Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 41

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ITEATtST’S SUNDAY AMERICAN, 7 H ATLANTA, OA., SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1!)U [ Kirltwood T HE marriage of Miss Sarah Frances Hightower to Mr. Gus tave Beauregard Sisson, which took place Saturday afternoon was an event of more than usual Interest to Ills many friends in Kirkwood, where he has lived since early childhood. 'The wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bedney Hightower, in Druid Hills. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. T. A. Pise and wit nessed only by relatives of the two families. The young couple left im mediately after the ceremony for a trip to Detroit, Ntogara Falls and New York. They will return via Sa vannah, and after June 1 will be at home on Piedmont Avenue. Miss Edwina Wood, of Columbus- Ga., and Mrs. Gilliland, of Roswell, have been the guests of Mrs. G. M. Willingham in Sutherland Terrace. Miss Wood left for a visit to Wash ington, D. C., before returning to her home. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl will be sorry to learn that their resi dence on East Lake Drive was com pletely destroyed by Are on Tuesday night. Mrs. Hal Reviere and children will return home on Monday after a de lightful visit to Macon. Robert Swan is erecting a new home on Howard Street. Mrs. Cox. of Clarksville, who has been visiting Mrs. W. B. Emery, has returned home. Mrs. Bellows, of Oakhurst, has re turned from Macon, where she was called on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. McArthur. Mrs. Winburn, of Atlanta, was the guest on Tuesday of her daughter, Mrs. Edmondson, on Howard Street. Charles Printup has returned from a visit to White Path, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Slate have taken possession of tlielr new home on Park Place, In Oakhurst, which they have recently purchased. Miss Zeleta Clay and Mrs. Collins, of Dawson, Ga., visited friends in Kirkwood on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan spent several days at Morgan Falls, where thev enjoyed a fishing trip. Mrs. Wilson, of Thomson. Ga., has been the guest of Mrs. C. T. Printup. Kirkwood citizens are taking quite an interest in the fraternal lodge of the Woodmen of the World, which has been recently organized In Kirk wood. A meeting was held last Friday at the school house auditorium. M. R. Duffy was master of ceremonies, George W. Gardner was Installed as consul commander, and Ernest How ard as clerk. Eugene Daniel is at home on a short visit. He will return to Cin cinnati shortly, where he will gradu ate in the School of Medicine, Oakland City M RS. I. X. RAGSDALE entertain ed with a delightful spend-- the-day party Tuesday at her home on Lee Street. The guests were .Mrs. V. R. Thornton, Mrs. James Lat imer, of Lowndesville, S. C.; Mrs. Morris and Mre. R. A. AlcAturry. The Oakland City Baptist Church celebrated its third anniversary with a church social Friday night. An in teresting program was rendered by the young people of the church, after which a delightful salad course was served. Miss Jewel Tillman, who has been in Petersburg, Va., for.the past two weeks, 'till visit Washington and Portsmouth before returnipg home. Mrs Miller and daughter, Miss Nell Smith, of Jacksonville, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. J. M. Camp on Lil lian Avenue. Miss May Belle Cherry Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Cherry, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gibbs announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Gibbs was before her marriage Miss Adalu Williams. Air. Bryant Alarchman, of Jackson ville, Fla., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. E. J. Afarchman. Mr. and Airs. Guy F. Bomar have moved into their new bungalow on Whiteoak Street. Miss Lottie MacDonald, who has been the guest of Afiss Anna Skinner during grand opera, has returned to her home In Savannah. Mrs. Nelson T. Spratt entertained her bridge club Saturday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorated with quantities