Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 30, 1913, Image 19

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r THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL HO. 1913. 19 Atlanta Real Estate Is Certain to Increase in Value. There Are Bargains in These Ads. T he < Georgian’s Rent Bulletin .. ‘REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ROOMAND BOARD. arorkNail'di sk NICELY furnished rooms with board; nil conveniences. 27 Auburn Avenue. Ivy 4398 1-30-23 ROOM, with board, for couple, either sex; North Side; private family, ref erences exchanged. Ivy 6594. 36-30-4 (’AN a< conini lodato f«i iur with r< )otn and hoard at 30 East ('ai n. 1 WO blo< •ks from < ’andler Bldg. Phone Iv y 2903. 1-80 34 AT 513 I’EA( JHTREB with or wit hout board; ; priva ite bath, eh metric lights, etc. 47-30-4 BOOM . A N1) BOARD in private family; all im mveid ences. h; 5 West Peach- tret*, r hone Ivy U104 -J. 4-30-13 TWO newly papered rooms, with trunk room and kitchenette, new; sink, all conveniences; private home: close in; one-half Moot* from Capitol Avenue. 217 Cast Fair Street. 200-29-4 LARGE front room ami small room. furnished. Private home, Peachtree Street, ivy 1779-.I. 4-29-33 LARGE front room, unfurnished, with dressing room and bath, in private family, Peachtree Street. Ivy 1779-.I. 4-29-34 EXCELLENT front room, clean and light; the best board; electricity; con veniences; walking distance; private home. Ivy 2856-L. 205-29-4 R<)(>M \YI » BOARD in private family: North Side; close in. Ivy 5261. 4-29-22 ONE large downstairs room for two; private bath, hot and cold water; elec tric lights; terms reasonable. 223 North Jackson. Ivy 5235-L. 4-29-20 220 PEACHTREE, The Wilton, select, up-to-date boarding house. North Side; business section; near in; table boarders; prompt service. Ivy 5795. 4-29-14 FRONT ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen or couple May 1; dressing room connecting and private porch. Have only a few select boarders; ref erences exchanged. Mrs. Agnew, 19 East Baker Street. Phone Ivy 2923. 27-29-4 LARGE ROOM with private bath; table board; ideal location. 442 Peachtree. Ivy 4562. 4-28-5 PLEASANT front room with three win dow’s; also board. 63 East Cain. Ivy 6933-J. 4-28-18 A FEW BOARDERS wanted at 46 Houston St. Ivy 6673-J. 4-28-17 36 EAST NORTH AYE. BETWEEN the Peachtrees; nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table board. Ivy 6501. 4-28-16 ROOM with board for a couple of young men or business ladies; private fam ily. Call Main 4238-J. 278 Rawson J^gtreet. 4-28-15 DELIGHTFUL rooms; best location; private home; table board a specialty. 256 Capitol. Main 2031-L. 4-28-14 COUPLE., gentlemen or business ladles mav obtain room and board in private West End home; all conveniences. Terms reasonable. Phone West 1255. 70 Grady Place. 45-28-4 TWO young ladles can get room and d ‘ in private_ family; rates rea- 4-26-19 board in pri sonable. Main 280-J. large ROOM with private bath; table board; ideal location. 442 Peachtree.* Ivy 4562. 4-26-25 LISTEN! Call Main 2456-L for quiet, private board and rooms; all conven iences. 308 South Pryor Street, .>0-26-4 LARGE, light room, with board, in an elegantly furnished private, modern home, in the prettiest part of the city; everything strictly first-class; a real pleasant home to a refined, permanent couple; references. 619 West Peachtree. Mrs. Corey. Ivy 5635-J. 4*--4-i NICE downstairs front room and board for two young men; J4.50 week; want ing distance North Side. Call H. Ivy 3045, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 33-24-4 for RENT—To refined couple room and board; private home; north Side; only those wishing something nice need apply. Ivy 7239. *-33-43 NEATLY furnished rooms; homelike cooking, also table board. 127 Capi tol Avenue. Main 517 2 - J. _____ BOARD AND ROOMS. EXCELLENT TABLE; desirable rooms; close in; reasonable. 115 South Pry or. Atlanta phone 4949. 4-20-36 BEST MEALfTlN TOWN, |3 WEEK- ROOM AND MEALS, it 197 SOUTH PRYOR. CALL MAIN 5048. 4-5-54 PEACHTREE INN. A family hotel, located at Peachtree and Alexander Sts. American plan 57.50 to 1X2.60 week. European, $3 to $7 w * e Jf* 34 -RdOiyiJNl) BOARD. Wanted. _ R 00MS FOR RENT. " Furnished. n or ladies; electric lights and hot water, erything convenient; splendid meals v 1295. 358 Peachtree, 4-30-48 CELY furnished front room, in mod ern home; every convenience; Private nily; near business section; West End. est 201-J. 4-30-37 ROOMS FOR RENT. Furnished. ELEGANT front room for couple with out children, in private family. Phone Main 5136-J. 38-30-4 TWo rooms ami kitchenette completely furnished, to parties without children; private family; good location; all con veniences; one block of Grant Park. 128 East Georgia Avenue. 4-30-33 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all conve niences. or large front room, with or without board. Ivy D93-J. 4-30-28 FURNISHED rooms in private home; all conveniences; hot water. 19 East Harris Street. Ivy 6349-J. 4-30-25 FOR RENT One clean, well furnished room: hot and cold bath attached. Ivy 1197. 4-30-21 BRIGHT, airy, well furnished room; connecting hath, hot water, everything first-class. Main 2780. 206-30-31 FURNISHED rooms; Apartment 3, 14 West Peachtree. Phone Ivy 2179. 4-30-41 FOR RENT—One furnished room to one or two gentlemen. Wellington Apart ments No. 2, corner Houston ami Ivy Streets. 200-30-4 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping and one furnished front room. Main 3458-L. 121 South Pryor. 4-30-17 DELIGHTFUL furnished rooms, near business center; all conveniences; de sirable location. Trinity Apartment No. 2 . 308-30-4 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, new home, every convenience; also large sleeping porch. West 950-J. 4-30-24 ONE excellent room, with or without board; private home; North Side. Ivy 6221. 4-30-19 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, in walking distance of town, with pri vate family. Address B., care Georgian. 4-30-12 TWO connecting front rooms for house keeping, private home; every conven ience: also front bed room. Ivy 2483-J. 325 Courtland ^ 4-30-11 FURNISHED room to gentleman, near Peachtree; meals within the block. Ivy 6995. 4-29-32 ; fWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping. $3 per week. 266 Whitehall Street. Main 2915. 4-29-36 ONE nicely furnished front room for rent. 388 Rawson Street. 205-27-4 HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, private bath, shady lot; gentle man preferred. Peachtree, care Geor gian. 113-27-4 W ELL- FURNISHED APARTMENT and also separate furnished room; all conveniences; close to town. Ivy 6575. 1 ? 3 - I iy_® lre ®L 4-29-35 ONE "nicely furnished room In the Corinthian Apartments for elderly or business lady only; connecting bath. Call Ivy 1717. 4-28-4 FURNISHED ROOMS arranged for honsekeon^-- f private bath; refer ences. OwneTr’250 Woodward Avenue. Main 2590. 48-29-4 FOR RENT—I^arge furnished room be tween the Peachtrees, in Linden Ave nue. to couple or young men; electricity; private family. Ivy 6246-J. 44-29-4 ONE nicely furnished front room, rea sonable. Close in. Address B. K., care Georgian. 208-29-4 TWO or three connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping; reasonable rent. Phone Ivy 3287-J. 4-29-19 LARGE front corner steam-heated room, opens on very large porch: 3 windows, large closet, electric lights and bells, elegantly furnished in ma hogany: adjoins beautiful white tile bath; plenty hot water all hours. Close in. Vacant on first. Prefer gentlemen. 190 Ivy St. Phone Ivy 5078. 4-29-15 NEWLY furnished rooms, private fam ily, all conveniences. Close In. 82 j W. Harris. Ivy 3607-J. 4-29-13 ONE furnished room; close In; two gen tlemen or business couple. Call M. 5180. 4-28-13 ONE nicely furnished room ror rent; all conveniences. 43 West Peachtree Street. Ivy 2160. 4-27-42 NICELY furnished, large room, with private bath. 64 Forrest Ave. 4-24-15 ROOMS, nicely furnished, private home; all conveniences; new bunga low. Ivy 2329-J. 4-27-16 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences. 45 Williams; apart ment 3, third floor. Ivy 2116. 4-19-14 Unfurnished. TWO large unfurnished connecting rooms with all conveniences; suitable for light housekeeping. Apply No. 8 Highland Ave. Bell phone Ivy 3865- FOUR unfurnished rooms with kitchen ette; private bath; $16. 387 Central Ave. 4-30-212 APARTMENTS FOR RENT._ Furnished. <>< ilTKTllOHl’ KAPARTMKNTK. SIX-ROOM furnished apartment for rent from Ma\ 1 to September 1 or longer; all conveniences. Apartment 1, 195 Ivy St. Ivy 759. 36-29-4 TW<> rooms, kitchenette and bath; also garage; references. Phone Ivy 2432. 4-29-17 APARTMENT of three beautiful room?. Inman Park; private home; new; large kitchen, with all conveniences; screens; east porch. Phone Ivy 2329-J 4-28 41 Unfurnished. i’A>Tt~ ,- TfEl^T~G6T^roon?^~Mearn heated apartment; close in; North Side. Stew art & Cooper, 317 Peters Building Main 1228. 4-30-45 FOR RENT—Apartment, three rooms and bath; all modern conveniences; close in; references required. Bell phone 2985. 