Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, April 30, 1913, Image 28

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TTTK ATLANTA flEOHOTAN ANT) NEWS. WEDNESDAY. A l*UIL 30. 1913 The Dingbat Family By Herriman It Was a Fruit—Hen-Fruit Copyright, 1913, International New* Service. Today's Complete Novelette )T5 A FRUIT I Tell You FRUIT FRUIT ME EVE ITS A'VEGETABLE' i v Sure as> Take-., .J Lock out ouho vooee A 5N0V/AJG OF WCWAW, A "TLAmihgos £<56 - ;— DiD Alt Y'HEAR. t_ ,tfE IT U/AS ^ A 'FRUIT ‘ ? S \ tHF (AST BUUTTMJC V I ISSUED IVAs THAT, \ ITS A" VEGETABLE,' \Aaio THats myCzL \ (jltomato, sM\>y? The next day, taking the 50 cents yjid leaving the quarter for the chil dren’s dinner, she went up to New York. Exactly opposite the great ter minus where she alighted was the Scintillarium, that most famous of New York theaters, where “The Wom an Who Went Right Through” was being played nightly to crowded and delighted audiences. “Is that a thea ter?” Irma asked a policeman, huge ami urbane. He replied in the afflr- | mative. Jrma crossed the road and j entered. “I want to see the mana ger,” she said to the porter guarding i its portals. “Have you an appointment, mad- ! am?” “No,” replied Irma, “but I must se« i him.” What Could He Do? The porter, touched in spite of hlv bewilderment, gave in. What else could he do? No man could remain callous to such beauty in distress. H« went In search of the manager. Pres ently he came back. “Come this way, please, madam.” Irma went that way, and after threading many passages, carpeted In thick velvet pile, was ushered into a room. It contained a man, stout, truculent-looking, and dressed in the height of fashion. Hte hard, beady black eyes glittered evilly as they fell on Irma, timid, but pulsating with eagerness. Her face bore a look of Indelible breeding. “You wished to see me?” he asked “Yes, please,” replied Irma, pant ing with excitement and hope. "I want to be a star.” “Miss Rosalind Vansittart needs a rest. You can take her part to-night. She's the leading star. I’ll give you $2,500 a week. Sit down while I draw up the contract.” Irma could scarcely believe her j ears. Twenty-five hundred dollars a week! Why, that must be about $5,- 000,000 a year. Daddy and children - wouldn’t starve now. i\ “Please sign this,” said the man* ! ager. “It’s nothing daddy would mind rrift ; signing if -he were able to mind?” i asked Irma. She was a good girl and loved her father. No, d^ddy wouldn't mind even if he were able to; the manager was quite* positive about that. Then he*offered to lend his 200- h. p. motor to carry her and the good news back to her family. "On the way she was to learn her part. •She must be sure to be back at the theater by 8 o’clock, for the cur tain was* to rise at 9. The manager handed her into his magnificent oar himself. He whispered directions to the chauffeur, who responded with a knowing leer. They sped dizzily along the roads, but Irma, intent on learn ing her part, did not notice the coun try through which they flashed like lightning. Suddenly the car slowed down and the chauffeur turned In through two big iron gates'. Presently Kvnebk ///" /Veppv VitppvI \lAJb6Bfc 15 Ir> v ‘SiUCH <—^ r&or ‘Ihe/u As/vv 16amrz; a l fs/cic Tkfiusrri SiOfUOOS AmUMF ah, mmy; Th* iraArsGfcBisoR.s fcoAb it A Lb nc,, A Mb Aftbuous. owe, is \r A/cfr ' \ ~Tk A Ms c oajT/a/E mTaL.S> Rcac> is LcAx* v, - - Amo AfcJioOb Tbo/<r- IttATj |5 TftMJSiViftEA/r J Tuck VOUGtffTA MFrT MR WESTCoT-j PA, HE'S A CHArMiaJG „ \FELLER AW 1 HL LISTER PMV j 1IM The. C )H4RVARD n bawdi (jGOO FATHER'S I R4vtf/ y V'/4|WT CrowMA - Dowt Vou tV/CTR. '-Tired, (tiEORCjE- * I vwssh't Take A CrtAWCE, r MI6HT GWLV VW0UMD HIM 1 . This WERE mas 6'otta j J $TOPl I Told RollV if k She let that WEiW beau l FETCH H|£ TRoMBOWE ^61W I'D Do Somethin' DESpkuTJ \WELL\THIS AlWT HARVARD ! this mere IS ] ATLANTA / HAM ! This is j Pie for me, I Could JuSy Die PL4VIW' THA _ Turrible' I TROMBONL. I 6osh! i wish you HAD 1 By Tom McNamara The Marvelous One Loses Prestige Rrjr «tered United Spates Patent Office ■IAT THERE'S THE MARMFlOOi EAGlEBEAK SPRUDEIR HE iS THE BESlEST TUilRLER. IN OUR WEIGH BOR HOOD . HE'S MOLDIN' - 1 . out like ty Cobb, he wants hpTeen magnesia l V BoTTlES A SEASON 1 . r ' SKINWN SHAKER'S hello OUTER. n\Y ROAD googly department SHAKERS ____ _ DRAWING @ ^ P0ST WLE UlHAT K/ND OF A CRIME DO A SLEfP/NG BoY REPRESENT? K BT 6Q5rt AND I KIN PROUE IT TOO 1 l\@Ui (Dlfl fen t&- GAU5AM, GET HOME AMD PRACTISE your‘Tombone' ; GAIA)AN ELSE ILL’ TFLL M TO- OCr WHAT A PRUNE HE \ ASCARED OF V_ AIS> NIC SISTER’ . FR.0M PETE WALSH PLA/NFIELD — U. S. A when) you eaTmb yooz FEET, V0HAT IS TT+c BEST m/N6 TV PUT |U W€ WATER? 4USWER TO-M0RR0U) SO L0N6 *■ J i Bringing Up Father By George McManus Copyright, 1913. International News Service. ^HULL-t <ee: "fv/eLve oclock • ve <;ot TO <iO OtM MX MIH\ ROUTE 'WEL'/E OCUOCK lunch is 5ehved D*M 4EE! id LIKE TO C.0 ~T o ONE OE THCTjE r>VE AVF*,|C(^ * T HOo'aE ■ HOW ARE TOU - COUNT Tell us l Ae<our >o>Re OP THE RECEPT 1° A * TOU Miriv)' ANO IIL TELL fOU How 1 kin <;ir Too in XOU <;it a ■Vjit and I’LL 'NVRODCKE TOU AA> A COUNT V there aiacxjt TIME OCLOCK ' ARE ' Too <X3IN' TO HAVE ANOTHEE? affair TCNK, ht MA<,<Vie - ARB XOU FA AD? 'RELi - OLO PAU 'TOu know me folkx are f’Hfttx •strict WHO TV1EX invite TO r "* houxc '• j oh: i TO <,o To AiO ^ iT’S, vE PY TIRP - 'jcmf? • MU*)T h»ce to live ,N ^ Pol S ly and Her Pals .^\v i Sntir/i] It Was Too Desperate a Chance Copyright. 1913, International News Service. By Cliff Sterrett 1 «. . x i rt—~