of Killarney roses and o’her spring flowers. Quite a number of interesting rubbers were played at three tables, after which a two-course luncheon was served. Mrs. Spratt’s guests included Aliss Alice Dixon, Afi3s Annie Barnwell, Aiiss Daffle Lee Prio- . leau, Aliss Marie Parks, Miss Aliie Afann. Miss Alary Owens, Misses Kate sr.d Hattie Milledge, Airs. John De- Fauffure, Mrs. Henry Watkins, Mrs. Gadsden Russell and Mrs. N. T. Spratt. Mr. and Airs. J. B. Terrell, of Cov ington, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ai. W. AImand, making the trip through the country in their automobile. (A est En( T HE annual reception of the Twen tieth Century Coterie was a large event of the past week, in West End, and of special interest. The affair was held this year, at the home of Airs. N. T. Pool, 109 Peeples Street, Friday afternoon. The guests called between the hours of 4 and 0. Offi cers of the Coterie assisted the hos tess in receiving and entertaining. The apartments open to guests were dec orated in spring flowers. The offi cers of the Coterie are: Mrs. F. W. McCarley, President; Mrs. T. H. Em- minger, Vice President; Airs. W. W. Croker, Mrs. raider B. Lawton, and Airs. T. L. Lewis. Airs. James Madison Wright enter tained the Matrons’ Club of West End at her home on Gordon Street Thursday afternoon. This is one of the oldest clubs of Its kind in At lanta and its membership Is limited to eighteen. A game of dominoes was enjoyed in t , living and reception rooms where vns.s .if garden roses and palms and i, rns made an artistic decoration. i in Monday evening Air. and Mrs. Jam s II. Zuiiiry will give a bridge party at their home on Lucile Ave nue, in compliment to their guest. I Mrs. Perry Newcomb, of .Milwaukee. Assisting In the entertainment of the guests will be Mrs. R. M, Stillman, and Mrs. Harry B. Thompson. Aliss! Estelle Weaver will serve punch. Airs. Zachry will also entertain for! her guest on Wednesday afternoon at I a reception from 4 to ii o’clock. Mrs.] Harry B. Thompson. Airs, Neal j Spence, Mrs. Henry Sharpe, Airs. V. R. Carson, Airs. F„ F, Sitl, and Airs. | John Russell Gresham, will assist her ! in entertaining her guests, and Miss j Mary Lucy Turner and Miss Lennie r Lewis will preside at the punch bowl. I j Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. O. j i S. Lair will entertain the Domino !. Club. Savannah Hapeville M ISS ADA ADAA1SON, of Rex, Ga., is the guest of her sister, Airs. J. T. Cowan. Misses Louise and Mary Baker, of Znbulon, Ga., were recent guests of Mrs. C. P. Jones on Stewart Avenue. Miss Ann Fields, of Hampton, Ga., visited friends here recently. Miss Mattie Sue Suttles has re turned to Jonesboro after spending several days with Miss Aiabel Jones. Mrs. A. M. Jamerson has as her guest Mrs. L. A. Crawford, of Thom- aston, Ga. Air. Elam Addy, of Baldwin, Ga., has been visiting friends and relatives here recently. Mrs. Joe Blalock is visiting friends at Madison, Ga. Mrs. W. T. Watley and Miss Sallle Lou Grubhs, of Orchard Hill, were the guests of Mrs. Marvin King Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. John T. Green, of Opelika, Ala., are spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Smith. Mrs. Tom Lewis Is ill at her home on Stewart Avenue. Misses Roena and Ethleen Smith, of McDonough, visited Mrs. Claudie Jones recently. College Park A MONG the prettiest of the infor mal affairs of the past week in College Park was the bridge lun cheon given by Mrs. Clarence Wick- ersham, In compliment to her house guest, Mrs. James Spotswood Dillard, of Lynchburg. Va. Each room where the tables were placed was elabor ately decorated in petunias, lavender and purple. In the dining room, a plateau was formed of petunias the deep purple ones being used in a circle around the paler shades. The other details of the table were carried out In lav ender, daylight instead of artificial lights being used. Mrs. Wickers ham received her guests wearing a morning frock of acid-blue silk serge, with touches of Persian silk on the corsage. Her guests were Misses Ella and Bessie Hutchinson, Miss Annie May Hardin, Miss Mary Goodrum, . Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, Mrs. Chancellor Thornton* Mrs. Hardin, Mrs. Charles Wilkinson. Mrs. J. A. Trammell, Mrs. Emma Connally, Mrs. Alfred Murrell, Mrs. George Longino. Mrs. Edward Richardson, Mrs. Stacy Thornton, and Mrs. Miller, of Ohio. Mrs. Wickersham will be hostess again next Tuesday when she given an afternoon tea in honor of Mrs. Dillard. Mrs. Edward Richardson, Mrs. A. H. Murrell, Mrs. Alonzo Rich- arson ; Mrs. I. C. McCrory, and Mrs J. A. Trammell will assist her in en tertaining. Mrs. Alonzo Richardson will also entertain for Mrs. Dillard some time next week. Another pleasant event of last week was the luncheon which Mrs. Gar nett McMillan gave for Miss Laura Graves, of New York, Tuesday. The party took place at the home of Mrs. McMillan and was a small one. The centerpiece of the beautifully appointed table was a tall vase of pink crab-apple blossoms, and four smaller vases of sweet peas shaded from pink to lavender were placed at the corners of the table. Mints in pink, lavender, and white, and silver candle sticks, holding pink shades completed the decorations. Miss Graves is now the guest of Miss Frankie McCrory. S AVANNAH, May 3.—The big Kirmess which is to be given at the Savannah theater un der the auspices of the Savannah chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy for the chapter house fund has been posti>oned from May 8, 9 and 10 to May 16 and 17. The members of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry delightfully entertain ed their friends with a dance at the regimental gymnasium Wednesday evening. A very charming tea was given Wednesday afternoon at the Hunting- ton club by Mrs. Edward S. Stoddard in honor of Mrs. William A. Strachan. The wedding of Miss Emma W. Lyon and Mr. Charles N. Lee took place Wednesday at 9 o'clock in . the evening at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Emma H. Lyon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. T. Dakin, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church. The marriage of Miss Georgia Schwarz and Mr. Edward S. Selby took place Wednesday evening at six o’clock at Sacred Heart Church. Only relatives and friends were in vited. Miss Isobel Shotter is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dana, at Lenox. Mass. She attended the wel ding last week, at Valley Head, of Miss Mary Schenck and Mr. Heyden Channing. Mrs. Charles Seiler will leave on May 8 for New York, where she will be joined a few days later by Mr. and Mrs. Charley E. Graham, and they will sail on the George Washing ton for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Tennille are in New York. Mrs. Tennille will be away for a week. Mr. Tennille will sail for Eurone. Mrs. R. W. Reiser, Miss Margaret Bliss, Miss Ida Altick and Mr. Henry Petit are making a trH to Florida and Cuba. Mrs. F. H. Miller, of Los Angeles. Calif., after u short visit to Savannaa relatives, has gone to New York, where he will sail on the Kaiserin Augusta Victoria for a two months visit to Germany. Mrs. Burton C. Mason, of Ashe ville, N. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant A. Stovall. Inman Park M ISS Lina Andrews is a pretty Inman Park girl whose mar riage to Air. C. A. Rauschen berg will tak- -lace at the Inman Park Alethodist Church on Tuesday evening, June 10. The attendants will include Mrs. E. S. Glasgow, of Ty rone, Pa., as matron of honor, Aliases Lilian Lupo, iviiidred Harris, Annie Rauschenberg and Made Rauschen berg as bridesmaids, and William Candler, as best man. After their wedding journey, the young couple will go to housekeeping on Elizabeth Street, Inman Park. ... A series of parties will be tender ed Miss Andrews, preceding her mar riage. Among those who will enter tain for her are Mrs. S. C. Dobbs, Airs. Fred White, Airs. C. A. Rausch enberg, Mrs. Warren D. White, Miss Mildred Harris, and Miss Leila Brancn. Decatur A DELIGHTFUL event of last week was the dance at the Haleyon Club given as a compli ment to Air. Boyd Sutton and his guests, Air. Allen and Mr. Hudson, of Auburn. Airs. J. B. Reeves, of Charleston, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. H. L. Graves. Mrs. L. R. Waddy, of Cedartown, was the recent guest of Mrs. J. M. Worsham. Mrs. Kelley, of Gadsden, Ala., is the guest of Miss Alarian AlcClel- lan. Miss Adelle Harrison, of Augusta, was the guest of Air. and Airs. Eu gene Wilson on Tuesday. Airs. J. S. Kennedy, of Lithonia Springs, was the guest of Airs. Eu gene Wilson on Thursday. Miss Geraldine Hood, of Commerce, Ga.. spent last week as the guest of Aliss Eva Towers. Mrs. Denham Cason, of Jewell, Ga-, has returned home after spending a week as the gaest ./f her mother, Mrs. L. D. Brinkley. Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Gibson an nounce the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dismuke. of Ter rell County, were the guests of Miss Cora Graves on Sunday Miss T. N. Fultoji has been quite ill for tli" past ti n days. M and Mis. J. 'V. West are spend ing ten days in Galveston. Tex. .Mr. and Airs’. R. i ’. Hultzcia.. an nounce the birth of a daughter. Macon M ACON, May 3.—Dances at the Log Cabin club have been the feature of the week’s social gayeties in Alacon. A vaudeville band of 15 pieces “laying off’’ in Macon for a week, the young people arranged four subscription dances, twice stay ing at the club until after 2 o’clock in the morning. John B. Alunson, vice-president of the G. S. and F. railroad, was the host to a large party at a private dance Friday night. To-night there will be the regular weekly dance. The announcement of maids and sponsors to the Chattanooga reunion has been made. . Aliss Anna Bryant will represent the R. A. Smith camp of veterans as sponsor. She has not named her maids. The Thomas Har deman camp of Sons of Veterans, which will send a delegation of 250,. and also the drum and bugle corps, has named the following sponsors Misses Annie Townsend Bowdre, Julia Riley, Iola Wise,- Blanche Nlsbet, Alary Willingham, Louise Callaway, and Mrs. Maybeth Haylor Hemphill. Mrs. John A. Selden will be matron- of-honor. _ , The friends of Mrs. W. D. Lama', one of the best-known and most generally admired of Macon women, are delighted at the reports from John Hopkins hospital at Baltimore. Mrs: Lamar was thrown from her horse about six weeks ago and sus tained serious injuries. hailing to improve satisfactorily at home, she went to the hospital two weeks ago. Charles H. Hall, Jr., former city attornev, also underwent an opera tion of grave danger at Baltimore this week. The day before his opera tion Mr. Hall made a trip in an aeroplane. He said he had longed for several vears for this experien ’e, but did not'gratify his ambition un til he feared he might die. His friends are much pleased over the reports to his condition. Airs Lee Fearing, of Chicago, the guest of Mrs. William Lee Ellis, and Mrs William E. Barnes, of Alemphis, the guest of Mrs. J. H. Napier, are visitors who are being much enter tained. Airs. H. E. Buell compli mented Mrs. Fearing with a tea hn- day afternoon, and Mrs. I . \\ . Mai- tin was the hostess at a party given at her country home near Dry Branch in honor of Mrs. Barnes. Elberton E LBERTON', Alay 3.—One of the social events of the season was the marriage of Miss Florence Brown to Dr. D. N. Thompson, Rev. R., H Rich, of the Baptist Church, performing the ceremony. The bride’s wedding dress was made of white crepe meteor, shadow laco draped gracefully about the shoulders, reach ing to the waist line. Out of town visitors were: Misses Mamie, Alline and Myrtis Thompson, from I la. Ga.; Aliss Jessie Hines, of Rome, Ga.; Miss Kate Howell, At lanta: Misses Hattie and Alberta Glover, of Alabama; Miss Alary Little Deadwyler, of Athens; Mrs. John Hardman, of Commerce. Milledgeville ILLEDGEVILLE, May 3.—Mrs. Anderson Price entertained Wednesday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Mariah Price, of Farmington. Ga. Games of dominoes were played, after which a salad course was s*erved. The home was beautiful with decorations of white roses and ferns. Those present were: ! Mrs. T. M. Hall, Mr>\ Terry Treanor, j Mrs. Frank Bone, Mrs. Cleveland I Cooper, Mrs. E. A. Tigncr, Mrs. Lod- | rick Join s. Mrs. John T. . Day. Mrs. | G. G. Reid. Miss Mary Cline. Mis Hattie Pottle. Miss Nan Bark Alien • oupb-s with a Miss Fra no and .Mi: Smith s Flo intertaineu a !i fry at. White spending h piet W. Hollingshead, Bardy Tant, J. L. Sibley, Jr., Misoes Katherine Turner, Florid*- Allen, Hoyle Skinner and Mrs. I. C. Case. Miss Mary Amos attended a house party at Waynesboro this week. Mrs. R. H. Hutchings, of Ogdenburff, N. Y., is visiting relatives in the city, Greensboro — G reensboro, May 8.—Mrs. e. Harvey Armor entertained the Entro Nous Club Tuesday after noon in her usual charming way. Quantities of pink and white roses greeted the guests with a breath of spring as they entered the reception hall, also adding their beauty to the parlor and dining room. During the game of dominoes punch and sand wiches were served. At the conclusion of the game a beautiful sweet course was served, the cream in designs of perfect fruit peaches and pineapples. The hostess, in a most becoming gown of blue, the corsage combined with lace, waf assisted in receiving by Misses Lula and Kate Hall and Mrs. Henly Hall, of Ingleslde. The guests numbered twenty, including the club members, several friends and Mrs Ralph Griffin, of Augusta. West Point I ly/BST POINT, May 3.—Miss Kate \\/ Smith is spending several weeks in Atlanta, the guest of Miss Fay Shulze, on West Peach tree. Mrs. Scott Baker was the hostess of the Bridge club Wednesday af ternoon, and a very pleasant game was enjoyed. The guests were re freshed with iced tea and sandwiches. Miss Carrie Lou Griggs had as her guest last week Mr. Robert McCants, her uncle. Mr. McCants has a host of friends here who extended a wel come to him. Mrs. T. W. Carter spent last week with her mother, Mrs. J. D. John son. Under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Baker, president of the U. D. C's, memorial exercises were held in th p Methodist Church Monday afternoon. Misses Annie May Johnson and Sarah Frances Jinking very pleasant ly entertained the members of the younger set Friday evening in honor of their guests, Misses Jones and Carter. will Mobile and Birmingham she spend a month with friends. Mrs. Pcarwn Ellis, Miss Sadie Ellis, Miss Estelle Colwell, Mrs. B\ O. Boat- right and Miss Frederica Boatright were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wood, of Cobb, on an automo bile trip to Andersonvllle. Dublin D UBLIN, May 3.—A thoroughly delightful affair of the week was the day’s outing at Idylwild. This was a lovely compliment to two charming visitors, Miss Ida Camp Berry, of Shelbyvllle, Tenn., and Miss Harley Pickens, of Charleston, N. C. Mrs. W. W. Robinson and Misses Jennie and Carrie Dawson were Joint h08teH>*PH at an exquisite reception at Mrs. Robinson's home on Belle- view Avenue on Tuesday. This love ly home is beautifully adapted to en tertaining. It was adorned with a profusion of exquisite rosos and swoet peas. In the receiving line were Mrs. W. W. Robimun, Mrs. H. H. Lichsten- stein, of Havannah; Miss Jennie Daw son, Miss Pauline Garbutt, of Han- dersvllle; Miss Carrie Dawson, and Miss Grace Bashlnskl, of Tennille. The pupils composing the graduat ing class of the Dublin High School put on a splendid little college play Friday evening entitled, "At the End of tho Rainbow/* Columbus Sewing club Tuesday morning, at her beautiful home on upper Forsyth Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Deloney Edge have returned from their wedding Journey und are at homo to their friends at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lewis on upper Third Avenue. One of the most interesting events of the past week was the presenta tion of the beautiful Turkish play, the "Slim Princess,” at the Chase Conservatory of Music by local talent. fairs of tho early spring time w*3 til© picnic givtn by Mr, Handers B. Wal ker In honor of t.he Current Topics Club, four miles lrom tho city « Mrs, W. E. Dandy entertained the Young Matrons. Club In a most charming manner Thursday after noon. Tifton C OLUMBUS, May S.