Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 38

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,. •-." k■ ■«. r~r~+ 4 H IIEAKN-J'-S fS( M)A Y AMi'JttH AM, AII.A.NI \, li.V Mrs. w. A. Speer who ciitorUma til Hu morous affairs, especial- ly for 1l)o younger set with whom she is u great favorite. .Mrs. Spo<*r has a handsome homo on Peachtroo at which she gives many dinners and luncheons, and is always u hostess at the Driving Club dinner-dances. ✓ of pink. roi< rose*. The apartment» decorated In pink table was nrrieu pink home vs ere and palms, veml with | of Mu 1*3 I Mrs. \V’‘, land, the gu< I). Seabrook. of Mr. and blue male la shadow lu( fon. ller tie 1th blue ehlf- a corsage bou- J C n ENKRAL AND MRH. ROBERT •w KVANS, who have :i handsome home on 1 Street in Washing ton, have been spending the past vverk Mr. Greene, of the Methodist in that city. They contributed to the Church. * da iated. During th< week's **o<.»al i alendar with a dinner i niony Mrs. Foster played Hearts and party on Monday evening last at their Flowers. Washington residence. After u wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. * • • | I ..-t- i will make tlielr home in Ros- Mr. ard Mrs. Ralph Owens Howard v* 11. ar** at home to their friends in the * * * Wosslyn apartments on Ponce DeLeon I Corsage bouquets of pink and lav- ATenue. Mrs. Howard v oUine Montgomery, «>f « foje her recent marriag Miss Jose- endcr sweet peas murk the places umbus, be- of the twelve whom Mrs. Rob ert Witherspoon entertained 4t an elaborate luncheon on Wednesday. A Among the out-of-town guest" Ht» Fctll handled basket, filled with the t lie Kyle-Hjx nicer wedding in Oolum- Man ‘«* lowers, also adorned the table, htts this week were Mrs. C. S. Conne- *nd the little rakes in silver baskets at, of Savannah; Mrs Clifton Drew, u ' r ‘' embossed with pink and white * Atlanta: Mr. and Mrs. Hoff Sim sweet peas \Atl anta; Mr*. George Candler, of Mrs. Guilford Dudley, of Nashville, '•-A, a'n.iah; Dr. and Mrs. Shorter, of whose visit to a former Nashville .vtaemn. woman, Mrs. Kenneth Ward Smith is * * * the occasion for a round of parties wu - \tlanta girls attending the fresh- 1 the honor giust of the occasion. In- man dance given in Athena recently \v*re Misses Jessie Thompson, Myra } rke Scott, l i • j Broyles, Mamie Ansley, Bertha Moore. Miss Stanton. Wjvliffc Wurm, Helen Dykes, and Lydia McBride. Mr Thompson of Atlanta, and Mrs. Ar nold Broyles, of Atlanta; Mrs. C. B. Griffith and Mrs. Tom Vincent < hap eroned the dance. * * • ,Newe has been received that the party with which Mrs. W. P. Pattillo and Miss Mignon McCarty have been iraveling for the past three months in Europe, will sail from Liverpool on May 16. Mrs. Pattillo and Miss Mc Carty will spend a few days in New j York before returning home. • 0 • grt. John Calvin Peck entertained the Butterfly Club Tuesday afternoon at the resilience of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peck. Mrs. Peck’s guest* were Mrs. H. T. Phillips, Mrs. William Tull- er. Mrs. Anthony Murphy, Mrs. John I Cyan, Mrs. \V. \. Moure. Mrs. J. T hSfln v, ^frs. < >. M. Heuly, ilry Smith aiul Mrs. Venable. Mrs. Anthony Murphy won the prise. WEBSTER c ov.ling party fit Driving Clut n ter tallied the Pied. > Monday rveui rig in oowiplim* ?nt tr » Mis \n Joint- »Aiin< » Met' lelian, t' ie g u tf Miss HJIil; •et’i l iurton-Si; nith. AID is Lula Dean i June s u on t *iie for tf)’ 1 sodvc 1 and Miss Me 111 w as pi-e sent* ■d wit h a rose inla ld with mock ; jewel Af: [or tin • gann* a del it •ioua supper rved in the g re i n room i, wher* pink curna tions wei re art ally nr- rung* ml in t he cent#: of t h ic tabie. M. . Web! Btcr’s true ■sis inelud od Mi<s et-i >i ui ton -Smith, Miss Jos* •>b|n< .\V«' lei! a n. Miss Lulu l» , June* Afi 9? i rarolyn King Mi -s Nun - < > u riticc, .M’ms Ma ttie 1 4UT)b . M iml - trie Hitt. Saunder s .)< >nes. Alls Ml Thorn well. ilSt ! St •ott and ( Maren • Trip! Mr \\ ! 1). uhriRti o ga V .ifx par- t y a! L the . Forsyth Wcdm , aftor- noon ill honui of Mis gs Hcl on R owlan.1, of K ) ivanna h. tiie gin •st of M r«. Clifton *, on Fourtcci ith 1 Stree t. Her gu»e' ' Miss Wi (Ik*. * a Him itt, Ml.