Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 28, 1913, Image 10

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t TRF. ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS. MONDAY. APRIL 28. 1912. The Dingbat Family The Juice Raised the Deuce Copyright, 1913, Tu'.crnational Nm Service. Herriman To-day s Complete Short Story I T bad seerued to me at (lie time that I could do tli«- thing In entire safe ty. Our troop!* were ordered out to take and destroy a village which lay in the valley by the riverside, ami their operations would be confined to the tower ground. The heights above would be anti rely untroubled, unoccupied. And so I had gained these, after walk ing five miles over gentle slopes of short scrub grass, and then had lain me down on the ridge and watched the skirmish ing. the attack, ami the capture through * pair of glasses KYoin a distance it had all seemed v ery tame. There were little puffs of gnat smoke, men fell, others came on at run. zigzagging in and out In entire disorder, made their weapons and ac coutrements glitter in the sun. and they disappeared under • over of the mud and bamboo village More smoke arose in puffs from the lanes between the houses And then a stream of lilac;. Flag Chinese began to pour out at the run. some of them I pitched forward and la' still, and t o others opened out to pass these by. and .libers limped .me lagged behind the general pace; aid unite irregular crack le fr/nn the village, like tin* burning of crush-wood, told me what was causing these things. But when th. Hale], Flags were out of range and the firing ceased the val ley dropped into dread quietude and there was nothing more to sec. T yawned over it for another half-hour and thon walked a dozen yards down the slope, smoked a couple of cigarettes and began my dejeuner. The regiment of Black •Flags which came down upon me must have started climbing the hill face the very minute I quitted the ridge. Ran Like a Dog. Instinct, as T say, jerked me to my feet, and instinct must have given me .1 prodigious start for when first, my wits came to me I found myself run ning like a frightened dug. It seemed as if ten million bullets whisked past me. and I had n notion T was hit In twenty places. But nothing • logged m legs, and although my heart was trying to jump clear of its moor ings 1 Tan on at a freshened pace. There wasn't a more terrified man in \aiw that minute The shots came drop- ping after me: shots and cries in bar- I* batons Chinese, and the world swam in front. Terror, undiluted, made me a running iutomaton. Beyond a doubt the most cowardly Frenchman In the Hast that moment was myself. I did not attempt to con trovert this fact: L ran on, cringing from every bullet that rustled past me or spurted up the ground beside my : leaping feet; but I sought to find ex- I ruses for my conduct. For good behavior they had raised I me from the ranks to a non-commls- aioticd officer. I low long I ran on in tills blindeu i ■date i «annot tell: but a sharp sting of pain sci tuy wits a-going. It felt 1 like the sc-nr of hot metal burning and frying, and the hurt came somewhere from tlie round of the left shoulder. Instantly my moofi woke again. For he first time there grew upon me a vague resentment against the crew who w ere > alping anil firing In chase; and as 1 scurried on, and the ill-aimed bul lets threw their rushing halo of sound • round my head and. limbs, this in creased to a wild, poisonous hate. Remembered My Revolver. Then, /or Uv first time, 1 remem- I bored my revolver. With bungling lingers I unholstered it. and. turning, bred six rapid shois One man clapped .hands to his far. , screamed shrilly like a child and pitched to the earth, ! his pigtail swung up in the air as bought it had been n black whiplash. '\ * no longer a French gentle- »i* n then ! was a savage beast, lust fal 1o tear n»v enemies' throats. I turned again and fired