Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, May 04, 1913, Image 90

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16 American Sunday Monthly Magazine Section Do Your Spring Cleaning With mm mm Y OU can clean house from cellar to attic with half the usual fuss and drudgery and have a cleaner, brighter, fresher home than ever before—you can do away with much of the tiresome wiping, rubbing and dry polishing of furni ture, floors and woodwork you can banish grease, stain, dirt and restore the newness to everything—all in the one simple operation of Justing with a cheese cloth moistened with LIQUID VENEER. Try it and see how much easier and simpler it makes housework. You can buy LIQUID VENEER at any good grocery, drug, hardware or depart ment store. Be sure you get the yellow carton with the black tilted name wwss, BUFFALO SPECIALTY CO. 265 Liquid Veneer Building BUFFALO, N. Y. Write Today for FREE Trial Bottle. if f Above is shown the grooved end of shank, with web of metal giving it strength. Blades are securely held in by a “Yankee” device—yet are slipped out easily with thumb and forefinger. YANKEE' TOOLS Sf7laka.iBeileA.T?lecAarU£A The four screw-driver blades—1-8*. 1-4", 5-16" and 3-8" —are carried in the handle, in a magazine held by a spring. With this tool the mechanic or handy man is ready (or any kind of a screw driving Job. Two sites: I " shank 95c. «' shank *1.10 “Yankee” No. 65 Magazine Ratchet Screw-driver Right and left hand; and rigid Your dealer ran supply you. " Yankee’ Tool Book” (fret■) for mechanic* ami householder* Al 'To- MOBI LISTS Write for "‘Yankee’ Toola in the Garage." North Bros. Mfg. Co., Philadelphia. MATCHLESS POCKET LIGHTER Durable A perfect lighter. Occupies no more , ... . space in the pocket than a pencil. InJUptnsablc to .very smokor. proof, with hunter, fisherman and auto perfect ignition. mobilise SatlHfaetioii ffuaran- Nickel teed or money refunded. plated Sent powt-pald complete with pocket clip 35c. I for $1. Agents and Dealers wanted. 'W# SCHILLER MFG. CO., A-1124 Foster Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. PATENTS “ Send Hkpfoh for free aer SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Send sketch for free search of Patent Office Records. How to Obtain a Patent and What to Invent with list of inventions wanted and Prizes offered for inven tions sent free. Patents advertised |?n|7|7 WANTED NEW IDEAS. T 1VH.IL.. Send for our list of Patent Buyers. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washington, D. C. Pure-Bred | Chickens.Ducks, ' Geese, Turkeys, r also Incubators. Supplies, and Collie Dogs. Send 4c for large Poultry book Incubator Catalog and Price List. H.H. HINIKER, Box JOk Mankato. Minn. IV A XCMT ABIE IDEAS WANTED. Manufac- g ■ fVl^l I turerswant Owen patents. Send for 3 free books; inventions wanted; prizes, etc. I get patent or no fee. Manufacturing facili ties. KICIMIII) K. OWEN, .it; (twi n Itldg.. »> asl.ingO.ii. It. 55 BREEDS: 3 Years to Pay for the Sweet-Toned Meister Piano *175 30 Days* Free Trial We Pay the Freight You are not asked to de posit or pay or advance a cent in any way until you write us and say that the MEISTER is entirely satisfactory and yon wish to keep it. Then these are the terms of sale: $ 1 a Week or $5 a Month No cash payment down. No interest on payments. No extras of any kind. Piano stool and searf free. Sold direct from the maker to you at a guaran teed Reaving of $100. No dealer’s profit for you to pny. Send now for our beautiful Free Catalog which shows eight styles of Meister Pianos. Our resources exceed $4,000,000. We sell more pianos direct to the home than any other concern in the world. Rothschild & Company Dept. D93 Chicago, Illinois OLD MONEY WANTED $8 PAID for certain 185.3 quarters; $100 for cer tain 185.3 half. $5 for 1885 I)1ME S Mint; $100 for 1804 DIMES. Mint, etc., etc. We pay highest cash premiums on thousandsof coins, hills and stamps to 1000. Keep all old money and stamps and send stamp for large illustrated Coin Circular. You have nothing to lose. THE M BISMATJC HANK of Texan. I»ept. N, Fort Worth, Texas How I Bred $50 