-s Rot and. .' \i is. ArU nr K • 'lug g. Mrs Fran k Beth luno and . \Jrs ( Mifto n Drcv\. Mi s. Virginias Hi itt eitti rta ilted til a *‘F Ive o’< Mock ’Ten Tib t*N<Ja\ .* aft cm uoun at ltei ■ horn* on Fifth Stn ■et. The •La v\ ina room whov e the lli 'fit» SM re- • ■civt • 1 w w is adorned w i tli v uses Of roses . The tea table mphony q j-p d. Ri chmond i •OSC.M in u hasla t, the 1 handle of whle h we S til Ml 'with Ullle, formed the e< cntral dee mation. Th< mints and the > lilk si lades i on the s', llitt wus a«si istod i n entertain- ug I ter gm •sis bv M Us. M . U. Phillips .ml . Airs. Y ietor Ulu Tit e party includi pd Miss Jessie t n m Samuel 1 D. Jone s. Mrs. - ik-e Musi • Thomas Air- t. A. n. ai- n it n d, Mr; s. i *. Vt. Wili! nd hor nielli er. Air •S. Phillip* Mi s. U» Jlenger, Mrs. Louts <1 hoist in Mrs . John Butt. Mis. Port** King i i s. E. L. U. .nn.illy, Mrs. Woo ds Whit c. M rs. William o. Mr s. Mary HOW. >1« ador, Mrs. < Jrant W ilk it s, Mrs. l ; ri > i Brine. Mrs. Geo i ff e West nil d. M IS. J. o <s> \/t!HS KLIZABETH SMITH npent * 1 the week enil In Macon, a Kue»t at Wesleyan College. She returns this afternoon. • * • Mrs. J. J. Gonzales was hostess at a meeting of the Every Saturday | club yesterday. In addition to the members, Mrs. Gonzales had a num ber of extra guests, a special social feature being emphasized. Among the guests present. Including members and those specially invited | were: * Mrs. Howard Bell, Mrs. Nellie Pet- 1 ers Black, Mrs. Frank Block, Mrs. E. R. Dubose, Mrs. Z. D. Harrison, Mrs. ! J. L. Hamilton, Mrs. Alice Muse Thomas, Mrs. John Marshall Slaton, ■ Mrs. T. C. Whitner, Mrs. C. B. Wil- rner, Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, Mrs. P. H. Mell, Mrs. H. C. Peeples. Mrs. * William Green Raoul, Mrs. W. T. | Newman, Mrs. Isabel O’Hear, # Mrs. Hugh Lokey, Mrs. R. J. ’Lowry, Mias Green, Mrs. John Lamar Meek, Mrs. ! Alvin Barton, Mrs. B. M. Blount, Mr*. Arnold Broyles, Mrs. J. W. Whire, Mrs. J. S. Akers, Mrs. Samuel D. Jones, Mrs. E. T. Brown. Mrs. George 1 McKenzie, Mri«. T. J. Barnard, and Mrs. J. A. Bowie. • * • The bright weather of the past sev- j eral days has brought out the | back riders In numbers. The paper chase scheduled for late yesterday af ternoon was the first equestrian event of the spring. Among the young women invited to ride in this event were: Misses May Atkinson, Helen Jonee, Margaret McKee, Josephine ( Stoney, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs. C. ft. : Ayer. Some of the men riders were: Royston Cabaniss, Westervelt Ter- liune, Lieutenants Tucker and Evans. • « * The marriage of Mrs. Katherine Houston Fisher and Mr. J. A. Gumm, took place at the home of the bride, 107 Ponce DeLeon Place, Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Richard Orme FUnn officiating. Only a lim ited number of guests were present, these being relatives and close friends 1 of the family. The bride wore a costume of cream charmeuce. with shadow lace drapery, and a hat of cream Milan straw trimmed in a white plume and French BUST DEVELOPED ONE OUNCE a DAY The blit Cluny lace, and decorated in roses and pink tapers in silver candelabra. The bride changed her satin gown for a blue tailored costume, with a blue struw hat, to wear on the Red ding journey. • * • Miss Estelle Lake. Miss Nelse Rovk- wood. Miss Geraldine Jones, all of Memphis, and Miss Lillian Hodgson, of Athens, who were the guests of Mrs. Iverson Graves have gone to Athens where Miss Hodgson will en-* tertain them for a week. • • • A RECEPTION was given by the 1 1 Atlanta Alumnae of the Phi Mu sorority, at the Univer sity club Friday afternoon. The oc casion was a very pleasant one, in honor of the new officers of the as sociation who are: Mrs. Thomas Pet ers, president; Airs. Jane F. Garr, vice-president; Miss Elizabeth Hine^, secretary; and Miss Martha Ryder treasurer. The Phi Mu Alumnae is one of the largest and most; influen tial in the South and Atlanta has a very flourishing chapter. The Phi Mus make a point of co-operating and enlisting the interest of the alumnae over tlie United States, in their ac tive