Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 88

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14 American Sunday Monthly Magazine Section You can save $200 to $300 on that roof, if you use— Certain-teed Roofing in Rolls and (Quality Cert-ified—Durability Guaran-feec/) Shingles I he use of Ready Roofing on all kinds of buildings is growing by leaps and bounds. Just as the man with a six-room cottage has found he can save $75 to $125 by using Certain-teed Roofing, 1 you will find it the most economical roofing to use on your home, bungalow or barn. Guaranteed 15 Years Certain Roofing is guaranteed to wear 15 years—the shingles come in red, green and slate gray. Look for the Certain-teed Label of Quality,— you will find it on every roll and crate of shingles. Ask your local dealer for prices—he can save you money. Valuable Book Free X ou will find many valuable sugges tions in our new book, “Modem Building Ideas and Plans”—it tells you what to do and what not to do—it suggests economies and conven iences that will save you money. A book of this kind would ordinarily sell for f i—but as it shows the use of our Certain-teed Roofing on all kinds of model homes and farm buildings, we offer it to you for 25 cents. We prefer to have you go to your lumber, hardware or build ing material dealer, who will gladly get you a copy free. If you write us, enclose 25c. to cover cost postage and mailing. General Roofing The world's largest manufacturer of Roofings and Build ing Papers E. St. Louis, III. San Francisco General Roofing Mfg. Co. York, Pa. Marseilles, Ill. Winnipeg, Canada London, England Modern BUILDING IDEAS PLANS m Minneapolis Hamburg, Germany Certain-teed Shingles for Bungalows and Residences Certain-teed Roofing in Rolls for Farm Homes and Buildings Jl’o deux exejuide da put jam Uj ex- X^ {A fe secret tie Au XXf fPtedA TRstKSLJTlON: "The ex- guisite fragrance of Djer Kiss Perfume is the secret of its vogue. Perfume. Face Powder, Toilet Water, Talcum, Soap, Sacbet. A sample of extract and face powder will be aent on receipt of 10c. Try them. ALFRED H. SMITH CO., 30 West 33d Street, New York Rent a Few Months - Then It’s Yours! This Great Visible Writer The Famous Oliver Model No.3 Send your name and we will tell you about the greatest typewriter proposition in the world. lypfwriters Distributing Syndinle. 166-193 N. Midugii BWi. Chicago os ?29§? in Two Days Is what Mr. Ewald, of Illinois, made with onr Diamond Post Card Gun You can do as well. It takes 3 s’zes Photo Post Cards on Paper DIRECT . WITHOUT PLATES OR FILMS. Iso Button Photos finished on the SPOT in one- half minute. Nocanvassing. Rxpcrience nnneeeaanry. 8c profit on every dime. Circular* of this new in- .ventJon mailed FREE. METAL AND FERRO. CO.. Dept. 512 2223 W. 12thSt., Chicago NATURE. SPEARS as Spring advances and brings promise of new life and recreation. LABLACIIE tells women every where how to keep that fair complexion and the velvety smoothness of youth. It preserves a fine com plexion, restores one that has faded- Refuse Substitutes They may ho dan gerous. Flesh, White, Pink or Cream. 60o. a box of druggists or by mail. Over two million boxes sold annually. Send 10c. for a sample box. BEN. LEVY CO. French Perfumers,Dept. 50 125 Kingston St.,Boston,Mass. FREE Mary T. Goldman’s Gray Hair Restorer restores original color in mild, healthful manner in from 4 to 8 days. Entirely different from anything else. Its effect is perma nent. Does not wash off nor look unnatural. Hits no sediment, so it's neither sticky nor greasy—it’s as pure and clean as water. Don’t experiment—use what thousands of others have found safe and satisfactory. Generous free sample ar d comb sent for five 2c stamps to cover postage and packing. Mention original color of hair. (50) MARY T. GOLDMAN, Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn, Trade Mark Registered Read this FREE Health Book Learn more about Oxypathy, the new scientific treatment which cure9 without drugs or doctor bills. If you are sick or suffering it is because of poisonous waste in your blood. If you would be well again you must get rid of them. It is the r .mission of Oxygen to destroy them. Hence Oxygen is Nature's specific for | disease. When sick, what you need is not more poison in the form of drugs, but more oxygen. BOoif Ffitt Get our Free 72-page book, "Nature’s Royal Road to Health” land learn about this new treatment. It also reveals the secret of the drug evil. Pages 37-41 tell Iwhat the greatest physicians have s*id of their own medicine. AH this information free. Send for the book today. It may be your turning point from sickness to health. THE OXYPATHOR COMPANY. 214 Pearl Street. BUFFALO, N. Y. The Crystal Stopper (Continued from page 11) champion of offended morality. Be proud of your work. And now take a chair, stretch out your legs and have a rest. You’ve deserved it.” When Prasville returned, he found Lupin sound asleep and had to tap him on the shoulder to wake him. “Is it done?” asked Lupin. “It’s done. The pardon will be signed presently. Here is the written promise.” ‘‘The forty thousand francs?” “Here’s your cheque!” “Good. It but remains for me to thank you, monsieur.” “ So the correspondence ...” “The Stanislas Yorenglade correspond ence will be handed you on the conditions stated. However, I am glad to be able to give you, here and now, as a sign of my gratitude, the four letters which I meant to send to the papers this evening.” “Oh, so you had them on you?” said Prasville. “I felt so certain, monsieur le secretaire- general, that we should end by coming to an understanding.” He took from his hat a t hick envelope,sealed with five red seals, which was pinned inside the lining, and handed it to Prasville, who thrust it into his pocket. Then he said: “Monsieur le secretaire-general, I don’t know’ when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you again. If you have the least communi cation to make to me, one line in the agony column of the Journal will be sufficient. Just head it, ‘M. Nicole.’ Good-day to you.” And he withdrew. Prasville, when he was alone, felt as if he w r ere waking from a nightmare during which he had performed incoherent actions over which his conscious mind had no control. He was almost ringing and causing a stir in the passages; but, just then, there was a tap at the door and one of the office-messengers came hurrying in. “What’s the matter?” asked Prasville. “Monsieur le secretaire-general, it’s Mon sieur le Depute Daubrecq asking to see you . . . onamatter of the highest importance.” “Daubrecq!” exclaimed Prasville, in be wilderment. “Daubrecq here! Show him in.” Daubrecq had not waited for the order. He ran up to Prasville, out of breath, with his clothes in disorder, a bandage over his left eye, no tie, no collar, looking like an escaped lunatic; and the door was not closed before he caught hold of Prasville with his tw r o enormous hands: “Have you the list?” “Yes.” “Have you bought it?” “Yes.” “At the price of Gilbert’s pardon?” “Yes.” “ Is it signed?” “Yes.” Daubrecq made a furious gesture: “You fool! You fool! You’ve been trapped! For hatred of me, I expect? And now you’re going to take your revenge?” “With ascertain satisfaction, Daubrecq. : Remember my little friend, the opera-dancer at Nice. . . . It’s your turn now r to dance.” “So it means prison?” “ I should think so,” said Prasville. “ Be sides, it doesn’t matter. You’re done for, anyhow’. Deprived of the list, without de fense of any kind, you’re bound to fall to pieces of your own weight. And I shall be present at the break-up. That’s my re venge.” “And you believe that! ” yelled Daubrecq, furiously. “You believe that they will wring my neck like a chicken’s and that I shall not know’ how to defend myself and that I have no claws left and no teeth to bite with! Well, my boy, if I do come to grief, there’s always one who will fall with me and that is Master Prasville, the partner of Stanislas Vorenglade, who is going to j hand me every proof in existence against him, so that I may get him sent to gaol with out delay. Aha, I’ve got you fixed, old chap! With those letters, you’ll go as I please, hang it all, and there will be fine days yet for Daubrecq the deputy! What? you’re laughing, are you? Perhaps those letters don’t exist?” Prasville shrugged his shoulders: “Yes, they exist. But Vorenglade no longer has them in his possession.” “Since whert?” “Since this morning. Vorenglade sold them, two hours ago, for the sum of forty thousand francs; and I have bought them back at the same price.” (the end.) They need more than ordinary soap Children are continually han dling dirty, germy things. They need a soap that both cleanses thoroughly, and at the same time protects them from in fection. Through Lifebuoy’s won derful antiseptic solution they get protected cleanliness. Its cocoanut and natural red palm oils, combined with this solution, produce a gloriously clear, healthy, wholesome skin. It is made so pure, a SoOOO guarantee of absolute purity is given with every cake. Lifebuoy destroys all trace of perspira tion, sick or body odors—after using, only a fresh, clean, healthy odor remains. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Send 5c for full size cake At your druggist’s or grocer’s. If he hasn’t it. send 5c. (stamps or coin) for a full size cake to LEVER BROS. CO., Dept. 16, Cam bridge, Mass. FR ToEv Wonv in ft Here's the daintiest gift you ever laid eyes on —a whole week’s supply of Murinello Face Powder—FREE. Of course, you know' of Marinello Face Row'd er, but perhaps you have never used it, and so, simply to let you see howr delightful it is, we are going to give you enough of this exquisite powder to last you a whole week. Daintily put up in a charming useful Lucky Elephant Coin Purse and Vanity Case—one side of which holds Si .20 in change- the other contains a puff and mirror. Usually sells for $1.00. Send us your name, address, 2 dimes and 3 two-eent stamps, and both the case and the free Marinello Powder come to you pre paid. You’11 find Marinello a surprisingly delightful powder. Write today—mention shade. Marinello Co., Dept. D, Mailers Bldg., Chicago,Ills. 3000.00 THIS fl IN THE Vacuum Cleaning Business ew, easy, profitable bueiness. Big demand for professional Vacuum Cleaners. Everybody now wants vacuum cleaning Wakes housecleaning unnecessary. <'l<-an whole house in four boon 1 disturb nothing. Women deliebted. A. 0. Rainbow, Texas, writes “Your machine knocks out from $10 to l.'tfi in 6 hrs. easy.” Let Your Profits Pay For Your Machine a Our B. B. Vacuum (’leaner is a wonder. Powerful—re- ‘ * liable—guaranteed. Send today for hie colored Cry, circolnr. full particulars and our CV ■* '“r-f. - 30-day trial proposition. xO‘ BIRTH STONE RINGS Only Greatest ring offer ever made; J2c guaranteed five years. To make new customers we send this Beauti ful Ladies’ Ring with stone for any month, only 12c stamps to pay pack ing and mailing. State size and month. S. M. REXF0RD, 936 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa.