Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 69

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Copyright. 1!>I3. by the friar Company. Great Britain Klghtr Reserved. II M I88 MAY IRWIN ia the heat cook on the American stage and and one of the beat housekeepers in America. She says she is a housewife by intention and inclination, and an actress by accident and necessity. Her cook book “May Irwin on Home Cook ing” is on the kitchen shelf of most conscientious housekeepers, if U does not lie on their table in their bedroom or stand on a shelf in their library. She is at work on another cook book that she promises will he still more complete and satisfying. Miss Iryein is writing for this newspaper a new series of articles on cooking and housekeeping. The first of this series is presented today. By MAY IRWIN . I Call Tlus First Article Have You No Appetite for Breakfast? I S your appetite falling, and do you notice this most when you sit down to breakfast or when your breakfast ttay Is brought to your • bedside? Don’t be diaeourageo and think your health la deserting you. It is a symptom of Spring and aarly Summer, like a young man’s spoeial (propensity to make love and an older man’s renewed Interest la Ashing. Or perhaps your atomach revolts at the okl breakfast dishes whose limited number you can repeat more readily than you can recite your alphabet. Conn your sppetttle with some new dishes. Try these wtth which I shall serve my family; and if the cook doesn’t make them well enough to suit me I will prepare them with my own hands when my season closes and I get back to my home in the Thousand Islands, which, between you and me, and in spite of those dear audiences, 1 am simply dying to do. As I play and travel I glean recipes. Whenever at a hotel I taste a dish that tickles my palate, and that has a new ingredient, I send a most hum ble message to the kitchen begging for the recipe. I always get it. When I am entertained anywhere 1 have a heart-to-heart talk with my hostess before departing, and the dish I wanted I get in formula form, to be tried later on my cheerfully submitting and I beg you to believe, notwithstanding my experiments, healthy family. This dish I gathered in San Fran cisco. I hope you will like it as well as I do. Eggs Tivoli. 'T’AKE half a loaf ol bread, from which the. inner half has been removed Toast * the remaining crust whole. Have ready some chicken hash in which are pota toes and a rich cream gravy. Fill the hollow toasted loaf with it. Add a raw egg to the mixture inside the loaf and pour cream sauce over it. On top of this grate a little cheese and brown all in the oven. Serve by slicing with a sharp knife. Serve very hot. No. 1 of a Brand New Cooking Series by America’s Most Popu lar Comedienne and Best Cook falls to pieces Then pick it up m tiny Kit*. Boil the potatoes. Drain and mash them, adding the butter, cream and pepper to them while mashing Mix in the codfish. Make into balls. Roll out the shredded wheat on to a pastry hoard and roll the halls into the crushed shredded wheat. Drop into boiling butter and leave there until browned. Serve with half a lemon. Devilled Eggs and Anchovy Tout. |~)t l into a pan a level tablespoonful of butter, half a teaspoon I ul of tiry muttgrif, * two tablespoonsfuls of tomato sauce, one tabespoonfu! of Worcealenfcire sauce and one of mushroom catsup. Stir into this lour hard boiled eggs, sliced, salted and peppered. When thoroughly heated place on buttered slices of toast, on which at* cHovy sauce has been thinly spread. Your appetite may he stimulated by California Waffles. One quart of sweet milk. One quart of sifted flour. Half a cup of melted butter. Four eggs well beaten (separately). Eggs and Mushrooms. Cumed Eggs. /^\NL pound of fresh mushrooms cleaned in several waters. Don't let them stand. ^ Peel and put them in a slew pan. with two ounces of butter, half a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of white pepper. Set over the fire until thoroughly heated; turn into a shallow baking dish, and break over them six eggs; sprinkle over the top stale bread crumbs. Dot with bits of butter Dust with sail and pepper. Bake in a hot oven five minutes. Spread them on hot buttered toasi and serve. P* RY one sliced, medium size onion in a little butter very * slowly. Do not allow it to brown. Add three table spoonfuls of curry powder ar-i ore and a half cups of stock Let this simmer until the onion is tender. Rub one tablespoon ful of cornstarch in half a cup of cream. Add this to the stock and onion. Stir until it boils. Then let it simmer for five minutes. Cut as many hard boiled eggs as are needed into quarters. Add them to the curry. Season with salt and peper. M Codfish Balls. Y appetite has always revived at