chapters. * * * A reception will be given to the Senior Class of Washington Seminary by the Alumnae association on May 18, at the seminary. The reception is to be an annual affair in the fu ture. Officers of the Alumnae asso ciation who will act as hostesses at the reception are: Mrs. John Spald- Inr, president; Mrs. William T. Com er, vice-president; Mrs. Marshall Clarke Johnson, treasurer and Miss Mary Helen Moody, recording secre tary. * « * Palmer Johnson was host at a chafing-dish supper at his home in Inman Park, Friday evening, enter taining a group of the younger set, in honor of Miss Frances Seabrook, Mrs. II. E. \V. Palmer entertained the Inman Park Students c lub yester day morning. A feature of the if- fair was a lecture by Miss Rohr, *f Brenuu College. * • * Mrs. Edward Peters returned from Washington yesterday. Mrs. Peters has also Visited in New York aria Philadelphia, and was pleasantly en tertained in these cities. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyon. Miss Mary King and Mrs. Joseph LeConte will be among the Atlantans to spend a part of the summer abroad. They sail on May 28. and their plans include a motoring tour of England. M RS. JOHN W. GRANT has been appointed chairman of the social committee of, the Pres byterian Church ladies, to arrange for a reception which will be given for the visitors to the Presbyterian As sembly meeting in Atlanta, the lat ter part of May. About fifteen hun dred guests will be in the city at the time, and the reception will be the chief social event of the occa sion. Mrs. Grant is now making out her committees, and will announce them next Sunday. A meeting of the ladies of all de nominations who are interested and will assist in the entertainment of the visitors, was held a few days ago, at the Driving club. A large number of prominent women were in atten dance. * * * Dancing is still the chief diversion of the social set, and many opportun ities are given for the favorite pas time. The week end dance at the Piedmont Driving club is always the brightest spot on the social calendar of the spring and summer. Last night, a number of dinner-parties for visitors preceded the dance. One of the larger dinners was given by Miss Louise Hawkins, in honor of Miss Margaret McPheeters. of Raleigh, N. C., the guest of Mrs. Samuel In man. In this party were: Misses Mc- Pheeters, Esther Smith, Margaret Hawkins, Louise Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith. Jr., James Alexan der. Joseph Colquitt. Eugene Haynes and George Pendleton. The table adornment was of pink roses in a tall, bundled basket, and place carls decorated in pink rose water color sketches. Miss Hawkins was gowned in Dres den silk, of pink rose design, with drapery of blue chiffon, caught with knots of small French roses, also pink. Her white hat was laden with pink roses. A party of 14 covers was given by Miss Aimee Hunnloutt, and small parties for dinner, were entertained by Mr, and Mrs. James T. Williams, Mr. # and Mrs. George Dexter, Edward King, Strother Fleming and others. A number of the younger set at tended a week end dance at East Lake Saturday evening. At Segati- lo’s, the still younger set, had ia dance from 9 to 12, which was most enjoyable. A dancing party of unusual pleas ure for the college set. was the au- nual dance of the Sigma Phi Ep silon fraternity of Tech, on Friday evening, at Segadlo’s. The Tech dances are a feature of the spring season, most of the fraternities giv ing a before-commencement bail, for their friends among the younger sn of Atlanta. Guaranteed pure. The smoothest. * . White or Flesh Tint. k Talcum Puff Company yf Winer* and Jlnnnfnrturem, lln»h Tormlnal f Building, Brooklyn, Now York. TALCUM POWDER \ited to meet her were: Mrs. Samuel Imnan and her guest. Miss Margaret McPh.s lers. of Raleigh. N. C., Mrs. Alfred E. Ruck, Mr.-. John King Ott- l«\v. and Mrs. Uulow < 'nmpbeji. M"; Os .!