on. A whole i fusillade ot vengeful shots were ex- Cl nged in return, but none of them found h mark in me. and I laughed aloud in triumph. Whatever happened now I had killed my own weight of enemy. *ul. as I s«y, 1 wanteWl desperately o do more, and now that the paralysis to terror and es< iteineut lmd flashed a way m> mind was beginning to woi»k v\ !i crait and running. Ahead • •I in und t unning athwart nn course was a mudd> wallow they, lulled the i< ad and which -»ur troops had pass ed along barely three hours before to the capture <>f tie* village. To the left were the French lines and safety, hi front, and a hull's throw beyond 1 the road. was the yellow tyrbiri ! st rt ai.i of the river. It was impossiJ\!hi reach the camp even had I risked it. Tim Black Flags uutl anticipated the move and had de luded off a party to outflank me in That direction. B> turning off to the right I might very well bring down the enemy upon our expeditionary force on their march Lack from the village. They might bo prepared to recede them, and gn n tlv»y might not, and I would have died ten times sooner than any move of mine for my own safetj should bring disaster on my comrades. Oftr branch of the service gets sneert-d at enough ns it is. Shots Thick aud Fast. ?*•• I raced on for the road and oassed it. and labored down to flic river. The allots eg me fast and thick now. and two more bullets galled me. but 1 waded through the shallows without further hurt aud gained the deep, tawny river beyond. A sampan was moored u bundled Yards out and a little downstream. I made for it with long, bursting dives. There were half a dozen men or b ard. jumping, gesticulating, and Cvying warnings; mid once, when I came up from an underwater swim, one of them lex fij a match lock at me Another dive and T was upon them, and they received me with knife-stans -aud how the tight turned next 1 could not tell But of n sudden, with a blink and a gasp and a downward blow l • •ante by my wits again, and found that 1 waa pn board the sampan with a curv ed sword in m> hand, and one man lay dead and bleeding at my feel, another was ^dead and floating face downwards with a current astern. Xml the resi were swimming to the fhore. and t wenty Black Flags were firing over their heads as fast os they could. M.' pistol was gone and I could do no snore on the offensive. The wish .»r fight had left me; the lust for .iff ulonc remained. I cut the painter and ia on the sampan’s bottom, whilst s ic -drifted down with the cur- • - n* into owr *»v n lines And yet my officers were pleased i«. .all urn brave, and the general m* the war-medal. 1 tried to refuse it. but they laugh* • at me. ' vedette ‘it ■-eeii.ied • had v. itciied ui*-* through a glas--" fiv.n the moment ..f'fiio first shot b«i»ig fired, a? d they said no man ••ould hav*- behaved more *du«kilv. Dcwt You Da^t eat Thai Soufe Lemon IK MV P*E5>EA/CE. Vov F/aicm Do ajoT TftiPi.1*. uirm The) x AffecTioajs of The. Lower' lemon mv Dove THere. is much to ctAkiy from it. < Sill Isaac VeiajToaj ' Vou KwuA Gaiiajered Much info From i A MERE. AFPCE- OAICE^_v IT IS AJOT HAM b SOME- / I ADMIT? /MR Does it engage iaj The. j IfeftACEFUL CONVOLUTIONS OF C iTEftFSICHORE , NO*. Does IT SH/A/e.') in Poses Pcastiqus., Bor I PRAY You, D&AW AJEAR Amd' GIVE IT A CiOse. Look. — y The Militancy of' These women MOW a DAYS IS .Most exasperating i>0 •' ’Jr There is one SPoTom , This >iAMET UlHERe. I would t uieftt This Eve. KCa-zvt \ >T i 5 Dear old j—^ N f PARK'S Rouj ; inmv s \ ) SAY Pooh-Pooh/_ Tor That There' Sj CrHEfts -< /OTHERS, OTHERS \ I ill HAT OTHERS ? . EiL, SHED-RoeT) /6NATZ.' A/AIT ( So WCRSER j ft)*/ “ •/l Polly and Her Pals 9mwd op aw 1 Lemme fa This Skirt ou Vou, pollw I ’ 'OO'AkIC/A w/ear. n ToMorrosv/ 1 . 1 (joTTA head Ache, MA LET DELICI/1 Do IT 1 DtUCIA'^ done all The HouSe iy/ork JuSt So'S I Could ■ 5eiW, ah' -She'S" ) vy/oRt out! MV HEART BLEEDS' TOR Sbu MA, M BUT ILL WAYE To B4<r<r i Even the Worm Will Hide l.'opiTifht. 