Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 89

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American Sunday Monthly Magazine Section 15 DEAF PEOPLE HEAR c "* rl> Perfectly With the LateFt Wonder of Science, the NEW 4-TONE Mears Ear Phone! | Thousands of sufferers from deafness I |= have recovered their hearing with tliis per- . = fected instrument. It is four times as efficient, four \ = times as convenient, four times as satisfactory, and I == four times as valuable as our famous Standard model. \ =H It has four different sound strengths, four different \ - | tone adjustments, instantly changed by a touch of = ~ the finder to suit any condition of the hearing organs \ i or to register either loud or ordinary sounds. i FREE Trial Prove its p° wers ■ 1 AVIjIj -1 1 icti our expense, m s| Will you try a Mears Ear Phone for ten days’ 3 = in your own home absolutely free? Will you believe £= the evidence of your own ears? That is all we ask. =1 Send for our free trial offer. The nffpy* In order to give i * 0 „ r patrons the s == personal service that is possible only when = | | we know them and deal with them direct, we have =3 discontinued all our American Agencies. Our New = =1 4-Tone model ear phone can be had only direct from == our New York office. To advertise our new direct §3 = j selling plan and to introduce the perfected Mears eh |h 4-Tone, we are making a Special Limited Offer, == HE for a snort time only. Write at once for particulars. =3 Booklet Free on Request! ! | The Mears Ear Phone book explains = eh all the causesof deafness: tells how to stop the =f he progress of the malady and how to treat it. Write g= — at once—now for this Free Book and our great eh Special Introductory Offer. Send a postal today. LI | Mears Ear Phone Co. I: Suite 2445, 45 West 34th Street, New York, N. Y. l:!!!lllllllllii!l!illl!illil!llllll!llllllllill!!i!!li!llllllll!li!lllll!l!llll!l!lllli!l!llllllllllllllllMII!ii!lll To keep Baby well thru the dangerous hot weather To avoid and overcome teething disorders and bowel troubles. To give Baby robust health, Begin Now to Use Imperial Granum The Unsweetened FOOD for Your Baby For Nursing Mothers Imperial Granum increases the quality and quantity of the Mother’s milk. Trial size 25 cents all druggists. For FREE sample and book on Baby's Care write JOHN CARLE & SONS, Desk 2 7,153 Water St., N.Y. City Wrinkles Thousands have successfully thin formula to remove traces of age. illness or worry: 1 oz. of pure Powdered SAXOLITE dissolved in % pt. witch hazel: use as a face wash. The effect f is almost magical. Deepest wrinkles, crow s feet, as well as finest lines, completely and J iuickly vanish. Face becomes firm, smooth, resh, and you look years younger. No harm to tendereat akin. Get genuineSaxolitu (powdered) at any drug store. WATCH S'SV."* We positively give free a beautiful, gold- finished, engraved American made, stein wind, stem setwatch, proper size, guar anteed five years. Also a beautiful ring set with three diamond cut brilliants for f telling 20 jewelry articles « at 10c each. Order jewelry 5 ’today. When sold send $2uj ewillsendwatch.rinp’.rhainfi] MDE« WATCH CO., ChkllO A Map of Human CHARACTER W ITH the advance of the study of human motives and character, espe cially as this is related to the various races and peoples of the world, it has been suggested by one of the large Euro pean anthropological societies to prepare a Part of a Proposed Character Map of a City universal atlas of human character. Certain sections of the world are peopled by families of markedly peculiar characteristics, and these again have been worked on by the type of the country itself, so that large dis tricts are highly different from other dis tricts, not by race, but by customs and habits of thought which indicate character. Thus, for example, the state of Kentucky shows some of the most marvelous differ ences in types of character. Divided into regions which do not shade into each other, but which can be clearly marked out upon a map, there are many such communities; as the plantations and the negroes thereon, the free negro landowners, the independent wage-paying white cotton growers, tobacco- growers and farmers, the mountaineers and the poor whites. Economic conditions have done much to separate all these various types, but the principal differences are those of character, and a true map of con ditions in Kentucky—or in any other state— would not be drawn by an ethnologist or a mere student of races, but by a psychologist who knows that, after all, it is character that changes a people. Even a metropolitan city, with all its con stant changes, speedily comes to possess its own individuality. Brooklyn is not as Manhattan, nor the Bronx as either, while