>bine McClellan Vork gi.-| whose . dreth Burton Smith tfnuous ovation wa« oldsmiIll’s luncheon the prettiest small ■■‘•'day. Miss Jose- • he handsome N< w visit to Miss Hil- has been u con- the honor guest, \/f iss Jennie .Mobley's breakfast, in or of Airs, Joseph Thompson, of Xashvilld. assembled a number of visitors to be her guests. among them, Miss Mice Smith, of Nashville, and Airs John Tomlinspn, of Bir mingham. A fllet and Venice luce cloth covered the table, a silver bas- 1 et filled with pink roses and daisies being th,. central decorations. The candlesticks held crystal shades over pink silk, and the bonbons and ices were in pink. .Mis- Mobley wore a rose crepe me- with a draped skirt and bodice e and chiffon. l Thompson w as handsome in chiffon over sapphire eharm- vus'l with lace on the corsage; a Mat of black ntraw. trimmed in Paradise feathers teor of lax AI n black \/| US Proaoji Arkwright's break fast on Thursday of the past abd covers were laid for 12. at a*table aaomed with a eentrnl vase of pink roses apd jqiiailer vases grou]*ed around the lar:: • ».n*\ holding vallex lljios. ? The largest event of Wednesday 'Vag the luncheon given by Mrs. Rob ert Foster Maddox at Woodhaven, for licr house guest Miss Eunice Jack- son. of Nashville, and for Miss Mar ion Acbison. a former Nashville girl, who has been tendered a series of parties since her re.sidcn , i n \\ l&nta. .Mrs. Xi rwood ^Mitchell was hostess a lubehcHin on Wednesdav. enter taining to. Air- Albert L. Mills, the (^'ailing guest of Airs Clark Howell, and for I l,ir "Ugh Afis. Peter i <bey. of Virginia, IlOK hdlife guest. Wild uzueus in a J.m- Hhese vase decorated flu* table, at which 15 lad ids* vat for luncheon. At Airs. Frank Belliune's afternoon tea. an event »1' Wednesday, dog- vviual blossoms mo wild azalea dec- ' orated- the apartments. Airs Alorti- tuer Wilson and Alts. John \V Phil lips. of New Orleans being the honor guests. Thirty ladies were present. Mrs. Ossian 1). Gorm in contribut ed a luncheon to Wednesday's calen dar, her week, was one of the elaborately pointed affairs of the week. Thirty- two places were laid ut a round ta ble, in the dining-room of tin* Pied mont Driving ciuo, and the table was almost covered with a floral mat of shortsteibmed Killarney roses, min gled with pink and white stock. A t 'll •‘•dlv- r vase < t Faster lilies rose above the mound, which was also broken ,u intervals around this eon- " ' ■ if bj basket! of Kiilaroej tos. v Smilax and asparagus fern garlanded the table and Colonial can dlesticks or heavy silver were shad ed in pink. The place cards embodied the pre- rami opera motif which ran r every social gayet.v of the w<x*k. They were miniature miisi- instiaiments. Airs. Arkwright gave iiu* breakfast for Airs. Robert J irk- sxiil of Nashville, tin* guest of Airs. Robert .Maddox. The honor guest w as gow*m d in gray < larmeijyc, vvit*i corsage of t 1111'- ton over fllet Jaoo, touched up with colour tie rose. Airs. Maddox was handsome ly costumed in cafe au la 11 net. draped over powder-blue satin, aiul worn With a. most bewitching blue h it. S'" -t of honor being Mrs j * * ;Md'- P • veil, of Now nan. All At her; ]\| I:s ( Maries Pliinizy, of Augusta, ‘hxwoil » a- host— at a. ,,f tin i xVA who was the guest of her sister nijaii afti-nmon as complimenting! v ^ r Ransom W right, fast week was Mrs. Albert L Mills, and Airs. Her- * brrl Manson < nu rtainc-d a tea party for Mrs. Ch the guest of Air Phinizy, of Augusta Runsonie W right. 'lirRSD.V V privati uteri v» arth jf the latinee Audit > no 1 turtles that a .r en at thv ties at pleasure, and late on Mis the deli Thmsua. weight was party. Alias Ihjii Mrs Robert dewed a br D. Fills, Jr. elaboru tely' Included t\x < ger set. Alls. Cha tea at the Thursday merit to h< of Alabatn moment.