sight of prepared in this way: Two pounds of codfish. Half a cup of cream. A quarter of a pound of butter. One shredded wheat biscuit. A dash of pepper, but no salt Soak the codfish over night, and in codfish halls Or by this, split open while very hot, generously buttered, and egtaa with yo\|> morning dish of berries or of apple sauce. I got it while stayiif in Glasgow* Shortbread. O*. quart of Bou- Two uMeaponotful of lard. Oo, 't-,kfx>onful of butler. Tkree iMipoonful of baking pow der. One table.poonful of aek Mi* tbe lour, baking powder and salt together. Then rub the lerd end butler well into the lour, end mix with tbe ccnsutenry of bheuit dough. Bake on tbe lap of a atove, on n griddle. The housekeeper encounters difficulty In varying her break fasts for her household. Next week I shall tell you of seven different breakfasts for one week. the morning put it on the fire in enough cold water to cover it. Let it boil until it Using Our Great Sea Jetties for Lobster Farms By Rene Bache. A VERY novel and interesting experiment in the way of lob ster farming is just now being tried by the Government Fisheries Bureau at Cape May, the southern most tip of New Jersey, where two enormous jetties have recently been YOUR FORM'TOLD FREE Past, Present and Future Clearly^Revealed Such Wonderful Revelations Have Never Been Made Before. They Will Surprise, Mystify and Help You. To prove tbe accuracy and value of true Psy chometric Astrology. I will tend you free a type written Teat reading of your life a* revealed by the stars above. I will oj>en your eyes by telling you Secret Pacts known only to yourself. I will snake for you wonderful revelations of pest, pres ent and future. I will convince yon that Astrol ogy is real, when honestly understood; that it will point tbe way to success in business, love, health, wealth and marriage. It will tell what profession to follow; changes to come; mistakes to avoid; whether friends are false or true; questions of present or future marriages, divorces, friend ships, etc. Are you in trouble, perplexed or at a loss what to do to secure your greatest desireT No matter what your past exfcierience or what your present ti uble may be, I can help you. Write to me « d be convinced that Astrology is an accurate fc ience. Put me to the test and let me prove it to you. My answers to questions and my ad- vka bring good luck and success in love, court ship and financial matters. Send me your full name and tddress, stating whether Mr., Mrs. or Miss and exact date of (birth; put 2 cents postage on your letter and enclose 10 cento stamps (not coin) to cover part expenses of typing, return postage, etc., and I wife send you specially prepared free test rending at once. Write jdainly. Address I*rof. Raleigh, Suite 025 A, No. 47 Bedford St., London, W. C., i England. built out into the sea. They run parallel to each other, are con structed of broken rock, and each of them is two miles in length. The shores in all that neighbor hood are sandy and devoid of rocks. This means that they do not invite the lobster, which is an animal fond o{ rocky places, where It can hide from enemies and find the molluscan and other provender its diet de mands. The two great jetties, however, furnish eight miles of artificial shore line, with innumerable crevices in which to find shelter; and incident ally the rocks of which they are composed invite and encourage the multiplication of innumerable crabs, shellfish, fishes, and other creatures sought as food by lobsters. With which facts in mind, the Fisheries Bureau has planted in the sea between and about the jetties a large number of adult lobsters of both sexes, obtained for the purpose from the coast of Maine, where, at Boothbay Harbor, the Government maintains what is called a “lobster station,’’ for collecting the noble crustaceans, stripping the egg-bear ers of their eggs, and hatching the latter by millions in apparatus spe cially and ingeniously devised for the work. Many of those liberated at Cape May were females bearing eggs, which doubtless hatched out young during the last few weeks, and thus helped to stock the new “farm.” So confident is the Fisheries Bureau of results that it intends to How the Female Lobster Carries Her Eggs continue the planting ol' adult lob sters about the jetties for some years to come—its belief in the success of the enterprise being based largely upon what has happened already at Cape Heniopen, on the opposite cor ner of Delaware Bay. At that point a single jetty of great length, like- Abnormal Claw of s Lobster with 3 Edible Parts Instead of Two. THE NATIONAL MARKET PLACE SONGS. BIO MONEf WRITING SONGS.