to $1600 in 2 Years 1 want to tell you how one tnan took S50 worth of my kind of poultry and in two years multi plied them to sixteen hundred dollars in value He was a novice ami started in a l>oX stall. A true and convincing story, told by the man himself. You can do the same or start smaller and grow . More experiences of the same kind illustrated. Ask me for the l>ook. It is free. Hit I . Ifil Howard St., Melrose, Mnss.u liu-eli - _ zmm-fvm Vfew putontrd lock stitch awl. 8«*s anything; shoes, | harness, buggy tops, etc. Sells like wllilflre. Low price. I Big profits. Enormous demand. Write quick for sample to I workers Thomas Awl rn..7573Ho«"»‘ St., Dayton. O. C Aklf^ li/DITTDC I've paid thousands 9UNU Will I LII3 in royalties Send me your poems or melodies for acceptance or write for tree Booklet. Will pay you 50?; royalty. Established lUyears. tlolin E. Hall. I Columbus Circle « New \ ork Here’s c|l IL. „ t '"n? k' '"■V. CII fc The greatest drink ever bought for At Fountains or in Bottles at Grocers’ 5 The Scarlet Wedding Dress {Continued from preceding page) about to gain the deck. With the turn of the door Sonag was upon him, his left elbow jammed under Hayes’ throat in his endeavor to gain a garotte hold. The white captain responded with a smashing blow on the jaw while his left fingers broke through the jitsu guard and found a resting place on the full muscle-packed throat. “You . . . man-cat! Is this how you trap a guest! Wine in your hand, murder in your black brain!” Hayes flung hint against the traderoom wall slamming his fists after the Jap’s re ceding face. Turning the key in the loc k of the trade- room Hayes gained the deck swiftly. His two followers were standing sentry like at the gangway head, and it was evident to him that the sounds of the scuffle below had not reached the Isthumi’s crew. No sign came from them as he descended the gang way and pushed off towards the Caradoc. The two schooners had drifted perceptibly nearer and as Hayes glanced across the in- gtervenin space he observed the crew of his vessel gathered aft with the mate Emery and Okahu kneeling in the centre. In the excitement of discussion Hayes’ return passed unnoticed. With cat-like agility he gained the deck and stepped almost silently into the crowd of haranguing sailors. A conical shaped object lay in the centre of the crowd. Hayes recognized it as the blank shell which had been fired from the Isthumi. The effects of its passage through the Caradoc’s timbers had rent and flattened it at the nose. The Jap, Okahu, ignoring Hayes’ pres ence, stooped with his knife and forced open the torn sides of the projectile. A tight- packed wad of eocoanut fibre was visible inside. The brother of Sonag drew it out dexterously and cut the wad asunder with his long blade. A moment later he was un rolling a scarlet dress length of silk before the astounded sailors. A broad, star-shaped filigree of lace formed the collar. From point to point it was embroidered with pearls, having for its central star a ruby of matchless color and orient. Hayes gaped in astonishment as he el bowed through the crowd of sailors. Okahu turned sharply, but his Japanese eyes be trayed no sign of fear at the other’s presence. “My brother Sonag has a fool business made of this affair! ” he declared with the dress w ound tightly about his left arm. “ It was not my wish that the Princess I.alanga’s wedding kimona should be hidden in a gunshell!” Hayes stifled an oath. It came to him in a flash that the scarlet wedding dress had been concealed in an empty shell by Sonag in his endeavor to avoid discovery by the various port authorities. The projectile had evidently been placed in the gun-breach dur ing the voyage south. That the Isthumi’s crew r were unaware of the trick lay in the fact that the two gunners, Tamisho and Nagiro, had fired upon the Caradoc before Sonag could interfere. Sonag had invited him into the Isthumi’s traderoom while his brother Okahu had boarded the Caradoc in the hope of recover ing the battered projectile. It was a scheme that could only have emanated from the brain of a Japanese crime expert. And