- guests ji iy, deapi wforinan um, Br< 2 o'clock startet luncheons at ha afternoon tea p : Jennie Mobley :htful breakfist . and Mr d day foi and there the many c the fact • was giv- ikfast par- the day’s past one. were OIK P parties Ark- a k las ice Jackson. . Aladdox gue: •nkfast b\ M The lunched decorated am ive members Nashville lh,' recipient of many little Informal atfalrs, among them being the supper Wednesday evening after “Cyrano** given by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Man-' sion nt their homo on Juniper Street. Ali v Munson is noted for her delici ous suppers and this was especially pleasant. Pink and lavender, sweet peas formed the oenterpricc of tin table which was covered by a hand- > "ine lace cloth. Pink shaded candles and bon bons in the same shade as well as the garnishlngs of the plat ters carried out the color motif. Ten guests were seated at the table. Mans Pliinizy dies to on Thu tei day laid a i the Pit among Mrs. W >11 again lien sb i ut ill fte ilav ompllmented Mr- Invited twelve la * Georgian Ten act matinee. Yes ernoon triem Alr> Henry tht* T ■dinon il i“in 1 hiving let ie A1r> B. S rract lub for Phinizv >f tl few of All trie* p. Glove Georgia u afternoon wa v sister. Mrs. i. and the gut nformal M IS Jo compli- • n Jones. included friends. Cowle* *av< u imall afternoon, and Mi-s. is hostess at a plris- I'rldaj, coinpltmenl- Jones. of Danville lier gu VI Iiy Duniev tea Pridaj Ervin Dickey " ant tea party, iflff ills? Grai Va., who remains a? lantn this week. Mrs, Reuben Arnold was a luncheon 1’riday at the Driving Club, for Mrs. Johnston, of Macon, Mrs. Johnston's guest, and mornlnp Mrs. Arnold again st in At ed In honor of M'-s. Mills B. Lane, of Savannah, who spent th> week-inti in Atlanta, en route to Xew York. Mrs. Liuton J. Hopkins gave an 'nformal bridge party of three table* Friday afternoon, for Mrs. T. j t,,. bias of Charleston. Mrs. William h< MARGARET NT TT1NO \v.\s slcss .it an Informal bowl- patty at East Lakt Tiiuisday for her gins: Miss Ellen Meehan, of Columbia. S c. and for Miss Win nie May Hill, of Macon, who is vU iling Miss l.aura Wyatt. After the game the party enjoyed a hot lunch eon on the veranda where u lab’." was set for ten. Miss Laura Wyatt g)i\e a linx party at the Atlanta' on nesday for Miss Hill and Miss an. the other guests being ■s Margaret Hatting, Harriet atho ine Bleckley. Mrs Hum- Wi Meet Miss 'ole. ilton Block, Mrs. Henry Wyatt, o guest. Miss V; ham. W. D. Maer, Mrs. Marietta, and her Seals, of Blrming- \ \s. Allen (fkiude Weller™;.;. Iicr vouiitr Kon, .Master Allen (laiide Wejlei*, *Jr.. tin* photn^rnj J*or llearst’s Sumla\ American. ittrin:n«r*youn^f matron, former- j • Lillian Vow. is pictured with ) • h having been postal espeeidlly s j marriage of Mias Virginia A ‘ ran.*, daughtt i of Air. and Airs. B. S. ('rune, to Mr. Horace Prince Reeves takes place on Wednesday, April 30, at the Grane home on Mer ritt* Avenue. The ceremony will in* quiet, with no attendants. No cards wer< issued, and the guests will be limited*to the families and a few in timate friends. The bride will wear her traveling costume, anti after the marriage, the young couple leave for a bridal trip. They will return to GhUttanocga. where they will be at home for the summer. Several parties have been given for .Mis.v Grane, among them a tea by the Misses Anna and (iementine Pat ten. and a luncheon given by Miss Florlnne Brown, at her home in De catur. ''" s hie The long tulle veil was caught to the hair with orange hlo«- Lofns, and the bridal bouquet, of val ley lilies, arranged in u shower. The matron of honor wore pink satin veiled in lace and carried pink carnations. Miss Brown was gowned in white embroidered crepe de chine, and her Mowers were pink carnation*. Mrs. John M. Graham wore white satin with overdress of white lace. A reception followed the ceremony, and a buffet supper was served. A number of handsome gifts were re ceived by the couple. Among theso was a silver loving cup. the gift of the bride's associates in the enter prise of the Martha Berry Tavern, whose work for the Martha Berry Industrial School for Mountain Boys and Girls has been mo.