46-30-4 WANTED—To sub-lease an unfurnished apartment, all modern conveniences. Apt. H, 312 Rawson St. Phone M 5478-J. 52-29-4 IN THE HERBERT, Z 44 Courtland Street, close in, on North Side, six rooms and bath, front and back porches, steam heat, hot water, janitor service, rent $42.50. Reference required. Apply Herbert Kaiser, 411 Atlanta National Bank Building. Phone Main 276 or jan- Itor on premises. 4-25-29 «>R RENT—Nice hve-room apartment ; front and rear porches. Apply to Owner, 356 North Jackson Street. At- lanta phone 78. 4-24-3 HOUSES FOR RENT. TWTMW^I- S ROOM^IIotj^Er^furnfRhe(fr couple of blocks from postoffice. Main 3345. 4-28-29 COMPLETELY furnished nine-room brick house; sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; Ponce DeLeon Ave. Call Ivy 2117 from 8 to 12 a. m. 4-27-24 Furnished or Unfurnished. room cottage; close in; garden planted Call Main 3639-J. 107-27-4 Unfurnished. IN WEST END—Six-room cottage, modern conveniences; large lot; $25. Sttwart & Cooper, 317 Peters Building. Main 1228. 4-30-43 HOUSE, very large and light, on large lot; very large porches and servants’ house. Most desirable location; would like to reserve one room, and also have three young men that would like to keep one. Will rent whole house, also nine-room house. Ivy 6705. 4-28-6 ^jharp & J Joylston INVKSTMKNTX. U I* K If CKNT Fourth Ward negro property, in fine condition, well located and always rented. This is a No. 1 investment, Price stsl0,0Q0, and can make terms. Good reason for selling. 17 PER CENT —Another piece of Fourth Ward ne gro property, close in. This is a little pick-up. Price $700 cash. lti PER CENT—Four negro houses near Walker Street, comparatively new, location good. This is in one of the best negro sections in At lanta. Rents for $35 month. Price $2,500. WE .also have several good investments in this class of property. Call in and sec us and let us tell you about them. Builders of Atlanta EFINF.D couplUwttKoneUchfldTtwo years old desire board with private rally; Close in: North Side preferred, tate price and location. Address L. F. cm. P. O. Box. 1731. Atlanta. 4-30-2 OOM AND BOARD by gentleman of 29' location North Side and fairly near i; private family preferred; rarty who 111 also board my wife and girl of four, •ho are to Join me later. Best of ref- rence Prices should be reasonable, ddrees F. S. Parrlgan, care Piedmont iotel. 63-29-4 WANTED—June 10, room and board for wife of traveling man; connecting atli and privilege of using piano; want □let place near car line; man pay flat ites while in town. Call Room 15, [arlon Hotel, between 7 and 8 a m. TWO rooms, suitable for light hiuse keeping in home of family of three adults, to couple without children; hot and cold water, electricity, gas. Inman Park to Clifton car. 39 Royston Ave nue. 4-30-5 FOR RENT—Three connecting unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping; gas, water and bath. References. 91 West Harris. 28-30-4 FIVE beautiful upstairs rooms, nath, gas, electricity and use of phone; with couple. 1.1 North Moreland Avenue. Calf Atlanta 929. 203-29-4 $25—Six-room house. 78 Crew Street. In good repair. 824 Atlanta National Bank Building. Main 2683. W. C. Tol bert. 4-27-23 OUR RENT list describes everything for rent. Call, write or phone for one. Ivy 3390 Charles P. Glover Realty Co., 2 l / a Walton street. 2-13-49 FOR RENT—Seven-room modern cot- tage, $30; instantaneous water heater; near corner Pine and Jackson. Apply 310 East Pine St., or phone Owner, Ivy 4814-L. 4-27-200 GEO. P. MOORE, Real Estate and Renting. 10 Auburn Avenue. FOR RENT. AT No. 212 Rawson Street, corner Cen tral Avenue, we have a second-floor flat of six rooms, carrying all modern conveniences. The walls have just been retinted, and the house is in first-class condition; within ten minutes’ walk of center of the ctiy; close to school, and in best section on the South Side. Price $27.50. NO. 8 Connecticut Avenue, Edgewood, Ga. At this number you will find a six-room cottage, with all conveniences, except bath; large lot; house is in good repair. This is an ideal place for any one who desires to raise chickens, as the lot is very large, " HOTELS FOR RENT. WE offer the Eureka Hotel for rent from September 1, 1913 to reliable and enterprising party. Only hotel in citv of 5.000 population, and a splendid prop osition for right party ABBEVILLE! HOTEL CO., Box 38, Abbeville, S, C. 4-27-1 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. DESKflTPACE, use of phones, centrallv located office building, $6. Main 5258-.T. 29-30-4 DESK SPACE with use of telephone. Apply 533 Candler Bldg. 4-25-9 GROUND FLOOR, small store or office; rent cheap; long lease. 