—W« pay hun dred* of dollars a year to successful writers. Experience unnecessary. Song poems wanted with or without music—will pay one-half of profits if successful. Send us your work today. AC- CKITANCK GUARANTEED !F AVAILABLE, largest coin-era in the country. Free particu lars^ Dngdaj< Co,, Dept. 83, Washington, I>. C. 80 Ail Poems WANTKO—We pay biggest royalty. Successful song writers make thousands of dollar* yearly. You may be next* Send us your jioems, melodies, songs at once. New York only place to popularize songs. Our new plan clearh explained by free booklet. <3. FLEMING & CO., U16 Broadway. N. ». MAKK MONEY writing Song Poems. Irving Be’-lln nets $100,000. Others make fortunes. I’ll ■write music for YO-l'R words and publish. One gong mav net you $1<»,000, Established 25 years. Particulars free. C. L. Partee. 510 Astor Thea tre Vide., New Ybrt. SONG jxiema wanted. Send us yours We publish acceptable manuscripts on liberal royal ty. Our proportion is positively unequalled. Booklet and catalogs free. Kellogg Music Co. (Dept. P), 14B1 Fxay, N. T. SONG WRITERS—I've paid thousands in roy alties. Send me your poems or melodies for ac ceptance or write for free booklet. Will pay you 50 per cent royalty. Est. 16 yrs. John T. Hall. 2 Columbus Circle, New YertL LEARN the truth about the eong business free. Contest now on. Send name only. Wittmaark iMusie Co., Hamilton Grange, New Turk City. >ONG POBMB WANTED. New Plan. Big monev. -Songs published if aocepted. Free Book. Hayworth Music Co., MSG, Wash . D. G. HSUlNG POEMS Examined Free- Send yours; aiake money. Music Clearing House, 141 W 45th, N. T. PATENTS AND INVENTIONS. m IDEAS—Men of ideas and inv* n- tive ability should write for our list of needed inventions and prizes offered by leading inanu- Patents secured or 6nr fee returned. Why some Inventors Fail,’’ "How to Sell Your Patent,” "How to (Jet Your Patent and Your •Money and other valuable booklets sent free to any address. RANDOLPH & CO., 61S East a. W., Patent Attdrneya, Washington. D O. PROTECTIVE Patents procured promptly. Our books telling how to obtain and realize therefrom sent on request. Write to-day. Trade Marks Registered. Beeler & Robb, 20. Southern Bldg., Washington. D. C. IDEAS BANTEI>—Manufacturers are writing for patents procured through me. 3 books with list 200 inventions wanted sent free. Advice Free. I get patent or no fee. R. B. Owen. 2<' Owen Bldg., Washington. D. C. PlATENTS worth MONEY. For Mg feat ^! l .„ VVHAT , P^ents bring MOST MONEY, and Will, mid 10 rents postage to R. 8. & A R Lacey, EM. Washington. D C. Established 1 *•;*.» ANTISEPTIC LINIMET. HIGH GRADE HELP. YOU can write a short story- Beginners learn thoroughly under our perfect method. We help those who want to sell their stories. Write for l>articulars. School of Short-Story Writing, 85 Page Building. Chicago. AN intelligent person cun earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 740 Lock port, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I MADE $50,000 in five ycars with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heaccx k, 707 Lock port, N. Y. VAUDEVILLE. VAvRBOOSE VEINS, Bad l-egz, etc., are promptly relieved with inexpensive home treat- ** sbsolutejy removes the pain, swelling, tiredness and disease. Full particulars on re ceipt of stamps, w F. Young, P. D. F., 207 Temple 8t., Springfield, Mass. HYPNOTISM. Fit EX illustrated Book on Hypnotism a»d otk- ** .occult sciences to all who send their address. rite to-day and learn how to influence and con trol others M. D. BETTS, Sta. W., Jackson. Mich. GO ON THE STAGE— Vaudeville career offered you. Experience unnecessary Instructive book free Write to-day. Frederic La Delle, .Sta E Jackson. Mich. TRICKS, JOKES, PUZZLES. MAG Id POCKET TRICK and Catalogue for 6c. •MACHO CO., Dept. 3, 249 W. 68th St . Near York. MISCELLANEOUS. TOBACCO : y, easily. HABIT—How to overcome it quickly, easily, lastingly. Book free. Edw. J Woods, 534 Sixth ave.. 401 G, New York City. SHOW BUSINESS. STAGE Instruction—Sample pages for 2<- stamp. Stage Hfudio, Station 3, 249 W. 38th, New York. wise of rocks, was run out into Lite sea several years ago, to prevent the washing away of the land; aud al ready it affords a home for such multitudes of lobsters that not less than five thousand pounds are taken there annually in pots by fishermen. To protect the "farm” at Cape May, the New Jersey Legislature has just passed a law forbidding the capture of lobsters in Cape May County for the next five years. In cidentally the enactment provides that from this time on no lobster shall be allowed to be taken in any waters of that State hereafter that has a back-shell measurement of less than four and one-eighth inches. For twenty years the lobster fishery in New Jersey waters has been practically at a standstill, yielding from 100,000 to 200,000 pounds per annum. Any augmenta tion of the number