-t successful. After a weddixtg journey East. Air. Grant and his bride will be at home in Marietta; er Rosser. Jr., invited Mr. and Mrs. Gam Dorsey. Miss Laleah Adams, of Savannah who is visiting her sister. Airs. Cam Dorsey, Miss Margaret Northeh. Mr. Wlr eler. of Macon, ami Roy Dorsey, to an informal supper after the opera. A N elaborate dinner was given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John D. Little, for Mrs. Robert Jackson, of Nashville, who spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Poster Maddox. The handsomely appointed table had for a center- piece a silver basket, filled with American Beauty roses, and Shasta daisies. At either end of the table were smaller silver baskets of the same flowers, and all the appoint ments of the table were of silver and crystal. Mrs. Little wore a dinner gown of ceil blue satin embroidered in silver. Mrs. Aladdox wort white brocade chiffon embroidered in lavender and draped with corn colored chiffon, with a sash of lavender and knots of lav ender pansies. Mrs. Jackson’s gown was of laven der, chiffon built over lavender satin, with garniture of rhinestones. M RS. Dudley Gowles was hostess at an informal bridge party of three tables Friday afternoon, her guests including a group of out-of- town visitors. Her apartments were decorat 5 d with wild azaleas, in shades of yellow. Pretty prizes were awarded and tea was served at the close of the game. son, Airs. Henry Scott, Mrs. Slrnms Bray, Miss Lois Wilson, of Colum bus. Ohio, Miss Willie Calhoun, and Mrs. Ivan Allen. Mrs. James Morrow entertained at an auction bridge party for Mr* Claiborne on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Edward Durant had a few friends for tea at the Piedmont Driv ing Club Thursday, and Mrs. Ivan Alien gave a small dinner Thursday evening fur the visitor. •Mrs. William Doughty Christie en tertained at auction bridge on Fri day morning and in the afternoon \ira Martin Dunbar invit 1 \ ft - friends in for bridge to meet Mrs. ('la iborne. VI ISS ALMA STANLEY, of Atlan- ‘* * ta and Miss Bessie Fitzpat rick. of Boston, sailed y Boston for a trip of on the Continent. strrrlay from several months \ 1 KS RHODES RR< >WXE and he * daughter, Miss Marjorie Brown*-, of Columbus. Go., will arrive soon to visit Mrs. Herbert Munson on Juniper Street. Club on Alonday inaugurated the se ries. Mrs. Pearson's VYidge lupche.m Wednesday assembled a dozen young girls who were joined for lufichon by as many young foen. Mrs. Pear son’s apartment was decorated in wild azaleas, dogwood blossoms and other spring flowers. The prizes in cluded jeweled hat pins and a gold veil pin, and were won by Miss Alice May Freeman and Miss Charles o«ens. An amethyst hat pin was presented the honor guest. The guests were Misses Owens, Frances Oonnally, Alay O’Brien, All * May Freeman. Margaret Northen, Mrs. .Marshall McKenzie and Mrs. Valdemar Glide. Mrs. Alex Stirling entertained informally at the East Lake Country Club Thursday morn ing for Alls Bowron, and Mrs. Cyrus Strieker entertained informally yes terday afternoon. Mrs. Pearson gave an Informal tea for Miss Bowron. who also tendered a luncheon at the Capital City (hub. Airs. William D. Ellis, Jr. Both Airs Jackson and Miss Jackson were hon or guests at a number of box par- lies of the week. TyjRS. GEORGE STEIGLER. of IVi ('hattannoga. has returned home, after a visit to Mrs. Glascock Mays. A WEDDING of interest to many 1 *■ Atlanta people whs that of Mies Caroline Gordon Williams, daughter <‘f the late Lieut.-Col. C. VY. Williams, S. A., to Lieut. Arthur W. Ford, which took place at home, in Wash ington. D. <\, on Wednesday evening. Aliss William-,' lias visited in At lanta as the guest of Mrs. Burton Smith, and she is a grand-niece of Mrs. John B. Gordon. A TEMPORARY lull is sure to come as a reaction for the exceedingly gay time that society has enjoyed the past week. Indeed, for several weeks past, the calendar has been full of parties. Since Lent the visitors and brides have occasioned much pleas ure. The formal opening of the Pied mont Driving Club serves very well to mack the end of the old season, and the beginning of the new. It is at this affair, the summer gowns and the hats of chiffon and roses are tlonned by Atlanta maids and mat rons, for the first time. The event I is informal, but is always a much anticipated