Ghettoes, Chinatowns, and Little Italics live a life almost apart. Minneapolis and St. Paul arc twin cities, both with largely the same mixture of American, German and Scandinavian cities, but how different are they! Each of the cities of the Pacific coast has its own marked peculiarities. Will Spokane and Tacoma, either of them, be willing to admit that they resemble the other? Or, to go further afield, what resemblances have Boston and New Or leans, San Francisco and Philadelphia, Los Angeles and St. Louis, Charleston and Chi cago? Yet, at what milestone do these change? At what point in the alluvial plain of the Mississippi does the spirit of Louisiana merge into that of Texas? One knows well that the line is not a geographical one. Our atlases are incomplete, a river or a degree of latitude is not a true division for a people, vve need the boundaries of types of character. The Scarlet Wedding Dress (iContinued from page 7) without my orders, sir. I apologize for them. And now that we have explain,” he went on quickly, “you must say why you give me chase!” Hayes indicated the Caradoc’s long throated gun swinging high and low as the schooner rolled lazily in the heavy swell. “It seems to me, Captain Sonag,” he an swered, his glance traversing the naked deck, “that you haven’t enough ammunition to sink a clothes basket. If you’ll step aboard jxiy vessel I’ll show you eighty Krupp shells in my magazine. Savvy?” Sonag salaamed, and then with a sigh led the way to the traderoom at the foot of a steep companion. It was a stuffy little place littered with rolls of silk and cotton fabrics. A number of pearl shell and copra samples were stowed away on shelves in jars and cases. An acrid smell of sake and vinegar pervaded the room. The Jap skipper produced a bottle of wine and glasses from a sideboard while Hayes, half expectant of mischief or treachery, watched covertly from the doorway. His two followers had remained on deck near the gangway and would give the alarm if the occasion warranted. He swung from the traderoom and was (Continued on next page) You Can Perfect Your Figure Become my pupil and I will make you my friend. Devote but fift> minutes daily to my system and you can weigh what Nature intended. You can reduce any part of your figure bur dened with superfluous flesh or build up any part that is undeveloped. Its effect can be concentrated on your hips, waist, limbs or any other part of your body. My system tends to make a figure perfectly proportioned throughout—a full rounded neck; shapely shoulders, arms and legs; a fine, fresh complexion; good car riage with erect poise and grace of movement. You Can Improve Your Health I have practised what I teach. In childhood was puny and deformeef. I have overcome a 1) weaknesses y my own natural, My system will stimulate, reorganize regenerate your entire body. It will help transform your food into good, rich blood, strengthen your heart, lungs and other organs, conquer all weak nesses and disorders and generate vital force. My latest book, “The Body Beautiful," should be read by every woman. It explodes the fallacy that lack of beauty or health cannot avoided. It explains how every woman can be Vigorous, Healthy and Attract- r drugless methods. Millions of people have seen in me a living demonstration >f my unique system of health-culture and body building. Guarantee With my new book, "The Body Beautiful," which is fully illus trated with photographs of myself plaining my system, I give full par ticulars of my Guarantee Trial Plan, whereby you can tent the value of my instruction without risking a single jH*nny Send 2c. postage The Body Beautiful” and Trial Plan to-day. ANNETTE KELLERMANN suite 905 E 12 West 31 st Street, New York $92.50—Our Price Portable Stove lor 30 Days! W e now offer the Edwards “Steelcote" Garage (1913 Model) for J92.f>0. But to protect ourselves from advan cing prices of steel, we set a time limit. W e guarantee l his record price for 30 days only. Edwards Fireproof Garage An artistic fireproof steel structure for private use. Gives absolute protection from sneak thieves, joyriders, fire, lightning, accidents, carelessness, etc. Saves $20 to $30 monthly In garage rent. Saves time. - *»•> .... ■ trouble. Comes ready to set up. All parts cut and fitted Simple, complete directions furnished. Absolutely rust proof. Joints Mid seams permanently tight. Locks se curely. Promp;, safe delivery and satisfaction guaranteed Postal sent today brings new 50-page Illustrated Garage Hook by returt, mail. (107) THE EDWARDS MFG. CO.. 628-678 tggleston A»f.. Cinonndli Oho COOKING •—AND— HEATING Right size. No flues nor chimneys. Light—pick it up, set anywhere. COMBINED COOKING AND HEATING, Quick meals, washing, ironing, canning fruit, ramping. Sum mer and