1913. International New a Service ' m’ SoMEBODVi Serra do fT or. I'LL KWOW ThE RiAfow WHV! By Cliff Sterrett & Us No More “Port” or “Starboard” All “Left” and “Right” Rcg.ktered United Ftateg Patent Office By Tom McNamara I HEAR THE STARFISH 6IANTS 60/N' TO oET A brand, new pitcher : / l HEAR A PORT HE VrwAKB L)l^ TOO MEAN LEFT ■ ilDER.'. 7+ j DON'T I MEAN PORT AIN'T CHA 60T NO f )"6D«AT6M ?* / TT L2 . „ DONTCHA KWOUU THERE , AlNT NO SECH AMINAL , MO more^the sec RE TART T OF THE NAVT SATs/ \ T? t v V /-)S.OaMARA tv ;i SKIM NT SHAMER'5 60061T DEPARTWENT SHAN&R'S MO. 3 EAST DRAUJ/Nt LESSONi SMIOKE C Slack ) Qmauwi which Fish has his' £)ps nearest ro- (bbTher 2 .-th£ smi&r FISH OF COURSE. iLW certaimlt. sure any body KwctuS that: i. S fJJZTlW tp*- cboujfe ■ From 0 VUILLARD MACIC-U.s. A. WH-I CANT YOU MEUER TELL WHERe A Pi\) \S 60/N6 TO ? AOSOJER TD-/V30RSJUJ Tragedy and the Movies By MALCOLM DOUGLAS ii T v\ dh Kouili. the might> I But Booth, alas, is dead! So now 1 am \ th the m..- y ies.” The old tragedian said. “I11 Chainbersburg and I’ottstown, And likewise Kokomo, You can view me classic features At 5 and 10 a throw “1 was with Booth, the mighty. But Booth has long been dust. So l get me cakes and coffee From the moving-picture trust. “Shakespeare, thou wast me idol. But thee I hadst to can; Me. oh. Bard, for the movies; Me for the camera-man!’’ CLEEK OF THE FORTY FACES The Habit of Lying By T. W. HANSHAW. ’ ight lr Doubloday, Puge & Co CO-DAY'S INSTALLMENT. H Not What Pa Meant. . Host's Youngest -Don't vour sho a I feel very uncomfortable when y >-i ; walk. Mrs. Nury-’he'.’ J .Mrs. Xnrych -Dear me. what -n ! eNtraordinary question! \Yh\ do ; ! ask, chile'* . ilust's YoiUig' said the other • 1 into your money 1 f«»r > ouj b ■ ■ *■ ♦111. Ml E did so forthwith; aud the mo ment the dry leaves fell on the remnants of the tiro which the | caravanners had used to cook their evening meal, there was a gush of aromatic smoke, a sudden puff and then 1 broad ribbon of light rushed upward and dispelled every trace of darkness. And by the aid of that rib bon of light Mr. Nippers >nw some thing which made him almost collapse with astonishment and chagrin. Recognition. The great of the world may—and often do forg t their meetings with the small fry. but the small fry never cease to remember their meetings with tin great or to treasure a vivid iernembrance of that immortal day when then were privileged to rub el bows with the elect. Fiv* years had passed since Mrs. { , ; \ Xurkc! » 1 kipg a place v. '•< r in to r.d t’a summ» r holidays with th.- little Xarkoms and their nurses, had let her choice fall upon Bynhavon-Old-Bridges and had dwelt there for two whole months. Thr< e times during her sojourn her liege lord had come down for a week-end with his wife and children, and during one of these brief visits, meeting Mr. Ephtaim Nippers, the village consta ble. in the public highway, had deigned to stop and ‘ peak to him and to present him with a sixpenny cigar. Times had changed since then; Mr. Nippers was now head constable for the district, but he still kept that cigar vfnder a glass shade on the drawing room what-not. and he still treasured a vivid recollection of the great man who had given it to him and whom he now raw sitting on the ground with his coat off arid his waistcoat unbuttoned, his mustache uncurled and wisps of dried grass clinging to his touseled hair and all the dignity* of office conspicuous by its absence. '•« ‘ . lumtiv} ." said Mr. Nippers with i a ga p. “But do\v:i the lutthuierc cfj them guns >u»u two-i*ut ^**m down quick! It's Mr. Xarkunt—Mr Muv-| erick Narkom, st.