« ;u« pent til st of Mi ■>d at a mini nring her vis Ion, of Augusta, past two weeks Do Los Hill, was if informal Mrs. Hol- e Hmlllic i of the Hi com pi i me and Mr*. nail nee party for M rs. •it was followed by a :>f thre*- tables, given M.Zirkle. John M. lined her bridge club ler guest- at a bridge ,i's. Johnston, and Miss entertained the mein- viewers at a delightful; itii'.g Mrs. Johnston. Howard McCall gave 1 M BOLAND cnt< rtalnlng tth Wtnh. Fri %- o\‘mu- outiy for the visitor who returned home Thursday. ♦ • • \ big > r. .oi wedding of the week was that of Miss Annie Mae Ison and Mr. Janes Dovle Butler, solemnized Wedie sd.ty at the Jackson Hill Bap tist « ".lurch The bridal party .which stood for tin* i .oemom before a hank of tall palm , included Miss Nell Wy nn ha ni maid of honor, Miss Winnie Ison, bridesmaid. R. S. Robinson, host man, and K P. Dickson. Roswell lk Ison, Frank Ison and K. L. Ison ushers. The oridc wore a costume 1 of blue shiin brocade, trimmed in old gold satin and gold lace, with hat of gold trimmed in Freneh flowers. She car ried white sweet peas and valley lilies, arranged in u shower. The bridesmaids wore white voile gowns, eomhined with white satin, their large picture hats, adorn ed with white plumes. They car- the Commencement exercises o Goudier »’oliego in which Mis Franco- Clarke, their daughter, will take part. * * • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howell have moved out to their country home, for the summer. * * • Miss Helen Barnes returned to Ma con Friday, after a visit to Mi$s Mar garet Northern. * * * The Young People's Society of St. Marks Methodist Church will hold a District Meeting, on Friday. Ma;. 9. at St. Marks. Mrs. Emmett Brogdeji, District Secretary, has an nounced an interesting program for the evening, which will include music, readings, and talks by women prom inent in the church. Guy Morgan, of St. Marks, makes the welcoming ad- dros-, and a talk addressed particu larly to the ,youns people will be given by Mrs. J. N. MoEnehern. The music will he by Miss Edith Lupton, Miss Therese Thrower, and Mrs. Me- l’hall. \ quartet of men’s voices will add to the musical feature. Miss Marion Cooper will give a reading, and Miss Grace HoMenbeck, in Jap anese costume will give a reading. A stereoptloon lecture at the First Methodist Church will be given by a Japunes ■ student from Nashville, to morrow evening under tlie auspices of Circle No. 10. of the Woman’s Mis sionary Society, Mrs. \Y. T. Trenary, chairman * * * T HE Young Peoples and Junior Mis- n »ry Societies of Inman Park Methodist Church, will give a Jap anese Lawn Fete on the church lawn 1 on Thursday afternoon and evening, j May 8., from 1 to 10 o’clock. • The members will wear Japanese] costumes and the lawn and Sunday School rooms will he decorated ac cordingly. Proceeds will go to the Foreign and Home Missionary Pledges. Mrs. Norris Ewing entertained at her home on Inman Circic Monday afternoon in compliment to AEs* Cor- nio Fore, of Charlotte, N. C., w-'o is visiting Miss Marion Fielder. Auc tion-bridge was played for which the prizes were a water-color picture, a bridge, set. and to the honor guest was given a piece of hand-embroidered lingerie. The living room, reception, parlors and dining room tvere open to the guests and the decorations* of wild flowers in the pink tints were carried out in these apartments. Twenty-live young women were pres ent. pir Rutle went East on Jose i inn, of eg journey and on their ng Mrs. return will be ;it home at 64 Ko ■nne- M'teenth saw Aw mu M"oi*t, Mr. and Mrs. William L. J son i en- of Mrs. tertained ; InflVct supper Tin k sday evening at their home in Co •liege nn. Miss Park after ihe rehearsal for tin wed- i-Niutn, ui;ig. Tor ns infl pink flowers w ere used m deeoratlmr the Walter s. Ismi wore .1 gown of ml John i Mav Don wore pink the par draped in flowered chif- is included the bridal par- ing uni lives. • • • r wer. a tEN'S Mav Festival ■ m a? the Peachtree S will Y. Sir feri and Mrs. \Y. A. front 4 t*' 6 o’clock, 's of the Young Ma- i.f Hi,- First Presb) - In addition to the] >f the children in th**i and other" out-door I ima Attbr* Mis* will Extra Heavy Nickel Silver Sandwich Tray; Special Value $5.00 Mail Orders Prepaid This sandwich tray is !i :;-4 inches in diam eter. It is made ex actly like a Sterling Sil ver tray, out of the best tjuftllty of Shef