gaiety of the spring, and is usually attended by several hun dred guests. A business meeting at which officers are elected, takes place in the late afternoon, and about dusk, the guests motor o.'t for the innu merable tea parties and the informa: pleasures of the evening. Music is furnished for dancers, and a genera! good time is provided, for the young set and the married people. The annual opening for this spring has been set for May 13. which will give everybody a week to rest up and forget the strain of opera week. James H. Nunnally is President of the Piedmont Driving Club at pres- : ont, and this year has been the most successful in the history of the club , which has been the rendezvous l’or ; society, this season. 9 { r, f F porch in the rear of the Pied- mont Driving Club, which over looks Pieumont Park, was transform ed into a garden, at the elaborate luncheon given Friday by Mrs. Reu ben Arnold, for Mrs. Marshall John ston. of Macon. The walls were liuflg with greenery, and tall palms, thickly clustered, formed a floral bow el, in which canary birds sang. The luncheon table, with covers laid for eighteen, was elaborately decorated, three large baskets filled with pink loses, and spire a, being flanked by smaller baskets of the same flowers. A color scheme of pink and white was observed In detail and an elabor ate luncheon was served. Alusic by an orchestra was a bright feature of the affair, which was greatly enjoyed by Mrs. Arnold’s guests. ' jWflSS Kitty Thornton, of LaGrange, ,, amest of Miss Elizabeth High. She will visit AIs. Albert Thornton, before returning. Phillips McDuffie and young son Phillips, Jr.. will remain East until the middle | of Alay as guests of Mr. McDuffie's parent's. Dr. and Mrs. AT. D. McDuffie, in Asbury Park, N. J. Dr. Harold McDuffie who is well known in Atlanta through his visits to his brother, will grad uate from the New York Medical Hospital during Alay. and Mrs. Mc Duffie will repiain to attend his grad uation. A REA! TIFl L table on the terrace x x at the Driving Club Friday aft ernoon was that of Mrs. Ervin Dick ey when she entertained at tea foi Miss Grace Smith, of Danville, Va. Mrs. Dickey’s former home. Three baskets, one large Ln the center and two smaller at the ends of the table, tilled with La France roses. pink mints, and hand-painted place cards formed the decorations for the attrac tive tea table. Ins ited to meet Aliss Jones were Misses Sarah Ruwsan. Helen Payne Lucy Lamb. Mable Drake. Cobble \ aughn, I* annie Cox, of Knoxville, Mii-s McKenzie, of Augusta, Mrs. Harwood Haynes, Airs. Frank Ad&ir, Airs. Everard Richardson. Mrs. Rob ert Gregg, Mrs. Albert Thornton. Jr., Mrs. Clarence Haverty, Airs. Alex Smith, Jr.. Mrs. John Sommerville. and Mrs. Mitchell King. T17TRS. James Nesbit Hazlehurst on AVA tertained informally at luncheon on Wednesday at her home on Third Street, in compliment to Mrs. Z. ( Patton ar.d Mrs. Reid, of Chattanoo ga. The luncheon table wa* prettily appointed and decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Hazlehurst's guests were Mrs. Z. G. Patton, Mrs. Reid Airs. John King Ottlev, and Mrs. Ed-’ ward M. Hater. A 1’ tlie Terrace yesterday after tin ■Cl matinee. Mrs. Henry Watkins had a few friends to tea to meet her sister, Mrs. Frank Watkins, of Dub lin, Ga. In the party were Alls. George Winship. Mrs. W. D. Built > of Americus; Mrs. Clayton Thread- crost. of Norfolk. Va., Mrs. Haralson Bleckley. Mrs. Walter Alaud. Mis > Flora Watkins, Miss Susie McKinney, und Aliss Ruth Dowell. JV4RS. Robert Jones. Jr., gave a se- AT1 t ies of parties last week in honor of visitors ln the city. Mrs. Albert BeDell, of Opelika, Ala., the guest of Mrs. John Gilmore*., was the honors* at a bridge party on Friday morn ing at the home of Mrs. Jones on Adair Avenue. The house was dec orated m pink honeysuckle and white narcissi, and a hot luncheon was served after the game. Silk stockings and a crepe collar and plaited Jabot were the prizes. Invited to meet Mrs. BeDell were Airs. Valdemar Gude, Airs. Frank Cundell, Mrs. James Jones, Airs. Wil liam Meehan, of Asheville. Airs. Er nest