of lobsters brings a prompt increase in the number of fishermen, and of traps employed, so that the catch soop sinks to a point where the industry no longer pays living wages to so many per sons. Accordingly it falls to a level where the few still engaged in. it are liable to make it remunerative; and thus, by a sort of automatic pro cess, a balance is maintained be tween tbe lobsters on the one band and the "pot-hunters” on the other. In all likelihood the same condition of affairs will eventually arrive all along our North Atlantic coast, so that, in the upshot, the lobster will be preserved from extinction by the mere working out of an economic law. Lobsters obtain a certain amount of protection through their habit of going far out to sea in the Summer time—one object of this annual mi gration being to change their clothes. Nature has so made them that they can grow only by throwing off their old shells and putting on new ones. When the time arrives, they must literally “swell or bust.” After shedding their armor, they hunt for holes among rocks to hide in, for safety. For brave and formidable as is the noble crustacean when clad in his coat of -proof, he is helpless against his enemies after casting it off, and a number of days are re quired for his new shell to harden. During this period he stays quietly in some dark cranny, where no foe is likely to spy him out and refrain ing entirely from food is not likely to wander Into a lobster-pot in pur suit of (he bait. Thus it is that the fishermen, who in Summer follow the lobsters out for a distance of twenty miles from land, rarely capture a “soft” 8!>ecimen. This, from the epi cure's viewpoint, is a pil.v. for a soft lobster is a wonderful delicacy. Cooked in boiling lard, it is said to lie just about the most delicious thing on earth, far excelling tbe soft crab. One advantage of the soft lobster as a comestible is that it is abso lutely digestible. Incidentally to the shedding of its coat it coughs up, in a literal sense of the word, the entire lining of its digestive appara tus. Taking no food for some time thereafter, it is absolutely clean. But, alas! even at the most luxurious "lobster palace” one cannot buy a soft lobster. When a fisherman comes across one. he eats it him self. It is worth mentioning right here that the belief, so commonly enter tained, that lobsters are a perilous diet is wholly unwarranted—so long, that is to say, as they are fresh out of water and in a healthy condition. Unfortunately, they are often sick or even dying when they are cooked, and the average restaurant proprie tor will not hesitate to serve on the table a specimen that has already given up the ghost from natural causes. Of course, no animal is safe to eat under such circumstances, and the ultimate consumer may suf fer from severe and even fatal In digestion. Such occurrences are presumably accountable for the almost universal belief that a certain portion of the lobster's anatomy is poisonous. This is the so-called “lady”—which, as a matter of fact, is an apparatus in the stomach for grinding the lob ster’s food. It is no more poisonous than the claws. —• — THIS BOOK ISFREE The Mystaries of Hypnotism and Personal Magnetism Rutiled. Herbert L. Flint, one of the best hypnotists in the world, has just published a remarkable book on hypnotism, personal magnetism and magnetic healing. It is by far the most wonderful and comprehensive treatise of the kind ever printed. Mr. Flint has decided to give, for a limited time, a free copy to every person sincerely inter ested in these wonderful sciences. This book is based upon years of practical experience by a man who has hypnotised more people than any other one person. You can now leam about the secrets of hypnotism and personal magnetism at your own home free. Hypnotism strengthens your memory sod it- ▼clops your will. It overcomes bashfulne**, revives hope, stimulates ambition and deter mination to succeed. It gives you that self- confidence which enables you to convince people of your real worth. It gives you the key to the inner secrets of mind control. It enables you to control the thoughts and actions of Others. When you understand this grand and mysterious science, you can plant suggestions In human minds which will be carried out in fi day or even a year hence. You can cure bad habits and diseases in yourself and others.’ You can cure yourself of insomnia, nervous ness and business or domestic worry. You can Instantaneously hypnotize people with a mere glance of the eye without their knowledge and powerfully influence them to do as you desire. You can develop to a marvelous degree any musical or dramatic talent you may have. You can increase your telepathic or clairvoyant powers. You can give thrilling and funny hyp notic entertainments. You can win tbe love and everlasting friendship of those you de sire. You can protect yourself against the In fluence of others. You can become a financial success and be recognized as a power In your community. This book of Flint’s will tell you how to learn the secret of attaining these things. Flint is the most successful and best known hypnotist In the world. He has appeared be fore thousands of audiences. He will carry out promise faithfully. If you want a copy of this free book, send your name and address on a postal card—no money—to Herbert L. Hint. Dept. 518, Cleveland, Ohio, and you will receive tbe book by return mall postpaid. Howl Cured My Grey Hair I Will Tell Ye* Free How To Core Years hr a Slmple.Sure Harmless Heme Treatment. Age No Obstacle. IN**’t Lee Harafai Byes That Make T*er Hair L**k Like a Palntpfi Mop LET ME HELP YOU FREE. Whim l was twenty-five years oM 1 suddenly turned grey, and at twenty-eight looked like a woman of forty-fire 1 loot tkne Wood no. irttlooo for no other reason ttiaa my faded hair. Lika many other*, my elderly apaaram c preyed on ■y miad until I iu a phynlcal wreck. »>ne day my godfather, a famous chemist, asked me to try a preparation he had i*rfectcd. 1 did •o, and after u few days was surprised and de- Mod to find my fcair becoming richer and darker in tame. Very soon it was t once more. the Batumi akade •f mg irlrl. Isk day*. 1 am so de lighted at in? auccess that I an* willing to seflkl the secret free to any mam or woman whose hair is gray. Lee me auke it clear that it js quite dif- ' fewnt from the or dinary hair-dy e or var- -iah which makes tfoai hair look like a painted mop, quite destroying its appeeraect and in many cases actually killing the hair. ify secret will enable you to '•rnlor your fry bitr t>. It, arlstaal natural •■ad*. I offer a reword of $$00 to prove my statements. If you »«nt to nun, your feltd hlir and loo* you^r wain limp)) wild your name and addrow Haulm* whether lady or gentleman) and Indoia a two-ceat et.imp for poatage. and t frill arud you full detail, in a plain envolopr Addras Mr*. Mary K. Ch.HMa, Suit, 205 li, Groeveoor Building, Providence, 8. L A Friendly Scientist Showed Ms How to Core It Forover I WILL TELL YOU FREE HOW TO CURB YOURS, TOO For s long time I was sorely troubled by fi hideous growth of Superfluous Hair on my face and arms. My face was. indeed, a sight from the exasperating growth, and I grew almost to hate myself for my unsightly appearance. There are many things advertised for Superfluous Hair, and I think I trie«i them all but never with any result, ex cept to waste my money and burn my skin B u t. withstand ing all my years of disappointment, todev there is not a of Superfluous lair on my face. . arms or anywhere else. I got rid of it /. v jr through following / S’ lb, ftdvic, of a . . f r i e n dly scientist, a professor of chenustry at an English uni versity The treatment be advised is ho thorough, simple and easy to use that I want every other suffet^r in America to know about it. It worked sum a change in my api>earance and ■uy happiness that I gladly waive my natural featings of sensitiveness, and I wfll tell broad cast to all who are afflicted how I destroyed every trace of hair, never to return. If you are a sufferer and would like to have full details, just send along your name (stating whether Mrs. or Mias) and address, and a two-oeut stamp for return t»ostage, and 1 will send you in full detail the advice and instructions which re sulted in my own cure, after all else failed. Ad dress your letter Mrs. Kathryn Jenkins, 465BC Wentworth Building, Boston, Mass. NOTE—Mrs. Jenkins, as her photo- ffraph shows, is a lady of refinement, and for years tons well known as a so ciety leader in Scranton, Pa. RUPTURE CURED rnrr Xf* ■I* •I****'* **—■ means that can throw away the pain- I ,rui * altogether, as the "adelg0t /TT\ I Plapao-Pads are made to cure w »— Vim/ __ (rupture and not simply to hold lit; being Self-Adhesive and when adhering closely to the d>ody slipping Is impossible, , they are also an important factor _ In retaining rupture that cannot he held by 1909 I * truss, km strep*, buckles or sprtngs- IKS-J cannot slip, so imimI chafe or press against inlAL Of Pt APAAl he bone. Thousands tfnilth w rlflrWbav« successfully treated themselves at heme without hindrance from work and conquered the most obstinate cases. Sell ee * strut ■ ussy ts apply -ImirmsIv*. Awarded Gold MedaL Pro cess of recovery Is natural, so no further use for truss. We prev# what we say by sending you Trial of Ptapso and a most convincing mass of evidence absolutely ■ you pay nothing for It, now, or erer. Write four name on a postal and mall TODAY. Address, Plapao Laboratories, Block « JS, SL Louis, Me