6 Auburn Avenue, two doors off Peachtree. Phone Ivy 1372. 4-24-14 WILL SELL beautiful east front lot at East Lake for $600 on terms $50 cash, balance $10 monthly. Be quick. Owner, Box 743, care Georgian. 50-29-4 WE offer for sale a Druid Hills lot at a bargain. Address Box 410, care Georgian. 43-29-4 ON THE PRADO, Ansley Park, near Piedmont car, large two-story home; two baths, servant’s room, with toilet; thoioughly modern; for exchange. Ad dress Box 51, care Georgian. 203-28-4 LEASE OR SALE—Artistic bungalow; screened, tiled, furnace, garage. Ad dress “Ansley Park,” care Georgian. ' 112-27-4 NEW SUBDIVISION—150 large lots, close to car line, in beautiful suburb of Atlanta, $100 each; $5 down, $2.50 a month; no Interest, no taxes. No trou ble to show this property. Greater At lanta Realty Company, 608 Grant Build- ing. Phone Ivy 5513. 4-27-43 TWO OR THREE furnished or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. 39 West Linden. 4-29-18 ENTIRE second floor of four rooms and bathroom, hot and cold water, sink; owner’s residence; references. 530 Piedmont Avenue. 26-29-4 THREE beautiful rooms; gas; electric- itv; every modern convenience. 133 Capftol Avenue. 4-28-3 ON CAPITOL AVENUE, four upstairs rooms, porch, back stairs and bath: couple without children. References ex changed. Atlanta phone 3316. 28-28-4 TWO connecting front rooms; all con veniences; specially suited for light housekeeping 1 Angler Ave. Phone Ivy 181. 32-28-4 IE nicelv furnished front room with irivate porch, all conveniences close Trinity Apartments No. 6. o5-29-4 -\TLY furnished room in private lome for nurse or gentleman; good ighborhood. Mam 46.,8-J. 4-»8-. PK large room with bath, on first loor; close in. 485 Peachtree Street 11 mornings. Ivy 6103. JE nicely furnished room; all con- ;eniences; North Side. Call CE furnished rooms: also light house - <eeping rooms. Main 2665-J. HO i Spring Street 4-o8-4<) THREE large connecting rooms, with separate gas, sink and pantyy. 530 Lawton. Main 847. 4-27-56 THREE large connecting corner rooms; walking distance; gas, bath, sink; ith Side; couple or 533 4-L. ng adults. Main 4-27-19 Furnished or Unfurnished. yvyVVWVWSAA/W^*^VWVWA^vr^W\A/W)^V^ FURNISHED or unfurnished room; hot baths, electricity; North Side; 12 min utes' walk to Candler Bldg.; reasonable Ivy 899-J. 4-29-16 i RENT—Furnished room In an lartment, close to postoffice: $17.50 month; references exchanged. Phone 2325 4:6-44 ETTY front room; electric lights; ltn; telephone. *10. 62 ner Baker. Ivy 6i60-J. 4-26 201 ROOMS WANTED Furnished. THREE furnished^ light housekeeping rooms wanted where cleanliness and carefulness will be appreciated with reasonable rent. Hurry, Box 36. care Georgian. 47-29-4 ET large. attractive, cool front room i second floor; convenient to bath, rv modern convenience: ideal loea- i; on North Side. Ivy 1.44-L, ‘ELY furnished front room in rnod- •n home; every convenience; pr.vale iiy; near business section; West End. st 201-J. 4-30-35 Furnished. WAT^TEfi—Furnished house nr apart- ment for summer by man and wife, no children; six or eight rooms. Must be near car line and reasonable. State price and full particulars in answer. Address S., Box 30, care Georgian. 4-30-29 FARMS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Four small" farms, one lO 1 /^. one 20 and 30, and one 60 acres; all In high state of cultivation; one and a half miles Austell, Ga.; three five-roorn houses in Austell, Ga.. one eight-room house In Douglasville, Ga. Address P. (). Box 177, Austell, Ga. 200-29-4 BEAUTIFUL sutmrDan home site, six acres, on ear line; will sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. Owner, Box 813, care Georgian. 4-23-11 STORES. For Rent. LET US BUILD you a nome. Will buy you a lot or pay off your lot. Terms to suit. 400 Temple Court. Main 4189. 4-18-43 brick store, next door to Jacobs’ pharmacy, Gor don and Lee Streets, West End. Suit able for any first-class business. Phone Ivy 190. 4-23-201 BUSINESS PROPERTY For Rent. THE BEi^T^closeGn^coal yard in~AO lanta. with trestle and railroad facili ties. We are in position to give lease. Close in on Western and Atlantic Rail road. Call Greene Realty Company, 611 Empire Building. Phones 1659. 4-27-60 STABLES. For Rent. call Ivy 206. >n, 4-28-33 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Wanted^ \\vCntTTu ^PnfurnTshed”" rooms for light housekeeping. Young ^ couple REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. PoK SALE Oil EXCHANGH^'Tlne brick store house 22x80 centrally lo cated In Fayetteville, Ga.; 8 per cent in vestment: no agency need apply. Ad dress J. B. E., 363 Euclid Avenue. At lanta, Ga. 4-29-28 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE by owner, five-room house with five, ten or fif teen acres, five miles from center of city. W. W. Moore, 1 Abbott. Phone West 1236. 