Jones. Mrs. William Meehan, of Asheville. Mrs. Ernest Duncan. Airs. Haralson Bleckley, Mrs. Hamilton Block, Airs. S. C. Atkinson, Aliss Louise Johnson, and Aliss Alargaret Hallman. Thursday evening Mr. and Airs. Jones had twelve guests for bridge in compliment to Aliss Nell Waldo’s guests. ATiss Nancy Clarke and Mis Rena Clarke, of Tavboro, N. C. Miss Nell Waldo won the first prize, a lin gerie collar, Alls? Rena Clarke was given a hand embroidered handker chief, Miss Nancy Clarke was pre sented with a gold filigree pin tray, and John Hardesty received the gen tleman’s prize, a note-book with brass covers. ft/TRS Luther.Rosser. Jr., was hos- tess at two parties on Friday, the first being a theater partv at the Atlanta given for Mrs. Charles Lewis, of Macon, who was the guest of Miss Sarah Lee Evans for a few days last week. After the matinee Airs. Ros ser entertained them at tea at the Georgian Terrace. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Luth- M RS. Oscar Johnson, of Charles ton, S. C., who has been the guest of Mrs. Delos Hill for a week, has been the recipient of many parties since her arrival. Airs. B. AI. Boy kin gave her a tea at the Georgian Terrace last Tuesday. Airs. Fred Cooledge had a bridge for her on Wednesday morning. Airs. Benjamin Watkins entertained six friends at tea at tht* Terrace Thursday after noon for Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Charles Atkinson had a luncheon on Frida j ut the Capital City Club, Mrs. W. H. Wilson hat! a bridge party Friday afternoon, Saturday morning Airs. I> R. Wilder gave a bridge and on Mon day Airs. E. A. Holbrook will give a box party at the Forsyth for Mrs. Johnson. To-morrow evening Dr. and Airs. W. AI. Zirkle will entertain at bridge. Tuesday afternoon Miss Irene SmillU bus a social meeting of her histor\ club to which Airs. Johnson has been invited. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc Call will entertain at auction bridge Tuesday evening for Mrs. Johnson. M RS. JASPER BELL ente vj ISS MACRY LEE COW LES was A * hostess at a box party at the Grand Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Ev erett Giffen, who was Aliss Jane Johnstop. \/I ISS LILLIAN LOGAN is having t plens.irft visit in Asheville. N. C\, where she has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. Cay McCall, for th«* past six weeks, Mis* Logan *will return home on Alay 15. O N Wednesday Mrs. George AI. Battoy gave a luncheon at her home on West 14th Street, at which the guests were Misses Bridges, of Athens Tenn., and Adrienne Battoy, Mrs. Hugh T. In man. Airs. William Gettys, of Athens. Tenn., Mrs. Compton Miller, of New York, Mrs. George Bonney, and Mr M. L. Troutman. M R. and Airs. Barry Wright, of Rome, were week end guests for the opera, coming over for last last night's pet formance. Ull. and Mrs. Alills B. Lam*, of A * A vannah, were in the city for two closing operas guests of Air. Mrs. Robert Alston. Ba the anti rtuined w . club Thursday morning at her home in Inman Park. The house was deco rated in spring flowers, and the guests ineludt tl Mrs. Stewart Rob erts, Mrs. William Kreigshaber, Frank Alarkle, Mrs. W. C. Coles, Lucy Stockard and Miss Lucile nis. Mrs. Aliss Den- M MR. AND MRS. LOGAN PITTS, of Calhoun, spent j at the Piedmont Hotel. M ISS Robyn Younge, of Washing ton. is in the city, a guest at the home of Mrs. AW C. Humphries. M RS. O. E. NEWCOMB, of New York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs William Riley Boyd, for a few days. TV/T R. and Mrs. Riecardo Alartin * entertained Miss Jennie Muh- le> Mrs. J. R. Mobley and Mrs. Jo seph Thompson, of Nashville, who is a friend of Mr. Martin's mother, at at the Geprgian Terrace on Thursda> after'the matinee. " KNERAL and Airs Ubert L. AP 1 will visit in Fori Ogletho', the compli tion of their sfas They will be guests of th>i Lieutenant Chester Mills anti ,\i i| a and of th< ir daught Emil Laurson, and Lieutenant Oil/ upon here. M ISS GLADYS SCHOFIELD, o Macon, is spending a few days as the guest of Airs. James Nesbit Hazolhurst sit her home, corner West Peachtree and Third Street. Mrs. Alls. Luur