winter stove. Hcata rooms, offices, stores, etc. In tense heat under control. Not Dangerous Like Gasoline. No valves—no wicks. Nothing to get out of order. " The Radi ator is a grand heater" Mrs. Kate Devlin, Pa. “Stove kept the rooms warm ” John C. Hus sey, N. Y. “ Baked,cooked, washed, ironed; can do any tiling my range does" Mrs. M. E. King, Ky. “Only ust-d half a gallon of oil last week for cooking, baking and ironing” E. N. Helwig, Ont. Safe and clean as a lamp” Mrs. E. R. McCMlan. Ill. PORTABLE OIL GAS STOVE SAVES FUEL BILLS, time. anxiety, expense. Get rid of kindling, wood, coal, dirt, ashes Gives economy, genuine comfort and conven ience. Simple, durable, lasts for years. Try It. Not sold in stores. Many thousands sent to families. W rite for description. AGENTS. “Was out one day, sold 11 stovrs” B. L. Huested, Mich. “You have the best stove on the market; sold 9 in 2 hours” VV. E. Beard, S. C. J. W. Hunter, Ala., secured 1—tested it—ordered 200 since. J. G. Gauthreaux, La., orderedl—156 since. I IIESE MEN MAKE MONEY—You have the same chance. Price low—$3.25 up; any number of burners. Send no money. Write today. Agent’s selling plan. etc. The World Mfg. Co. 19% World Bldg., Cincinnati, 0. MAXIM! TRIALS Or TtUX TORI The TUNE-A-l’HONE assures accuracy j with or without a knowledge of music, g Action Model and tools furnished. Earn ’ x $5 to $15 ner day and regulate your own * hours. Diploma granted. Correspond- p ence system. Write for free booklet. 5 Mr. Daniels writes: "The very first , week I started 1 made $53.00." MIITS HKYANT SCHOOL, 1 Art lust., Hal lie t reek, Jllrh. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! *15.00 TO $35 .(Ml l-ut PAY THIS St IIMKK Working Sii Hours t Pxv Making Pictures. Herr is Your t hane*- to get into a New Nonet Making Ihisiness. Taking photos direct on i Post Cards or Tintypes without the use ot negatives. Developed, Fixed and Finished in One Minute in a Single Solution. No Experi ence in Photography or Hark Hoorn Kt-tpiir- ed. Complete Photos cost lc to 2c each and Sell for 10c, 15c and 25c each. Don’t Work | tor Salary—Become Independent—Write j for Free Catalogue and Prire Lisf at Once. NEW YOHK FERROTYPE COMPANY 1 OH Helaneey Street N. Y. Pity,Dept. 800 Branch : 1113 S. Halstead Street. Chicago, HI. EYEGLASSES NOT NECESSARY That the eyes can he strengthened j so that eyeglasses can be dispensed 1 with in many cases has been proven I beyond a doubt by the testimony of j hundreds of people who publicly claim that their eyesight has been restored by that wonderful little in strument called “Actina." Write ) for Free Trial Offer and Free ltook. ACTINA APPLIANCE CO., Dept. 98N 81 IWalnut St., Kansas City. Mo Like hungry wolves nv time of the year if you use Magic-Fish-Lure. Beat fish bait ever discovered. Keeps you busy i pulling them out. Write to-day and get a box to help introduce it. Agents wanted. I J, F. Gregory, Dept. 55, St. Louis, Mo KM Means Highest Quality Send 10c and gold seal from inside the *5^1 i box for dainty purse puff filled with powder. Freeman Perfume Co., Oept. 54 , Cincinnati, This Beautiful 20 Year Watch $3.75 Klarantlv •moved THIN MODEL. GOLD PINI8HKP double Hunting erne 7 jewel Ainerio»n lever movement. *letn wind And item «et 'Jo yerr guarantee sent with e»oh watch. Oing gold tmiibed chain fur Ladies. fob or ve«t chain for i Yft Yrnr Huts- MOOEL EXAMINATION FREE. bet us send .t t O. p. ... , 0 ut ripress office. after .von examine it. if you think it ii a bargain and equal to any 916.00 watch, pay the exprrea agent our .*|>ecial price f.'i.Tj. Mention Indies', Men's or Boys’ site. IIUNTFK WAITH f’O., Dept 661. CHICAGO, ILL. •Fish Bite BOYS SONG POEMS WANTED patent We publish acceptable manuscripts on liberal royalty. | until patent s al _ publish acceptable manuscripts Write today for free Booklet and Catalogues. KELLOGG MUSIC CO.. Dept. R. 1431 Broadway, New York 1 send yo full particulars ?rning the wonderful | ac-juni Base Ball Cur- ver which makes a curve pitcher of every boy who < an throw a ball. MFItIDEN MFG. CO., LINCOLN, M ItH., I»«*pt.7 WHAT \ Oli INVENT. It may be •alual-le. Write me. No attorney's fee iwed. F.stab. 1*582. “Inventor's Guide'’ HR El- FltAMtl IN II. IIOI (ill. 519 Loan and Trust liuilditig, \\ .-islilngfon. D C. Guaranteed 5 Years and inirodueeourcata.ogueoflifin Post Paid W arches we will Mud ibl» elegant w»ich by mail posi paid for O N LY 98 q £ NTS Gentlemen's six*.full nickel silver plated case. Arnbic dial. lever eT-anemenu stem wind and stem eet. » perfect timekeeper end fully guaranteed for 5 yean* Send this ad*. to us with 98c.nnd watch will t.e e*nt by return mall postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Send ;*“ • today. Address R. E. CHALMERS & CO., 538 So. Dearborn St„ CHICAGO.