-arint;. lit. u i Scotland Yard!” "Hullo!" exclaimed Mr. Narkom. shading In's eyes from the firelight and leaning forward to get a clearer view of the speaker. “How the dick ens do you know that, my man? And! who the dickens are you, any way?! han’t say that I remember ever see- I ing your face before ’ Mr. Nippers hastened to explain that little experience of five years ago. but the circumstances which had impressed itself so deeply upon his memory had passed entirely out of the superintendent’s. Just Discovered. “Oh. that's it. is it?" said he. “Can’t say that I recall the occasion: but Mrs. Narkom certainly did stop at Lynhaven-Old-Bridges some four »r five summers ago; so, of course. : t’s • possible. By 'the way. my man. what caused you to make this sudden descent upon us? And what are these chaps who are with you bearing' uynvi tv* ? -Ain"'! S' Fp “Oil. lummy, sir, y s! a murder’s just been committed, sir—leastwise it’s only just been discovered; but it can’t have been long 'since it w.15 committed, M . Narkom. for Miss Renfrew, who found him, sir, and mve the alarm, she says as the poor dear gentleman was alive at a quarter o eight, ’cause she looked into the room at that time to ask him if there was anything he wanted, and he spoke up ami told her no, and went oh with his figgerin’ just the same as usual." “As usual?" dropped in Cleek. “Why do you say as usual.’ my friend? Was the man an accountant of some sort?" "Lummy! no. sir. A great inventor is what he is—or was. poor gentle man. Reckon you must a heard of him some time or another—’most ev erybody has. Xosworth is the name, sir—Mr. Septimus Xosworth, of the Round House. You could see the " to A. er of it over yon’ if you was to : ste; of t out into Hit hose ttVt-s." roue und Let cl.-'.r “I To Continued To-morrow. IKiN'T know -. on earth makes people lie!” sighed Me- 131]lip. " just naturally do it, 1 suppose. That’s the only way. 1 can account for it. "Now. there’s my own' daughter, Annabel. She took a notion into her head that she would do some lying. She was staying down in the city and some neighbors of ours went down and cailed on Annabel there. "Annabel turned loose. Such 1 string of stuff as she told them! Every night, she said, she had been out joy riding until ? o’clock in the morning! ” Who did the chaperoning?’ the neighbors asked, breathlessly. “‘Who did the what?’ asked Anna bel. “ ’Why, the chaperoning. Didn’t you have a chaperon?' “ ’Well, I should say not,’ said An nabel. "Then Annabel went on to tell that she had been having such a good time with actors and actresses. She knew Maude Adams well, had taken a joy ride with Maude, and Maude wanted to take her with her and make an actress of her, and had promised he. $100 a week «*s n starter. Anna bel had u’fo mot Sothern and had lik-jd him very well, but she had been otfiigec to treat l :m coolly** .lu : 1 Mar owe- Wav s • jealous. '*i r ’i-- had .net a famous a^'otiaxir and he had coaxed her and coa her until she finally made a fij \.;th him. and she enjoyed the perience very much and had rocei several letters arid photographs f the aeronaut since he left town "Soon after the neighbors got h home with these thrilling tales what was going on in the city 1 word of it. I took the first trail the city. Every bird in the a; thought might be some aeronaut ing off with my daughter. I had m up my mind to yank her out of aunt's house, where she was visit without a word of explanation get her home at once. "But when I got to the hous thought better of it. ‘What in world do you mean.’ I said to aunt, ‘by allowing my daughter, a of tender years, to fly around \ aeronauts and actors, and go out ing at all hours of the night witl a chaperon?’ " Are you crazy?’ asked her a 'Annabel has beer) with me et night and has always gone to bei 10:30. There have been no aeront nor actors near her that I know I have been with that child e^ minute, too.' "When I saw Annabel she said had made up those yarns just for She said she was bored and wante start something. The neighbors been so easily shocked when t cai>d onMicr that she couldn’t 1 giving them the full voltage."