THK series of parties tor Miss E ! .h * Bowron. of Birmingham, w. «• spent the week with Mrs*. Frank Pearson, were delightful informal affairs, which assembled congenial groups to meet this attractive visi tor. Mrs Dorsey E. Mooreflelh’s in formal luncheon at the Capital City M RS. ROBERT JACKSON and her daughter, Aliss Eunice Jackson, of Nashville, who spent the week with Mrs. Jackson's sister. Mrs. Rob ert Foster Maddox, at Woodhaven, will return home to-morrow. The visit of A1r*v Jackson and Miss Jack- son was marked by a round of beauti ful parties, tht* largest of which was tht- garden party given Friday after noon by Mr. and Airs. Maddox, at Woodhaven. Mrs Jackson wns the honor guest! at the elaborate breakfast given at tin Piedmont Driving Club by Mrs. I Preston Arkwright, and she was afso tendered a breakfast yesterday by Airs. Heffiry S. Jackson. The dinner party given Thursday evening hv Mr. land Mrs. John D. Little was also a! com aliment to Mrs. Jackson. Mist Jackson shared the honors I with Miss Marian Aehison. a former! Nashville girl, at the luncheon given by Mrs. Aladdox Wednesday at Wood haven, and site was the honor guest ’ at the breakfast given Thursday bj I M NEMBER of Atlantans went to ( Marietta for the wedding of Miss Vivian Strong und Mr. Alexander I Duncan Grant, Thursday evening, j The wedding took place at "The Oaks,” the home of Mr. and Mrs. | John Graham! The ceremony was ! performed on the lawn, under a group i of trees. Eighteen young* girls, close friends of the bride, held ropes of pink tulle, caught at intervals with clusters of pink anti white sweet peas which formed an aisle through which the bridal party walked to a band of palms under the low hanging branches of the great oaks. Mrs. Inman Strong Chase was her sister’s matron of honor. Aliss Eloise Brown was maid of honor, and Air. Frank M. Cola was best man. The bridal gown was of white charmeuse satin draped with prin- 1 P-R-I-N-T-O-R-I-A-L-S No. 95 ))))))))) ! ) Exclamations of praise and gratification greet our work when delivered, because our PRINTING bears the stamp of artistic conception and superbly perfect workmanship. All of the BEST you might expect from FS, and a “plus” thrown in as good measure to surprise and delight you. You’ll want your N EXT batch of PRINTING to be as GOOD AS THIS, so you ’ll very naturally want us to do it for ypu. y Phones M. 1560-2608-2614 Printing Co. 46-48-50 W. Alabama, Atlanta. JUNE WEDDINGS Do not delay longer in placing orders for engraved invitations. Our samples represent the very latest shapes and forms that have been accepted by refined and fashionable society. We do not follow we BEAD in originating artistic effects with line ma terial. Our prices are the lowest. Scud for sam ples. which will be supplied free of charge. ,l. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING PO.. Wedding Stiitioiierv Engravers. -17 Whitehall St.. Atlanta, tin. Children s New Wash Suits Styles and Materials Prettier Than Ever Truly the most fascinating display you’ll likely see- Very attractive are the Little Russians with fancy scalloped and hand-embroidered Sailor Collars—and with Military Collars, beautifully braided around neck, down front and around wrist— Sailor Blouse with self or contrast collar and tie shades—Peter Thompson and Middy Styles in. hand some materials and shades— WASH SUITS $1.00 to $5.00 Our New Wash Lines are made of French Reps, Pure Linens, Percale, Linene, Madras and Chambray in Blues, Tans, Pinks, Stripes, plain Whites and French Novelties. according to Styles, Fabrics and vVorkinansbnp. Boys' Lightweight Wool Norfolks—with two pair trousers—fancies only—sizes—7 to 17-$5.00 and$6.60. Br oad w a ik Shoes For Children They’re Nature Shape- soles are extension — and very Flexible—allowing the child’s foot to bend natural ly with every step— Black Patent—Black and Tan Calf—Smoked Horse and White Canvas. Ankle Strap and Lace- Sizes—5 to 8—$1.50. Sizes—8i/a to 12—$2.Q0. Order by Mail—Satisfaction Guaranteed—Prompt and Efficient Service. stllMBERS-HARDWICI 37-39 PEACHTREE Company l/* ATLANTA. GEORGIA 'jj