—Among; the pretty social event* of the past week wae the card party given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Ira Clark in honor of Mrs. L. B. (thanks, of Standford, Ky., and Mrs. H. T. Bourne, of Castle, Ky., both of whom are guests of Mrs. Thomas Shanks, of Columbus. Mrs. Charles Canty Crowell was the delightful hostess of the Girls’ Monroe MONROE, GA., May Miss Julia Mobley entertained delightfully for Miss Carrie Foster last Tuesday even ing. Mies Dollle Air Ell; an on celebrated her birthday at her home, the “Grant Place”, the 26th of April. Miss Gussle Belle Rawle, of Dub lin, Ga., is in the city for the pur pose of interesting our people In a play to be given under the auspices of the Civic League, the proceeds to go toward the Library-Auditorium fund. One of the most enjoyable social af- T IFTON, May S.—Misses Peurl and Basel Ford are spending some time tn Atlanta, the guests of relatives. Miss Pearl will return to Tifton in about twO months. Miss Hazel going to the mountains for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Taylor returned early in the week from San I is and Como, Miss, and Memphis, Tenn., where they have been the guests of relatives and friends for several weeks. Airs Frank Scarboro returned Wednesday from a visit to Atlanta and Gainesville. Mrs. F. G. Boutrlght of Cordele. ar rived in Tifton Wednesday to be the guest of Mrs. H. S. Murray for ten days. Dalton D ALTON, aa„ May 3.—The Gov ernor John Milledge Chapter, D. A. R., was entertained at a luncheon by Mrs. Paul B. Trammell Tuesday afternoon. following the monthly meeting of the chapter. At the meeting the library committee re ported a numbpr of volumes received as a nucleus for the library. Mrs. Clayton Aloore was hostess at two beautiful affairs of the week-end. Frlddy afternoon she entertained at bridge, and her guests on Saturday afternoon played “42.” Airs. W. N. Alorse entertained hc-r card club at bridge Thursday after noon. The Reviewers wera entertained Friday afternoon at an enjoyable pic nic by Mrs. B. A. Tyler at her su burban bungalow south of the city. Thomasville T HOAIASVILLE, May 8 —A pretty June wedding will be that of Aliss Honorine Hopkins, of this City, to Air. James Christian Royall, of Savanah, which will take place at the First Presbyterian Church here on Wednesday evening, June 25. Miss Laucy Lester, who has been the guest of Mrs. Hugh Willet, in Atlanta, has returned home. Miss Fraser Mitchell is the guest for a few days' of Miss Marie Mac Intyre, In Atlanta. .Mr. and Mrs. James Dhnean, Aliss Margaret McKay, Aliss Acker and several others from here have been attending the educational meeting in Atlanta. Eastman E ASTMAN, May 3.—The reception by Mrs. W. C. Drummond and daughters, Mrs. L. M. Woodard. Jr., and Miss Cammle Drummond, at their home on Church Street, last Thursday afternoon was one of the prettiest affairs of the season. Mr. O. H. Peacock, Jr., of Macon, visited his sister, Mrs. S. O. Smiley, last week. Aliss* Ruby Harrell, of Cochran, was the attractive guest of Miss Gussie Goolsby during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cowan, of At lanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. McDaniel the past week. Miss Annie Whiddon, who has been the guest of Mr. J. J. Nelson's* family for the past several days has returned to her home in McRae. Miss Mary Powell, of Cochran, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. ' Miss Elizabeth Underwood is the guest of Mis.'* May nr: e Nelson for a few days. Mrs. R. S. Stinson, who has been spending the past several days with relatives in Glenwood, has returned home. CorcJele cl'\ • a. Brown. CORDKLE, May 3.—Mrs. Walter E. Hubbard was hostess to the Young Matrons Club Wednesday afternoon with a pretty party, heart-dice being th< j gam** played. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jennings, Mrs. Black, of Montezuma, and Mrs. W T. Bragg, of Macon, house* guests of Mrs. Jennings, formed a congenial au- ,< mobile party Sunday, spending the day with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Dur den, at Tifton. being among invited gue; ts ut a dinner party. Mrs. Edward Stallings and aunt. Mrs. Mattie Hamilton, were point hostesses on Monday afternoon to the numbers of tea* Aid Sm.lety of the Pn sbj terian < ’hurch. Aliss Malic v. ii! leave ir. u few days for Jill Rock to Join a horn* tmrtv. dfiintr from ihuvt* ;«. A liens May Sale of Womens Ready-to- Wear Will Continue Through the Entire Month The month of May will be the selling time full of advantages for the provident patron of this store. A 30-day sale covers a long stretch of time, and will carry away many “well-behaved bargains,” but we have the goods to sell—very large stocks of them in every department—in fact, we have too much, and such is the reason for this great reduction sale. And these are regular stocks, bought at regular prices. No “jobs” or “seconds,” consequently it must be a first-class garment in both fabric and style that you are offered—though at small cost—this month of Alay. Silk Dresses $25, $30 and $35 Values $12.50 These dresses present a combination of style, quality and desirability that will appeal to every taste and will satisfy every want. There are dresses for afternoon, for evening, for bridge parties, for dinners and for street wear. The materials include channeuse, crepe meteor, Canton crepe, radium, bengaline, faille, messaline, taffeta, foulard and crepe voile. There are also beautiful lingerie dresses, of voile, marquisette and em broidered robes. The variety of colors comprises almost every shade, hue and tint that is fashionable and popular. For instance: The range, from the most delicate pink to a deep American beauty, includes all the intermediate shades. The reds embrace every possible shade from the popular cerise to the deepest cardinal and wine. Tn green there are vivid shades known in this season’s color list as Kelly green, reseda, apple green and olives in the soft, becoming tones. All the blues that have originated this season are here in complete range. Taupe, grey, pearl, mauve, maize, purple, helio and plenty of white and black. No matter for what purpose you need a dress, you’ll surely find one to suit you among this collec tion, and at an unmatchable price. The Suits Having Reduction Prices Remembering that your Spring. Suit will serve you on some very notable occasions, on your summer travels, beginning very soon, and at which time first impressions are made, you will value a good one—a smart looking one. You will also appreciate the great saving in buying it when the price is low. Suits formerly $25.00, now $15.00 Suits formerly $10, $35 and $40, now $23.75 Suits formerly $50 and $55, now Suits formerly $60, $65 and $67.50, now Fine Novelty Silk Suits at Half Price $75 Silk Suits $37.50 $85 Silk Suits $42.50 $95 Silk Suits . $125 Silk Suits ..$34.75 $39.75 $47.50 $62.50 Reductions in Millinery, Corsets, Coats, Blouses and Petticoats The Vogue of Low Heels As a young lady expressed it the other day, “it really looks odd to see anything but low heels nowa days.” We have a black satin pump in five different heights of heel and practically the same shape toe. We also have a greater number of different styles of heels in gun metal, patent and tan, white canvas and white buckskin. When it comes to the new English last in either pump, oxford or boot, Allen has more different styles and a better range of sizes and widths than any other shoe store in the South. This does not by any means in dicate that we do not carry high heels, but it goes to show that what the younger set adapts is usually found ;it Allen’s in greater variety than anywhere else. It would be the part of wisdom to select your white and tan low heel pumps or oxfords, especially the rubber sole ones, in the next week or so, for you can rest as sured iu another month they will be at a premium. We have ordered and re-ordered on them until it seemed that we were going to get a great many more than we should, but almost the next week the clerks report that thev can’t find this size or width or that. This means EnsiW Last Pump in dull or tan nothing more than good advice to good customers. calf, black satin and white, $5.00. A lie Rubber or Leather Sole English last oxford, black or tan calf, white, $5.50, $5.00, $4.50. 51 and 53 Whitehall