while admiring its cleverness Hayes made swift to end the situation. Okahu had gradually withdrawn from the little crowd of sailors, and, at Hayes’ for ward movement sprang to the schooner’s rail with the scarlet length of silk wound about his arm. A dozen hands grabbed at his ankles, but the Jap’s oil-soaked body somersaulted from view in the shift of an eye. Hayes turned to the gangway as though to follow in the dinghy. Emery grabbed his arm and pointed to a triangular shaped fin riding diagonally across the slow lifting waves. Nearer it came until its shadowy length stayed within gunshot of the schooner A moment later Okahu rose to the surface a cable’s length astern. It was as if the triangular fin had disturbed him. His un usual anxiety was manifest by one of the crew, who stooped suddenly near the torn projectile lying aft, and picked up Okahu’s long-bladed knife. The mate laughed heartily at the dis covery. “ He might have had a chance with that in his hand! ” he shouted. “There’s too much hurry about these Shinto acrobats!” With quick trudgeoning strokes Okahu swam towards the distant Isthumi, his bullet head turning occasionally in the Caradoc’s direction. “The fellow’s a born diver,” Emery spoke {Continued on next page) IN PUPE OLIVE OIL OP PURE TOMATO SAUCE “Skipper ” Sardines are from the cold, clean salt waters of Norway. They’re the ever-ready dish to have in the pantry for all eating occasions. No scales, no hard bones to worry about in “ Skipper ” Sardines. These dainty, wholesome, palate pleasing Sardines are different. Your grocer should supply you. If he refuses, send us his name and address and we will send you booklets and our “ Parcel Post ” sample offer. Angus Watson & Co. Proprietors 1003 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I r Ym Can Dress Well 4 OnTJ’AWeek ON CREDIT BY MAH Men’s Fashionable Clothes and Furnish- | in<rs. Latest New York Designs. We will trust any honest man anywhere. Sen.l for our samples, fashions and big catalog FREE. EXCHANGE CLOTHING CO., Fstab. 188S I Largest Tailors and Outfitters 33 Park Place, New York City Everything on approval. d v % QbFROM HEAD TO FOOT | Getting Ahead m Making a good living, saving a little each EEE BBS X car ’ P r °ffting by real estate advances and "getting ahead” generally sounds better — = than ” just making s living.” doesn’t it? = BSS As a weekly wage or salary earner it is —— seldom possible to do more than “just make S2 S£BZ In the Southeast there are many oppor- ~~~ == tunities to become independent and "get = The safest, quickest and most, satisfac- BIB S tory course is to engage in poultry raising, jjSSS ~ truck and fruit growing, dairying or general ZZI —■ farming. as ZZZL Good lands producing two and three as crops yearly can be purchased on easy = as terms at SSB == $15 to $50 An Acre = == prices varying with improvements and ^S location. as* aEE As to P r °fits and yields it has been proven SS — repeatedly that truck and fruit growers in SS! as the Southeast average 5ioo to $400 an as = acre, poultry returns $1 to $2 each annually, as SS dairymen make $50 to Sroo per cow and 2S2 —— beef and pork are produced from 3 to 5 aaa SS cents per pound. SB == A Charming Home Country = A delightfully healthful summer and winter climate, the rural telephone, mod ern highways, and excellent school, church and social privileges make the Southeast a most charming locality in which to live. A little money, a little thrift and a little intelligence mean a sure success to the Southeastern land owner. The Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway Mobile & Ohio and Ga. So. & Fla. Ry. will aid you in finding a location. We have no land to sell, but want YOU to lo cate in the Southeast, the Homeland of the Nation. The First Thing To Do r — — -r= * Fill out this coupon, mail it to us and particulars | I will be sent. ■ | M. V. RICHARDS, L. SI. A?t. So Ry. Room II, Washington. D. C. { Send me free the "Southern Field” magazine, land > I lists and other literature. I am interested in the I | subject checked and state of I 1 1 Cattle | j Dairying! ] Poult ry QFruit | | Truck I Name