field — Nickel silver, > heavily silver plated. It 1? unusually well made, hand pierced, and the popular hrlffht finish. Itoing harder, it is mori* durable than Sterlinjr. and will last, with ordinary care, for a generation. These trays, and other useful wedding gifts at popular prices, are on display in our Sotfth window . One Old Kugllsh initial will lie engraved without charge. Mail orders shipped prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for 160-page illustrated catalogue. This catalogue brings your shopping to you. saves time, money and trouble. MAIER & BERKELE, Inc. Gold and Silversmiths Established 1887 31-33 Whitehall Street Atlanta, Ga. J l A New Simple Easy Home Method That Gives Quick And t Pernic- nent Success Judge from my picture aw to the truth of what I say to you- that the crown ing feminine attribute is a bust of beautiful proportions, firmness and ex- quisite development. Then ask yourself how much you would like to have such' a photograph of yourself, showing the glory of womanhood with its lines of infinite charm and grace. It would be worth far more than a two-cent stamp, would it not? Then let me give you my message—let me tell you of what I have learned and lot me give you recent pic tures of myself to prove what 1 say— for if vou will write me to-day I Will Tell You How-FREE T will tell you gladly and willingly. Why should any woman neglect an op portunity to escape the pain and heart ache of being skinny, scrawny, angular and unattractive in body? Misery is not our heritage. Nature planned that you--a woman should have the rich, pulsing lines of warm, living flesh molded after the mother of us all, the description <*f whom perfumes our sa cred literature with love and admiration for the divinity <»f woman's form. For why should there be that pitiful aspect -the face of a woman and the form of a man. Write to Me To-day 1 don’t care bow fallen, or flaccid, or undeveloped your bust now is 1 want to teli you <<f a simple borne method—I want to tell you how you can gain per fect development one ounce a day. No , physical culture—no massage* foolish baths or paste—no plasters, masks or in jurious injections—I want to tell you of an absolutely new method, never before offered or told about—insuring immedi- i ate success and permanent beauty. Send No Money Just write me a letter -address it to me personally— that's all. I will an- sw er it by return mail —and you can de velop your bust one ounce a day—you can be what you want to be. Believe me when I say that you wifi bless me through years of happiness for pointing »he way to you and tolling you what 1 know. Please send your letter to-day o the following address: MRS. LOUISE INGRAM Suite 287-1C8 Adams St., Toledo, 0 Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Luxury at Little Cost for the Summer Home Ml ' PORCH SHADES "In lang, lang days o' Simmer When the clear and cloudless sky Refuses ae wee drap o’ rain To Nature, parched and dry.” —a cool summer living-room will be a pleasant antidote. And— An Additional “Outdoor” Room —will make indoor life a joy rather than a trial. Provide for yourself a shady retreat for hot sultry days. Convert a ]X>rcli into a inost delightful room—• wliirh can lie used for living room, play room for children and for sleeping room. Aerolux shades offer yon absolute seclusion on your own porch, and thoroughly protect you from the summer’s heat. They are equipped with the no-whip attachment and can not flap on windv days. Made in a variety of colors, sucji as olive and light green, brown and gray, or bronze and olive combined. They Cost But Little and Will Last for Years and Years Just the thing for Summer Cottages. Call and see our display or a telephone call will bring the “Aerolux” man who will show you color samples, and then, if you wish, take the measurements of vour porch. ' HP RCiH S HADES - g tlie way are priced: ... .$2.50 ... $3.50 ... .$4.50 ... .$6.00 Rug and Drapery Section, Fifth Floor Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. An interesting show ing of Oex Rugs this week. Size 4x7% feet ... Size 6x7% feet ... Size 8x7% feet ... Size 10x7% feet .. »