4-24-4 FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES and build ing lots In College Park, the most de sirable suburb of Atlanta, see I. C. Mc- Crory. REAL ESTATE WANTED, ONE DOUBLE house In cheap negro locality, three rooms each side. Give price and location when replying. Cash, P. O. Box 150, Atlanta. Ga. 4-19-3 without children care Georgian Address E., Box 175. 4-29-5 HOUSES WANTED. Unfurnished. ine or ten-room house on North Side to rent unfurnished; will take two or three-year lease on house in desirable location. H. N., Box 412, care Georgian. 4-30-31 LANDLORDS—List your vacant houses with Stewart & Cooper, Renting Agents, 317 Peters Building. Phone Main 1228. 4-30-44 APARTMENTS WANTED. Unfurnished. XvOC^T^fr^ModerrT^Norih "Side apart ment of four rooms, unfurnished, state particulars and will call Saturday if sat isfactory. V\ .. P. O. Box 1718. 45-30-4 MEDICAL. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath In 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swelling in fifteen to twenty days. Uol- lum Dropsy Remedy Company, 408 Aus tell Bldg . Atlanta. Ga. 6-25-11 DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. WORKS white you sleep. It acts on the liver, bowels and the kidneys and removes the foul waste matter from the Intestinal tract that causes 90 per cent of all human ills. Office, 98 Ashbv Street. 4-9-16 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 60c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manu facturing ohemratB. 11 North Broad St., Atlanta. W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON heal estate, renting and L( FOR SALE. 1 W • > new sH-room bungalows on CliHfhaiii Street, Just off \f»,reland Avenue; hardwood floors, combination fixtures, hath, etc.; on nice large lots. Urict $4,500; on ca: \ terms. See Mr. Martin. A \ \CANT L< )T, 46 h> 168; one of the few left on McLendon Street; nice y elevate d; facing north; near Mon ‘land Avt nue. Price $ 1,950. See Mr. lohen. 1UU A< m us >f land not far from the Rive r car line . with four room house; cot \ enient t» sch )ols and churches. «>my $2,000. Reasonable terms. See Mr. White. '' 'I < »h*n mhkkt, one block from South Decatur and East L.ake Gar line, we have three nice homes of five rooms each, on lots 60 by 400, a small farm W o ar going to sell these places for $2,250; $200 cash.and $15 per •month. See Mr. Radford. ON PIEDMONT AVENUfC, near Hous ton. a sub-division of lots, ranging in size from 23 by 140 feet to 26 by 180 feet, at $175 a foot, on terms of one-fifth cash and balance one, two, three, four years, with 6 per cent in terest These are good buys. See Mr. Collins. IF YOU HAVE MONEY to IANS. 11 EDGEWOOD AVE. FOR RENT. 7-r. h., 65 Austin Avenue $40 00 6-r. h., 22 Grad A Place 20.00 6-r. h., M Gordon Avenue, Kirk wood, Ga 30.00 6-r. h., 1170 PeKalb Avenue 30.00 6-r. 11., corner Harvard ami Maiden I*ane, College Park 20.00 6-r. apt. Stockton Apartments.. 36.00 K-r. fiat 193 Capitol Avenue .... 33.10 6-r. fiat 40-A Eugenia Street . 6-r. h., 21 Warren Street ... 6-r. h., 17 Ltuile Avenue 6-r. h , 1166 PeKalb Avenue 6-r. h , 411 Greenwood Avenue. 25.00 6-r. h.. 36 Murray Hill Avenue.. 22.50 6-r. h , 44 Howard Street. Kirk wood, Ga 6 r. h., 693 S. Boulevard ... .. 6-r. h . 12 Howard Street, Kirk wood. Ga -r. h., 61 Mansfield 25.00 20.00 25.00 27.50 22.50 25.00 22.50 25.00 30.00 15.^9 25.00 25.00 17.60 6-r. h., 40 Whiteford Avenue 6-r. h., 28 S.« Warren 6-r. h., 140 Prexell Street. .. 6-r h., 9 Lyons Street 6-r. h., 49 Mills Street 6-r. h.. 127 W. Boulevard PeKalb 20.00 6-r. h.. 60 Highland Avenue 20.00 6-r. h., 210 Sells Avenue 30.60 6-r. h., PeKalb Ave . Oakhurst. 17.60 6-r. h., 289 East Fifth Street. .. 32.50 AND A LONG LIST of larger and smaller houses, and we always take pleasure in showing them. Come tef see us. lend, we can place it safely No. 269 Juniper Street A Desirable Home Near Tenth St. this is not a reuted-out place, but a well-kept home occupied by the owner. It is a house that is new and modern in its appointments, one that has been main tained in a high stare of efficiency. The location is the very best. Price $9,000. Reasonable terms. Forrest & George Adair FOR RENT. 456 Ll’CKIE STREET—On the west side of Luckie Street, between Nesbit and North Avenue, we have a three-story fourteen-room frame, has gas, hot and cold water, bath, vvashstand, closet, sink and electric lights; In good condition; the street cars in front. Lot 40 by 100. $60. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. YVOODSIDE. Atlanta Phone 618. 12 AUBURN AVE. Bell phone Ivy *71. AN IDEAL HOME IK YOU are looking for a nice home THIS IS what you want. On McLendon Avenue, eight-room two-story, hardwood floors, gas and electricity, newly paved street on beautifully elevated lot 44xlsn. Price *6.250; easy payments LET US SHOW YOU THIS. THIS IS A SPLENDID HOME ON THE NORTH SIDE, and is cheap at this price. J. R. SMITH & J. H. EWING Ivy 1513. REAL ESTATE, RENTING, IOANS. 130 Peachtree Street. Atlanta 2866. j Announcement Soon Of $200,000 Deal Semi-Central Trade in Contract Stage—Race Track and Street Grading—Auction Sale. Announcement of a sale of central property involving $200,000 and an other of $150,000 is expected to be made in the next few days. Attor neys are busy examining titles, and it is believed The trade;-/ will go through without a hitch. The past few weeks of business in real estate has been characterized by a number of interesting transactions in the nature of swaps. Many realty men and capitalists find it profitable to exchange properties rather than to put up large sums of cash, the result being virtually the same. Fast Work on Prince Track. Real estate men are already her alding a prospective increase in prop erty values through the erection on Jackson Street and Boulevard of Jack Prince’s motorcycle track. Permit to build this structure was sought some REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Three-room house, in white section, three doors off Highland Ave nue. Price $650. Call McMillan. Ivy 5382. 48-30-4 NICE LOT, 100 by 200, In Decatur Heights Close to car line. $150 cash, >Rlance $6.80 a month. No taxes, no Interest. Price $340. Address Owner, 38 Broyles Street, Atlanta, Ga. 4-27-17 FOR RENT BY Chas. P. Glover Realty Co. 2i/, WALTON ST. 12- r. h. 40 West End Avenue . $ 50.00 6-r. h., 261 East Georgia Ave $27.50 12-r. h.. 17 East North Avenue.. 100.00 6-r. h., 123 North Lawn Street 25.00 12-r. h. 12-r. h. 386 Spring Street 82 Central Place 40.00 35.00 6-r. h., 137 Venable Street 18.00 10-r. h., Ponce DeLeon Avenue. 75.00 6-r. h.. 21 Daley Street 13.50 9-r. h. 423 Gordon Street 45.00 6-r. h . 989 Glenn wood Avenue 16.50 8-r. h. 3 West Eighth Street 5-r. h., 31 Turman Avenue 25.00 (furnished) 75.00 4-r. h., Ill Kelly Street 18.00 8-r. h. 531 Courtland Street... 47.50 4-r. h., 211A* Whitehall Street . 15.00 8-r. h. 739 North Boulevard... 42.50 4-r. li., 1 Forrest Street 9.50 8-r. h. 34 East Cain Street... 3-r. h., 722 East Fair Street 6.60 - 7-r. h.. 107 Capitol Avenue. .. 45.00 3-r. b., 63 Tumlin Street 6.60 6-r. h.. 29 Palmetto Avenue.. . . 15.00 3-r. h., 46 Hampton Street . . . . 6.60 6-r. h. 165 Highland Avenue... 30.00 3-r. h , 26 Tennessee Avenue 8.60 6-r. h., 227 Peeples Street 32.50 3-r. h., 1 Connecticut Avenue.. 8.00 time ago. Excavations arc well un- feet, east side Jackson Street, 183 Look These Over $7,000—Ansley Park home; eight rooms; lot 60 by 400; near car line; easy term s. $4,000—Ansley Park home; six rooms; lot 60 by 200; near car line; easy terms. $1,500—Ormewood Park; beautiful corner lot; 160 by 150, on car line; paved street; city water and electric lights; easy terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18-20 WALTON STREET. BOTH PHONES. der way, »pd some of the building feet south of East Avenue; April 25. i material o already on the ground. $315—J. M. Beasley to O. L. Weekes, j lot 40x125 feet, northeast corner Clay Well-Known Homes for Rent. and Wetherby Streets; April 19, 1911. A local penting agency has had list- $8,000—Mrs. Isabella J. Hilburn to | ed for renting 730 Peachtree J. R. Seawrlght and T. O. Poole, Nos Street, known as the Phillips home, at j 343 and 345 Whitehall Street, 60x136 1 the southwest corner of Seventh ! feet; April 25. Street. This agent also has 500 J $7,525—H. G. Hutchison to H. O. ’eachtree, northwest corner of Lin- Reese, lot 21x91 feet, east side South FOR SALE BY GREEN E REALTY COMPANY 511 EMPIRE BLDG. REAL ESTATE. RENTING. LOANS. Phones 1599 GRANT PARK COTTAGE. We have a 6-room cottage on on© of the prettiest South Side streets, has all conveniences, and a real home to be ap preciated. Only $3,500, on terms. SEE US QUICK. den Street, the Zahner place, and for renting until November 1, the Hines home, at 862 Peachtree, northwest corner of Eleventh. Another agent has the L. R. Bratton home on Peach tree Road. Pea-.otree Auction Sale. An auction sale of 42 lots will be held this afternoon In E. Rivers’ Peachtree Heights subdivision, on Peachtree Road, just north of Peach tree Creek. Steve R. Johnston will be the auctioneer. The terms are one- fourth cash, and the balance in 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, or one and two years at 6 per cent Forsyth Street, 81 feet south of Trin- ! ity Avenue; April 24. Loan Deeds. $2,000—Mrs. Eula C. Morgan to; Mortgage Bond Company of New j York, 7 Luclle Avenue, 40x150 feet; April 29. $500—W. H Sims to Miss Mary C. Jones, lot 50x120 feet, west side Syl- ; van Avenue, land lot 55: April 28. $3,850—Mrs. M. E. Holcombe to 8. j J. West, lot 50x170 feet, north side Lucile Avenue, 97 feet east of Pee ples Street; April 29 $2,600—Mrs. M. E. Holcombe to j The class of this property Is such i Mrs. Mary C. J. Griest, same proper- that a representative crowd of bid- ty ' Apnl ders Is expected to gro out. Stores Finished June 1. Three new stores now being erect ed by A. G. Rhodes at the northwest corner of Marietta and Cone Streets $1,500—J. N. Suttles to Penn Mu tual Life Insurance Company, lot 50x200 feet, west side Park Avenue. 60 feet north of Glynn Street; April 17. $1,500—J. H. Russell to same, 139 will be completed June 1. The num- Milledge Avenue, 97x96 feet. April 17. bers are 97-101-103 Marietta Street $1,500—Alonzo Richardson to Mrs. These are on the old Barclay & Bran- T. Fortson, lot 80x190 feet, south don corner, which was purchased ,ide Cambridge Avenue. 220 feet west some weeks ago by Mr. Rhodes. I ot Hemphill Avenue, College Park; j March 27. $75—-Mrs, Laura A. Sherwood to W. E. Treadwell, 255 and 257 Orm* WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. Real Estate and Builders Main 2106 • 4th National Bank Bldg. ANSLEY PARK HOMI&--It's new, eight rooms: has everything; very large lot, with a beautiful outlook; near car; $8,000: $600 cash, balance easy. PIEDMONT AVENUE—Ten-room home, near Ponce DeLeon. As an Invest ment and a home this is hard to beat. Price around $12,000. It's worth $14,000. BEAUTIFUL North Bide bungalow jisix rooms, furnace, hardwood floors, tile bath, French mirrors, etc. This is new; location the beat. Will sell at a price that is attractive, or will consider an EXCHANGE. What have you? HIGHLAND AVENUE LOT. right at Ponoe DeLeon. Thla is such a bar gain we will have to wait to tell you more about it in person. ANSLEY PARK—On The Prado, level lot. between homes that run well up in five figures, and near a car, too. Thla beautiful lot, $2,760; terms. LITTLE STORE and living rooma; good North Sid© street; good stand; $2,760. Owner will take a lease one to three years, at $360 a year. LET US BUILD FOR YOU—Cash or on easy terms. Bring us your plans, or we will get up the plans without cost to you. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Warranty Deeds. $17,500—Mrs. Sarah P. Adams to W. M. Johnson. No. 69 Auburn Ave. 50x112 ft. April 29. $3,700—Mrs. Luella Skinner to J. H. Slater, lot 75x297 ft., north side Westminster Drive, being lot 9, bloc 11. Ansley Park. April 29. $400—0. T. Camp to J. H. Russel, lot 25x97 ft., east side of Oaklmid Ave.. 73 ft. south of Milledge #ve. April 29. $6,750—S. J. West to Mrs. M. R. Holcombe, lot 50x170 ft., nortl/ side Lucile Ave., 97 ft. east of Peeples St. April 29. $225—Jos. D. Evans to Nancy O. Williams, 25 acres in northeast cor ner land lot 35. November 29, 1890. $100—James S. Morgan to Marcus W. Williams. 12 1-2 acres in north east corner land lot 35. October 24, 1890. $1,000—J. E. Wardlaw to Reuben R. Arnold et al, lot 114x331 ft., west side Semmes St., on south lino of land lots 166 and 133 ft. west of its souths east corner. April 29. $400—Atlanta Real Estate Company to Thos. E. Phillips, lot 81x166 ft., east side of Hobson St., 98 ft. nprth of Nancy St. April 22. $2.000—J. S. Stevens to City oft At lanta, lot 60x290 ft., south »id > of Avon Ave., known as Oakland |City School lot. April 26. $400—Paul Cousins to R. C. Cock ier, 1-2 acre on Harvard Ave., 200 ft. west of Maiden Lane. April 4, 1912. $8,500—Mrs. Lena Chamlee to W. T. Henry, lot 50x300 ft. north side of Euclid Ave., 180 ft., northeast of Druid Circle. April 29. 1913. $3.750—Morris Brandon to Andrew' C. Woolley, lots 9 and 10 and- part of lot 8, block 21, Ansley Park, on Mad dox Drive. April 29. $2,075 Mrs. Janet T. Fortson to Alonzo Richardson, lot 80x190 ft., south side of Cambridge Ave., 220 ft. west of northeast comer block 99. in College Park. March 27. $2,250—W. T. Henry to W. M. Nichols, lot 47x200 ft., west side of Lee St., 265 ft. north of Park St. April 29. $15,750—Mike G. Azar et al. to George Gordon. No. 58 North Butler St.. 97x261 ft. No date. $3,000—Hugh Richardson to Mrs. Mattie A. Starnes, No. 325 Auburn Ave.. 25x85 ft. April 25. $2.000—Same to same, Nos. 2 and 4 Climax Place. 30x75 ft. April 25. $1,100- -M. George Azar to W. Kfiniansky lot 95x195 ft., northeast corner Eubanks and Harrison Ave?. April 10, 1912. $7,500 - Samuel Al. <*arson to Sam uel E. and Walter H. Ivey, lot 45x204 Street, 55x100 feet; September 7. 1912. $1,600—Samuel E. and Walter H. Jvey to Mrs. Della A. Evans, lot 45x 204 feet, ea^t side Jackson Street, 183 feet south of East Avenue; April 26. $15,000—George Dole Wadlgy to W. E. Miwipeav T42.7 acres at Northwest corner land lot 212, Fourteenth Dis- trTclk also 9.6$acres at sqijtheast cor. ner/and lot 2l^Fouiteghth District; nls#f 12.03 acres riTWTffWgfr’F6rner land lot 237. Fourteenth District; also 30.07 -acres at southeast corner land lot 238. Fourteenth District; April 24. $950—W. H. Gdrman et al. to W. H. Bryan, lot 50x143 fe e t, northwest cor ner Spring and Hunnicutt Streets; March 26. $5,000—T. O. iPoole and J. R. Sea- wright to Herman A- BwfUmuller, lot 60x136 feet on Whitehall Street, at north line of alley between this and E. B. Rosser’s property. April 28, 1913. $1,250—Mrs. Ida A. Turner to Ful ton County Home Builders, lot 50x169 feet, north side Greenwood Avenue, 700 feet west of Williams Mill Road. April 25, 1913. $1,888 Mrs Ada T. Ralls to same, lot 50x185 feet, north side Ninth Street,/250 feet east ^ Wilkins’ east line. Ignd lot 54, Seventeenth District. April 28, 1913. to S^curo. $876—O. D. Gorman, Sr., to Mrs. Eva S. Corrigan, lot 60x143 feet northwest corner Spring and Hunni cutt Streets. November 14, 1912. $1,325—Jacob Chomsky to Albert H. Bailey, lot 60x146 feet, southeast cor ner Richardson and Ira Streets. No vember 25, 1912. Quitclaim Deeds. $1 — Dodson’s Printers’ Supply Com pany to F. E. Harden, lot 25x113 feet, east side Estoria Street, being part of Pearl and Waterhouse property, land lot 20. April 22, 1913. $1—W. A. Charters to Mrs. Emma L. Cunningham, lot 150x578 feet, southwest side McDonough Road, 1,008 feet north of formerly Rev. J. R. Rog ers’ property, now the property of U. S. A. April 26, 1913. Bonds for Title. $11,000— W. T. Henry to Mrs. Lena Chamlee, lot 50x200 feet, west side Lee Street, 202 feet north of Park Street. April 29. $3,000—C. C. Gillett to F B. Mat thews, lot 30x80 feet, west side Roach Street 298 feet south of West Fair Street. April 16. $5,000—Mrs. Jennie P. Baggett to Beautiful Ponce DeLeon Avenue Lot in Druid Hills—More Than Acre of Ground BEST VALUE IN DRUID HILLS Vacant lot having a frontage on Pone? DeLeon Avenue of 210 feet and a depth of 236 feet. A perfect beauty. Special price for this week only, far below the market price. Takes only $2,000 cash to handle It; balance *asy. Come to our office and let us tell you what a bargain we are offering. THE L. C. GREEN CO. 305 Third Nat’I Bank Bldg. Phones Ivy 2943, 4546. MONEY WE HAVE ample connections whereby we can make loans on desirable real estate in the city. Anyone wishing to have a loan made quickly will please see us. We can place the ap plication without any unnecessary delay. Ralph O. Cochran Company 74-76 Peachtree Street. FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODSIDE SNUG INVESTMENT— IRA STREET. (Nos. 238 and 240.) Two good cottages—in very good condition. Nice rent return. Make offer. THOS. R. FINNEY, Sales Manager. 12 "Real Estate Row.” A. W. and W. M. Callaway, lot 50*18$ feet, soutli side Hope Street. 100 feet west of Humphries Street. April 18. $31,000—George Gordon to Mrs. Editha W. Wilcox, No. 58 North But ler Street, 97x261 feet. April, 1913 $6,000—Mike G. Azar to same, lot 38x100 feet, southwest side Armstrong I’lace. 164 feet northwest of Butler Street. April, 1913 $5,400—T. P Turner to H. S. Terry, No 63 Oglethorpe Avenue, 32x190 feet. April 10. $7,000—W. H Wynne to Mrs. Hat tie W. Ashley, lot 40x93 feet, south east. side 'Williams Mill Road, 161 feet southwest of Augusta Avenue. April 3. $4,000—Edward M. Durant to J, H. Elrod, lot 44x108 feet, west side Du rant Place, 430 feet north of Ponce DeLeon Avenue. April 16. $20.000—L. F. Blalock to John A Boykin and H. A. Etheridge, lot 50x 190 feet, west side West Peachtree Street. 100 feet north of Mills Street. June 6, 1911. Transferred to James L. Wright, January 28, 1913. Transferred to Miss Bertha Schroe- ter. March 21. 191S. $7,600—E. W. Bigham to J. C. Stall- worth, lot 50x125 feet, west side Main Avenue of Dickson Place, 190 feet north of Eleventh Street. July 2, 1909. Transferred to Dennis J. Griffin, April. 1913. [